The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1937, Page 12, Image 12

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TE OHEGON STATESMAN, Sataa, Ortion, rriiiy Hornlas, Ftbrearj 23, 1937
Society . Clubs
- Music '
st'" to oien
Styles.. Food
MAXINE BUREN lemen' Editor
Wedding Date Is 5
Announced By .
Miss Scott
honored by her,mother,.MraT,
Joseph Mr Scott, and her sis
ter, Mrs. Rossel. Stearns of Port-
land, at a bridge party on Wednes-,
day night when some twenty-five .
'guests gathered at .her home... ,.
During the evening a messenger
arrived with corsages of - sweet:
peas, freesias and forget-me-nots-
, Friday, February 28 ,
Rickey Sunshine club, with.
Mrs. J. C. Simpson, route
2 p.m. r '
Sooth Salem W.C.T.U.,- with
Mrs. John Bertelson, -110 La-
telle street, 2 p.m.' .
Women's Bible class of First
Methodist church, at Old Peo
ple's home," 2: IS p.m.
- N.A.L.C. auxiliary with Mrs.
Guy Boyce, IS 70 Market street;
m at4U. - . - i
.fc mML Concealed amona: I- nree i.ina. ciuo at .x.u.u..
.- the flowers were cards - bearing I ball, z:30.p.m. ,
the news of the coming marriage- I V. F. W. wonfan's auxiliary
on April 4 of Miss Scott ana Mr.
Carl H. Cover. -----'-V
The rooms were decorated with
pussywillows and daffodils, the
lace covered lunch table and was
lighted by blue tapers. , ..
Miss Scott is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott of Pen
dleton, residing now ' in Salem. -She
Is graduate of Oregon State
college and is affiliated with Al
pha Gamma Delta. :
Mr. Cover is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. L. Cover of Portland, is
graduate of Northwestern Col
lege of Law in Portland and is
assistant director of the state bud
get commission.
sewing ' meeting, s with -Mrs.
Marie Hansen, ICO . Miller
street, 2 p.m. . . '- .'-
: Central Townsend club num
ber C, at Court house, 7:30
P.m. H:v ; . . ' ; -
- Barbara: Fritchie Tent,
Daughters of Union Veterans,
with Dr. Ethel K. Riley, 335
North 14th street, 8 p.m;
' i Tuesday, March 2
Chad wick Chapter, order of
Eastern Star, Masonic temple.
a p.m. . ; ,
Hurd Family Meets
For Reunion -
Parties , Planned Saturday
At Willamette
Past Presidents
Are Honored . V I
At Banquet :
MISS RUTH - GEER and - Mrs. '
Kenneth Leo were the honor. -guests
last -night at the first-.
Pitt PmiMahI'i kinfliiat wivm-n . ;
I members.; of the Salem Junior
woman's lub . at the Golden
Pheasant. : MM. ; C.",' C. Clark. -; ad
vlser of : the .club, presented the " '.
past president pins to Miss Geer, -first
president of the club and Mrs. '
Lee. Mrs." Clinton Standish.' pre, v"
ent president,, presided at Jtbe din- L
ner. . : ... ... r ' - - - .- ; ;
Miss Kathryn Smullln sang sev-v .
eral vocal ; numbers during the
dinner hour and was. accompanied
by Miss Dorothy Wright who also ,:-;
played some piano numbers. The
long tables were decorated with
bouquets of spring flowers and
daffodils guarded by yellow taper.
Miss Lois - RIggs was. general
chairman of the dinner and assist-;..
ing her in making arrangements
were Miss Grace Elizabeth Holmanf
Miss Ida Jo Eaton. Miss Rovena . .
Eyre, Miss Ellen Sirnio and Miss .
Helen : Breithaupt. : f-:' ' :
'r.f..-- ,- Special Gneats -A :
Special guests for the evening '
were: Mrs. Morris Brassfleld. Miss ;
Esther Douglas, Miss Virginia .
Thomas. Miss Esther Glbbard and '
Miss Ann Bialy. . . "
Covers : were placed for Miss
Geer and , Mrs. Kenneth Lee the
Sftule - Smiled L &etcAen
Colors" : Arrive" in Full f9fcf ;
. Abundance or ....
Assortment lor New - Fresh Fish
Saturday will see two gay
parties on the Willamette cam-
Almost the complete family of pne. The Little Theatre Guild honor guests; Mrs.- C. C. Clark,
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hurd gather- will give its annual dance at Miss Willa Ames, Miss Jean Bahl-
ed at their home on 1315 Marion Fraternal temple with Harry burg Miss Helen Boardman, Miss
street over the week-end. This is Wesley's orchestra furnishing the Hattiie Bratzel, Miss Helen Breit-
the first meeting of the group dance music. 1 haupt. Miss Marcelle DeMytt, Miss
since August, 1935. The hall will W decorated with Ida Jo Eaton, riiss Irma Hlm-
Those present were Miss ConI- colored flood ) lighU. Refresh- mell, Miss Grace Elizabeth Hol-
fred Hurd of SeatUe; Major and menu win be' served and the man' MlM olsa JanIk. M,s Loret-
Mrs. Leland C. Hurd of Redondo. Lausanne hall trio will star ev- aaier, mw raunne mennis.
California; Mrs. Cora Moore of eral numbers."!
Dallas, Texas, sister to Mrs. Le- Patrons and patronesses for
land Hurd; Mr. and Mrs. E. D. the dance will be Professor :.nd
Kahler (Virginia Hurd) of Port- mm. Herbert Rahe. Mr. xtts
land: Mr. and Mrs. Warn Hnrrl t. irr-u- - -j MW8 Janet Heroert, miss
f Kn,ni : ! 7 " uu Abrams, Miss June Lochridge. Miss
,7-. i . v- .waww. wppen. rn Miller and Miss
spector o Tau-craf it Inglewood CommIttee -BPOtated by the washer, Mrs. Joseph Young. Mr
Hurd and Mrs. Moore regained In T, . 1 Heater, Mrs. Verne Robb, Mrs. Pe-
Salem untU Wednesday. One more Features, Margaret Ayers; dec- ter Foelkl, Mrs. Ronald Craven,
on, Paul, who resides in San ,ra"on9' D Stall; hall, Lloyd .
iuo reunion. , R . . T T;1
Margaret McKenzie; tickets. Art !iiu wt im m n.
-: , r e - ob " f W
,1 . ; ' sent Miss Lois Rowland In piano
recital at the T.W.C.A. on Sat-
i r .
ffll 1 i III nil i
Miss Lois Rlggs, Miss Hazel Shutt,
Miss Ellen Sirnio, Miss : Bessie
Tucker, Miss Helen Wager, Miss
Irene Windsor. Miss Clara Zuber,
Miss Janet Herbert, Miss Lila
Agnes Miller and Miss Lucille
rm sure yon ladies are going to enjoy Mr. Hessler's fearless talk en
hydrangeas. ,
The girls in your garden club will cast an appraising and authorita
, tire eye on the foliage blooming so riotously on this redingota en-
1 sembie. The blooms may defy strict classification but there's no
1 denying their beauty and smartness. The simplest of simple dresses,
' ablaze with a Tiot of blossoms, beneath a lightweight woolen coat
, is enhanced Immeasurably with tuxedo revers of the same exciting
stuff. With admirable restraint Madam Chairman resists the temp-
: tation or a nower laden bat and wears the simplest and severest of
i- sailors: . t
Copyright 1937, Esquire Features, Inc.
Mrs. L. O. Clement Is
Wedding Plans :
Are Revealed
National Officer
Will Visit In
rRS. IDA L. LEWIS of 'Mll-
waukle, Wisconsin, national
president of the auxiliary to
the Sons of Veterans, will be In
Salem tonight; as guest of the
rRS. , H. C. Jochimsen enter
tained at tea Thursday at 'the
International Pi " i 1 . Z waseiaon apartments nonor-
uuy niieiuwu i o cwia. er jn Miss Martha Robertson
Mrs. L. o. qementwas hostess embers of the International program includes: f- dMKnter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C
i . f. oijne TesoyterUn 7", r."" t,..v Robertson. During, the tea hour local organization. All Sons of Vet-
MMiies jua on weanesaay aner- "t-",,""" " Biih the marriage date of Miss Ro- erans and members of the auxli-
"""" m "er aome uuring tne ai- ' ,rhY o " "-.,rch 5'h bertson to Robert White, son of iary are invited to a no-host din
ternoon Mrs. Gordon McGilchr 1st Sainrv!7.,nIfiIL.,SptCJL-5e8!8 Bpur" w ?'ch Mr. and Mrs. F. M. White, ion ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs
!lTO"nIn5w8c- ; r . KU:'tl - nuwm March W was made known. The E. B. Perrine. 775 North CotUge
TrZ ZT Im- iea uoraon. ZZnZ V"- t'l er" o,: f'f H.yd announcement was on tiny parch- at :30 o'clock.'
iJud' STuiff nre! ' - -"en in' dainty ...
!Ld.e M"' trover' Ber- f.ii! -tlve wa, c.rHed Knitting Club Has
uu tfiri. WV. U. JDDIIian. .. . - u.uuiun
was centered by a bowl of rri orations with vari-colored
Ilkrria l. v. a ai .
bal- A Smsic Bird la . Mttto Box Cri.t C .. le? MCetlH
,t IV is vie in uaiiucuia, tulips, ana
Minuet is O . Beetbovem freesia. Lighted ereara tanern and
CnZtaZt llTer holders were also used on
, the table. Mrs. Wm. Hanks and
" Chaneronea for the ,nn.. nc. ti t Vi i Mn- waiter Bugher attended the
ade will be Dr. and Mrs. Daniel i,irS' A0Den80n 18 UUD ras. Mrs. Ralph. Curtis as-
rirnnXnm mn if.t.-, loons and streamers suspended
T . .iui. ..hi ... . juinnei ia u
Tne nostess committee included "'"s- w win ds Arp. vi
Mrs. L. M. Laws. Mrs. John H.r. "warded for the best costumes ow Eniua
bison. Mrs. w. n ta.- one ror the funniest
Charles Pratt, Mrs. R. J. Davie,
Mrs. R. G. GUlon, Mrs. N. J. Lin
gren, Mrs. L. J. Young. Mrs.
Charles Lytle was in charge of
the program and arrangements.
. . .
Schultze and Dr. and Mrs. Ches- Hostess Tndav
tor T.nltior . .
Both Miss Robertson and Mr.
Mrs. E. D. Roseman
ira. c ur.e. n itoDertson wm White graduated from Salem
ind are well known among
lger set. Mr. White is at
K pS Mis, Beth 'ternoon tables for cards will college toltaud'wlth Si?
.. X. do in play. Special guests for the m iintia Knsiinn
The COmmittpA In rhorira . ... . . nBIW
eludes: Mis. Evelyn Welsh gen- Tunen h.D " 0"?
erai cnairman; Miss Ina Bennett, on KOTth ranitni trt f ti i ' . fc:. T, 'i VY",l the lunch table,
music: Miss Dorothv Wrleht. in- J?-?!.!.11' !S-P11 attending Oregon State
Members of the Knit and Stitch
club were entertained on Wed
nesday afternoon In the home of
Mrs. Myron Butler. Handwork oc
cupied guests during most of the
afternoon, and after a shower for
Mrs. Glenn Shedeek, refreshments
were served. Shamrock motif was
used and pussywillows centered
mr io 'or th. ma Alpha Epsilon.
Okuda, programs- Miss Martha ? , , . Mrs- rercy Ke"y Guests invited were: Mrs. F. C.
s. meeting Jane kotteuf decorSSns- JfS : "Ld M"' Jhn GrIffith and Mrs. Robertson. Marion Robertson. Mrs.
E-.?-?8e- Hn Burdick. refreshments; Ed"r";. v. ..i f'M"-
u n in uc yics- xj. .a. v u lie, airs. ri. J. White,
The Leslie Can Do
at tne nome of Mrs. E.
.-KiL68?' ..attHruoon' and Eugene Hibb'ard, games.
the direction of Mrs. W. W. I '
SS " 22T2? tSSSSSS - Houck-Burli Vows Are
C 'SSr'ft.'&'S Ranged I ' ;
Mrs. IF. X. Horeth, and Mrs Announcement is being made
inner present
ent are:
Reuben Boiie U. G. Shipley
Homer Gonlet, gr. RniII Ctlln
Seymenr Jonee Frank Spencer
Georca A. Whit Frank Rnn
Chactea Bobertsoa Joi-gh Bereridfe
Mrs. Kenney Halsey was an ad
ditional guest; members were:
Mrs. Galen Siddall, Mrs. Glenn
Shedeek. Mrs. Norval Hirons. Mrs.
Frank Hrubetr, Jr., Mrs. Harry
Lummis, Mts. C. J. Morgan and
Mrs. Myron Rutler. The club will
meet in two weeks at the home
of Mrs. Lummis.'
Mrs. Lowell White, Miss Eunice
Hanks, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mrs.
Floyd Miller, Mrs. Charles Me-
Cullab. Mrs. Louis Cross, Mrs.
Roy Smith. Mrs. E. Horton, Mrs. . e XT
H. S. Shanks, Mrs. H. Cross. Mrs. 311SS JSavaEC Here
A!o' vet. .S!:JSJnmATnm.Ca
of the marriage of Miss Dorothv -. f VJ A" Mrs. Norls Hunt. Miss Nila John-
damesFV a'RcV' wrxr'r Z?' " 6!I"f..A- sowing meeting at t he home of SSW.S,
i.,v. . -. - ----. " . i- iouhiiu tr. Airs. .Maria Haiuipn at 1 cn tiiIa r ' "!. airs. liar-
EKiaf. etto C,A- Graham. Houck of Los Angeles. The mar- street thla fternoon af 2 17 U Dou, Mrs. James Donald
Charles Vick. C. -W. RtarPT r? Tiaw rnv T.- ,r. aiiemoon at Z .on M it
vr wm . ' ' ; 1 ' " ociock. Tne next regular meet- t : " - o "6"". mr.
BurSn" 5Si B-n.- V'J !?-; l of the PosT lufxXV ? Tom k Ins. Mis, Margaret
th.. .in Ti. r"0' -v-w wut oe tne woman's club- . "
they will make their home. house on ThmH with -
Mm tlnnnV t J i. .. - "
- y " m e.ruuaie oi ainner at 6:30
Salem high school and attended program.
uiesua oiaie college, i She ' has
made her -home in the south the
Metzger and
Shirley Vick.
'Mrs. Stone
Birthday Dinner for -Mrs.
Ben Darby
At birthday dinner In honor
f, Mrs.- Ben Darby, several'-teffe in Los Angeles
inenoj gatneren at the home of
the hostess. Those attending the
;- affair of Sunday were; Mrs.
" faek. Mr. and Mrs, Rnssel Kelly,
Rex,-Max and WUlowa of North
avBHTI SIM . w . . - . . .
' lbTd MerX SS.a CAGE " C U CRIDER rot DalUs
' of Stayton, Mr. andMra. nn. Anna rammer were joint , nost-, enteriainea with an attractively
. m . i Mt.mam.rn a aw & . vri aiinninTavn n n a a'js
followed by a w"n Billy Thomas acting as Maj
or owes.
" Miss Virginia Savage returned
to Salem recently from her first
term, as a teacher in the mission
school of Hwa Nan College in Foo
ehow, China, where she was bead
of the music department. On her
way home. Miss Savage visited
with Miss Elizabeth Smith in Hon
olulu, and. stopped off in Yoko-
The guests: Betty Hunt Pm i,..'
past few years. Mr Honrk . V JT.V, . l.r.' . f?raan auia she is the daughter of Mr. and
:.. .u --"- vumii, Araain tne university, sne is one f the
ttfln u tbte mtln. . r; Weiidt.' 'TlrjlDl. R.pb. Bill, colimbl. n&tr Brancb o('
Spring Footwear
SALEM families can. go a good,
many. Fridays without a rep.
J-.- ition of. fish-main dishes, U;
; - . the present supply of finny tress-
7 , . ares " remainar in mariLeit' ui4"fiuii
EVERYBODY is looking down these spring: days down at the only thing I didn't see was
the brand new colors. 'and styles in shoes: It's the very- flav in the shells, but aheiie
T: :i very to have toes showing through the tips; of sandals I'maSu4 iess"'u;uai
although the style has been a long time getting here. The than many of the other offering.
sanaaj Dorrjers on tne oxiord style witn plenty or ankle sup- Lobster is a colorful shellfish dis
port -but with an open toe,, suitable for street wear,
wut tne Dig attraction is -me
.yarlety of color offered in- shoes
for spring' and summer. "Multu
colored" they call them, and many,
colors they are. 'Oxfords or san
dals are made with sections ot .
many hues, as many as C shades V
Today's Menu
Fresh or. canned clams are on
such as green,- tan, brown, blue, the .menu for today in
wine , and grey. Some are only recipe. Here is the meal.
a pie
two colors.
V Materials run to either suede-
finish . leathers,: gabardine,' linen
and white patent leather. The lat- .
ter bids fair to be one of the more '.
popular leathers in mid-summer '
shoes. : .. . . . - ?
. Now. take gabardine f or
stance, the shoe man assured me
it wears well, keeps color, is cool
in summer and warm in winter.
(I didn't believe quite that!) ana
is comfortable to wear. All colors
in gabardine are good except grey,
and it's recommended tbat suede
is better to buy if that's the color
. Asparagus salad . "
'-Jy '-Clani ' pie 4
Buttered broccoli
Banana custard ''pudding
"Z. 2 " onions " -" " : - . '
' 2 cups minced clams
'." 1 small onion sliced
,1" cup water . .'
1 cup diced potatoes .
' 1 tablespoon butter
Salt, pepper and celery salt
Cook potatoes and onion fn the
water . until soft. Add drained
played- in local -stores;- ling cod.-
sole,' flann-haMie -and salmon
are abundant. -a "." :
' n Columbia river smelt is, another,
specialty, inexpensive - and pop
ular in - early spring, and seen
abundantly in the market today.
; . Freah -herring Is in the fish-,
M a ar(n wflt anil ma L- am m, w a. "
cellent fried supper dish. ' . .
: , Clams, Olympia- and eastern
oysters,, crab meat, are the shell- '.
fish available.-.
. Bloaters, to soak overnight and
heat throns-h In a renin aanrii '
"are ready-for the breakfast table.
'-.. .. -.
Dumplings, Go in
Meat Gravy - "'
s. Mashed .potato" dumplings are
good cooked with - stew or otter '
gravy-like meat dish. -
2 cups mashed potatoes
. 3 eggs . .' r-.
nutmeg ;
tablespoons flour
Mix, stir well and drop by spoons-
thiaf VnJFlZJ?''- ehtly. Add butter,
their favor are blue. gray, brown. KUonlnc and mlx Ughty. Line
the more unusual hues such as T , . .t. '
reds, and multi-colors, and greens. ta fIlling and top w,Jh anotner ful in the gravy.Xover tightly an J
. crust. Bake in a hot oven about' cook until done. Especially good
15! minutes or more to cook wiw cnicxen fricassee,
crust. This serves about six per-
cook, prefer to mash cten Livers in :
more potatoes and use a crust Sandwiches
for the top of the pie. In that r-,i -M-t n
ItelUn spaghetti, that iTlnn,"?-1 mashed and used for sandwich
forth a storm of individual re- 1 pl M niade to aeeDer apread, excellent alternated with
.1 m- il - i .
ciyes liuui me (ova cuuxs w iiu
specialize in these dishes. Every
Pennsylvanians Give
Good Recipes
Scrapple is one of those dish
es, like Scotch shortbread and
bacon and
skewer and
a mushroom on a
broiled u n d e r a
When Colds THREATEN...
Holps Prvvent Many Colds
maker of scrannle has her own brane removed and dipped In flame, or creamed and served In
formula and each section of the "our. Frying very quickly makes pattle cases for a vry dressy
district puts in a different sea-' the meat tender, w -., luncheon.
soning. Scrapple is a special : . ' ri; ; " "
dish appreciated mostly by de- ' " -i
SSnircoSnie;6 .wedo Fbllow Vickfl Plcn for Dctfor Confrol of Cc!i
say Pennsylvania - Dutch).
Here is a recipe for scrapple.
a good dish to have for winter
breakfasts or suppers. It- makes
a large : recipe and may be cut .
down. It isn't, I'll admit, a. typi
cal Pennsylvania recipe, but it .
has been adapted for wider use.
Boil 1 pounds liver in wat
er. When done remove m t and
add enough water to broth to
make 1 quart. Bring broth - to V
boiling point, slowly add cup .
cornmeal and cook until mixture11
thickens like mush. In the mean
time chop mat in cubes and"
when cornmeal is doneadd meatr
salt, thyme and other seasoning. )
Pour in dripping pan and when
cold slice and fry in fat.
Rye meal is an Ingredient in
the regular down east recipe.
and might be added to your next :
If a Cold STRIKES...
Holps End a Cold Quicker
Fa JefOt PIm In mtk Vickt Pckn
Sunday Morning Meal
Includes Bananas
Sunday morning breakfast, or
some other day when there's time
to enjoy something more than a
piece of toast and a cup of cof
fee, could easily include .such
dishes as:
Banana balls in bran
Coffee, crumb cake
Fried apple rings "
Sauted kidneys
Kidneys are sliced thin, mem-.
Look Kiddies!
,i-w P a i Yr a n r
. - T-S-L-3f
- :: Listen in
Today, 4:15 p.m.
In the Valley Social Realm
Thomas. Stanton Rider and Calvin odist missionaries; and is on a
year's furlough, i
aldaon and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs.
esses at the Care home In VIA Aim appointed one O'clock lnnchenn in
Clinton Parker and Caivi. xi7 Grove Tuesdavl nirht for a 1- a?nor of Mrs. John T. Richardson
Sl: BS'' in? J---a- Post-nnptUl shower oencemtp "uZVSt
Hleyh? wd MarjSril Mrt ring . Mr..! James XJrocker ardai is dlreltor-genera! tcV
Robert - Darby and Erma'-and (Robert Bartruft), a bride of re- Smithsonian Institute and pasf
Wava, Mr. and Mrs. ' Ben Darbv. cent date- Appropriate games were : President of the state organization
uu av uiuca, wcuuu wm r a. - v
performed, with Mildred Wacken," ' Guests for. the luncheon were:
Ruth Fandrich; Esther and Gen- Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. W. V. Full- :
eva Hammer, Mrs. W. H. Scharf, r. Mrs. J. O. Van Orsdel, Mrs. Os-
Marvin Cage and Junior Hammer CAT Hayter, Mrs. John R. Allgood. '
and Katherine : Scharf as Partlc- Mrs. H. D. Peterson, Mrs. Robert
ipaats. J i i i Kreason, Mrs. Harry Plnkertnn
s - Mrs. Arch Jerman will enteruin " Present were: Mrs! Roberta Mra---Walter Walte. - v
informally at luncheon today for Crocker, honor guest. Mrs. LoU " :r ? !
memoers or ner contract club at Bartruff, GUdys Wilson: Berth "MJSJ4BJCK OF, the Falls
Jer subnrban hornet Following the- Bartruff. Helen Sim. Lois Wlkoft. C"T .Wom" lnb were pleas
luncheon tables for 'bridge will Muriel Eoff. Tena Bartrufi, Maude I tertain-d by Mrs. Laura
be in play. ' ' Crocker, Lorraine Bewley Bertna forn at home Tuesday af
Co vers will be placed for Mrs. ? Fandrich, Lena Bartruff. Anna trnoovn wi,tn -ne o'clock lunch-;
Thoma. DoBeck Lireslaiy. Mrs. McDonough. Emma Elslnbach. ;rAed,eirork wa tne Br?a
T. A. tiyealey Mrs. James Young. William McAnninch. William Fed- dTera, ....
7 t, " u . dern. Mary Herndon. Ida Otjen.
nd Sylvia Davis.
Jerman Home Scene of -Luncheon
Malson, Mrs. Roy Simmons. Mrs. Helen Dow, "Grandma" Dow!
Conrad W. Panlna Mr. Wan. tr n .1 . " rl. ' -ZZr of Stayton were hosts ta their ttin.
, -iui m. wuu jbiiiun aau otnv - Kichert. ' Tbelma Scharf ... .7. .
Senior Heralds
Lleet at Barr's
OBj H al WHwaa, Uaw aTBA1..a
Tint Uttlioairt EplKop.1 elmrcli ; Bibert BMttaff d ft? VfJlff ,our Hr:
compliment to the birthday of ... TWELVE MEMBERS attended '
Mrs. Earra daughter. Miss Sally, the regular weekly all-day quilt- MISS MARGARET HUGHES of
Ann Barr. ing held at the Ladies Aid room Stayton celebrated her 13th blrth-
Rath Barton and Miss Clar- of the Unlonvale Evangelical day with a party at the home of
f:-a Lynch will be la charge of the church Tuesday and at the bus!- her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Ross
games and Mies AdeHa Chapler ness session planned a social to Hashes. A feature of games was
will supervise the story hour. be held TueadAv -. - a. -Maio- bawm maiar Hour"
toll : you oil the Spring ncvs in
Oxfords, . strap shoes,
pumps,- In black ' or
brown kid show you
. the fashionable high-cut
lines and interesting
new- trimmings. They,
also oive you heels that
stay put, and workman
chlp that' amazing- for
the price. . .
Oses 2H'to'lO
71&hs AAA to D
Poceen This taSored broad strap
Is a fashionable partner far day-.
DorctiT A beautifully cut ozlbrd,
with square triangular pud round
pedorauaas. ..-...
Miller s Basement
We Invite "" Jp
you -
. I J t
- rotv 7 at A Vh
-t. ...
- ts -. - -
tw- Ta.
V -
- 1
1 - '