rAcn rt The OHEGON STATESSIAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning February 21, 1937 Appropriation Sills Blocked Sit-Down Strike Launched .by Pension Bloc in .. . Lower House v latraUon supporters, thoroughly disorganised by the sudden attack, huddled in effort to find A way out of the dilemma. ; -, , . Representative" "Walter Norblad again 'moved for dispensing with further proceeding under the call of the house. Objection was again raised' Norblad then ! questioned the ruling by which, one member could block dispensal and when overruled, appealed from the rul ing of the chair. The "rote over ruled the speaker and the motion to dispense with further proceed ings carried. " ' .Then Representative Henry Se mon, chairman of the ways and means committee, blasted the members for trifling with legisla tion, : "I don't know what this is all about, Semon shouted at the members, "but it isn't fair to the members of the ways and means committee. , "In past sessions it has taken the ways and means committee from SO to BS days to bring In the appropriation measures. By work ing night and day your committee has managed ta bring them out on the 41st day and now you're try ing to delay them.' Heckling Occurs After First Round Having been licked In their first attempt to delay the bills, the bloe resorted to heckling. Semon was shouting at the top of his voice and could be heard clearly all oyer the halL "Mr. Speaker. RepresentatlTe Roth-interrupted, "will you hare Representatire Semon step a little closer to the mike, I can't hear Tery welL" ."The ways and means commit tee has dene the best Job it has eTer done." Semon ended, "Let's go to work and pass these bills." Seeking to pour oil on the trou bled waters, Representa tlTe Barnes, a member of the ways and means committee, told the as sembly that he had promised the voters to work for a lower age pension measure and that he would see that the measure was brought out for consideration of the house. Speaker Boirin then recognized Representatire Ronald Jones who explained the forestry appropria- IIavi Kill Ua tiAii am ekrn I m as! Pata- . w-n waaex , k.a resentatiTe Daisy Bevans who bad been on her feet at the time Jones wss recognized. "I don't wish to say anything on the bill." Miss Berans said. "I did hare something to say but since you didn't recognize me It Isn't Important now." On. the passage of the bill there were three no rotes. They were Allen. Berans and Hogan. , Only Three Votes OoDoned to Rill As the clerk started to read the ext. appropriation bill, Represen tatires Allen and Wagner again demanded a call of the house. Two members were absent on the roll. Bull was still missing and Roth, a member of the pension bloc, had disappeared. He reap peared Immediately after- the bouse adjourned. Hopelessly bogged down, lead ers started to again go through the procedure of appealing from the ruling of the chair, but real izing the futility of trying to get through the calendar In that fash Ion decided to attempt to consoli date their forces over the week end. Still under call of the house, Representatire Korblad gare no tice that he would more for change of the rules requiring all members to be present under call f the house and then mored for adjournment until Monday at 10:30 o'clock. , Tells of Mexico MONMOUTH, Feb. 20. At the Wednesday night meeting of the International Relations club. Miss Florence Beardsley, princi pal of the training department, gare an Interesting rerlew of high lights of her trip to Mexico during the holidays. when with several other - fnenltv" members. be toured as far south as Mexi co, City. - - ;.. Nature's Artistry at Timberline Hart, ssotr. wind and tee form to talst a xletor at timberline. t two giants are wrapped ' In each others arms, awaiting the ;j rajrs of Cia a;rlag sum. .(Ffcoto courtesy Eaell rTourlag ..), . - - . ;:-- " Feminist Hove v '.V rv Maid of India pr. ::i;:::;x:::- 01 Increasing proof of the emancipation of women In the Orient la evident In the growing number of "career women" and the gradual elimination of the custom of marrying' girls at an age considered barbarous In the western .hemisphere. Japan, India and China are all recognizing the right of women to other than domestic roles, I In China Madam Chiang; Kai-Shek, wife of the dictator, baa Intro- duced man modern conventions, reflecting her education at Wellealey college In Massachuaetta. Travel Difficult In Detroit Area Fresh snows hare made trarel orer the road to Detroit in advisable except la cases of real necessity. Road Patrolman Frank Bewley declared upon his arriral In Salem yesterday after a diffi cult trip down from the forest community. Turnouts which had been cleared to make two-way traffic relatirely safe hare again been blanketed with snow and the maximum speed possible Is not orer 10 miles an hour, he said. Falling rocks add to the hazards. . ; No motorists 'should attempt the trip without equipping his. car with chains and taking along a shovel, which will hare to be used several times during the journey, Bewley declared. Even the rail road, he said, la sending an extra snow-shorellng crew along with each train sent to Detroit to clear away slides frequently encoun tered. ;' Bewley was "doubtful about the ability of his available equipment to keep ahead of the snow. Ten inches fell Thursday night. He haa a 20-horsepower caterpillar tractor with fa blade, and two trucks. j Rock Crusher to Reopen Planned The county court yesterday granted a pole-hauling, permit to Harold Blake, contractor, which will enable him to reopen his rock crushing plant, east of the Texaco station In the Morning side district. The crusher will fur nish rock for the new Pacific highway location south of the city. Large scale crushing opera tions will be conducted' this sum mer, i Blake's pole, to be used as a highline support. Is 150 feet long, weighs 12 . tons, and measures three feet at the butt and 1 1 inches at the top. It was cut la the woods abore Molalla. Gains in Orient Mrs. Odaag Kai-Shek i v. .! :) ' - I -; - , 1 J'y 1 j 1 Typical Chinese glrUj A," , ( Unusual Movie at High School Soon A four-reel talkie, "The Beno flcient Reprobate," which presents a fascinating story in popular fashion, will be presented at the senior high school auditorium Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Ad mission Is free but a silver offer ing will be taken. The film Is one of the projects of the Francis Wlllard centenary program of the W.C.T.U., and Is presented here under the auspices of the local union chapter. . j The picture shows the real na ture of bererage alcohol and though educational Is replete with novelty In scene and action, mys tery, daring, adventure and de lightful comedy. The picture was directed by Elmer Clifton of Holly wood, for years associated with D. W. Griffith. Its technical title is "Ethyl Alcohol, Its Nature and Its Properties.". Fruitgrower Pact Filed With Clerk The Woodburn Fruit Growers' Cooperative association yesterday filed with the county clerk a cer tified copy of its marketing agree ment and a list of grower-signers under a provision of a 1933 mar keting act. The certification was made by Gladys D. Miller as sec retary-treasurer of the association. The agreement, the officer's af fidavit stated, applies to all berry, cherry and prune crops. The con tract runs to and Including 1941. The list of growers who have signed Individual contracts with the association contains 226 names. , - Purpose of the cooperative is In part to stabllze markets, one section of the agreement states. : ' " ' . . - '' . f Justice Rossman j To Address Group . At a - one - o'clock luncheon Wednesday at the Woman's Un ion of the First Congregational church. Justice George Rossman will be the guest speaker. ' His subject will be "George Wash ington and the Constitution." Because of the Interest In this subject - any: men of ' the parish are Invited to the luncheon and the talk if they make reserva tions with Mrs. XL J. Donnell by Tuesday noon. ; : - - . : The program will be followed by an - Important business 'meet, lng with election and. Installation of new officers. :; Plans .for the affair ,are i being made by, the nominating committee of Mrs. B. J, Donnell, Mrs. F. 4 B. Neer and Mrs. J. R. Simonds.' All women of the church nd parish are Invited to attend. t ,;; ? 4 , Oiling in I Area Considered More than CO citizens from the Sidney district In south Marlon county were told by the" county court : yesterday that considera tion -had' been given to oiling of the Buena. Tlsta-Jefferson 'road, about whleh they, were Inquiring, and that a part at least of this route probably would be on this season's oiling program. The delegation expressed a hope the entire road would be oiled but asked that it at. least be put on the program and a part of it Im proved this year. . ; ; , Court members' pointed oat that the county rock crusher had been novel freer the Battle Creek to the mihee site for the purpose of providing a supply of road .materials for the south Marlon eouuty district. littleBoneih First 41 Days " . -a. Score on Conclusion of ' - Bla jor Legislation - Is ; ' Still Round Zero (Continued from Page 1) .-, .... . -.-...- ed. when appropriation . bills are out of the way, the Jockeying and fencing for position In order to force passage of pet measures will start. It gives Indications of being a glorloua finish. . . Reverberations of the action "of the i 'pension. ... bloc!, in " delaying passage -of appropriation bills were floatlnraround v the- halls After adjournment, ".'iZSS Jteprisal Against -. "Bloc Held IJlry - ' One report had It that the bouse leaders would seek reprisals against the bloc by defeating all their proposed bills, even going to the extent of recalling measures already pased., r-v' :-k' On the other side the report fil tered around the lobby that the "bloc" was not only seeking to force passage of pension bills and consideration of - other measures but was attempting to completely block the appropriation bills In an effort to force the governor to call ' a special 20 day session so that the members might continue to receive their three dallars a day stipend. This the governor has already emphatically given notice be would not do. Vision and Public SafetyOnked Up Designation of the week be ginning February 21 as "Better Vision .Week", throughout the na tion, together with ..the growing public demand that something be done to lessen the danger creat ed by motor vehicles on our streets and highways, should serve to remind all of us that there is a definite relationship between good "ision and ood driving, Earl Snell, secretary of state, said yesterday. "It has been our experience, in examining applicants for driving licenses," continued Mr. Snell, "that many of those with defective vision have been en tirely unaware of their condition until It was pointed out to them In the course of their examina tion. The majority of such cases are to be found among appli cants of advanced age, but there. have been a number of similar cases discovered among young sters applying for their first li censes. . "Present day traffic," declar ed Mr. Snell, "is such that even the most disinterested observer must recognise good vision as one of the first requisites of the safe driver, for neither Improved highways nor Improved ears can offset the danger created by drivers who are unable to see clearly. Spanish Blockade Goes Into Effect f Continued from Page 1) The blockade on volunteers went Into effect automatically at midnight. At that hour France began to patrol all roads and paths crossing her frontier Into Spain. In 27 European nations laws of various kinds went into effect to prevent their citizens from going to Spain to fight. Twenty-six of . those nations were pledged to a 'general "Scheme to draw a cordon aanltalre around warring . Spain, Including a six power naval blockade, to become effective March f. Britain hoped to bring the twenty-seventh na tion, Portugal, Into line with a compromise arrangement. Cleanup Made in Sheriffs Office - A sustained drive to clear away all old Judgment, garnishment, attachment and - foreclosure re turns In the sheriffs office Is be ing conducted - In an effort to empty the files and go on a day-to-day basis In making returns to the circuit court. Deputy -Kenneth L. Randall said yesterday. : .Yesterday Randall filed 42 re turns on papers of which some dated back as far as 1927. Re turns were made.' a week ago on 22 others. Several sheafs of the old documents remain - to be Oiled out and filed. . ..- , -- .. .. Do Not "Just" Paint YOUR : mm ': HOME Dae m patat that Is TlflBTKB tvmd GUAHAXTEED to bo better sad rettaee your Anal atp-keep " coat. The tXinereasea Is very little. Sher ; wlB-WlUlams (SWP) PaJjtU eor ' or moro anf ace, last longer, un der all conditions, aad hare "a fowr-to-ooe . prelereac an o n' s anrs oT vmtmtm. SWP hstre at pafatt for -erery prirpoM aad seed. : : Good paint makes your homo moro attraetlTo in addition to protecting the surfaces against - decay and repair " bills. NELSON BROS. SSI CheraekeU Radio Programs Xtonr STnTOAT 940 Xe. - , ' S :00 Interaitisnal enert. : Capitol theater family. 10:00 Charek tfc Air. . 10:80 Poetic striaga. , 10:45 Headline la Hitorr. 11:15 ThaaUr music. - 11:45 Portland 8rphQBy, WWem Taa Hoofatrata. 13:00 New York PkUharawiiU erea. .. 3:O0 Old einreh aong.-, S:S0 Raiabow's Sad. . S:00 Joe Fanner, iml. errh cetaedr. 8:30 Rubiaoff aad kit TioUa. r . t 4:00 Prefeaeor Qnit. 4:80 Taeker orch . . - 6 :00 OpaaHae, -Nlom Eddr. 6 :4S Pope?, tk Sailor. -. ft:00 Siudsqr aTeniac. koC 7:00 Comnjaiti Bias. . . V 145 Jelly .tiBM. 765 Ceroaoa. SO--E4dle Caator. "S:30 Lyasaa orck. .: - :00 Teaat t Ue .Tewa. , :30 Sunday new. 10:00 Drew, -or ran. , 10:15 Kins erek. J 4 1 a -llik-iTu kn arck. . ' ' , . 10:45 BUek Masie. t ' 11:00 Lea ercn. - 11 :80-ia Midnight aeranaae. .. ; SOW SOVSAT S20 Ke. -S:00 New. .-s : if 8:15 PeerleM trie. oaL S:80 Sunday anariae. 0 :0O Seutkemairea. .. 9 :S0 Chicago Kouad Table.- 10:80 Melody Matinee, aiag. 11:80 String time. 12 tOO Opera aadislena.'. 13 :30-Grand Hotel, .drama. 1:00 Penthoaae aereaade, inatr. 1 : SO Musical cantera. , j :00 Marion Talley, aiag. . StOO PoMf playlet. 8:15 Ray W. ill.- talk. 3:30 Neva., 3:45 Sophisticated violin. ' 4:00 Song for Ton. . - 4:80 Sartlay apeeiaL 5 :oo lo Voa Want to Be aa Actor I e :00 Manhattan Merry-Ge-Boaad. S:80 A 1 barn of Familiar Music, sing. 7 : 00 Concert, inatr, 8:00 Sunset 1) reams, tiag. 8:15 Treasure Island, alng. 8:80 Jack Benny, comedy, aing, orch. :0O Passing parade. 9:15 Night Editor, drama. :3 One Maa'a Family, aerial. . - 10:15 -Bridge to Dreamland. - 11:00 Bal Tabarin orch. ll:80--ReTeriea. to 13 Weather reports. ( HI 8TXNDAT 1180 Kc S )0 Argentina concert. 8:40 Dress RehearsaK . 9 :00 Christian Endeavor Union. 9:15 Garden Class. Martha Phillip. 9:SO Radio City Maaie hall. ing-orch. 10:80 Our Neighbor. 10:55 Varieties. 11:00 Msgie Key, aing. 12 :00 Tropic Trails. 12:30 Alistair Cook, talk. 12:45 Leo Sullivan, program. 1:80 Fishface and! Figs bottle, comedy. 1 :45 Lutheran Hour. 8:00 We. the People, - Phillip Lord. 3 :80 Stoopaagle and Bud, comedy. 3:00 Lis. en to Thia. 8:80 Christian Science program. 3:45 Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow. 4 :00 Brotherhood Day program. 4:80 Robert Ripley, varied. Frietag Services Will Be Tuesday SCIO, Feb. 20. Matilda Ern estina Frietag, 77, wife of Char les Frietag, Is to be burled In the Masonic cemetery near ScIo fol lowing funeral services at the N. C. Lowe chapel In this city at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Illness of several weeks term inated In death at the family home in the Rlverview commun ity a few miles southwest of Scio Friday. Her husband has been 111 for some time and is inan Albany hospital at this time. - Mrs. Frietag, who had lived In the Scio area about 46 years, was born in Kansas in 1859, and was united In marriage to Mr. Frietag In 1879. Of the survivors, two daugh ters reside in Idaho and one In Washington. Six sons, Charles, El mer, Frank, Harvey, Jess and John, reside In Linn county. The sons, Henry and Rollie are In Sa lem and Arizona, respectively. W. M. Oddie Hurt In Auto Accident NORTH HOWELL, Feb. 20. W. M. Oddle narrowly escaped serious Injury Thursday morning when the. steering wheel of the car In which he and his son Har Iey were riding ; became locked and the car crashed into the ban nisters of the bridge near the Fershwaller farm. Oddie ' was thrown partly through the windshield, then jerked back and thrown ont the right door. He was taken to the Woodburn hospital and treated for severe cuts and bruises 4 but returned . home that afternoon and Is Improving. .. Back From Spokane SILVERTON, Feb. 20 Mr. and Mrs. C. ' A. Cluff hare returned Vmjx a two montna' stay at Spo kane, Wash. Mr. Cluff sustained a broken wrist shortly after he had rone to Spokane and remain ed there for treatments. Miss Anita Cluff. high school daughter; has been staying at the L I Stewart, homo during'' her pareta absence. 1 ; , - - 1 Wo will gladly tlmato the cost and help yon noire your paint problem without .obligation, whether yon bay from vs or not. COVtllTVv if THt f xs a PAINT CO. . Phone 655D 5:00-5:30 Singing evangelist. 8:0O News. 8:15 Postof fir mission. S:SO Book Chat, Richard Montgomery. :0O Chea-Pare orch. 10:00 Palace orch. ' ' 10:30 Calvary Tabernacle jubilee. 1 1 : 15 Runyan, organ. to 13 Weather reports. i XOOr HONDAT 940 Xc 6:30 Klock. 7:5A News. 8:00 Keeping fit- 8:80 Behind the Looking Class. - - 8:45 Sons of Pioneers, aiag. -: 9:15 Rhythm and Romance. , 9:30 Romance of Helen Treat, drama. :45 Rich Maa'a Darling, arama. -. 10 :0O Betty and Bob, aerial. . T - . 10:15 Modern Cinderella. to :80 Betty Crocker. 10:36 Charch hymas. 11:00 Big Sister. " : 11:45 Myrt and Marge. ' ' - - ' . 13 :00 Magasiae ot the Air. ' 13:45 New.. - , 1 :0O Dept. of" Education. " j. :1:15 Homemaker' institute..''-'. ." 1:30 Variety matiswe. -s. 2:00 Miltoa Miller, talk en ' George .. Washington. ! - 2:30 New Taroagh .Women' Eyes. 8:00 Western home. 4:0O News. 4:45 Hometown Sketches.' 5:00 Hoosierl 5:15 -Drews, organ. -5:45 Tops revno,-"!' " 6:00 Radio theaters ''Captain flood." '. 7 :0O King area. - I ,S:0O Poette melodies. 8:15 Renfrew, serial, drama. 8:80 Pick and Pat. -i:00 Heidt-orch. i :SO Jack Pearl. 10:00 Dorothy Dinv, 10:80 Foeley and Dooley orch. 11:00 Tucker oreh. 11:15 Kvaas orch. 11:15-18 Black Chapel. . , SOW MOHDAT 620 Kc 7:00 Morning melodies, i 7:30 Petite, musical. '8:00 Organ concert. ' v BlOO New. - ,-j 0:15 Mary Martin, aerial, drama. - 9 : SO How to Be Charming. 9:45 Helen 1 raubel, aiag. 10:00 Joe White, aing. 10:15 Mrs. Wiggs of Cabbage Patch. 10:30 John's Other Wife, drama. 10:45 Just Plain Bill, drama. ' . -11:30 News. 1 ! , - - -11:45 Singin Sam. - -13:00 Pepper Vvung'a Family, drama. 12:15 Ma Perkins, seriaL 12:80 Vie and Bade; seriaL -13:45 The O'Neill, drama. 1:80 Polio w the Mooa. 1:45 Ouiding Light, drama. 2 :00 Hollywood new. 3:05 Church council. 2:15 Helen Jan Behlke, aing. 2 :30 Frank Watanabe, commenta. . - 3:00 Education program. . 8:15 Woman' magasina. varied. 4:00 Donald McGibeny, commentator. 4115 Back Seat Driver. 4:45 Invisible Trails. 5:00 Piano surprises. ' - 5:15 Monday medley. 5:30 Btara of today (ET). 5:458. A W. Junior new. - S :00 Warden laws. Sing Sing, drama. 6:30 Beacon concert. 7 :00 Contented program, varied. 7:80 Hawthorne House, drama. 8:00 Amoa 'n' Andy. 8:15 Uncle fisra."- 9:00 Fibber McUee Molly, comedy. 9:30 Himber'a Champions. - 10:00 News. 10:15 Stringing Along. 10:30 Hopkins orch. 11:00 Ambassador orch. 11:30 Reverie, instr. to 12 Weather reports. ; JTXX MONDAY 1180 Kc 6:30 Clock (ET). 7:00 Calvary tabernacle. 7:80 Josh Higgin,: sketch. .-7:45 News. '8:00 Robert Gately, sing. ; 8:15 Milton A. Miller, Ulk. 8:30 Edna Fischer; piano. 8:45 Gospel singer. 9:00 Little Theater of Life. 9 :05 Honeyboy and Sassafras. 9:15 Homo institute. 9:80 New World. 10:02 National Defense, Ulk. 10:10 Musical interlude (ET). 10:15 Food Msgieiaa. 10:80 Love and Learn, seriaL 10:45 Star Spangled Baaner. 11 :0O Great Moments in History. 11:15 V. a. Knvy band. 11:80 Western Farm and Homo. 12:80 Market. 12:35 Triangle Visiter. 13 :50 Rochester Civic orck. 1:00 Forum luncheon. 1:80 Young People' teagno. 1:45 Young Hickory, drama. 2:00 Let'a Talk It Over. 3 :30 Marlowe and Lyon, piano duo. 2:45 Old Homestead, drama. 3:00 V. 8. Army hand. 3:35 Financial and grain reports. 8:80 Newa. 4 :00 Weiehman. Homer and Clean. L 4:80 Farm Aids. After More Than 22 Years We Close t he Doors in r Tuesday ii - - n if ii Hundreds of Items Have , - . ... :; . .. ... v. .. ,... . Again Been Reduced! - Final Drastic Price 1; .Ciits Have Bebh. Made ! Cost Means Nothing to Us! . --4:45 Joan Herrick, sins. S:O0-S:80 Striaarwood easemblew ' Sloo News. ' s . 8:15 Lam and Ahner, comedy - 8:80 Tanya Krasanova, sing. S :45 Legislative newt. 9 :00 Homicide Sqnsd. ' . 9:80 Bambi, Helen Hayes, drama. 10 :00 Wroatliag. 10:85 Biltmore oreh. 11:15 Paal Carson. 12:00 Weather report. KOAO MONDAY 550 9 :00 Homemaker' hoar. Zc JiBjefe II w 9 h n h b. r U UJ lpj M 1 t7 '7 HERE'S the radio you've always wanted! With the sensational new Copper PHOTO -TONE Speaker and many other big improvements, Stewart -Warner has ended harshness, ended rasping shrillness, and given you the whole world's entertainment with utterly new mellowness and parity. You'll marvel at the difference. Hear it yourself -today! 10 tubes 3 bands. Copper PHOTO -TONE Speaker. Shad ow Beam Tuner. Ptub-Pull Eleo troo Beam Amplifier. Huge 7-in. Magic Dial with Antomstic Band Indicator and Split-Second ' Re-locator. Autoaiatic Ban Com pensation aad many, many other features. CREDIT JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS 184 N. Libery Phone 7818 ' Two More Days : Is The Last mm mm - -V NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ... ; ON ANY STORE FIXTURES I 141 N. Ojmmerclal St. 10:00 Weather forecast. 19:11 8 tary boar for adulta. ll:O0 School of the air. 12:00 Nw. ., 13:15 Noon farm hour. 2:00 Guarding roar health. 2-30 Travel's rsdio review. 8:00 Home visits with extension Bp lalist. 4:00 Ihe ymphonle hoar. 4:30 Stories fog hoys and girls. 6:15 News. 7:30 4-H eluh meeting. 8:15-9:00 The business hour. lite Ik.&'." w Ik a tr a V " f 'mm TERMS as low at DOWN A WEEK Liberal Trade Allowance Day ! I' Mi 7(01 in (6