The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1937, Page 6, Image 6

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Tfc CrJIGOir STATriIAN, Cri, Orta, lienor, Fttzxarr 24, 1SS?
Society . . Clubs
News: and' . 'Features .of . Interest to' Women
ZIAXINE BUREN Women' Editor.
Styles .Food
Women of Rotary
Plan Meetings
For Spring
rriHB patriotic motif was used
J daring the noon meeting of
the Women '.of Rotary when
they gathered at Godfrey's for a
luncheon on Monday. Plana were
mad for sewing to be done at the
Salem general . hospital and also
for the Jane garden party to De
siren at the home of Mrs. Homer
Smith. AH members- were urged
to be present at the spring meet
ings In order to complete these
plans. '
Miss Daisy Bevans, representa
tive from Clackamas county, gave
a resume of the house bills she
has Introduced during the pres
ent session. -
Those present at Monday's meet
ing were: . v
- 1IESDAME3 t . ' . '-
Oeerc Arbockl O. H. Ormbmtiont -
ft P. Bishop . R. J. H.adrieka -
' . 1. A. Low -, ...
A. V. Marcos
J. E. Monroe -J.
E. If illirui
H. H. (Mincer
Dale Taylor
K. If. Pirkeas
H. H. Smith
C. A. 8praa
TTn Stewart
Y.W.C.A. Drive Extended
Until Goal Reached
Three thousand one hundred
and ten dollars has been raised In
the recent drive by the - Young
Women's Christian association ac
cording to Mrs. Karl Becke, chair
man of the finance drive. Four
thousand fire
Brnc Baxter
.ealr Barr
T. Barr
Erie Butler
M. C. Find ley
ft L. Byra
Silas Oaiser
B. E. SUsoa
W. T. Jenka
E. F. Smith
t ';- - .
Wednesday! February 21 :
Junior GuUdjrof.SC Paul's
Episcopal; church Jitney lunch
eon, 11 a.m. to' 1 p.m.- at parish
house. Public Invited. ,
F.OJSLes.r'd party. Fraternal
-temple, public invited.
.' Royal Neighbors silver tea,
with Mrs. Bertha Loveland. 405
Sooth 25th street. . -.V
Silver tea.- Knight Memorial
church. 2i3Q pTm. ry
" All day quilting party, Wo
man's auxiliary -of -Disabled
A m e r 1 c a n .Veterans of the
World War, with ;.Mrs. Vera
Ostrander, route t, box 537,
no-host luncheon. - iS iV-";". .
Ladies Aid, First Methodist
church, no-host luncheon 1 pum..
Book Review club meet with'
Mrs. J. A.1 Brownson. 1 1270
North Church; street, 2 p.m.: 1
' Presbyterian' Ladles Aid so
ciety friendship-meeting with
Mrs. L. O. Clement,: 2:30 p.m.
t Thursday, February 23 -
Town and ' Gown club,' at
Lausanne hall, 2:30 p.m.
K.C.K.T. club, with Mrs. Ray
Clark, 1495 North Commercial
street, 2 p. m.
Hollywood Merry-Go-Round
with Mrs. Lottie Olson, 2 p. m.
Capital auxiliary number 11, ,
with Mrs. Elsie Townsend, 1545
D street, 8 p.m. . i '
Friday,' February 26
Rickey Sunshine club, with
Mrs. J. C. Simpson, route 6,
2 p.m. ; ; .
Midi Roberts To ;
Present Concert
In Portland
MISS Mildred (Mlldl) Roberts,
daughter of Mr. and Mn. John
J. Roberta of 'Salem, will give a
. Tlolin concert this morning at a
joint assembly of St. Helen's hall '
junior college and ' high school
students In Portland. This will be -In
the nature of a home-coming
. celebration as Miss Roberts Is an
alumnae of St. Helen's hall, havs
ing. graduated with the class of
1229 of which, she was president. ' .
Miss Roberts and Iter, mother
have recently returned to the
coast from an extended stay in
the east. , . -
Her performance at St. Helen's'
. hall : will be . her only scheduled
'concert in Portland on her pres-'
ent Pacific coast tour. She will be ; '
accompanied on the piano by Lu
clle Cummins of Portland. Spon
soring her appearance at the school r '
Is the Triad musical organisation.
of the hall, with Its - officers In
f charge of arrangements. Including '
Miss Wllda Jerman and Miss Patsy ; "
LiTesley of - Salem, now attending :
; St Helen's Hall. f
t Hiss-Roberts first Tiolin. teacher '
i was William Wallace Graham, who ' .
: gave her lessons from the time she t
was a child In Salem up until her! .
graduation at the hall where. he:
was head of the violin department
until 1934. Miss Roberts then went
to Dresden, Germany to continue
her musical training with Wal- ;
lace's former teacher, the lata '
Stijlc- jniiUi - - -fy (ftttchtn,
4 '
- - i
French: Recipes oidGen:
A Meatless Main Dish . Easily uade
- - npHK principles which govern.
. For Intenileal t 1 SS'ssri
: : . : . ; r , .r' v this art. One? temr. vamd often by
.. -.i -.;- - - writers on arrancrnaaat is mass.
rglHE French know their shrimp and have many srood rec- Just what does a .mass an-ange-X
ipes useful in American home cooking. Egg and shrimp llV.
Benedictine is a good suggestion for main dish now that VnSS
eggs are comparatively low and Lenten season demands an . a guide?
e!xtra meatless meal each Week. -'' : A mass arrangement Is one
"' Wet pack shrimp have only been in western markets for . wbich comprises- many powers.
a few varahnt are molster ana f,l"u m
more delicate in flavor, than the
dry pack. "
DICTINE '" Mash shrimps and .season with
salt, pepper -and a dash' of mace.
moisten with cream sauce." Shape
"Well, anyway, I didn't burn the Coffee.
O Imogen" To Be
Presented By
' A N Interesting: event scheduled
' i. lor tonight . Is the . presenta-
tlon of "O Imogen," a-comedy of
:l ': the . gay nineties,- which .will- re
, 'place the regular meeting of the
; American , Association . of Dniver
' sity Women, at the ' Elks club at
8:15 o'clock. G nests for the af
fair will be members of tbe as-
- sociatlon, . their escorts, friends
and legislator's wives who are
members of the other A. A. U. W.
. . Mrs. James Tate Ruber s dl
, rectlng the play. Members of the
cast . ire Miss Beulah Graham
Miss - Elsie Holman. Miss Ruth
' Versteeg, " Miss . Clara Schannep
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stewart, Dean
Goodman . and - Arthur Lam k-a
Miss Graham who plays the lead'
hundred is the goal DfiZir f ntilitifi ln EPe. and she has made sev-
and the drive will continue until MJU.M, i crc uu.u,uKJ U ai eral
Spaulding Home
Thursday j
rNE of the smartest affairs of
1 1 the u eek I will Te the buffet making food donations are ask
luncneon lor , wmcn Airs. u to Dnng tnem to tn ball in
the amount is reached. Those who
have not been contacted or hare
not sent In their cards, are asked
to get in touch with the Y. W.
C. A. Immediately as it will be
greatly appreciated.
Mrs. A. M. Chapman presided at
tbe boardr meeting Tuesday morn
ing. Mrs. J. R. Simonds led the Charles K. Spaulding, wife of Sen- the morning. Mrs.. Matilda Na
"".J11 V ,onr 'ears. He wwie to "t and bacon tnefr .ftrrowrul from inattention, lit
-.iuCU jo,ni concerts With her . U .VJ :": 1V-V. o. - In-. ,.. V. A .win-M.KI. .
thought and talent has been lavished on styling and designing for penence , in piays at wiiiamette
the cotton family, it no longer feels like a noor relation of the silks university. She has been a mem-
and satins. From an infinite variety, we've selected the photograph
ic print above for your delectation today. Not the flower alone, but
the sunlight and shadow of your kitchen garden are printed, nat
ural as life, on fresh, cool cotton. And. with a fir for economv. the
pretty stuff gathers a wide yoke Into tireless shirring all round. U members of the Salem Civic
and sleeves into veritable balloons. Tiny buttons trip down from a players. 'Art Lamka and Mr. and
narrow neckband to an upward curving waistline. Ribbon ties are MrB Stewart have had conslder-
born in the seams of the front panel to grow Into a great big little aoie experience in wiuamette ara
concert tours in the United
States. ;
Tbe Townsend clubs of the
city will have a turkey dinner at
St. - Joseph's hall on Thursday
from 5:30 to 8 o'clock. All those
ber of the Chemeketans and is
now directing1 the Salem Civic
players. Miss Ve r s t e e g. Miss
Schannep and Miss Holman are
devotions : and Mrs. W. C. Jones
reported for the legislative com
mittee and also reviewed Dr.
Maude Royden's speech on peace.
Miss Ethel Cutler, of New York
city, a national secretary of the
Y. W. C. A. wlU be in Salem the
last week of March and will at
that time address the local Y. W.
C. A.
United Brethren Group
Meets at Giese Home
The U. BT. M. A. met at the
home of Mrs. Henry Giese on Lee
street - Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Robert Clark presided at the
girl's sash bow In back.
ator Spaulding. will be hostess don of 1885 north 4th street Is
Thursday afternoon at her-home ln charge of the dinner.
on Court street. The luncheon is
being arranged for tbe pleasure
of a group of the femine con
tingent of the legislature who are
in the capital during the session
and additional guests.
Guests will be seated at Indi
vidual tables ani) nlirpn will ha
marked for thirty. The serving Tf . ANNUAL MARTHA
table wiU
the afternoon! will be Mrs. Lewis ot the "brary Saturday afternoon sergeant-at-arms; CI villa Reebr
Copyright 1937, Esquire Features, Inc.
In the Valley !
Social Realm
Girl Reserves Elect
New Officers
: The Girl Reserves Of Parrish
elected as new officers for the
, Costumes fcve been loaned for
the play by Mrs. O. K. - DeWitt,
Mrs. C O. Higgins, Dr. Helen
Pearee, Miss Dorothea Steusloff,
Mrs. R. W. Hans Setts, Mrs.
Charles V. Galloway and Mrs.
Karl Becke. The committee in
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Mclntyre charge of properties wish to ack
entertained Sunday at their home nowledge the cooperation of
Birthdays Honored at
Mclntyre Home
coming season, Laurlne Cross for on Caerry aTenae on the occasion Mends who have generously lent
of the birthdays of Mrs. Daisy them for this production.
Mrs. verne Mclntyre and Mrs.
Kenneth Fitsgerald are ln charge
of costumes and Mrs. Waldo C.
. . . . . .. . . .
M v .Mw; " ... w . --i ry . . . -. . ' lIHTI WOT. Mr an1 M P,. W II ..-. -
Griffith Mrs.fRoy H. Mills, Mrs. t,??raae" ln P" of as councumember and Lois Rob- Ho of Aberdeen. Wn Mrs. hndUn properties. Miss Mar-
.. . the inclement WMthor Inann nrnmm otii prnin nwnw DI Aueruceu, " sars. . v.. .v-
vvauer i. spauiaing a n a Airs. ' VI
IU be decorated with pussy- WASHINGTON TEAsponsored by for vice-president; Myra Madsln McintyTe and Mrs. Lloyd Mcln
, spring flowers and tap- wo o db urn Woman's club I as secretary; Betty Mae Miller trye. PussywUlows and cyclamen
sisting the hostess during w.h was heli ,n the club room ' treasurer; Betty Robinson as decorated the rooms.
George R. K.: Moorhead. Follow
ing the luncheon an afternoon of
The room was attractively dec-
in, on as program chairman. olwr C'-0 nea U n"
meeting,and Mrs. Irene Macdon- cards will be enjoyed.
u bt3 iue icsBun. airs, nay
Webb assisted the hostess ln serv
ing the luncheon.
Those present were Mrs. R. B.
Clark, Mrs. Aj E. Henderson, Mrs.
Eldon Johnson, Mrs. Bessie Webb,
Miss Emma Graham, Mrs. Susan
Vi-r rl b-owo . . ... ....... " . tn for tb TtlaV.
lows and flags and the tea table p. a rn TdmIit Thn.. ' W'T ft nu. .T 'r - vvr TT; -xtt-m
. . es . u n a ueuiiiun, air. ssuu Airsi. n iiiiiiiii m i i ri inn v i
Woman's Press Club la
Entertained Tuesday i v
was arranged With a centernlM -.-I IT ' -o u a a wonoa, r. aa jars, nuuiaa B VJUltJ
if DrSrosfsand Li1u$n? i1 Mason. Ra- James Stephanos, SUyton, Mr. tt
pers oT7 l?eT riof? Unted u" : jaona Hnddleston. Betty Mae Mil- and Mrs. Edward Zelllnskl Sheri- Have Program
pers oit a lace ciotn. ? , i.- rjnrhi Omm rvt j . .. . . - .
Mrs. B W Dunn im-mMm ' . lam, jars, uaisy jaexniyre . ana
thfcVa SrwSeom S JS Tarou. h Je " hOSte"-
talk, after which the following ; S!m- o SatuVdav fh T CaUltt Uter n the day. were
program to charge of Mrs. How- ifi vZ, .f L Mr- "d Mrs. William Ryan and
ard Miller wai presented. Vocal JSSJ 0f Un' Tonnf 0B Co?rt PtrlcU Ann ot Portland. Mr. and
Mrs. Job n Hflntn ni Vra PnH-
oranam. jars, ijescoit, Mrs. Irene ert sprague entertained members T " Cl" . v reai?u- vocai .street.
.vio,.. tay tvcdo ana of the Salem Woman's Press club f . -ui -emoer- s .
the hostess yesterday. Stoot ?mn i:Z ?:JK7T 1 Fl
home on Saginaw street. A des- ? Rirro- u '.T w.HitT ttt
sert ocbeon w.. served by txFmJBMEti Green Monday
k ki hiC motU mon Luclna Homann; vocal Employee, of Safeway store.
S. It decorations. duet. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kleen; d their guest, were entertaln-
ft,iernoon -" spent - violin solos, - Alfred Mathleson; d at a gay dance Monday night
formally following a short busi- two numbers bv an octetta frr, at Hazel Green. . Barnev Kronn
Girl Reserve Groups
Active Today
The ninth grade Parrish Girl
Reserves will hold a dinner meet
ing at the Y. W. C. A. tonight
from five to seven o'clock with
Miss Betty Taylor, advisor, ln
charge. Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher, rp' Kietzin
win organize a new Girl Reservef H ffilw. '
group at Bush school this aftet? frA' 1
noon after school with Miss Es- Addisos iB. jr.
ther Peterson as advisor.
' Miss . Elizabeth Rosa, n m w 1
ejected president of the Tri-Y Swimming j Party Held
club, is calling a cabinet meeting & s J y
curing the noon hour today at the i By lOnne ! Glance I
high school. f 1 !
The Bonne Chance club held a
ness meeting.!
Those present were:
Strphea A. Stone Stephen Merrlar
. E. Thorn a -A.
It. Lindbeck
E. A. Brown
W. A. Seatt
Joha Miata
Robert RprairM
m .
'Mrs. Bernard Young
Honor Guest at Tea
, Mrs. Bernard Young (Lova
Buchanan) of Roseburg who is
in the capital during the legisla
tive session with Representative
Young, was the honor guest at
a tea Monday afternoon tor
which Mrs. William Wymer was
hostess at her home on 17 th
plunge party Friday evening at the
Y.M.C.A. for members and guests.
Refreshments followed the swim
ming. ' ! :
Guests included Misses Reba
Geer, Kay Miller, Barbara Howe,
Rita Mae Hill, Sylvia Tehle, Neva
Yeater, Irene Welch,. Florence
Hanson. Members present were
Misses Dorothy Rulifson, Barbara
Taylor, Helen Miller, Clarice Kol-
the Wood burn high school, direct- nd bis - orchestra furnished the
ed by Howard Miller; vocal solo, music for the semi-formal af
Wayne B. Tennant; vocal duets, fair. Refreshments were) served
Frances Thompson and Mabel Di- during the evening,
rerness; vocal trios by the Herlg- L Guests of employees were Mr.
sud triplets: readings, Viola land Mrs. SUnley Maves, Mr. and
Mills; piano solo, Mrs. James i Mrs. Ackerlen, Mrs. Hugh Goud
Green; tap dancer Betty McLaugh- iot Portland, Mr, and Mrs. A. M.
lin; vocal solo, Howard Miller; Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
minuet in costume, Joan Beck, lYeager.
Betty Frentz, , Vivian . Haaa and : - "'"' -
Rose Field; piano solo, Vera Jean
Huber; mixed quartet. . Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph. Kleen. Mr. and Mrs..
Howard Miller :
Presiding at the tea table were
Mrs. Kstherine Powell, Mrs. Hen
ry Hal!, Mrs. W. D. Simmons and
Mrs. E. N. Hall. ,
idan. Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre and Installation of officers of
host and hostess. Woman's Union will follow the
Calling later In, the day. were 3 'clock luncheon at the First
congregational cnurcn on Wed
nesday noon. An Interesting pro-
Mrs. H. Huntley, Stayton. Mr. and consisting of musical sum
Mrs. Frank Haberman and Mrs. rs by Cloyd Rlffe of Willam-
WU1U Keithley. - ette university and a talk by Jus-
- tlce George Rossman on George
. Washington Is i planned. - Mrs. E.
Tb B Review- club wOl J. Donnell is in charge of the
meet with Mrs. J. A. Brownson luncheon,
at her homo on north Church ' '
street this afternoon at 2 o'clock . . -
for a study -hour. mTmmm ,
sign which reveals .little back
ground through the flowers. It
-contrasts with a 11m arrangement,
which depend for Its effect upon
few flowers, and is distinguished
by an outline which is open and
reveals a background ot wall or
into flat cakes, sllghUy depressed . other object
In the center. Put a poached egg " The line arrangement has been
on each, pour 'in a rich cream most popular among specialists re-
sauce and garnish with parsley.
; This same recipe may be varied,
and perhaps made even. better by
frying the cakes until brown, put
ting the egg on and the cream
sauce around and garnishing.
Another shrimp recipe, practi-
'cently, both ln tbe Japanese mat
ner and the modern, especially
the latter. In which rhythmic ar
rangements are possible to fit is
with the many extremes of the
modern Idea of decoration.
The mass arrangement Is ntlU
cal for a main dish Is one com- practical and agreeable to those'
bining ' tomatoes - and ctorn wih of us who appreciate the fine be u-
i.?-... flBh- ; ty and fragrance of flowers. But
SHRIMP, CORN AND TOMATO to those who are overmuch in-
c , STEW clined to practice this type ot
v 9 contfn ?' can of whole flower setting, a few" precautious
kernel corn In butter, add 1 table- afe ln order
!?C?'t!r"?lre Tf' Th mas. arrangement Is in-
fori.tSf nk ,?n- u 12 cIInd to be heavy.' and forms a
tomatoes. Cook until well heated v ! .
SJS'ti. uldU:beTeV onir upon a
stir ln a large can of shrimp of mnU .nnn-t nt),n,t,i. . n-
waiaa 's'i'w rmaaaw tas aa SB) tiuaj SBS w
rangement for two or three flow
ers gracefully set ln a low bowl '
might be attractive on a spindling
occasional table, the same table
would look grotesquely Inadequate
for a heavy container of roses or
The centerpiece for the dinner
table offers the most Inviting sit-
the equivalent in . fresh sacked
shrimp, cook 10 to 16 minutes
longer. .
Winter Conserve Adds
To Canning Shelf
a iate winter conserve to add
a little fresh stock to the si-,nhi,1,r PplT of J- uation for a maaev arrangement.
ilfK- JfTm n 3he Here the onlooker bs a chance t
u. jibi o is m recip lor aeat the
tAa thai flnarnr. bu.
atn arted and and see just what the arVnge-
ment is composed of. and of
1 pound dried anrlcots
ln hot water, d r a I n and run
through food chopper. Cover
with the Juice of two oranges.
and 2 lemons. Let stand over
night, next day add a cun of
crushed pineapple and to each
cup of fruit add 4 cup of sugar.
Simmer slowly for 1 hour or un
til the mixture thickens, stir fre
quently. May add nuts a few
minutes before removing from
fire. .
Baked Apple Appears -
All Cut Up
course the dinner table Is suffi
cient support.
Another thing to watch out for
Is the spotty appearance of the
mass arrangement. 'This Is true
only when using several types and
colors ot flowers. It .Is best te
group types of flowers together,
so they form a coherent rdas la
type and color, aa ewveral differ
ent flowers grouped la a haphaz
ard manner are likely to produce
a checkerboard effect.
- Containers are Important.
Choose one which is large enougtt
to hold the flowers, and will give
the appearance of weight. A trans-
. lnnt 1aa. am . i
Baked apples are berinnlnr ta is Atirh ft Ms Waa t 9 .AIJ ..
dUcCT now bat thwatance. Is not always suiUble. De
season la aloar toward n. w " . .
mm, m.-- -i.t ". awma arv Tistoie ana
JS ? .WIU ht glT. the impression of fllm
market This roclpo maket iomew' guess. ...
thing dressy from a rood eld '
favorite dressed up ' in a new tie ln alternate Urara. rnt th
spring outfit. brittle layer oa too. Panr u
BAKED APPLES DE LCXH ' cup .lemon juice over the con
Peel and slice ( apples, and tent, of the dish and bake at
2Tn. '' buttered baking 1X5 degree, (a slow ovea) for
dish with 1 cup of peanut brit- 1 hour. .
CANNON'S Combed Yarn
Sheets and Cases
are softer longer wearing
Better Bedding:. Store
467 Court St. Salem, Ore.
hostess to the Past Noble Grand's
club of Dallas at her home Mon
day night. After a short business
meeting an enjoyable social time
was spent.' : i . . -
Refreshments were ' served f by
the hostess to Mrs. Tracy Staats.
Mrs. C. W. Henkle, Mrs. Ed Coad,
jurs. trrea Holman, Mrs. Paul
Bollman. dlrs. Gail Alderson. Mrs.
. Laura Wheeler Pattern
be. Alberta Howe. Lucille Bush-
street. Twenty-rive guests were neu, June Weeks, Midred Tehle,
bidden to meet Mrs. Young. Arlene Moffitt, Muriel Martin and
Mrs. Leland Smith presided at Mrs. Vesper Eldridge.
the serving table centered with - .
a bona net of nrrin. nanVui r. xr i.
- by green Upers. Mrs. Maurice two months trip to Los Anrele AJDerBurlebach, Mrs. Roy Don-
w BUU mi, j. ucauo ri- uu oiner soutnero uauiornla t . . w,.
terson assisted ln tbe serving. -points. i B- Teats, Mrs. Jessie Witt. Mrs.
- E. V. Dalton, Miss Julia Nunn and
airs, j. w. Shattuck. y
. - The club , members plan to en
tertaln their husbands at a cov
ered dish dinner at the lodge
rooms the night of March 29.
were host, to member, of
tbe Happy ; Hour dance club at
their home at Zena, Saturday.
JCembar attending inelnded Mr. and
Mra. Walter B. Hunt. Mr. sad Mra. H.
"d kiriren, Mr. and Mr.. Miltoa
r!!SH? "d OB. Mr. ni Mm Howard
Geodfallow, Mr. and Mm. Hago Ahrana
r and children. Mr. and Mra. CTBttpnl
2Z' W-,N- Crawford 4 d,
tar Wilm. Conlsten. Mabal and HaJry
ift?- Mr.. Owe. William!? T" CfcrUtenaaa. Jack
Ha lemaa. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Soha and
and Mrs.; Frank Butler and - daughter
Llaranca Miller, llorenca and Charlo
tZ'K?? USil- ruU 1 aad
a r
aePSasl . . Li.
rence Simmons was honored Fri
day night with a surprise tfarty
on his 17th birthday. Following
an evening of games, refreshments
were served to Ora McDowell,
Helen Bliss, Myrtle Minter, Irene
Knower. Shirley Adams, Virgin!
Schwarx. Jeanette CUrke, Ruth
Davis. Irene Griee, Lona Barker,
" Era Dtrlt -Mm' rii-a . ri. m.w
Crucb.eted Rug Patterat 14. match. Pattern 1414 conUins dl- Quary. John Brown. Jimmy Smart
..Is a new rug on your list of rectlon. for making rugs ln var- Ammon Adams. Wilson Clarke!
gifU to the house? If so. here's ions arrangements and an af- Lyle Knower. Norman Davis Fart
the very pattern a simple one ghan ; an Illustration of them and Dean Withers. ' '
to crochet and put together. Cro- of all stitches used; material re- .
chet a-number of triangles,: of quirements; color,. mggestions. -AT HUBBARD, the Women's
rug wool or rags f irthem ? to- Send 10 : cenU- In stamp, or Guild of the Federated chnYrh
gether and you'll hare the love- coin (coin , preferred) for this will hold an all day meeting" Wed-
llest of rugs. See what varied pattern to the Oregon Statesman, nesday. February 24 at the na.
designs can be made from these Needlecraft Dept. Salem, Ore. clou, farm home of' Af rs H r
f-sured and plain Inch Irian- Write plainly -PATTERN NUM. Carl. A covered dish dinner wiTl
Cles? Crochet an afghan to BER. your NAME and ADDRESS, be served at the noon hour
1 Qt-.lHQt.andr 1
2 Or. tim Snurf
& .
flat bead. Stream.
line handles. KE.J2.I5
Round, easy-clean corners.
Cover St, $5o mxtra.
Easy-clean"" dorne" j tllITt
cover yound,cay
clean corners
Broad-grip han
dle. Steam-seal. . BfS. S2.7S
s esasTS
5, $2.39
ft $439
2 Qt., 4 Qt. and 6
Qt- sizes. A cover
for everv sot;
mum reatures as ses. SS.SB
the- 8 Quart Utffity Pot
listed above. - -
Wide fiat bottom S SKITS
for quick heating.
tionsry. Bakclite
handle. . -' .-.. r StS. SUS
a Qt.. $2.39 (Aetf. $3j00);
4 Qt. $2.98 (Reg. $3.60);
5- Qt. $3 (Rem. $3.90).
A new .be la this ih ssmts
3-in-l utensil; 1 i "in
covered sauce pan," J I g
a double boiler I o
and a baking dish BfS. tUS
an in one . Round, easy -clean
corners. Broad -grip handles.
2 Qt. sire $1 9 (Reg. $2.50).
.if. . :-. j.--:.:-:- a
aaajaaajaa.' :.aeaveea wJ .esa
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Portland Gas G'CoiiE'ConPArjY
, Showrooma: 136 S. HIGH ST. Ph. 5919
Portland Vancouver Oregon city Albany - Corvallis . HJIlsboro Newberg