PAGE FUTEEIJ ealers lifer . Fime lecttiom b Used Gar Tlburnii" Class Ad. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Triiay llornlnz. February 2S, 1S37 Statesman ' ' Classified Ads CaU9101 Classified Advertisiag Single Insertion per line 10c rhree Insertion per line 10c Six insertions per line tOe One month per line 11.00 Minimum charge. -Sc Copy for this Pe accepted uattJ :24 the evening before pubiloaUen for classification. Copy received aftar U1 tiro wtU- b run under the aaadtng. To Lata to CUs .' ' Tb Stateemaa mm H" eUl responsibility for errors which mar appear ta idTtrtlMiMttptib liahed m lt column, and la ease where this pa par ta at fault will re prlnt that part aa advertisement la which th typogiaphleaJ mistake The States ma a reserves the rlsM ca reject questionable advertising. It further reserves tha right ta place all advertising under tba eroper rlas-ifVaUon. Help Wanted t 1 A GOOD plastered house, family orchard, hen bouse, double garage, ni. city limits, bun service. Possession j Oth day- of March. Raaaooabla down payment and tarma Ilka rant. Soma choice acra tracts left; all ta fruit : $5.00 down. $5.00 per ma IL C 8hield, Ore. Bid. TeL $992. Help Wanted Male t MAM TO handle distribution of fam ous Watkln Products la Albany. Ore gon. Excellent opportunity for rlsht party. Call evening. Mr. tirimm, 1259 N. Winter St, Salem. I Help Wanted Female ( COMPETENT GIRL for gen. house work. Ret. required. 855 E street. Situations Wanted Exp. dressmak. Mrs. Adsltt T. 9448. TRANSFER. ASHCRAFT. TL 2329. 'nj-XrnUUaSl'" --. aaa. RAMSETER truck service. 2254. fWuVuasllrilri ' m KXP. STENOG. wishes position. Bos 135. care Statesman. iyxrtfeikfvrsori"iiJ"iri ---- ---------- WANT TTPIXQ, mimeograph work, hand printing, art. 17S Broadway. EXP. DRIVER will drive any place any time. C E. C-retlan, SUverton. XrU"XTUnraifsOr"V,,lllll -aw-MM WILL CARE for children by hour, day. evening. 323 N. Front St. REPAIR ANT household elec ap pliances, small motors or anything else. Reasonable. TeL 5409. . ACCUSTOMED TO work and re sponsibility. Ten year experience bookkeeping.' cashier and general of fice wort lie fere nee. Box 151, Etates man. For Sale Miscellaneona "f CASH OR trade tor uaed furniture range, heaters, radios, machinery, tools, eta. Woodry and Woodry, auc tioneer, phone 6-1-1-0 1819 N. Bum asar la Eiollywood. - , - CANE BACK settee,' Tocker and chair to match, used. S37.S. This set la la fine condlUpn, suitable for living room or office. Vpetalrs Furniture Store, 4 St Court St. Buy Upstairs 4k Save ADDING MACHINES, cash regis. tra typewriters sold, rested, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate price Roen Typewriter Exch. 42 Court. NEARLY NEW Magic Chef ga range. Liberal disoount. See It at Allen's Udwe. Store. ' Special discount on Davenports and chairs. S32.50 to $127.59. Upstair Fur niture Store. 439 Court St. Buy Up stairs A Save. OATS VETCH hay. also oats, vetch and-alfalfa mix. Service Sta Brunks Corner. ROT. COW fertiltxer. TeL tZFIL GOLD HILL agricultural time, state tested. S calcium carbonate. Soil tested free. Order at lt?e Broadway or 42$ Oregon Bldg. INNER SPRING mattress, one of the beat known mattresses on the coast. Specially priced 15.9S. . Upstairs Furniture Store. 43 Court St. Buy Upstairs a Save PIGS. S MO. old. Harvey Walker, R. 7. Br. 473, Salem. 4 R. I. Red bens, laying. Ph. 3 4 FX NO 1 AND NO. 2 potatoes, sack 12.4. John Wirth. Rt. . box CIS. Pen. Kd. 4 cor. mil north lat lane. DAVENPORT BED. solid oak, real leather, good cond'n. Cheap. Tel. TS77. COMS- IN and see the new Hoover. 'Ask for a home demonstration. Make your spring bouse cleaning easy. Hogg Bros. S35 Court Street, phone 992Z. SALE, " MALTESE Terrier. Very reasonable. Its Ti. Commercial. THESE 'THREE pieces, spool bed, coil spring, inner spring mattress. Vpetalrs Furniture Store. 439 Court St uuy upstairs a save. FOR SALE CUTH BERT RED RASPBERRY tlpa Inspected, hardy. S pr M dug. cau alter a p. dl. 411. v " BLACK WALNUT In logs or In lumber. 714 & 31st. TeL 3C0. BEAUTIFUL SPITZ pupa. No reas onable offer refused. Shown Saturday only. I, winter BC Tel. 491. Wantel Miscellaneons FREE WE pick op dead and worth less borses, cows, abeep. TeL 49C9. WALNUT ' MEATS or walnuts In shell, any quantity. State Cafeteria. ----- itif)iir iimoii n.ii r FILBERTS AND oteata But Cafa Miscellaneona COLD STORAGE locKere, Ramaga'a. 1 N. Uberty. Phone I75L ce OitsonOCtattsnaii ; ADVERTISLNQ . . Western Aarertlilai " -RepreaantatlTee reoawHatt Ca Ltd. aa Fraartsa. Ut aagele. Itellle Eastern Advertising RepresenuUree atnrant, Griffith Braaaaa, laa, Chicago. New fork. Detroit. Booton. Atlanta y Catered at ia riwrtce mt Setae. Oreeon. 8con4 Cim Mmttf. Paa KaAed er eaei ning mpt Jfeadsp eiee. tit Saeie Ceaiereai Streei,' r- aUBsiCRiPTlON RATES t MaU SubscripUon Rates. In Adeaaea withhv Oregon : Dally and Sunday. 1 Mo. 5 cents: Ma $L1; Ma; 1 rear 94.9ft. Elsewhere 19 ceata re ar 99,99 for t year la sdvanca, fat Cony 3 ceata News Staada ft eenta. - .y uty carrier t 49 eaata a 95. a year la 1 mm I For Sale Used Cara- eU eUV9ati&6 .LL iiViijU accumulated the Largest and Best assortment of Used Cars in our history. The Boss says they must be sold! The SaJesiTTvCi ! . ; IKEl--I45-CAIaS : f I y THE INGEST STOCK INHIE VALLEY We are markirig Tvoy car tioiv-a to a price that we know will sell it and we xntle arrangements for the easiest and cheapest iind-cf terms. 4 -" The Boss Says Sell 'eixi 1933 FORD DeLuxe Fordor Sedan ... Original finish, gdbd tires. Only traveled 19.009 miles. Owned by a business man In thl city. This car Is fully guaranteed at .. , , ,5t FORREST FULTON. The best Used Car Value In Town ... If you don't think it la. let me dem onstrate It to you. A ride will convince you that I am right. 1933 PONTIAC Fordor Sedan, completely serviced. The Boss says I can sell it for . : , ss SHORTY MISSON 193S DeLuxe Sedan with very low mileage 959 ... One of those unus ual good buys. Come In and drive thia car and sell it to yourself. ' , I'll bay your old car. BILL EARL. j , PMGES SLASHED This is' the most extraordinary value-giving Sale of Fine Used Cars ever offered by this company . . . . livery car in our stock has market value. SAMPLE i 1939 FORD Fordor Sedan. Black color, driven leas than 10,009 1935 FORD DeLuxe Sedan. Tan color, mohair upholstery 1124 FORD Tudor Sedan. Br. color, broadcloth upholstery !. ruKLi iei. seoaa. iew paint joo, 1933 FORD Coupe. New Broaater green paint. Excellent condition 9345 9325 JVaHey Motor Co. t OPEN SUNDATS THREE LOTS Center Liberty Phone 3153 f Jim St. Clair - Guy Bond : i - Marlon Liberty Phone T910 ! - Forest Fulton - Bill Earl - Shorty Mission Hollywood Service Station 2121 FairgTounds IM. Phono 7435 t Ford Cole BARGAINS- '35 Plymouth Coach 31 Chev. Coupe - .'3,1 Ford 8 port .Conpa 29 Ford Sport Coupe 39 Ford Pickup 39 Ford Rdstr., V-S wheels '39 Graham Sedan, side mounts '39 DeSoto Coach 29 Dodge Sedan w29 Chev. Sedan ' ' '89 Chev. Coach -29 Durant Coupe -zT Cher. Coach ' 29 Whippet Sedan 27 Willys Knight Sedan MANY OTHERS TO OrvaTs Used Gears Center A Church For Rent Rooms ROOMS. T25 COURT ST. -- -- ii lonrinmrj SLEEPING ROOMS, garage, vacan cy March L 549 N. Cottage. "WARM SLEEPING room, close In. TeL 9383.1 84 Union. ROOM, BOARD and laundry, 95.00 week and up. ZI K. High St. - --sj'eri'suorejxp WARM SLEEPINUO room. 905 Les lie and Summer St. TeL 4401. " "nnifYVirwwyiriAftAi HEATED R. MEN. 245 & Cottage. FRONT SLEEPING room for man. Hot. cold water. TeL 3533. 965 Che- meketa. Room and Board R. Bf. t GIRLS. TeL 7190. ROOM AND board. TeL 8592. ' ' ROOM FOR 2. table board. T. 9949. EXCELLENT RM. bd. 745 S. ComT. ALSO TABLE brd. close In. P. 3935. . RM. BOARD, 1149 Union. T. 9979. ----- -- . "i 1 i i i.n n ri ii , B. doae In. 992 8. CommerclaL RM.-BXX 215 & Winter. TeL 8317. R. B. CLOSE IN. TeL 9901. For Rent Apartments 1 COTTAGES BT week or month. Wood or gas haL Fa Ira-rounds Cot tage. 2597 Portland Road. MOD. 4-RM. apt. Adults. 843 Union. ATT R AC. APT. $37.69. 219 N. 14th. 3 RMS. FURN. 269 Division. , ; LOVELT 2 R. FURN. apt. sleeping porch, private bath. Employed adults. 448 8. Summer. ' . APARTMENT. 255 Bellevu .St. 2 RMS, KITCHENETTE, 2 stoves, unfurnished. $74 8. Com'L VACANT APT. 839 Center St. 2 R. PARTLT FURN. Adults. Lights, water. 412 N. 21sC- . t R. FURN. APT. Prfr. bath and entrance. $17.69 mo. $15 & 12th. MOD. 4 R. STEAM heated apt. Mon terey Apartment, 833 Ferry. For Rent- 'Houses ( COZI 1 R. BUNGALOW, elec. stove. Frlgidalre. at 223C N. 16b. CaU betweea 2 and 5. T R. FURN, 266 Division. MODERN f-ROOM bouse. Can 9674. MODERN 6 ROOM bouse. Call morn- logs. TaL 5717. 5 R. HOUSE, furnished no children) J. Lincoln Ell la 2061 State. FURN. GARAGE bouae. TeL 7664. 2261 HaxeL FURN. MOD. S rm. bm bsmt. furn. 2 blka, N. state bouse. Adults, P. 9194. For Sale Used Can ? Our Used Car Dept. is packed. Wc bavc been reduced far below VALUES ! WA8 945- NOW 9435 .9585 $545 ..$585 95S0 monair upnoistery .3498 9445 -9S63 -9245 -9245 -1145 ..$145 .9219 -9345 -9125 -$245 -$195 -$175 -9 99 .- CS -9 5 -S 7$ CHOOSE FROM Phone 4702 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS for rent. 221 Stat St. TeL 2712. , an8asajsaasaaaaaa aeitiii - ""I'lnj-LnnrLn HOSPITAL. BEDS and wheel chairs u l n. i Biur rurnitura cow FOR LEASE, for lumbar ra or In. dustry. 2 A. on railroad, with aid tracK ana Mags. Tel. 9877. Wanted to Rent .WANTED TO rent dairy farm an 59-60 reliable. . P. E.. JONES. Salem. Ora, R. 7. Box 162 . -. inf 1 1 1 1 1 tj - ' v-rwM Ayr BUI. close In. Box 148. SUtesman, ' WANTED PimviCHPn v.. . walking distance. Reference furnished. TeL 313.? - i -, LARGE HOUSE suiuble for board- era ciose in. Box. 250 Statesman. WANTK1J Tn In. m tawwl mmA tot oy reaponsiDie nrnx Must be cen trally located. Writ Box 149 ' care Statesman. -' ' ; 1 For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE, 7 choice bldg. lots near new sr. high school at concession price for Immediate sale. Inquire 999 N. 14th. Paving paid. Oose to schooL . TeL ... j REAL HOME BARGAINS V i ; 92000. ALL CASH will buy this 7 - room home -located near - Par rlsh Junior high school, paved at. large lot. must be sold right " now to close an estate. $1209. Five room plastered bom with cement basement, furnace, ga- rage, located at 670 N. 12th SC. terms. - , i $4200. Modern ap to data 2 room - home, basement, furnace, flre- place, oak floors, tile bath, doa ble garage, east front, paved st located tn Hollywood see- - Uon, .. , $2450. All cash will buy this T room . home with basement, furnace, oak floors, located within 9 block of state of flee bldg. $3459. Double bouae In good condition, located on 8. 18th St, present Income $50 per month. A GOOD INVESTMENT. , $1850. Three room house with sleep r lng porch, garage, located near jesue scrvool, - paved at. A GOOD VALUE. REAL ES - TATE FIRE INSURANCE. W. IL GRABENHORST CO, -REALTORS ) . 124 &. Liberty St. Phone 468. MODERN T R. HOUSE on State St. $4500. any reasonable terms will be ac cepted. " s room bouse, good location, paving pa to. fiee caan, per montn price 91609.0. - Modern bouse, sew. for $3000, good terms. ' '-' Vosburgb-Grant. Masonic Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . $1900. 9 ROOM HOUSE. , garage, woodshed. Thia bouae is completely furnished. Will take car for part pay ment. ' - P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bldg, Phone S12L ( For Sale Used Cars GaO OD V values in ' - 3uy Now 'While the DURANT -SEDAN "mTm,... PONTIAC SEDAN 8TUDEBAKER COUPE CHRTSLER SEDAN PONTtAC COACH CHRTSLER SEDAN AUBURN BROUGHAM : 8TUDEBAKER BROUGHAM CHEVROLET ROADSTER DeSOTO SEDAN - - ; DODGE SEDAN . PONTIAC COACH CHEVROLET COACH- WILLYS COACH DURANT SEDAN - , DURANT COUPE ' ScJom Automobile Co. ; HOME OF CHRTSLER PLYMOUTH 435 N Commercial - ' Phone 4678 'j. " . ' -'-. : '' "";'' v' ' T-' ..- j", - ,,"'---'r - iiirin.n n.n.ii nn n n.ruun.rLra'i.fij- YOU CAN LOOK WITHOUT BUYING V WHY BUY WITHOUT LOOKING For: Better Cars Lower Prices Easier Terms. Feairer Trades ' a SEETHE : J ' "DependahilityM . DODGE & PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 S. Commercial - - - Phone 3169 Used Car Park Dallas, Oregon, Oak at Main Street Open Evenings and Sundays - 193$ CHEV. Master Coupe, like new. Trade. Terms. 1690 N. 5th St. Salem. TeL 5908. For Sale Real Estate MODERN HOME, furnace, fire place, hardwood floora. 6 room on main floor and one apt. to rent. Ga rage. $1509 down, baL errns. 13S5 N. Winter. TeL 9395. Furnished 5 room bouse with base ment, $2000. Terms. A well located store buildinf and modern residence la connection. A fine investment. 95250. One half cash. R. A. FORKNER 1869 N. Capitol ' SEE US for Bargains. 4 room house pavement, only $1100.00. J. Lincoln Ellis. 2061 State St. ' CHOICE, LOTS ON PAVED at, $600 wfflflnance new homes op to 50 at costi on long term paymenta 1 W. H. GRABENHORST V CO. 134 a Liberty St. $559, LOT 2 BLKS. from Grant school, 64x121. Garage and pawing. $500. Nice lot In 1800 blk. N. Cottage St $209 down. $275. Lot 60x100 on Ford St Water A sewer In. 2 alee cherry trees. $76 down. Lot In. 700 blk. on Chemeketa 8t 92x131; 9 'garages, all tented $2500. MELV1N JOHNSON or C. O. RICE 726 Court St Phone 2723. SALE 14 A. WITH Mdgs, also 2 A. without bldg. -TeL 9820. PRICES ARE ADVANCING BUT NOW and profit by raws tn value. Well located 2 acre tract, good old house, deep well, abundance of fruit and ornamental tree. Price only $2800 with $500 down, baL easy terms. We have several close In suburban tracts, paved road, best of soil, easy terms. Buy now and build your bom. SEE Mrs. Ellis -with CHILD8 A MILLER. Realtors 244 State St , Phone 970$ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WELL BUILT 8 room house, dose In south, basement furnace, fireplace, place In A-l condition. Priced low at $3500. Will accept amaU. clear prop erty as part payment Let as show you. SEE Mrs, Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 970$. COURT 8T. RESIDENCE $10,999 WILL BUT thia large dwell ing with large cor. lot located on Court St near state office ' bldg. This property ,wlll In- crease in value. SEX, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St BARGAIN, FAIRMOUNT HILL -LOT 69x199 FEET. CORNER both St, paved, good location. Plica $1000. A REAL VALUE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . 134 & Liberty St F-rrhnnfre Real Estate - 8 ALE OR TRADE 13 A. fine dark soil. barn, chicken be water system, elec Neat small house on pavement close In, 93509. Want larger farm. WILLAMETTE REAL ES TATE, -391 State Phono 7113. - BUSINESS FOR VALLET FARM WILL EXCHANGE going grocery, meat and general merchandise bus iness, established ever 26 years tn good vaUey town on 99E highway. Building and ground Included. Ser vice station also, which Is leased at 930 per month and restaurant leased for same amount All free of debt Want valley farm, only good soil con sidered. . . SEE Mr. Walter at CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 244 Stats St Phone 8792. EXCHANGE FOR CENTRAL OREGON . OWNER OF stocked and equipped river bottom dairy and diversified farm must move east of mountains ac count of health. Excellent opportun ity. For particulars, aeo or write MR. WALTER at CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State St Phone 979$. For Sale Farms SALE $3599 EQUITY In farm, near Wood burn. Ino, 492 University St. Salem. , .-.-: ,;--r - . -- - Acreage 2 A. 4 ML FROM courthouse. 809 ' ft frontage on highway 99. Some - - tree. $760. - - - -' 4 A m highway 99. S-room plaa tered house. 1 H A. timber good water, .nice camp -lta 92109. :9 a. 1 mi. east .on SUvertoa Rd. - $725. . , 29 A. 1$ mL north, excellent soil. - room bouse, all cult, soma stock $3600. ' -340. A. 19 at north- on Willamette river. 226 A. cutt,-baL timber. Several thousand cords of wood. Fenced and. cross fenced, fair Mdjrs. A bargain $25 per A. MEL V IN JOHNSON or C a RICE 726 Coart St Fhoo 2723. For Sale Used Cars ' GO OD Selection Is Good ..$145 -9136 -$395 -$325 -9175 -9259 -9369 -9225 .$296 -$259 -$J36 -9196 916 -9196 ,$2V9 -$325 .PACKARD FOR SALE. Runs good, $!6.90. . 919 & 13th street Acreage NOTHING LIKE IT FINE, RICH soil worth much more than asked, for cropping; but with tin suburban homo sites, near Salem, rip for subdivision and at a ridicu lously low price. 27 H acres, only $199 the acre. Doubla your money In a tew weeks. Reasoner .(certainly) 668 N. High I A. FINE Soil 7 mlle9 Salem. Good S-rm, house, barn, elec.. 1 A. lo gana. paved road. A snap at $1760. Better hurry. II A I miles Salem, S rm. bouse, barn, elec, water system, paved road, A-l soil. A good buy. $5500. cash or will trade for house In town. - R. A. FORKNER 1853 St. Capitol . ' ACREAGE TRACTS r $450.: WILL BUY this on acre loca ted on Keixer road, has two road "frontages. $59 down, baL $19 per month. $399. Win buy K acre located at Park . and D Sta, $59 down, $19 per month. $900. Five acre tract located 4 miles south near Pacific highway, good gravel road, electric power line. 959 down, baL $19 per month. See, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO- - REALTORS , 134 & Liberty St Phone $182. Wanted Real Estetet"" WHY NOT list your property with R. A. FORKNER - 1852 N. Capitol , TeL 2021 X Lincoln Ellis, .2091 State. Street ( Business Opportunities EXTRAORDINART OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales la the northwest, will open permanent auction house la Salem, Win consider partner. Investment of three to flv thousand dollars required wma aos si. saim statesman, - -. .-.. - - - , . ,- rij-LTXJXUO-. INCOME PROPERTY GOOD HMAU. apartment building, with 2 apartments : partly furnished, near" grade schooL Price $3359, In come $51 per month. SEE THIS BAR GAIN TODAY. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 & Uberty St Phone 846$. Money to Loan CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS ' BORRROW FROM aa Independently owned and operated 'Salem company where your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before and after the loaa la made. Interest on unpaid balances No fees Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT TOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 291 Ftrst NatT. Bank Bldg, Salem. Or. Phone 919$ Lie. No, 8-122 - "-tt,iiii's n rrnrTjirruTjirirur Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy saw ar used ears. Private money at very low rates. Na red tape 1 to 29 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 201 First NatX Bank Bldg.. Salem. Or. Phone 9199 Ua Na M-152 Cash ; FOR YOUR WINTER NEEDS y BUY THE thing you need this winter. Pay casta and save when you hop. Will tend you the money. -Second Floor New Bllgb Bldg. Rnv 11$ 612 State St at High 8t Phon 2749 Salem. Oregon . Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem XJcens 8-122. M-l 85. ' MONET TO LOAN ON 8AI.EM residential property on der tba F.- IL A. plan, long term loans with low moathly payments, No com mission. Refinance or build a new home. W. H. GRABENHORST A COL. - REALTORS 124 S. Liberty St. ' Phone 9468 rederaj aeustna maas UUe 8. bulM or refinance home ar business proa Law ratea Abram a Ell la Masonic B - SOUND INVESTMENTS. Make your sarin ga earn mere Interest Buy a first mortgage oa real estate. - the .best- security of all. Loan available 9300 to $5000. Net Investors 6Yi to s. , . ... ...... . CHILDS A. MILLER. U tga Laans 9100.000.00 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loan, I to - 20 - months . repaying privlleg Prompt sen lea, Alas Mnilaiited funds far real estate kasa -- CHILDS A MILLER, IXC - -. .. .. IAO. 8-294 - For Sale Used Cars "! Better Used Cars 21 Pontiac Coupe -$245.00 . 166.00 . 265.00 - . 296.0 . 6S9.0O ; zs unev. coupe 29 Chev. Spt Coupe 1 cmt. cab. 25 Ford V-S Sedan Liberal Trades . . Written Guarantee Low G, M, A. C. Terms Better Cars McECay Chevrolet Go. 233 Center Phone OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAYS Something for Nothing- Often proves to be NOTHING for SOMETHING Our policy is a FAIR price on EVERY car EVERY DAT We bar plenty of Fords, ' Plymouth, Chevrolet!, Bulcks, Grahams, WH lys. Oldsmoblles, Chryslers, or most any other make you may care to choose from, and at prices that speak for themselves. WE PAY CASH FOR GOOD USED CARS 555 Chem, St, WE HAVE "B O -Flash- TIME MARCHES ON ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT. AND STILL WE MUST SELL EVERT USED CAR WE HAVE HAD IN STOCK 29 DATS OR OVER BY MARCH 1st , 1924 BUICK small series tourtng se dan In splendid condition $496 1928 FORD DeLuxe Coupe equipped with radio and beater 9436 1933 HUPMOB1LE S Sedan, trunk, heater and many other ex tras i $625 193S PLYMOUTH Coupe - $635 1932 BUICK DeLuxe S wheel Se dan i 945 1934 FORD Tudor Sedan 9445 1933 OLDS DeLuxe Sedan $S$5 1939 BUICK 9 Sedan 9 wheel equip ped .. ; $335 1932 DeLUXE 4 door sedan, 8 wire wheels, eqpt hot water beat er ; 9385 1929 BUICK 9 Sport Coupe $315 1929 BUICK Standard 8 Sedan com pletely overhauled) 9265 1929 PACKARD Convertible Coupe . 92g 111! 1929 1920 1929 1921 1929 1929 1927 192$ 1929 1926 1929 1929 1927 PONTIAC Sedan, reconditioned, repainted $245 PONTIAC Sport Coupe, rumble eat and side mount za DeSOTO Sedan .-. 9265 CHEV. Coupe $216 MARMON Sport Coupe, rumble seat . fiss NASH Sedan 9 wheel equip ped 916 PONTIAC Tudor Sedan 9195 BUICK Standard 9 sedan $145 BUICK 4 pass. Coup (new paint) .,..$146 Essex Sport Coupe , , , ,,, $125 BUICK 8 Sedan $116 PONTIAC Couoa 8119 JEWETT Coach ..,. $ 96 CHEV. 4 -dr. Sedan, com p 1 e t a 1 y overhauled, new tire $116 DODGE Pickup $ $5 CHEV. Coup CHEV. Roadster PONTIAC Coach -$ $9 -9 86 -9 96 PAGE Sedan -9 95 -$ 90 .9 26 - 25 8TAR Touring CHEV. Coach . OLDS Coach ESSEX Coach BUICK Coach FORD Coup - - 45 -$ 36 .$ 2S Otto J. Wilson BUICK SALES A SERVICE 22$ N. Com'L Ph. 545L Personally e . Indorsed! With a Written Guarantee 28 Plymouth Deluxe Touring Sedan. Radio and heater $695 29 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 9595 28 Studebaker Dictator Touring Sedan : $459 26 Ford DeLuxe Coupe $495 94 Studebaker Dictator Touring Sedan . $676 34 Hudson DeLuxe Coupe. Radio and heater . $59$ 22 Pontiac Standard Coupe . ,,- , $396 32 Hupmobile DeLuxe 8edan 9396 21 Durant Model 914 Bedaa Z1 ' " WE TRADE 9 FINANCE - - - MANY OTHERS - - - YES! WE TRADE - - 9 FINANCE STATE MOTORS, INC. High at Chemeketa -- Hudson-Terraplane- Packard Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED oa farm anTcJty property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta 1 Livestock and Poultry ' BABY CHICKS. 12 varieties day old or started. Cockerels for capon, frtea, pallet now ready. .TeL 113F2. Lev Hatchery. "SALE 7 GOOD dairy cows, S heif er. Abortion tested. R. I, Bx. 229, Sa lem. 1 mL east of Macieay. v SALE T MO. old Barred Rock pul lets, 70c ea. R. 4, Bx. 171, Salem. I mL east of Liberty schooL ; ; For Salt; Wood DRY WOOD, rasa, TeL 2352. DRY' WOOD. Phon $702. DRY 2ND growth wood. TeL 2672. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Tel 6618. 16 IN. OLD fir. $5.50. TeL 5619. DRY. WOOD, all kinds. P. 9099. DRY 4 FT. wood $4.753 cd. lot. 18 O. T. $5.75 two cd. load.. TeL 360ft. - , . : " GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coal TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottaga, '. .. . .. ." - , Lost and Found LOST. YALE beys, ret Sta I FOUND, SMALL puree. TeL 2612. Personal AFTER THIS date I will not be r sponstbl for any debt contracted by any on but myself. Henry A Nelson. Feb. 24. 1937. t For Sale Used Cars J for Less Money at 2$ Chev. Sedan . . 25 Buick Cpa. 22 Dodge Sedan 29 Chev. Sedan . - 29 Ford Sedan . -SI 4 5.99 .165.90 . 165.00 . 196.09. . 196.09 3199 429 N. Com'L ave At brock's Phone 7922 ( BARGAINS ONLY) i. ..---- riYnnfuiiUm USED CARS New car sale' the past week have brought to the used car dept several late model used cars. 1939 La Fayette Tudor, new tires, com- plete motor overhauL -114 LaFayette Sedan, low mileage and guaranteed, radio A beater. 1939 Ford V-9 Tudor, trunk model, 9- ply tires A radio. 1934 Graham Sedan, low-mileage. 1939 Terraplane Sedan, re bo red and - guaranteed. ; 1939 Nash 400' Sedan 1983 Ford Tudor 131 Nash Sedan 129 Willys-Knight Sedan 127 Chev. Sedan MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. Carter & Church Motor Co. ... Nash and LaFayette Dealer K- Com'L Phone 3724. 930 Auto Wreckers USED A REBUILT GENERATORS " New used Starters New A used Armatures New A used Batteries . Wrecking 1922 Whippet Chev. 128 Overland Oak. 127 Olde Nah . , Trailer Assemblys 930 N. Commercial : NOTICE TO CTOED1TOBS - Notice is hereby siren that the nndersitmed by an order of the County Court of Marlon County. Stat of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 4th day of February, 137. was ap pointed executrix of the estate of Georre E. Allen, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to me st 23 S North Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon, or at the office or xny attorney. Otto K. Paulas. 410 First National Bank Building, in the City of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, within six months from the date .of this notice, to-wit: February 12. 1137. MARIETTA R.. ALLEN. - Executrix of the Estate of " George E. Allen, deceased. Otto R. Paulus. 410 First National Bank Bldg. Attorney for Executrix. F. 12. 19, 2$. M. J. 12 Business Cards la thl Oinctorr. ess m saoatary basis only. Ratat f 1 per line per month. Anto Brakes Mote Pane. 279 South ComroerclaX Dicyclea BICTCLXSS. NEW reconditioned. Harry w. scott 14T a. cora l, pn. ia nrnahea FULLER BRUSHES. So. Sid, TeL 67242781 . Brook St . Eva, appoint' I Chimney Sweep "1 TELEPHONE 4429. R E Northneoa Chiropractors DR. a L. SOtrrc. PSC Chtrepractor. 259 N. High. Tat Bee $762 Excavating EXCAVATING OF all klnda Base ments dog. Dirt hauled or moved, Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Prn 9441 --A - Florists BrelthauprA 447 Coart, Pit $994. Fnrs DuBAIN Fur Co Master tttrrlero and deelgnera Rnv 2 MUar Bldg. , La nn dries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 262 & High - TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITV LAUNDRY FIRST I M Quality and Service Telephone 8169 1264 Broadway Mattresses SALEM FLU rr-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRLaS mad to order, old remade ; carpet cl-entng. sis logi Tuff rug wenf, & ittH wa bur. TeL $44 L OTTO F. gWlCKXIL 191L - I -u::urv Model" By MAX CHRISTIE (Continued from page C) melancholy strains of "The Last Ronnd-Up. ' There was yearnlnr In the tune, and beneath its . beauty, a deep sadness. 1 If one of them were to cross the Great Dlride before the oth er! : Tears sprang to -her eyes, for even In the first, bloom of lore Is an underlying strain of pain. "To Ioto Is to suffer,' runs the old French proverb. Luana held Jimmy tighter to her. He said In a shaking voice: "Till death do us apsrt ..." She shuddered. The last time she had .heard those solemn words was in the, office of "the marrying judge of Yuma" on thst never-to-be-forgotten morning'. She lifted her head bravely. That was an old tale that was dead and gone. "Death will not part us, Jiait my." she said chokingly, "death cannot part those who truly love each other, as we do." . V (To be Continued) NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEJf that by an order of the County Court of the County of Marlon, State of Oregon, dnly made, ren dered and entered or record In said court on the tenth day of February, 1 93 7, . JOHN VAN LAANENwas duly appointed as administrator with the will an nexed or the estate or ANTON VAN LAANEN, deceased, and that John Van Laanen has duly qualified -as such administrator with the will annexed. All? per sons having claims against said estate hereby sre required to present the same, duly verified, to said administrator with the will annexed at Room 18. Ladd 4k Bush Bank Building, Salem. Ore gon, within six months from tha date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the twelfth day of February, 1937. JOHN VAN . LAANEN. as Ad ministrator with the Will An nexed ot the Estate of ANTON VAN LAANEN. Deceased. PAUL R. hendricks. Attor ney tor Administrator vita thev Will Annexed. . F. 12-19-29 M. 6-13 . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED 8TATES FOR TUB DISTRICT OF OREGON No. B 21778 In the Matter of ) Claude W. Rlgdon, ) Bankrupt. ) To the creditors of Claude w.. Rlgdon, of ' Woodburn, . In the County of Marlon and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 18th day of November, 1934, the said Claude W. RIgdoa was duly adjudicated bankrupt. :4 and that the first meeting of hU V creditors will be held at Room 301 In the U. S. National Bank 1 Building, in the City of Salem, Oregon, on the 11th day of March, 1937, at 1:45 o'clock In the af ternoon, at which time, the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such' other business as may properly come before said meeting. WILLARD L, MARKS Referee In Bankruptcy, F. II'- Amity Principal HI AMITY, -Feb. 25 Principal Joe Watt of the Amity grade school has been 111 with the fin for several days and Mrs. Soren' Sore-sen, is teaching his classes during his absence. Directory r Mattresses 1 CAPtTOI RKIHINI l PtwMM 406X ' Mnsic Instrnction MEI8INGER 8TUDIOS.19S2 Oak. TeL 7138, Accordion, modern piano, . guitar, clubs. Masic Stores GEO. C WILL Piano, radio, sewing macblnea, sheet muslo and plan stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs and : sewing machines, 433 State street.. Salem, -, . - Photo Enravinft 1, SALEM PHOTO engraving, 147 N. Commercial. TeL 683T. ' Printin' FOR STATIONER V. card. tamrb- - leta pragrarna, books or any kind of -; printing, call 1 he Stateemaa Printing Department. 211 A CommerclaL Tel. ' phon 9I9L . Private Detective 1, t - Newell William. Boa 127, TeL $719.; t Sewing Machine Uepairs C E. IJCATHKRMAN Ph. 8676 1163. WaHr. f.-:. . f.--, . . '.i Stoves and Fence at REPAIR stoves, rangea clrcuia-" tors. Bell new and reoullt etovea. ma- . ges and circtilatora wire fence and fence . post a Salem Pence end Etnv Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4771. r. B. Fleming, Transfer S"OHt L4 V!1L mt blatant ttnfr Mnr- ege, call 813L Larmer Transfer Co. t rue as i roniiBQ oany. CAPITAL CITY Trenafer Ca2:$ Stat St TeL 7772. Dlstrtbutlre, for-' warding and atorage our special ur. l,t ur rates. ... ; . , Veil Driiilri R A. W2-S3. 4. 9. ZU. US, T. 11 OF 5.