The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1937, Page 2, Image 2

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    iThe OHEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oresca, Saturday Morning February 13, 1937
tt- i ' TT ' TT TT A 7? a""w 17 '7 1 O 77 - . Of . '
r i -m iy y aW M Xw M X " ' a- 'a ' M a ;'- . a w ' B as sav S M a f . m.' W - - , a w- m' a w ' - - . -W"w w w .
Members' Pay
Boost Out Too
Public Spared Decisions
on Three Issues; 24
Nor Bills Appear
Th senate guillotine vu la
good working order Friday. It
sharpened blade descended on
some of the peC "Ideas for Ore
gon's governmental reform. Ex
ecuted by the rout of indefinite
postponement were resolutions to
set up n-hoas legislature:
to create the office of lieutenant
governor; to pay legislators 1 8
per diem. An of these would hare
required submission of i constitu
tional amendments to the people.
The senate killed the legislative
brain-children in their Infancy.
Senator Strayer, chairman of
the ' resolutions ; committee, was
lord high executioner. I On the
Carney resolution for a one-house
legislature Strayer declared Ore
gon should wait to see how Ne
braska's experiment came out:
This Is no time to adopt such a
revolutionary change in Oregon's
legislature." j
Senator Stringer also pleaded
for delay to observe the working
of the plan in Nebraska.
Inefficient Claim
Senator Carney, whose resolu
tion would have established a
legislature with from 30 to 36
members. called the present sys
tem inefficient and cumbersome.
Senator Staples, whose resolu
tion to amputate the lower house
was also defeated, said results
would be more satisfactory if
only one house sat.
; On the lieutenant governor bill
Strayer again led th opposition,
saying-1 would rather have some
presidents of the senate than
soma of the governors who had
"been elected. I
A senate bin to extend! the time
for teaching humane education
from 15 minutes to one hour a
week was defeated on the adverse
report of the education commit
tee which opposed attempts to
legislate courses of study. Sen.
Angell. author of the bill, spoke
for it.
The Spaulding bill to prohibit
liquor advertising was Indefinite
ly postponed, the negative votes
being Angell. Burke. Carney,
Johnson, Spaulding, Staples,
Stringer and Wheeler
Wheeler's bill to require news
papers to obtain affidavit or the
verity of testimonials tn adver
tising was indefinitely postponed.
. 24 New Bills Appear
The senate did pass nine bills
and had 24 new ones Introduced,
which makes its total 303. It
passed a bill to extend the time
for making veterans' loans to
July 1. 1938. which is the consti
tutional limit of time !
The Best bill to require the
vote of that people of a county
before a county health unit could
be set up passed. It would not
Today Double bill, Clark
Gable in "Mutiny On The
Bounty" and "Racing
Lady" with Shirley Deanne.
. Today Double bill. Maxwell
"' Anderson's "Wlnterset"
'"with 4 stars and "Breex-
" ing Home" with Binnie
' Barnes. i -
"Lloyds of Lon-
To day
Today Double bill. Buck
Jones In "Boss Rider Of
Oun Creek and "Bulldog
Edition-with Ray Walker
and Evelyn Knapp. j
. --.'J STATE
Today- Eastern circuit van-
devllle on the stage.' and
, screen, first run, ."Devil on
Horseback," all color mo-
; steal. . . - T -
Midnight Show Tonight
nit No. a
. with
.Tex .
I Ritter
'-;'--r -And -"RACING
The Call Board
aiSMttIT! j
. HS A 1 J
OfmWIM y
The Lobby
JAY Upton, former senator from
Deschutes c o u n t y , who re
signed two years ago to run
against .Walter Pierce for. con
gress, was extended the courtesies
of the house yesterday morning.
Upton is here In the interest of
legislation to enable his home
county to start on the construc
tion of a new court house to re
place the one destroyed by fire.
Under the call of the house no
member la allowed to leave until
further proceedings are dispensed
with. Usually members are glad
to get out from under the call
but yesterday it was not so. When
three members were yet absent
Representative Fuhrer, who had
asked for the call, moved to dis
pense with I further proceedings.
Strange as it may seem. Repre
sentative Allen objected and the
house stayed under the proceed
ing while the sergeant-at-arras
hunted for the absent men. Ob
jection was finally withdrawn.
Vote explanations are get
ting to be pernicious habit
bnt all records were broken
yesterday when Representative
A. M. Essoa tried to explain bis
vote on a call of the hease roll
call. It might have been, "I
don't know why bnt, I'm
Catherine Park, . assistant on
the Oregon j democrat legislative
staff, gave in to the flu bugs yes
terday. She was taken to a Port
land hospital suffering from an
attack of pneumonia.
Watching from the-gallery of
the house yesterday was William
Graham, assistant insurance com
missioner. He was taking in all
the mores going on down on the
floor, undoubtedly thinking of
past sessions when he led many
of the floor fights.
Cigarettes and cigars play their
part tn the legislative delibera
tions but there Is another mea
sure of the ; extent of committee
work. As the session grows older,
it is th doodles, circles, squares,
checks and pictures, on the table
tops that show the strain the leg
islators are under as they study
some new law.
Some of the legislators with
spirits wounded by the blant
message of the governor, asked
Attorney Oeneral Moody to
draft a resolution of censure
for them. Moody pointed to
them the provision of the con
stitution authorizing the gov
ernor to address his views on
legislative matters to the
apply to health departments now
One of the Lessard bills to lib
eralize divorce laws was passed,
SB 13S to allow a judge to grant
a divorce where both parties have
grounds of complaint, to the
party least at fault. Other Les
sard .bills to reduce the length of
residence before a suit for di
vorce could be filed received the
adverse report of the senate com
mittee on revision of laws. '
A bill by Ellis to make it un
lawful for any person under 21
to misrepresent his age was
Continuous Performance
And Second lOeature
Kay Walker - Evalyn Knapp
Regis nqpomcy ;
Added News, Cartoon Comedy
and "Flash Gordon"
Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
Two Bis Features
Giving You : Enough '
Laughs to Lqst
For Weeks
MMIUC utmw
OlSGrJarJ "iff
. cane f- ,
u a
And 2nd Feature
Happenings Around the Legislative
Halls, Including Some That House
and Senate Spectators Missed.
sembly from time to time.
: Senator Bob Duncan who as
chairman of the Judiciary com
mittee and member of other im
portant committees, has - carried
an unusually heavy load of work,
was forced to yield to illness TtU
day., He will remain out for rest
until Monday. . ; !
Introduced Friday
H. B. ST1. by eoaaittN a baaUaa
aa Brsntioa T Simit haaka t
uU ntU Joana mX thm nt X yr
cmt per atonta.
H. E. S 72, by commit! a leetioaa
T fix boars ( caaaty ottia ia Uaa
aad - ka coaatiaa. ; - i
H. B. S7S, by MaalttN m aWtiaa
To prtTcat auplieation of amabart a
clciioa bailote. . f -; j J. .
H. B. 7. by eoBunitte oa nriiioa at
law To rawr cartaia fea ( th U1
itiea commissioa from tba Utbinf act.
H. B. S75,.by commit te ea rerUiaa
of lava Providaa for payment of loaa by
pabtie atiliti to tba utilities eoauaia-
B. B. 376, by eomautte oa Bifbaaya
aM aigbway rTnei -To pvariaa that
driven' lieeascs ahall j b inaed rtrj
tbra years far a lea af $t instead of
Tery two years aa aow provided.
Paaaad by Boas
H. B. 175, by LiTcsley aad Jones To
require pablic carriers to carry red lights
or flaras for stappiaf oa the bigfeway. I
H. B. 202. by Stasias aad Saaater
Daneaa Ralatias to aaica t detarauaa
adrerse claims to real property.
H. B. 228, by Norblad and Turner
Providiag' far creation af cooaty plaaaiag
H. B. 244, by commitU oa alcaaaUe
eontroi BaUtiac to prorilej-e tax an
aianufaetnr aad imports.
Pasaad by easts
H. B. 110, by iadieiary cmmitte
Rlatins to powers of corporations after
dissolution. j
H. B. S3, by medieiae, -pbamaey and
dentistry committe Asthorixiaf state
board of health to raeetTe federal faads
for the promotion of the health of
aaothera aad ehildr aad to diebarae
aad aaperriae disbaraemeat of aacb faaaa.
Stsaad by Oovaraac
H. B. 63. by Thomas Belatinr to ia
sasnee of special teachers' certifies tea.
H. B. 109, by jadieiary coauaittee :
Betotiar to impaachaiaat af witnesses.
H. B. 111. by jadieiary committee
Relatlns; to transcripts la court proceed-
H. B. 112. bT iadieiar
Relating to snspcasioa af Bteasbarship ia
Oregon state bar for delinquency af dues.
West Salem Will
Plan For Future
(Continued from Pago 1)
lowed, of late. Colonel Robertson
aid. i '
Right-of-way for the revetment
project, which would be carried
out by army engineers, is now
being obtained. Along the West
Salem side of the river the banks
are being washed away at some
points, notably near the lnter
county bridge, at the rate of St
feet a year. One land owner re
cently had a new survey made
and found that two of his three
acres now lay in the river.
Membership of the West Sa
lem planning board in addition
to the chairman and the sec
retary Includes Elmer Cook, city
attorney; William L. LaDue, city
engineer, fire chief, police chief
and water superintendent; Fred
Gibson, Polk county commission
er; . Glen Adams, j Ray Stumbo.
Warren Baker, Leo Spitzbart and
Bert Flack. j
House I Bills
Salem's Only Theatre
, Presenting Big Time
Vaudeville Stage Shows!
Eastern Circuit VAUDEVILLE
ON THE SCREEN - first Ron In Color!
I f i i V v ' ji . . W J L TKA W
; Starting
znn 'dug
Lincoln Declared
Democracy Savior
Chancellor Hunter Speaks
? at Joint ; Seaekra ;;' to
Honor Birthday :
Taking time out from their
deliberations 7aterday members
of the house and senate met in
Joint session to observe cere
monies commeaoratiax the birth
day of Abraham Lincoln.
T. M. Hunter. : chancellor of
higher education, was the prin
cipal speaker on tho program,
which was attended by Governor
Martin. ;
. Hunter pointed to Lincoln as
the greatest exponent and leader
of the "American brand of dem
ocracy, this country has rer
known. ' ;. ". r ; i ;
"He was the saviour and res
eurer of that brand : of democ
racy." Hunter said, "Today we
lire faced with another test. Eu
rope has surrendered to tho mon
ster of dictatorship. The last
stand of democracy Is In Ameri
ca. I am not sure that we are
going to be wise enough to meet
the test.
Hunter declared Lincoln knew
that education was the basis for
the satisfactory operation of a
democracy and pointed -to the
fact that it was under his ad
ministration that the land grant
act for colleges was passed.
The Salem Woman's club trio
and the Salem high school band
also appeared on the program.
Veterans' Relief
Group Is Planned
(Continued from Pace II
who Is an auxiliary member, was
given special observance, a song
being dedicated to her.
A Joint banquet, to be featured
by talks and a musical program
followed the meetings of the two
groups. The Sllverton . Auxiliary
trio was to sing. Its members are
Mrs. Harry Riches, Mrs. W. P.
Scarth, and Mrs. J. J. Lewis, with
Mrs. Roy Davenport accompanist.
C J. Towe was program chairman.
Kerr Bill Is Set
For Next Monday
Consideration of an adverse
report of the senate educational
com mi tee on a house bill to
abolish the office of director of
marketing and research at the
higher educational institutions,
has been scheduled for next Mon
day. Senators Carney and Kiddle
did not concur in the report and
Senator Graham, chairman of
the commitee. refused to rote.
The office is now held by W.
J. Kerr, chancellor-emeritus of
the higher educational institu
tions. He receives a basic salary
of 1000 a year.
Relief Bills Coming In
State relief committee bills
to make the Oregon relief laws
conform to the federal social
security act, will be Introduced
today by the Joint ways and
means committee..
Extra Featore!
Preview Tonite 11:15
Attend the 9:SO Show and
Kemain . for the Preview , Free!
VtatSSJaVV JtaUMs)SsJ fW MaatsMtt fcat4aMfc
Session Radio
Review Given
By Statesman
Each night promptly at
o'clock white tho legislature
is la session. The State
la presenting over radio
tion KSLM a sommary of
tho days activities in tho
two honses. These broad
casts will nog bo presented
Saturday nights stales then
are aeasions of th legjtBl
tnre on Saturday. : :- .
Both Tho Statesman and
radi station KSI3I have re
ceived many expressions of
appreciation of these broad
casts. . ' ', . " '
Senate Bills
Introduced Friday
S. B. ISO, by raada aad I alxawsrs
committa Aathorisias Jala I sat by
eoramoa carriars, railraada , aaa vatar
craft. -
8. B. 281. hy Aa0 Relating to ataU
aid fa child-earing institutions. .
& B. 382. Vy kaakiac toasailHis
Ralatiag ta lagalatioa aa4 eaadaet af
baakias aa4 traat coasaaBiaa. : -
8. B. 283, by roads aad i blgtiwsrs
eommitte RalsUsy o qnalifieStians far
operators aad eh aaf (ears' lieras.
8. B. 84. by Angell T establish na
paid coauaiasioa to faeilitat th eoop
eratioa of this stato with other anits of
roTeranrat aad declaring aa oaire;oae7.
8. B. 275, by Dsehaaa- -Belstiag so
Oregoa atata board af aaroo antics aad
allowing astablisbjaeat of aerial safety
salaries af Baataa coaaty offieiaia.-
8 B. 287, by Balantiao To permit
the stste af Oregon to acanire cartaia
forest lands to promote the groa-iag af
timber crops. .
8. B. 288. by Baleatina Pravidiag far
th xtablishmeat aad asaiatnaae at
aerriealtaral azprinsBt prjet fa Croak
aad Deschutes caaatioa.
8. B. 288. by roads and highways com
mittee Relating to insurance, bonds sad
saoaey filed by motor carriers with pub
lire atilitiaa commissioner af Oregoa aad
declaring; aa emergency.
8. B. 190. by rd and Mghwaya ceea
s'itte Relating to ta reporting f coa
rictions for violations of traffio laws.
8. B. 291, by Chaney Anthoriiiag
counties ta borrow ssaaey apoa tax aa
ticipatioa notes, prortdiag tar sale aad
redemptioa thereof aad declaring aa amv
8. B. 293, by edacatiea aonmmittss
Proridiag for issaaaee at special ereaea
tials to teachers hsving ezporieaea.
8. B. 293, by military af'sh-a commit
too - Permitting commitment aad trans
fer af inxaae Teterans ta federal Ttraas
admimistratieia aaspitala.
8. E. 294, by banking committee Ke
lating to iavestments aad reports of
an real savings baaks.
8. B. 295, by McKay To ! authorise
eoastraetioa of state library baUdiag at
a cost of aot to ezeeed $500,000.
' 8. B. 396. by Chaaey Kelatiaa: to
th salaries of Carry coaaty officers. '
8. B. 297, by roads and highways com
mittee Relating to operators' and
chauffeurs' lieeascs.
8. B. 298 by Staiwer RelsHag to
eminent domain aad powers at irrigetien
8. B. 299, by banking committee Re
lating to industrial loaa companies.
8. B, 300, by reads aad highways com
mittee Relating to giving proof of fi
nancial responsibility by owners and op
era tors at motor eaicles, and! declaring
an emergency. . i
8. B. 801, by Baleutin Providing
that proof of injury shall constitute prima
facie evidence at negligence ia actions
far damae; far personal injuries result
ing from the use of x-ray, radium, violet
ray. and other electrical and mechanical
devices aad apparatus used ia th treat
ment af persons.
8. B. SO?, by McKayTo bar sad di
vest inchoate right of courtesy er dower
in all cases where real property of a
bans nipt debtor aaa been or snail nero
aiter b sld by da process of law ia
bankruptcy proceedings.
8. B. 803, by Eurke To provide for
tba purchsss or eoastraetioa of s atata
effic building ia Portland.
Paaaad by Beast
8. B. 218, by Chaney Relating to the
exchange of city property aad declaring
aa emergency.
8. B. 65, by SUdalmaa To exempt
from taxation ail improvements, fixture.
2 r.Hoi)l? llQQftm?GD
Sensation of the Eddie Cantor Radio Program
Singing Her Way Into Your Heart a 1
W h.
sg nosnr
ete owned by mutual or eooperaUve
water eempaaiea aad asaoeiartona aad
ased exclusively to supply water to tta
members -without profit ia money.
8. B. 180, by, .Angell Relating t air
ports aad aviatioa fields.
8. B. SO, by Walker Relating to ft
aaaciag building by state beard af high
er dncati thraagh student fees. - aad
delegating eersaba power t the board
tor th iai ailment af leasiv funds aad
declartag aa smergaasy.
8. a, 32T. by Graham extending ta
time in which th world war veteran
tata aid iimmlsii can make Wans
- 8. B. 264, by Best Relating to the
establishment ef coaaty health units- and
praridiag thst - these mast rciv the
aaactism af th votaca.
. B. B. 182, by Aagell Relating to Be
ensiag a tat e-aided homes or lastitatioaa
cartas fee waaaraUy infected ahUdrea by
the atato waifara lommiasisa.
8. R. 186, by Xllis Making it walaw
fal for aary pars under 31 years af ago
to fslsely aepe ent his or her age. -.
8. B. 126. by Leonard To provide that
Jadg may gnat a divere to tba party
least at tsuH. i
8. B. 172, by fishing industries eom
mitte Making it a BBsdemesaor to
catab crab with any gear other than
apoclfiad crab riag crab pet or t
offer wrongrally caught crabs for sale.
8. B. 167, by Aagell Relsting to dis
position af cheats and declaring aa em
ergency, j
Psasod by Hons
B. B. 22, by rrancUeorich aad Xep.
Korblsd Ralatiag ta the salaries at Clat
sop county officials. - - i
8. B. 48, by Bslentine Te roqnir that
plats at subdivisioas wit hi a aa irrigation
district b abcaitted to th board f di
rector. j-
8. B. 76, by Ear re and Rep. Hyde To
provide shelter for car repairers aad other
railroad employes.
. S. B. SOS. by toUt ceuaselttao aa agri
caltare" Providing for standardisation at
grades of hooey. I s
laraed by Oevtraaf
8. B. Bl, by TTsaetscavieb Grant Ing
fisK r ammlssioa cartaia powsis at reg
alatioa aa ta opeaiag aad closing the
Colombia river to commercial fishing.
8. E. S7, by Ihckson Ralatiag to re
cording aad filing of mechanic liens.
8. B. 70. by Aagell Pertaining ta p
ratma af bWe sky' la, as it affects
aoa-resideat brokers.
8. B. S4, by jadieiary cacamittc Re
lating ta evidence under a plea of aot
S-ailty ia crimiaal case makiag it nee
anary ras defeadaat ta give aetiee when
h coatamplates sting lasaalty as a de
fease. 8. B. 85, by Jadieiary committee Re
lating to appeals ta the atata eaprem
caart i
8. B. 88. by insursne committee
Adding new section relsting ia attempt
to bans buildings ar ether property.
8. B. 138, by tarnation committee To
provide for cancellation of deliaqaaat and
current taxes oa property within cities
and teem who the assessed valuation
waa reduced by fir ia IMS. This bill
partaia particularly to th city af
Replica of Lincoln Log
Cabin Being Exhibited
In Miller Show Window
A , replica of the log cabin In
which Abraham Lincoln was born
forms tho center of a timely ex
hibit In one of the north show
windows of Miller's store at
Court' and Liberty streets. Wood
from which tho miniature cabin
and the rati fence which sur
rounds It were taken from the
old Lincoln home near Hodgen
ville, Ky. The red earth, which
surrounds the cabin in the "ex
hibit and came from tho Lincoln
birthplace, resembles tho red loll
of the district sonth of Salem.
Th exhibit war brought here
through the - courtesy of O. A.
Mueller, district agent Of tho Lin
coln National Life Insurance com
pany. Fort Wayne, Ind.
Shipment of Lumber Is
Being Resumed, Bandon
BANDON. Or.. Keb.i 1 .--A
cheer went up from Bandon
resident! today when the freight
er named after tho town crossed
out with the first load of lumber
to be lifted from this port since
shortly after th fir which wiped
Out tho community September 28
last -U
e In a mad and
merry comedy
of gold-diggers
and romantic
In the
Snrprise : Hit
of tho Tear
!f:iit! ui ill
HIT NO. 2 .
Joseph Callela, Florenc Rice,
Ted Heal -;
rt Is Urged
All organisations ' aad groups
which will b affected by the pro
posed Willamett valley project
of Hood control, irrigation, drain
age, navigation and power devel
opment, should have representa
tion at th hearing her February
25, Vernon L. Irish, Sslem real
estate dealer, told the Salem
realty board at its luncheon Fri
day noon. ; .
Following an explanation by
Mr. Irish aa to what the project
is expected to mean eventually, in
cluding irrigation of S7S.000 acres
and an expenditure of $76,000,000
although the present contemplated
unit calls for only f 2.4S0.000. th
realty board took action to assure
representation at the hearing. .
The board's legislative commit
tee together with five members
added for this special project, was
designated by Presideat William
McGllchiist Jr. to act in the
matter. - ;
McMahan-Bar War
Taken to Solons
(Continued from page 1)
the Jury on the Issue of the
ease as well as the law. At
torneys said that most Judges
do giv such instructions but
that they have not been given
In tho local court.
James Smith Secretary
Of McMinnvUle Chamber
McMINXVILLE, Ore.. Feb. 11.
(JFy-James Smith, formerly sec
retary of the Corvallis chamber
of commerce and the West Side
Pacific Highway association, took
over tho secretaryship of the Mc
Mlanvlllo chamber.
Valentine's Dance J
S V McUo Eicon
Qj Admission 40c - S5e , )
Valentine Fnnfestr-Bobby & Buddy Ambrose
Ken Maynard In
PinLall Famdeirs
Routed in House
Spurred on by the encouraging
vote given to tho Carney antl-alot
machine 'bill In tho oenat Thurs
day, 'house members were pushing
to a finish their measures to out
law the machines together with
plnball, .marble games, punch
boards and other like devices.
Yesterday the house killed, by
Indefinite postponement, IL B.
114 by Representative Hogan to
pat :a 'tax on Tending machines
and companion bill. IL B. Sit,
putting a tax on skill games. Is
scheduled to meet tho same fate
today on an adverse report from
the 'revision of laws committee.
While th legalising measures
were going into the wastebasket.
Representative Hannah Martin se
cured a favorable report from her
health and public morals commit
tee on her bill which would make
any game of chance unlawful.
Committeemen were frank to
admit that there wss little use
to attempt to get any legislation
to legalise the machines through
the present session. Even sponsors
of th bills have apparently given
up hope and are advising commit
tees to kill the measures as quick
ly and easily as possible.
. i
Floyd McMulIen
Payment Sought
Scheduled for introduction la
the house of representatives is a
bill by Representative Hannah
Martin and others to appropriate
SSOOOto J. W. McMulIen for the
death of his son la tho eapltol
building, fire. j
Toung McM alien, a student in
Willamette university, waa serv
ing as a voluntary fireman the
night that I the old state I house
burned. He was fatally injured
when struck by a falling cornice.
Brought direct to you from
brilliant f 2.00 premier runs!
Grand Stage Show
nVestern Frontier"
serial .. t
as t at '
r t