f H Tha 02EG0N STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morntnj, January 22, PAGS EIGHT KM. Pae-Driver Theft Charges Are Filed OTliam J. Haskins Taken Into Custody; Denial Posted in Court - - Already! under Indictment on two other! counts, one of grand larceny and one of receiving stolen property, William J. Has- kins, operator of a local Junk yard, was arrested by state police yesterday on a charge of stealing a 1700 pound plle-drlrer from the Bush school property. Raskins posted 1100 cash ball In Justice court yesterday after pleading not guilty to the charge. Preliminary hearing was set tor January 2t at 2 p. m. The pile driver, recovered from Haskln's Jnnk yard. 209S Turner road, was ' the property of Rnf us E. Boatwright, 860 South 20th, and had been used In the con Tee, BIrs. Jones we select things very carefully! tar Telephone Orders T All Purchases' Delivered Free These Items and Prices Are Everday Bargains Manning's Coffee fm Fresh roasted . lb, C Van Camp's Tomato Soup . . -can 5C Milani Tomato Juice 4 cans 29c Canned Mandarin Oranges 5c can Pineapple Juice, f ; DoIe' Jlfm No. 2 cans 8 for fcjUC Asparagus, all green pffM Tall cans .8 for 33 C Jumbo Ripe i! Olives -. tall cans ))C Crosse A Blackwell nM Catsup 14-. bottle IOC Pancake Flour 2H-lb. pkg. ... 19c Hotcake Syrup Quart jugs 25c Cake Flour SK-Ib. pa. 25c Tomato Hot Sauce cans ... 25c Dromedary Grapefruit ; . No. 2 cans A for 85c MflRKCT y GROCERY a65N.UBeRTyi 294 N. Commercial St. "Budget Balancers" Grape Fruit Fresh 3? cans 25c limit BANANAS . While They Last OREGON OR ALL PURE MILK 1 S cans - 25C PORK AND fe 7e can JELL POWDER (5 pkgs. 2s PETER PAN COFFEE Ground to Of?r 5 lis. ..... (1 We Reserve the Right . to Limit I nmnsiHi A X , s. ,i4c I5.ns zc t- r VV sS f X L VriA f LAKES . I XX S XX taU r3 QAI.MON 7 xV 9-Ib. m- A " xV bair XX VI xx struction of the Bush school. Haskins, who has served a sen tence In the state penitentiary on a larceny count from Lane coun ty, is under Indictment In Linn county for the alleged theft of machinery from the Butler sash and door company of Albany and has posted bail on a Marlon coun ty charge of ' receiving stolen property. Haskins received considerable publicity some time ago when he took out a city building permit to erect a dwelling at a cost of $25. Jensen Installed As Scouts Leader Dr. A. S. Jensen of Monmouth was Installed as president of the Cascade area council. Boy Scouts of America, at the council's an nual meeting Wednesday night. Jensen succeeded A- C. Haag, who had held the post for three years. ; - ? i - i ' - - Judge H. H. 1 Belt presided or er the monthly court of honor held In conjunction with the an nual meeting. Boys receiving awards were: Second class rank: Robert Mc Neill, Dan Norris, troop 2; Don Briggs, Clarke . Morton, troop 12, Everett Smith, troop 15. Second class merit badges: Bill McElhinny, ' troop 9T John Engblim, troop 14; Zeral Brown, troop 1 ;.' I .; ? - first class merit badges: Mar tin Barber, i troop 9 Herman. GrlmmefT troop 4 ; Gerald Nader man. David Putnam, Leonard Rush, troop 12: Leonard Bea man, Fred : Drake, Donald Neu- man, 'Frank Pierce, Edwin Storti, Fred i Tartarini, Thomas A. 'Ulmer, troop 14. - Star scout rank: Fred Drake, Thomas Ulmer, troop 14. Life scout rank: Leonard Bea- man, Donald Neuman, troop 14. Scouts training certificates were given I Bob Day, George Bend, P. H. Ringle, Walter Mor gan, Carl Connet. G. V. Nader man. W. Hi Wledmaier, Ferris D. White. i Ferris D. White of Albany was given a scoutmaster's key. Stanley Peterson Takes Bank Tasks ALBANY, Jan. 21. Stanley Peterson has been elected assist ant cashier of the Bank of Albany to succeed Wallace Burkhart. Burkhart recently resigned to take a position In a Portland bank. All other officers, of the bank were reelected. T. B. Williamson is president; E. B. Williamson and M. D. McPherson, rice presidents; and C. E. Williamson, cashier. These men, with the addition of Fred Forster, form the board of directors, r ' Among other business to come up at the meeting was the order ing of five per cent dividend to be paid on the f 100 par value stock. The banc which opened for business on Oct. 13, 1033, shows a healthy condition according to the cashier. The December 31 report of the bank showed resources of $1,100,02$.40.! The bank carries a capital account of 250,000; a surplus of! 215,000 and undivided profits of 128,199.72.. Deposits totalled $1,001,828.68. a gain of $163.907.42 ! over deposits on hand Dec. 31, 1935. Grandy Jury Expected To End Business Today The Marion county grand jury. which met Monday, Wednesday and Thursday; is expected to fin ish Its current business today. One or more indictments in addi tion to a secret one returned Wed' nesday are anticipated. W. Brash I er Is erring' as foreman. f gjfrisiJBmgr Way, Low Prices Every Day Lane Brand Stringless Beans . 2s TUNA FLAKES . ! is flat 2 for 25c GRAHAM FLOUR 9-Ib. m Flour Will Be Higher I 5 Buy Yours TODAY Peter Pan j Queen Them An ; f.fl Ofl . xiituy RED ROSE Idaho Hard Wheat 0I.C9 pocnds VALLEY ROSE Valley Blend W vSl T ! XV S XX i FARINA W TJS pounds VAti I 17C Grid Hero Loses F 'f ;'-W'.WWHM Although Marshall Goldberg-, national sophomore football star at-Unlversity of Pittsburgh, made history on the gridiron this past season, his "romantic efforts" were less successful aa his "girl friend", the former Helen Etoofl, 18; eloped to WeHsburg, W. Va with a high school sweetheart, Robert Levenson, 21, of the Uni i I it versitv of ,'Pennavlvanla. Rebecca B. Small Funeral Saturday ALBANY. Jan. 21.. Mrs. Re becca Beckner j Small, 87, died at her dome In North Albany Tues day afternoon Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at f 2 o'clock from the Fortmlller funeral home. 1 Rev. T. D. Tarnes will have charge of the services, Bqrijal will be; in Riverside cem etery. It.,! t : Keoecca jtjecitner was nor a April 5, 1849, In Rush county. Did. ! On Not. i 8, 1866. she was married to William Penn Small at Carthage, Ind. Previous to com ing to Oregon the deceased had IlVedln Kansas for av time. She had been a resident of Oregon for sq ytears. Mr. Small died Jan. 27. 1321 In North Albany: Mrs. Small ws j a member of the Methodist cburlch of Albany, and of the La dies or tne o. a. x. ! I iSurrlrlnr are three sons, El be rt I Small, Ephrlam i Small and Biirliey Small, all of Albany. 8he lsi asp survived by one sister, Mrs. Hknna s Havens of Indiana, seven grandchildren and 11 great grand children. ; 531 Arrested For Traffic Violations f There were S34 arrests In the traffic division of the state police department during .December, 1136, Charles P. Pray, superln lehdlent of state police reported Thursday. e i Twenty-six arrests were drunk en driving and 41 for reckless operation of vehicles. Fines ag' gregated $5875.40. fArrests In the general law en' fprcement dirision totalled 250 with! fines aggregating 230 4 4.10 Twelve of these arrested were for burglary and' 41 for drunkenness. Eleven persons arrested by the State police In this division were held for other law enforcement agencies;' There were 98 arrests In the commercial fisheries division with tines of 13352.05. iThe state itroopers Investigated 39 i complaints during the month f which 129 were classified as Cleared. . if- I O - Phone 3527 NUCOA f- "I package! OXYDOL THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS !..;. 22c MATCHES box carton AlJW j RELIABLE GRAPE FRUIT cans i SIRS. STEWARTS BLUING 10-oz. Purex 319c Corn 1 - "Wk. Ixx ( CO Nx XX Flakes S ft7 17c Harold B. Tronson Victim of Stroke Paper Converting Company Official Has Active Career, Recalled - Funeral services for Harold B. Tronson, 73, prominent Salem paper company official, who passed suddenly yesterday after a heart attack, had not been set up to last night, the W. T. B.I don Mortuary, In charge of the body, announced last night. '-. Tronson, credited with having done much : toward putting Ore gon apple on the map, had been office manager of the Western Paper Converting company here tor ten years. He was a bachelor, and only knows relative are sister In England and a eousta In Canada, - . A slight paralytic stroke suf fared several months ago and a knee Injury Incurred In a fall tea days ago, may have been factors In connection with the sudden a says San Diego woman who This new user writes: "W it M fm tUhm, ft tkhnfftt hjutt tpltn ' JUL i dem't am Aew ye etmU impnpi A. Umffvrtb w tv msimg MJ-B." Ndrherdo we see how we could improve M-J-B, the "Strength Essential Coffee, for in this coffee you have alluring and unvary ingfulljUnr at rjr strength a really advanced coffee-feature to help you make gsaJevffee. A blend of finest coffees end a special ricbtr nut develop a constant richness of true coffee-character in every gnunof MJB. Remember the cofibe with the most flavor 7 tbi tin makes die best cofiee in tbt op. The mild is never tasteless, the medium is never flat and the strong is never bitter. You'll say,just splendid" too, and so will your husband, once you try this delicious, aromatic, refreshing, fuU-ftovmd coffee. Tho M J B'l "Uaivenal Grind Is guaranteed tight for Drip, Per colator, or any glass cottee-maker yon me. 162 N. Commercial enmi(5)DD! D SALAD OIL Sterne Ml Ever Right ! 'sack Hard Wheat Patent. ROLLED OATS Naptha Soap: G 5TQbodoQ 'fmgml 2 heart attack. Death occurred at hie home, 1141 Court street, where he had been confined since in jar Ins his knee. ... . Ftmght Indians Member of an aristocratic Eng lish family and first cousin of the late Earl of Balfour. Tronson was an early settler. In Canada. Chief of his activities there was In aid ing quell the Reil Indian rebel lion. He was associated with the Bal four-Guthrie company in Fort land for many : years after mov ing to the United States, but left that organization to form the Ne ville bag company. He made many friends while selling burlap to hop growers In this district. Tronson and young Guthrie la ter went to Medford, where they planted apple orchards, playing an Important part in publicising and developing that Industry which hag helped make - Oregon famous the world over. Some 14 yean ago he left the apple country to become associat ed with the Portland Hallway Light and Power company, now the Portland : General Electric company, here In Salem. Hie shift to the paper company, la : which ha had been a strong developing factor, followed: four year, later. Si o o will use M JB hereafter e At ' ZY Coileo Yovt motiey refunded by your grocer if any tin of MJB Coffee oVeMtsetiify you pes fecdy la every way. Phone 5151 For Colds Dozen Ssnkls 2 doa. ass Vegetable qta. 25C In Your f"4a Contaiaer gal. iC Dandy 4-Tle Each Slakes Good Bread. Triangle O's, Bag; O. K. Ijaondry 6 bar. .25 Giant Size; & bmm n no n fix fmtttiuutmmmm Fresh California Fine for Stuffing Pound Bilk: . QuaUty 3 rolLi E3 ox. Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pepper, Etc Can Walke'a Bert lbs. I . ' ' . ' . ! 01 Coarse It's Less at Caplahs mrnm $ . - - v l;h 11 -. ; , ; ! ;:1 - i i -i-'-lfv. s SEoirtemiie mm 0 IS 11 1 - ' 1 i i i THOMPSON SEEDLESS 0 iounno I TTT Msg geBBMiMh Fresh Egg SOFTA GMCE if iMm KiCBidigfjk 1 't f WE RESERVE TUB . i 137 S. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 4010 r mm 3lb pail -I X Gallon Size 2Vt cans One Lb. ,!.,i,f Via AH J aJLriJUl 3pkgs 2 1b. pic Mawg Oregon Walnuts 211)0. (Hsits 0 : ii and 1A WAFFLE FLOUR JC aim Wineafties THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Prune S Oregon Sweet 6 IK .(. Glass M One Lb. 14 Lbs. cZS v ' ... . iC)2 Flarora ' 1 0c 4 lb. 4c as ass Slow or Fast 10's sack 11 A One Lb. 71 Mil II r - 1- II f ii i 7v n atsn