PAC'i:x;;i3 Dealers Ofier. Fine Selecttioiu: -'ft-:- Used Cars ,-TliFini; ; l$i ids- The OnHGOri STATESMAN, Cakn, Oressa, YTe'nesdjy I.Icrr.h, TcLrczry ZJ,1S37 StaJesnum Classified Ads CalZ 9101 . 'Classified Advertising Single insertion per line- lOe Three insertions per line 20e Six insertions per line SOe One month per Hne -.S1.00 Minimum charge CP for Oris pes eeied smtB 4ft the evening before publication for classification. Copy recetirea site? thts time wiB be run under MkMdln. Tee Leu te dee-ity.- - ' : ; The Bmiwin mwww eo nnan al reeponslMllt Cor errors which iuV appear Ui advertisements pub lished In Ita columns, and la where this paper ts at fault will re print that part sf an edrertlewnent (. which the typographical eeore :,' ' j .- The Statesman reserves th rtgnt cm re)ect qcstionaW-advertising U further reserve tha right to pUce all advertising under ; tn aropei - otaastflcetlonv Help Wanted - WANTED,i SHOP mechanic Nash experience preferred, referenc Carter. Church Motor Co, 366 N. Com inerclaL TeL 3734. . v Help Wanted Male ATTikT OT iTFP must be good. Old time music See Slim. S N. High St. aUonce. - Situations Wanted Exp. dressinak. Mrs. Adsttt. T. UK TRANSFER, ASHCRAFT. Ttl.lilt RAMSETER truck service. 1354. EXP. STENOO. withes , position. -r- .. Statesman. A ... - - Hand priming, an, 1 For Sale-Miscellaneous Minn tx i'miI. n. naM f limit !l l.Aon .... - - tools, etc. Wood 17 end Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 8-1-l-S. , 161 N. Sum mar In Hollywood. ADDING MACHINES, - cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Kxpert repair service, moderate prices. Roen. Typewriter cixcn. -. . n . -m .r ty nMtd rhr fll range. Liberal discount. See It at Allen's Hdwe. Store. SALE OR TRADE TWO 6-TON Jorgenson logging trailers. One twelve foot all metal over not water wheel and I 300 watt IIS volt generator. .One 100 watt 33-volt generator, one 1500 watt 33-volt gen erator and engine. - One deep -well lump, jack and 750 gallon P,r"yr tsnlL One S heavy duty Studebaker a. Heater and Sona, Sublimity. Or. nrijnj'i-rLrirtiir'i - i m OATS VETCH hay. ' also oats, vetch and alfalfa mix. Service, Stsi, )Vunka Corner. - " j I. ROT. COW fertUlaer. Tel. 82F11. GOLD HILX. agrlcultural-tjme. state tqsted. 98 calcium carbonate. Soil tested free. Order at 1070 Broadway or 4I?Oregon Bldg. ,, :'. 1'' Vnii,-Mairii-iin-i ii-i a . .ai Pins two old. Harvey Walker. Ri T, Bx. 473, Salem. - " v,. CO R. I. Red hens, laying. Ph. 38F2. Trade Miscellaneous 'WILL. TRADE equity late model car for service station coast town or other going business. Box 139, States man. Wanted Miscellaneous j FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, snecp WALNUT MEATS or walnuts to hell, any quantity. Stat Cafeteria. trTf.nirfrra and meatsv SUtt Cat IIOUSEKEEPINQ ROOM for girt, close In. Box 148, Statesman. I Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lodtera. RamagCa, Jt N. Liberty. Phone 876L . For Rent Rooms 1 R. B, Ldy. 85 WK. 1188 STATE. HEATED R. MEN. 848 B. Cottage. vpnvr cr.irir'PTVA room for man. Hot. cold water. TeL 1511. 155 Che sneketa. iqri.rLrxj-Lnnn nrini-ii-i-i-1- i- - . . - - WARM SLEEPING room. Tel. 4.40L SLEEP. RMS. 441 State. Ph. 3887. li-iiiiii -iriniii 1 - -- - RM. LADT. Home pnvueges. IISEKPO. ROOMS. Ill Chetneketa, ROOMS. 725 COURT ST. SLEEPING ROOMS, garafe. racan- rr March 1. 4S is. coitajr. WARM SLEEPING room, close In. TeL 8383. S4S Union. ROOM. BOARD and laundry, 15.00 week and up. 828 &-Hlgh St. Room and Board R. BL CLOSE W. TeL 8001. . R. t GIRLS. TeL 7100. ROOM AND board. TeL 8383. Waia'a's,s1asAeaW ROOM FOR X. Uble board. T. 8S4. EXCELLENT RM. bd. 745 S. Com'L : ALSO TABLE brd. doe In. P. 8335. RM. m BOARXJ, 111 umon-r. sss R, B. Close in. 183 & CommercUL 1 For Rent Apartments f COTTAGES BT week or month. Wood or gas bat. Fairgrounds Cot tages. 3587 Portland Road. S"keenMkssasSjBhAsj MOD. 4-RM. apt. Adults, tit Cnlon. OwfionQjtatesnaii " AOVCRT1SLNO ' Western Adrerttoins Represents tires rnr-HaJi Ce, Ue ' Saa rurm. Lee Amgeles, lest lis Eastern Advertising ' BepresenuttTW Brymnt, Griffith A Branson, lee. Chlcsvge. New Tork, Datrett. -j' Boston. ABaate t statercal mt la rottufftcm m tmUm, Orepon. caVCIas 8efier. Pee lUsetf every rafne eeotp Mm4ap Buint Hie: lit ot C tsiereaw ftreel .-- I - . . , ; gtTBSCRlFTlOJI RATES) t " .Malt Subecrtptloa Raie. la Advaaee, Within Oregon t Dally and Sunday, 1 AIo. to cents: 1 Me. IL; Mo. 3U; Lyeer $4.00. El sew her 58 cents pet w er f 5.00 for 1 year la advance. Fet vopy s eenta. news eteaoa as By City Carrier t 45 cents a S5 r vear In ad vastest For Rent Apartments s RM. APT. - nT S. Coral. - iriiLrxnnn-J X BOOM PARTLY turn. ft is. Lights and water. Adults, 412 Ji. Slat. 000m000000y0W0kjk0 ATTRAC. APT. 637.54. 21 N. 14th. i i .........., RM3. FCRX. 265 Division. W.. ! i --" J t OR 4 RMS. Faro, and heated. Ad ults. 148 N. Church. .Tel. 6287. -iii" " iirLTin uLnruirii nnnnjsn n n r R. UNFURN. apt. Jit mo. 162 Ferry.' ;- ' ,; , ... .. .. - LOVELT R. FCRN. apt sleeping porch, private bath. Employed adults. 88 & Sumner.. ,' FURNISHED ONE room apt, 2241 Haxel Ave. TeL 7444. . -. APARTMENT. 255 - BeUevue SC ... 1 -i -i n 1 1 ii i nn.ri.nj-u X RMSL KITCHENETTE, 1 stoves, unfurnished. 871 8. Com'L For Rent Houses I 8-ROOM MODERN house, 835. 1040 N. Cottage. TeL 7840. - . COZT i 2 R. BUNGALOW, elec stove. Frlgidalre. S2S. at 1235 N. ISh. Call between 3 and 5. ' i . - -1 i i i 1 1 1 1 u-u-uu-ijuT-H 5 R. HOUSE FCRN. 835 N. 18th. 7 R. FURN, 255 Division. MODERN 5-ROOM house. Call 8674. 4 R. NEW HOUSE In S. E. Salem st edge of town. 812.50 per mo. " F. H. WEIR. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 1802. t For Rent OFFICE ROOMS for rent. Ill State St. TeL 1713. . , HOSPITAL BKDS and wliael chairs to rnt H. U Stiff Kurnltura Ca -FOR LEASE, for lumber ca or In dustry, 2 A. on railroad, with side track and bides. TeL 8S77. ". - - - i-1--.-.-m-. irw-i-M-Q'XO.nLru-u- FARM LEASE tor sale, share rent CO A. cultivated, 4 cows and necessary things. Box 147, Statesman. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO rent dairy farm on 50-50 reliable. P. E. JONES. Salem. Or. R. 7. Box 152 WANTED ROOM and board for 4 children. TeL 3485. I For Sale Real Estate i CHOICE LOTS ON PAVED at., $500 wtU finance new homes up to 10 of cost on ong term payments. , W. H. URARENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty St. GOOD BLDG. sites, all In fruit cherries ' A peaches, just N. of city limits on Cherry Ave. Down payment $5 and 5 -per mo. Build your own home, i , ; : F. H. WEIR.' Oreg.: Bldg. Phi. .8902. Pattern Br ANNS ADAMS If there's one thins; more ex citing then watching the first tu lip blossom forth. It's the don ning of a sparkling new frock like Pattern 4321 and hearing the compliments of your family, and friends! Newer than new, this delightful coat-frock Is on in a Jiffy.1 buttoned In a flash, and will keep yon Hiking neat, no matter I how . demanding your chores.) Princess lines flatter the figure no end. 'w h 1 1 e you've choice of omitting the narrow, adjustable belt. A. treat In easy making this charmer, and be coming : as can he with plain or collar-decorated V-neck, short sleeves (convenient when you're "doing dishes) and handy patch pocket. :Tou11 find that any num. ber of inexpensive fabrics will prore Just right for this frock, among them figured cotton. - Pattern 4322 la available in sixes 14. 18. 18, 20. 32. 34. 38. 38. 40. 42 and 44. Size 18 takes 4 yards SC inch fabric Illus trated step-by-step sewing in structions included. - , - Send riFTEE CENTS (15e ts eeias r stasipe (coins preferred for this Asa Adams Batters. Writ plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS ead 8TTLK MUMBEK. ' TCTERT WOMAJI seeds' ear KEW ANNS ADAMS PATTERN BOOK I Order It today asd asarvei st the flov loss eiUaetlon of .8 p I n g fashion "aits" rlasts-glvia sfteraeon sad resiag f reeks eeligktful ell parpose styles for kiddles sad atl-impertaat "Teeas"! Toa'H revet la sUaaalsg SMdels. enlc la ray sport tags, aad thriU to tao siasplieHy of ske easiest Sstteras everl BOOg riPTKEN ENTS. PATTERS EIPTEEN CENTS. TWENTY FITS CENTS fOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TOGETHER. Bead yeer order ie The 8tatessaaa, Pat tarn sspartaa4 Salens, Oregon t For Sale Used Cars t For Sale Used Cars f ' YES . . '. We have the largest and most complete stock of Used Cars in Salem : ' SIX 1936 MODEL FORDS NINE 1935 MODEL FORDS Priced from $450 to $690. ( '- ' Some tcith trunk, radio and heater -J :, , ALSO OVER IOC LOWER PRICED C A RS rNEARLT ALL ' - MAKES AND MODELS " . . Valley Motor Co. : i : OPEN SUNDAYS ; . - THREE LOTS " Center A Liberty Phone 8158 Jim SL Clair - Guy Bond " Marlon A Liberty Phon 7818 t Forest Fulton - BUI Earl - Shorty Mission , Hollywood Servlos SUtion--2121 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 7455 . Ford Col . . For Sale Real Estate"! . FOR SALE. 7 choice bldg. lots near new sr. high school at concession prices for immediate sale, inquire Ct N. ittn. MODERN HOME, rurnace, fire place, hardwood floors. 5 rooms on main floor and one apL to rent Ga rage. $1500 down. baL erma. 1855 N. Winter. TeL-.sssa. XTLrxnjxrLnj-u-ii-irv--M-i-ii i-i ' - - -- ..... GOOD RESIDENCE lot. east front, 24th street near State at little more than cost of paved street aad concrete walk facing it and all paid. Only $375, terms. Phon 8854, owner. . eWasaaaaaPaaSnaa . . rTTt t r.TV1 1YPS swvw-wl - ltvation. AUi A-a a nsw - Paving paid. Close to schooL TeL 3992. . i . .ri:wu..r S R. HOUSE. BATH and lavatory, garage, 2 corner lota Pavement and sidewalk paid. Full price 8800. m C R. house, pavement paid, fun price $1500. $100 down, $15 per mo. 8 R. house on N. Capitol, priced be low its value. , Old house "needs repair, full price $1800, $100 down, $15 per mo. F. H. WEIR. Oreg. Bldg.' Ph. 8902. 24 M ACRES GOOD land 1ft miles from Salem on good road, fair bldga., some fruit, about acres timber with creek, balalnc cultivated, $2500.00, terms. . - ' ' ' s- ' " -Also 10 acres, mostly garden, land, some fruit, bldga. poor, $1300.00, terms. Apt. house for $8000.00, Income over $150.00 per mo. ROSTE1N A ADOLPH -INC ; 110 No. CommercUl SU C ; Real Estate A Insurance Avwrinna(yrn"rnn-iir ------- MODERN HOUSE, well located, owner leaving town, will sacrifice on terms you can handle.. Too cannot af ford to pay rent. Let me tell you about this. ss. . r . " M . 'Soro choice sere tracts left; all In fruit i $5.00 down, $5.00 per mo. " HCfihielda, Xreg. . BWsV.Tel, 8902. EXCELLENT BUT New unfinish ed house, rma, garage, wen. elec, 1 acre, north near Salem. $1050 cash If taken at once. WILLAMETTE REAL. ESTATE 881 State Phon 7113 j Exchange Real Estate i TvrpnftVTrimrNTSL s mL east. Also 200 A. timber land, trade Salem or Minneapolis Minn. G. R. West, R. C, Bx. lli. i ., 1 For Sale Farms i STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM 140 acres about half under plow, two , dwellings, on 4 rooms, on 7 rooms. Large barn and other buildings. Family orchard, 1 wells, fenced and cross fenced, running water. 1 horses, 11 head, cattle, farm toola and equip ment. An goes for only $7200, cash 82000, balance long time low Interest. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. : Phon C70$ 20 A. FENCED, 7 A. In crop, $1200. IS A. I mi, barn, creek, timber, $2500. - 140 A. large bids, silo, creek, tim ber. 80 A. in cult, stock. equlpC. $7000. $1800 cash. Also 175 A. all m cult.. 10 A. cherries, $7000. See F. Grtepentrog, 1940 McCoy SC TeL 4954. Acreage 87 A. ON NKWBend highway, about 10 A. cultivated, old hse. and new 8 rm. cabin, new barn . and chicken house, creek, springs, fruit. Trad for town or country property or equity for what have you f Price $1575. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 Stat Phon 7113 : NOTHING LIKE IT FINE. RICH soil worth much more than ' asked, for cropping; but ' with fin suburban horn si tea, near Salem, rip for subdivision snd at a ridicu lously low price. 27 acres, only $100 the acre. Double your money la a few weeka . Reasoner (certainly) CCS N. High 8 A. FINE SOIL, 7 miles Salem. Good C-rm. house, barn. elec.. 1 A. lo- gans, paved road. A snap at, $1750. Better hurry. 27 A. C miles Salem. 8 rm. house, barn, elec.. water system, paved road. A-l soiL A good buy, $5600, cash or will trad ror house tn town. ., 4 ; R. A, FORKNER V 1858 N. Capitol T : Wanted Real Estate " ' WHY NOT list your property with i R.-A. FORKNER 1852 N. Capitol ; TeL SOU Business Opportunities"! EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer who ha a conducted some of the largest auc tion sales la the northwest, wul open permanent auction house la Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three te flv thousand dollars .required Write bos 57. Salens Statesman. j Money to Loan f" I CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS 1 ' BORRROW FROM an Independently owned aad operated Salem company . here your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before . and after the loan Is made. Interest on unpaid balances Ne fees Qnick, courteous service. r . . WE SOLICIT YOUR -ACCOUNT " . General Finance f Corporation 201 First Natl; Bank Bldg, Salem, Or Phone 8168 4 . r Uo, No. 8-flS -------'---' ' i-in nm n ruuu i.n-.-iir j Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED : MONEY TO buy new r ased earn Private money at vary low ratea No red Up 1 to 2ft months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 301 First Nafl Bank Bldg, Salem, Or Phon 9148 . - Ue. No. M-15S. -Flcash- - TIME MARCHES ON ONLT A FEW DAYS LEFT. AND STILL WE MUST SELL EVERY USED CAR WE HAVE HAD IN STOCK 30 DAYS OR OVER BY MARCH 1st. 1S34 RTTiriC small aeries tourlnc dan In snlendld condition .$CS5 193$ FORD DeLux Coupe equipped with radio and heater - 1938 HUPMOBILE $ Sedan, trunk, heater and many other ex tras --$515 1935 PLYMOUTH Coupe ... $585 1932 BCICK DeLuxe $ wheel Se dan $445 1934 FORD Tudor Sedan $445 1931 OLDS DeLux Sedan $385 1930 BUICK C Sedan 0 wheel equip ped -$"5 1932 DeLUXE 4 door sedan. C wlr wheels, . eqpt. hot water heat er -3J85 193ft BUICK 8 Snort Coup $31$ 192$ BUICK Standard 8 Sedan (com- pletaly overhauled) - .S28B 1929 PACKARD : Convertible Coupe 1930 PONTIAC repainted . Sedan, reconditioned. .$245 193ft PONTIAC Sport Coupe, rumble - seat and sid mounts z 193ft DeSOTO Sedan $255 1930 CHEV. Coup . $216 1931 MARMON Sport Coupe, rumble seat T'a 1829 NASH Sedan 8 wheel pea 1929 PONTIAC Tudor Sedan 1927 BUICK Standard 8 sedan 192$ BUICK 4 Pais. Coup (new paint) $165 1929 Essex Sport Coup .,- $115 1938 BUICK Sedan $115 1928 PONTIAC Cbuoa 8116 1928 J E WETT Coach : $ 95 1927 CHEV. 4-dr. Sedan, com pletely overhauled. -new tires b$115 192$ DODGE Pickup 1927 CHEV. Coup 1927 CHEV. Roadster 1927,. PONTIAC Coach 1927 PAGE Sedan . 1925 STAR Touring 1927 CHEV. Coach .,.,$ S5 S 85 ft 85 it 65 .$ 65 ,$ SO 0-S 25 1925 OLDS' ft 25 1927 ESSEX Coach S 45 1925 BUICK Coach 1924 FORD Coup-. - S 35 -$ 25 Otto J. Wilson BUICK SALES A SERVICE - 181 N. Com'L Ph. 615L 193$ CHEV. Master Coupe, like new. Trade. Terms. 1690 N. 5th St, Salem. Tel. 6908. SALE "27 CHRYSLER Sedan, run ning order, $50.oe. isze waller. !0000000000000j000000040fj0000 SACRIFICE 1929' MODEL A Ford Tudor. Good condition. $125.00. See this at once, am leaving. K. I Dor? man, Jefferson. Ore. TeL 11 FIX. SALE MODEL T light delivery truck. 1C89 -B" St. TeL C75X. . Money to Loan :' v' " Cash " - FOR YOUR WINTER NEEDS BUT THE things you need this winter. Pay cash and save when you shoo. Will lend rou the money. Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 CIS Stat St. at High St. Phon 8740 Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co, of Salem License 8-122. M-1CC. MONET TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property an der the F. H. A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payments. No com mission. Refinance er build a - new home. - W. H, GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS i - 124 a Liberty SL Phon 84 CS rdaral nonslng Mane ttOe 8. build or refinance homes er business pit Lew ratea Abrsms A 131 la. Masenle SOUND INVESTMENTS. Make veur aa vines earn mora In tarsal. Buy a first mortgage on real estate, the best security of all Loans available $30 to $5000. Net Investors 814 te 6. - . CHILDS. A MILLER.. Mtge. Leaae 8100.000.00 TO LOAN PERSONAL AND chattel loans. I to 20 months repaying privilege. Promnt aarvlcev" Also unlimited funds for real estate Kama ' CHTLDS A MILLER. INC Lie. 8-204 , Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Bo fore borrowing. Inquire at. Hawk.ns Roberta, For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coal TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co, Trade and Cottage. DRT IT. aaK. 14 od. a mL north of Independence. - C A. McLaughlin Ranch. Phon independence tjt. I For Sale Wood TH ALL K1ND8 of wood. Reasonable. 807 MIU St. TeL 4859. Weathers. . DRY WOOD, teas. Tel. 8858. eaeaaaasesasaaaeasMasa DRY". WOOD, Phon 8708. DRY 2ND growth wood. TeL $673. ALL KIJCD3 OF WOOD. Tel 8618; 0000000000000000000000000 18 IX. OLD fir, $5.50,, TeL 8818. Lost and Found LOST, TALK keys, ret. SUUsman. AFTER THIS date IwUl not be re- I sponsible for nay debt contracted by I any on but myseU. uenry jl xseison. Fab, 34. 1987. . - . ' qulp- $15 195 $145 W- For Sale Used Cars We Do Not Have' Here Are a Few of the Reasons ' r 1818 CTIEVROLET SEDAN LANDEATJ STYLE EXCELLENT RUBBER ORIGINAL FINISH UPHOLSTERING VERY GOOD MOTOR IN GOOD CONDITION A CAR' WITH MANY MORE MILES OF CHEAP TRANS portaton '-. -- y , . v- r-- y lllft FORD COUPE NEW PAINT GOOD RUBBER SPOT LIGHT AND IN A-l SHAPE; A REAL BUT IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A MODEL A COUPE PRICED TO SELL . 1930 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE RUMBLE SEAT HAS ORIGINAL FINISH ITS TIRES. FINISH. UPHOLSTERY SHOW LITTLE WEAR ITS MOTOR HAS BEEN CAREFULLY TUNED AND CUECKED-FULLY GUARANTEED AND ONLT 1931 PONTIAC SPORT COUPE THIS CAR CAN HARDLY BE TOLD FROM NEW IN EXCELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT ONE YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN AND DRIVE, CARRIES THE FAMOUS O. K. TAG NOW . 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE BEAUTIFUL NEW BROWN FINISH ENTIRE CAR HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED. SEEINO THIS EX CELLENT BUY WILL CONVINCE YOU THIS PRICE IS RIGHT. SOLD WITH AN O. 1C THAT COUNTS . $325 1931 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A REAL BARGAIN IN A SMALL ATTRACTIVE CAR, SEE THIS SEDAN TODAY. ITS FINISH. TIRES AND UPHOLSTERY SHOW LITTLE WEAR NEW PAINT AND FULLY GUARANTEED Liberal Trades - - -Loir G. ill. A. C. Terms McKay Chevrolet Co. 33S Center Phone NOTE SEE OUR NEW BUILDING " NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION - ON MARION ST. CAR LOT . Personally Indorsed! With - Written Guarantee . ? PLYMOUTH 38 DeLUXE TOURING SED A N built In trunk, steel body, safety - glass, hydraulic brakes, radio, heat er, -two fog lights, original finish, " Interior like - new ; very low ralle- age; real value ... ., $696. - PONTIAC 31 STANDARD COUPE; re finished navy blue ; new tires; motor per fect : ; : $395. HUPMOBILE 32 CENTURY DeLUXE SEDAN, fen , - der wells. Interior f InUb, Just like v new ; new tires ; for -real value, see I today a :. $395. - - - MANX OTHERS - WE TRADE C FINANCE I STATE MOTORS, INC. High st Chetneketa . Hudson-Terraplane-Packard ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF v . APPOISTMEST ' Notice ,is hereby glYen that the undersigned has been, duly appointed by'the County Court of . the State of Oregon, .for the County of Marlon, as Adminis trator of the esUte of Alice M. Rigby, deceased, and that he has duly Qualified as such Adminis trator; all persons hiring claims against the estate of said dece dent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me st the office of Ronald C. Gtorer, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon' County, Oregon, within slit months from the date of this notice. : Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 17th. day of4 February. 1137. W. T. RIOBY, Administrator of the Kstate of Alice M. Rigby, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. P. 17-14, M. 3-10-17 Cards tn this: directory oa a aaoatbly basis . only. ' Ratet 8)1 per It per moath. Auto Drakes 1 Mrke Paaek. 278 ' South ' Commercial Bicycles nrffvm.icA ncw a ssnoBditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 S. ComX Ph. 461 A Brashes. 1 FULLER BRUSHES. So. Side, TeL C724.S788 Brooks St. - Eve, appoint ments. , I Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 446a R. 89. Northn Chiropractors DR. O. L. SOOTT.rSC ChlropraotOC. i N. Higa. TeL nee. sisa Excarating EX CAY ATI NG OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Proa 9408. . ?- - j - -;- . . ; - ' Florists 1 BrelthaoprsV 4T Court. Ph. 8904. I- Fan 1 Da BAIN Fur Co. Cmsstor fuiitoi and Mignra Rat, A MQlev Bids.- . E L&cndries TH" NEW SALEM LAUNDRY " THE" WEI PER LAUNDRY . - 868 SL High . ; TeL $118. CAPITAL? CITY .LAUN DRT v FIRST IN Oualitv nd Service Telephone 816$ .1384 Broadway Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG' end Mattross Factonr. J4EW UATTRITJIx naJa to drder. old remade: earset einnx. Ing; fluff vug weaving 8. 19th A TU- bur. TeL 8441. OTTO P. ZW1CKER. Est. 1811. . Busi ness Directory For Sale Used Cars Many Used Cars at Written Guarantees - Better Cars SI 89 43ft N. Com'L All-Day Quilting Party Held at Pleasantdale By Members of Needle Club PLEASANTDALE, Feb. 23. Ten members of the Aloha Need le club and two guests attended the all day Quilting held Thurs day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Crabtree. The guests were Mrs. Howard Lockwood and Mrs, Ralph Hadley. A covered dish luncheon waa served at noon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wen dell Wlllard. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huffman .and fsmil. who hare resided In the Paul sen house the last three" years mored Thursday to Portland to be near their father who u el derly and ill. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lockwood of Whiteson moved Into the house vacated by Huffman's. the Walter Fendrich Buys Reimer Lease on Sutter Farm North of Monmouth OAK POINT. Feb. 23 Mr. Mrs. . Walter Fendrich, who and has been llring on the A. I Sutter ranch are moving today to the Calet farm north of Monmouth, Fendrich has . leased the - farm equipped until October 1 There are It acres In the place, 11 of which are In alfalfa and six- in winter .oats. He has bought: out the lease of Mr. Reimer. Mrs. A. I Sutter was hostess Sunday to a birthday dinner com plimentlng her husband and his sister on their anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Chllds and daughter, Betty of Salem. Mattresses CAP1TOI HKDDINU TtX Phone 4069 - Music Instruction MEISINGER STUDIOS, 1032 .Oak. TeL 7116. Accordion, modern piano, guitar, ciuoa Music Stores GEO. C WILL Ptanoe, rsdloa, sawing machines, sheet araals aad plane stad ias. Repairing radios, phonographs aad sewing tnachtnoa 488 - State street Photo Engrarins SALEM- PHOTO engraving. 14T N. commercial. Tel. 6II7. - Printing FOR STATIONERY, earda eamoh- tta programs, books er any kind of printing, call lb Statesman Printing Department, SIS SJ. CJosnmorctat. 11- Lpnon SISU .... . j Private Detective j Newell Wlinams, Bo 117. Tel.- 371$. ' SewinT Machine Repairs"! C E. LEA TH ERMA N. Ph. 8676. 1162 .WaUer. t: I t . Stores and Fence WX REPAIR stovea. ranges, drcula. tors. 8ell new and rebuilt stoves, ran ges - and circulators, wire . fence and renc poets, eaiem renco ana stove Works. 262 Chemokets. TeL , 4711 e.i Et, Flemmg. . yJ j ,r ; , - . Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer Ster eo, call 3131, Lanner Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland dally, - . :f ; CAPITAL CITY Trasafer Co. 826 Stat St. TeL ITTX. Dlatribotlng. for- warding aad storage our speciauy. et tir rstea . - ,. . - . . Veil Uri..irr I R. A. WEST, RV C 44$. t. iiort. NOTICE OF Fl.VAL ACCOUJiT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That . the undersigned . John H. Lantermaa, Executor of the Last Will ' and r Testament of Maria - P. Lauterman, deceased, har filed in the County , Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County his Final Account, and that said Court has, by an order thereof, designated ' Thursday, the 11th day of March. 1927. at the hour of ten (18:00) ef clock In the forenoon - of said day, at the County Courtroom la the Court House at Salem. Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and the settlement of said estate, at which said time and place ' all . persons " so objec ting shall v appear and show cause. It any there be, why ssid Account should not, in all things, be allowed and approved, the said estate settled and closed, and the Executor discharged. -- . JOHN H. v LAUTERMAN, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Maria Pr ' Lauterman, - deceased. RAY L. SMITH. . - . ROSS ex FORD, Attorneys for the EsUte. F. .10-17-24-M. 3T10. ,;. . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLKMK.VT Notice Is hereby glren that the undersigned have -filed .In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, ferx the County of Marion, their duly verified final account, as the Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Mar ion A. Follett, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday,' the 9th day of March. 1937, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. as tbe time, and the County Court Room in' the County Court House at Salem. In Marion Coun ty, Oregon, as the piece for hear ing said final account, and. all ob jections thereto. - -Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3rd day of February.. 1937.: .. GEORGE W. HENDRY, CHRISTINE HENDRY, ' Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Mar lon A. Follett, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executors, Salem, Ore. F. 2-10-17-24 M. 3. : BUY DOG IJCEXSES NOW -Dog owners are agsin notified that an act of the legislature re quires that all dogs over eight months old must be licensed be fore March 1st to avoid payment of the fl.00 penalty for delin quency, a license, on a male or spayed female dog la now $1.00; after March 1 this must be In creased to $2.00. Until March 1 female dogs can be licensed for $2.00; after that the license fee must be increased to $3.00. Dogs becoming eight months old after March 1 may be licensed without penalty at any time before they become eight ' months old. ' Mail letters ' With, money tor li censes to U. - O. Boyer, County Clerk, Salem,7 Oregon. Enclose the proper fee and state the breed and sex of the dog, and your name and address. This notice published by "au thority of f the - Marlon - County Dog Control - Board, C. C. ' Can non, Secretary. ' TJ. G. BOYER, . County Clerk. F. 20-24 Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 5 16 20 22 23 van 2f 30 32 33 36 3? 38 HO HH H3 HI WO 33 3i 33 5-7 SO Us EUGENE HOUZONTAL 40 feminine 5 dipped la liquid ' 4U mineral spring- 42 w tap a dead body' 43 vehicle . 45 Hindu ruitar 47 made level SO celestial beinr -83 -ventilate) 64 models li Hawaiian food 17 thlnxj in --law W scorches C3 -consume X2taekaTS lSpertainisa- . to birth : .l4V-atiT ' . mm pound " 15 people f - ancient V '' Borne 17 wttl troenL' , " trrated ' ; state . 19 angry ' . 21 short sleep ' 23 Anglo-: , " Saxon alars t eonsteHa. :. - , tion ;,. 18 sesds of ws-known : Yine . 23 tereraja v. 30 most replete with life -(eoHoa.) 82 tirthplaes ; el AJbraham ; S5 seat of a v ' bishop's ' -authority 1 1 ' dsnce step 25 towards 2 5 look of , Bames sad -addresses 23-tranagress Kerrtrfth Is tha terdiy's puzzle. i 'Jl ' J'm O ,!Vn .. ... ; - jK ! o -1 Lb n ir. a 1 By MAT CHRISTIE (Continued from page 4) to a high, mountain?" He thought: Counfound the girl! She's sharp! But her quick wit whetted his admiration. "m lead you to the top of the mountain on Icaiia ."And offer me the earth?" ' "I would if I had It, but I'm not omnipotent. Why, now you're laughing?" he said aggrieredry. "I was thinking of poor Icsrus who wsated to flap his little wings and tumbled Into tbe sea. ' That was the end of his trip. Don't you see the analogy?" "No. I do not." He waa still" annoyed. "Icarus at least took a chance. He was no cowsrd." "Nor am I. I'm only far-seeing, or trying to be. Maybe, who knows. I will visit the Isles of Greece. 'Handsome,' if you'll tell me more about them. Maybe 111 become a lady novelist and eo there and write about them. Be sides yourself" she twinkled "would there be any good-look-Ing men on Icaria to Inspire me? Maybe you're right about me re minding .you of Sappho, and I'd burst into poetry?" He grinned -at her kidding. "As a - matter of fact, the purest-blooded Creeks and therefore the handsomest do lire on that island. I took Greek at Yale, and the last time . was on -Icaria ' I beard phrases and words:' that were pure Homer." ?. . . .. "You mean, you saw men look ing exactly like, the Adonises -in the sculptures and friezes?" she inquired. Luana as always waa attracted by beauty tn the male, as by. beauty In everything abe saw. 8he realized that It would beV hard for her to fall In love with a homely man because mas- cullne good looks meant much to her. 1 . jt "Handsome" understood ' that. Hadn't he had unique experiences with women? He enjoyed his nick name. If the truth were I0I4. al though he pretended to belittle his appearance. Even apart from his money. It had brought, him plenty and he was grateful for it, and did everything to enhance it. He was thirty-two years old. (To be Continued,) . , Chief of Police Gives Warning on Card Games Running Past Midnight . SILVERTON. Feb. 23. C. E. Hartford, chief of police, an nounces that local pool . tables and card games proprietors have become a. little lax. so he has. re Issued a warning tht -all such must cease play promptly at 12 o'clock midnight. - Two more tra'ffie violation fines were paid Monday when J. R. Westing and C. C. Amos were haled Into police court by Chief Hartford and each glren s $3.59 fine by Judge George Cusiter. 7 II 17 18 21 23 26 27 2 31 31 33 31 'A H6 SO 3 02 36 3f SIlEFFElr VERTICAL . 10 make a mis.! 1 aalt . take ergs 11 bora S Aim formed ie-2wrath 4 feminine -friod ef name I i astro- . ments click' ed together , - to accom pany dane 83 not ta Guido's 22 musical study 23 email European finch 25 one who estimates the worth of scald rood T-convert Into tjOpJtf V,, leatnar , S Erltjih Unit vrji saia cz - wuies. aolnrian 4 woo. 11 eomtenato wines $3 porUUs 37 of water -. 23 Italian ' fodJess cf arrests S3 Sooth , '. : American , .blanket. J -42 -vehicle ' J . 44 traps f 45 tssiizizn - name 47 sense erjaa 4 5 contend -43 cclr u II IS tit ti '.i.a . 8bb ti fither ' 777