The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1937, Page 10, Image 10

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    Cnll Sigh-Up
Soil Program
Letli Announces Dates For
District Meetings in .
- Polk Connty
DALLAS. Feb. It- Of. Inter
est to fanners In Polk county.
vartlcularly new signers under
the 1937 agricultural conserva
tion program, la a schedule of
' sign-up meetings that will be held
In Polk county next wees.
" It should - be- understood, ac
cording to County Agent Letn,
that these sign-up meetings are
f6r new signers, only. Farmers
who participated In the 193 1 pro
cram are not to come " to . the
scheduled meetings, Is nec-
- essarr for the office records- to
' be completed before any Informa
tion can be given them on the
respective farms. . . ..
It will be necessary for any new
signers to appear before the com
mitteemen in their own districts
only on .the days designated for
slgn-ups. No committeemen win
be authorized to accept new work
sheets except on he days sched
uled for this.
Coincide With Deadline
March 1 Is the deadline for new
work sheets to be handed In and
the meetings scheduled will be
completed before that date. Polk
county last year had orer 70 per
cent of the acreage In farms rep
resented, in the 193 program.
From all indications, many mors
farmers plan to take advantage
of the new program, and It is
therefore expected that between
SO and 90 per cent of the farming
area of this county will be rep
resented, Leth believes. All sign
ups must be made between 2 p.
m. to 5 p. m. or from 7:30 to
10:00 p. m. on the dates designat
ed. Each man should know the
' location of his farm or farms with
respect to the township and range
numbers; his Toting precinct
number; numbers of acres in the
farm; the number of acres of crop
- land; what the farm produced in
193S and If possible what was
planted on the farm In 193S.
Schedule for Districts
The schedule of meetings:
Dallas, district 4, will have
'meetings in the county court room
at Dallas on Monoday and Tues
day, Feb. 22 and 23. These will
be In charge of Bob Pence, Claude
Larkln and Fred Auer.
.Monmouth -The three direct
ors. H. F. Elklns, J. B. Lawrence,
and R- C. Harris, will meet new-
signers at the Monmouth city hall
Monday and Tuesday, February
22 and 23. This meeting is for
district No. 6 -
.District No. 6, LewiSTille-Pedee,
will meet at Lewlsville Monday.
.February 22 and at Pedee Tues
day February 23. Claude Hols
"tagton, Frank Loughry and J. L.
.Palmer are the committeemen.
District No. 3, West Salem-Un-eoln,
in West Salem city hall Tues
day February 23 and will be pre
sided orer by W. F. Crawford,
Jftonald Hogg, and A. Price. Wed
nesday this same committee will
be at th Lincoln store.
District No. 2. McCoy-Perry-dale-Ballston,
will be as follows:
.McCoy, Wednesday, February 24;
Perrydale, Thursday, February
Xi; Ballston, Saturday, February
21. Bob Mitchell and J. J. Se
ahrist In charge.
, District No. 1, Buell-Grande
Jtonde will meet: BuelL Thurs
day and Friday, February 25 and
. 31. Grand Ronde, Friday and Sat
urday, February 2C and 27. W.
X. Allen will be assisted- by J. J.
Cechrlst. .
District No. 7, Independence,
jat Independence Thursday and
Saturday, February 25 and 27.
2enry Dickinson. Fred Strake,
.nd Frank Bush are the commit
teemen. The county agent's office will
-end out notifications to those
n the farm mailing list when the
asset meeting places are known.
last Rites Are Held
For John J. Wilkins,
Sweet Home Resident
UEBANON, Feb. 19 Funeral
services for John Jay Wilkins. 49.
. barber who died February 16.
mt the home of his sister. Mrs.
ughM3ee of Sweet Home, were
conducted Thursday at the Harry
how- Funeral borne by Rev.
Kimball of Sweet Home. Burial
was in the Ames cemetery. Mr.
"Wilkins, a native of Missiourl.
was born September 1, 1837 and
same many years ago to the west.
iie is survived by his mother.
mrs. aiamoa Wilkins of Sweet
Borne; a brother, Joseph Wilkins
ff Castle Rock, Wash.; four tu
rners, airs. Gee of Sweet Home:
Sirs. H.vV. Sheldon of r.nlrfntii
Wash.; Mrs. Jess Moss of Leban
on ana Mrs. J. p. Wedling of Hood
'XZethodists -Enjoy Last J,
Hadio Speech of Jones
At Fellowship Meeting
TURNER, Feb. 19. The Meth-
. stdiat church fellowship dinner,
feaM "Wednesday night In ' the
Uttrrch dining room, was a suc-
mmm, sotn m arrangement - and
interest. Mrs. L. I Mlcskey was
ommlttee chairman and Miss Lois
Conning organist for. group slng-
xxg. Xho" radio address of Dr. E.
Ctaaley Jones, who Is leaving tor
kite mission field to India, was 11s-
Sened to with much Interest.
. After dinner speeches were
saads by Georgs Pcmberton on
iIission" and by H. S. Bond, on
Fellowship. Mrs. F. C. Gun-
Wing gave a resume of pertinent
sayings of Dr. Jones. Mrs. Ray
jaond Titos cits- a poem.
Social Meeting Planned
STATTON', Fab. 19. The next
saetlng of the Howell Bee Hire
club, the night of February 21,
s planned as a social meetlngxfor
club members and their families,
tl th Harry Humphreys home
t sro. At the last meeting Mrs. W.
21 Loose -was hostess.
Women's Mission
Society Gathers
DALLAS, Feb. 19. The mem
bers of the Women's Missionary
society of the Evangelical church
of Dallas met at the home of Mrs.
Dean Vermillion Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Floyd Senter, presi
dent, presided.
Mrs. Bonne Smith of Lewls
Tille had charge of the devotional
period, assisted by Mrs. Chester
Gardiner, Mrs. Amelia Ashton.
Mrs. Dean Vermillion, Mrs. James
Leitcb, Mrs. : Aug. rHiebenthal,
Miss Dick, Mrs. Claud Holsington
and Mrs. Walter Coy. Mrs. How
ard Fleming gave' an Interesting
review of the lesson and Mrs. Em
ma Ballantyne read an article
"A True Story of a Negro Slave."
Mrs. Senter, Mrs. Vermillion and
Mrs. Cecil Embree, secretary of
the Prayer League, talked on
World Day of Prayer observance.
Musical numbers were given by
Mrs. Howard Fleming and Bar
bara Senter. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Vermillion, assist
ed' by Mrs. Sam ToevB.
Synneva Nesheim
Funeral Is Today
SILVERTON, Feb. 19. Funer
al services for: Mrs. Synneva Ne
sheim. 59, who died here Thurs
day morning will be held from
Larsen & Son chapel Saturday at
2 o'clock with final services at
ML Crest Abbey Mausoleum at
Salem. i
' Mrs. Nesheim was born Septem
ber 21. 1877 at Flandreau, S. D.
She came to Silverton about 30
years ago.
Survivors Include the widower,
Chris Nesheim; three daughters,
Mrs. Alma Reads of Sllverton;
Mrs. Florence Cooke of West Fir;
Mrs. Agnes Engeman of Eugene;
two sons. Arthur N. of Toledo
and Curtis N. of Sllverton; and
three grandchildren.
Legion Committees Are
Named bjr Joe Pieser;
Donate to Flood Fund
STAYTON. Feb. 19. At the
last meeting- of the local post of
the American Legion Comman
der Joe Pieser appointed these
committees: Baseball.. Leonard
Jordan, chairman, Sim Etzel and
Oscar Hagen; cemetery, Lester
Smith, chairman, with George
Duncan and John Bodecker.
The post authorized payment
of 2 7. SO to the flood relief fund
of the ' Red Cross ' which briars
the total local donations np to
166.50. according to Mrs. Wen
dell Weddle, chairman of the
local Tied Cross. " " ,
Mrs. Norma Farhm Is
Found ; Was Enroute to .
. Husband in Silverton
SILVERTON, Feb. 19. Mrs.
Norma Farhm, for whom notices
were broadcast by police officers
for four days this week, was found
Thursday morning at an auto camp
near Woodburn and. brought to
Sllverton where she will Join her
husband. Otto Farhm. Farhm has
been at Silverton on route one for
some time. Mrs.' Farhm and their
four year old son was expected
to arrive some time ago. When
they did not arrive, the husband
became alarmed and a ; police
broadcast was made.
- Chief of Police C. E. Hartford
of Silverton went to Woodburn to
bring: Mrs. Farhm and son to SU-
verton today. They had become de
layed along the way, Mrs. Farhm
reported.". - " ' " ;z' '
Marriage Licenses Are -Issued
to Trio .Couple
DALLAS. Feb. 18. Marriage
licenses were Issued .Iters recently
by Connty Clerk Carl Graves to
William F. Tenter, 22. Dallas,
farmer, and Rosamond , I. John
ston, 15, Dallas, housekeeper; to
Ausbert Keller,; legal. Independ
ence, cleaner, and Myrtle Lang-
ston, legal. Independence, house
keeper; and to, Ernest Loewen,
legal, truck driver, Dallas, and
Clara. Rena Voth, legal, Dallas,
domefetle. ' - ' ; - . - - -
i ' - I x - "
; - U J
1 j Edward F.
Told of "Spying"
(Senator Elbert D Thomas, Bobert W.
The La Follette senate committee InTesOgatlng alleged -violations
of civil liberties in Washington Is stirred by testimony of a former
Pinkerton detective that he spied on Edward IP. McGrady. U. S.
assistant secretary of labor. -. The -shadowing- of McGrady occurred
in Toledo, O., when McGrady arbitrated a Chevrolet strike. Among
those participating In the hearing are the three men shown above. -left
to right. Senator Elbert D. Thomas of Utah, a member of the .
La Fonette committee; Robert W. Wolford. chief Investigator for
the committee, and William D. Whitney, attorney for the Pinkertons.
Grangers' News
LEBANON. Feb. 19 The F.
F. A. of the Lebanon high school
will put on the program at La-
comb grange February 24 at an
open meeting to which every one
Interested in grange activities or
Future Farmers is invited.
Confections will be sold and
an hour of skating enjoyed.
MARQUAM, Feb. 19 The
Marquam grange is sponsoring a
pie social to be given Thursday
night, February 25. The social is
open to the public.
WOODBURN. Feb. 19 The
Woodburn Grange will hold
social meeting for the members
and Invited friends at the Grange
hall Saturday at 7:30 p. m. A
splendid program is to be given
consisting of community singing.
music, tap dancing and movie
films, after which refreshments
will be served.
MACLEAT, Feb. 19. At the
grange Home Economics club
meeting held Tuesday the mem'
bers voted to sell pie and san
dwiches at the- social to be held
Saturday night at the grange
Alene Miller Is
Called to Beyond
STAYTON, Feb. 19. Mrs.
Alene Miller, 78. died Thursday
morning at Sublimity after a
lingering illness. Mrs. Miller was
born in Alsace-Lorraine and
came to this country when she
was S years old. sne married
Henry Miller in Salem and mov
ed to Sublimity 45 years ago.
Henry Miller has been dead for
several years.
Surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. Dean Hunt of Alaska, and
Mrs. Adele Carroll of Wenatchee,
Wash., and two sons, Henry Mil
ler of Sublimity and Dr. J. Fred
Hosch, of Scio.
Rosary will be said tonight at
the Sublimity Catholic church
and at her home tomorrow night.
Funeral services are to be held
from the Sublimity C a t h o 1 le
church at 9 a.m. Saturday morn
ing, under the direction of W
A. Weddle and Son with Rev.
Joseph Scherbrlng officiating.
Primary Class Holds
. Seasonal Party With
. ; Bliss Hnghes Hostess
STAYTON, Feb. 18 Members
of the primary class of the Meth
odist church Sunday school were
treated to a. Valentine party Sat
urday afternoon at the home of
Miss Helen Hughes by the pri
mary .superintendent, .Mrs.. Harry
J. Rowe, and teachers, Mrs. Frank
Shinkle,- Miss Florence Nightin
gale and Miss Helen Hughes. - ,
Small guests present were:
Jerry and Gwenda Boyer, Russell,
Florence, Priscllla and Gerald
Procter. Betty Jo, Lela Mae and
Jlmmle Harris, Loel Wright, Low
ell and Edith Nightingale, Bobby
Bumester, Harriet Hamby, Velma,
Thelma am'. Bernlce Ralph,' Eu
gene and Thelma, Gleason."
Land Conservation Board
Holding Lyons Meetings;
Trasks Go to California
5 LYONS. Feb. .19. The 1987
land conservation' board for this
locality Ms holding a two-day ses
sion . at Lyons; beginning today
to help . farmers fill out their
blanks to enter the project.
The women's community -dab
held an ' all day meeting . with a
covered "dish luncheon at the
club rooms Thursday. The club
has several quilts on hand to
work -on. '.. "
-; Mr and Mrs. Ralph rask and
son Dean left Thursday after
non ' by motor for - San Jose,
Calif. -
; Grand Officer Visits '
AURORA. Feb. 19. Hermes
lodge. Knights of Pythias,' was
visited by Louis Bennett, grand
chancellor of Oregon, accompan
ied, by Mr.. Horion, both of Leb
anon. There were -28 members
present, ' and . two visitors. Re
freshments wer served.
On Labor Ace
Wolford and WUUam D. Whitney
Post Over Top in
DALLAS, Feb. 19 The regu
lar meeuni ox tne v;an a. enion
post of-the American Legion was
held Thursday night at the club
rooms in the armory with Vice
Commander Albert Bennett pre
siding. Fred Stlnnette, member
ship chairman, reported that the
post was "over the top in its
membership quota.
John Cerny, adjutant, reported
that over 100 books had been
sent to Bandon by . the Carl B.
Fenton post. George Rowell,
scoutmaster of the Dallas Boy
Scout troop, talked on the needs
of the local troop, sponsored by
the Legion post. Harry Pinkerton,
chairman of the post s boy scout
committee, also gave a brief talk
and stated ; that he believed the
Legion members should help to
secure a permanent home for the
scouts. It was also reported that
the 4 -L organization of Dallas
had agreed to sponsor another
scout troop In Dallas.
Library at Valsetz Is
Heavily Patronized as
Winter Days Continue
VALSETZ, Feb. 19. H. T.
Thomas was called to St. Paul
early in the week by the serious
Illness of his mother.
The library sponsored by the
8-L is receiving a great deal.of
patronage this weather. Improved
facilities were made available this
week with the arrival of two trav
eling libraries from Salem.
Although there was still a foot
of snow on the ground the first
of the week the warm rains have
brought out the first harbingers
of spring the pussy willows. A
few bare spots are beginning to
appear in sheltered . places.
Perry Spelbrink Accepts
Teaching Post at Molalla
MACLEAT, Feb. 19. Perry
Spelbrink, who resigned his po
sition as instructor in .the Aums-
vllle high school recently, has ac
cepted a position In the Molalla
high school. Mr. Spelbrink is a
graduate of Willamette university
and of. Monmouth normal. He is
the son of Mrs. O. A. Spelbrink
of this place.
1 1 A
tnnersmp u
a :
Suite -:r
: One groppgport '
Urns, finely tailored. Beff. , A :
vaJnes to 35.ftft - - ' . Vf . U
"OT11;9 P. -X3.
Oregon, Saturday llornirt?, February 231937
Program :Y7iU
Honor Heroes
Keixer Pupils to Entertain
Monday. Afternoon; 4-H
Pins Are Ready ,
' KELZER, Feb. 19- The entire
school assembly will combine to
present a Washington - Lincoln -Lindbergh
program Monday ; af
ternoon at 2 o'clock, with the par
ents invited to attend.- .
':. A special feature will be presen
tation of 4-H pins and certificates
Ona-vear - VroBt via Betty Vu
sir nciiU ioroiar -mnj. i
Twe-yasr ertifieU Mry SocaTs. -Thrse-yasr
- silver is Tef . Dors
ssscs, Dorothy Marpky, Limi Piarea and
talha Jana Paarmla.
Tour-jetr certUicatea Helea Wilaoa
and Graea Bndaos. - - .
FWa-yaar fold pis Edaa Gobart. - t
Lcadarship pina lira. Paul Picrca and
Barnica Zielka. .-
This program will be given:
Program in Detail
"Walcom," Donald Laeaa; Who
Will Ba Hy Valaatinet", sons by 10
primary childron; "Qaeas of Haarta."
play by Dick Bhanooa, Both MeCall,
Ways BoaaeU, Osrolya Week, Susan
Waaaoa, Clyde LaFoUette, Clair Elweod,
Roy Bice sad Irwis .Xewia, with ' Bxtais
Sngal sa aanonncar; "Mr. Valentine,"
Marnat Basawna; "Pietnra Study, Por
trait of WaahingtoB," tieatar Pearmine;
"That "a What Pleaaes Me," Dean Peter
eon, Ifarian Cannow, Violet Hamilton
and Donas Gotten berf ; "On Washing,
ton's Birthday' Jimmy Bhawer, Donald
Ettnar, Bobert LDornbnaek and Howard
Saner : "Memoirs of Washington," Doav
aid MeCall. Lois Pieree, Peter Banser,
LneiUe Thomas, Sylvia Wagner. Allen
Strattoa, David. Saaey and Lillian Jlnl
ler; "Warnins; to Girla," Jinnr Msck
ridge; "Why I Like Lincoln' Rosa
Shannon. Dale VsrbeL Don Son, Gland
LoveeJL Edwin MeCall and frank Stenr;
"Lincoln." Jamae Mintarn; "Life ef
Thomas Edison," Wayne LovenlL .
61 Dallas Seniors
To Get Diplomas
DALLAS, Feb. 19. Sixty-one
seniors of Dallas high school are
listed to receive their diplomas
In June, 1937, according to Supt.
R. R. Turner. There are 40 girls
and' 21 boys' names on the list.
The complete list is sa follows:
Kins Ahrenkiel, Alto E. Baldwin, Ora
D. Baldwin, Beverly D. Bales, Pearl L.
Breed an. Gladys P.. Brows, Loieelle Z.
Brown, - Bernieo H. Bonier, Karlin L.
BarUbach. Alice L. Detxel, Anns Diek,
Helen L. Elliott, Winona Elliott, Mads
L. Zmbree, Dorothy C. Freer, Bennia
Paul Friesen, Anne Frits. Peter E. Gos
san, Enos Gwinn.
Charles B. ' Harris, Jeanne F. Hart
man, Lloyd L. Hesly, Evelyn 1. Hetael
mans. Iris Heiselmsnn, Varda F. Hender
son, Mildred M. Jansen, Dean R. Johns
ton, Jaanits M. Jones. Frank J. Joslln,
Gerald King, Gertmdo M. Kliever, Msr
garet C. Lindshl, Elsie J. McFetrMge,
Bryco L. Miller, Betty J. Pence, Frank H.
Peters, Wakor C. Reddekopp, Orpa Bim
er, Margaret C Biggs.
Eugene A. Rowell, Chelts A. Bnsaell,
Elmo 8svery. Anna E. Schnutt. Lona A.
Schneider Pan! Sams. lis K. Smith. Ar
velis Snyder, Margery Stiles, Jesa Tharp,
Anns W. Thiessen.
Edward H. Toeve, Elmo C. Voth.' Irvla
G. Voth, Lester J. Voth, Eloise Wagnar,
Waldo H. Wall. Grace Warkentin, Betty
J. Waters, Marjorio Zoo Waters, Martha
Wiena and Bobert Woodman. - .
Alleged Injury Is
Basis For Action
DALLAS, Feb. 19. A sultl
has been filed in the circuit court
here by Alta Mae Loop against
the state industrial accident com
mission. While employed as a house
keeper for Roy Barker, In Polk
county, plaintiff alleges that she
was injured in helping a minor
son of Barker lift, a bicycle from
the porch of the house and that
in so doing was struck by a handle
bar which punctured her side and
injured her so that she has been
under a doctor's care for several
months and has not been able to
work since October 2, 1936.
Kendrick Now Corporal
8TATT0N, Feb. 19. Gordon
Kendrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Kendrick ot Stayton, has re
ceived the appointment ot cor
poral In the cadet corps of HU1
Military academy, Benjamin W.
Hill, commandant.
cbr.3E GAruniDAir
Oy ere o aft s
hacks and t
: Jz"r' 2
Woodbiim TiLies
: Bid For G6-oj?Qj
. ' Nortliwest Office
.WOODBURN, Feb. II Efforts
were made at the regular meet
ing of the city council held Tues
day night to Induce the Pacific
Northwest Nut company to locate
la Woodburn. Some of the Induce
ments offered were .the use of
three rooms in the city hall j for
offices.' and free light, and water
for a year.: " : . ' . " .' '
Ti Some discussion was held la re
gard to the offer of a free sitej for
the nut. cracking plant. j 7
An ' Ordinance authorizing a
bond issue, for East Lincoln street
Improvement was passed. t... ! -;
30-Day Sentence
i SILVERTON. .Feb. 19.--avIl.
actions have been brought in Jus
tice court against Clark Anderson
by W. L Boulster and against O.
EL Roe by Frank Schielder oni ac
counts. : " . -'
Judge Alf: O. Nelson gave, : T.
C. Anderson a ' 30-day Jail sen
tence and assessed costs oh a
charge of intoxication on a public
street. The sentence was suspend
ed upon payment of costs and
promise of good behavior fori six
months. : . ; . .
! A. R. Mason was fined 5 and
costs on a charge of speeding with
a1 truck. ' . f
The reckless driving case against
Fred Beaudery which was to have
come up for hearing Friday morn
ing was postponed and will! be
heard later. - i
Carl A.
JiSlS Ob
11 s s
145-147 N. UBERTT
' Dinner Is Slated
SUverton -Director Plan.
to CutiPlay Costs
This Season .
are being made for the annual
country club -dinner and ..: dance,
postponed ' twice," , once : because M.
C. Woodward; prominent member,
was 'In -Africa and a second. Urns
because of the. amount of. illness.
The committee arranging the af
fair consists- of Mraw Larry Aus
tin. Mrs. Robert Duncan and ..Mrs.
W. L. MeGInnis. ; V J . - -:
. The golf club reports itself. In
better financial shape than It has
been for a good many years," and
the board ot directors is working
on. a ..plan, whereby, golfing cn
be made cheaper than .ever be
fore. ' I : - - .--- ; ; : " " !
The greenl committee consists
of C. L. Bonney, H. W. Preston.
Reber Allen and 1R. A: Cowden.
Jake Werle has been made chair?
man of the tournament committee.
' Officers include the president.
C. L. Bonney. vice president, Jako
Werle; secretary-treasurer, Clif
ford - Rue; directors, C. Bon
ney, Jake Werle, O. W. DeLay, H.
W. Preston, T. T. Leonard, C.
Leonard, Rebert Allen, George
Hubbs and Noran Eastman. Rue
has been secretary-treasurer since
the organization of the club' sev
eral years ago. - "
Juanita Moe Is Elected
Head of 4-H Health Club
- Health club" . to he known
K I r -S-n yXV s T-sV-h ". W
Malt MALTED BAM.-barley, which of
oil the
txtes MOST to HAVORI
When heer b hrewed SOLELY from Malted
Barley, as is Bohemian Qub Light Export Lager
More Flavor, Finer Flavorand BETTER
BEERMMtfiust be the inevitahle result.
. For this reason alone those Old World brew
masters, who mid not compromise with quality,
have set as a standard of excellence beer brew
JNor will Bohemian Qub ever compromise with
quality. This fine beer a true Bohemian type
Light Export Lager is brewed iotefy from the
choicest ingredient jenown in brewing-- Malted :
Barley, with premium hops added for the
final touch of delicious flavor.
Sight Export XxiqerW
Kahle, Distributor Phone 3121
11 f 1
One croup H new atyles. VI
All wool, ;yeg. values ;to
C290. pood psttercs LI
as the- Healthy Workers, has
been organised at Brash -Creek
school. Officers .are president,
Juanita Moe; vice president. Don
na Krug; secretary, Paul Batch
eller; other 'members Include
Alice Sandver, Hobert Harf, Dale
Krug and Or din Sandver.
..' v- t. t, emasnnnsnonBnoBnejnssmmieaism -
25 Years Service
To Lodge Honored
. DALLAS," Feb. ;i?: The' an
nual Vroll call ,and, . anniversary
meeting-' of MarmionJ Lodge No.
9, Knights of Pythias,'' was held
Tuesday "night with ; Preston
Doughton, Chancellor Command
er, presiding. Judge Percy R.
Kelly of the state supreme court
gave ue v r-"" ..."
! 1 Lelf Finseth 1 presented a . ji5
year : pin to " Thomas E. Camp
bell and commended him for his
.faithful attendance at the meet
ings of ' the organization. I- .
t Brief talks were made by "Doc"
P. .Patterson, superintendent of
the Oregon and Washington Pyth
ian Home at Vancouver f by Judge
Harry Belt of the Oregon supreme
court;by Jack Sibley; by Judge
George LT Hawkins, who Is one
and by George D. Stewart of Buell.
Associate Grand Blatron
To Yhti Eastern - Star
. 'SILVERTON. Feb. 19. The of
ficial -.visit . of Hazel Ingrahm, as
sociate grand matron of the Eas
tern Star of Oregon, will be Feb
ruary 53. She will be entertained
at' an officers' banquet at :30
preceding inspection. The banquet
will be held In the lodge banquet
hall. '
' --0kw a r S-w
nnii 0 p. n.
- O A?. -