Tfca CnTGOII STATESMAN, CsSza, Crcca, Friday llcnizs, TcrzzTj Z 1ZZ7 pace nir.:::: Jabez Bailey Will Be Buried Friday ALB ANT, Feb. 25 Funeral vertices for Jabes Harlan ' Bail' . ey, 79, who died in Salem Tues day renin- hare been set tor Friday -afternoon ' at S o'clock from . the Fisber-Braden chapel. Iter. Virril Haiti will hate charge ot the services and bar lal wilt be in the Palestine cem etery. . "... - .-. Mr. Bailey was a , farmer by occupation but .bad not worked sine 1S20. He was' born in Ran dolph- county, Ind., March. . 22, 1857. and moTed to Van Buren county, Iowa in 18S5. On Dec. 23. 1878, he married 'Anna M. Runyon. Mrs. Bailey died in 1924. and in 1933 Mr. Bailey came-to Oregon where he has since re sided. -v. ; r SarriTins are a. s'on and daugh ter and one sister. The dauchter is Mrs. F. H. Holmes vof Long- mont, Colo., 'and the son is M. Waldren Bailey of Route 1,-' Al bany. . The - sluer Is Mrs. Anna Watson of Stockport. Iowa. : He is also surTired by three grand children. , ? -,. . Attack Victim MIDDLE GROVE, Feb.' 25. Friday night a three-act play, 'Poor Married Man," under the direction of Mrs. Lee Clark, will be glTen at the regular commun ity club meeting. Those haying parts In the- play are Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Hilfiker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wager, Mrs. Rutn Van Cleare, .Fern Colwell, George Forgard and Kenneth Lee. There will be a amall admission charge. . Mrs. Anna Hammer, chairman of lunch committee, announces that sandwiches, , vegetable and coffee will be served. , PLEASANTDALE, Feb. 25. The annual 'Men's Night" with men of the district serving on program and refreshment com mittees will be held at the Pleasantdale community j club meeting Friday night, February 16. SILVERTOM HILLS, Feb. 25. Rural electricity will be dis cussed at the regular Saturday night meeting ot the SUverton Hills community club. A special program is being arranged tor. BETHEL, Feb. 25. Marion joe--' X Ponce of Buffalo redoubled their efforts to apprehend the slayer of Mxry Ellen Babcock following the eighth attack within a week by an unidentified marauder on a wom an. The latest victim. Miss Mar garet Calitxdorfer. S3, was dragged Into an alley and slugged by her assailant, much : la the manner police believe caused the death of Miss Babcock whose bat tered body was found in the out i skirts. " - - county public health association members will provide entertain ment at the meeting of the com munity club Friday night. Dr. E. E. Berg will speak on "Com mon Diseases and their Pre vention." Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead will show the motion picture f 'Behind the Shadow", and Enoch Mean will sing, ac companied by Miss Gladys Edgar. There will also be a comic de bate by i local members. Every one is welcome. Mother Seriously 111 JEFFERSON, Feb. 25 Ver non and Ray Wilson ot Port land were In Jefferson Monday and Tuesday, called here by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Edith Wilson. Mrs. Dora Chiles ot Salem is assisting in caring for her sister. Alcohol Effects ; " Theme of School Eosay t Contests j AURORA, Feb. 25. At the last meeting of the "Roily Tru ltt'a Followers," several interest- ins; talks were made as follows: Lorraine Fredexickson on- vita- j mins; Vlda Parson on proteins; Billy. Cole on feeding ritamlns. Lloyd Glrod, the leader, read: letter from the W. C. T. U. about an essay contest for , the ' eighth ' The topic of discussion , was "Safety In. Homes." The Question aa to whether police ..officers should ; ride bicycles ' when they take small - children down, town and across the highway,' was dis cussed and a motion that .they should , not prevailed. . ., The !Rolly Trout's Follower's I Health club, is having. aa essay contest. Each member in- the eighth grade will writ an essay "What Alcohol Is and What Ef fect . It - has when ; Consumed t la Beer, -Wine or Cocktails.; , r Trees Are .Planted " At the last meeting or rrhe Forestry Club" ; Aurora Hiking ises ' the trees were otstriDutea, each boy having selected his j trees some time ago, t Wayne Harding, county 4-H leader de livered them - and the members now have their trees i planted. Towel Exhibit HeM "The . Betsy Ross. r Followers Sewing 'club," held their dish towel exhibit last weefcv Vernlca Dy Foon won first; Janet Fleisch- hauer, second; ana verna Kiel. third place. ; ; . Bin. Joe Murphy HI -I OAKDALZ. Feb. 25 Mrs. Joe Murphy is seriously 111 ' at : her home. She has been bedfast for over a week. Her many friends i here are anxious about her con dition. . . . r ; ncooDmGnTcTip 77 Tn7i'Pr stugASes ssr ru7 TNf DA IU (gftiffl ,witt. gylMHTiTO ) ,t, jam ?aai iDHift gffiilKl PINT OH SAFE I FLOTATION ;:-if PROCESS TOOTH " PASTOy : 50c size ; I PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC ! V " with purchase) of a J V regular bottle at - ' 2 bottles for 40e y High, Vitamin A and D con tent. Aids In development of sound bones end teeth ! OTHER VITAMIN PRODUCTS t 100 Puretest Halibut Liver Oil Capsules ....:......$1.49 25 Puretest ABDG Capsules ...JB9e 3-oz. Blead's Cod Liver Oil j . ? ldth Viosterol ......::..;....3c ; 50 Puretest Vitamin E Capsules 89c 80 Squibb Adex Tablets ,...........79e SPRING TONICS V f : 1 pLPeptona .1 ....... 01 0125 S S ,S . . . .99c 1 pt. Maltoleum . . .51 S15Tanlac . . . . . , .93c OliTage 2 for $1,931 1 pt, Melo-Malt ..... . . .01 ELECTRIC TOASTER $10 value YxO T Special PV- ;J Polished mlckel finish. Automatic bread ' tamer. Underwriters approved. "" . 115 S. COMMERCIAL . vC: QCEXS ?C? Look for sW Km9 Storm Sigm r s JUJ m -i - - f , - v. . 1 - vi A I ' 1 ... - ' i -; A J 77 ' Are your food expenses too high? How, much did you pay LAST MONTH for food? These questions are not ; inspired from idle curiosity.. Far from, that! We ask j them because we believe you are interested in keep ( inf eating cost down to the absolute minimum without sacrificing one bit of quality or quantity. And because it's part of our business to help you save money on your food budget. If you are not already a . Safeway, customer, why not try the thrifty Safeway method of shopping this very week and KNOW where you can get the most for your money? j Prices Efective Baton-day, - Monday, . Feb. 26-27, March' 1. Assorted No. 2 tin L. Bled. TlnjSforfSC ......2 for 25c rv Millrace Stringless Tin 2 for 15c 5 ArsmiP w s i9c Picnic Hams Boned & Tied Half or a). Whole, lb-. ZJC AIR- WAY . NOB HILL EDWARDS 1-LB. TIN 3 lbs. 55c 2 LBS. 49c 25c Try One of These Three Brands We Guarantee Satisfaction . Ol TI vLiracfceir s Snowflake lb. box The Quality Is the Best Money Can Buy 27c FEoor. Pride of the West $1.39 Harvest - Blossom' $149 .' Kitchen Craft. 49-4b. sack $1.79 PANCAKE FLOUR Harvest tl lb. Time 10 bag; TP Zee Tinted ISSUHOfl -u' 17c Sil-3 rolls. 10c ..v.v.r.v.v.v.vA ?.w.v.v- mmmmmmmm i . :-iA'.vjLy m.v.v'nr rvTUUL: v.-m umsjii . Sunripe, )An 9-lb. bagr (5oi?ca EaboB iST&: 35s Pearls of Wheat &!!!!! 19: HARSHUALLOVS VnZl 2 for 25 Pacific Point, 10-oz. Tin S tor SEG Abby, No. Size Tin for SSo Borene Washing Powder Large package. Nice big Mixing Bowl or choice of Glassware FREE with 2 pkgs rtCfi all for 1 SOAP,' double refined, each ...5c WHITE WONDER Laundry Soap, 10 bars 29c BORENE BAR SOAP, 4 for ....... 19c g Tapioca ; ffR f nj il F 3 Mfait, Reg. Size Ag. 2 for " ' jfiJjj II CSr 2 Shker for ) jP Grapenut f Flabte 9c ft:. .- 1 - -.-..-... . -. ? , ... II 1 1 . , nrj rv . - JulU Leo Wright 1 -lb; Loaf SANKA ::;;I;;3fel:; r. ill , A for No. 1 Stokley's Whole.. t for II J W Post Toasties ' Large Size I Pkg. 11c PEAS Sanwan No. 2 Tin... Chocolate Bakers Prem. Vrlb. Cake 2 for 25c Log Cabin SYRUP Qflr Med. Size Tin. ' ' WWW TOMATOES Solid Pack, ) Stokley's No. 2V Tins.. . & for ZtjPC SALMON Rosedale," V No. 1 Tin Med. Red..v.l:....:....: dS for 33 V JELL-WELL . I ! fj Assorted Flavors tj for liy 4 DEVILED MEAT Libby's Tin 6fori9C APRICOTS s No. 1 Stokley's Whole 5 for PINEAPPLE Del Monte IV Sliced. 1C2 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE tlP-l No. 2 Tin Del Monte..............' 11 TOMATO JUICE a fl p Stokley's No. 2 tall tin..S for II BROOMS- " r Good Quality : 3C2"- Prod uce Deot. . n Friday and Saturday Only MHnMMSBBBBHSMSBSMMMMSBMMMM Oiranges .(D IN OUR MARKETS YOU WILL FIND GOOD QUALITY MEATS AT REASONABLE PRICES . SwMt, JbIcj, WnUs They Las Ioun(Iss1lJ2vl'v,,-, Large Navels, 23c Doz. r . New Potatoes, u.g. Noi re 5us. 25c !!f ESisin coo SCO (Si?GIl(3(in E2 For Boiled Dinners Boned & Rolled jt ,,'.V. rr rnnrrtfn jwm,- 1777: .FDnr?5. TCrVC': -V With -'Meat liii. il Ual Vii 5sads-Z2S Zfor2 J I Usf LTUrStsU; V? n.VPurdutoy Quart Potatoes $ 11 : 504b. bas i l U. S. No. 2's, Oregon Burbanka Ifa Real ' Good, Try It Quart f I J - j - 1 1 1 1 ? V V V A i A- v , C "2k' i 4 Stores 935 S. Commercial - Garner Court cd Commercial 1973 N, "C?I:d Corner 13lh cad Cizls