The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 26, 1937, Page 10, Image 10

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    Tit CnrCOJI STATESMAN, Citea, Ortrca, FriJiy Tcinapr ltil
Drey,: Murphy
Film Comics Find Life Amusing
lluzzum Uhich UM Houzq Llellon Gnllcry in Capital
Buy Property
Qubs Gather
Two Major Deals Are Blade
Federation Votes to Hold
For .Business Sites
at Stayton
' Picnic in June at
Dallas Park
PAC3 Tdl
STAYTON, Feb. 25. Two ma
jor real estate sales aggregating
In excess of $16,000, were an-
nouncea nere toaay. Along; wun
the announcement : plana were
disclosed for improvements by
the new owners aggregating
more than 93000.
Walter Frey, former garage
owner here. Is the new owner
of the Tony Schindler building
located on the corner of Third
and Florence "streets, now occu
pied by tne y Btayton . bakery,
Hortsch shoe shop and Safeway
tore. r
Schlndler built the building,
of brick and tile construction.
In liSO. Tt ha m. front r nn
Third street of IS feet and ex
tends back 70 feet. The ; deal
was made through George H.
Bell. local tftr. Tha naw own.
er,! Walter Frey, was a member
of the automobile firm of Frey
and Inglis until several months
. ago, wnen be sold nis interest to
nis partner, ward. Inglis. ; :
The second sale makes Grant
Murphy sole owner, of the Mur
. phy-Gardner Lumber j company
when he announced ! today the
purchase of the Interests of the
two other stockholders In the
Old firm. A. D 'Mnrnli end IBv.
erett Gardner. A new office and
salesroom and warehouse will
be ' added. - The present office
nujiaing is . 29 by 4V feet and
the plans for addition' call for
the construction of a I building
zs by 56 to the present .struc
Joe E. Brown
Martha Raye
Judging: by this unusual photo of two of Hollywood's most talented -
- nvuw ia uiuujiuiwuii w m career aa wwsi
The lumber company will re-1 SIpFVIPPQ I .Sill "! St"!"
In the business nam of Mur- OC V"UCa OUUU4Y
:r-i1a-Anm 'IN.. V l k I t , '
For Mre. Belknap
phy-Gardner. The business was
organized In 1918, with a local
retail yard and saw mill located
northeast of Sublimit in th
JSSSh ".i! Was Pioneer Teacher Over
u DU4iiviu w if uau fc I, J Jew
not available near Its ..present
location, the mm property Is be
ing ; uquiaatea. . When j operated
the plant . employed 35 i men.
To TCraanri ArtlTitw
actiTities of the new firm will be Belknap passed away Tuesday at
expanded to Include a I complete a Salem hospital after a lingering
en vi luuiuer ana uuiiuiiik ma-i ",ucdb.
40 Yean; Sister of
' Robert A. Booth
terlals. Buying connections ! will
pe maintained with mills in the
district and In addition ' nurchas
es will be made on the open
. marxet.
Ida Booth was born In July.
1863. In Yamhill county, near
Grand Ronde on her father's do
nation land claim. In 1867 the
family moved to Wilbur, In Doug
Local demands for I building I las county.
products warrants the expansion I She was a graduate of the Wil-
prusram piannea, according jto I our academy and taught in the
Miuiyuj. ijnai ear me j gross i pudiic scnoois or Oregon 40 years.
Uf,u i ne reian yaras ex-1 sne was married to Edward
eeeded $33,000, with indications Belknap July 28. 1889. To this
wuomesa mis year wiu i union three sons were born, Har-
lD . lan C. of Salem, Gilbert M. of
1 in. Weese, of Route 2,
Was in Misery After Her
Meals Awful! Gas
, Choked Her and Caused
Painful BloatingHeart
Palpitated B o j wj els
Sore and Sluggish -Relieved
by Van-Tage She
Is Now Endorsing it to
Never before in local: history,
say some of the Leading Drug
gists of this city, has any medi
cine created such a sensation In
this section- aa hi Vm.Tin
' This Is the "Amazing Mixture of
Nature's Roots and Herbs and
Other Splendid Medicinal Agents"
How being Introduced to crowds
daily here In Salem, by a Special
Van-Tage Representative., known
as The Van-Tage Man, at 170 N.
Liberty Street. All over Salem,
and throughout Oregon, people
re praising this Remarkble
Compound and are saying. "I
never saw anything like Van
Tage. It certainly gave me relief
, and I want others to know it!"
- For Instance. Just a short time
ago, the following Sincere Testi
monial was Received from Mrs.
Merel Weese, of Route! t. Box
210, Salem. : Mrs. Weese is a
Popular Lady, of this city with
friends throughout this ' whole
section. Read how she found re
lief from her miserable - condl-
' tlon. . . . ! '
Gas Almost Choked Off
. '! ner Breathing!
"For several years," says'Mrs.
weese, "I had surrered terribly
with Indigestion and constlnatlnn
During this past year my eondt-
iion naa oecome so severe that
I was : In . terrible misery. , After
eating," I would have a horrible
gas form on my stomach and It
would bloat me out so that I
was as uncomfortable as It Is
rposslble ' to be. I would have, an
awful stuffv feel in r sa that I
would get short of breath' and
could hardly breathe. This gas
affected my heart too,- so that It
would palpitate dreadfully. My
bowels hurt and were sluggish
and Irregular.
Now Dresses Without
Any Difficulty! :
I had tried a lot of medicines
and had become discouraged De-
cause they did not help me very
much. Then Van-Tage" was rec
ommended to me and I. started
taking it. In few days I was
already ? on the road - to ' recovery
and I knew I was taking a medi
cine that was really helping me.
Before, I couldnt get Into my
clothes, but now that my bloated
alar Salem Lady, Says: I
Have Started i a Number of
Friends on VAN-TAGE for it
Does All It Claims!" Read
Her Complete I Statement I 0
condition la relieved my stomach
nas gone aown several inches
and I have no difficulty with my
clothes. I can enjoy my meals
without going through a siege
of misery now,' nd my consti
pated condition la greatly Im
proved. : Van-Tare baa ert(niv
conquered the swollen condition
of my bowels!! I have already
started a number of my friends
on this medicine. I think it de
serves all the nraise It recelT
for it really does all It claims."
How the 21 Herbs in
.Van-Tage HelpYon
It is the Natural Rarha In
Van-Tage which help to produce
me reuei described above by
Mrs. Weese. - Herbs - have been
used by the Human Race for
Hundreds of Tears. They act as
a carminauve, f laxative, Choia-
gogue and diuretic, thus helninr
cleanse the bowels, bringing
iortn gas and bloat from stom
ach, assisting' Nature In flush
Ing excess impurity from kid
neys and bladder and stimulat
ing the activity of sluggish liver.
Miserable people write us dally,
praising the cleansing and Invig
orating properties of Van-Tage.
and many say they feel like dif
ferent : men . and women after
taking It. Another thing, due to
the Immense volume in which it
sells, the Price of Van-Tage is
Reasonable. So, if yon suffer as
outlined herein, get this New
Medicine ; TODAY! i t
A Special " f Van-Tage 1 Repre
sentative, known aa Tha Van.
Tage Man, is now at 170 N. Liberty-
St Salem.' dallv meetinr
crowds of people and Introduc
ing and explaining this Remark
able Compound.
On Sale at Fred Meyer
Toiletry Shop
170 N. Liberty St,
Jefferson, Ramson Alfred, who
died In infancy. ,
Mrs. Belknap was a resident of
this vicinity and also at , Turner
and Salem nearly all of her mar
ried life. -
. S.he is survived by her husband,
K. H. Belknap of Monroe, two
sons, Harlan of Salem and Gil
bert of Jefferson, and six grand
children, two brothers, Robert A.
Booth of Eugene, J. Henry Booth
of Roseburg, and one sister, Mrs.
Bertha Peterson of New berg.
Funeral services will be held at
1:80 p.m., Sunday at the Simpson
chapel at Alpine In Benton coun
ty with burial in the Alpine cem
etery. - :
Gothes, Bedding
Destroyed in Fire
from an unknown source broke
out in the R. M. Ashcraft Tin ma
on Gerth avenue early Wednes
day night while the family was
away. Most of the clothing and
extrabedding and other things
stored In a closet were destroyed.
Also considerable damage ' was
done to a kitchen wall and th
closet walls. If it hadn't been
for the tlmelr return nf nn nMr
daughter, Louise, and a friend.
tne nouse would nndonhtaftlv
have burned to the ground. The
cause of the fire and the exact
amount Of the' damacn ha nnt
been ascertained.
Durlnr the business ' iiimMik
of the West Salem community
Club last MondaV nlrht tha nrnh.
lem of putting lights across the
hlghwav in front of th tnnnlM-
pal hall was the cause for much
aiseussion. Some wish spot lights
used and others think llrhta
strung; across the highway will
furnish safety enough but no ac-
. I ... a . . . ....
nua win oe usen lm mediately.
Dr. Hosch of Bend inntu nn tha
"Public Ownershin of ntnitii.
Following the program, coffee
and doughnuts were served. The
communitv club will hold ita
meetings on the fourth Monday
of each month as decided last
year. ,
Mr. and Mrs.". Arthur Rrnwn
plan to leave Tuesday on a
week's business trln taht will
take them as far north as Astoria.
Undergoes Operation
JEFFERSON. Feb. IS.- Mr a.
Frank Schults of the Parrlsh
Gap district, who underwent
recent major operation at the
Deaconess hosnltal in Ralam i
making satisfactory improvement.
Youngest Vet?
llelvln Garrison. S3, of Sprlng
fleld, Ov ia believed to bo the
youngest American World war
veteran. Garrison enlisted In
July. 1817. when IS. . nnoxtms
himself older than his ageT and !
erred with Company B, liSth in
fantry or the S7ta dlriaion. At j
the age of 14 he was made a cor- j
poral of aaarhme grua souad, j
a - A a . a k f
was wvunaca sour, umti ounns
us service, ana has teen twice
Perrydale Good Will club enter
tained the Federation of Rural
Women' elube of Polk county.
Wednesday at the ' church beret
with It women present. Mrs. L.
N. LIndemon of Monmouth pre
sided at the meeting. The wel
come was given by Mrs. ' Roes
Chap in of the Perrydale club
and Mrs. Von San ten responded
for the visiting clubs.
Mrs. LIndemon anno In ted her
committees as follows: program,
Mrs. Carl Gregg . of Balls ton;
Mrs. Mark Blodgett of Dallas.
Mrs. Von San ten of Ellensdale.
Mrs, E. S Stults of Perrydale
and Mrs.. Mary Burch of Rick
reall; education, Mrs. Prather of
Beuna Vista, Mrs. Folks, Valley
View, Mrs. Wallle Brown of Pe-
dee, Audrey, Riggs, ' Bridgeport
and Mrs. Lamb of Elklns; , reso
lutions, Mrs, A. E. Uttley, Mrs.
Doe Williams and Mrs. - Alma
Knowers: health, Mrs. Ernie Let-
tlcken of Oak Grove,' Mrs." SteUa
Henery of Zens, : Mrs. Swing of
Brush college, Mrs. Glen Adams
of Orchard Heights, Mrs. Frank
lin of .Sweet Briar. .
Miss Galls county health nurse
gave a talk on her work after
which roll can of the clubs was
called, II clubs responding. El
kins had the largest attendance
for i visiting clubs with II s res
ent. . ... -; . ... ...V
Dinner was served In the club
rooms with Mrs. Cordis Morrt-1
son, Mrs. Clors McKee, Mrs. Dan
Eliot and Mrs. Francis White in
charge. It was decided that the
. . . Architect's drawlnr of Mellon mnsenm In IVaBhtarJon.',, . " . I
Here in a archltecff drawing of the. Impressive iwurblelrtructurs'j 120.000.booT collected by Andrew Mellon, former secretary of the
designed to house the collection of masterpieces, valued in excess of J' treasury, and donated by him to the United States. I
dab picnic will : be held In the
Dallas park In Jane with Bridge
port, Ellensdale and Dallas clubs
as hostesses. ,
Dancers Appear Tonight r
The dancing . class of Mrs.
Dorothy ' Craven consisting; : of
children from Ballston, McCoy
and Perrydale .will be presented
In .the grade school building at
Amity Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Verm ilyea
started work on a fine new house
this week.' They intend to have
a two-story'. home .with . full base
ment of rustle finish with eight
rooms. Their, i. place ' win ' be one
of the nicest in the community.
Last summer they put up a large
dairy barn for 40 cows. , They
have only registered Jerseys.
; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Keyt left
the fore part of the week for
Redding, Calit, to visit their
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Asa' Smith. .
: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Strlckwerda
were married K years ago Wed
nesday. The- day was spent quiet
ly at home. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Strlckwerda have been 111 with
the fin but are much better now.
Hazel InOTaham
i ....... O
! Is Star Visitor
School of Instruction For
: Officers Followed byt .
' j Banquet Meet K;3 ": :
I SILVERTON,' Feb. ,15- Mrs.
Hazel Ingraham, associate grand
matron of : the grand ' chapter - of
Oregon,- Eastern Star, made her
official visit her -Tuesday. In
the afternoon a' school of In
struction . was held - for - officers
and at f :S0 Mrs. Erroll Ross
and her . staff of . officers were
hostesses at dinner at the ban
quet room, in honor of MrsJ In
graham. ;
Chrystal candelabr, yellow ta
pers and ' pastel . shaded carna
tions , decorated the table. Mrs.
G. B. Bentson and Mrs. Ed Banks
-prepared . the dinner. Assisting
with serving . were Miss Jean
Tomlson and Miss Ellen Lerf aid.
Following the" dinner, the reg
ular meeting opened at 8 o'clock.
The - ritualistic work was exem
plified for Mrs.v Ingraham and
the courtesy team, composed of
Miss - Olivia" De Gulre. Miss
Blanche Hubbs. Miss Bertha Aim,
Mrs. R. A. Fish, Mrs. Sylvan
McCleary and Mrs. Dale Lamar,
gave a presentation degree and
Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave present
ed the honor, guest with a gift.
; I During the program hour num
bers were given as' follows: vio
lin solo,- Miss Bertha Aim, Mrs.
Gertrude' Cameron accompanist;
piano solo, Mrs. Cameron. Re
freshments followed - with - Mrs.
ScottMcPike, Mrs. MIna Cooper
and Mrs. A. P. Solie as hostesses.
Leave For Oklahoma ;
PIONEER, Feb. " 21 Mrs O.
C. Dornhecker and daughter
Mary Lou' left Tuesday night for
Tulsa. Oklahoma. where they
will visit her uncle, Alfred Wells
and family and other relatives.
They expect to be gone about
three, weeks.
Fuller Empties
Nest of Skunks
ROSEDALE, " Feb. SS. Skunk
hunting continues still. Mr. Full
er who lives on - the Johnson
place Is said to have discovered
13 of the "cats" in a hollow log
the other day.- Slowly be drew
them, one .by one, from their
homo and annihilated them. -
' Although ' Rosedale ' boasts n6
corner grocery store, the school
children here do get practitce In
buying for they have a ' "Rose
dale grocery" at school where
they may buy commodities from
canned foods to corn flakes; At
least they learn the ralue of
Sunday afternoon the Friends
Christian Endeavor, rally was
held at the church. Keith Macy
from Scotts Mills had charge of
the music and Josph Reece from
Portland brought the message
of the afternoon. Kenneth Elch
enberger from Vancouver,. Wash
preached here Sunday night.
jC Wopfldl's (Eipeaitesi IKettaMeFS of Momme IFiininmSsMiings I
Rich walnut
Reg. $248!
$9.95 BUNK BED
a ..
Regular $16.95
IM VlU Side rail and
ladder included!
$7.95 CHEST
Has 4 big
drawers I
Fbruary Sah Prlcm
$17 can't buy a better mattress I if ade by Simmons espe
cially for Wards, it has famous mattress features I A 210
Simmons inner coil unit I White Java insulator padsl Hun
dreds of layers of felted cotton lint ers! Roll edges! Tape
handles for turning I Covered In herrr woven Tan and
Whhe striped ticking!
Reg. St.9J,?('' Top Plotfonn Spring, 90 Colls . . . . T.8S
Compare With (Groups Up
to $15 Miglicr!
Reg. $4.98
Filled with
oft, fluffy
f ' .
braced topi
Choice of S
I V I -) jjl ti;. AllJ t -. .1
JH 'IflV L'M ''Jl
Regular $12.95
See this outstanding:
mattress value tomor- .
row! Pine quality tick
ing! 169 Premier wire '
mnercoilst Sisal padst .
Layers of felted cotton!
Regefor $1.95 Plowone
$prtefll90ColU...Tj:3 l
, J . S4 DOWN, S5 Monthly -Pies
Catrytng Charge
Buy the group or buy the pieces
- separately! Make op your own bed
room suite or add to what you al
ready have with these amazinvl v low
priced odd piecefl Every item is
furniture youll be proud to own!
. Hwrw'g What You Get at
Wards February Sale Prices
I Big Dresser 2. 4-Drawer Chest '
O. Metal Bed 4. 90 Coil Spring
0. 40 Lb. Mattress 6., 7. Pair of
' Feather Pillows
t II
Hudwooil Fe
extension table I
chain finishes I
folding; lesi la
I Caddie teat
:." Bought before the price lis to
give yon sensational aale value I
Large 9 inch davenport! Attrac- .
r tive rounded -base mouldings!
Fir year motb-rrcei insnrance
, policy iaelsdti. Lavs now I '
14 Down. $7 Moaily, Ceayfsa CXcz
,;J n U
V- . y x. I
: ; -REDUCED! For
Wards February Sales Only!
ier rugs at a low sale
price! Fringed! Xlod
erns and Chinese copies!
27"x43" Axminiter Throw Pi.-
Cegnlarly $2.19! Imported Tlfl
wool t42el iron-ekld backs! JJ"0
c J
7 . A
; PHOIiH C774