The OHEGON STATESilAN, SaJera, Oregon, Friday tforajA?, Jxdvarj 22,- 1S37P PAGH FIFTCCrJ Bey ' 1b Yotf Pocket tke : Qsiified Ad Mo "Read: Carefally Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single losertloo per line 10c Three Insertion per line 20c Sii Insertions per tin 30e One month per line 3 1.00 lllnlmnm charge 85c Copy for this pas accepted until :39 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received fter tbia time will" be run under the heading. Too Lata te Cliis- ifr.- , The) Staleemaa umnm na rtnaiv lal responsibility for errors which may appear ta advertisements pub itshed ti Us -?olamna, and In eases arhare this paper la at fault will re print that part af an advertisement In whlcb the typographical mistake occurs , . The Statesman resarves the right ce reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the I lleln Wanted Male WANT 8 ACRES prune trees re moved: will give trees for wood. 1 ml. east of Dallas er give estimate of cost. Box 165, care Statesman. ';t-iimn! Wanted Kxp. dressmak. Mrs. Adaltt. T. 9444. SEW. 15c; IRON. 25c TeL Tilt. WANTED rATTENTS at nurse's 1-ome. 1". R, mental, T. B.. accident. AkhI. special attention. Either sex. Tel. 7173. 1195 N. 4th St. Referencea. - KXFERfKNCED-CJ RL wsnts house work. Rt 3, Box 33j. TeL 76F21. TOUNO MAN wants work on dairy farm. Ksp. milker. Alva Parks, 2I64 Mtate St - ' NURSE EXPERIENCED, capable, ready for rases. Phone. 8254. I For Sale Miscellaneous CASH OR trade for used furniture ranges, heaters, radios, machinery tools, etc Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 5-1-1-0 ISIS N. Bum fner In Hollywood. NEW IRON BED alnd spring. $12.95. Wool blanket free. Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court St. USED LUMBER, DOORS, windows, brick and wire, lowest prices. SOtb Century Wrecking Co.. 411 N. Front.. THREE NEW Oil Heaters, less than cost Upstairs Furniture Store, 439 Court, tit. ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Kxpert repair service, moderate prices Koen Typewriter Exch. 420 Court. HAT ft STRAW for sale Phone 9SF3. THREE NEW Grunow Radios, 1937, latest imodela at 2nd hand prices. Terms Upst&ir Furniture Store, 439 - Court. " ' - HAT STRAW, good 2nd cutting al falfa all kinds of hay Tel. 5000. TWO NEW Washing; Machines at 2nd hand prices. One - with pump. Terms. Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court. EXCEPTIONAL. BUT on Majic Chef gas range used only 3 months, good discount. See It today at Allen's Hdwe.. 238 N. Com. Apples, 2315 8. Cottage. Brine boxes. RUGS AT a sacrifice. You must see tlie values to believe It. Every rug at cost Cash talks. Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court. POULTRY FERTILIZER sacked. with or without peat moss. TeL 133F2 l.ees Hatchery. FOR SALE, cheap, hot water brooder srstem. TeL 930, Mrs. Flake. Rt. 7. liux zn. 60 R. L RED rULLETS. Phone 3F2.' 000000000000000000000000000000 TRUCK LO'D choice sweet navel oranges at lowest prices, by the dox en. case or half case. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. BEAUTIFUL. CLAREDON piano In excellent condition. Call at 1535 S. 22nd. FOR SALE Vetch and oat hay, haled. $10.00 ton. Phone 25F1S. C H. lauerman, Rt. 2," Dallas, Oregon, Ivtsel Highway Service Station. FLASH ' SET drums, terms; xylo- rlione. like new. 925.00. 1365 Broad way. SKT 1'17. V-8 wheels, tires, discs. electric paint spray outfit, grinder. Colts 22 special. 32-20. 330 S. 14th, Apt. S. . - ENRUKH RTE rrasa hav. baled. 910 ton, sale or trade for grain or hogs. Edward Conyers, 3 mL S. E. of I ho'toa. . I Wantel Miscellaneous FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, rows, sheep. TeL 489. WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In alielL any quantity. State caretena. FILBERTS AND meats. State Cafe. R. FLAT TENOR . saxophone, 94$ S. 12th. Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE locners, Ramage'a. 919 N. Liberty. Phone 8751. For Kent Rooms I I COMFORTABLE, LARGE heated rOOtn Ivr BcnitTiuan. gr.tvtvw w w . LARGE HEATED sleeping roonu. 2 beds If desired. 349 Union. . t EXCELLENT RM-i bd.r 745 8. Cutn'L ' , For Rent 'Apartments" t ROOMS. BATH, 2005 N. CapltoL ; wj0m00000mm0000000000000000 - APARTMENTS, 355 BELLE VUE. . Western Adrertlstos Representatives renccr-Hall Co Ltd. I Uss rrearea Aaseles. Seattle' ' ' - Eastern Advertising f Represenutlre Bryant, tirtffltk A Branson, Ine Chicago New . Tors. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta ! aTarercit mt l He viorrtn ml aie JMW W - r .BmsIssm 115 Httwlk rowwreia jgrratt, . . - . - ; vitu, it I lTli iV itATeS: . . . r.... I . . l 1,1. ! Within Oregen t Dally and Sunday. 1 IC& 50 cents: Ma 11.25; Ma SUS :t rear S4.90. Clsewners 50 cents per ,Mo. or f 5.09 for 1 year In advsnce. Pe. Copy s rents, r-ews ciuhw whm. By City Carrier: 49 rents a mon $5 a year in advenes. , . For Rani -Apartments 1 AND RMS. fnrn. Furnace beat. No objection to children. 147 Waller. X RM. APT- 332 Water. S ROOM APT.. 435 N. Winter. FURN. APT., car. Ad. 1135 State. t rooms, .H.1?:. t ROOM HEATED, unfurnished du plex apartment. 640' Union St. FURN. APT., adults. S10.50 per mo. Oarage. 24 N. Capitol. For IJrnt Houses ! COTTAGES BY week or month. Wood or gas heat. Fairground cottages, 2597 Portland road. Cm VTTRX . DUPLEX. 1st floor. Adults, private bath. Iao, 0 Mill St. ROOM HOUSE on N. Capitol St Oil burner; In basement, f 50.00. I P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1121 X ROOM& PARTLY furnished. SIS, Hollywood district, 1005 N. 22nd. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS snd wheel chairs to rent. H.. U Stiff Furniture Co. OFFICE ROOMS for rent, 381 State St. TeL 2713. FILLING STATION and good mod. house, fireplace ac electric water sys tem ; to lease by um year, ssue. 4 R. house. L per mo. F. IL WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8502. Wanted to Rent WiXT UnDERX furnished house with two bedrooms, responsible par ty. Call Statesman office. For Sale Real Estate I CHOICE LOTS ON PAVED St 9500 will finance new homes up to 80 of cost on long term payments. w. rt. uilAr5ErttK:sr m wut 134 & I-lbertj- St. HOMES. GRANT. 529 Court. TeL 7723., INCOME PROPERTY DUPLEX. 4 ROOMS each. Will ehow gnod return on Investment of only 200. easy terms. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILLKS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 8708. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 8 ACRKil CLOSE In. all under plow. 5 room home, barn, 2 hen houses, ex cellent orchard, fine soil. Only 3 miles out Price f2(:o, cash SSOO, baL f 16 monthly. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 34 4 State St- Phone 6708 EXTRA 2 NEAT. PLASTERED houses on 1 lot. now rented for 332 per month. For quick sale owner will accept 92200, half cash. Call to see It. SEE Mrs. Kills with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708 m00m000mmm0m100mm1m0m1MwPm00 24 A.. 13 A. FRUIT. 2 HSES. barn. chicken hse., tractor with equipment. 2 cows. So rhickens, total price 93000. S R. strictly modern hse. with 1 A. of ground, beautiful landscaping, sprink ling system, 9a5t0. good term. 1 K. hse.. basement, furnace, 2 bedrooms. $2200, $liO down. 5 R. strictly mod ern hse., very close in, 32000, 8750 down. 5 II. hse., K. front, fireplace, no basement. s?00 down. Listings wanted. Rich L. Reimann, 167 S. Higli, Dial 8632. BARGAINS S ROOM HOME, all mod. hardtvood floors, good lix-ation. H. Salem, 93330, 9350 down, 526 per mo. 5 room tnot!. home in N. Salem, 33250. 93tf0 down. Tel. 5580. 93500.00. 6 It. MOD. WELL-BUILT lwme. furnace, guaranteed , for life, large niry rooms, cor. lot, plenty fruit, shrub bery. 476 Court , Sears-Sunders I'll. 8166. 4 R. HOUSE. MODERN, full price 91R00, $2 down. bal. by the month. 4 R. n-w house, just outside city limits, unfinished. Nothing down. 915 per nio. Full price 81250. 5 R. hiuse, semi-modern, near High land school, ,2 large lots, $2500, good terms. F. II. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Tlu 8902. FOR SALE LOT 50x100 FEET In business sone located on H. Commercial Pt,, tlear title, price 8,500 cash. 8K; W. II. GRABENHORST CO. - 131 S. Liberty St. Exrlianse Real Estate I EXCHANGE 40 ACRES 8 MILES from city lim its on Pacific highway, south. Modest set buildings, abundance of timber. running water, 12 to 15 acres easily prepared tor cultivation. Price 82500. Will trad and .assume On good bouse in Salem. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 34 . State St. Phone C708 10 ACRES. NO improvements except alt act to prunes and cherries. Clear of encumbrance. Will trade for Im proved or unimproved land, and pay cash difference. IL C Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8992. FOR EXCHANGE FIVE ACRES nil in bearing orch ard, 3 room house, drilled well, loca ted 34 miles out on Highway No. 99. Price $2500, will exchange for mod ern 4 or 5- roora house in Salem. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. . t 134 S. Liberty St. . HOME IN Medford exchange for home in Sulem up to $5000.00. 476 -Court i Sears-Sanders Ph. 8166. I For Sale Farms I l 1AND BARGAINS: " 65 ACRES LOCATED two miles east of. , Salem. ' old' buildings, good highway, part plow land. 10 A. of good timber, baL pasture. Price $100 cash per A. to settle an estate. THIS PROPERTY IS A REAL BARGAIN. , 40 acres, 'about- 32 A. plow - land, .balance small timber, no buildings, lo ltd -close in near Kingwood Heights, Polk Go 'price 82000. cash. baL terms. 79 acres located about t miles east of town, 5 A. plow land, about 800 cord of timber, baL pasture, best of soil, classified as Willamette silt loam soU. Price 83600. cash. - SEE US FOR BARGAINS. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., 4 " " ' ' REALTORS ' - -134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6463 000m00000000000000000000000t0t 27- ACRES, FINE soil. 8 room plas tered bouse, barn, electric water sys tem, paved road, $5600. Will take house for part. : 49 'Acres best ' of soil. mod. bldg,. nice dairy farm. Stocked and equip ped.' Paved road. . -10 acres, all good soil, north. $600. 13 acres, , bldgsJ, 19 acres In culti vation, S acres timber and pasture, stream. 44 walnuts, .225 filberts, 2 4 acres in berries. S acres in prunes. All A-l soU. $3150. . . 89 acres, all mod. bidgn., paved road. For sate with stock and equipment.' It A. FORKNER , . v ' ' 1853 N. Capitol " : FARMS. RENT, sale, trade. Oregon Land Co Woodborn, Ore. - For Sale Used Cars How Win $ 1 0,000 Turn to Page 14 and Read Full Particulars! Act Promptly! The Herrall-Otvens Co, "Dependability" ? . DODGE," PLYMOUTH AND DODGE TRUCK DIST. j 235 South Commercial St. TeL 2189 Vaed Car Park. Dallas. Oregon. OAK AND MAIN STS. For Sale Farms TO CLOSE AN ESTATE 189 ACRES, 125 ACRES under plow, balance good oak fir timber. 7 'room home, two barns, good road. Can loan 84009 on this place. Must be sold at once. Priced at 8000. An excellent opportunity. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS a- MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 70S I Wanted Real Estate $300 CASH TO pay down on sub. tract, must have bldga, C to 8 mL out. 32500. 479 Court Sears-Sanders Ph. 8488. LET ME bear from owners wanting to sell I have buyers ready A willing to , pay a good down payment for the property suitable. Ton may have Just whae my customers want. F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 Business Opportunities'! EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales In the northwest, will open permanent auction house In Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three to five thousand dollars required. Writs box 57, Salem Statesman. SMALL INVESTMENT, good In come in small business place in town. Box 100, The Statesman. RETAIL DAIRT FOR RENT STOCK ft EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 29 cows,. 1 bull, milk route In town of 8000, frlgidaire, milking machine. separator, boiler. Dottles, steriliser. Plenty of hay. All other equipment. 325 acre farm. 20 acres alfalfa. Stock and equipment 83250. Farm rental $40 per month. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 8798 2 SMALL GOOD paying businesses, 8550.00. 476 Court Scars-Sanders Ph. 8166. Money to Loan MONET TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property un- jder the F. IL A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payments. No com tmlssion. Refinance or build a new home. W. IL GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 124 & Liberty St. ' Phone 6468 CONSOLIDATE TOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently : owned and operated Salem company i where your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before ana 1 after the loan is made. interest on unpaid Daiances iso reea nick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 201 First Nat'L Bank Bldg.. Salem. Or. Phone 9168 Lie. No. S-1JS How to Relieve Hangover We mean the hangover of old bills from last year.' Stop in and see us for that extra cash you need and start the new year with a clean slate. You can repay In easy monthly payments arranged to suit your budget. Find out how lit tle a loan will cost you. FREE valuable Social Security Record book. Ask the cashier for your eonv. Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 518 State St. at High St. Phone 3740 Salem. Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-122. M-165. Federa) noustng loans title 3, build or refinance homes or business prop. IjOW mtea A brums ft Ellta Masonic B Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED ; MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy. H, Simmons 01 First Nat'L Bank B!dg Salem, Or. Phone 916S Lie. No. M-152 6 MONEY ON good security. 476 Court Sears-Sanders. Ph. 8166. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE! One Jersey cow to freshen in 19 days. Price $100.00. Phone iobz. SALE 30 BARRED ROCK pullets. ready to lay. C E. Moling. R. 4. Box 171, 1 mL east Liberty school. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins & Roberta. - MA KB YOUR savings earn more interest. Buy a first mortgage on real estate, the best security of alL Loans lav. liable $300 to $5000. Net Interest to investors 614 to St!.. j- . CHILDS MLLLEK. Mtge. Loans 344 State SU . Phone $708 For Sale Wood ! DRY 16" slab wood, $2.75 load. 4598. DRY WOOD. $5.50. TeL 8918. GUARANTEED DRT WOOD WL TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. DRY WOOD that is dry. TeL 113F28. Robert Fromm, R 7. Box 468. FENWICK. 4527, dry 2nd growth. 000000000000000000000m ALL KINDS : of wood reasonable 807 Mill St. Phone Weathers, 4S59. . , WOOD. Smith ft Rubens, TeL 4SF14. m0T00000000000mt00000j0M QUABANTEED DRY 2nd gwth. 7S8, 16- OLD FIR $5. TeL 6616. If IN. OLD nr. $5.2$ cd. TeL $919. ALL KINDS dry wood, reaa. P. SS58, DRY WOOD, all kinds. TeL 6663. For Sale Used Cars For Better Used Gars Go to Better s - -- Liberal Trades McKay Oearasnce Sale We Need Room! 1938 193S 1924 FORD COUPE, reconditioned " ' FORD TOURING 4-DR. SEDAN with trunk . MASTER CHEV. COUPS 1928 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN, new dition throughout 1 ft aa 1929 PONTIAC 4-DR; SEDAN, good A dean l$ 18 5.99 1929 FORD STANDARD COUPE, well worth the money $158,9 1936 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN, radio, ft beater, spec, boma and extras 1929 1928 1929 1927 1929 1928 1929 DeSOTO 4-DR. SEDAN BUICK COUPB CHEVROLET COUPE OAKLAND COUPE BUICK SEDAN DURA NT COUPE CHEVROLET COACH VaHey Motor Co. OPEN SUNDATSh Tttv'o Lots Center ft Liberty Phone 315$ Jim St. Clair, Our Bond Hickory Dickery Dock BUT TOUR CAR FROM BHROCK YES AND WE HAVE A LOT OF THEM. TAKE TOUR PICK. 193 Plymouth Sdn. (2) 1931 Chevrolet Cch. 193 Chrysler Cpe. 1933 Plymouth Sdn.' 193 Ford Cpe, 3) 1935 Chrysler Sdn. 193 Chevrolet Pickup (perfect) MA NT OTHERS TO CHOOSE ave At brock's 553 Chemeket. Oldsmobilo SAFETY TESTED USED CARS Salem's Finest Array' of Used Cars to Select From 35 N. LIBERTY ST. Open Evenings and Sundays 193 DODGE DeLuxe Tour. Se dan. Has radio. In finest condition ...$335 1938 OLDS 8 TOUR. 8EDAN. This car has never been licen sed. Driven by factory repre sentatlve. Has radio A heater. DeLuxe ace An out standing value $995 1938 OLDS 6 TOUR. SEDAN. See this wonderful bargain be fore you buy a low priced new car - .335 1936 OLDS BUSINESS COUPE. Another Real Buy $741 193S DODGE COUPE. Driven only 9000 miles. To see this car you would think it brand new. See it today $665 1933 OLDS 8 DeLUXE SEDAN. Has w. w. and heater. The original finish like new, fine condition. Former owner Sa lem doctor $495 1932 NASH LIGHT 8 SEDAN. A demonstration will prove to you what a wonderful buy this is $42$ 1932 FORD V-8 SEDAN. This car has 6 w. w. and we be- lleve this to be a Real Buy at this price. It looks and runs fine $365 1931 CHRYSLER 6 SEDAN. If you have been waiting for a car that has had the finest of care, don't overlook this car. It's one in a million $395 1931 DeSOTO 6 SEDAN. I have often heard It said among the trade that this model Re Soto is the best ever built. This car is In fine condi tion $325 1930 DODGE Sedan ... $275.00 1929 STUDEBAKER Spt Cpe. $195.00 1929 PONTIAC ROADSTER .$145.00 1928 WILLYS-KNIGHT Sdn. 95.00 1929 ESSEX 2-D. Sedan $125.00 1926 CHEV. Coach . 27.60 FORD Coupe $ 17.50 EASY TERMS and a LIBERAL TRADE On Your Old Car OUR USED CAR STORE AT 356 N. LIBERTY BOZELL-GRIMSON V MOTORS, INC- Ph. 5600 Oldsmoblle Dealer USED CARS 36 LaFayette Sedan, new tires, radio, heater, new car guarantee. 3 Dodge Sedan DeLuxe, as good as new. '--' -36 Ford Tudor Sedan DeLuxe, C-ply " tires, radio. 7,009 milea 33 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, low mile age, heater. 35 Dodge PaneL 32 Chev. 4 -door) Sedaa. . - ' 31 Chev. Coach. . , . 29 Model A Coupe. 25 Model A Sedan. . - ' We have several good boys ha cheaper cars. Come In and look them over. - : - - : - WEEKEND -SPECIAL" Studebaker 'Dictator Sedan (repossess ed). Can be bought for amount due on note. ' . . - ' j v - . -. ... ., :- : Carter & Church f Motor Co. Nash and LaFayette Dealers !63 N. Cnl,''- Phone 3734. mSim00m000My000J0 1 PONTIAC SED. $165. 525 Marion. i Lost and Found - r I LOST SMALL black s and white male fox terrier. Call 935. For Sale Used Cars Mf - - - - written uuarantess - - - - Low Clhiewoleft Go, IM. Phone 3189 Open Evenings and Sundays .$385.00 -S585.09 .$435.09 paint, good rubber, fine con sttk sa .9235.00 .9145.00 9 75.0 .9 45.0 .$195.00 9 65.00 .$145.0 Marlon A Liberty Phone 7919 Forest Fulton, Bill Earl, Shorty MIsson 1938 Pontlac Sdn. (2) 1931 Graham Sdn. 193 Oldamobile Sdn. 1538 Chevrolet Cpe. 1935 Ford Cpe. 1933 Chevrolet Cpe. 1931 Chevrolet Cab., Cpe FROM PRICED FROM $15.0 UP Salem, Or. 00000000&i Indorsed By Lynn Lambeth, Pres. of STATE MOTORS, INC! 35 HUDSON Six Touring Sedan. Trunk model. Steel body, safety glass. Ra dio and heater. If a gray finish has that factory lustre. Driven only 11,00 milea For top value In late model car you can't beat this at our reduced price of .. .$695 $4 HUDSON Coupe. Original finish. Upholstery spotless, new 6-ply tires. Motor perfect. Low mileage. Has radio and heater. Carries new car guarantee ; $595 30 NASH Sedan. Perfect shape .$195 89 WILLYS-KNIGHT Coach. New paint; seat covers; motor per fect , -$145 MANY OTHERS STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON PACKARD DEALERS High and Cbemeketa Phone 8400. Open Nights and Sundays 31 CHEV. Panel 1H ton truck, air brakes, shock absorbers, A-l mechani cally. Good rubbber. Will sell right or trade for fresh milk cows. Call after 4 p.m. Mr. Kyle. Mock Auto Camp, 8 mL south on 99. Business Cards in this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: SI per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 17$ South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW ft reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 a Com'L Ph. 4516. Brushes FULLER BRUSHES. So. Side. TeL 6724. 2785 Brooks ,St Eve. appoint ments I . Chimney Sweep 1 TELEPHONE 446. fL'K. Northneaa Chiropractor ) DR." a L SCtrTT. PSC Chiropractor 25 N High.. TeL Rea 8788 Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt , hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Prone 948. "..' J Florists Brelthaupf ef 447 "Court. Ph. $94. Furs DuRAIN 9ur Co Master furriers end designers. Rm. $ A Milter Bldg,; I Laundries - THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 26$ S. High - -. . Tel. 9125, .. CAPITAL CITY -LAUNDRY . FIRST IN Quality and Service Telephone 3165 - , , 12$4 Broadway Mattresses CAPITOL UEDDINU (XX Phone 409. For Sale Used Cars j Terms Otto Wasbiis For Better Used Cars : -, - ! . J'.- Smart thrifty i buyers, hundreds of them, boy here because we: offer Bet ter CaraJ Prices, Terms and Service. Compare our prices tvith any others, the cars. then compare 193 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, has fine ra dio, beater and many outer ex tras. This i car has been thor oughly checked over In our ser vice dept. and O. K.'d i $635 1936 Chev. Coupe. This can was trad ed In by prominent local people on a new Bolck. The actual mile age on this car Is less than 2,600 milea See this fine little car be fore you buy. 1984 Buick small; series 8 pass, sedan. Thia car has a nice built-in trunk, finish Inside and out almost like new powered by Bulcc famous valve In head motor J .$685 1938 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan equip ped with i overdrive ) gear hot water beater and . many other extras i $ 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe: if your cuocle la Plymouth you win sure- ly want to see this car nexore Priced to sell at you buy. 585 1986 Pontlac sedan, dual I equipped this car was traded 1 In by Mr. IL W. Wait of Rlckreall actual mileage on this car Is less than 80.000 miles i $535 192$ Pontlac sedan, trunk, new brakes, new clutch,! 4 nearlyj new Fire , stone tires, i motor recently over hauled, good paint,- ; Interior In fine condition ; this car was for merly owned by Mr. Boone of our used car dept. ,,j sua 1934 1935 1934 193$ 1931 131 1930 1929 1929 1929 1930 1929 1929 1929 1923 1929 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1927 192$ 1928 1925 Dodge DeLuxe coupe j .. .. 4l Ford DeLuxe Tudor i sedan. built-in trunk, radio J 645 Ford DeLuxe Tudor sedan 445 Buick DeLuxe 4 -door sedan 445 Buick DeLuxe 4 -door sedan 885 Ford DeLuxe Coupe j 295 Chev, Coupe , , .i , 245 Buick Sedan i 275 Buick Sedan . . ... 265 Dodge D. A. Sedan i . 245 Oakland Sport Coupe, spe- clal at 195 185 195 rontiac uoupe j- Graham Light Coach Pontlac sedan 195 Buick 4-paas. coupe L Durant coups j, Buick sedan j. Buick coupe t i ' Chev. coupe j. Pontine Coupe .... 8tudebaker sedan Pontiac sedan Chev. Coach j Chev. Coach i Olds Coach I . , , 135 135 145 145 115 115 100 65 95 75 35 45 1925 Buick Coach Otto J.Wilson " BUICK SALES A. SERVICE 388 N. Com'L i j Ph. 645L Lost and Found ' STOLEN. WE Persian male cat Re ward to whoever ret. cat, 640 Mill St I Wanted Used Cars i WANTED BEST, car to! be had for $150. Write .Box 104, Statesman. NOTICE iOP FIXAIi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That - the undersigned 1 has tiled herein her final report and ac count as the Executrix of the Last .1 Directory I Mattresses -I SALEM FLUFF-RUO and Mattress Factory. . NEW MATTRESS made) to order, old remade:! carpet cleaning, su ing; Huff rug wea ving, a 13th ft Wil bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ; Z WICKER. Est 191L j , .; -y ., ' Music! Stores G EO C WILL Pianos,' radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stud ies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. I 432 State street Salem.' ; I - Photo Ensravins SALEM PHOTO I engraving; 14T N. CommercIaL TeL 6887. i Printing FOR STATIONERY. . enrda. pamph lets; programs, books 'or any Kind of printing, call The Statesman- Printing Department $1$ & CommercIaL Tele phone 910L I .... . - .'."' Sewing Machine Repairs C. E. LEATHERMAN. Ph. 8675. 1163 Waller. . i .-5-;;- i.;. -.; i. Stoves WE REPAIR stoves, ranges, circula tors. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ran ges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. 8alem Fence and Stove Works; 2-Chenreketa.-TeL-'4774. R. B. Fleming. . r ?-.:;". ' :r.f Transfer FOR LOCAL er distant transfer stor age, call 8131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. CA PITA r- CITY Transfer Co. 126 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for ward ine; and storage our specialty. Get eur ratea, - i " - Wl 14.1 AMS TRUCK Serv. TeL $218. Well Drilling R. A. WEST, Rt 6, Bx. 445. T. 110FS. For Sale Used Cars NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY USED CARS See These First ' 193 DeSot Custom 4-D. Tour. , Sedan, low mileage, new car guarantee h eater; this car sold for 11313 iie prtei ' fSTK 00 193 DeSoto Deluxe Bus. Coupe, . - Phllco radl beater, .new - car guarantee - 735. 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Busln-' -ess Coupe, beater, new car guarantee, gunmetal color $25.99 193$ Dodge Deluxe 4-D. Sedan. . . reconditioned and 'guar anteed ,- ' " 645.00 1932 DeSoto Brougham. Recon ditioned ft guaranteed. New paint , ; 42S.00 1931 Ford Sport Roadster . 265.00 1931 Willys DeLuxeol-D. Se dan 225.00 1939 Ford Sport Roadster 215.0 1939 Chevrolet 3-D. Sedan, new - -paint guaranteed , , ' 265.90 1929 Oakland 3-D. Sedan, new rubber ;, .., 7 175.00 1929 Whippet 4 four-door Sedan 75.00 1929 Ford Coupe, new paint 290.0 192 Pontlac 4-D. Sedan ex ceptional cond. - 165.00 1927 Chrysler Coupe 65.00 1927 Star four-door, Sedan 45.00 126 Buick 4-D. Sedan 65.00 192 Chevrolet Coupe 35.00 Terms 4 - Trades ; Open Evenings ft Sundays j W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSoto-Plymouth Motor Cars - 360 Marlon. Plione 7703 Salem Will and Testament of HERMAN LAN DON, BOmetimea H. D. LAN DON, deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, State ot Oregon, end' an order has been made and entered of record di recting: this notice and setting the 23rd day ot February, 1936. at the honr of ten ' o'clock, in the forenoon of said day as the time, and the County Court Room,' County Court House, Salem, Mar ion County, State of Oregon, for; the hearing of objections, it any, to the final , account and final settlement ot said estate. Dated "and first published Jan uary 22, 1937. Date of last publication Febru ary 19, 1937. . r - i IDA LANDON, Executrix: of Last Will and Testa ment ot HERMAN LAN DON, sometimes H. D. LANDON, deceased. HERBERT W. LOMBARD Attorney for Executrix, J2 2-29,1 F.5-12-19. County Fugitive Is Brought Back Deputy Sheriff B. O. Honeycutf arrived back in Salem at 7 o'clock last night from Klamath Falls where he took over custody of Ari lie . Hixson, 17-year old Indian who fled from the county jail here last Norember. He said Hix son probably would be taken be fore Circuit Judge L. H. McMa han today or Saturday for sen tence on a charge of burglary not in a dwelling. , Hixson was the last of three prisoners who effected their es cape together to be returned here. Robert Perry; IS, gave him self up the same day he escaped and H. T. Smith, 15, was picked op In Portland. 12 13 16 'A 11 20 21 22 26 27 2& 31 32 35 36 37 "A 12 H7 HI 52 53 55 56 Dy EUGENE 42 leaping ! amphibian 44 declare ' 47 e-plit into ', tain pieces 51 Roman road 52 metal " 53 some " 54 colors J 55 stout cord 66 etrong -. alkaline " ' solution 57 actual ; : being HORIZONTAL - 1 receptacle for flowers 5-Hiiimie 8 valley 12 masculine name ... . IS measure of length : 14 wide . mouthed ' pitcher - IS rave 16 disables'-'. 18 enthusiasm 20 ha vine the color of : w v unbleached stuff .- 21 disarranged type 25 eum 28 bivalve molltrsk '2a-trend - 31 explosive sound - " 32 fnake ' - " amends - - 34 digit 35 vigilant ' 37 plumes for the tesd 39 draw off . utterly 4L--pIaced a golf ball at the starting ooint Herewith is th day's pnxzle, . .. Seal IlLNV geerrlsM. HIT. er Ktss Cross yprd Puzzle i i 111 I Seeking Truce f is I- C3Uef hope of bringing about a peaceful settlement of the labor crisis threatening the automobile Industry rests with James F. Dewey, crack mediator of the U. 1 S. labor department, who is in Detroit in an attempt to bring the heads of General Motors and , Automobile Workers of 'America ' ' H into an agreement, ; NOTICK FOR WOOD BUM Bid will be received by the un dersigned Clerk of School Dis trict No. 24, Marion County, Ore gon up to five o'clock p.m. Jan uary 26, 1937, for the furnishing ot wood for the several schools ot the District for the year 1937 1938, same to he delivered in quantities l as listed below not later than September jt, 1937. Bids are to be enclosed in a sealed envelope and marked "Wood Bid" and a i certified check for; ten per cent of the amount of the bid enclosed. State kind of wood, whether second growth, old fir, or slab. If bid ding on slabwbod - designate whether f.o.b. cars Salem or de livered at the .several schools. Bids are to be - opened at ths meeting r of the Board.! Tuesday January 26. 1937. Right is re served to accept or reject any or all bids. A bond for fifty per cent of the contract will be re quired of the successful bidder. Approximate sir aunt of wood needed: i Englewood 70 cords , Garfield 60 cords Grant 1 60 cord ; Highland i " 70 cords Leslie ! 200 cords Leslie Poof SO cordg : McKinley 70 corde Parrish ; Shops 10 cords Richmond 60 cortls - -v Administration Office 50 cord i Washington 100 cords 770 cord W. II. BCRGHARDT. Clerk t School Dlstrlce No; 24, 462 Ferry Street. Salem. t j: 20-22-24 t to li 17 23 21 30 33 3M 3S I 45 H6 SO 51 54 57 'A SHEFFRR VERTICAJL 1 Spanish! measure of length ! ' 2 winged I part 3 paper used for smooth' ing and; - polishing - 4 ensnare j 5 part of a curved line 6 opening in the skin; . 7 decree i , 8 appoint as deputy 9 instrument for piercing holes 10 Americr.B ' f ; general 11 bitter vetch 17 those under ' the protec tion of an other 19 kinship 22 small point . 24 precedes -' mtime 25 booty 25 mineral spring . 27 frigid .' . 28 genus of :; grasses , . -80 thing; 1st ' law,.: -. 33 insect egg 36 loose-text- . ured fabric ' 28 go to bed 40 pertaining I . to birth 43 controvert 45 spreads for ' drying , 46 Gaeiie - 47 title of respect-"' 48 forth , , affimatire 49 chop 3. 60 eereai; rraia'' '. solution to ester . ? zi 2" " 1 m mBmsmm rTrfrnN'AR.irb rm