The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oreffon, Friday Monun?, January 22, 1937 Wheat .Mkiia'ges Kally in Spite'! Heavy . Selling From .East PAGC FOURTEEN EiXpon iiSKing rop Damage .Report From Ohio Flood Area Are "I. '"f. Also Boosters CHICAGO. Jan. 21 -05s)- Al though heavy selling " pressure from the east . carried Chicago wheat Talaes down at times to day to weir below yesterday's fin ish.' rallying power predominated. Improved export demand for Canadian wheat was a stimulus, as were reports of crop damage from 'Ohio Valley floods. Fur thermore, sleet crusted over ' wide areas was a cause of ap prehension, especially as to crops In northern - Illinois, northern Missouri and -most of Iowa. Future Up U Cent Chicago wheat futures at the last were off, to 4 P. com pared with 24 hours previous. May 130V4-U. July 113-114. EepL J10; corn yarying from V d-rline to advance. May 109 K.U. Jntr 1054-4. Sent 101 oats unchanged to lower. May 51-. and rye bowing -? gain. May 108. In provisions, the outcome was unchanged to 15 cents higher. - Corn find oats prices averaged lower In late dealings, " and act-' cd as a drag on wheat. Rye was In good demand, with cash rye maintaining premiums. Provi sions reflected closing of spreads between lard and corn. Employers Pay as Usual Is Declared f - Contributions of employers un der the state work mens com pen tagon law for 1936 will continue to be received despite reports that have gone out to the contrary, D. A. Bulmore, . administrator, de clared Thursday. , Bulmore said a recent state ment by the commission ap parently bad been misinterpreted. "We still have a lot of collect tlons for 1936." Bulmore averred;, "and we have no intentions of closing our books for that year until all of these contributions are received." Interest attached to certain de linquent payments on January 20. Receipts of the commission np to yesterday aggregated $1,550. 000 and these will be increased to 11.650,000 before all receipts for 1936 are received and tabulated. Operating costs for the first year of the commission aggre gated $100,000, including equip ment purchases. Jndd on School' Board LIBERTY. Jan. 21. Mrs, Mary L. Fulkerson. Marion county, school superintendent, has appointed Frank Judd to fin ish out the term of E. B. Hau ser on the school board here. Mr. Hauser, whose term expires next June, has moved to Salem. oenerai Mkts. PBODT7CB EXCBAVGE POK.TLASU. Ore, Jan. 21. (AP dues exrfaaage. net prices: Butter: Ex tras, S2Vc; standards, S2Vc: prime firsts (2c; firsts 32r; butterfat: 36 S6He. Kga-at C. 8. large extras. 22c; C. S. saedium extras. 20r. I Portland Grain POKTLAXD. Ore- Jsn. 21. fAP) While the opening ef the entire World's wheat trade waa firm, reported selling ef huge supplies ef -lay by the official Canadian board ceased a reartion. On the Portland futures market, without trad lag. final on May was 1 cent lower. On the cample caah market all prices went changed. Wheat: Open High Low Close May .1.12 M ' 1.12 4 l.llttj 1-1 Cask wheat: Uig Bend binestetn, hw, 13 pet 1.17: dark hard winter '13 pet 1.31 fc: IS pet 1.23 11 pet 1.19H; Soft white and western white. 1.1 lfi; hard winter I.IS'4: western red l.liht. Oats, No. S white 33.50; gray 3i.50. Barley, No. a-45- Ib. B.W. 39.00. Today's car receipts: Wheat 2; oats 1; ay t. I Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Jan.. 21 (AP)-(U. 8. Dept. Agr. Hogs: 20t. 10 direct, slow. 10 cents lower, packing and feeder p'.gs Steady; good-choice 165-210 Ib. driveins 10.25, lead lots absent quotable 10.50. 230-273 lb. 9.75, light lights 9.73, pack ing sows 8.00, cobosod Ifht feeder pgi S.50. Cattle: 50. direct, calves 20. 10 di rect, actiTO, steady: tew short fed steers 7.50, strictly good steers op to 8.40, common heifers 5.OO-6.0O, low cutter and cutter cows 8.50-4.00, eommoa-medium 4.50-5.00, feeder cows 5.60. common Tent era 10.00, some higher. Sheep: wiKI, 635 through and direct, taeady; 87-93 lb. trucked in lambs 8.56 S.85, choice load lots 9.50, few common Sl-70 lb. lambs 7.30. good weoled year lings 7.00-7.50, good 128 trucked in wee S.6O. Portland ' Produce PORTLAND. Jam. 21 AP) Bottei Pr ats. A grade 4He lb. in parch- j seat wrapper. 1a e in cartons; graoe. parchasent wrappers. 33e lb.; cartons liHe lb. Uutterfat-S-t Portland delicery, general price) A grade, delivered at least twice weeklc. 36-37e lb.: country routes. 34 85e lb.; B graJe, 35 36e lb.; C grade at B grade cream for market Price paid producer, bntterf at basis. 56.1c P" paid milk to-.iI 4.6e lb. ! ... jCgg, EavinaT tiriee fee wbolesa'ees: Extras Sic; stsndards 19: etra med innt 17e: medmss firsts, 15c; undergrade - 15 deseu. . Cheese Oretow, triplets. I7e: Orr gn loaf. 18 He. Brokers will pay fee bVlotr quetatioaa. Country ateeta Selling price to re tailers: rouatry killed hogs, best botch ers. under 150 lbs- 14 lb.: realers, hear-. M2e lb.; cutter rest. 19 lie Tb.; eaaner rows. 3 9e lb.: bulls lOe IU.I lamiM, 15-134 ewes. 4 Se lb. '- r a bark 's)r" .. Te Ik h'se PowHre Prt!an4 deUrery, buy In wrire? Ciore4 bens. er 4 4 Ibsj-15-le Ib. . seder 4 - lbs- la-Is Pte: Leghens hens. I114e ' Ib.s J'eff" broilers. 1 Ibe- 1-I3e Ih.; sprAgs. l14c lb.; roosters. S-9 16. r vi..ik K 1. 8'2.85-S.OO: Deschutes, $2.83.0. Tsklns. Ke, U Salem Markets Grade B raw 4" per cent milk. Salem basic pool price S2.19 per hundred. Co-op butterfat prcle, P. O. B. Salem, 35c. ( Milk based I on semi-monthly bntterfat average.) Distributor price ft34. A grade butterfat Deliv cred, 35c; B grade, deliv erred, 33 He, . A grade print, 35c; B, grade, S4c.J Pricea paid t growers by Salem buyers. (The, prirvs belo. supplied by a local grocer,- are-indicative of the daily market bat are not (a a rant yd by The Stales ) ' I , r FB0IS ." -(Burin Frlces) Apples, bo. Grimes :"M"- ' ' .09 Koniaa Beauty; I ,, .70 Bananas, lb. on a U Ik , H hands j 00 Ciaruanuts sack i Cranberries, bbii , a:ra freah. tit Grapefruit. Florida.! boa Grapefruit. Ariaoaai Lemons, era to . Ursnges NaTCla . I Bunkist .J fancy ,,. , Choir - j , 4 23 to 4.74 to im S4 .r S.5o 2.00 to 2.20 0.00 to 7.50 3.85 3.85 3.00 .90 4.00 1.00 Pears. Bose. bu. : , , Pineapple, fresh, crate Pomegranates, crs: "VEGETABLES . ($nyinf Prices) Beets, Calif, doi. j.. ilrursel Sprouts, crste ..... Cabbaa-e. Ib. .60 . l.OC .02 l.ifa .45 Cabbage, red) Chinese cabbage, crate Carrots, dos. j. Cauliflower. Calif, j crate Celery, crate . i 1.75 2 25 2.85 1.25 .80 .60 .80 Utah Hearts, dos. , Boot, dos . Endive, dos. . , , Grvens, Mustard, elate Ureena, kale, crate .80 Lettuce. California.' iced 2.10 te S.60 Onions, green, dos. .. .a 5 Iniwns Oregon whit. 50. lbs. i 1-25 Walla Walls sweet. 50 lbs .A3 Oyster plant, doz, ,, .50 Radishes, dos. , , .45 Japanese rsdisbea, dos. .40 Parsnips, lb j 52 Pess. coast or Seattle. lb Peppers, green. Cflif- lb. Ketir Ib ..' .. Potatoes, new. Xo.i I. cwt No. 2, cwt. esc Potatoes, sweet, N. 1 Pumpkins ewt . .13 .10 10 2.35 1.75 1.85 .50 Rhnbarb, hothouse, crste . 1.50 Spinscb, orsng boi 1.40 to 1.60 Squash Usnitb dos , i - ., .10 te .20 Hubbsrd, cwt. 4 1.00 Peanut dos . J. . 75 Tomatoes, 20 lb. crste S.25 Turnips, dos. .55 V ster cress Walnuts, Ib. .80 15i 19 NUTS .11 te .16 to r.;i 1. Filberts. 1936 eron. . HOPS (Buying Prices) Clntrr. 1936, lb. .38 to Fuggles. ......I nominal WOOI. AND MOHAIB (Buying Prices) Mohair 1 , , Medium wool ... , .40 .40 .32 .30 Coarse wool EGGS AND 7C7Z.TBY (Buying Price of Andreaens) White extras .18 .18 .16 .16 .14 .12 .15 .14 .10 .05 .05 .15 .15 Brown extras j Medintn extras j Large standards ..) , Medium standards i. Pullets Heavy hens, !b. .L Colored mediums, Tp. -Medium tg'orns. lb Stags, lb. Old roosters, lb. Colored frys, orer 4! lbs. Under 4 lbs. ... White Leghorn, frts 13 jIA KION CBtiatKl buying t rices IJe Poultry. No 1 stork Colored hens, under 41? fbs 44 Colored hens, ever! 4H lbs .14 l.efhorn hens, ovet 3 H lbs .12 Ierhorn bens, under 3 'a lbs , , .10 I reborn broilers j .13 Colored springs. MM 3'i lbs. .13 Colored springs, under 3 lbs. .13 Roosters i .03 rejects 4. market -slue Stags, lb. 1 .07 No. 2 grades. 2 cents lesa. Eggs Own died audi graded Ijkrge extras . ,..1 .18 Medium extras .-1. . .16 Large standard ... .16 Medium standards .14 Undergrades 4 .1- Pnllets ... .12 Turkej-t, dressed 17 and .18 LIVESTOCK (Baying Price) Spring lambs ......i ft. 50 to 9.00 Ewes . 4.00 to 5.00 ; 10.25 ..9.50 to 9.75 lloars. top. 150-. ISO-150 lba. 210-225 lbs. Sows Dairy type cow teef cows . . Balls Heif-r lbs. 9.75 7.50 to 8.00 4.00 to 5.00 to 6.00 5.O0 to 5.75 6.00 to T.00 Ton Tea! i 9.50' Dressed real, ll. .14 Dressrd hoz, lb. ; .13 OIAtN AMD SAT Wheat, white Xe. i 1 - .9H Vhect. western red .98 Barley, brer, iu jr. tion .. 43.5Q Keed barler. toni . ... 39.50 Oats, milling, ten; 29.50 feed, ton L . 23.S0 CloTerscei. lb. .23 H Vetch seed, per 100 3.00 Hay. buying prices - Alfalfa, -alley J 14.00 Ont and -etch, ton 11. OO Clover, ton i 11.60 CASCABA AND MINT Ca tears bark. Ih. i .06 H Peppermint 4l : 175 & Bonds Associated Press! Janua rr 21 STOCK j A Com piled by the - 3u Indu't. Today . Pres. day 98.5 Month ago 94 Year ago 76.3 19r.r-37 hirh 99.3 1936-57 low- 78 4 1935 h'-gh.... 76.3 1935 low 49.$ VEKAQES Associated Press) 15 Rails 40.4 40.3 37.4 33.4 43.5 30.3 31.2 1H.5 15 CO Stocks Uti 53. 2 8 53 51 47 54 72. A9.:i 58.3 72 8 55.7 5H.1 34.8 43. 44. 21 EOSD AVEEAOES r io 10 Rai's lidiiKt I'ti) Tcdny - 9H.7 H)4.4 102.6 Pivt. day 98.7 14.2 102.7 Monlh sco. 97.3 103.9' 102.0 Yesr ago 91.3 103.5 101.9 1936-37 high 99.0 104.4 103.1 936-37 low. 86.9 101.8 99.3 1933 hih 87.S 102.3 99.8 19.5 low 76.4 94.2 84.5 10 74.0 73.8 72.1 71.4 74.0 67.6 70.4 65.5 lee medium, no lb : ea.irse and braida 28e lb.; eastern Oregon. 23-34c lb.; cmssbred. 27 28e J 1937 contracta. 30 ne lb Mohair 1937 contracts, 40-42c lb. Ha SeUnts j rew la retailers: Al falfa No I 817 I7.50; eastern Oregon timothy. $1 1856) toe), -oats and vetch 812 13; clover. $13 to, j fort Isnd. Hops NominsI: 1936, 40e lb. Onions OregSn. 8I.50-1.75 cental. Takiaw. 1.25-1.40. Sugai Berry i or fruit. 100s. 85.35: 95.45; HoeU $3.25 cental. - OoeaestU- Plour Selling price, city delivery. 5 to 2. bkl tola: Familr oat out. 98a. $0,30 8.05: bakers bard wheat, $8,05 6.60: bakers fcluestem $6.25-4.95; mended hard. $6.85-7.75: graham. 6 75; whole wheat. $6,80 bbl Boston Wool nOSTOX. J-n. 21 i AP tCSDA) A few .lines f : domestic wool moTed In Cos'.on at eery firm prices today. Crsdtd !' eomb'ng H blood ter ritory wool brought $1.08-10 scoured basis. Eight asontha Texas lines sold at , .in ,kila f I 1 Texas nsared at arouad $L00. iw spot 12 months Texas Stocks fCowoiled by 1 , " , Chrysler Up; Motors Lose $ '" ' esm General Electric Hits New Post Depression Heights NEW YORK, Jan. H-ifr-A latei burst of buying In steels and heaty industry- issues rallied the stock market today after many leaders bad shifted nervously most of the session. . ' ,, Tbo Associated "Press average of 0 stocks was np .2 of a point at 72 8. equalling tbe 1936-37 high. Transfers totalled 2,991,480 nates . compared with 3,268,470 yesterday. if .. I Rails, Oils Are Slow Utility, packing and specialty issues exhibited strength most of the day, but most of the rails, coppers and oils were inclined to hang back! General Motors was off at 67 Vi. but Chrysler moved up at J24 despite announcement this! company's production would be Suspended at midnight until Monday because of the shortage of sjlass. General Electric was one of the stari performers, up 3 at 64 a new post-depression top. Tillamook Jersey Cattle, dub Oppose Repeal of Oregon Milk Control Late TILLAMOOK, Jan. 21.-7rV The Tillamook Jersey Cattle club voted opposition today to propos ed legislation at Salem repealing the state milk control law. The club Instructed its secre tary to ask Senator Isaac E. Sta ples! and Representative Al Boon to vote against the move. County Agent, C. H. Bergstrom said Til lamook has increasing interest in the j Portland milk shed with the development of the Wilson river short-cut to the sea. With the completion of the road, dairymen here) will ship their produce Into thejeity. MR. OWENS ANNOUNCES DETAILS OF NATION-WIDE PRIZE CONTEST! Here's a prizecontest that's bound to interest everyone! You don't have to buy any thing, and there's no obliga tion of any kind. ; We Dodge dealers are offering a grand prize of $5,000 In cash 5 cash prixes of $500 and 25 cash prise of $100 each for the best answers to the abore two (questions. Just write a short. Simple letter of 150 words or less. Get started now! Con test closes February 15. You have a chance to win one of .these generous prizes! See tds for the Lmple rules! THE riRRALL-OWENS CO. -DEPI-DABIIJTT' Dod(f - Plymoatb aad Dodse Track Dlst. 235 S. C'ommrrclal TrL 3109 Used Car Park Oak A Mala 8ts., Dallas, Ore. In cash tor best answers QUESTIONS ? j I "ri'V " I Use I 1 .1 asj s Joint Meeting Marion and Polk Hop .j . Growers Is Scheduled Here Saturday Various phases of the hop In dustry will be discussed at a joint meeting of Marlon and Polk coun ty growers at a meeting at the chamber of commerce here Satur day, opening at 10 a. m.. County Agent Harry Riches announced yesterday. . . Prof. O. R. Hoerner, who re cently returned from New York, will relay some interesting Infor mation on the hop situation in that state. All persons Interested are invited to attend. The pro gram: - 10:00 Purpose of the confer ence, County Agent Rich es. 10:15 Coordinated h o p pro- Gardeners ant Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 21-P-Trading in fruits and yeietables on the Gardeners' and Ranchers' market was slow today. Loose pack apples continue to arrive In limited Quantities, selling as high as $1.00 per oox. ' The Brussel spront market ad vanced as supplies became lighter. Celery was firm. Lettuce reached to higher prices at shipping points and brought a top of $3.25 per crate for the 4 and 5 dozen sizes. Sacked beets from California were being offered at $2.00 per sack. Apples Wsshingtoa Delicious, extra fancy $2.50-2.75; Wineaaps extra fancy $2.00-3.25; Oregon, Washington jamble pack Delicious 80e-$1.00; Northern Spies 70-80c; Staymans 75e-$1.00; 8p1tzen bergi 75e-$1.00; Winessps $1.00-1.25; Rome's Best 85e-$1.00. Apples Washington Delicioaa, extra fancy, $2.50-2.75; Winessps, extra fan cy, $2.00-2.25; Oregon. Washington Jum ble pack, Delicious, 65e-$1.00; Northern Spies, 70-80e: 8tsymana. 75e-$1.00; Spitzenbergs. 75e-$1.00 ; Winessps, fl.00-i.25; Rome's Best. 85e-$1.00. Artichokes California, boxes 6 8 dos. 84.50-5.00. ATaeados California. 65a. ruertea, $1.80-1.85; Pueblos, $1.80-1.85. Bananas Per pound. 5-6e. Beans California, crate, $2.75-8; $-7e per lb. POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE i wun Could' rr LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY n's A Rr,tALTHV V DOLLARS NlCoOE youNQ calf rr I 15 MY BEST OUGHTA BE VOQTM six Firry' casy- U HAVE TO r I rr ukttil. TOOTS AND CASPER HUMBLE THEATRE Y VOO THINK THIS lb SOrAE.THUG? pooevvoo Cum rt aricp MP OK UAAOV0eEN r - j ' ' ' TCMi j Casper. Vimme five J"u5T a DOLLAR -TO MINUTE. 1 LFLPOSOME - ) -TOOTS-I'M &s iw js twwiTa J'AW - m -if , a i ' - gram, by G. R. Hoerner. 10:30 Hop statistics and the im- portance of . the industry in the United States, by Polk County Agent "W, C. Leth. . . 10:45 Controlling downy mil dew and other pests, by G. R. Hoerner. 12:00 Luncheon. 1:00 Cost of hop production, by R. E. Fore, farm crops department, Oregon State college. . 1:45 Hop soils, fertilizers. Irri gation, and drainage, by Arthur King. 2:15 C u 1 1 ural consideration, by R. E. Fore. Beets Per sack. Oregon, $1.00-1.75. Broccoli Crste. $2.75. ' BrnsselJ . Spront Oregon, flat crates. ! $1.0O-1.10: Californis, 6-7e per lb.; arums, ..u. Csbbsre Oregon. Dsnlsh, I mi t a o crates, $2.25-2.58; red. lb.; 3-4c. Carrots Per sack, $ . Cauliflower Calif- pony, $1.50-1.80. Celery Hearts $1.50-1.75; Utah type, $2.50-2.75. California 3 to 8 Mi dosen. $2.50-3.60. Celery root Pound. 60-75.. Citrus : Fruits Oranges. California navels, $3.50-4.00; tangerines, SO $1.10 per crate, bemona, California, fancy $8.00-7.00; grapefrnit, Florida, fancy. $3.25-3.75: .ixona, choice. $3.15-2.65. Cocoannts imported, sacks, $4.25; 65-90e doz. Cranberries 25-pontid Tbox. $4.50-4.75. $4 box; California. $1.90 per lug of 4 dosen. ' Coenmbers Oregon bothonse, . $3.25; California. $1.90 per lag of 4 dos.- Eggplant California, Inc. $1.50-1.60. rirs California fists, whit and black 50-75e Garlie Per pound. 10-1 5e. rapes Emperors. $1.60-1.75. Green onions Per dosen bunches. 40-fiOc. Ground Cherries - Oregon flat boxes, per Ib.. 8 10c. Buekleberries Oregon. Washington lb 7-8e Lettuce Imperial. 4-5 dozen, $3.00 $.25; Arizona, $3.00-3.25. . Mushrooms One pound cartons. 40 45c. Onions 100-ponnd tacks. IT. S. No. 1, yellows, $1.40-1.75; yellow boilers, 10 poand sakg, 13-14e. Parsley Per dosen bunches. 35-40e. Parsnips Per lug. 60-65c. Peas California. 80-pound hampers. $2.25; 13-15c per pound. Pears tireron Washtnstn. boxes jumble psck, Boac and D'Anjous, $1.50 1.75. Peppers Mexico, 14-16e per 1. Potatoes U. 8. No. 1. 100-pound sseks, bskers' $3.25-8.50; Deschutes rus- ALWAYS can r IX THINGS C WEU-,FER GOSH SAKES? V THERE'S NO 'ROAI? J UNDER VA! VfWNOT C I JUST STAND UP J DOWN THETC? J LVIHG Or4 THEIR A' SACKS'. 1 NEVtK ISS TOO 1 i TAIsE THE CALF OFFER "VU i TO THE WAGOr4 CAPE FOR rNNie we reach T . a aa " 1 1 jyie.Atif f ,.-! Wr4AT? A ADABA MOTORS IS UP ANOTHER DOLLAR A SHARE TODAY ? AND 1 OVVM 500 -SHARES OH. BOY! T .. Suu-ring Popeyc 5- .V, vAv--;;:;:-x:::::r-;-:-.-:-x::;.;::i!r::;:: Lane Acreage of Alfalfa Highest OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corrallts, Jan. 21. Lane county leads by 10,000 acres all other western Oregon counties in al falfa acreage, according to E. R. Jackman, extension specialist in farm crops at Oregon State : col lege. - j The whole section of the state has shown a 41,20 acre increase in the production bf the crop in the last 10 years. Yield of the best fields arerages as high as fire to six tons an acre. (Growers, value the hay at $2 per acre and tbe cost of production is $1 less per ton than any other hay. Savings to Willamette Taller - farmers ' is estimated to be more than $100, 000. -; .r.-v IT -V :- - Alfalfa contains! more protein and minerals than any other bay and is therefore especially ralu able for dairy herds. It is not disturbed, by drought, -freezes or other unfavorable J weather ; con ditions, nor " by insects or dis eases, . Jackman concluded. Sewing Clab Leader at Macleay Entertains on -. Daughter's Anniversary - MACLEAY, Janj! 21. Mrs. Stanley Neeland, j sewing -'d-H club leader, entertained - with ; a delightful affair fFriday after noon honoring Iter daughter, "Margaret, on her- ninth birthday. After a club meeting the group adjourned to the Neeland home where games were; enjoyed with the school boys' joialng the group sets. $2.80-3.00; Washington russets. $2.85-8.00; local, $2.45-2.5; Bnrbank. $2.45-2.65. j Radishes Per dozen ibunches, S5-45c. Rhubarb Calif, aprile boxes, $1.75 3.00. Rutabagas Washington 100 Ib eaeks $1.25-1.35; Oregon. - local, lugs. 55e. Hplnach Texas, $1.25-1.50 per basket. 8mash Oregon Unnish. rant crates-65-75c; Hnbbard. lb 3-2 He. Bweet Potatoes California.- 50-lb crates, f 1.7 5-1.80; jams, $2,602.75 per bushel j Watercress Pound, j$3-40e.' Tomatoes Oregon hothouse, $1.25 $1.75; Mexico, $2,25 2.50. Turnips Dosen bundles 60-75c. Spring Fjever P - S - S ; VUH BETTER LAV AOVKD.TVUS WARM UJMATb TNTO MRS.PEWCSl Back on His Feet The Last Round-Up -yES, ma'm x HEY - PIE ASB HEAR MRS. AIM T IT -i YOU TO THE CUTS ? J I I HURT I I WONT iff. A Cheerful Giver DID TOU ASK FOR FIVE DOLLARS HERE'S TlFTr THAXSTHe KIND AltUYl AM t COME EASY, rO EAS1 r Or Meatballs Will Do! IT f SECRET CA"5TVE-i HWft -OlFFEWEHT Perns 1 -a Radio Program s KOATJnUSAY 60 Kc 00 The homemakrrs' hour. 10 :15-r Story hour for ndulta. 11:00 School of tbo sir. A Morning wits ' Mother Goose, Bay el, "Mother , Goes Suite." 12:15 Farm hour. 1:15 Variety. ' " S:O0 Guarding your health. 2 :80 Interesting people in the news. $ ;00 TraTel Becollectiona, A. R. Ham mond. -d:0O The Symphonic fconr. 4:30 Stories for boys sad girls. :0O Music. S:30 fim hour. ! 7 :40 O.SX). varsity debata aqusd. 8:15-8:00 The business hour. - " rois raiDAT 940 . .8:30 Klock. 8:00 Keeping fit. : -S:30 Behind the Looking Glass. 8:45 80ns of Pioneers. . 9:15 Nesrs. - t- 9:30 Romance of Helen Trent, serial.' 9:45 Rich Man's larling. serial. 10 ;0O Betty and Bob, aerial. 10:15 Modern Cinderella. 10:80 Betty Crocker. i 10:45 Church hymns. " 10:48 Who's who In news. 11:00 Big Sistes. - : . 11:45 My rt and Marge. , : 12 :00 Mag ins, Taxied. 13:45 Sews, 1:00 AdTcntore. 1:05 Three Consoles 1 :15 Home institute. 1 :30 Variety. 3 :0O Trace orch. i 3:15 Children's program. 2 :45 Neighbors, Tsried. 3 :0O Western home, 4 Xssrs. ' ft :C0 Broadwsy varieties. , 8:45 Topa re too. :00 Hollywood Hotel: 'God's Conn- "j- try and the Woman." .7:00 Moments Yon Never Forgst, 8 :00 Pdetis melodies. Tsried.- 8:15 Renfrew of the Mounted. - 8:30 Hal Kemp orch.. . 9:00 Drew, organ. : 9:15 Lopes orch. 9:30 CBS. 9:45 Hgbte from Hollywood. "10:45 Fio-Rito orch. 11:00 Allen orch.-11:30-12 Rhythm Around Town. so KOW FRIDAY 620 Xe. : 7 :0O Morning melodies (ET). i! 7:30 Petite musicals (ET). I 8:00 Financial. i 9:O0 Sews. - ;j 9:15 Mary Marlin, serial. j 9:30 How to Bo Charminr. - ' for refreshmentsv ' . , i T.t and. Ruth Andrews, Lois An- drews, joanita Aruum ucuu Bowden. Irene Roaf, Virginia Hisel, George Tooker, Raymond Strawn, Harry Bowden, Robert Neeland. Milton Bastian, Arthur Amnu Renhati Ttastlan. Marvin Tooker, Irwin Roaf, Marvin Bow den. ' ' -, - S - T HAS SOT - VUfVT DicWT -iOO HOLD LAhCE TELL. MS TO TAKE; UrTTLE WAGON? L WOWT , HONEST r - .. V - A LICK OF - ICUfcS' ,TOOT5? , X HOPS 1 YOUR LUCK KEEPS l ID. OF" AND HS KEEPINO HIS MONEY IN "THE, SOCK ! 'CASPER? FAINT HEART V NE'ER WON FAIR LADY F0RTUNS tURI WtLL.HUit .VIE ARC DREAM BOY.- rAAWE VOHILE 1 fJREW r POT OF TErV .aT&I . ... V ? JA Mft3C f S 9:45 Joe White, -aing. 10:00 Benny Walker's Kitchen. 10:15 Mrs. Wigga of Cabbage Patch. 10:30 John's Other Wife, drama, 10:45 Jost Plain Bill, drama, 11:30 News. . 11:45 Singin' Sam. . 12:00 Pepper Young's Fsmitr, drams. 13:15 Ma Perkins, serial. 7. 12:30 Vie and Sade, comedy. 12:45 O'Neills, drama. 1:00 Little concert. 1:30 Follow the -Moos. 1:45 Church council. . 2 :00 Holly wood news, - 2:05 Gibson, organ. 3:15 Edward Daviea, aing. 2:30 Randall Sisters. : 3:00 Woman' magaslne. 4:00 Donald MeOibony, ioamontotor. 4:15 Back -Seat Drirer. ; 4:30 Pupil recital. 4:45 Invisible Trails (ET). 5:00 Irene Rich, drams, 5:15 Blue skies, 8:00 Dinner concert. 8:30 Twin Stsrs. 7:00 First Nighter, dram. 7:30 Varsity show. 8;00 Amos 'n' Andy, comedy. - 8;15 Uncle Ezra, comedy. 8:30 True Story -Court, drama. 9:00 Carefree carnival. lOiOO News. ' 10115 W. W. Q. C. T. T. O. T. 10 :80 Hopkins orch. 11:00 Arabsaasdor orch. ll;30 Woodyard orch. 12:00 Complete weather report - I ; ' - -SEX FRIDAY 1 ISO JU. 8;30 Clock (ET). . 7:00 Cs Wary tabernacle.' 7:30 Josh Higgins, drama. 7J45 News. 8:00 Helen Jane Beblke, sing. 8:15 Vagabonds, A ting. 8;30 Edna Fischer. 8;45 Gospel singer; : .9:15 Homo institute. 9 :30 National farm and home. 10 02 Merit System of Corernmeat. 10 : 15 Food Msgicisn. 10:30 Vaughn De Lestb, sing. 10:45 Dot and . WilL serial. ll!00 Current events. 11 15 Music Apprecistion. 12:00 Western farm and home. 12)45 Market reports. 12:500. M. Plnmmer, talk. 1:00 Commonwealth club. 130 Sweet music. --2e0 lliree Baneheros. j 2:15 8axotunes. 3 2:45 Old Homestead, drama. 3:00 Animal news, r 'i 8:15 Midge-Williams, sing. . 330 News. - : - i 4:00 Jim and Judy. . 8S00 News.- ; 8:15 I.nm and Abner, comedy. 8J30 Singin Sam. 8:45 Night Watchman, drams. 9:00- Chandler orch. 8:30 Amateur show. . 1000 Romance of Musiev 10:15 Palace orch. 10-80 Biltmore orch. 11 sews. 1 11:15 Charles Runyon. 12 :00 Weather and police reports, r . By CLIFF STERRETT AH SHE'S TRyiNT1 ROUND UP THE HULL FAMBIV T-GIVB Tr-fTRAiLER ASPRsnS CXEANuST 1 H By WALT DISNEY MINE.OOJ I 8E6 TOU rVNrr SOTSOriETHNS BY BRANDON WALSH THAT ORMERV I LOOC - THE CREATURE-1 POOR r V W M . B ssns - X. - m Ih. "S THERE I ALWAYS SAID CALFrS CALVES HAVEHT VOU KIM 5GE rTi TREMBLING ALL OVER By JIM3IY lMURPHY ELEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS PROFIT IN FOUR DAYSSMOREv I THAN SKIDDER MAKES IN A YEAR! BELIEVES INI By SEGAR IiRrr-ALL nc SNtS TO DU' COULONrT VDO ' . sort ex. -1 lte tenia!. S2.80-Z.9w;- local. VOelS WoT9 8TSUS0I9