Tit CnGOII CTATDoIIAIT, Calea, Oregon, Frliay iorz--:, Febrcary 3, 1SS7 WlheM; Bfojds -TBree Ceimfe M MujMg- Briimgs Psirfial Mecovery Hits Low Level Before Halted Drops 10 Cents From High of 12 Days Ago; Rye , Loses as Well . CHICAGO. JFeb., 25-P)-Wet tumbled three cents ft bushel to day to the lowest level since early this month before enough buying developed to erase about half of the loss. - '. , Wheit closed cents be low- yesterday's finish. May J.J0, July 1.134-., Sept. 1.10. and corn was .-4 orr May 1.05?4-0, Jnly 1.01- Sent. 4-T4. Oats lost -l4, May 4C-4CH. rye l-4tt. May 1.03 , nd proTlsions were two cents off to 10 cents up. Wheat's fall to a level 10 cents below the season's high establish ed 12 days ago demonstrated the market's extreme sensitiveness to crop news. Bullish news from abroad was Ignored until the market reached bottom, 3 cents below vie early high, around noon. . Cash sales of wheat by local shippers were the largest since December. ... . The five-cent fall of May rye to' f 1.0 2 was attributed to stop loss selling and liquidation of tired holders that found support limited. The corn market resisted selling and showed less decline than other grains. The country did not offer, corn freely. Provi sions were strengthened by the higher hog market. " - ' Curry Home After Prize Journey to Insurance Session ALBANY, Feb. 25 Charles C. Curry arrived In Albany Wednes day noon from a trip to Chicago. X1L, where he Attended a conven tion of the Farm Mutual Insur- A . ance company, urry woo iub uv as the result of successful repre sentation of the company the past 7ear. Curry left Portland February 12. In a special coach. In company with 21 other agents from Oregon. ti. MnnHii4 that at the banauet which was held on the opening night of the convention, there were 2200 registered. . Returning to Oregon, Curry ac companied George Kurre of Dal las and Jack Wakefield of Cor vallis. . each of whom had also one tne rree mp. ins mv uuuw was made in a new auto which Kurre purchased while In the east.' In Kansas they encountered a .. .tnnM nt at nthp nlaeAB .UU If .. . - W alonr the route much cold weather. General Mlcts. rXODUCB tLCH lJIU POIeTL-JiD. Ore- Fob. 85. (AP ' Prodaca excasage, net prices: Butter: Extras, 88 e; staadarda. e; priaM firsts. 8-tte; firsts, tie. Battarfat: 87-87 He. -'Eggs: U. '8. large extras Slej V. S. aaadiaaa aztraa 19c I Portland Grain POMT-vaXD. Ore., Pskv S5. AP A rather weak closing- was showa for domesUs whest yrices. Oa tha Portland lataroa asarket, without tradlar. iiaal a stay was off H eaiit wiU Jaly ahsarad. Oa tka sa-tpls cash market local wheat aost 1 cent aad Montana 1 ant a basket Wheat: Opea Hirk Iw Close Kay Os 1.13 1.18 Vk 1.18 Mi Saly 1.01 1.01. 1.01 1.01 Cask wkeat : Bit Bead bines tern, kw, 13 pet 1.1 ; dark kard viator IS pet LSI: IS act LtS; 11 pet 1.1; soft white ad wasUra whita 1.11; kard . wintar 2.1S; wsstora rod 1.11. Oats. No. 1 wWto 83.50, rray 83.50. 9arlay. Xa. 3-45 lb. B.W. 8000. Cora, Arraatiaa 88.50. KiUraa staadard 81.50. Today's ear receipts: Wheat SO; bar hy 1; tloax 17; hay 1. Portland Livestock (USD!) Hon ' 750, lBelodiar 3 41 rect, asarket alow, anevaaly weak ta 10 lower, eosae bida 35 lower; paekiae; sows ad feeder pica nearly steady, good aboice 1S5-315 lb. driveins mostly 10.00, few 10.10; late bids and few aalea 9.85, 130-360 lb 9.50-9.60, 380 lb. 9.35, 180 155 lb. 9.35-9.50, paekiag sows 8.00. jew seed feeder pigs 800, ckoies 80-100 ib. 0 notable 9.00. Cattle: 100. carres SO, laeladina; SO direct; cows gradiat Bsodiasa aad below. 11 balla 35 lower for two daya, atker alaaaea steady ta weak, modiam-rood tears 1.50-7.90, commea rradea 5.75, aammaa-madiam haifera 6.00-S.50. goad led koifsrs eliflble 7.50, low eatter aad aattor cows Jt5-.25, eommoa-modiom 4.50 5.50. good boot eews 6.75-S.S5. few all 8.00-5.75. good vealars 9.00-9.60, hole 10.00. Sheep: 100. lacladiaf SO direct, odd eaal eiea wealed lamba tally atoady sjp ta 9.75, s;ood -choice dri-otas 9.00 .35. few aholeo 139 lb. skora ewes 5.00. aaU aad ammt wealed awes 3.0O-4.O0. koioe 5.75 ar bora. . Portland Produce bAaTf ivn w v " e it A T Batter Prists, A grade, 85 He lb. ta psrehmeat wrapper; 80 Via la cartoaa; b rad. parehmea wrappara, SH lb.; arwaa. -, Bstterfai ( Portlaad dellrery, geaaral riea--'A grade, deiiTorod at least twice Veekly. v ST-SSo lb.! - eoantry reatos. SS-Sda Ik.; B grado, 1 8-3 7s lb.; 0 arada St marko. , B rrado araaas far markot PrWa paid rod seer batterfal basis 58J lb.: milk. d.7s Ih-t prlee paid milk beard if.. ' Zgf Eaylag price by whotoaalarsi Zstraa, SOe; staadarda. 17 aztra med r,a laa; msdism firsts, 15; aadergrade 15a dasaav . Cksasi Orafoa. triplets. Itiasj Ora goa loaf.' 1 Ha. Braksrs via par (low aaatatieae. Coaairy Moata Selling prVea ta ra ailerat Coaatry blUod boga, aart bateh Ira. aador 150 lbs 18-18 w a lb.; Tsalora UHs lb.; ligkt aad thia 10-lSs; hoary 1012a; eatter cows, -l0 IKt easaar ova. Ik.; balls 10a lb.; laaibs 15 ib.r ewes 8 9e iL , - Caaeara B r k Baylag prlca, 198C awol. e7e lb. Uto Pee It 17 Portland eWlrer-. bay. t-g price t Colored haaa. ao 4 4 lhe 14 15 lb. ander 4 Ibs le-lS lb.: L tn bsas, 10-13e lb; Leghora springs, lb.; roasters, 7-8s lb. fottoes poscbatoa. 8.85 4.00; Yk--.. . U 88.75-3.90 eeatal; local l i ;58J0i Xlamatb. kTa. J, $4.00. New Patatoee riorida, a.75-f pv 13 la. ha 01 per. ... . Sclcm Markets Grade B raw 4 per eeaC milk. Salem basic pool price $U20 per hundred. Co-op batter, at price, F.OJL Salem, SOc ; f - (Milk baaed . oa semi monthly Van erf avrrnga ) ; - : Distributor price, S2.S4. A grade bntterfat De livered, 8Ce t B grade, de Urrred, HHc. A grade print, 3Ac; - B grade, 83c. Prices Mid U are wars by Saioaa Bayers. (The prices belww. supplied by a local trocar, ars iadicativ af lbs daily asarket bat ara aot guaranteed by Tka State man.) . -.-. : : ravrrs - , ; BaytBg Pricee) Apples, Vs.- Grins floldoa .69 . Uomaa Beauty .,, ...... . .70 Baaaaaa. lb. as stalk .OS bands , , , Jb Ceeeaaats. sack .oo Dales, fresh, lb. , ,, 80 to .25 Grspefrait, Florida, bos S.7S Grapefruit, -risona 8.25 Lemons, erst ,,, . -7.00 and Bp Qrsnres Navela ! Fancy ' '. ,. , .50 Choice i - - 6.00 . VEQ-TAS-XS (Baying Prteaa) Beets, Calif., dos. Brvssoll Sprouts, erat Cabbage, lb. Cabbage, red. Ib. .75 1.10 .03 .03 .45 1.85 Carrots, dos. CaaUflower. -Calif- crate Celery, crate . . Dub . ' Hearts, dos. Root, dos. , Eadira. das. Greens. Mustard, erst 3J5 to 3.85 , a ss 1.35 ' 40 .76 - -SO -.so Greens, Kale, era to Lettuce. Califs iced 4 dos. 4t0,t 5.75 Ooioas. greoa-, dos. . - M Onions. Oregoa whit 50 lbs. , ... - 1.25 Walla Walla sweet. 59 lbs. J0 Oyster plant, dos. .60 .40 Radishes, doa. Japaaesa- radishea. dos, Parsnips, lb . ... Peppers, graea, Calif- lb. .02 H J5 J3 t.oo ; 3.60 1.15 1.83 1.85 S.00 8.25 , JO J9. Bed. Ib. Potstoea. ioesl, Ke. 1. ewt- No. 3. cwt- bag Potatoes, sweet. Ko. 1 . Rbnbsrb. hothouse fancy, Spinach- Texas, basket Sqnash, Hubbard, cwt. rata Tomstoei. 20 lb. erst Taraipa. doa. . Water areas warn Wslnnts. FilberU. lb. 1935 crop. lb. JO t 104 HOPS (Bsylng Pxleas) Clasters. 193& lb. .38 Faggles, ..nominal W0OI. ABB MOHAXB (BsylBg Prices) Mohair 9 J5 J8 htediam wool Coarse wool EGOS AND POCLTBT (Baytag Prlca af A-drsseas) Whit extras . 47 Erown sxtrss t J7 Medians extra , , 1 Large standards , , Medina staadsrds Pa lieu Heavy heos. lb. . . J5 J5 as ji J3 tU3 ,10 .03 JS J5 Colored medinms, lb. Mediam togboraa. lb. 1 , 8tsgs. IK -, Old roosters, lb. Colored trys. avsr 4 lbs. Under 4 lbs. . White Leghorns, frys as MARION CREAM CRT buying Prices Use Pool try No 1 stock Colored heas, aador 4H lbs. 43 Colored boas, ever 4 ft IDS. , 1, J Leghorn heas, aer IH lbs. .10 Leghorn Bens, asder s VS ion. - - -vo Laghora broilers 11 Broilers nnder 3 lbs. J Colored springs, ever V 1ms. 48 Colored spring, aader S lbs. 41 Roosters , -5 Rejects - U5 Stags, lb 9 No. 3 grades. eents less. Kgga Candled ad graded - Large extras , Medians extras Large standards Madiam standarda TJadergrades 49 40 4 44 48 43 4S 45 Pallets Tarkeys. dressed .17 aad Dirty extras LIVESTOCK (Baying Price) Spring Iambs . 8.50 Ewes 4.00 Hogs, top, 150-320 lbs- ta 9.00 to 6.00 9.60 ta 9.00 9.00 to T.75 to 5.00 to S.00 to S.00 to 7.00 130-150 lbs. 8.7- 310-225 lbs. Sows , Dairy type sow Beef sows " Balla ?.50 -4,00 5050 .6.00 .9 00 .9.50 Heifers Top aea! Dressed real. lb. , Dressed hog, th. GXAIS ABC BAT Wheat, white. Ke. 1 Wheat, western red Barley, brewing, toa Feed barley, tea . ,, Oats, milling, tea .,, , . Feed, toa Clo-erseed, lb. , , , Vetch seed, per Hay. baylag prleoa - - 48 - 1.00 - .99 88.0O .89.60 .39.50 -15.60 ; . 49 . 8.00 .16.00 Alfalfa, railey . Oat and -stcb, toa .11.00 .114(0 . Clover, toa CASCABA AND VXSt Case ara hark, Ib. -Peppermint OIL Ib. . .0H 1.76 Stocks & Bonds f - r (CnmnllM ha Asaoelsted Press) "' Pebmary 35 1 STOCK AVERAGES (Compiled by tha Associated Press) SO 13 15 00 Iadnst, 97.9 98.4 9S.S Bails 42.0 42.3 88.7 88.7 49.3 87.8 43.5 804 UtiL 60.8 60.3 63.4 49.4 64.0 60.3 68.7 43.4 Stocks 71.9 72.3 71.9 91.9 73.8 09.1 73.0 5.7 Teday Pre. day Month age. Tear ace 79.S 1937 high 100.8 1937 lew 94.1 1939 higb 99.3 1980 law- 78.4 BOBD AVERAGES 80 10 10 10 For'ga 78.5 78.7 TS.5 71.3 74.7 T8.0 78.9 0741 Balls 97.1 97.8 97.9 ladost. 103.9 108.1 104.4 103.7 104.4 108.8 104.4 OU1. 10L3 101.5 103.9 101.4 103.S 101.3 108.1 Tedsy Pree. day. Month Tonr aso 99.5 1937 high 99.0 1937 low 97.1 1939 high 98.3 1930 low 90.9 101.04 99.S Wool 1930. aomlasl: WlUaaaotte val ley modi am. 80s Ik.: eoarsa aad braids, lae lb.: esetera Oregon, 3a-S4e lb.: eraashred. 87-8Sa Ib.; 1937 eea tracts, 80-sae lb. Mohair 1937 eestraeta, 40-43 A. " Hay Selliar price to retailers: Al falfa. Sa. 1. 933-33.50; sastera Oregoa timothy. 018-10.50 toa: esU aad vote-, 913-18; clover, 013-18 tea, Portland. Hops Nominal: 1934. (8-40e IK Onions Oregoa 93.50-0 ceatral; Tak Uaa 3345-2.75. Sngnr Berry ar fro It. 100a. 3 50; hales. $3.05: beet. 05.40 eeatal. Dowses tie Floor Belllag prlca. eity de ll vory. 6 to 15- bhl. lets: fasaity pa teats. Sa, 00.80 9.06; baker's hard wheat. 90.05 0 05; baker's bines tern. 84.13 CSS; bleaded hard. $6.55-7.73; grakaas. $6.70; wkel vkeat. $6.90 hbU : Boston -Wool BOSTOX, Feb. 25 (AP) (XT-DA) Epet domestis wools were vary anict ia tb market here today. MUls were mak ing very few iaqairies aad ta view af Ue aaiot demand, holders of spot demietie wools were making tittle effort to cloea aalea. Sentiment waa abowing a little tm provemeat as cable reports indicated a streagtaaBiBg - tendency ia Aastralisa marketa. Some eoaatry pseked "4 and 14 Mood, aright fleece wools. - offered treat the Middle west vera reported to have been hoaght by east ora bayora at 40 ta 47 little Gain in Stock Market Starts 7ell Bat Fulls Of Before Getting Far; Steel Is Loser -, NEW-YORK, Felt, 15Hr-T stock market made a start ahead today, but slipped before getting rery far. , i -.'r.r vj' - TDe .Associated .Press, average declined 0.S of a point to 71 TransanctlOBS totaled . -,227,830 shares, compared with 1,083,99 Wednesday. Net declines and gains were in approximate balance. ' " Prominent issues which lost fractions to '2 points or so were U. S. Steel at 109. General Mo tors 65 , New York Central 44 Baltimore s Ohio 28 U. DuPont 170 and Standard Oil of New Jersey. 72. ' -' j . " Anaconda closed down 1 at C4 M after a moderate early gain. The financial community was encouraged with the disclosure Secretary of the Treasury Morgen- thau will not borrow additional money In its March IS financing, In response to this, U. S. gov ernment obligations put on a smart rally. , ; . Temperance Qub Meets at Dallas DALLAS. Feb. 25 -The regu lar monthly meeting of the Dallas W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. P. J. Voth on Wednesday afternoon with a large number of members present. Plans were made to make sup plies for the Children's "Farm Home at Corvallls. The local nn Ion plans to visit the home some time In Jnly. ? - A Frances Wlllard - program was given. Taking part In this were Mrs. J. G. Vaa Orsdel, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Clyde Bobbins. who presented some interesting nets about Miss Wlllard 's life and work. - .- The March meeting of the W. u. i. u. win do neia in cooDera- uon witn the missionary societies or tne Dallas churches. Much Interest Shown In Demonstrations of Praning by W. C. Letli DALLAS. Feb. 25 Consider able Interest waa shown In the pruning demonstrations which were held last week' by W. C Loth, Polk county agent. According-to Mr. Leth oyer 100 people participated in the various demonstrations held. In some orchards where the demonstrations were held the ground was so muddy that con- aiaerabie damage was done bv iracung tnrouglt the orchard and around the trees during the dem onst rations, v ; -me largest demonstration was neia in ue JMOsner orcnard near a a a . West Salem. Gardeners and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore.; Feb. 25. (JPI Trading continued dull on the gardeners' and ranchers market today, with little demand for fruits and vegetables. Many com modities sold below replacement value to keep supplies moving. Potatoes remained dull. Tne onion market made a new high of 3 net too the growers for good storage quality, but prices locally failed to react to the shipping demand. Apples Wsshingtoa Delicious, sxtra rasey. f3.ss-B.00: Wi sees pa, sxtrs faaey, 93.10-S.35; Kswtowns, sxtra faacy. 81.85- 1.00. Artlchokss Califorala. haxan B-S dos. 04.00. ' Avarsdos Califorata. SSa. faerUs. 81.65. Paeblos 81.80-1.85.- ananas Per poaad. SH-e. Boana California, ars to 82.7 5-8. DO t 20 par Ih. Bto Per sack. Oregoa, $1.85. J Broeeoli Crste, $1.78. Brassell So route California o a drams. 83-8.15. Csbbace Oregon. Oanlah. I e 1 1 a e o era toa, f2.50-S.00; red, lh SH-4e; Art sona, $3.25-3.50 twt, Texas. $2.50-8.75. Carrots For saek, $1019. CaaUflower Calif- foay, IU01.M. Calerr Utah troe. 9S.00-S.25: Calif- em la l-IU dasea. S3-S.S0. Celery root found. BO-Toe. Oitras Fro its Ornnrea Cnllfarmln. aaTela, $8,75 5.25; leaaas, Califorala. faaey, $9.50-7.00; grapefruit, Florida, faaey. 83.35 8.50: Ariaaaa. all aisaa choloa, $2-8.50; Texas. $8.85-8.50. Coeoaaata Iatsortaa. aaeka 98.98 ? 900 dot. - ' Craaberrles 25 oaasd has. S4JO A TS 0 boss Califorala. 1J0 ear log af d dasea. Caen ss hers Oregoa hotkoaso, $1.85-$9. Eggplant California, lag, $1.50-1.00. figa Callfon sia flata. whita ul ! 50-75e. ...... . Gsrlle Per poaad. 10-15a. Ora pee Emperors. $1.90-1.75. Sreea . lean F r - kwa 40-OOa. - Orwaad Cnerrlaa . Oregoa flu haea. r lb a 10a. . fiaekleborrioa Oregao. Washlagto b. t-9a. Lottneo Iwnerlal. d-S dosoa. Sdtt. 5j00; 0 das 13.50-d.OO. Mash rooms Use Bound - cartaaa. 45a. Onlona 100 aanad aaeka TJ. It- e. yellows. $1.85-3.60; yellow hailera, 19 poaad sacks, 33 25e, ramie y fer doien Banrnes. 83 eVOa, Psrsaips Psr lag, 55-SOa. - Psss California. SO aaaad kiaam $.!: 1$ (5 per aead Pears -Oreroa Waakiaxtoe. " fa-ihla pack. Easter Bserre, SOe; O'AaJoaa. ex tra taney, S3 &0. - Poppers Mexico, IS-15a Bk.s SS.T5- 4.00 par era to. - .. Potatoes U 8 100 aoaad aaeka bakers. $4 25 4.85: Oeeebataa rasseta. 8S.S0 4.00: Washiagtae) raaseta. SS.M 4.00 J local, $359 87; Barbaaka, $SOM- So7S Radishea Per dosoa haachos. dO 45e. Rkabarb Washington hethousa. 81.35- Rotabagss Wsshlagtaa. 1 00 aaaad aseka. $3.10 2J3. SpiaaeB Texas, LU-U0 per Basket. aViaasa treawa laoiob. eaas oral a 70-7Se: Babbard. Ik- MH. Swee Pntstn-s California, 80 Ik r r t a, $2.25 3.85 ; yaau, . $3.80-8.75 sr baaaat Waterrraas Poaad. 85 40a. Tsssstaaa Ortgoa hatbaasa. i $1 5a 80; Moxioe, Jk-JS; Jlorida, $2010 .00. TnrsJps Psr dos. Saachas, T5-80a. Pearls Grown by Scientist La Placa TJostwlc!t i X : 1 f-r;.-9 JV By performing a series of delicate surgical operations, a California dentist, once Jeweler, has succeeded In growing; and producing natural pearls In several colors. La Place Bostwick -grows" the pearls at his -farm" near La Jolla. CaL His method Is to take an abalone. a type of mollusk. and place within Its body a piece of shelL This sets up an Irritation, causing the abalone to cover the foreign matter with a secretion, the result being a pearly formation to which new layers are added as time passes until a sizable pearl Is produced. POLLY AND HER PALS BLTCKEY MOUSE a.- ' " .P" ' T ." J "I rOWOOME" t f rAUAVS ETONee! I O ' ' SCLXZ &4EAiyVS sJ4&?' s- 'VtSjfifoj tr5 rVWTAKELv TH' ES5ATAKTTB a fS. J MAtES A TAIL PER ) ( T lr K-TAKS THAT, l " T M f1 fflOOD GOSiXJQ i rferl D KE'S GONNA d Yj jjtr y ) , pfk :r UTIXE ANNIE ROONEY H- f DOMT STT UafeT TMANV: MXI.Ma'aM - BUT.UOWEST J TJSf 4 "MB -OQOS O SUAtiESPSAQBml fsMUCVft OTMSU.O - "OU 0047 s5y!!ti I ucx op ens.- cA-TMEAB-v-ia-isacT amv wiooe Guess in. If "a0T to coq iciNOdEss i owe a .rf have to tvuwx us.becaus- - K2fml I NAMCyBISMIs SOME MOO-MAM OB - iV6 EATEM SO MUCM . ii!r GOOO 1DOM "OR toaJDaJGSS J UKC TO HAS A rwtiO OOOP XfSSi I"Ai L AMD CGGS - A QQOWaMQ 0"CO eOEA-'KAS-r I E6L UKB f f W 4eUEtt CVSR TMAU -Tt J - 4KCMT tT iouQ :le JCVrtrSTV-- DS ; igCjQrUMEvrr aZ-XS TWB -AT tAOV IM A 1 V f f A 1 ; CCVetGS -S. SMACESPCAB A40 WROTE, T" I r' TOOTS AND CASPER TIIBIBLE TTIEATRE THrXT HIM ? r J II THE FIRM HAD A TINEF VEAR, 1 :. . J I ) AND HERETS A LITTLE 1 nV B0SSy I BONUS FOR ftJU 1 VrAE POPPA OOPM CP i -:Xvpt THIS CLIFF? ? T) V A SORE jhlV CrVTC f Tcnestlcator pearl" y O - Starring Popeye OLD RfO- IS SO TCO&H fM MANAMA A HARD TIME TORTURING , THEN TuQHtO MS OOWN- HAM. I KMOU) ft TO MfSKt HiM . H5 MUtT SUrTeRlI I -v ... . . . pi-' . Jim IDeLbng's Funeral J T7;ll Hd Cnf-rl,r if ALL Ju (J kJUlliX ilUj Constable Here 18 Yean Has Varied Career; in - Oregon Since 1893 Within less than two months after hetermlnated 18 years ser vice as constable of the Salem district, Walter E. DeLong, 75, died about 4 o'clock Thursday morning. He had been a resi dent of Oregon since 1893. -v- Born In Ionls county, Michi gan., Mr. DeLong, spent nis boy hood, on a farm bat Joined .his father In the blacksmithing trade at an early age and. worked at that occupation ' In Iowa. Later he ' was a locomotive engineer for the Chicago, Milwaukee A St.. Paul. He waa married m San born, 111., to Miss Bary Chris- man. - , After coming to Salem Mr. De Long was a carpenter. Later ' a member of the fire department and for a time a deputy sheriff. AffiUatlng with the Warren con struction conmpany, he laid some of the first pavement In Salem, Corvallls and Albany. At the time of the World war he worked in San . Francisco shipyards. - He was elected constable here soon after ho returned. - .: He Is survived by his widow. Mary H. DeLong; two daQgbters, Mrs. B. V. McMechan and' Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts, both or Sa lem; a grandson,. Tommy Rob erts: " two sisters. : Mrs. F. N. Derby of Salem and Mrs. Wil liam Watson of Portland; and one brother. Kit DeLong of Scio. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Clough-Banick chapel, with in terment In Belcrest Memorial Park. Mrs. Chamberlain Files For Divorce DALLAS, Feb. 25 Merna Chamberlain haa filed auit for di A Rainbow in the Sky Get It in Writine, Mickey! :40 w-?- .... a? H 5 As Yon Like It A Strange Co-incidence nit I s. Rirr rf , . rtnrN tuc? - www i im HE LOST AND LOSE Ulowing Pappy to Dinner rA.POOPDECK, TT ji ua-ir-cs iw I r l T) IrSKvt ; "tOO TO DEfVTH BUT rV GOT HER MAGVC TLUTC. fLL FLUTE SOO SOME . PfVf HnJ- TVL LtT H'.M FOOD- TCfm in .THAT CELL rr-'v,.. . Radio U)E--niIAT---040 -U. 0:80 Kloek. -. 8:00 Kaepiag flt. 8:80 Behind tka Lookins Class. . ;8:45 obs at Iteaeers. 0:15 Xaws. , . 0:30 Romance of lletea Treat, serial. 9:45 Rich Maa's IHrling, serial. 4 10 :00 Tiotty aad Bob. aerial. 19:15 Madera Cinderella. 10 :80---Bettr Cracker. 10:45 Charch hjaina. 10:48 Who's wh ia sews. ll-.OO-Eif SUter. 11:45 Vyrt and Msrgal 1J:00 Hsgsxino. Tsried. i 13:45 -Sews. ? ' 1:00 Three Consoles. 1:15 Hone iastitate. 1 :80 Variety. 3 :00 Trsre arrh, 8:15 Childrea'a progrsss. ; S:so News Through Woman's Eyes. S :45 Neighbors, varied. ' g :oo Western home. 4 News. " 5:00 Broadway Tsrietles. 5:45 Tops rdraa. - . :O0 Hollywood Hotel, varied. 7:00 Momenta Yea Xs-er Forget. 7:80 tittle Shew. 7:45 CBS.- 8:00 Seattsrgood Baiaes. 8:15 Renfrew. 8:30 Kemp oreh. 9:00 Major Bowes amsteara. 9:15 Drews, organ. 9:30 Rave! arch. 9 :45 American Legion fights. 10:45 Fio-Ki to oreh. 11 Allen arch. 11:30-13 Rhythm Around Town, o . a e saw rmiDAT 020 Kc ' 7:00 Morninr melodies (ET) 8:00 Financial. . -: 9:00 Sewa. ; ": 9:15 Mary Msrlin, serisl. 9:30 How to Bo Charmiag. 9:45 Conference of Jews snd Christians 10:00 Benny Walker's Kitchen. 10:15 Mrs. Wlggs af Cabbage Patch. 10:80 Joba's Other Wile, drsma. 10:45 Jast Plaia Bill, drama. 11:30 News. -11:45 Singia' Sam. 12 :00 Pepper Young's Family, drama. 12:15 Ma Perkins, serisl. 13:30 Vie and Cade, comedy. 12:45 O'Neills, drama. ... . , 1:00 Little eoaeert. 1:80 Follow the Moon. . 1:45 Goiding Light, drama. 1:00 Hollywood news. . vorce from " J. ' B.' Chamberlain. They were married at Vancouver in October, 1936. There are no children nor any property rights involved. Mrs. Chamberlain charges cruel and Inhuman treatment. She asks that her maiden name, Merna Hunter, be restored. Guy O. Smith of Salem it at torney for the plaintiff. nC, s"'k THAT CHECK WILL COVER 4!S - tan i tests- rves t-tc t-i . - I , .-, .-WWHW pee- seiue? limm y . rk i ru- rim-ie i HE'D ONLY 60 OUT IT ALL. OVER AZtAnVI r SHES "J CATCH III V I IS ' ' " - ' WELL. -v. - : :: ': .-. ' - BLOW Mt' Olg VcIPtLLTHAT J Programs 1:05 Charch couaell. . 9:15 Helen Jane BeUke. sing. 8: SO Clem aad Harry. 8:45 CUaie. 8:00 Kdaret ion in news. 4:00 Donald McOibeay, commentator. 4:15 Back Seat Driver. ' 4:30 Edwin C. Hill, cotnmeatator. 4:45 Inri.ible Trails (ET). . 5:15 U. S. srmy band. ' 5:45 Jaaior news. 9 Dinner concert. :30 Twin 6 tars. - T:00 First Nighter, (itas. -. T :dO Varsity show. 0:OO Amoa 'a' Andy comedy. ' 9:15 I'acle Ezra, comedy. .- ' 8:30 True Story Court, dram.' 9:00 Carefree carnival. " 9:30 Fireside hour. 10 News. " ' ; 10:15 Legialative news. 'i'J 10:80 Hopkins oreh. ' ' . 11:00 Ambasssdor arch. -11:80 Woedjrard oreh. 13 Weather. . o o a KEX 1-STDAT 1100 Ke. 0:80 Clock -Tl. .7:30 Josh Higgins, 7:43 News.. 8:00 Robert Gstely, sing, 8:15 Vagabonds, 4 sing;. -8:30 Edna Fischer - v - 8:45 Uospel sin.er. 9:00 Theatre t Life, drama. 9 :05 Hoaeyboy and Sasssfrsa. 9:15 Home inatitnta. 9:30 Xational farm and home. 10:03 Jingletowa Uasetto. 10:30 Lore and Learn, serisl. 10:45 Neighbor Sell. 11:00 Carrent events. r 11:15 Masie Appreciation. 12 :00 Western farm snd home. 13:45 Market reports. 13:50 Visitor. 1 :05 O. M. Plnmmer. talk. 1:15 Melodeens. 4-sing. 1 :30 Ktringwood nsenble. 3:00 Three Raneheras. -8:15 Eddie Swsrtoot. 845 Old Homestead, drsma. 8:00 Kogea arch. ,8:25- Financial and-grain reports. 8:30 News. 4:00 Jim and Judy. 4:45 Jean Dickinson, sing. 5:00 Irrae Rich, drama. . 5:15-5:30 Jea a Cowan. 8 News. 8:15 -Lorn and Abner. comedy. 8:80 Singia' Sam. - 8:45 Night Wstchman. drama. 9 :00 Chandler oreh. 9:30 Vocal varieties (ET). 10:30 Biltmore oreh. 11 News. 11:15 Chsrtes Runyen. 13:00 Weather and police reports. -..- i. - KOAO rXISAT 550 Ke, 9 :0O The homemakers hour. 10:00 Weather forecast. 10:15 Story hour for sdults. U:0O School of the sir. , 13:15 Farm honr. . 1 . 1 1:15 Variety. 3 :o Oaarding your health. . 2:30 Interesting; people ia the news. 8:00 Travel recollections, A. B, Hsm - Bend. i- 4:00 The symphonic hoar.. 4:30 Stories for boys and girls. t 5:00 On the campuses. 0:30- Farm hour. 7:40 O.8.C. varsity debate sqnad. 8:15-9:00 The business honr. By CUFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY don't Let go, MiCKiyf PULL. ME. BACVC! l'LL. se eooo! ru. weyet? ,si ,nyii run ray rvns V . I PROMI5?5 r BY BRANDON WALSH ilY MURPIIY i2&63.g oV : ?, VHT A CO-INCIDENCE H PS THE EXACT AMOUNT By SEGAR , y. 1 OWE THE STORES ,;lK-lWEU-lL- BE--f j aate ia tka grease, da-vered.