The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ttt CXITGON CTATESilAIJ; Galea, Oreca, CzzZzy Kcnr-, Fclrcsry 21, 1C7
PAcs five
Local Nevs
ajaaakjLi ....
Q) ".v (T
Accident Reported Automo
bile accidents reported to the
police Saturday Included: Albert
' F. Buetler, 88S North Commer
cial, and Ralph Collett, highway
department, at Union and High
streets; Elmer Lake, route f , and
Joe H. TJphoff, Woodborn, North
Liberty, at Junction with High
street; Latimer Chambers, route
8, ana uaiaeauuva uriver at
Center and Capitol streets; LT M.
. Day, Silverton, and C. C Colwell.
route 7, on .Marion near Com
mercial street; S. Heckman, (09
North Front, ; and " Ethel 1 Van
Sickle, 1243 State street, on L4B
rtT neir State Jean Hurler:
132S North ISth, and Elsie Lewis,
770 Chemeketa, at ; Cottage and
Court. t , . . ;, .... : ; . ", .. v
'- Legislator to SpeaTt D a 1 s y
Bevens, representative from
.. Clackamas -county,--will be tne
, principal speaker Monday night
for Townsend club No. 2. This
club meets in the Leslie M. E.
church-hall at 7:30. Viva Ander
son," Miss Beven's secretary, wU
- also address the club. J. H. Merry
man, ' chairman of the program
committee, gives assurance . of
some special entertainment num
bers. There will be a "DutcV'auc-
' tion.. Members are 'requested to
bring pies, cakes ' or anything
- else to be offered on the Block.
The public is invited. :
Chicken dinner, American Luth
eran church, Tuesday evening.
Feb. 23. Serving from 6 to 7:30.
25c and 60c. ' " '
Gunners Want Culvert Coun
ty Engineer N. C. Ilubbs expects
to recommend replacement of the
-present bridge across Turner road
ditch, next to the Salem Gun club,
rather than installation of a cul
vert, which had been asked for by
members of the club. After inves
tigating yesterday, Hubbs said he
feared a culvert would not pass
all the water that flows in the
ditch. .
Relief Fund Sent The final
draft for. $441.81 was sent by
the Marion county Red Cross
chapter to national headquarters
In connection : with the flood dis
aster relief campaign, - bringing
the county's total to $4,191.81,
Milton L. Meyers, chairman, said
Shafere in Crash Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Shafer. have been sent to a
San ", Diego, Calif., hospital for
treatment of injuries they suf
fered in a serious 'automobile ac
cident there Friday morning, ac
cording to word .received here.
-, Their car wefct out pf control aft
eT a tire blew out.
Rev. Fox Ends Series Rev.
Irving A. Fox -. of 1 Freeport,. I1L,
will "deliver the last messages of
his series at the First Baptist
church today. At 11 a. m. his top
ic will be -The True Use of Life"
and at 7:30 p. m., "The Thief on
the Cross, or a Compendium of
Complete Theology." '
McCuIlongh Speaker1 C B. Mc
Cullough assistant state highway
engineer who was loaned by the
state highway department to sev
eral of the Central American
countries to build bridges, will ad
dress, the Monday noon chamber
of commerce luncheon on "High
ways In Central America."
Mrs. Kelly Better- - Reports
from the Salem General hospital
show the condition of Mrs. Rob
ert Kelly, injured In an auto ac-
cident . here .. last Tuesday, still
critical but slightly improved.
She suffered fractures and other
Reports Mishap R. H. Mur
phy. 640 North 15th street, noti
fied the sheriff yesterday his au
tomobile had been involved in an
accident on the Turner cutoff at
7:30 p. m. Friday. No further de
tails were given.
WPA Takes Holiday All
WPA projects in the Salem dis
trict will be Idle and the district
office here will be closed Mon
day en account of the Washing
ton's birthday holiday.
Wt wish to thank our roanr
friends for the beautiful floral
offerings and for the kindness
and sympathy extended, us in the
loss of our beloved daughter and
sister. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hold
redge. Althea Berg, Elma Burbee.
-La Verne Merrick.
"We Cover the Town"
-MiUeriiing" Is an exclusive
K tented process that makes
r Longer Roof -Life. It is -,
found only in Certain-teed .
Shingles. Let us check your
roof now and tell you how
long it may last and show you.
how little it costs to have a
new roof.
Eass-Hueter and
Dutch Boy Paints
Paint & Roofing Co.
474 Ferry : v : Ph. 4642
Cover the Town
A Clinle Schedule Out- The
schedule f clinics for this week
was announced Saturday by the
Marion county .health department
as : follows: Monday, immuniza
tion at Mill City and school ex
aminations i at Gates: ; Tuesday,
all day, school examinations and
Immuniztlons at Aumsville; ."-afternoon,
tuberculin tests at Hub
bard - and Broadacres ; Wednes
day, forenoon, tnbereulinr tests at
Stayton, afternoon,- school clinic,
health department; Thursday
forenoon, pre-echooi clinic, health
department: Saturday, 84 30-10
a.m. Immunization: clinic, . health
department. A j iU-j-i.-; f'j-'j
: P.T:A. Meet Postponed 'The
Leslie Parent-Teacher association
meeting has been postponed from
Monday -.night to Wednesday
nigbt. President R.' G." Brady an
nounces. It was thought best not
t6 hold . the meeting on Wash
ington's birthday. Special foun
der's day observances will fea
ture the meeting. : , ' '
". Heavy -Hauling" Banned T h e
county court yesterday extended
its ban on i heavy hauling to In
clude the Jefferson-Talbot-Buena
Vista, Sidney-Independence ana
th Llbbv-Greens . brldce roads.
The order J prohibits - hauling of
poles, piling, logs,':', lumber -and
wood. i; i":--
Good Vision
Endorsed by
Mayor V. E. Kuhn yesterday
stamped his endorsement on Sa
lem optometrists plans to co
operate with "the - American Op
tometrie association In sponsor
ing "Save Tour Vision Week" be
ginning tpday : and" running
through Saturday. In a proclama
tion the mayor pointed out that
poor vision is often the cause of
accidents. , j ; - -. ,- V:
- Tbe proclamation reads:
- - ;Whereas, the week of Febru
ary 21, 1J37. will be recognized
nationally ' as 'Save Tour Vision'
week: and-
, "Whereas, during this period it
will be the effort of the American
Opto metric ' association to call to
the attention of the people the
necessity for greater care of their
eyesight, thus conserving their
energy and making for greater
hanniness and a decrease In acci
dents which so often result from
poor vision;
f Therefore, I, V. E. KuhH,
mavor of the cltv ; of Salem, do
hereby proclaim February 21 to
27 inclusive, - save xour vision
Week'." i ,
I "Signed,
"V. E. KUHN,
. "Mayor of Salem.
. -
Mary Erickson Is
On Staff at W. U.
Court System
To Be Revised
Snccession of Cases "Will
Inconvenience Bar, Is
- Complaint Heard :
Dr. Mary Erickson, daughter of
Dean and , Mrs. Frank Erickson,
has taken up her duties as profes
sor in the biology department of
Willamette university. She is tak
ing tbe place of Professor Cecil
R. Monk, who for the next year
and a half will work for his Ph.D.
degree at! Scripps Institute of
Oceanography at LaJolla, a branch
of the University of California.
She will conduct classes in s oolo
gy and physiology.
Immediately following her grad
uation from Willamette Dr.. Erick
son taught In the North Bend high
school. She took graduate work
at the University of California
where she had a teaching fellow
ship in zoology. She did research
work fn the museum of vertebrato
zoology with . the University of
California.! One summer was spent
at Friday j Harbor, University of
Washington. . . ' .
Dr. Erickson has received both
her master's and doctor's degrees
in zoology . at the University of
California.' Before accepting the
position at Willamette she taught
in tbe high school at Santa Cruz.
Calif. .:....;
Two Non-Support
Cases Bound Over
SILVERTON, Feb. 20. Jim
Dark and Monte Leonard were
bound over to the grand jury by
Justice Alf O. Nelson of the Slt-
verton. Justice court after hear
ings today. Bail, set at $250 in
each case, was furnished. Law
rence Brown appeared for both
defendants and Ray Rhoten rep
resented the state., ; ,
The case of Fred Beaudry,
charged with reckless driving In
connection with an accident which
caused Injuries to Matt Lench,
was postponed, because of the Ill
ness of "Joe Felton, assistant dis
trict attorney. I
Circuit Judge L H. McMahan's
recent order setting bat one date
for a trial la department one and
directing attorneys to be ready for
succeeding eases as fast as juries
could take preceding ones out will
go Into effect at 1 p.m. Tuesday
with- the case of Knlttel vs. Indus
trial accident commission' the first
on the docket The February jury
will report at 10 a.m. for instructions.-':
: i. -
; Considerable complaint ' has
been-voiced by attorneys 'visiting
the county . clerk's .office - over
Judge McMahan's new; trial sys
tem. The order means that tbey
will have to assemble their , wit
nesses and be at the. courthouse
awaiting their turn for trial with
out knowledge' of the exact hour
at which their case will begin. - '
The cases of American . Central
Fire ts. Ball 'Bros., and Smith vs.
-Rostein - were dropped from the
docket upon reported out Of court
settlement. Following the, Knlttel
ease In the order established by
Judge McMahan are scheduled:
Carroll vs. Great Northern InJ
surance company; Cadle vs. Cran
dall et al; Turner State bank vs
Davis; Ringwald vs. Douglas Mc
Kav: Freeman vs. Camnbell: Rnv-
der vs. Lee; , City of Salem vs.
viiui uu wit. ot Duem tb.
Circuit Judge L. G. LeweUing
will be In Albany this week bat
Circuit Judge Arlie G. Walker is
to return from McMInnville for re
sumption ot.the Woodburn Fruit
Growers vs. Ray-Maling: trial at
9:30 a.m. Wednesday.
m The only new complaint, fifed In
circuit court yesterday was a suit
by Beatrice M. Whitted for divorce
from Burton L. Whitted and for
custody of their minor son. Cruel
and inhuman " treatment 1 was al
leged. The couple was married
June 1, 1930, at.LaGrande.
default divorce decree 'favoring
JuuaDein Reinhart against Alvln
Relnhart, permitting her to re
sume .her maiden name, Elizabeth
Layton, and awarding-her $7B at
torney fees. ' p
Circuit Court
First National bank of Corval
Ua vs. W. G. Wlldig; sheriff's re
turn showing defendant's bank ac
count with Ladd A Bush bank at
tached for $500 judgment, -
Sheriffs returns on 42 judg
ments, attachments, raminh motif
and foreclosure sales dating as far
oacx as 19ZY. ... . -
Probate Court i
Mary L. Skiff - rilArrifanaltfn-
writ of execution for in. 9 a
judgment in ease of Mary L. Skiff
and other objectors vs. Mark S.
Alice Manegre estate; order set
tfnr heaiinr March 17 An final am-
count of Frederick Ray Manegre,
aoministraior. snowing no re
ceipts, no disbursements, s
Mary J. Johnson estate ? nrrior
accepting resignation of O. W.
jsmmons and substituting Charles
L. Ayers as administrator.
Nannie TI. Hammer ootnta-
der admitting will, naming Law
rence victor Hammer and Roy
Warren Hammer executor. John
Steelhammer, Evelyn Steelham-
mer ana Antoinette Horgan ap
praisers; estate listed as contain
ing $600 personal nronertv In form
of mortgage on which satisfaction
to be shown.
Jim G...Theodorian mar Clan
ship; order accepting resignation
of Carl T. Pope as guardian, ap
proving his final account showing
93 ss received, $3ZZ disbursed and
$14 cash balance; order appoint
ing LAaa. Mt Busn. Trust company
Neils C. Peterson estate- order
authorizing Paul C, Hansen, ad
ministrator, to sen personal prop
erty consisting of farm tools in
ventoried at $45. ';''
Justice Court
Louis DeWitt. 21. and TJotA
Ernest Wricht. IS. ah un.n
to 0 days In Jail for larceny of
gasoime irons an automobile be
longing to Secretary of Stat Vari
Frank Weddle. 1 5. llfwiiv in
volved with Bennett Wheeler. Joe
and Ralph Harris in thft t
chickens from Mike. Crowe, certl-
nea to juvenile court and then or
dered sent to boys training school.
i;nanes c. smith, Charles 8.
Chittlck and' Gerald W. Wright,
$2.10 fines each for driving mo
tor vehicles with defective brakes.
Clarence P. Ressler. plea of
s-uiny, ariving ear with defective
Coining Events
- Feb. K-Wfllamette Val
ley Flood Control bearing,
all day, chamber of eom-
Feb. 25 H. B, Clark,
president Northern Baptist
convention, speaks at Cal
vary Baptist church, - 7:45
p. m.r . ' V
February 26 Salem Mis
sow club, K. of '. P. ball,
24AH N. Commercial SC,
8 p. m. ;
Feb.- Sd-27 Annual con
ventioa Marion county Sun
day school council of Chris'
ttaa Edncation,' Staytos
M. E. ehnrch. vi i.-.;'"
brakes; - ease continued to Febrn
ary 20 for sentence. ;
- Albert m Fried; - plea' of - guilty
driving without operatorh license;
ease continued to February 2.
Municipa CourL . ;
Glenn O. Thomas, . no chauf
feur's license, $1 tine, Chalmer
H. Brown, failure to stop; $2.60.
Dike Is
Causing Flooding
OLSON, Florist
Court & High Phone 71 66
When Others FaU
Chinese Herbs ,
. Healbag virtae ;
has been , tested
buadreds . years,
for ehronte " ail.
aents, nose, C ji -V
e a a a r r b; ears, -'
longs, asthma, cbrosJe eoagb,
stomach, gafj stones, colitis,
eonstipatioB, dbibetlsv kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood nerves,
nestralgta, rhenmattont, bigb
blood presaare, gland, skin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders. , ' -S.
. B. Foag. : S -year practice
la China, Herb Specialist,
123 5. Oaamcrcial 8t Salem,
Ore, Off lee bears t p. as.
Oar Csaal Wave, Complete 75e
Perm. OU ; 'Sf.50
sft, Pasb Wave, M, v i
M I Coasplete I I
; $07 1st Natl Bank. Bdg.'
What's in ;
the Bottle? :
It it's a bottle of medicine, you
can't tell what's inside' (except
that it'a probably something
bitter!). Ton must trust your
druggist trust that he has
followed your doctor's orders
trust that he has used only
fresh drugs of the -highest
grade. - - r ;- - ; : r ,
Tour own doctor will tell you
that we are worthy of this
trast When yon have a pre
scription filled here, you don't
have to wonder "what's in the
bottle." . ' : ". -
Above all, yon must have faith
that he has compounded your
prescription properly, for un
like recipes, they rarely state
bow the Ingredients are; to be
ISA K. Commercial
Ph. 51P7 7023
farmers living Upon East
Side Suffer Now Says.;
Report to Court 'r:'.'-V
When the county diked k sec
tion of Mill creek between the
penitentiary and the prison an
nex two years 'ago farmers west
of the stream were freed from
the trouble of , winter overflows
across their land but farmers to
the east became the high -water
sufferers instead, a delegation of
the latter complained ,to the
county court yesterday." Heavy
damage is being done by the new
overflows, the group declared," be
cause only the west side of the
creek was diked. ;
The' delegation, . which Included
Tom Fitzpatrlck,' Gas . Schllcker,
Otto Hoven and Merle Holman,
declared the only reason they had
not Instituted injunction proceed
ings against the diking . project
two years ago was that they had
been assured the east bank alson
would be raised.
Fltspatriek reoorted a . fence
which had stood 28 rears on hla
place had been, washed, away dur
ing the last two years and
Schllcker said the wash was so
heavy on a 17-acVe corn patch
that the cornstalks left in the
ground were washed away.
The county engineer was di
rected to inspect the district and
see what remedy could be ef
fected next summer. The farmers
suggested a small creek which
flows throusrh the washed area
might be cleared sufficiently to
carry away tne water and elim
inate the erosion.- . "
Mrs, Ekman Gravely 111 -
SILVERTON. Fab. 10 fra
E. R. Ekman. .Who was taken ta
a Portland hospital after sud
denly being taken 111 Friday, is
in critical condition it was re
ported tonght. Physicians said
she did not suffer a stroke as
had been reoorted. Mrs. Ekman
collapsed suddenly after being at
worn ia tne garden of her home.
Do You See
Are year sore that you
are enjoying the fullest
measure df vision
through your eyes?
llany a person who has
some here has been aa
' tonishlngly surprised
- to find that he or she
' has been going about
. for years with impaired
vision and Is agreeably
. amaied what a dlf fer
e n c e correctly-fitted
glasses make. Have a
thorough examination.
444 State St. Ph. 5523
Tea Schools Sign ;
Scholarship Test
Blilk Sample Dates Given;
Health Contest Also
; Set Thla Spring r
Ten schools already have sent
In entry notices for, the Marion
County -Public Health assoclaUon
scholarship contest for 4-H clubs,
Wayne -XV Harding, eounty' elub
leader, announ'ced yesterday." They
are Talbot, Salem Heights. Craw
ford, Auburn; White .View. Fair
view, Mission ; Bottom, ' Aurora,
Brash Creek and Parrtsh Gap. V
, Milk samples entered by. the
contestants will be picked ' np
March : $ at Parrlsh Gap, West
SUyton,- Turner, - Talbot, Craw
ford Liberty and Salem Heights;
March 10 at Valley View,' Auburn,
Bethel. Mt." Angel. McAlpin and
Brash Creek; . March 17 'at An
rora. Mission Bottom and White.
.. . Harding said that in the. regu
lar, health contest to be held in
connection with the annual spring
4-H elub show-' to be held 'In Sa
lem "April ' 22.- 2S and '24 physi
cal examinations would be given
by a doctor probably April 22.
The high scoring girl and . boy
will. represent the county et the
tata fair, . - : ...... .
Each . health club member may
make one entry, 22 by 24 Inches,
in the health poster contest; Har
ding said. They will be divided
Into ; five V classes, , food,;. . safety,
posture, cleanliness and exercise.
George Rhoten to Euild
Hew 2-Story Xletidenco
George A. Rhoten took out a
permit Saturday at the city build
ing Inspector's office for con
struction of a two-story dwelling
at 124 S South Church street, to
cost $SK0O. Another permit issued
Saturday went to Mrs.- Olive
Reddaway. to reroof a. house at
1421 North Church, street at a
cost "of $400.
! ' ' Tlie '
Chinese Tea Garden
102)4. JJ. Commercial St.
t-tonnerty Sbaaghal Cafe
New Kev Management -
- Nataral remedies
for disorders of liv
er, stomach, glands,
skia,,a ad , ariaary
system of men and
women. Remedies
for ; constipatkm.
aatbasa,' artbrirJa.
agar diabetes and
rheumatism. T
19 years la basi-'
aess. Nataropathle
phydclaas. -S83H Coart St.
Ootiff - Liberty.
Office - opea Satar
days and , Tuesdays
aly. 10 A. M. to I
P. H,4 P M lo-T.
CJoasali at Un-1 Hood
presaare and urine
tmm, ' 9m mm gmt
1 '
, U.D.
. ..... , ... .. - ..... ........................ ...... .. .. . ... ( :. .'. " " - " ' " :i 11 "' '"' ' " " " ' f
is I' f. . -. . ' - . 'V 'V.. - ., - I ' ' . . ' " .' . - . V . . ... . i . '
- ... : - V -V- r,:- - -. ..' , . m.. . vr; '.' ' , - , i - t. i . ........ .;.
a;- , -k - . ' t . ' - ." .:...r-"', '
s - 1 ' ' -
.-;-"-."., y-V--:--''- : ''.'-- . . ' -' .. - ''.-! 4 .-s . f . .. .-
TJ -ivNP v. - -r ,Zr ;'. ; 6t
p5 rn
s uv
l 1
would it take to present your
message to 1
(Dated on a Little Over 4 Reader to a Paper) r ,
Allowing just a quarter ;of an houfor a call it would take
one salesman over three years and ten salesmen almost half
a year to present your message to 40,000 readers.- BUT, with
this newspaper as your salesman, you can reach 40,000 people
every day throughput the year ! And advertising space ctisto
InfmUely les& than it costs to ; maintain: a: staff of Vage-earn-ers.
! IF you have salesmen, how much "taore : effective you
can make their message and how much more far-reaching,
by supplementing their efforts with the consistent hammer-ing-away
at 40,000 readers that ad space in thia paper guaran
tees you I Better get down to facts, and let our representative
call on you at once. He's at the other end of the wire Dial
'9101, anticipating your call. ; J: , - . :r S " L
Saaday and Wed. 9 ta lO
Quit case . ' .r:
.A. rhargea.