"Ti OHEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Fridaj Morning February 23, 1$37 PAGE SEVEII m 5 State F. F. Meet Will Open Today SILVERTON, Feb. 25 T h anaaal get together of the Ore gon Future Farmers of America alumni will be held at Portland Friday and Saturday, according to announcement made by Tom Miller, Silverton. president of the state association. George A. Pler 6on, president of the Union Stock Yards, has lnrited the boys to hold their convention at the Red Steer cafe, fiast year the meeting was held in the Sllrerton Hills community hall. Intending' to go from' Silver ton are Paul Reiling. last year's winner of the public speaking contest, Herbert Jdnes, Charles Brokke and a number of tlx senior pupils of the SIlTertoa Smith-Hughes department. . Saturday : morn lug's program will be called to start the day at 4 o'clock in the morning and go to the East Side and Fdont street markets to see how the products come to the city front the agriculturists. The .Friday night banquet will be at C:S0 at which time the public speaking contest will be held. Quilling Club Meets WEST! STAYTON, Feb. M. The West Stay ton. quilting club met in the McClellan hall Wednes day for an all day quilting. Twenty-two were present. A luncheon was served at the noon, hour.' SEaDip Saflfls'c Goi? . r o V $16.50 $22.50 5attc i $19.88 $8.88 Millinery $1 95 $2.95 500 NEW j DflHBGGG $1,95, $2.95 $3.95 Jpg $3.95 I fmj Sally if us is us tLJ&i&ir , FRIDAY, SATURDAY & MONDAY ONLY ! Prices are going up. We are quoting here SALE PRICE and prices you pay for SAME merchandise after Februarys -.. ! v $0 WHY NOT BUY NOW? MEN'S STRIPED BIB OVERALLS flGe WILL BE $1.10 ...-..... MEN'S BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS AqA WILL BE 69c ....... ..... J 59c MEN'S AND BOYS' TENNIS SHOES WILL BE 79c . . . u- - . : - Extra Special About 50 v ot Ladies' Shoes Rd, Grwn, Black Beige, Bine, White, Sandals, ' OxfonlSr Strap Pomps BOYS BIB OVERALLS, SIZE 9 TO 16, WILL BE 69c i 49c 81-IN. BLEACHED FOXCROFT SHEETING, WILL BE 49c YD....:.....- :J. flCc 39-IN. WASHABLE TAFFETA j WILL BE 98c YD. ... 1 69c 36-IN. PURE SILK RUFFsILK WILL BE 49c YD. I- 29c Shop Our Store for New Spring Things New Blouses, Sweaters, Silk Hose, Purses, Coats, Suits, t Dresses, Wash Frocks, etc. ' j 1 bjloch's : .Golden; Rale; Store.: : President Lauds Farley at Testimonial Dinner J r tj : ( Xlc Prtdent Qmram f fwtmu ter -Farlgy Ucra than 1.700 rut Jamfiiad M rf Waahlnc ton' awmnk hotels to )cin tm recognition et th po ttUcal achiOTcmcBta o Jamas A. Farley, poctma . Ur .general tad Democratic natknal chtirman, at testlmonUl burner la his booot President Hoom relt. principal apeaXcr, paid tribuU to tna abUlty e Farley and atr id hU raeord loUUcaI prophet. Her ar Ut taroa principal peta, left ta richt,- Vie Prwldant John Garner, President ItoOMvelt and Farley M the afpeared 'fit Cnnea, Chans ein Is Proposed Changing- of tha downtown loadlns ion of city bug lines from . Commercial street to the oath side of State street west ot Commercial la the object of negotiations now going-- on - be tween the city and the .Oregon Motor staages. 'A Designed to clear ' up traffic congestion at the Intersection of State and Commercial caused by cross traffic tarns now made by the buses the plan will necessi tate rerouting of the has lines in a loop around the block bound ed by Commercial, Court, Front and State. r An understanding will he reached with the bus company before the resolution requesting the change Is introduced In the city council. There will" be no painting of lines designating traffic lanes until this plan Is worked out. Norway Is Theme For P-T Meeting SILVERTON, Feb. 25 A Nor wegian program is being planned by Mrs. Theodore Hobart as pro gram : chairman of the Parent Teachers association which will meet March 4 at 2:40 o'clock at the Eugene Field auditorium. Miss Bertha 1 Aim -will' give a trarel talk about her; trip to Norway last summer. Miss Frances Nelson will give a Norwegian rocal solo and will dress in Norwegian costume. Miss Viola Herrigstad will give a group of piano solos. The small pupils of Miss Helvie Silver will give a folk dance, and the pupils of Miss Hannah Olsen will tell Norwegian folk atles. 5 During the tea hour, Nor wegian Rosettes and coffee will be served under the direction of Mrs. Harry Wilson. Mrs. A. K. Brendon will bake the rosettes. Farmers Work Overtime To Catch Up Ploughing; Some Reseeding Needed SILVERTON HILLS,' Feb. 2&. Ploughing is being done" from early morning until dusk at night by farmers of the Silver ton Hills community in an ef fort to catch up with work that the weather held back. While some reseeding is nec essary, it is reported here, that not as much reseeding will Dave to be done in the hills as In the valley. Earlier snow fall helped to prevent the hard frosts from damaging. Spring grains are now being seeded. "We Cover the Town" D0NT WORRY, MARY, OUR HOME WONT CATCH FIRE IT HAS AM ASPHALT FIRE- RESISTING ROOF Will your roof catch fire? Is it fire-resisting? Are yon wor ried every time there is a fire nearby? Settle your roofing problem once and for all buy a roof that's fire-resisting. " ' ' mtumutis ;- i-.i .- bp ROOFS n Bass-Hueter and i Dutch Boy Paints ; Paint & Roofing Co. 474 Ferry : Ph. 4642 -W Cover the Town" 4rH Qub Leaders Recommend Olher ? Grounds For Fair f DALLAS, Feb. St At a reg ular meeting of the Polk County 4-H Club Leader! association held In the circuit court room' here last Saturday, plana were made for the next meeting to be held at the Luckiamute -community hall. ' It was voted to present a resolu tion to the county fair board re commending the holding of the County 4-H club fair at Monmouth this year instead of Dallas. - -; A committee from the Mon mouth chamber of commerce was present at the eeting, inviting this group to attend the fair to be held there and urged the support of the club leaders organization in hold ing the 4:H club fair at Monmouth In conjunction with their com munity program. A committee consisting of L- N. Llndeman. C. I Blodgett, and Mrs. Secre were appointed to present the resolution to the county fair board and to work with the . Mon mouth chamber of commerce com mittee on this matter if It is de cided to ove the county 4-H club fair there. Benton and Linn Jersey Cattle dub Will Hold All-Day Meet Saturday CORVALLIS. Feb. 25. Dis cussion of 4-H dairy club . work and the recently adopted program of the state Jersey cattle club Is listed for. the all-day meeting of the Linn-Benton Jersey cattle club to be held Saturday starting at 11 o'clock In the morning at the Western Star grange hall which is located nine miles south of Albany. Anyone interested In dairying, whether a jersey owner or not, is invited to this gathering, A. R. Forster, president of the group. said. Those attending are asked to bring their own lunch, but coffee and sugar will be furnished. . Mrs. Kock Honored WOODBURN, Feb. tl. Mr. Anthony Kock tra honored with a shower Sunday , afternoon at the home t Mrs. August Hwnt on Hardcastle avenue, with Ml 00 aa the dlTenlon. Prizes for high score went to Mrs. O. I Van de Welle ot gt. Fan! and second to Mrs. Charles Henkes.. ' I , Methodist Qiiircli Turnout Planned Pastors Seek to Have All Members Here Attend march 7 Service How many Methodists are there In Salem and surrounding terri tory T The pastors and people of the four Methodist Episcopal churches would like to know and plan to find out; also what would happen If all of them went to church on the same Sunday. The pastors think: the churches would be fill ed to the doors, both morning and night and still hundreds would be unable to get in. The Salem Methodists, plan to get every Methodist In the com munity to - church, morning" or evening, Sunday, March 7. It will not . only -be a. real homecoming for all the old timers, but an op portunlty for the people who hare recently moved to town, to get acquainted with one another and the other church members. The pastors plan to preach from the same text on the same sub ject, but not the same sermon. The Methodists ' began their work in Salem 10S years ago un der, the leadership of Rev. Jason Lee, and hare been working bard erer since. , Perhaps Methodism's best known leader is BJ. Stanley Jones, missionary at large; who not only was outstanding In the NaWorall before leaving for India to thons Preaching mission, but more. re-1 ands of audiences by means of a eently gave his farewell address 1 broadcast over a national hookup. DOWELL'S : CJARKE1 Salem's Leading Market PIIONE 8757 171 S. COSH ST. We are stOl working on tbose good Bfontana heifer beef so If yom enjoy good piece of beef drop In. folks.' The prices are not hJch so come In, . look this fine display of meat over. Sugar Cored Our Own Make .. - DoGnibocacc Fresh Fig Feet Go DHOgqcI ILSvog "r s ao PILJClE.ILAain) Ow Own Make HEAVY DACONv . 2Co-CCc SwKar Cared PgtooDSb 11611 E7-2CO If yon are mot already a cmacomer of this basy market, why ot now? We have the largest and beat equipped meat market in Salem, with seven experienced meat cutters ready and glad to wait on yon. Open Until 7 P. M. Saturday o 400 Buy Dog Licenses; Saturday Is Last Day With only two more days to bring the deadline before pen alties aTe effective for dog own ers who fall to obtain licenses prior to that time, almost 400 licenses were granted yesterday by County Clerk U. G. Boyer. in ,A-gy j i- IIEV7! I80XSEI MDiDf SAUCE Ml SET 1 Qt, 1 Ji Qt. and S Qt. sixes. Smart, flat bead. Streamline handles. Round, eaiy-deaa cor ners. Cover Set, 6So Extra. IIP mm TEA KETTLES Wide fiat bottom for quick . beating. "Non-clip" stationary handle. 1 Qt- $2 39(R4.3J00) 1 4 Qt. $2.93 (J?V $3.60); 5 Qt 3M Uteg. $3.90). DEXTRA- MALTOSE 57c I Pablum J 37c J RUBBING ALCOHOL Pint 15c Icy-Ilot LUNCH KITS 1.09 Complete with Pint Bottle. CIGARETTES Oamels, . Lackles, Old Golds, Chesterfields KaJleighs, per carton and $1.19 Large Rinso Xux or Lifebuoy 3 for acc 17c s4SSsi IIIMIi 50c BARBASOL 37c 60e lyons rNi TOOTH POWDER UT - : tor 1c 50c PEPSODENT Antiseptic only With a purchase of a regular bottle at 39c. TOOTH PASTE 40c Pepsodent 33c 50c Ipana 39c 40c Squibb .. . 8 . for. i..aOc 40c Litterlne S3c Colgate's -. le TOOTH POWDER 60c Calox ..4Sc 50c Pepsodent SOc 60c Wernet's 44c S5e Corega 2c BOc Pastrth ....47c 75e 0VALTINE 57C 60c Mum 1 50Talcara. 1 25 Saraka 60c Calox 49c 90c sHiiCf 43c Aspirin u&:. ,5 59c $1 Hot SSL69e 60c Alka s.itr49c 25cJtVJSJL19c Sal Hepatica 6o49c 35c Ingram g 29c $1 Adlerika 79c 35c Milk ;sU?fe 15c 50c Vicks g.33c 50c Yeast Foam 31c 35c Gem Bladea 29c $1.00 MAR -O-OIL' SHAMPOO 67c 25c AN AC I N 17c for Fountain Specials Jumbo Blilk Shakes. .lOc Hot Fudge Snndae.................r.:..15e LUKK'8 GLAZKD DON UTS A 8TL,KX COFFER Banana Special,....- Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream 10c TOAMTKD . CHKK8B SHRIMP SALAD St COFFEE Hot Chocolate with Wafers Jumbo . Ice Cream Sodas., KE&B H A N D W I C II, Ttic 10c KLEENEX j ' S09 Sheets KOTEXlU; 1 Dos.' 3Tc 51c HAIR TONICS 7Se -Vaseline ROc fl Lacky Tiger 79e 91JSO Kolorw : . bak 1.0 91K Vitalis 79c l.OO Kreml 70c SHAV. . CREAMS - Palmollve (large) 87e .Colgate's (large) 87e S5e Lifebnoy JZ3c 85c Ingram's -2c 6(k ITAUANyiI BALIC 30c Jergea Lotioa , 37c f ffOTtxh "Astray Van-Tagctror 1.90 35c Vjclcs Rub 24c Challenge Aum90c Listerine (Le.) 59c $1 Lavoris : 67c Lysol Mejium ; ,a2c $15 Schick :g PATENTS 50c Teast Foam 81c 75c Bengne ..... BOc 6Se BiMMloI 44e - - Absorbine ..-94c 80c Bromo ' - - Quinine 21c f 1.43 Pfnkham tMe 75c Doaa'i PUU 4o 91.00 Ironlsed Teast U 75c Cytex 49c fl3HU' D D C r- r ( CUAjZte czct 4fcw& VaCfJ ON THE CORNEIl Ul-T : V PHONE v ) Open Er COURT & HIGH j ' - - S7S2 ' Sr.ys U f! .---ww-viiaffi. 1 . , -,.; ;. .. .-. I f ') ,i . . t n Salem, Oregon - 220 to 226 N. liberty 335 Court SL Phone 67P' nAssna