Fight Is Made On Disposition v aoBBiasssSBBBBSSsS .. " Labor-Industry Committee Gets It After Measure. 'r: ,-. Is Greatly Changed Labor forces In the house won a major victory y.terUy mornlnB when they engineered a new onion registration measure thro ash first and second reading under suspen sion of the rule, and sent the bill to the committee on labor and In dustries. The bill, bya 34 to 2 5 Tote, was introduced by tbe-com-mtttee on reorganisation as a sub stitute tor house bill . Yesterday's action reversed the tote t 10 days ago when the companion labor measures 55 and 67. came from the labor committee Mnnrti. At that time the-bills were re-referred to the administration committee. Representative Hannah Martin, Marion, took the lead In sending the bills to the, committee. She tnoTed suspension of the rules and n..Miiti(ln TTrdn mOTed that they be sent to the labor commit- tee.- .- . , ' - ' Move Is Opposed n....onUHT Vntlanrt. a mem IWI5Wttk"iv ' ber ot the administration commit-? tee objected to sending the bill to tti. IW enmmittee. "This bill was drawn by the - J committee on administration anu reorganization and should be sent back to them. There's no sense In choking It to death in committee. Let-It. come on the floor and be decided. No one who Is interested will be de ilel a bearing on the bill." . Representative nsnw, Multnomah, took Issue with Fat land. rro hear Representative Fat land talk, yon would think the committee was going to kill the bill." Wagner said, "It will not be choked to death. For your infor mation there are more members on the labor and industries com mittee not connected with labor . than there are men who- are inter ested in unions. The- Tote on the motion to re fer the bill to the labor and in dustries committee was: Aye: Alber, Allen, Antrim. Barnes, Bevans, Boon, Brady, Bull, Cady, Carter, Delch, Eckers ley. Esson, F r I e d e, Harrison, Higgs, Hogan, Hosch. Hyde, Jean net, Jennings, Jones, Laird, Leach, Mahoney, Martin, Miller. Korblad. Norton. Oleen. Roth, Wafcner. Waller, Boivin. Nor Bennett, Eawson, Duerst, Engda .1," Fatland, French, Fuhr ery Grant, Hockett, Hughes, Klm berling, LlTesley, Magruder, Mc AlIlsterj'McCloskey, Monroe, Ren let Riddle; Semon, Staples. ' Ste phenson. Thm:.s; Turner.' Wilkin Soa, 'Young. Absent: Erwin. - - i . I. Committees Near Windup of Tasks A surrey '. of the senate com mittees Tuesday Indicated that most ot the . important hills of the current ; legislative ' session bare received consideration. .A large number ot these bills prob ably will not be reported out. The agricultural committee of which Senator McCornack is chairman had only one bill for consideration.' ' - Other committees reported that they could see the end of their work provided a flock ofrJew " bills are not Introduced. , Session Radib j Review Givenp By Statesman: Each night promptly at 9 o'clock while the legislature Is la session. The Statesman ia presenting over radio sta tion KSIJH a summary of the day's activities la the two bosses. These . broad casts wtH aot be presented Satnrday Bights aaless there are sessions of the, legisla ture on Saturday. - Both The" Statesman and radio station KSLM hate re ceived naaay expressions of appreciation of these broad casts. :'. . , lla2s Today and Thursday I I DIG DOUBLE DUX! ELIZACETH ALLAN DONALD CRISP ,'i Chow Value ia Town! House Bills J latxsaaess Tassday H. B. 477, bT sossmittea o admia iatrat'oa aa4 . roorgaaisatioa ( subs ti tot tor H. E. SB) FroTiding tar th tag IsirMioa ml labor rgaaisattoas wit H. B. 47 S. by Hockett sa otsers Roiatia to paaMat mt stst taxts eoaatias. t r; .! r H. . 479. Hockrtt aa otlur To frmwii tkat coaatios hil pay UU tax Mvy aeer4iac to amownt coUaetad ia Ifeotr .juaparttTO oatioo, . H. B. 4u, ay BiMitlaa i miHtary a Ma wo Providing ir tko ataUiahia-t aa Urcgoa aoldiar'a host a4 appro jriat iar fJ,Oe -tor its otru. xr lora for a eontiaaing appropriattoa of f3.00w aaaaalir tor ataiatonaaca aad oprratioa. - " "v- B. H. 4SX. hf comaiittoo oa waya aa4 aaoaaa (oahoututo o ii. B. 428) Ap provriatiBic 7OU anml; for ta auta teaaaco of tho oattlosaip Orejoa. H. H. 4SA r .wim Aropriatias QUO for rottof of Hormaa Raoao. raaood py Boasa . H. B. 46 4, t' ..u riwvMiar that driver's licouso mroeatUm ahaU b op tional with trial jodgo apoa coavictioa ot draakaa 4r:Tia(.' - . c" - v By ways aa4 bmobs comauttoc; U. B. 441 ApproprUtioa for atato 4o portatcnt ot bisu-r edaeatioa. U. B. 44S Hepoaliag aaihago 4rio act froai U general fan to kighei e4 eatioa. 11. . 4S-AppropriaUoa - for teliei ot i'aeifM proteetivo society. IK B. 444 KeJating to atato aided iastitatioaa. 1 , H. B. .445 Appropriates for ear of atato properties, t ; H. B. 446 Appropriation fr baroaa of labor and state "welfare commissioa. ' B. B. 447 Appropriatioa for cars of orpfaana and - atato aid to charitable in stitutions. ' ' B. B. 448 Relating to Umatilla ir rigation project. : H. li. 3it, by .committee aa (amo Seiatiog to huatiag ot gnmo4ird tn car tsia coanties. i B. B. set), by eonimittoe ob agrjcBltBre Appropriating money (or control of noxious weeds sad declaring them a pub lic nuisance. j - ; li. b. 438, by committee oa education Pioviding for apportionment oi tea era! fond for general education. B. B. 449, by committee on revision of taws Usbstifate tor B. B. lt6) Provid ing for method of releasing conditions! aaiea contracta. i By wava and means Committee: . - B. B. 4S1 Salaries and expenaes of division tinder tho state commission. : B. B. 462 Appropriation for interest aad principal ot Oregon district interest bonds.' : ( .-. . " ,11. B. 483 Salaries snd expenses of state planning board. Passed fey Sonata - By ways aad means committee: 11. B. 405 Salaries and expenses of the forestry board. B. B. 408 Appropriation to state de partment of : agricaitnre tor restoring; barn apse at atato fsirgreaads deatroyea daring s recent storm and declaring an emergency. i B. E. 409 Salaries and expenses of office buildings sad supremo court build ing and greaads. I ri. B. 410 Appropriation for trsns portation ot insane and convicts. B B. 411 Salaries and expenses of Oregon state library aad supreme court Ubrary. t B. B. 412 Expenses of state printing board, publication: of Oregon Blue Book, executive proclamations. H. Ii. 41S Salaries and expenses of executive, state and treasury departments. H. B. 414: To provide funds tor the state emergency board. B. B. 41S To provide (or the pay ment of salaries of teacher ot Benton county school district No. 42 snd Malf nomsh connty school district No. HO, and declaring aa emergency. H. B. 382. by. i livestock committee Helatiac; . to the eradieatioa ot Bangs disease. : :- ?-. : B. B. "108, if j judiciary committee Relating to tbe incorporation ot reliKioua charitable, educational and like societies, and declaring sa emergency. B. B. 870, by livestock committee Relating to stallion registration. . By ways snd means 'cemratt tee: B. B. 400 Creating a vocational trust fund and prescribing powers of the stats board for vocational education. H. .: 416 -Salaries and expenses of tne uregoB oona traaes school H. B. 417 expenses incident to Bri ms ry and general r elections. 11. l. 41 Appropriation for depart ment ot stata , police and transferring funds. .; B. B. 41t Salaries snd expenses ra- latiag to collections from inmates of state institutions. i B. B. 420 Salaries and expenses of public health auraing, child hygiene, mo bile la Dor a lory, urefroa state board of aealta. ,. . i H. B. 421 Salaries snd expenses of circuit - court judges, district attorneys and their deputies. ii. B. 42 a 8s lanes sad expenses la eon section with Oregon national guard.' 21. J. , ay Jones Kelating to the coat af tuition, ot aoa-high school dis trict pupila ia high school, r H. B. -240. by Carter PTOvidinr a ehaago ia tho dates for the closed sea son for burning slashings. ; Pension Bloc Has Mapped (Continued from Page 1) quested - by members seeking to work out a settlement of the con troversy. When the bills are re ported, under the house ruled ac tion on the reports conies the day following, so the battle will not come nntij tomorrow at least. Friends ot the lower age limit have been -working among legis lators te force through their program. - : ,;.!. - . ; The house taxation and reve nue committee last night reported out favorably two bills carrying a tax oa amusements, cigarettes and cosmetics. The .money de rived from the tax would go into an old age assistance fund. Sponsors of the bill said the taxes would raise approximately I2.S0.009 a year. - Schools, religions organisations and certain charitable events would be exempt from the amuse ment tax. U . ; -v BUaC JONES Strategy (c7llTW(o)ir ! A 1 r, t s cv JEAN HARLOW tiontgowm SPENCER TRACY . : TODAY " arv,1.. -TICCADILLY AU. A I RIFF RAFF" - -1 JliT Senate Sayes Kerr Position U. of O. 'Crowd' Defends Him Now; Abolishment . of Job Voted Down t V The senate saved the position of Dr. W. J. Kerr, former chancellor ot the state system of higher ed ucation, -when, it Indefinitely post poned, li to 11. H-B. to abolish the office of director of market research. Oddly enough the rescue was led by the "university crowd," which in former years had fought Dr. Kerr when he was president of the state college, Angell, and Walker, both TJ. of O. graduates, and Wheeler, senator from Lane county, speaking against the bill. Johnson and Lessard also spoke against the bill. Favoring the bill on the floor were Stringer, Burke, Kiddle, Balentine, Graham. ; Angell Toiced high praise for Dr. Kerr, saying: "I admire him for his ability. He took the state college when it was a weak ln stltutlon and built it up until It is one of the outstanding institu tions in the United Sates in agri culture. His services in the pres ent work are very desirable. Dr. Kerr is giving dollar for dollar and we should not Interfere with the state board. ; u Wheeler made a warm defense of the ex-chancellor's position, de claring: "I guarantee he will do more in help of agriculture than all the agricultural agents ot the state. He is now working on mar keting of prunes and apples but has not gone far enough to make a report. The prejudice was against the pension; but now he is hired as a worker and part I paid by the federal government." Says Farmers Oppose Senator Burke In support of the bill said there were many resolu tions of agricultural organisations against the Kerr office but none for. it. Kiddle said the position had no business with the system of- higher education bat belonged with the department of agricul ture. Graham said his conclusion was based on the fact that the ad vocates of the position did not persuade him that anything "had been accomplished. ' In closing Sen. Walker pleaded for support ot the board of high er education which had brought the schools from turmoil, operat ed them at reduced cost, taken care of more students. He asserted it was not the province of the leg' islature to Interfere with the ad- o o o a o os GRAND ..f- 5 Today Dick -Powell, Made leine Carroll, Alice Faye, The Rita Brothers in "On the Avenue." r Saturday Richard Dix In "Devil's Playground." J HOLLYWOOD Tod ay Double bill, "Rose Of The Rancho," with John Boles and. Gladys - Swartout and .Doris .Nolan in "The Man I Marry", with Michael Whalen, Skeets Gallagher and Cliff Ed wards. ' -; Friday Double . bin, The Three Mesquiteers in "Ghost Town Gold" and "The Luckiest Girl In The , World" with Jane Wyantu Louis Hayward and Eugene Pallette. CAPITOL " , Today Double bill. Jean Harlow in "Riff Raff" and Robert Montgomery in "Piccadilly Jim." . Thursday Double bill, Frank McHough 'in "3 Men on a Horse" and Buck Jones In "Sandflow." Tnrtav DonhlA hill, "nrotn : Light", with KrroJ Flynn r ' and ' "Tlier Wantnrt T' Marry" with Betty Furness added attraction. "March ' of Time." Tharadav Cliarlla Pnrrlpi in "Mind Ton r Own Bnai-' ness" and "Two Wise ' Maida" with Pollv Worsn. - JJTATE r i Today Big double bni, Kath- . ryn Hepburn in "Woman ; Rebels" and Brian Donlevy In "3 House to Kill." Friday Eastern circuit . vaudeville on the stage; plus "Captain Calamity" all color sea picture. a TomoiTow , Frt. & Sat. . -. - r ih . in "SANDFLOTP The Call Board A round v Happenings Around the Legislative - : ' Halls, Including Some That House The Lobby nd Senate Spectators -Missed. ; SPRmo la coming. The windows of the armory 'were opened resteraar ror ine nm - time since the session opened. The sun shine filtered through the smoke that rolled to the ceiling from the cigars and cigarettes of, the law makers. . . At the mum time Use. warm, day made the members Just -bit reatleaa. Tbey ave gttiaf to -the stage where tempers . are gettiaa; ahort. Cogalaaace was taken . of tbe fact yesterday whea Represeatative Haaaah Blartia waned them that they were "keyed np" and should go a little slower In the passage of law by givlns; cool and calm deliberation. ministration of the board as re gards Its personnel.' The rote on adoption of the report against the bill: Yes: Angell, Best, Carney, Dick son, Dunn, Johnson.e Lessard, Mc Cornack, Pearson, Stadelman, Staples, Steiwer, Strayer, Walker, Wheeler, Franclscorich. No: Balentine, Burke, Chaney, Clark, Eayrs, Ellis, Graham, Kid dle, Ross, Spaolding, Stringer.' Absent: Bennett, Duncan, Mc Kay. ;-5;:. - 28 Bills Approved In Senate Session Foreign Flags Ban Fails; Many Appropriation Measures Voted The senate passed 28 bills Tuesday, most of (them being an- X .1 m...i . . vrvyt lauss uuis . urvsgai in OJ the ways and means committee. having previously passed the house. IL B. ,31 to prohibit use by any public body of U. S. flags not manufactured in the U. S. A. was Indefinitely postponed when senators urged that it would create, friction in foreign rela tions. . - Senator Angell requested in formation from the ways and means committee as to the totals ot appropriation bills as com pared with available revenues. Sen. Walker replied that the In formation ' had been tabulated from time to time and was avail able. .-- - .r Ia support of the committee bill Walker said that the total appropriations would not mate rially exceed the . Income If the estimated revenues are realized. The committee left the minimum age for pensions at 70. and Walker warned- thai a substan tial deficit would result it the legislature lowered the age. The committee thus far has done noth ing regarding a building pro gram. Walker reported. One Ite-ref erred One appropriation-bill, a minor one relating to administering log boom fund, was re-referred to the committee. Four rotes were cast against the appropriation of Sl, 087,000 for the state police: Ross, Burke, - Stringer and Cha ney. Balentine said , he would move today for reconsideration ot this vote. '. The senate passed the Angell bill making Washington's birth day a school holiday. The Hyde bill changing law on absentee voting was killed, also the Grant resolution - to require members i. Introducing measures "by request" to give the name ot the sponsor of the legislation. Contempt Denied I In Townsend Case (Continued from Page 1) a polite goodbye Last May and stalked ozz. . 1 Replying. District Attorney Leslie Garnett said Townsend had been served with a subpoena ordering him to 4 appear before the committee and not to leave without permission. Your Two Favorite Corned .Stars ' In a Brand New Hit! Seats 25c LAST TRIES TODAY SL VT - . Hugh Earle, Insurance commis sioner, was a visitor on the floor of the house yesterday as 'mem bers debated sT measure to put a two and a quarter per cent tax on annuities. T"." r. Representative Boon! i doesn't, like to waste time. - He Is -always willing to move the previous ques tion in order to get Dills voted oa without lengthy debate. ... . : v It amoaaU to almost a wbisp ertas; rote oa some measures ia the hoaae. Oa some ineasurea, the represcatatlvea act as if by speaUns; softly they may aot' be heard by their fellow mem perhaps lobbyists. Aad lLl a vot wrong or asks them to repeat. . ... . , ; , ;, ;r;'. Dan Fry, secretary of the board of control, has been an Interested observer at several sessions ot the legislature. He also likes to sit In on ways and means committee meetings. . Taken by surprise yesterday was Representative 1 Harrison ot Linn. When the clerk reached his name on the roll call, he had to state frankly thaV he didn't know w h a t " he was voting on. The speaker explained and. Harrison voted. - Almost an Amos. 'n Andy act was played yesterday "by Repre sentatives , Grant and Mahoney. Mahoney desired to ' question Grant on a MIL He joined Grant at the microphone so the mem bers could hear the '' question. Then,- with heads ' together, the two men talked of er the bill while the audience looked on at the broadcast. Earnest observers of the senate pari-mutuel battle were ex-Senator Julian McFadden of Corvalils, sponsor of the original bill, Jdnn H.' Hall and Frank Longer gan of Portland, ex-house members. .- A. K. McMahan, chairman of the liquor board, and Gene Kelty, dobs oi me works, were down to confer with committees on alco holic legislation, or rather, bills dealing with liquor control. , Mrs. Elbert Bede came to ; town to spend a week and '.that's news. Mrs. Bede is as sensible aa she is smart, aad looks fine la aplte of many years of . hard work trying to fatten Elbert. , . - -. - ' ' - : Many legislators took a night off Monday and attended the re serve officers ball in thV Crystal Gardens . . . and seemed. to have very good-time. .-- - . is ATiome Ovned Theater TODAY and THURSDAY FAMILY NIGHTS Mom, Pop aad . as f Unmarried Kids 1 'vC TWO FINE FEATURES Doris Nolan in "THE MAN . I MARRY" " . ' with MICHAEL WHALEN Metro "VOICE OP BXPKRIESCK" Tomorrow FrL & Sat. ' . Betty O la They ' O Wanted to Marry''':' . JfT Second Feature vyi-"a t Xf7 - and AN 2 T ' pillit.iiiffj Fair Trade Act Is Up mHoiise Today Planning Board, Education Appropriations .'Cirea . v ;7 ? FmaLApprdral ; v . Going- into tho nome stretch of the seventh -week of the session the bouse: ground out 19 blfla yes terday but passed only one senate measure,' leaving- S 4 senate meas ures on the calendar. Bills contin ued to be introduced though mem bers admitted they believed the end to be getting: near. . v Much contested In the ways and meana . committee.- the planning . A OOA AAA leased 'ho'wlurout'd'eoVt; and- only three .dissenting., votes. They were Representatives B (an. Riddle and Staples.! " . Scheduled for airing today on a divided committee report Is sen ate bUl 103,. known as the fair trade act. Representative - Walter Fnhrer brought In the minority report from the revision of laws committee that the bill do not pass.- - -v.' ---, ';- - Opponents ot bouse bill 402 which would place a 2 Vi per cent tax on annuity contracts succeed ed after an hour's tight to have the bill re-referred to the commit tee for taxation and revenue. They charged that - a fair hearing had not been given on the measure. - ' CoHeger Bill Scanned rti The ways. and means-appropriation for higher education went under close scrutiny when.' Rep resentative Hannah Martin object ed to the continuing appropriation in the bill. - - , : !This. practice Is. wrong la pria clple. Mrs. Martin said, -. TThe legislature should have some control- over .the higher., education board. I am not opposed , to the amount of the measure. I think It is reasonable but I do not ap prove of ; making the . levy per manent for tbe hoard." .. The attack failed after Repre sentative Oleen's motion to re- refer the bill to committee lost. "The taxes to be raised for higher education are based on the 1929 inflated levy on real prop erty. Oleen said. "We 'should make the appropriation but find other sources of revenue Initead of putting an additional burden on. real estate. ' AN ; tONITE, ftresentiasj . Direct from, kastera agagemeats ... . GENE COY and his 11 Black Aces ' ' 14 Entertainers! . MELLO-MOON . , - Admission ? -Geats 40c. Ladles S3e . LADIES FREE TILL -9:15 P. M. .. .at M . -We will gladly call and help you inodernize your printed pieces. Just phone 9101. at-, .k . ' i"- -" Hard liquors l ax Levf Cut in Half Drit Beer Dup.isew' Wcetise is ... -5idded toJlerenue - -nmtf neaaion SUP- porters ,wontbeic first floor.vic- tory in tne nouse- - they succeeded 1 having house bill t 404, to levy a 40 per cent tax on nara uquor- ivfi back to committee for amend ment." - . ' ; Representative wiuiam sai lister," Jackson moved, for ,the reference. He sUted that the proponents wished .to amend the bill to place the tax at flve per cent Instead ot ten. The juoi elary committee late in the. day reported ' it In again with this change, and lth a, beer dispen- Bora license oi : v :. RepTetentauve ratiana oppoa a ik. matinn ' Hii charged dil atory tactics : by the supporters of the bill and objected to It be- lng sent. ,-dsvcjc w jjuiuv",1' committee. ; ! ' . 'How xan you amend - It to make it satisfactory- when the foundation ot the measure is rot ten, Fatland shouted. Representative atonaitt Jones. u.. AaiaraA I (ha measure would take $700,000 from relief and pensionrunaa. . v Takes, pouting, tjiaim This was denied by Represen tative Ray Alber,: Multnomah, who aald the tax would be in ad juinn m nnifiii atrsadv. made by the liquor commission for re lief., He said tnat tne i per cew tax would raise around 1700,000 i eEILe1 (DVEO!! jUSEE aad ThU Year's Merriest filXl Y kita: h- MwUical Mirthquake b "XVfXtl'C E: FAYE ii ... pjLU.y nrrz onpTiiEcis 1 , ' -- 20ta Ceitnry-r f ltnra , ' -v5jo Something Yf - : SS An fatliaatt V Jnf "Front SUjrt i i 'W Musical HOW DOES YOUR LETTERHEAD AND ENVELOPE LOOK? . aBaaaaaL ' i ' . l c . O O ........ O O Senate Bills XntTssnesa Tssadty. r S. B. 80. ay Kidals MakUg It aa. lawfal for aay saanager or amplora ot a kotel sr laa ta g rscsipt fs a Krat a iaioant taaa ia pai4 by a g- 8. E. SSI, br Dlessoa Prsvidlag for arsetisa aa asaiatsaaaea at a stata- in sans aaapital ia afaltBossaa saaatj, with prsTlsisa ta rsftr M vatars.- g. B. 182, by Bsst laerssslag ssIarirS af Umatilla esaatr atfiears. yassam ay flsasta . "a. B. SO. ax fimt Ta regnlsta Boars for TJssatiHs .waatr aUieoa.- g. B. S70. by AageU at al Msklag Waahlngtoa's airthdsy- a- school aolidajr. 8. B. 2. br saaaiHaa. ssi-saajr ana stsatMtry eoatralttao Bclatiag to persons ' wba ars to bo atoriliso. , saaaaa by Baaaa ' g. B. 17,' by Boaator Carasy aad Olcca ProvMiag tar coBflseatiea aa destrue. tioa a slot aascaiaoa. and the five per. cent tax half that amount. . Representative Barnes took the. floor to urge that the bill be sent back to the committee for amendment. . "We in Portland are facing a difficult situation," Barnes; said, "we can't f etlre our policemen because Che ; pension fund I broke. There is nothing unfair in this bill. It just gives us an opportunity - to , work out of a bad sltnation. - The motion to re-refer carried by a 41 to 19 vote.. Farm Labor - Bill Up Tor Hearing Thursday at 1 A hearing on senate bill 334. which would create a. farm labor board of conciliation, will be held Thursday at p. m.. by the sen ate Industries committee. The bill was drawn by the state grange. Farmers- opposed to the measure have asked for the hearing. . . J. . . FINE SERVICE l . - - . ' ' r GOOD PRINTING