The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1937, Page 11, Image 11

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    VThe OREGON. STATES21AN, Salem Orezcn, Sunday Hornby February 21, 1C37.
JMrs. Ayers Hostess .
To Church Group
Mrs. K. J. Ayers wu hostess
on Friday to members ot ; the
Woman's Missionary society ot
the First Baptist chorea. The af
ternoon's prorram included mn
steal numbers by Miss Jeu E.
sey and Miss Rae Hungerf -rd;
talks by Rt. Irrteg Fos and
Miss Gertrude Shoemaker, of the;
Belgian Congo.
Those present were: Meedames
E. J. Ayrea, N. Ball. !. H. Br-;
nett. E. C Newberry. Johanna
Flsk. George 0NeiU Mark Stiff,
A. E. Lneero, I M. Da oris, El
mer Conn, Sax Is Pann enter, L.
McLaren. A Stowell. I. M.- Pres
eott. Earl Race, Annie Cox, E. A.
Wlmer, Joseph Johnson. W. II
McAnlnch, H. Olen, Jack, Gibson.
Joe Teel. Robert Wagers, Jennie
Hicks. MatUe Clark. I. M. Hoyt.
Luctle Stark ey, Mrs. James Fos
ter, C. H. McCuDah, C. A. Craw
ford, Theo Roth, Misses Gertrude
Shoemaker. Margaret Ayers.
Rath Stapleton, Jean-Ramsey. Rae
Hangertord, Olive McAnlnch and
Rer Irving' Fox.
Mikado Will Be
Sung in March
' Away back In 111 the Mikado
was song by a chorus of eighty
Toices and the Salem high school
auditorium was packed, with
"standing room signs out. Mow
the students of Salem High hare
planned another presentation of
the popular Gilbert and Sulli
van light opera, to be sung by a
chorus of 180 voices on - March
12 at Leslie auditorium. Already
rainnuasia iumw m kvkw
house. " '
First announcement of the east
Is made - today . by Lena Belle
Tartar, director. The part of the
Mikado will be taken by.Faward
Damon; Nankl-Poo will be sung
by Clare McFarlane, Ko-Ko is
Jack Powers; Bruce Spencer "rill
sing the part of Pooh-Bah; -Pish-Tlsh
will be sung by Jerry Cot
tew; Elizabeth Steed is cast as
Tom-Yam; Pitti-Sing will be
"Willetta Sneed; Jeannette Are
hart is to be Peep-Bo and the
part of Kstisba will be sung by
Elizabeth Lewis. Marine Case Is
accompanist. The business staff
includes Rodney "awkins and
Bill Taylor.
Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding has
Invited a group of the legislative
women and additional guests to
a dessert luncheon Thursday
afternoon at her home on Court
31 r. and Mrs. Elliott Price of
Camas. Wash., are visiting this
weekend at the home of Mrs.
Trice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Monday, February 22
Women ot Rotary, with Mrs.
J. E. Godfrey. 501 North Win
ter street, 1:15 p. m. lunch.
W. W. G. Study class. First
Baptist church, 7 p. - m. at
Royal Neighbors ot America
ir.eet at Fraternal temple, 8
p. ra. v
Woman's ..auxiliary to the
Disabled American Veterans of
the World War, Y. W. C. A.,
at 8 p.m.
Tuesday. February 23
East division of the Ladies
Aid. First Presbyterian church,
with Mrs. S. H. Boardman,
1331 Center street. 2:30 p. m.
Board meeting T. W. C. A..
10 sm.
Woman's Missionary society
of Englewood United Brethren
eta arch,' silver tea with Mrs. W.
A. Reeves. 1085 North IStb
street. 3 to S o'clock.
Eastern Star social afternoon,
at Masonic Temple. 2 p.m.
Wednesday, February 24
Junior Guild of St. Paul's
h Episcopal church Jitney lunch
eon, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at parish
house. Public invited.
Thursday, February 25 fi
Town and Gown club, at u
Lausanne hall, 2:30'-p.m. I
$yle - Smiled
1 ....
We ased to sit closer bat she sllppea one time and landed la
Take a fling into the evening gown department for a happy landing
with oae or t'other of these Impressive dance numbers. You're faced
with the semblance ot a royal baby's christening dress. Of white-net
with a basque made entirely ot filmy white lace of the Alencon type.
Tiny cap aleeres of the net stand out confidently,giTing that approved
broad shouldered look. Sweeping the floor, a full net sktrt thrice
striped with wide bands of the lace. Poised at the waist a senti
mental little corsage ot pink rosebuds, and forget-me-nots, lace
rurrie and alL - .. r -r
In Juxtaposition, a black tissue taffeta shocked Into life with nose
gays in giddy shade of red. white and green! Ruthlessly slit dowa
the back as far as the enormous bow. swiped from a Japanese lady's
himona. Thrust out behind and whispering as she walks are generous
folds forming a tiny tra!n-(Copyrlght 1937, Esquire Features, Inc.)
Recent Bride
Mrs. Hal Desart, the former
Thelma Dreyer of Portland,
married at a home ceremony
Valentine's day. She will make
: iter fceene in Salem where Mr.
Desart is In business.
Millards Dinner Hosts
Friday Night
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard were
hosts for an Informal dinner Fri
day night at their D street home.
The evening was spent informal
ly. The dining table was covered
with a lace cloth and centered
with a bouquet of jonquils, and
sweet peas in a low crystal bowl
flanked with pink tapers.
" Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Covert. Mr. and Mrs.
B. E. Sl&son, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Foley. Rev. and Mrs. James Milll
gan and Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Millard, j
' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Saell enter
tained Informally at dinner Fri
day night at their home on North
Winter street for the pleasure of
a group of out-of-town people In
the capital during the legislature
and Salem friends. -
Mrs. Victor R. Griggs enter
tained informally at luncheon Fri
day afternoon at her South High
street home in h o n o r of Mrs.
Rufas Holman. An afternoon of
cards was enjoyed following the
Turner entertained with a . gift
shower at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Vance Hitt, of Salem.
The hostess was assisted at the
refreshment hour by Mrs.. Edward
and Mrs. George Nelson, Guests
Included" Mrs. Louis Smith, Mrs.
Malory of Salem. Mrs. Pearl Wit
xeL Mra. .Violet Camp, Mrs. Cleve
land, Mrs. K. Webb, Mrs. Lyons,
Mrs. Fred . Camp, Mrs. Eleanor
Titus, Mrs. George Godwin, Mrs.
Webb, sr.. Mrs. B. Beach, Mrs.
Coymn Tracy and children, Mrs.
P. H. -Meyers, Mrs. Vernon Cham
berlain, Mrs. Anna Boyer. Mrs.
Boyer, sr.. B e u 1 a h and Luella
Webb, Muriel Cleveland, Maxine
Gayla, Deloris and Donald Ver
steeg. j
TWO i FORMALS wer eield
this week on the Oregon Normal
school campus. One occured Fri
day at Jessica Todd hall spon
sored by the dormitory women
and the men i of West House,
men's dormitory.
Saturday night the all school
mid-winter formal will be spon
sored by Stsff and Key in Rec
reation halL The hall will be
decorated to resemble a grape
arbor. Patrons and' patronesses
are Dean Helen Anderson, .Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Cox. Mr. and Mrs.
Don V. Grant.- Mrs. Florence
Hutchinson, President J. A.
- - j - ty fotcAtn
I . . 'v WS1
1 v, I
en ; Hunker, -Lois Bart ruff and
Vera Bassett, were Joint hostesses
Tuesday night at the borne of the
latter for tha "AmiUe- Woman's
club. Mrs. Irene, Scheffe was a
visitor. The Valentine Idea was
carried out in entertainment in.
charge ot Mrs. Mildred Satter and
Katherine Seharf. Tea towels wera
brought to be presented to the
Community club kitchen at Its
; next meeting. ;t .. .i :-: ":; . ;
v Mrs. Irene Seharf and daughter
Genevieve were hostesses for tha
.Woman's Missionary society Wed
nesday afternoon. Mrs. Georgia
Ramp gave s review of the fifth
chapter of "Congo Crosses"; .Mis.
Anna Hammer, Vera Bassett and
Gladys Cage gave readings. A let
ter from Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Fanst,
missionaries In Africa, was read '
by Mrs. Vera Bassett. Genevieve ,
and Katherine Seharf sang a duet.
Self denial offering was received
and during the next month Lincoln
pennies will be saved which will be
used for the mission work in Ken-'
tacky. . . .. - ...... .
A SHOWER was held in the
McClellaa hall at West Stayton
Wednesday afternoon for Mrs.
Viola Schelman. Joint hostesses
for the affair were Mrs. Rose Goss
and Mrs. Alyce Chance.; u;- :
Gsests were SCrs. Carrel an Leans
Lacy, Mis. 811 Gosa. Mrs. E4aa Water
loo Mrs. Edna Garrison, Mrs. Berths
WiIon, Mrs. Helen Gilbert. lirs.i Mary
Hankel, Mrs. Asa as 4 Caita Stewart,
Mra. Cera 8UU. Mrs. Leas SaosSy, Mrs.
Bertha Sefccim&a, Mrs. Tripp. Mrs. Uia-
beta Va Kara, Mrs. Christina forrette.
Mrs. Jesephine FiUgerala, lira. Iris
Waits, Mrs. Klaie .Bess. - Mrs. I tie
CosutKk, Mrs. Ussel Crass, Mra. Kata
rjm sad Derethjr Kurslca. Mrs. Jesaie
as EArie MeClaUas, Mra. ViTisa Chaat
kerlaia, Mrs. Peart Darker, Mrs. Mabel
Reyes, tea aeeteaa, Mrs. Bess 6eea ana
lies Caancs aaa the koaer guest, Mrs.
Viola Scaeusaa.
. -r - , '
of Brush Creek was the Inspira
tion of a birthday anniversary
luncheon Friday. The guests in
cluded Mrs. Edwin Hatteberg
Alice Jensen and Lillie Madsen.
Rue was the inspiration of a re
cent birthday party attended by
Sheldon Johnson, Bobby Halvor
son, Arnold Herigstsd, Floyd
Langser, Charles Langsev, Daryl
Dean Johnson, Ardell Johnson
and Roger Loe. t
Assisting Mr. and Mrs. James
Rue were Mrs. B. "Storli, Anna
Brenden, Virginia Rue and Lois
Mfll City met at the home of
Mrs. Mary Hendrlcson Thursday
afternoon. The women were
dressed in old time costumes.
Mrs. Ellsworth receiving a prise
'for the best costume. A pleas
ant afternoon was spent with
sewing after which the hostess
served a lunch.
Those present were Mrs. Hen
ry Baltimore. Mrs. W. J. Robin
son, Mrs. Chas. Sullivan, i Mrs.
J. .Plymale, Mrs. Clara Ells
worth, Mrs. O. IL Newman, Mrs.
Otto Geertsen, Mrs. Clyde Rog
ers, Mrs. Ed Haynes, Mrs. Dick
Turpin, Mrs. S. Jepsen and Mrs.
A. Holthouse. .
has been planned for the annual
guest day of the Dallas Woman's
club Monday, February 22. A
patriotic program has , been ar
ranged, with Mrs. John Y. Rich
ardson' of Portland, prominent
member of the D. A. R.. as speak
er. Mrs. Gordon. McGtlcnrist of
Salem will sing and will also give
a reading. x
Other numbers will include
songs by the Salt Creek Baptist
church male quartet; vocal solo
by Hubert Springsteen; vocal solo
by Mrs. Raleigh Middleton, and
a talk and shawl display by Mrs.
Harry Pinkerton. -
Members of the club who are
also members of the D. A. R.
will act as hostesses.
A GROUP ot women represent
ing the Prlngle Woman's ; club
were entertained at the home of
Mrs. P: O. Bowman Wednesday
and enjoyed a delightful no-host
luncheon at noon.
The occasion was also tha birth
day anniversary of the hostess
and ahe was pleasantly surprised
when presented with a gift
shower. :
Those attending were i Mrs.
Charles Sporlln, Mrs. J. W. Keys,
Mrs. S. D. Emery, Mrs. Charles
Grabenhorst, Mrs. George Adams
and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. P. O.
Bowman. The next regular meet
ing will be held at the home of
Mrs. Charles Grabenhorst on
March 3rd.
a Frances E. Wtilard memorial
program and silver tea Friday
afternoon, at the home of Mrs.
F. G. Gunning, who was: also
committee chairman on arrange
ments. Program numbers in
cluded the life of Frances E. Wil
lard and a reading on peace.
las was entertained at the home
of Mrs. E. A. Wagner this week
with Mrs. Miriam Murray as as
sistant hostess. Mrs. Del Plaster
held high score at "SOOT and
Mrs. Tony Kracher, low score.
Complete Optical Service
Eye fatigue,
headach e s,
that your
vi s i o n re
quires opti
c a 1 lenses
s c i e n t i f -ically
mined by an
I ml
In the Valley
Balt Gre Oiun '
Scene of Wedding ' '
MISS CXARA Vt3TH, daughter .Wednesday, entertaining h e r night.- The auxiliary made plans
' mwtA Vfttn. he- lub- ' - to hold a carnival soma time In
of Mr. W. Mrs. Henry f- Flags and Washington favori March. - -came
the bride of Ernest Loewen, cantered the three small tables.4. At 'the conclusion of the bus
aon of Mr. and Mrs.. David Loewen The buffet table was centered by laess .meeting a social time was
of Liberty community, at a beau- a lovely bowl ot pink carnations enjoyed and a shower was given
tifal wedding at the Salt Creek' guarded by pink tapers. ;. t in honor of Mrs. George Eggert.
Baptist church here Thursdsy - Pr!n th cot Lter In the evening the mem
2;.,; n Neumann of- r E. bera of the Dallas post of the
night, with Rev. , G. Neumann or- Roblnson wlth a nted birthday Veterans of Foreign Wars Joln
flclatlng. Mildred Voth lighted the cake In recognition of her blrth- ed the auxiliary. .
candles for the candlelight service, day anniversary. . ' ' i A past commander's pin was
i The bride was dressed in a tip . eora -f . .P1' w" presented to Jack Hayes,
toe length white lace dress with M- WaUer. y . ; . , , ;
train. The flower girl was Elaine , Placet were marked for Mrs. DOROTHY MAE SCHIFFER
Lange and ringbearer was Ben f8 Hart and Mrs. Clifford ER and Walter Lyle Bowers of
AebL The maid of honor. Ilene rtke guests; Mrs. E. E. Addl- Cloverdale were honored on their
Voth "was dressed in pink and the f00 Hn- C. H.' Harwood, Mrs.' birthday at the home ot A. w;
'two bridesmaids. Esther Aebl and -1 Williams, Mrs. 2. C. Kim- J. Bestvaters this week.
Edna Lange, were dressed in bine. M' M Walker, Mrs. G. RefreshmenU, served by Mrs.
v.,. kMrv Af txm G. Walker. Mrs. A. B. Robinson. Mary Schlfferer and Mrs. , WU-
groom. was best man and ushers
were Lester Loewen. Everett Vll
waik, Lester Voth and Errin Voth.
The bride was given away by her
father, Henry Voth.
it - w . votb brother of the
hrfiM sans- tvo solos "O Promise
K n I !e You'tto
OttokerieILyed th? weddlS
Otto Skersies played the wedding t
irter the "wedding the
guests adjourned to the church
parlors and the sisters-in-law of
the bride, Mrs. H; W. Voth, Mrs.
Jake Voth, Mrs. George Voth. Mrs.
Pete Voth. Mrs. John Voth and
Mrs. Albert Voth served dainty re
freshments. A short program was
given. ': ; - :.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Loe7en left for
Redding, California,- where they
will spend two weeks honeymoon.
They plan to make their home in
Dallas. Mrs. Loewen is a graduate
of the Dallas high school class of
1930. - '
sisted by Mrs. Alice Beers enter
tained the HayesTflle Woman's
club at her Salem home Thursday
Dr. W. B. Snodgrass. who was
bora in Alaska and whose par
ents reside there, gave an inter
esting word picture of the Mata
nuska valley and exhibited pieces
of ivory carved by the natives.
Special guests were Mrs. John
S. Marshall and Mrs. H. S. Butler.
Mrs. Julius Slattnm were host
esses to the Hazel Green Sunshine
Sewing club at Mrs. Zielinskl's
home. The club will meet for an
all-day quilting at Mrs. Ralph
Gilbert's home February 25. Mrs.
Melvin Van Cleave and Mra. La
Roy Van Cleave will be hostesses
for March 3 at Mrs. Melvin Van
Cleave's home.
A GROUP OF BOYS gathered
at the - home ot Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Reed of Aurora Friday
night in honor of their son, Rob
ert Reed's. lfith birthday. The
evening was spent In playing
monopoly. Present ware Bob
Hurst, Louis Hill. Bill Kraus.
Richard Hill, Eugene Manock.
and Bob Groh.
"-v .... . 1
Elizabeth vrden
Though biting wfaefc amy whip yor
cheeks your skin amy eHS ratata tf
Tafvaty softness of sosamar .Wooiea
who with to Insure complexion lova
Eneta safeottord e1r beoury wfeh
Blzabeth Aroen's three-foU bask
rihiali .
Chanting Armm Oesssfag Osssv l
: nA.
Toning AtsVhm SUm TesJs. k3$lX
Soothing KtUm Vefce OeM,H to JsV
Central Pharmacy
41 State 84.
By A. T. Woolpert
,? Of V--.
' Woolpert M Legs, Drags
Heart disease has taereaaed
daring the past fifteen years
due to fast living;
There are two kinds of heart
disease.- That ' which results
from Infection, sometimes
traceable to scarlet fever, diph
theria. Infected tonsils or bad
teeth. The second ' Is callsd
"Coronary disease. the name
meaning nothing to the aver
age person, .la a "pUgglng- ot
the nerve Teasels that supply
tha .heart with Mood. .
Happily there - Is always
reason to hope for complete re
covery. Attacks, are intermit
tent and at times disappear.
- See a ; doctor ' occasionally
and follow his advice about
emergency medicines and'
where to secure them.
This Is the 4th of a series of
Editorial Advertisements ap
pearing in this paper
Social Reali
- MRS.- CLARENCE Charboneau
of Independence war hostess for
a delightful Washington'! hlrthr
day luncheon and contract on
Mr- M- C. Williams, Mrs. P. E.
av.vimwu, sesRii, aaa - mv
hostess. -
. ; . ; V '
rr A (Mli sFfSMA. a . . . .
a nanaxercniet
noer was a feature of a surprise
neighbors at the
htmm ?f Mra Mrr Forrette ton-
ori her 78th blrtn4U .nnlver-
Wednesday afternoon
For 20 years products of the Cherry
Gty. Baking Company have main
tained sales leadership in ; this large
Aslt Your ' Grocer for
Baited in a
tha Veterans of Foreign Wars
waa entertainell at the home of
Mrs. Roy Boydston Wednasdsy
lrd Stanton aasUted by Mrs.
iiraiiawri . n mrvu lac
honored guests, Carl Schlfferer.
Opal Bowers. - " James Mickey.
Edith- Schlfferer, Stewart Claron.
' . .
Meroert uootn, routine . snoen.
William Anderson. Wilbur and
Clarence Cox. Leroy Pemberton.
Frank Hedges. Ruth Goodman.
Marlorte Bestvater and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Bestvater.
in This Immense Territory
W&h " X i -
Talbcrt Service
Friday at Albany
ALBANY, Feb. 20. Graresido
services were held Friday morn
ing at SL Johns cemetery for
Nathan Talbert, 74. who died in
a Salem hospital Thursday. : Rev.
W. R. Augsberger had charge cf
the services.- The Fortmlller fun
eral directors were la charge of
the arrangements. - . -
Mr. Talbert was born November
f, 1812. in Oskaloosa, Iowa, and
when a young man - moved to
Kansas in which state he lived
until 1890 when he. came to Ore
gon. He had been a resident ot
Albany since 1900. For many
years; Mr. Talbert gardened, but
had retired from any active work
several. years ago. 1 . t
Surviving Is the widow, three
sons, Harlin of Texas; Lester of
Los Angeles, CaJ.; and Ray of
Albany, and - one daughter, Mrs.
Alice Blumenthall ot Los Angeles.
j ...
Bulldog Hoopers Get
Gifts From Boosters
WOODBURN. Feb. 20. Wood
burn merchants and several of
the townspeople have presented
gifts to member of the Wood burn
Uniform bakery production plus twicer
daily service to YOUR Grorer means
FRESH Master Bread for YOUR
Hillmon'o hAcoter Erecd
Clean Bakery
Usrtavlae sUees, 1-S taeh ttilek. aaa S T Ineaee h!.
asreaS sack sues vsrr talcsir rsUev eeft ikmm.j i
' cfteeee. Sell ss, the ratt leactk ef sUee, Uke a r csO.
wrss sack rsU wtta a aMce ef ftseea. Veset sudor krcr.
tmralag treqsaatlr, e tkst SreaS Is ersaly tea4 as4
rsu rsuss.
high school basketball team. This
was prompted by the Woodbum
team's victory over the Ellvertort
Foxes Tuesday evening when they
defeated the Silverton team 19
1T at Silerton.
Those making presentations arer
J. W. Shaw, Miss Muriel White,
Keith OUair. Elmer Mattson and
Leo Zuber. Another treat for the
boys was a dinner given them at
the Woodbum hotel Friday eve
ning. .
Brenden Returns Home
Norman Brenden. who has been
a patient at the Shrlners hospital
at Portland since last May, has
returned to his home here this
week. He is reported as mnch Im
proved in heslth.
It is a fact that all wool
blankets should be combed and
brushed between laundry per
iods to maintain life ot fibre
and prolong efficiency.
Phone 8419 for Prices
The Better Bedding Store
407 Court St., Salem
fsrssi a larm leaf ef Vnsa. Oat la
veuasii ssrrsa wut iron atuas.