The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1937, Page 7, Image 7

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Silvertou .i Defeats '. West -.. Lmm.rt-r-
The OUCGON STATESMAN, , galexs, Oregon, Saturday Morniar, Febrnarj42a,lS37
Woodburn Has
Cinch For Tie
Foxes Rally in Last Two
Minutes to Go Ahead;
Other Game Close .
SILVERTON, Feb. 19. Silver
ton kept "Us chances open for a
tie for the .valley league . cham
pionship by defeating West Linn
20 .to 17 with a garrison finish
here tonight.
It was the second defeat for
West Lin a In two days and
knocked the Lions into a sure
third place in the valley stand
ings, i -
The Lions-after leading all the
way, lost In the last minutes of
play when Pettyjohn, Silverton
center, sank a field goal to tie
the count at 17 all and then added
another field goal and a free
throw to give Silrerton the win.
Jenkins. " Silrerton forward,
opened the scoring but West Linn
tied it np at 2-2 and hejd an
11-9 halftime lead.
Kent, West Linn guard, topped
scoring with nine points,
The West Linn B team won
from Silrerton's B team 18 to 12.
A fistic poatlude In which a
West Linn player took hefty
but unsuccessful awing at a SI1
Terton spectator almost produced
a riot. Lineups:
hilterton j (20) (1?) West Linn
Cross 6 ...... vF. .... . . 3 Blair
Jenkins ......F. ....... Peters
Jettyjohn 8. . ..C. . ... . ..1 Stone
Busch 4.......G...... Freeman
Specht ....... G .9 Kent
Substitute: West Linn. McLatn
4. !
Referee, Erickson.
WOODBURN, Feb. 19. Wood
burn high assured Itself of at
lasi a tie for the Willamette val-
ley league hoop championship
when the Bulldogs defeated West
Linn 20 to 18 at West Unn last
Only remaining hurdle for the
galloping Bulldogs is a game with
New berg Monday night and a vic
tory would giro Woodburn clear
claim to the valley league title.
Although close and hard-fought
all the , way Wood burn's smooth
working club managed to hold a
lead over West Linn all the way.
Never more than a few points
separated the two clubs. Wood
barn led 7 to 5 at the end of the
faair. The Bulldogs held a four
point lead going Into the final
Whitman, Wood burn forward,
led scoring with eight points.
West Linn captured the B game
It to 7.
. Lineups:
Wood barn (20) (18) West Linn
Whitman 8 . . . . F. ,. 2 Davis
J. Auderson...F... .. .. .S Kent
Evenden 5... ,C. ....$.' Stone
Kd wards 1 . -G. ..... 2 - McLaia
Shaw 8 . . . . . ,.Q. . s . . s Freeman
Substitutes: West Linn, peters
Seasonal Party
Held For School
MACLEAT, Feb. 19. Pupils
of Macleay school receiving high
est grades in the county spelling
test are: Jennie Strawn, 95 per
cent; Margaret Neelands. 96; Ro
bert Neelands. 94; Raymond
Strawn and Ruth Andrews, 92.
Hiss . Grace Richards, teacher,
gave a Valentine party at the
school house Monday for her pu
pus and for mothers. , Refresh
ments were served with Lois An
drews; Leona Bowden and Rath
Andrews assisting the hostess
and the eighth - grade boys di
rected the games. .
Mrs. Arthur Spellbrlnk Is re
ported as beink quite 111 at her
heme In Macleay.
Scio to Send Delegation
For Wfflamette Valley
Project Meeting Hire
SCIO, Feb. 19. Scio and vicin
ity plan to be represented at the
Willamette river project meeting
at Salem at 19 o'clock Thursday
morning, February 25.
A showing la to be made calcu
lated to Induce government army
engineers to incorporate in . the
flood control program dams, drain-'
age and irrigation In the Willam
ette valley, fdr which President
Roosevelt Is reported favorable
to an appropriation.
Rural Teacher Gather at
Woodburn Junior School
WOODBCRN. Feb. 19. The
regular meeting of the J.U.G.
club, rural teachers' organisa
tion, was held at Washington
Junior high school with Gen
Seth and Margaret Znmstein, hos
tesses. After the business meet
ing gifts wto presented - Mrs..
Zamstela and Mrs. Seth. recent
brides, and tap dancing was
practiced with Zella Telr- in
structing the class. Playground
tames were Introduced by MUs
Mathilda G111I and Audrey Et
tiager. f . :.
Moving From Portland
AURORA. Feb. IS. Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Brewer, of Portland, are
moving into the house on Bob's
avenue owned by- the state and
formerly occupied, by H. C Dixon.
Fix Drift Creek Bridge
union rill, rtb. 19. The
Marion eonnty bridge crew has
lust finished repairing a- county
ridge across Drift Creek la this
' a v - JgWW t
m SSK'' i7 J Mope- cz
& m -UnSN ;
"'T y ' ''Cr " '"
J Zk lui y-f'Ai W C'iav!SSSSSWMiS Jf'
ticZSjSV r' y TbirrrD By MAaiy cant?c As Tue
HEN Fred Perry ruled the
: knutcnr net roost there
wasn t any argument as w
who, was top man of tennis.' The
bounding Britisher was supreme,
ast nobody knew it better than his
Now,' with dashing Frederick
dashing after dough, the prnle is on
in the amateur ranks. !eading
Loser at Dallas
DALLAS. Feb. 19 D alias
high's hoop quint defeated Inde
pendence 19 to 14 here tonight fo
even matters in their annual bat
tle for ! Polk county basketball
Independence won a previous
game at Independence 26 to 21.
Dallas took a 3-to-2 lead at the
close of the first period and was
never headed. The Orange led 12
to 5 at halftime and was -ahead
IS to 12 at the close of the third
period. :
The Dallas B team defeated In
dependence's B quint 12 to 7.
Dallas (10) (14) Independence
Bennett. 3 F 4. Hart man
Burelback. 8 IV Wilson
Kroeker, 2 - C 8, Linn
I. Voth, 2 G Engblom
K. Voth. 4 G 2, Burch
Mra. Curley Westenherg
Hostess For Ha.ppy Hour
Oab at Home in Detroit
DETROIT Feb. 19.T-The Hap
py Hoar club met wifh Mrs. Curly
Westenberg. Those present were:
Mrs. James Rand. Jr., Mrs. C. C.
Mason, Mrs. Paul Angstead, Mrs.
Kermlt Linateat. Mrs. Glenn
Charlton. Mrs. Dick Seifert, Mrs.
Fred Evans and Mrs. Earl Conk
Un. " ; i
' School was reopened Monday
after it was closed for two weeks.
Lebanon Legion Groups
Hear Past Commander;
Albany Members Guests
i . - -.
-XEBANOX, Feb. 19. The
American Legion and the Legion
auxiliary were Joint hosts Tues
day night at a meeting which
opened with a 7 o'clock dinner at.
Legion hall at which 12& assem
bled, including 29 guests from the
Albany legion. ?
Rue Boys Will Sail For
Fairbanks, Alaska, Today
WALDO HILLS. Feb. 19. -Waldo
Rue and his brother, Le
Roy, left here today for Seattle
rrom where they will embark
Saturday: for Alaska. They will
go at once to Fairbanks .where
another brother, Victor, lives.
Le Roy was up there in 1927
and Waldo spent the spring and
summer of 1939 at Fairbanks.
He win return to his Job with a
gold dredging company.
Sisterhood Class Meets
SILVERTON. Feb. 1 no
host luncheon was served by the
Sisterhood class of the Methodist
church Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Will Linn. The .day's-pro-gram
was - devoted to Georg e
Washington with everyone taking
part. Twenty-four were present.
Mrs. 8. J. Comstock and ,Mrs.
Mary Townly. were la charge of
the program. "
Who'll Reach the
claimants in the scramble for
Perry's vacated throne are Ger
many's Baron Gottfried Ton Cramm
and Uncle Sam's red-headed riot,
Donald Budge.
If the Baron can budge Donald
out of his path, the tennis world will
be his oyster. The redhead will hare
something to say about that, how
ever. It won't do to pay too much
attention to Budge's early losses to
Bitsy Grant. Perry used to lose in
Rodney Alden. editor of the
Woodburn Independent, goes into
a song and dance about the art
of sport writing In his current
Issue and all of his points are
good. He says the idea la to tell
what happened as accurately and
completely as possible, an unde
niable maxim familiar to any
school of journalism freshman.
He says that "There is no
so using np good paper and
ink to sing m hymn of praise
for the home team unless,
perchance, the home team has
it coming." .Point two for Mr.
Alden. He's absolutely right.
Bat when he points the accus
ing finger at the Salem news
papers and say's that they are
bosily engaged in building up
huge reputation for Salem
teams deserved or not we
rear back and throw down the
gauntlet. Tain't so.
It has been the polity of The
Statesman, at any rate, lor years
to underrate Salem teamr, if
anything, partly out of the Idea
that too much glory was not a
good thine for athletic teams.
We hold that we have been as
fair to one team as the other
and have la most Instances giv
en credit where credit was sup
posed to go. If Mr. Alden thinks
we have been partial to Salem
he should see some of our "fan
mail." We recall a letter from
one irate Salem high booster ac
cusing us of being everything
from an agent provocateur of a
conspiring group of outside high
schools to a plain heel because of
our insistence of saying so when
It appeared to us that Salem high
was playing a lousy game.
Frank Alustixa has been ap-
pointed coach of the C K. Mc
Clatchy high school la Sacra
men to. Alustlsa, youll remem
ber, ' was one of Stamford's
rowing sophomore! and was
quarterback of that gallant
crew through the 1933 and
1034 seasons and until be re
ceived aa - eye injury in the
TJ-C.L-A. game in 1033. It was
thoucht for a tlnse that he
would lose his sight but an eye
operation was successful.;
The popularity of Joe Louis,
whom Paul Galileo still terms
the superb fighting machine of
all time, has been steadily on
the wane since Max Schmeling
knocked him oat in 12 rounds.
When Sprinting Bob Pastor went
ten rounds with him last month
his stock dropped further and ha
was booed, despite the tact that
he clearly won the fight inch
as It was.' Little credit goes to
him for his four round knockout
of Natie- Brown in an affair that
ended like a . wrestling match.
Brown was Just another fighter.
It Is doubtless if even a win over
Jimmy Braddock would restore
Louis to the public acclaim he
knew before Schmeling. The on
ly thing that would do it would
bo an early knockout victory over
Max Schmeling. r
these warm-up tourneys, also.
When the Wimbledon and Davis
Cup matches come up. Budge will
probably be smashing those famous
shots of his with all his former
eclat, aplomb and what have you.
Don already has a decision over
the German hope, so it may be that
hell step right into Perry's ample
brogans. It's his big chance, any
way. capnufci ir. ty saw
Contracts Signied
CHICAGO, Feb. 19.-UP-Jamea
J. Braddock and Bomber Joe Lou
is signed today for their heavy
weight championship fight, mak
ing it ' official for Chicago next
June unless legal blows threat
ened by Madison Square Garden
knock it out before that time.
They signed contracts to fight
15 rounds in Comeskey Park,
home of the White Sox, on the
night of June 22 for Braddock's
title and 67 percent of the re
ceipts, estimated at 11,000,000.
Under terms of the contract,
Braddoek will receive SO percent
of the receipts, or a guarantee of
$500,000; SO percent of the mo
tion picture rights and 60 percent
of the radio broadcasting char
ges. Louis, his negro challenger,
will get 17 M percent of the re
ceipts, but his share of the motion
picture and broadcasting rights
remain to be worked out.
Training School Team .
Win Over Jason Lee
"A" Player, 25 to 19
WOODBURN. Feb. 19 The
Woodburn training school basket
ball team von over the Jason Lee
"A" team by a score of 25-19 at
the training .school Wednesday
The Salem "B" team were vic
torious over the Woodburn Train
ers by a score of JS-13.
First teams:
O. 8. T. S. (25) (19) Jason Lee
Dumont, 13 . F Anderson
Hixon, S .F Benjamin
White- C - . 5, .Clark
Gilliam. 4
Randall, 2
.G 4. Lapchiese
.G2. B'mgTrtn'r
Murphy, 1
4. Gillette
Second teams
O. 8. T. 8. (IS) (88) Jason Lej
Murphy, 4 F. 14, Lee
G.Brown. 3 F 9. E. Johns'n
D. Brown. 4 C 10, Barnes
Duffy G Vis
Prior G X, Whitehead
Harris, 2 .
2, Henry
Beaver Depending Upon
i' Former Salem High Boy
For Swimming Win Today
Corvallis. Feb. 19 Upon the
sprinting of Bob Brownell and
the backstroking of. Art B rugger.
both former Salem high stars, win
principally rest the chances of
Beaver swimmers to outswlm a
strong squad of Oregon university
splashers t' morrow afternoon
starting at 2 : 30 o'clock in the
Ore r on State tank.
The, Beavers' 440-yard free
style relar which set a new North
west conference : record In the
meet two weeks ago with the
Washington Huskies will receive
xbe -acid test" tomorrow wnen
they trade strokes with the Dnck
paddlers, who unofficially beat
the time of the Orangemen "dur
ing a practice race at Eugene
early this week. Brownell is a
number of the record-breaking
Senators Lose
To Bearldtten
Score- 28-19 a Freshmen
Spurt Second Period ; I
Halftime Is 22-8 4
Willamette's : Bearklttens. d e-
splte the rigors of fraternity in
itiation, were good enough last
night to outclass the Salem high
hoopers and win 28 to 19.
The Bearklttens, handling the
ball like reterans and working In
for good shots, rolled up a big
lead In the second period and
couldn't . be ' touched by a Salem
team that was having one of its
frequent off nights." :
After the first period - ended
with the score knotted at six all
the Bearklttens got down to bus
iness la classy style to give the
Senators a lesson la ball handling.
Jones, a McMlnnville high star
last year, started U off la the sec
ond period for the Bearklttens
when he took a pass under the
basket ' and lopped the ball
through for a field goal. Then Bill
Wagner, who last year played in
Salem, colors., got hot to dump
through two field goals from his
position at the edge' of the' key
hole and the Bearklttens led 10
to t before Salem was sure what
was happening. ' -' - -
Tommy Medley sank the ' only
field goal of the period' for the
Senators who were chiefly run
ning around in circles trying to
keep track of the Bearklttens. Sa
lem was unable to retain posses
sion of the ball against the ball-
hawking of the Frosh, led in that
department by scrappy "Buzzy
Halftime Lead Bi
The Bearklttens led 22 to S at
The second halt developed Into
a mixture between a wrestling
match and a three legged race as
the Senators became more erratic
and the Bearklttens lost the sta
bling Influence of their ace floor
man. Cecil Quesseth, .when he
went out on fouls.
The. Senators outscored the
Frosh in the second halt slightly
but were unable to do much about
the big lead worked up by the
Bearklttens. Score at the end of
the third period was 22 to 12, the
Bearklttens falling to count.
Wagner, the Bearkltten center.
led scoring with nine points.
Salem will travel to Beufoun-
taln tonight for a second meet
with Bill Lemmon's B champions
who earlier in the week, took a
21 to 20 decision from the Sen
ators. Lineuns:
Salem (19). (28) W. U. Frosh
Medley 5 F....1 Quesseth
Gallaher 2 ....F. ..7 Hagedorn
Maerz 4 . .....C. ... .9 Wagner
Hill ...G. 3 Catherwood
Wlckert 2 .... .G. .... . .C.Jones
Substitutes: for Salem. Lowe 4,
Chambers 2; for Frosh, Hager 2.
Referee. Drynan. -?
Angels Expecting
Tough Going m
' Gonzaga Battle
MT. ANGEL, Feb. 10 Fred
Galer, coach of the fighting An
gels, was rushed to St. Vin
cent's hospital, Portland, Fri
day morning with illness result
ins; from an attack of the fin.
The blow conies at a very In
opportune time with Mt. Angel
college facing two of its most
Important Karnes as the Angels
are schednled to clash with Gon- .
saga Satarday and Sunday la m
two-came series. Before his de
part are; Galer was assured by
his squad that the reputation
of the team would not suffer.
Rev. James Koessler. athletic
director of the . college, and
Rev. John Dunn of St. Vincent's
parish, i Salem, will take rare
of the coaching during Galer's
absence. 'K
MT. ANGEL. Feb. 1 When
the Gonzaga Bulldogs, victors over
Idaho university and Whitman
college, flash onto the maple court
at the Mt. Angel college gym Sat
urday night for ' the . first time
la the history of the two schools
they will be met by a determined
Angel five. A preliminary game
will bo between M. A. C. preps
and Sacred Heart of Salem.
The going will r probably be
tough, for Gonxaga employs
versatile defense, shifting from
man-to-man to sons defense as
the occasion 'demands. - Leonard
Tandle. former Southern Oregon
Normal star, and Henry Hang,
guards on the Gonsaga quint, are
both long shot artist" that tend
to draw, the opponent's defense
away from the basket leaving -the
forwards clear for cripple shots.
Tandle also leads the scoring for
the Bandogs.
' Another problem to' be faced by
the Angels and the referee is to
distinguish between Erie and Emll
Anderson, a pair of Identical twins
on the Gonsaga team.
Galer's men are training hard
tor the contest. The starting line
ns will probably include Haener
at center. Christens en. Toman or
Johnson at forward, and Marx and
Nolan at guard.
A second game between the An
gels and the Bulldogs will be
played here Sunday at S p.m.
Herbert L. Clark of
Long Deach Is Chosen
Judge of Band Contest
The judge la class A and other
sections of the state high school
band .contest at Oregon State this
year will be Herbert L. Clark,
conductor of the ' Long . Beach.
Calif., municipal band and past
president of the Americas Band
masters association --v , ; m -The-
state contort will be dirld
ed, with two classes being held
here and two at Eugene. -
Huskies Help 7ebf oots by Defeating
Cougars 37-34 to Create New Tie in
Northern Division; To Clash Tonight
PULLMAN, Wash., Feb. 19(AP) Washington's Huskies
pulled ahead in the second half to defeat Washington State
college,' 37 to 34, in a northern division coast conference
basketball game here tonight, The halftime score was 15-15.
The Husky victory pulled
first-place tie with Oregon,
ma -1 w-i 1 1 I
luonmouin lMigeu
Out by Qiemawa
Track Scores Twice, Last
Minute; Earlier Lead
Is Home Team's .
MONMOUTH. Feb. il 9 Track's
two field goals In the last minute
of play gave the Chemawa Indians
a 22 to 21 victory over the Mon
mouth high hoopers here tonight
after they had trailed throughout
the game. v j '
Track, Indian guard, put a
story book finish on the game
when he dropped in first one one
handed push shot and then anoth
er, the latter when only fire sec
onds remained.
Monmouth had taken an early
lead and held a narrow margin
throughout the game until the
closing, minute. - The Monmouth
quint led 6-4 at the end oi tne
first period, 1S-S at' halftime and
17-14 at the end or tne tnira pe
riod. ' i v
Track's ten points. Including
four last quarter field goals, were
good for high score honors. V v
The Oregon Normal woives ae
feated the Mantle club 5 2 to 3 S in
another came here today. Line-
nns:: i " "
Chemawa (22) (21) Monmouth
Archambeau 6 .F. ... . . . 3 Buss
Bighorn 2 ..... F ... j. 4 Murdock
Red Elk ...... C..ii.. 4 Snyder
Christiansen 2 . 0 ...... 2 Miller
Track 10 .....O. ..- eTt
Substitute: for Chemawa, san-
derville 2. Referee, Frank Brown.
Financiers Ready
For Region Final
General Finance, Salem's lead
Inc independent quintj sailed Into
the finals of the Willamette valley
rifotrtat a. A. IT. elimination series
by defeating Wagner's of Corvallis
31 to 21 on the Willamette poor
last night. ; !
The Financiers got hot In the
second half as they limited the
Corvallis team to a single field
goal. I
Wagner's commanded the show
in the early minutes of the first
half and with F. Sandos leading
the parade rolled .up eight points
before General Finance scored.
The Financiers perked np in the
closing minutes of the half and
had cut Wagner's margin to a
single point, 17-1 S. at halftime.
John Steelhammer of the win
ners and Fred Sandoz, Wagner's
forward, led scoring with nine
The Financiers will meet the
winner of a . three-way Eugene
playoff for the right to represent
the district in the state A. A. 17.
championship tourney at Portland
March 3. 4, S and .
- Lineups: , i -
Wagner's 21 SI General Finance
sandox F ; . Burrell
A. Sandos F . 2 Manning
Kidder 4 -C 1 Averill
Bergstrom 3 P.. I Erickson
Tomseheck 2.G i 4 Dick
Substitutes: for Wagner's, Ad
ams 2: for General Finance.
Kitchen 4, Gemmell 4, Steelham
mer .
Amity Future Farmer
Batketball Team Hand
Woodburn 23-16 Defeat
WOODBURN, Feb. 1 The
Woodburn F. F. A. basketball
team met defeat at the hands of
the Amity F. F. A. team by a
score of 23-14 at Amity Wednes
day night. The Woodburn second
team , was also defeated by the
Amity second . with a score of
12-9. x . .
F.F.A. 1 23 F.F.A. Amity
Rolling.., ., .... F I Dick
Racette F Lee
Sur meyer 12 ,
.2 Massey
Hermanson .
.5 Penrose
Barstad 4.
S Shields
Referee: Marvin . Williams. .
Mill City Take First
' Game of B Title Series
MILL CITY. Feb. 1 Mill City
hoo paters outclassed G errata high
to win IS to 6 here last night tn
the first of a three-game series
for" the Marlon county B league
title. The teams were to play in
Gervais Friday night and on a
neutral floor Saturday.
7oodbnrn Rlasona to Hold
Their Homecoming Today
WOODBURN. Feb. If. Wood
V rn lodge No. 10 K, A. F. a A.
will hold Its llth annual home
coming Saturday in tho Masonie
temple. All masons in good stand
lng residing in Woodburn or im
ediate vicinity are invited to at
tend. Lodge will be opened at 7:45
P. m. ,. y;-J - . ;
Stanford Slaya Jinx
BERKELEY, Califs Feb. lf
OP) - Stanford's . basketball ma
chine dispelled the la-year Cali
fornia serfrs Jit x here tonight,
nosing out the Bears, 3 f to 32.
This third straight Stanford vic
tory gave the Indians their first
series victory over the -Bean since
Washington State down into a
with Washington ; only half a
y.t . behind. ..
The Huskies spurted in the
final fire minutes after Washing
ton State had taken a six-point
lead early in. the second half.
It was a spine-tingling finish
as the Cougars pulled up again to
3 5-3 4, before Ross Werner raced
under the basket to giro the
Huskies a safe margin.
Washington opened the game
5-0 lead, but the Cougars stead
ily ate down the lead and went
In challengiLg fashion to run up
ahead for the first time at 14-12.
Bob Egge's free throw deadlocked
the game at the half.
Ed Loverich and Chuck Wag
ner were the leading Washington
guns, scoring 10 and 9 points, xe
spectlvely. Al Hooper's eight was
high for W. S. C. "
The game offered an accurate
free throwing exhibition as Wash
ington players sunk 11 out of 14
and W. 8. C. 10 of 14. The teams
meet again tomorrow. They divid
ed two previous games at Seattle.
Rooks Top Frosh
In Third Contest
CORVALLIS. Ore., Feb. 19-ilPi
-The Oregon State Rooks, getting
away to a 25-to-10 naiiume ieaa.
defeated the University of Oregon
Frosh 41 to 34 here tonight.
The Frosh started off with a
3-polnt advantage but after the
Rooks tied things up at 7-all the
Eneena team apparently lost its
basket eye. Hunter and Pflugrad
started dropping In baskets from
all an ales for the Rooks.
In the second half, the Frosh
came back strong and at one time
trailed bv but U points 37 to II
but the Rooks went into a sue
cessful stall to emerge on top.
The Frosh won both "previous
games with the Rooks this season,
Aumsville Beats
Jefferson; Quint
AUMSVILLE. Feb. 1. Aums
ville high s hoop quini aeieaiea
Trferann so tA 22 here tonight.
Killlnger led scoring with nine
points. Lineups: ,
aMviii tsto Jefferson
strawn 8 .... ..F ...... 2 Parrish
Kromwall 3. . .F. . . . . ..3 Knight
Olson 4...... .C... .7 Thurston
shearer 3 ..... G ... .'2 Chrisman
Killlnger . ,G .... .3 G. Grens
Substitute: Jefferson, Boyer .
- Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned have been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the
County of Marlon, as Executors
of the last will and testament
and estate of Benjamin F. Herr
llng, deceased, and that they have
duly qualified as such Executors;
all persons having claims against
the estate of said decedent are
notified to present the same, duly
verified, to us, st the office of
Ronald C. Glover, our attorney,
205 Oregon Building. Salem,
Marion County. Oregon, within
six months from the date of this
notice. . "
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this
30th day of January, 1937.
Executors of the last will
and testament and Estate
of Benjamin F. Herrling,
deceased. V;:"
Attorney for Executors,
Salem, Oregon.
,J. 39 F. 8-18-20-27
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned, Cleo Sarah. Gun
ning, administratrix of the estate
of Lewis 8. Guanine deceased,
has filed her final account in the
office of the County -Clerk of
Marion County, Oregon, and that
Friday, tho 28th day of March,
1137, at the hour of ten o'clock
A.M., la the County Court-room
of said court in Salem, Oregon,
has been fixed by the court as
the time and place of hearing ob
jections ' to said final account
aad the settlement of said estate.'
First publication, February .20,
1937.' ..
Last . publication, March 20,
Administratrix of the estate of
Lewis 8. Gunning, deceased.
John A. Beckwlth .. ;
Attorney for the Eatate
Porter Bldg., Portland. "Oregon.- -
F. 20-27, M. 6-13-20.
! Dog owners are again notified
that an act -of the legislature re
quires that all dogs over eight
months old must be licensed be
fore March 1st to avoid payment
of the $ L00 penalty for delin
quency. A license on. a male or
spayed female dog Is now 11.00;
after March 1 this must be In
creased to $2.00. Until March 1
female ' dogs can be licensed for
82.09; after that tae license ree
must be Increased to 33.90. Dogs
becoming eight months old after
March 1 may be licensed without
penalty; at any time before, they
become eight months old. ;
' Mail letters with money for li
censes to TJ. OV Borer, County
Clerk, Salem. Oregon. Enclose
the proper fee and state the
breed and sex of the dog, and
your name and address. -.
This notice vanished by au
thority of. the Marion County
Dog Control Board, C C. Can
non,, Secretary.
County Clerk. F. 20-24
Steele Keeps
Fistic. Crovn
Ontpoints Ilisko in Bout
That Draws 11,000 in
New York Garden
NEW YORK, Feb. 19-HD-Freddie
Steele of Tacoma. making
his metropolitan debut, outpoint
ed Eddie "Babe" Risko of Syra
cuse, N. Y.. tonight In 15 somewhat-
tame rounds in defense of
the American middleweight cham
pionship. A crowd of 11,661 fans
In Madison Square Garden saw
the titleholder register his third
straight victory over Rlsko.
Steele weighed 157, Rlsko 158
There were no knockdowns but
Risko, from one cause or another,
narrowly escaped hitting the can
vas on several occasions.
Verdict Unanimous
Steele received the unanimous
decision of Referee Arthur Don
ovan and the' two Judges after a
match that resembled the celebra
ted pursuit of Bob Pastor by Joe
Louis in the same . ring a few
weeks ago. Risko, in retreat most
of the time, displayed only flash
es of punching ability and was de
cisively outpointed, despite . ral
lies at two stages of the bout.
Steele stalked his . rival about
the ring, pumping a talented left
into the challenger's face and
ribs with such monotonous reg
ularity that the crowd frequently
booed or Jeered for lack of any
thing else to get excited about.
Rough but wild and no match for
the champion as a boxer. Risko
swung from the knees at Intervals
in attempts to turn the tide but
he spent most of- the evening
back-pedaling, on the receiving
end of left Jabs and hooks.
On the Associated Press score-
card Steele was credited with nine
rounds and Risko five, with one
Airlie High Hoopster
Defeat Fall City 16-7
In First Tilt For Title
AIRLIE, Feb. 1 5. Tuesday
night, Alrlio high school basket
ball team, belonging to the "B"
league, played off a tie between
Airlie and Falls City for first
place. Airlie boys took the game
with a score of 15-7, making the
locals the top.
One more game will be played
in Falls City - to determine the
championship of the county.
No. 9463
In the County Court of the State
. of Oregon for Marion County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
that Winston Williams has been
appointed by . the County Court
of the 8tate of Oregon foe Mar
lon County, Administrator of the
Estate of Thomas L. Williams,
deceased, and has qualified as
such. All persons who hare claims
against said estate are hereby no
tified to present the same, duly
verified, as required by law, to
the undersigned at the office of
Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd
& Bush Bank Building, Salem,
Oregon, within six months from
the data of the first publication
of this notice, which is the 30 th
day of January, 1987, and the
last Is the 27th day of February,
Administrator of the Es
tate of Thomas L. WlU'
' liams. Deceased. j
PAGE and PAGE. I .
Attorneys for said Estate
Ladd St Bush Bank Building,
Salem, Oregon.
J. 39 F. 6-13-20-27
NO. 4e
tu mrvm . ttm m m i v.
(Department of Probate)
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
Executrix of the estate of August
("Mann. 4mbai4 h. tw.
Court of the State of Oregon tor
Lane County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, duly veri
fied as by law required, to the
undersigned at Route 2. Box 114,
North River Road. Salem, Ore
gon, within six (8) months from
the date hereof.
Dated and first published. Feb
ruary 13. 1937. ,
Last publication, March 13.
" 1 f JSxeeutrix
JOHN D. - WILLIAMS. Attorney
1212 Falling Building.
Portland. Oregon. F.l 2-2 0-27-M.6-13.
That the mnderslgned Custer E.
Ross, as Administrator with the
Will annexed of the Estate of
Alfred Coolidge. deceased; has
filed la. the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Marlon County
his Final Account,' and that said
Court has, by an Order ' thereof,
designated Tuesday, the 9th day.
of March. 1927, at the hour of tea
(10:00) o'clock Jn the forenoon of
said day. at the County Court
room In the Courthouse at Salem.
Oregon, as the time and place for
tearing objections to said Final
Account and the settlement of
said estate, at which said time
and place all persons so object
ing shall appear and show cause,
if any there be, why said Account
ahould not In all things, be al
lowed and approved, the said ,
estate settled snd closed, and the
administrator discharged.
As Administrator with the
Will annexed of the Estate
of Alfred Coolidge, deceased.
Attorneys for the Estate. .
F6-i:-2-2? U6.