v The OZEGON ST ATES21AN, Salem, Oresca, Fridaj Morning February 23, .1937 " -1 Up; PMn$:'NmM' Session, Goat. Aids Refugees From Flood JWer. Pension" :8cnrity Bills Romance for Son ot Pershing? Anii-Saiiililing. Ilimics to Fame limit Favored Oil! rlsWbteil I Vote Is 3524 For Both Change in Knox Law Are Gdcd Urns Credit tle&ttxre PAGE TWO Up on Calendar a . Minority Report and" Final Adoption . ' (Continued from page 1) -' I Voted; PinbaU BillV 4 Amended to Inclnda Revisions Okehed Fntnre GonTicts t With the controversial old set assistance act oat ot the way th.e ktiN pat on the so-called "gag' rale. limiting debate, yesterday afternoon and swung Into action on its 192-blll calendar. By work- lnr nntU 6:30 o'clock 40 bona and senate measure were passed. Today there will be 04 bills and resolutions up tor rinai acuon. Is an eftort to clear the calendar the house will bold Its first night meeting of the session tonignt. The resolution limiting debate . was adopted without debate and the rule put Into immediate ef- . feet. Under it members are en . titled to speak for only fire min utes on a measure and may bare onlr one fire-minute period yield ed to them. The resolution stated that the rule was necessary in order to speed the enactment of legislation and to bring an early end to the session. in' aohn if tria A aho t a an tha. old at 3 assistance bill will come up in the house this morning as the house takes up consideration of tha hiUncn of the uncial icnrt ... Kill Til., mm akltit and blind assistance measures to gether -with administrates bills and appropriations and are not expected to stir much argument. Road Fund Bill Up Scheduled for a special order of business at 10:30 o'clock is the adverse report of the committee Thomas to proride for diversion of $2,606,000 from highway rere- nues to the use of cities and counties. .The blanket amendment bill to the Knox liquor act which was recommended by the Oregon liquor control commission passed the house after short debate by a'59-to-l rote. Most important changes in the law ape those to permit enter talnment in establishments where beer is sold and to permit the aale of alcoholic liquors on trains. The rest were administrative changes. Antrim Objects Representatlre Antrim, Wash ington, was the only member speaking against the measure. "I could not go home without raising my Toice against the liqnor traffic," Antrim said. "The liquor Interests told us when they were ao'ekln? nnail I Hat .Mm VfUU.U cieao aouse. tiiTe iney aone it? ho! They hare not only tailed to- clean house not-they hare a dirtier mess than erer before. "This Is not a question of pro hibition." Representative Barnes aajd. .These amendments are made with the approral of the commission and of every business inat i mow anything about. They are rest improrements rer the original set which was passed In 1933 as an amendment." Hospital Addition Approral was glren to a meat- are prortaing for the construc tion of a iO-bed addition ta the, Eastern Oregon tuberculosis hos pital, a bill was also passed to make It unlawful for any person nder 11 years of age to misrepre sent, his or her age. The bill was said to be neces - eary as a curb on minors who seek to, buy beer and wine by mis stating their age when applying to purchase the alcoholic drinks. -final action taken by the house before adjournment was to con cur In the senate amendments to Represeatatire Martin's anti-slot machine bill and to repass the bill. The bill now goes to the gor rnor. At the same time they laid Representatlre Barnes' good-time bill on the table to study the sen ate amendments to it. Also laid on the table was sen ate bill -48 which had been re passed by the senate orer the reto of the gorernor. It is the first bill which baa been retoed during the session. . TODAY SATURDAY The Three Mesqaiteer In Choat Tm tuuv the Worfcr - With JIB Wnlt Louis Hayword AOOecW Final nunlM m 1 1 clbi Va I I mJ I I l ' ' ' r - i I ' ' ' 7 1 I at I II : Z .. . FEATURING j 1 .; ' ' ' IKArcy arid His Orchestra V A Qean,' Respectable Ballroom . ; AH ."Ladies" Absolutely Free on ' -j Y -' y "Wednesday Evening - r General Admission 25c Their goat prored of assistance in more ways than one to this pair of refugees when they bitch-hiked from the flood district near Fay ette vllle. Ark, to Kansas. Mot only did "Nanny provide mUk for the hikers, bat she also attracted the curiosity of motorists and aid j ; ed her owners la getting "lifts. Around The Lobby and TaEACE or at least an armls orer the house I tlce settled yesterdsy afternoon after the pas sage of the old age assistance measure In the morning. AU the members, both for and against the age reduction, were glad to hare the bill out of the way and went to work sawing wood on the rery full calendar. To speed things along a res olution limiting debate to a maximum of 10 minutes was adopted with no opposition. The same attempt last week stirred a storm of ' protest from the pension adrocates. Then to more things along still faster, the speaker adopted the method of signing bills before the session and i then merely making the announcement that he was about to sign and then that he had signed certain bills, without mak ing the members wait while he actually signed the measures. This method has been used by the pres ident of the senate all during the session. Students of the W o o d b a r n schools were risltors at the ses sion yesterday while the debate on the old age pension reports was being held. Incidentally the debate yester day was the longest of any that has yet been held, the house glr ing the whole morning to the measure, with the rote coming just before the morning adjourn ment. j - . Jlepresentatlre Walter Norblad was giTen'ahe pririlege of ruling orer the debate. He sat in the speaker's chair all during the ar- The Call Board I I GRAND Today Dick Powell, Made leine Carroll. Alice Faye, The Rits Brothers in "On ; the Arenue." Saturday Richard DLx in y "Deril's Playground.' HOLLYWOOD Today Double bill. The Three Mesqulteers in I -Ghost Town Gold" and . "The Luckiest Girl in The i World" with Jane Wyantu Louis Hayward and Eugene Pallette. f 4 a firrrt. - Today Double bill, Frank McHough In "3 Men on a Horse and Buck Jones in "Sandflow." i ELSIKORE r Today Charles Ruggles ' in "Mind Tour Own Bust r nets-! and "Two Wise Maids" with Polly Moran. .! STATE -Friday E astern circuit i rauderille on the stage plus ; "Captain Calamity ail color sea picture. F7 8:30 p. Hie oom - - t , . o II m oaii id Happenings Around the Legislative Halls. Including Some That House Senate I Spectators Missed. gument on the pensions. Representatlre Jack Wagner, "leader of the . wire haired ter riers" who forced the bUl out ot committee, was jubilant orer the result of the pension rote. "That's the best tonic I erer had," Wag ner said. ; - The smiles were general tmrar the so-called liberals. Smooth sailing to an early ad journment was predicted bat there remains yet the senate to be reckoned with. Nerertheless the house took on a lighter atmosphere as If the members were preparing for the end of the session. Cameraderie was freer than it has been since early in the session. Representatlre Hannah Martin was too busy yesterday afternoon to attend the house session. She was spending her time in the sen ate watching the progress ot her slot machine and pinball bQL Aft er it passed she returned to the house to get approTal of senate amendments - and another battle against the slot machine lobby ists bad been won by the chair man of tne house health and pub lic morals . committee. Judge W. A. Ekwall. former congressman from Multnomah, looaea in on tne session yester- aay. Rex Balentine. tire-year old aon of the Klamath Falls senator. rated much attention from mem bers yesterday, also from the stenographers. Bright chap. Ripple of mirth followed Staples' "mo" ea the aatf-pia-baU bill for Staples Is the arcb roe of gambling. He reeorered nis nnaerstandlng quickly to ' change his rote, to "aye, s Busy newsmen working for pm papers, get cross when their "ieada" go haywire. Don n.wil UP man, was winding up his storr on the debate orer HR it. h prison good time bill, when sud denly it was referred to commit- tee, so nis story waa ng. Don tore nw sneet out or the typewriter. His rexatlon should hm hM temporary though because before me session closed the bill brought back and passed. , was . wuk uaiuucrats nare a staunch worker in Mrs. Dorothy Kleiner, aecretarr to Sen. Par. aon.-She lores politics, quickly vugut m ropes ot tne senate. . State Treasurer Holman got the laugh on himself when the Mar ion nonse aetectire queried him asto his business thereabouts uui u j- morning. , When It was learned the legist lature In passing a bill amending J Z. VL mrency board had left off the chairman of the ways """"m committee. Dean ,i.er ,DIS itor from the i V.Benton -Wt. correctire n WM Immediately pre- County, Judre ton county, former rtttrMAni.. Zwn Io.bbr Thny. Uklng a little time from tha. . er meeting. ; "W4,k Earl Hill was back from Cush man. worried because some fish erman had "cut a hole In the net" - wuipromise Dili lor the Urap- -VWaaWMaMtoWai ' S0UCC73 ' WT- tMFtw waers I kaal -uvKa- .mnannn. ipaiune I ia IMt oa VTJVtLST ve - l al-e h4 awful the hmtu Ailartka Mipi HaKt away. thine I want and rtavce fatt Wter. I eewneiy atl night and anlov Ufa. MiM Schott. i!?.- ur uffr'13 rwm CMttlpatUn. weptaastMsa. tour stomach, and tas Pii'"lIrs.a aulck raiMf for yw i2i',riki Many report aetwi in rJO!? e taklns iuat fm A4larka iva camptata action. caanin your bowa4 tract wfar are? Isaativaa do mot vn raaek. rarn "Is WrfiH tm latiiiri ial ill ,. Adimtma .T X"; tmmmU a real c!an!n 2ta Aatarika ana mam haw mm4 ym Joat ane apaanful railavaa GAS and stubborn cenatioatioa. .' rJERRlTS DRUO STORJS ; also good business to get federal funds for old age assistance. Coat Is Stressed. By Opponents-' J ' Representatlre Bern on opposed the mlDOTtt y report oa the grounds- that neither the state nor the counties , are in a position to pay the increased costs. "if yon reduce the axe limit and Increase the pensions-It -win Increase the cost to. the state by S3,S0,000 and ot the counties by I orer SS2S.SS4. They can't afford IV he 'said. .- Under the biOJ-the eonntles win bear one-sixth of the total coat of the pensions and the state one- third with the balance being made I up oy tne leaerai gorernmenc. At present the state and county matcn tne federal funds equally. uepresentaure Jones, a mem ber ot the ways and means com mittee, said that he had not Joined In either report before the bouse. He said that one bin was too drastic and that the other did not go far enough. Gorernor Quoted As FaToring BUI Representatlre Bull In cloainc cnauenged any member who had been told by- the .gorernor that he opposed the bill. He then Quoted from statements of the gorernor and ended with the declaration that "by his own state menu the gorernor Is In faror ot this meas ure." The roll call on the passage of tne bin was:: Aye: Alber. Allen. Antrim Barnes, B e a n a. Boon. Bradr, uun, uaay. carter, Dawson Delch, Eckersley, Erwin; Esson Harrison. HIggs, Hockett. Hogan Hoseh; Hyde, Jeanne t. Jennlnrs Jones. Klmberling. Laird. Maho- ney. McCloskey, Miller, Norblad oieen. Roth. Thomas, Wagner, wiinnson. No: Bennett, Duerst. Ensdahl Fatland, French, Friede, Fuhrer, orant, Hughes, Leach. Liresley Magruder, Martin. McAllister Munroe, Rennle. Riddle. Semon staples, Stephenson, Turner, Wal ler. Young, Bolrin. Absent: Norton. Tabulations Made 'opnations Total Slightly Over Ten Rlillion to Date, More Items to Be Added The ways and means committee Tnursday issued a tabulation of appropriations which It had ap prored to date or which the legis lature nad ordered. The total amounted to S10.3S3.34S.97. Of this sum S9.097.8SS.83 waa for Items listed In the rorernor'a budget; $511,840.45 represented appropriations aporored outside the budget; and $743,850.89 rep resented deriations from the re commendations In the budget. The list ot appropriations does not include all aDnronriatlon. but represents the work to date. Many items are still pending.- The ouog-et lists $1,500,000 for old age assistance but the bill which passed the house yesterday calls xor s.oeo.ooo. State rerennes for the biennlum were budgeted at $14,397,000. ln- ciuaing casn on hand. It was later found that a mistake of nearly a million dollars had been made in the? computation, although subse quent . corrections reduced the amount of the error. Benton Farmers Here UUKVALUS. Ore.. Feb. 85- UO-A , delegation of Benton county fanner went to Salem loaay to. testify at the Wlllam ette rirer derelonment hearlnr. conaaciea py tne army engineers. Session Radio Review Given By Statesman Each night promptly at O o'clock while the legislature Is la session. The Statesman la presenting- orer radio sta tion KSLM a anmmary of the day's actirlties la the two hoases. These broad casts wOl not be presented Saturday nights aniens there are sessions of the legisla tare oa Saturday. Both The Statesman and radio station KSLM hare re celred many expresaioaa of appredatloa of these broad casts. :-' Today & Saturday 2 Uis Features And 2nd ilit Of Appi I Francis W. Pershlayl Frequent appearances together at the fashionable Colony dob at Palm Beach, FUu above, have lent credence to romantic rumors that Francis W. Pershing-, aon of Gen. John J. Pershing-, and Miss Muriel Richards, New Jersey socialite, are planning: to middle-aiale it. Senate Billi Xatoodacad Tfcnrsday . 8. B. SOS. ky Lsssard BaUtiag iaUrcst mm paalia faaas. 8. B. S94, mj Strayar Aathoriiinc taa capital coastrmetiaa commissi o ta par caaaa proparty aad oaild baUdiass, aaa ataluns SB appropriatiaa ml t&oo,ooo. S. B. 895, by Balaatina To reesUo lisk aad restore assassmeat aaS tax rolls is any county whera the orlciaal rolls shall aara aoea dastroraa er daawcad by fire ar etaer disaatar aad declaring aa enverfaney. - 8. 3. . by Barks BaUUag to grese wsifbts it tracks. 8. B. S98. by Lasaard aad othai tieaasias panek boards, asarbla boards aad other games ml araaaement. . Passed ay Saaate & B. 304, by Ealentiaa Belatlag to the employateat ml labor by tae state aad its political subdivisions. 8. B. S2S. by aerticultaral eomaiittaa Establishing grades and standards far anaaeuea waiaata aad lubarts aad aa tfcorisiag atata departmaat af agriealtare ta ui aaa collect lea Xor in paction. 8. B. 71, by Balantiaa Belatiag ta iadebtedaess for improvement bonds la med by towns aad cities. 8. B. 884. by ssseaimeat aad tazatloa committee Permitting irrigatioa dia tricta to compromise deliaqaeat irriga tioa asseeamenta oa laads acquired ky oonntiea lor ism. - - 8. B. 842. by Judiciary eommltte Relating ta taa allowance and amoaat af costs la certain eaaee. - 8. B. 853, by Angsll Validating mar riage otherwise regularly entered iate heretofore, prior to the expiation at six moatns torn the dste of the decree of oiroree. 8. B. 865. by Aagell Relating to baa- tardy precediBga. 8. ft. 878, by Jndlciary ceaamltta Authorising aa executor ar administrat or to accept real property in part pay- sens ot pnrcnaae price at real property af aa estate. , . -.- , . 8. B. ITS. by Judiciary committee Be la ting te the iaeorporatioa of religions and ether societies which , are set or- ganiaea for profit. ' a. J. 143, by Baleatiae Relating to actions commenced Hn the justicaa court. 8. B. 112, by AageU To authorise and require state tax commiaaioa to conduct a otndy of laws governing-assessment aad collection af property taxes aad providing for codification of tax laws. a,' B. S59. by Johason Kolating te aalmea fishing Bern river. 8. B. SSI, bs Balentine To regulate assMoa ox tuning ea a part el tha Dea- . c iiicr aaa I'm w is j laafc . - 8. B. S83, by education commlttei Relating to qualification af bigk school leacuer. 8. B. M7. by Jadieiarr eammitt. Adding a pre vision for fixing tha value aad permitting the borrowing af money to pay certain claims where partition er sals of property weald result ia great frcj uaica. 8. B. 889. 1,. fndieiarv ctu. To provide for mortgaging of property af eetatea af deceased persona for parpaae of paying off homestead, dower, courtesy aad exempt property claims. 8. B. 191, by game commitUo Te provide for the issuance af special hunt lag tags by the game commiaaioa upoa J0'by Carney Ta aatakliak Willamette valley advisory board aa aa ageaey of atata pleasing beard, provid ing for the payment of salariee aad ex. peaaas af committee aot te a x e e e d f 10.0O0. a B. tT. by Jokasoa Referring to people a measure requiring that both as plieanU for a marriage licoaae akaU sub mit ta a physical examiaation, - 8. E. S97. by Duncan Belatiag ta the state emergency board aad ramriu. error ia koaae bill emittiag ekairmaa ot o seaste ways aad meana . committee from personnel of board.. r Passed by Hoaaf "j-1" 8. B. 84. bv Aacell and Sana. W.. aad Baraea Ta aravide far m Bertha Borgersoa. & B. 58. ky Boas Relating to shipping receipts. section of motor tmnaaortaUM act. .. ' ..... ... 8. B. 99, by Stadeuaaa. aad Wilkin a To provide for eanatractian J famishing of a 60 bed pavillioa at the eastern Oregoa tubereulosia hospiuL 8. B. 109. by Strayer Kelatlag te tfeg istratioa of eagiaaers. 8. B. 187. br Anxetl. SalatSa escheats. 8. B. 171. by coasmittao oa fishing ladnstriee Hakiag it a mlademaaaor to catch era oa with gear other than speeifiod vwww ni m: mi pos. S. SV V committoo mm lt.tV To regulate aale, aleeghtee aad marketing of poultry aad food animate. ' S. . 188. by EUls aad Imp. Lsach Hakiag.lt an lawful for aay person aader t axe n 11 rears to faiaaiv m or sir aaa.' ., 8. B. 195, by committee oa roads aad highways To authorize state highway eommiaaioa ta enter into agreements with railroad companies to obtain aaow ferao.T1 i.TOm highway aad previdiag for liability Insurance. 8. B. 219. br Stravar lUtai:. . mu oa canccuauaa, - ar strait, i fore state engineer. j-- r,-. . J,.'-,t-, 22. y BUryer Relating to ViVfriOBCIOaT Og WaTtfr. . TOMORROW re miii wits evett KXOrTaataeraiS - nds - Today "ON THE AVENUE- CEOtCr McKAY KKM AUAUCT HlhsJ I a t s i li 1 H Mortel Richards j school elaeUons la districts at more thaa 100,000 popalatiea. 8. B. 847. by committee oa livestock Relating to violation of livestock act. 8. B. 248, by committee oa livestock Relating to duty te bury dead animals sad previdiag s penalty. ' ' S. B. 349. by committee ea livestock Giviag district courts coa current Juria dietioa ea violatiena of livestock act aad relating to penalties. 8. B. til, by committee oa livestock Belatiag to hides retained for SO days aad previdiag peaaines. 8. B. 252, by committee on livestock Relating to bread inspection. 8. B. 258, by eemmittee ea livestock Relating to eblitoratioa of breads aad identification marks aad reducing pen alties. a B. 255, by committee oa livestock Relating to wrongfully killing of animals lot sale, aoanaonmeat of animaia ay go sons aa trusted with their care and giv iag concurrent jurisdiction by eourta. - 8. B. 258. by committee ea livestock Belatiag to basiaess at selling cattle, aorses aad males. - 8. B. 147, by committee ea livestock Relating to traneportatioa ef cattle horses through the state..". 8. B. SSI. by committee aa banking Relating- to liquidation af inaolvoat banks and authorising sale or compromise ef aay liability ef stockholders ef sack beak. : -1 8. B. 262, by committee ea banking Keiatiag te interest ea poDlie fund. 8. B. 262, by basking committee rTe previae for- transfer of assets Sad bast' aeas of state -banks to national beaks. . 8. B. 288. by Strayer Relating U approval and rejection af application for wasor Tigat permits. t. . 8. B. 281. by Angell fteUUng to state aia xor eniio-caring agenciea. - - -& B. 888. by Walker and Rennio--B UUag -to salaries ef coaaty officers ef Beaton -coaaty. - . . H Bill! ouse ' ' -latiWaewl'TrtoaajBr-' a. B. 48. . by committee 'a' admin- istratioa .-aad - reorganiaatiea eTe pro vide that state highway eemmisslea shall have care aad maintenance af pre visional government park.- ,.-' H. E. 48a, by committee on Judiciary maaiag is misvrai ror any persoa- in lawful confinement to escape or attempt : H. B. 487, by committed ea ways aad mesas Te provide far expenses ef ia eome tsx divisioa ef tax commission. H. B. 488, by eommltte oa ways aad meaaa Belatiag to the appointment of tae chairmen of the senate ways aad means committee oa the emergency board. H- B. 489. by Judiciary committee (Substitute for H. B. 259) Aathorixing ms sowna to contract - ana main tain works and projects aad prescribing the mode of procedure for iaaoaaee sad sale ef beads to finance such works. . -i ' ' saae by Boaae . . .! . H. B. 473, by ways aad meant com mittee Belatiag te aid age assistaace aad social security. , - , H. B. 487. by SUplea Fixing fees aad mileage of sheriff of Malheur coaaty. H. B. 484. by KorMad Relating to commercial Cshiag at.BoaaevUle dam. By ways aad meana committee: I H. B. 459 Expenses .of the Ozegea state employment - service. -- .' H. B. 480 Creating re vol via g fund for atata board af control.- - - i H. B. 4S5 Expanses ef investigations and experimentation by Oregoa agricul tural experiment atatioa. ' - - I .H. ? Appropriatfe for state elded institutions, activities aad Ad missions. -. T . B. B. 487 ApnroDristiea for atata ala. esaoayaary institutions. - H. B. 488 Appropriatlea for eradica tion aad eoatrol ef Banga dlaeaae. ja. x. ui (Bubatltute for 1. B. 428) Anarooriatioui far malntaamaM k. tleahip Oregoa. B- H. ay Wagner, Cady aad Both Relating te public relief works pri vately owned tracks. H. B. 247. by committee ea aleekoUe eoatrol Amendmasta t k rw. liquor eoatrol act. ft B. 451, by eoatmitteo ea highways sad hichwav - . fanda oa motor vehicle feel taxaa. raseed ,oy Seaate H. B. 259, by Martin Making it aa- STATE Tteatre TODAY AND SATURDAY I . - - ... , - .CeCw! -lviwj 1 MARIAN NIXON PLUS CHAPTER 3 CLIPPER (Coo tinned from pafe X would enconrase Illicit relations. Strarer said he jrould faror it It all western atates had it. The hiu Fwtwre Conricts .-".k.;' Given ItecOaTnitkm v .r t : Tfie badly battered HB II br Barnes to gjire rood; time allow ance to prisoners passed Jnst oe- fore noon, bat not nntU It had been sent to .the operating room tor a fresh bit ot surgery.- rrattlns on the clanse that the allowance should extend to future prisoners too. Senators urged Its passage to keep faith with the con ricta and to proride hope for .them as a basis of good' discipline. Bennett assert ed it was unconstitutional. The Balentine bill on plats of subdivisions In Irrigation districts was passed orer. the gorernor's Teto. . - A house bill to proride qualifl cations for librarians was killed: also the Thomas bill for licensing fur dealers. : Sen. Stringer withdrew his bill for a chain store tax. When the appropriation for planning board was up, eight sen a tors roted against the bill: Bal entine, Bennett, Burke, Spaulding, Strayer, Stringer. Ellis and Fran- ciseorich. u c Recommended by the gorernor. the bill to create a department of mines and geology was passed by the senate, harlng previously passed tne nouse. it carries an ap propriation of 1100,000 and per mits grubstaking miners up to f 50 a year. lawful to possess mi operate slot machines, pinball gamea or other games ot chance. H. B. 210, by Staples Relating to acquires ay counties ay tax fore closure. -.---;.- H. B. 220, by Staples Relating te la ssie ex tana acquired ay counties. .-.By-way and means committee: ; TL B. "447 Te provide for support ef srphaaa, aad appropriating funds for caantaaict laefitnttons. ' H. . B. i 448 -Appropristioa for' TJma- iiMa irrigation aiatnct. ' - M. a. aei-r-oamriee and expenaee of staa tax commission. --H.. B. 462 Appropriation for paymoot ef interest of tft-egoa district interest oonas aaa declaring aa emergency. xl. B, 463 Salaries aad expeaaes of state punning board. H. B. 88. by , Kerton Reposirng pres ent nadertakers' code with exception of no section relating to hartal certificates, aad enacting entirely new code. . ; H. tB. 187, by administration -and re AttaoJiation eommittoe Relating to ajgnatareai of thr governor,-' secretary of alaU -aad- state treasurer V bonds aad ether obligations mi the stale; JJ1V B. S98, by committee-ea miningL. Creatiag a atate departmeaV of geology and.-mineral industries and-' appropriat ing 8100,000. . . H. B. 114, by Magrader To epprop. rlate funds, for expense eft soil, irriga tioa aad drainage investigations by , the stste college experiment station. - ? - H. E. 407, by ways aad meant com mittee AppropriaUag asonay for ex-pensee- incurred in administering lor boom fond of atate utility commission. Appropriating 82900. - - 'T H. B. 10, by Hyde rixiag office hoars 'r Laae coaaty officiala. H. B. 68. br Marion taint. I.T..; To prohibit ahooting or hunting within vi any xeaerai wiia fowl aanc- Ppe'ioiI' PeaaUles ..... . ;,B. 18, by game committee Te provide issuance aad ravocatina t. .t.t. game commission of permits te keep game alma I. .1 V t J . . . - in captivity. -. xx. B. S20. br na. . mmmmI., Tt Provide for emergency elMing to or ro atrictiag of hunting aad angUng by order "ate game-rommissioa. ? , H. B. S21. br aama maaittu ,,1 tor catfish la crtaia i ? l v ly. m sommltteW Relat- UV "Sit? V Jk in rtl eoa.Uee. H. B. 329. br mmmM ... d.i.. UgU angler.'' licen: - ' . r a . hr Same committee Belat iag to closed seaaoa oa ouall. ' vJ1.. ' 95J,h7- Biddle Previdiag for be..."-x.i!LrBI4dlru " i -fl,75ibr Isws com mittee Reealriaa- ianu.t. , i tiliUea and repealing eertaia soeUoas. . COLDS FEVEIl first day - Ideald. Taklata HesdaeSes, SO mlaatee aire, at eon Dtoo Try 'Ba-lly.TtmwWagl4s INDEPENDENT LEADING THEATBE STAGE AND SCREEN COMBINE IN A TOP-NOTCH SHOW A DIG SUPEIt STAGE SHOW - . 4 ACTS VaurfoviIIe HEADLINING 3ORELL0 BROTHERS! Direct lYom Broadway!. TaaderilleV Best All-Comedy ' Imugh Act Also Other Bis Acts!- "ROillNSON CRUSOE OF ISLAND (iD (B (B ; It SARA BERNER BowUnitWiU Gme Next Week Sara Berner, Who Failed as Salesgirl, One of ;J- Stars in Troupe . . She mimicked the customers In a department store. 80 the man ager fired her. But today Sara Berner, young brown-eyed, good- looking bru nette, appears before thousands of persons, trarels throughout Amer ica and makes more than five times the weekly salary she earned as s saleslady by mim icking. She entertains Salem theatre fans with Major Bowes all-girl unit which comes to the CapitoT theatre for one day only on Fri day, March 5. Miss . Berner. studied drama two years at Tulsa UniTerslty in Ok lahoma,, but family rererses forced .her to quit college. Depart ment store salesgirl . . . fired for mimicking . . ..New Tork . . . Job in department store . .... stag frightened amateur broadcasting f f mfllfftne Af Ifitenara a uwt from Major Bowes ... show-girl . . that's the Horatio Alger story of Sara Berner to date. 1 With IS other elerer1 talented young women on the same bill. -the Bowes, ail-rlrl unit nromises to be outstanding among stsge . presentations. . .- v In conjunction with tha atae-a attraction Manager Porter ot the Capitol has booked a elerer screen hit,. "Paradise Express", starring Grant Withers, plus an exception- at paraae or snort subjects. O. S. C. Blatmen Win CORVAL.LIS, Ore.. Feb. 25-tVP, -Oregon State college's champion wresuers retained their undefeat ed sUtus by winning 8 out of 11 events from Linfleld graDDlers here. . A Tliree Days' CoaIi Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines 70a hate tried for your cough, chess cold or branchial Irritation, you car ret relief now with Creomulsion. eerlous trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul slos, which roes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to aoothe and heal the ln&med mem branes as the germ-laden pblegai to loosened aad expelled. Even if other remedies hare failed, dont be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creornnlsion - and- to refund yonr money if you are sot satli2ed wita results from the rery first bottle. Get Creomulsion rlht bow. (Adr Today and Saturday UfcjItlilUjQ inMjj Bit. No. -e r " mCKEY MOUSE BIAT1NEE, SAT. 1 P..M. ChapL 4 Serial . Two Bia: - Gala Fcatnres Stasre Sho w STARTS SUNDAY 3 Big Stars The Year's af a V W a m KCXiAM fjeele KAifN Nigel UUC8 Kit . . ; 1 r 1 a - . v III ' 'Mi' -a-