PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, SalenV Oregon, Friiay Morrdng, January 12, 1537 Judge Objects to Big Hunting Fine 8ILVERTON, Jan. II. Judge Alt O. Nelson suspended the $25 minimum fine given Jim Culler when Cnlley was charged with hunting wild animals without li cense. Judge Nel?on made the condition that Culley get his 1137 license, which he did at once. j ' t In referring to the law thai required placing a minimum fine of 2S for hunting of wild an imals without license. Judge Nel son said: -, ".'': , "I can see no reason for such a heavy minimum fine or why anyone should be penalized for killing a pest. I Gophers, weasels and rkunks. come In this class. This law evidently was not writ ten by a farmer." J. D. Rogers, private prose cutor withdrew his charge in the case of the state vs. Chet Thorn ly, wherein the latter was ac cused of harboring a vicious dog. Thornly was Instructed to keep the dog muzzled.; j i- -.. -tv Dahl Is 80 Years Old SILVERTON,' Jan. 21 Hatvor Dahl was the Inspiration of a small! neighborhood party Mon ,day. the occasion being his 80th birthday. Sunday members of the family called upon him. i . i ...--- i, - late Street Phone 9127 iGroc. 'm mil I 1 . r ' I 13th CAMPBELL! OMATO SOUP 3 "Regular Tins 'Li 19C FANCY STRING BEANS ; No, 2 Tins, Fancy l 25c USE YOUR TELEPHONE cn these cold frosty days and save your energy! You an order groceries or meat by dialing 9127 and be assured of the same quality and fa vegetables; freshness, as if you came in person. Four free deliveries daily. Personal attention given to your order. , : j ,r;.:. V- -1 - ;T"""r " r Kippered; Snacks j 3 tins. lie Deviled : . Meat 3 reg. tins Kre-Mel Pudding pkgs. . U- Assorted Flavors IOC Light r Dog Food Flour f PeasJ Globes : ! Dr. Ross ! 10 lb. Bag Mystic ! . ICCeach Soz.Tin Tasty Loaf tin Bieiio do Log Cabin Oregon Oleo .Coffee Syrup Milk Best Grade - fJ Med. Tin Med. Tin m '' ' I 37c 1 3tin 23c 2 29c PRODUCE DEPT. ; 10c 15c 6c 10c 27c RUTABAGAS 5 pounds for -. GREEN CELER Large Bunch ..... NEW GREEN CABBAGE Per. pound . CALAVO'S Each : ORANGES - SUNKIST 2 dozen MEAT DEPT.- ib. 25c pt 15c PORK SAUSAGE Country style SALAD DRESSING Lemon Fluff SWIFTS SLICED BACON Rind off . .. YOUNG BEEF HEARTS Bake It With Dressing 90 lb. UW Ib.AV (gAffOtJI? large 14 oz. bottle AGO Sewage Plant TalkedAgain More Power For Officers, vr Towns, Urged by P. A. Loar SILVERTON, Jan. SI.-That every city officer should be a deputy state officer was the thought Dr. P. A. Lost brought before the Silver ton chamber of commerce at its Wednesday night meeting- held at Toney's with C C.Rue. president, in the chair. Dr. Loar explained that the thought grew out of his own In ability, as city health officer, to control many situations which af fected the health of the city. -It doesn't matter." said Dr. Loar, "what anyone does outside of the city to the city, we have no authority. - People above Ell verton can dump their sewage Into Silver Creek. It , can run through the town. We ; can get typhoid fever. AH I can do about it is twiddle my thumbs. If the law enforcement officers were all one 'set-up. each a subordinate to the one above him' and all under a 1 state system,' we would, not have this situation- nor- would Portland have the difficulty It le experiencing in cleaning up gam bling places." 1 "-. . I . , Chamber Assents ." I The ' chamber .. . Members en pressed themselves highly' In fav or of the doctor's suggestion. I ' With' city officers present In cluding Mayor H. . W. - Moffett. Judge George Cuslter, Judge Alf O: Nelson, Chief of Police C. E. Hartford and Councilman A.. W. Green, the' chamber ' again took up the . cudgel . for. a sewage, sys tem and sewage disposal plant at Silverton. ; - 'Disposal Plant TJ AcaJa. " Officers and committeemen of the chamber of commerce om phatically pointed out to the city fatheads" that It was not for them to say whether or apt - the city would rote "yea" or, nq" on the necessary bond Issue to arrange for such' a system. It was the council's business to car ry out the wishes of the citizens, and. Dr. Loar explained, "once before Silverton expressed Its de sire for a system. The measure carried S. to 1 favoring, the dis posal plant. Now we have a right to vote on the bond." L Mayor Moffett explained that while he favored the plant and system, he had. "some very real qualms of adding more, burdens to the . taxpayers." Councilman Green explained .that such a sys tem would have to be done with WPA labor and that such had "to be figured from 20 to 25 per cent higher than other costs of doing- the same work." Cost Set at SlOO.OOO The plant, chamber of com merce committeemen explained, would cost approximately SlOO. OOO. Of this $45,000 would be' a government grant. Even if. they added, SO per cent was added. n Lemon Juice 8 oz. Can Pi nea - ' Dole TiiBits Worcestershire Sauce French S . ' I 15c 8 oz. Can 7c 12c is .., BldeCi PoRpor ALL SPICE - GINGER - CINNAMON - MUSTARD . 3 oil ' Eel LOVES; 1 Calumet Corn Starch 16-osJ Silli Toilet Paper 6 Roll 2 in l AU Colon .5 - for Q 4 10c 25g '2S Pdtffoplso Your correct F.D.A. : MccCtaatt CAPITOL STREET MARKET i dl N. Capitol ; COTTAGE GROCERY 010 H. Cottage DAVIES GROCERY 2S80 Fairgronnd ECONOMY GROCERY. , . 119 N. Commercial. GOODMAN'S GROCERY S444 Fairground BOLLYWOOD FOOD MKT. : SMWO) N. Capitol - R. G. HENDERSON Chemawa. Oregoa - KRUEGER GROCERY 1109 S. Commercial LITTLE LADY'S STORE ; .1190. Center : VOXXJEi MOUSE GROCERY 815 8; 12th V; Nob HILL GROCERY ' lfMIO B." Contmerelal Robinaon't Conf. & Grocery 227 8. Winter JOHNSON'S GROCERY ' ; ; ' 975 Slarket - , FICKLIN'S GROCERY 1027 State St. '"-.7- . Wedding Bells Peanor Rooeeircltl Another betrothal hs the veit family Kaks net nor Room velt. dauxhtsr tf the lata Slanry Latrobe Roosevelt, who waa m eousta of tao president, wtthv Raverdy Wadsworth, son of-Goch gresimsn and . Mra,, James - W. WadawarU tc New York. the city would still save $21,000 by accepting the government grant. - - - Dr. Loar Insisted that the law, already passed by the state, pro hibiting the damping of sewage In - streams, would soon be en forced and then "Silverton would have to build a plant anyway and dig into Its own pockets for all the cash." Cito Other Examples Members reported that . such plants had cleaned up the entire Rogue river district, . that they were in operation at Hill bo ro, McMlnnviUe and elsewhere, and further that the cost waa being paid by small monthly charges added to the water bill. A number of members' of 611 verton's chamber of . commerce and other elty organizations will wait upon the council at the lat ter's next meeting to be held February 1. Asked to assist In working up a committee to at tend council were Reber Allen, Rev. F. L. Fields, R. F. Larson, Robert Goetx, Eroll Ross, War ren Crabtree and O. E. Lee. .The proposed new bridge over the and dangerous curves on the Monitor road came in for some discussion. . Appointed to make further Investigations were George Steelhammer, E. J. Ad ams and Reber Allen. Favor Strike Bill - Upon motion of Julius Aim, the chamber voted a resolution favoring the legislative bill re quiring SO days arbitration be tween employer and employee before a strike or lockout can go into effect. Herman Kramer, chairman of the entertainment committee. In troduced city officers (who each spoke briefly. Mayor Moffett urged Silverton "to be the first city in the Willamette valley to bid for rural trade by establish ing a free municipal parking lot." Judge Cuslter recommended asking the state to give a por tion of the gasoline tax to cities for municipal street Improvement and also expressed the opinion that part of the liquor license revenue should be returned to cities. Judge Nelson and Chief Hart ford spoke also. Hubbard Groups Unit To Plan Benefit Party For Employe of School HUBBARD. Jan. 21 Repre sentatives of the different orga nisations of Hubbard met recent ly at the homo of Dr. A. F. do Les pinassie to plan for a benefit par ty to be given In the high' school gym for R. C. Painter, who has been superintendent of the school grounds In Hubbard and who is 111 at his home In the city. The party Is planned tor February 12 and the ticket sale will begin Feb ruary! 1 ! It Is planned to have a "high Jinks", and "country store." The committee In charge Is Jerome Jackson,' f country store; John Scholl, booths; George Orlmps, auctioneer; Mrs. Glen Larklns, candy booth; Mrs.. Mel. Malone, refreshments; Mrs. A. F.'de Les plnassie, program and Lem Mil ler, tickets. Dr. de Lespinassie H general chairman. , . Steelhecd Biting Good In Alsea, Anglers Say CORVALLIS, Jan. 11 Steel head fishing In the Alsea river was declared rood by numerous Cor vallls anglers who tried their luck over the .weekend. Several report ed a limit catch while hardly any one fail el to at least hook one fish. . The 'entire length of the riv-i er .from the swinging bridge to the bay supplied fish to the sports men, r ' ' '. '. .i: . Fomer Resident 0 Aurora Hint AURORA, Jan. 21 Carl Bur gren, 19, former business man of Aurora, but now living in Port land, was knocked down Tuesday by an automobile and seriously Injured. -!'.. The Aurora Gun club held Its annual meeting Monday and elect ed these officers: B. j W. Stoner, president; Percy Will, rice-president: L. R. Reed, secretary-treasurer; Jim Evans and Charley Fel ler, trustees.'.. j-.- '; f 7 The First National bank of Ore gon City opened lta doors Monday morning- as -the '- JOth branch of the First 'National bank: of Port land. M. D: Latourette, ton of the founder, who established the bank In 18 SO,- under state charter, as the commercial : bank of . Oregon City, will continue .as manager, f Founders' Day Program ' Set for Independence " P T. A.f on February .1 V . ' U-' rs' ' . TNDEPENDENCS, Jan. . X 1--The next regular meeting of the parent teacher association will :. be hel Monday afternoon, February 1 In tho library of-the -training; school, .when Founder's day-; will be ; ob served, with the ceremony vln charge of ; Mrs, ;Wv F; Campbell.. -. The program will be in. charge of tho. fifth and sixth,-grades and the-: sophomore : class. . Hostesses will bo - Mrs. Crosby DaTla Mrs. George Cohrs, Mrs. Av Rv -Wheeler and Mrs.; Robert CjaTen. 5 . . -' --..- . ' . " -, .j j; ' 1 ' 1 Funeral Services Held . INDEPENDENCE. , Jan. .21 David K. Hall, who died at the Dallas i- hospital Saturday; -4 was horn February 12. 1252; In Cana da. . Funeral services -r were held Monday at- the Smith-Baun - par Icr In Independence .Rev. G. W. Braun,' pastor - of. the Baptist church officiated.'. Interment was In the! Hubbard cemetery at Falls City. The widow. Myrtle, survives. A son41ed In 1010. I r . Ghorleo Devin la New Police Chief CORVALLIS. Jan. 21 Charles Devin, three-year member' of the Corvallls police department and possessor of 20 years of police force experience, was appointed chief of police by the local city council. This Is the first Umo In this city's record that the chief was appointed as other men hold ing this office were elected at the POllS. . - .' -;. -; . ' ' Devinl a : "real Irish copper, succeeds Earl Humphrey as the chief ; guardian s of the peace in Corvallls. For the present no chan ges will be made in the depart ment and the regular members of the department will continue oa duty, I , ' ; : Professor at Monmouth Normal School Granted Leave For Spring Term MONMOUTH, Jan. 21 Dr. V. V. Caldwell, associate professor of psychology at Oregon Normal, has been granted a leave of ab sence for the spring term to en able him to work on the high school committee of contacts. This committee Is appointed by i the chancellor of the state board of higher education. , I ; DrT Caldwell will return to hla work her for the summer ses sion, -i; I ' " ' !"-'' . I . : : Crown Poultry - Dairy - Fox Feeds CROWN HOG PELLETS, swt. ...i..J......-S2.45 v A balanced hog ration costing no more than corn or barley. Crown No. 1, Special Dairy Meal, 80 lbs. . ..SlO j Compare this with millrun...;; . ! CROWN LEADER EGG 5L4SH, cwt. ...i....$2.40 r - 20, protein-1 contains milk, oil and greens. , DOG FOODS AM the Popular Brandt . 340-;xrryStreet"A f'-': .fl : : :V ' V Phone 5418 ' CASH f or Butterf at--ybur'check the game day mi cmodeling i aic n . : FINAL CLEARANCE; Extreme reductions, all- . merchandise referrouped and repriced. : :p . j - .. '.' Entire Stock Mutt Go "To make room for car- penters and painters. Milady's Shop 415 State St. ' Illness Cuts Crowd UNIONVALE, Jan. 21 Because of illness throughout this locality only eight members of the Union vale Ladies Aid were able to' at tend the all-day quilting held Tuesday. ?1ERB?Q . NO L iDETTTEIi; PLACE 260 ixorth Liberty St. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday ' WE DELIVER FREE ALL ORDERS OVER S2.0O Phone ! 3032 Colombia Best COFFEE More cups per pound with high trade coffees, f?4 ib. .:.!... ZJC " 3 lbs. 73c ECOXOMT COFFEE " ; 1 1 ik 19c 3 V 55c Van Camp's SCDOgEnGttttn In Tomato Sauce, 303 Tall Can S for 29c Iibby Diced A Northwest Product, . jv 2's can' ' 1 - H(S)(3 ' V 3 cans 29c i Mfofoy's Cogna Bfainum a cans a Libby Gentle Pressed Vs' 46 oz. tins 252 l'a, 4 cans 25C Tall Pack Can 7c Bonnyhill or Goldeltes Broken Florida 300'a can 3 for 29c I :-iyf-: can Choice Italian in heavy syrup, 2,j,s can 3 for 29c .l J '; Del Monte Fancy Tomato Catsup, full 14-oz. tlffJa BotUes. , ..! 15C 3 for 43c 1 Dew Drop Sugar Peas-j-note their fine fl f flavor, Avv . 3 cans 29c, : j ' Del Monte Melba Halves Peaches, ; 2H, can... Approximately T to halves eacn can. 3 for 49c 17c Coral Sea Broken Sliced Hawaiian Pine- i sj- apple, 2's can HC 3 for 43c Del Monte Tidbit a or Crushed Pineapple, 8 oz can o for 25c Libby Devil Meat, !4's j) cans id Ray Croft String Beans, 2!s, can . 3 cans 25e Marasca Pure Strawberry or Wild Blackberry Pre- '"i 2, 29C Bonners Choice Thompson Seedless Ib. fl f Raisins.:...... w bags liw :4 lb. bas 25c i Kellogg ! V a) la f fee nag rib. 3?3 Wo Carry Complete Line of Freah Fmita - and Vegetables r ': : LtARGK tUtta ; j ' - - - srh w www St ' for ' ARIZONA SEEDLESS GffQpeSc-ait soim rir Heads Lb. CALIFORNIA BCXCH . v Cor-rol 3 Ucbei EGO nattatiocoG . 5 Ce Cd&&orte BAEIEnY-PpcciQlIc :- 'Z-A White Butter :" ! ' CnEr.'E CAKES 34c & 44c . .with Carmel Nut 1 1cing . 4 Clover Leaf Roll Doa.lCC Ginger Cookies 5C Dm. 6dn.25C Danish Fruit Ring Sail Pork Sausage . Dacca Squares ; '.GOVERNMENT INSPECTED . f For ScaftcnJng Country Style . ''Socar Cured LB, E7c LB. Sauer Kraut: ;TJattc3Cb;3;S'Ll:15c QUART HO JT"""!! .