The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1937, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE SIX - 1 jThe OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, February 13, 1937 --" -V"--" :;:-;::';.':': " ' -
11 ' ' . ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i
society . .ciubs" ewg m$ 'Features of Interest to Women Homakins
Music .-Vv: ' " ' Style3 . . Food
- ' - ' " - ' '- - " ' MAXINE BUREN Women's Editor ' - ' " - ' .... J - - ' ' ' -
Parties Planned
Precede Juimior
Valentine Dance
q Viennese Pianist
win Appear in
lURING the twenty-six
Jftye-Smiled - - - lyfach
years of
If tU continuous concert actirlty
the: Portland symphony orch
estra hag introduce 1 many music!
I celebrities to the people i of Ore-
OUTSTANDING on the social calendar for tonight is the gon and has had the pleasure of
annual Valentine ball given by the Salem Junior presenting many for the first time
nr.... -i.,k TVo mitt w . ir.Ai -..,,., on the Pacific coast. I
II U11UU1 Q viuu. mi fcrc ft veil at iiaiitl VJA crcil
from 10 to 1 o clock. Harry Wesley and his orchestra will
provide the dance music i '
. The St. Valentine theme will be carried out in the dec
orations about the halL A large- : : .
heart will be placed at the
v win re Bk .. TT wrr iana municipal auaiionum. oince
trance with red and white hearts J 1X1 Mere MaV WW the of eleyen Poldi has been
I"" n . ! yS concert sensation m Auropv.
1 rip EjBSI Uttered Her technical brilliancy! was ,al-
.This is the ease with the bril
liant young Viennese j pianist.
Poldl Mlldner, who Is . to be-the
guest soloist with the Orchestra,
on Tuesday erenlng at the 'Port
land municipal auditorium. Since
TVS? St 52": Oregon DAJZ.
ones arranged about the room.
'Patrons and patronesses for
the ball win be
Douglas McKay
John Mlnto and Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Clark.
Mrs. Maurice Heater heads th
directorate for the dance and as
sisting her are Miss Irene Wind
sor, Miss Nadine Linn. Miss Ha
zel Shutt. Mrs. Kenneth Lee and
Mrs. Kenneth Barker. Tickets
may be obtained from any of the
committee members.
Parties Precede Dance
A number of Informal parties
hare been arranged to precede
and follow the dance. .
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Schwab
bauer will entertain informally at
their home on South High street
before the dance for a group of
their friends. Following the dance
the group will meet at the
Schwabbauer home for a buffet
supper. Miss Julia Query and Miss
Nadine Linn will assist the host
ess. Miss Ann Bally will be hostess
for a fireside supper preceding
the dance at her home on State
street. Her guests will include
Miss Ruth Geer, Miss Marcelle
DeMytt. Carl Roth. Al Head and
Charles Simmons.
Miss Hasel Shutt and Miss Hat
tie Bratzel are arranging an in
formal party to precede the
ISS Mazine Ooodenongh,
daughter of j Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan Goodenough. was chos
en on Friday as Salem's candidate
for- the "good citizenship", pil-
pT-t;, -v "jgnmage conduct-
ed by the Daugh
ters of the Amer-
n n e Hart-
mann is the can-
vdidate from Dal-
-v.aej vu wvuuaj s
drawing will
1 1 take place in the
Jgorernor's office
I w hen members
)3f the committee
" ' ' Including Gover-
. Howard and Mrs.
Herman Grossman of Oregon City,
chairman of the state pilgrimage
committee, will select one girl
from all the candidates that hare
been chosen to represent Oregon
osition seemed too difficult for
her strong young fingers, for
even In her teens she played. with
the strength rirlllty of a man. .
At serenteen, this girl was In
troduced to America, making her
New York debut, in a sensational
concert. This is her fifth consecu
tlre concert trip to this country,
for Poldi Mlldner at 22 has at
tained the place in the hearts of
music-loYlng America which the
critics predicted for her fire
years ago.'
This is her first Pacific coast
appearance, the Portland sym
phony again haying the distinc
tion of introducing this sensation
ally brilliant young artist to the
She will play two brilliant num
bers with the orchestra, the Rich
ard Strauss "Burleska" and the
Liszt piano concerto In E-flat.
Both are filled with piano pyro
technics which will allow no dull
moment for the audience, and at
the same time will bring forth the
fine musicianship of the artist,
J -
Lenten Dishes Will Be GMgn
served at Least 1 wo Breakfasts
' Meals Each Week. '.
- ... ' . t . ). . .
. . . ' ; ,
LENT provides a pleasant recess in a year of feasting, and
I gives a chance for family cooks to practice the ingenuity
; . of an extra meatless meal during the week. J.
; . Even those who do not observe Lent as a season of
fasting, may make Wednesday as well as Friday, a day for
serving fish or Lenten specialties. They're a sort of fspring
tonic. !
Today's Menu
S 1 f 1 111 mA - A A
m Uo lUi-eVJ girt Will UC BCUL IV i -
Washington, D. C as the official JbSCalaxa Club Met
"good citizen" of Oregon and will
hare all expenses paid by the
D. A. R.
"'o, darlings an ogre doesn't look like papa not exactly."
It's over Junior's head but an explanation deeply pointed like the
yoke on mama's very smart new dress of dull black crepe. It's
softly tailored little affair with a knife pleat down the aide of the
skirt which yoa only imagine is a side closing. The waistline meets
the yoke and the print's made plain again on the .tightly .flttfaia
elongated caffs. W hite piqne around the neck adds to the -crisp
effect with a narrow stand np band ending in a bow. Top stitching;
and white buttons giro special emphasis to the whole story.
: ' ' Copyright 193T. Xaqaira 7tnra, lac '
On Thursday
George Jackson will be host fr -rWrn,.- Willamrtte Clir
a party preceding the dance to- 'Ormer Wlliameiie iyin
night at his tome on state street- Announces Betrothal
His guests will be Miss Sally
Dorner, . Miss Helen Board man.
Miss Mlna Ott, Miss Jean Bahl
burg, Thorne Hammond, Frank
Riches of Portland and Dr.
Wayne Page.
- .
The e n g agement of Miss
Myrtle Wettlaufer, daughter of
Rer. and Mrs. W. H. Wettlaufer
of Oregon City, to Clifton Miller,
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Miller
of Darenport, Washington, was
announced Thursday evening at
a Valentine party given in her
honor at the home of Miss
Vaughnna Stewart in Seatle.
M I s s Wettlaurer graduated
from Willamette university last
June. She was affiliated with
Daleth Teth Gimel. At the pres
ent .time she is working for her
M.A. In English literature at
the University of Washington.
Mr. Miller attended the Unl- On Rirthdav
verslty of California and the V7D oirmaay
UniTersity of Washington where
he is now working for his Ph.D.
in pharmacy. He holds a teaching
fellowship there. He is a mem
ber-of four national honorarles:
Miss Ross Will Be
Luncheon Hostess
This Afternoon
TlfTlSS Ada Rosa will be a smart
If X luncheon hostess today when
she entertains a group of
for each guest. The members made ' Prominent matrons and maids at
Members of the Escalara club
met for their regular dinner meet
ing on Thursday night at the T.
W. C A. The dining table was
decorated with a large heart in
the center, guarded by tall tapers.
tea ana-wnite favors were placed
definite plans for the nationwide
banquet to be held on March 2.
Miss Olga Goertzen and Miss
Beryl Grace were additional
guests, the club members attend
ing were: the Misses Ruth Rob
bins, Margaret Booth, Ardrllla
Morris, Frances Kyle,! Wanda
Rose, Alma Miller, Dorothy Jen
nett, Mary Maley, Stella Boczkha,
ameryn snapp, Mrs. Elizabeth
Mrs. Effie Cook.
Fred Anunsen Honored
MrsI Van Pelt Hostess
To Club Members
Mrs. Richard Van Pelt en
tertained on Thursday afternoon
for members of the K.C.K.T.
club. Small tables were set for
the guests, and red baskets fil
led with red candles and nuts
provided the Valentine decora
tion. Mrs. Lafe Hill was an ad
ditional guest.
Members of the club atending
were; Mesdames Richard Van
Pelt, Roy Wassom, A.J. Donnell,
Ray Clark. Nellie Knox, V'ry
Rogers, Hattie Given, Delia
Schellberg. and A. A. Graber.
The hostess read a letter of
thanks from a member of the
Club for flowers sent to her.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard H.
Wirts of the Royal Court apart
ments have several gutsts. Mr.
and Mrs. George Brewster of Rodders Ranch Srn
Redmond are visiting at the "g"8 ancn OCene
wirtz home. , Of Card Party
Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz J
of Marahfield will spend two Mrs. J. L. Rodgers and Mrs. Ed
-VMkl in Slalom Snm nf tiolv Vlnttra w Vv...... . .v.
time will be spent with his par- Rodgers ranch at Scio to mem. P. B. Beck Surnrisd
Jim Trolllngs. Mrs. Marguerite Wltn rtrty
simmonso. Mrs. Bad Elder,' Mrs.
Harold Snyder and Mrs. . J. C In
ula n won prises at cards.
A buffet luncheon was served,
and the table was decorated with
red tapers and hearts. Additional
Godfrey's. Following the luncheon
the afternoon will be spent In
playing cards. The Valentine motif
will be used in the table decora
Covers will be placed for Miss
Beryl Holt, Miss Ola Clark, Miss
Lillian Davis, Miss Leila Johnson,
Miss Marjorie Christenson, Miss
Mildred Christenson, Miss Ruth
Brauti, Miss Gladys Connor, Miss
Gallaher, Mrs. William E. Judson, Zto Wolbertson of Portland, Mrs.
Glenn Briedwell. Mrs. Asa Fisher,
Mrs. T. W. Creech, Mrs. Tom
Wolgamott, Mrs.. Shannon Hogne,
Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. Dan
McLellan, Mrs. Waldo Mills, Mrs.
Silas Galser, Mrs. James Young,
Mrs. Lyle , Bartholomew and the
hostess. Miss Ada Ross.
Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen enter
tained with a stag dinner last
lght- in compliment to the birth.
day anniversary of Mr. Anunsen Mrs. Philmore Huth Is
St their hnm. ntm T a.1
Rho Chi. Sigma XI. Phi Sigma. The evening was spent in playing Hostess Friday
and Slrmi Kinm Thti - .
vkiub. ak iiiruuTt arrangement
and Sigma Kappa Tbeta.
The wedding will be an event
of the early summer.
spring flowers centered the
dining table. j
Places were marked for Messrs
Fred Anunsen. V. E. Kuhn. A. A.
Gueffroy, Fred Rltner, Merrill
Ohllng, L M. DoughtonJ Charles
Hndkins, Ralph Kletzing and
Richard slater. I
ents and the remainder with her
family. Dr. and Mrs. C.B. O'Neill.
Mrs. Wirts is the former Rath
e .
Mrs. Charles H. Howe (Helen
.Wood) arrived from Hood River
on Thursday for a short stay with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. A.
Wood of South High street.
Mrs. P. B. Beck surprised her
Husband last Sunday with & birth
day party at their home. High
score at cards went to Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Fisher and low to Mr.
ana Mrs. Al Scalar. Gnesta in.
Mrs. Philmore Huth enter
tained at luncheon yesterday af
ternoon in compliment to
group of her friends at her
apartment In the Haseldorf. The
Valentine motif was carried out
In the decorations with a center
piece of red carnations. Bridge
was in play following the lunch
eon hour.
Covers were placed for Miss
Kreta Jam, Mrs. Loring Schmidt,
Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Bob
ert Runiden. Mr. Harold Bu-
sick. Miss Marian Averill, Mrs.
T. Harold Tomlinson and Mrs.
Philmore Huth.
guests were Mrs. Ed Myers. Hn. . . . m- T -v tt
Frank GUI. Mrs. Gilbert MeDon. cinaea Messrs. and Mesdames Gus J-USline vpen House
In the Valley
Social Realm
MRS. ARTHUR Hathaway 6f
West Salem gave a party Friday, Truax and Mrs. Frank Thonipson.
mkiuviiu iu uuuur 01 oer uaugu m w 9
ter, Marjory, on her tenth birth- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh' McGilvra
day. The guests were Dorm a Lee of Forest Grove were visitors In
Mitchell, Iva Kelso. Jean Ross, the capital yesterday.'
Kettle Weathers, Lillian Turpin,
Lauretta Lemon. Virginia Kom- Mr. and Mrs. Z.! C. Kimball of
yate and Marjory and Wanda Independence were Salem visitors
Hathaway. Miss Hazel Meyers as- yesterday.
slated Mrs. Hathaway. -' . '
aid, Mrs. Lorena Trolllncer Mra. rher A1 Schlag, E. Cox. E. A. r. r rp-- l,
C. H. Tumbelsn Mrl HaVoM ?.?rt .Tbtoan. D. Ii. Schlag. Vent Of Tonight
Snyder. Mrs. Bud Elder. Miss Alta Nlckelson. Carl Wood
Dawson, and Mrs. Robin Truax of and Marrl Beck-
Members of the club will enter
tain their husbands later this
month. Those assisting the host
esses were Mrs. McDonald. Mrs.
Monday, February j 15 .
American Legion and auxil
iary covered dish dinner, 1:10
p. m.. Fraternal temple.
Philharmonic orchestra con
cert and Bernard Barron, cello
soloist. j
Tuesday, February j 16
Ministers' wives, with Mrs.
George Swift, 2:30 p. m.
Mrs. Bruce Richard Baxter
will be the honor guest at the
annual Lausanne hall open house
tonight. Calling hours are from
7: JO to 9:30 o'clock. Members
of the Willamette university fac
ulty, board of trustees, alumni.
students and townspeople are
cordially invited to atend .the
open house.
In the receiving, line will be
Dr. : and Mrs. , Bruce , R. Baxter,
Dean and Mrs. Frank Erickson.
Mrs. J. A. Mills, Dean Olive M.
Dahl, Miss Willeta Smith and
Miss Evelyn, Hastings.
the Dayton Woman's Civic club
attended the February meeting
held Tuesday afternoon at the
! club rooms. The first four grades
of the Dayton school presented
a very Interesting program. Re
freshments were served.
HILL Women's club were enter
tained Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Douglas Heater
in Stayton. A ahort business
meeting followed the roll call,
with refreshments served late in
the afternoon.
Independence Chapter
Of Eastern Star Takes
t. Roths as New Members
Principal and Mrs. Fred M. Roth
of Monmeath were elected mem
bers of Adah chapter No. 34 East,
era Star, at the regular meetlnr
TnecdtT. nirht at . the Masonic
halL "
Committees were appointed for
Monday, February IS, when Mrs.
Hazel mgranm, associate grand
matron, will pay her official visit
to Adah ' chapter: Decoration,
Mrs. Will Wood. Mrs. T. D. Pom
eroy and Mrs. -Glen, HUtlbrand; .
gift. Mrs. K. L. Williams and Mrs.
Crosby Davis; and refreshment,
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Chambers,
S Ji mar jb w a
ir. ana jars, wiarence narwooa.
Mr. and . Mrs. Homer Link. Mr.
and Mrs. Ira D. Mix and Dr. and
Mrs. George C. Knott.
-Specially Priced f's.Sellinigf
For This Sale
OThreo New
This group Is the finest we hare seen lor value.
Be sure to order yours today. Ma3 or phone
Markets are bright with fresh
colored regetablea, and a vari
ety is available for the week's
Broccoli is good, and not ex
pensive. :
New turnips, beets' and car
rots are a little more expensive
than the older ones.
Cauliflower is white aad
good, bat fairly scarce.
Squash conies la several va
rieties to bake. -
A few green onions and leek
are in market.
Rhubarb is ready by the
crate, though a little high for
large quantity buying.
Tomatoes, though, nigh are
thin skinned, ripe and very red.
They weigh np from 8 to 5
cents each.
Potatoes, both old, new and
eweet are good. Yams are with
, - , .
Celery Is plentiful, both
white and green.
Rhudabagas and parsnips
are among the root vegetables.'
Lettuce and endive (chick
cry) are greens for the salad.
Spinach, cabbage are leafy
greens to cook.
Chive plants for the window
pot will give flavor to salads
and baked dishes from now on.
Contrast Present
On Platter
It's a good custom to always
have a fruit or vegetable- garnish
on every, meat platter. Sliced
oranges, sliced tomatoes, or beets
make good color for meat plat
ter garnishes. Contrast la the
important 'thing.
You'll wont a really lovely gift
for "the obied of your affections.
We suggest...
Because Its famed quality will win
her. Because she'll love its sheer
nets, its dull, rich beauty. Because
fhe charming gift wrap is o Val
entine in itself. Well be glod to
assist you in staking your selec
tion. Correct new shades in sheer
chiffons and semi-service.
$4 for
'NN,1 wrap
Lentil casserole is 'a main dish
with ameaty flavor. -
, 1 cups dry lentils
1 : cups tomatoes
- 4 : tablespoons butter -Vt
onion chopped fine
H teaspoon salt '
. Pepper """-.
Soak lentils for several jhours
or overnight. Cook in the same
' water until tender. Brown jonlon
in butter, then In a baking dish
put alternate layers of lentils, to-.
matoes, onions and top j- with
crumbs. Bake 30 minutes at SCO
degrees.' v "S. " j ;
Another main dish uses maca
roni for a family filler. , j :
1 cup raw macaroni
1 cup breadcrumbs
. cup melted butter
V cup cream or top milk
3 beaten eggs
S tablespoons chopped pars
ley .
1 small can pimlento
1 cup grated American
cheese . . -i ' --
Mix chopped vegetables' with
beaten eggs and add macaroni
that has been cooked Mn salted
water and drained. Put in a but
tered baking dlah and bake for
about 30 minutes In a 350 degree
oven. Serve cut in sqares, topped
with mushroom sauce. I
. Another main dish to serve
during the Lenten season is;
cup rice
1 cups boiling, water r
cup tomato soup
1 tablespoon butter
.. Salt and pepper to taste
Cook rice in water and tomato
soup until tender. Add butter and
spread about an inch thick on
a pan and let cooL Cut In cut
let shapes, dip In crumbs, then in (
beaten egg, then in crumbs with a cheese sauceand surround
again.. Fry until golden brown, with buttered peas. Garnish with
arrange on a hot platter, serve pimlento. T'
Three days menus : again v
be listed for the convenience
readers; -
Fruit Salad !
Mulligatawny soup
with veal
Spiced prunes i
Baked custard ; -..
Sunday's Menu
Carrot-peanut salad
Beef roulades j
Spinach I
Baked 'potatoes
Apple dumplings
- Monday's Menu
: . Jellied vegetable salad
Lamb chops
. Corn . saute ' -Browned
' potatoes
, Lemon pie ,
Mulligatawny Soap
One fourth cup of each car
rot, onion, , celery, some green
peppers all chopped, are added to
chopped apple and lightly brown
ed in - butter. One fourth cup
flour, 1 teaspoon curry' powder,
2 . cloves, few grains salt, pars
ley and a quart of white stock
are all added and the mixture
cooked until well done, add to
one cup or more of finely diced,
cooked veal or chicken. ; i
i ' " Beef Roulades :
Cut round steak In strips 1
x 4 Inches, season, roll, wrap
each In a strip of bacon and tie.
Brown lightly, add H cop of
water to pan, cover closely and
bake In a moderate oven for
an hour. Add small onions and
bake another hour. May add po
tatoes with onions. Thicken
gravy. ... , I '.
SUNDAY morning breakfasts In
many households are occasions
for some festivity, j when extra
thought Is- given to preparation
( and time to dining, j
. Old fashioned crumb hotcakes,
with little pig sausages and fresh
fruit make up the bulk of one
family's favorite Sunday break
fast. .The .preparation for the hot
cakes begins the night before '
when crumbs are put! to soak in
buttermilk. But here Is the recipe
for: : . " ' .-, ,-. !
1 cup dry breadcrumbs
,1 cup buttermilk or sour milk
1 tablespoon melted butter
1 cups flour ' I.
X teaspoons baking powder
Salt " -J IV
2 tablespoons sugar
1 eggs - .!' -; ''!'
1 teaspoon soda
Sweet milk if necessary
Soak buttermilk and crumbs
'overnight, add remaining Ingre
dients, thinning to correct con
sistency with the sweet milk.
When baking the cakes. Instead
of greasing the griddle (prefer
ably an Iron one) rub over, with
a tiny bag of salt, this keeps the
cakes from sticking
them a grand color.
and gives
There's no
smell of burning grease either.
Lattuce Crusted
Pies Popular
Now that rhubarb time ! is
here, there will be lots of lattice
crusts made to top the delight
ful pies that hold the rich pink
Bess of "pie plant." I
A pastry wheel, that cuts the
crust In fluted . strips will add
style to the simplest of rhubarb
pastries. Ingenous- cooks some
times cut a solid top; and then,
with a diamond shaped cutter,
they fake a lattuce crust by cut
ting . the diamond shapes with
strips between.
Chocolate Filling
In Cream Puffs
A rich chocolate cornstarch
pudding into which has been
folded whipped cream, makes fil
ling for small cream puffs.
served for a party. This borders
on the chocolate eclair but the
shape Is even more attractive.,
Sunday is St. Valentine's Day!
Pajamas &
Silk . .
Gowns of j Good Quality
Are Gifts I She'll Like
These fine, Silk Pajamas in .Uil-
W A - la ' . t '
' vi mo iiiuiiaca siyies are
the last word la fine "cozy" wear
garments! A Valentine gift that
will register a hit! .Two-piece
fashions in beautiful shades of
tea rose. i
Silk Satin GOWNS
$3.95 & $4.95
Shimmering Silk Satins In lace
trimmed ; or tailored fashions In
these dainty gowns are ideal Valen
tine gifts. Shop this lingerie section
(2nd floor) today. Your gift will be
. appropriately wrapped for the occa- '
. HVU, ' -
Philippine Hand-Embroidered
; gowns;
Regular Value $2.00
uniy occasionally are we ' lucky
enough to offer these fins Philip,
pint hand - embroidered Batiste jl
.Gowns-at this low! price! All are Q
exquisitely done in the finest of W
hand work- . . , shell appreciate
these for Valentine's. In white, .
tea rose and pink. ' ,