PAGE NINE ' TH Page " of QaiMed' Ads' : Care&lly for . Savings Tfcs OREGON STATESMAN, SJe, Oregon, Saturdajr Morning January 10 1937 .Jiesid. XT'. 4 1 -. J. I ; ,4 Statesman , i " - Classified Ads - Cai 9101 : Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10e rhree Insertions per line 10e Six Insertion per line Sue One month perils n.09 Minimum charge , . se Copy tot this page accepted until f the evening - before publication for elas-tficatlo-. Copy received after thto time wtB be run under the beading. Too Late to Classify.- . The Statesman assume no fl nan Mai responsibUUy for errors which may appear In advertisements pub tsbed In Its eolutnna and tn esses where this paper Is at fault will re print that part ef aa advertisement in which the typographical mistake Mcure The gtatesmaa reserves the right ce reject questionable advertising It further reserves the- riant to Sisce alt advertising under the -roper HasslfVstHw- I Heln Wanted Femalcl 1 WANTED A middle-aged woman to lielp on small farm : most be able to milk a cow if necessary; two In fam llr my wife and myself. J. F. Rig don, Woodourn. Ore. t Situations Wanted ' f- Exp. drcssmak. Mrs. Adsitt. T. 9445. SEW. 15c; IRON. 25c. Tel. 7313. MswWbbyMIMbwsiBfWsMaai KXP. COMPTOMETER operator secretarial work and bookkeeping 114 Patterson Ave., West Salem. Tel. 9(L I For Sale-Miscellaneous ! CASH OR trade for used- furniture ranges, beaters, radio machinery tools, etc. Wood ry and Woodry, auc tioneers, phone 6-1-1-0.' 1(10 N. Sum mer In Hollywood. FOR SALE Gond table potatoes. (LOO cwt. Hayes' Warehouse. Brooks, Ore. Phone S7F2. Saltm. USED LUMBER. DOORS, windows, brick and wire, lowest prices. 20th Century Wrecking Co 411 N. Front, APPLES. t5c box. 735 N. Com! ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. I Expert repair servflce. moderate pricea Roen Typewriter Exch. 420 Court. TRAILER HOUSE. 331 Water St. SHETTLAND PONT, with saddle. Reasonable. Inquire W. W. Holman, McKay Chev. Co. HAT STRAW for sale 9IF3. -Phone APPLES. J 5c 40o PER box. First ttoase west of Keiacr school on south aid oX road. 8 ALE. OAT8 Vetch and Cheat hay. Phone I1F13. r- -. . I : NEW BEDROOM suite, walnut fin , tsh. eomrlete, bed, chest and dresser, $27.50. Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court. MAN'S BULOVA American Clipper wrist watch, never worn. Tet 4554. NEW BREAXFA8T tablei unfin ished hardwood chairs, 32-pc' china ware dinner set. 9.95. 439 Court, up stairs. NEW 9x13 RUGS. Axmlnbrter. WU- tens, first quality. I1T.50 up. Upstairs Furniture Store, 439 Court. Buy up stairs and save. NEW DAVENPORT and chair suites, 133.60, Upstairs Furniture Store, 439 Court. Buy upstairs and save. ZENITH RADIO 1930 4-BANX ALL wave console. ased 4 months. For balance due. See Mr. ; Jans. Geo. C Will Music Store. 100 TONS VETCH hay. -910 ton. Rt. 0. Box 351, Salem, H mL east or Mia eUe Grove school. i WEANED PIGS, mL south of Rosedale. Paul Berndt. Rt. 4. Box Z7 9. Wanted Miscellaneous FREE WE pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 43C9. WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In shell, any quantity. State Cafeteria. WAKTE D GIRL Interested la learning laboratory analysts. Inquire Hendrie Lab.. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. I Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lockers. Ramage'a, 910 N. Liberty. Phone S75L For Rent Rooms I 8LEEPINO ROOM. 725 Court. HEATED ROOM for man. Hot and cold water. 955 Chemeketa. m ihi. LIGHT UK. rooms. 485 & Com! ) ' Room and Board BOARD RVL Close' In. 193 & Com! ROOM. BOARD, prefer men, also table board six rt. cnurcn, ieu . ROOM. BOARD, 2 ladies, 0730. For Rent ApartmenttTT I t ROOM HEATED, unfurnished du plex apartmenj, ooo union st. NICE FURN. apt. 590 Union. 2 ROOMS. BATH, 2005 N. CapltoL S AND S RM. furn. duplex, 1st floor. adults, garage. Jnq. aiiu. f For Rent Houses "H rwrr A nrl bt waek ' or month. Wood or gas heat Fairground cottages. i 2597 rbrtlaad roao. 925. 0 R. HOUSE, Lsdd Bush Trust. For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs ; te rent. 1L l stui r urauure tfy C)TOonC3$tatesiaaii ADVERTISING : Western 4dTertlslng Represenutlres ; ' ranger-Hall Cm. Ltd. gaa rraaeisee. Los Aarelta Seattle . EaJtera AarertlslBg - RepresenutlTow - ' Bryant. Griffith eV Bmnson. Ina. Chicago. New fork. Detrntt. . Boston, - Atlanta - Oregon, as getead-Closs lttr. P- s a, -SFm ean m m Wt1m9k Ms-Me-l9 gewSBB gens ay mm mm w .-w w-r- " r Burtn Hi- IIS South Cinmmw . . , smnaffDiliTiriM RATCIi BU a-a-a'waas s m mw-m m -g. ei fnfrissi-TTif itm ll-r-L ! Aaf VfLAgA. Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. I Ma 50 cents: t Ma $1.35 1 0 Ma, 93.S5: TmZ mm for 1 rear tn advance, Pe . oorV 3 cents, News Stands 5 cents. By aty Carrier: 45 cants a month fj.OO a yea tn stbss - II: ) For Sale Used Can WMjr Wait?? 1 AS LONO AS TOC CAN'T GET DELIVERT OF THE' NEW HIT MODEL YOU I1AVK BEEN WAITING FOR. WHY NOT BUT ONE OF OUR GUAR t Look These Over ! GOOD Cars at GOOD Values ' 1935 Plymouth Sedan Plymouth Sedan 1935 Plymouth Tour. Sedan 1935 Plymouth Coupe (radio, beater) 1936 Dodge Deluxe Sedan 13S IXklne Tour. Sedan , 1935 Graham "Special 6" Sedan 1939 Graham Supercharger Cust Sed. 1930 Plymouth Coupe (radio-heater) 1934 Chrysler Airflow Like new, MANY OTHERS IN LOWER PRICB BRACKETS: " '31 Ford ijed., '32 Plymouth PA Bed.. '32 Plymouth PB 8ed 'SO Plymouth Coupe. '32 Chev. Coach. '29 Chev. Coach. '31 Cher. Rdst.. 3l Chev. Cab, ' Chrysler Sed, '30 Dodge Sed., '29 Chrysler geO, 'j J pontine Bed. Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 435 X. Com'L Qearaimce Sale ' : I ' I We Need Room! CHEV. 4 -DR. SEDAN, new dition throughout '. 1929 POXTIAC 4 -UK. SEDAN, good c clean j U 9185.00 FORD STANDARD COUPE. weU worth the money 9156.09 POXTIAC 4 -DR. SEDAN, radio, A heater, spec, horns and extras $775.00 DeSOTO 4-DR. SEDAN ; 9235.00 BUICK COUPE fuse CHEVROLET COUPE S 75.00 OAKLAND COUPE t jjj , . ' , , ,r- ,, S 45.00 BUICK SEDAN , , , sls na DURANT COUPE . X 05.00 1929 1930 1929 192S 1929 1933 1929 192S 199 1929 FORD 4-DR SEDAN. Runs like Valley Motor Co. OPEN SUNDAYS Center A Liberty Phone 3159 Jim St. Clair. Guy Bond For Rent OFFICE ROOMS for rent. 391 State St. TeL 8713. RENT. OARAGE. 533 N. Cottage. VjsssashjsSasasxtpXaShaVrtssssssajs 59 A. FARM. BEST of solL 1690 S. Commercial. . Wanted to Rent CARE OF chtld. and room for em ployed mother, write 1545 Berry. For Salts Real Estate CHOICS LOTS ON PAVED st- t500 will flnaoc new homes up to 10 at cost on long term paymenta. -v '-J V. H. UlUHfSMUOKBT Sr- 134 & Liberty St. i Hold the key .tt TO NEW -modern bouse, hardwood floor, basement, furnace. 6 rooms fin ished. 2 tuif. Fine location. Only 93850. Reasoaer (certainly) 505 1. High St. SUBURBAN PROPERTY CLOSE TO city limits, pared street bus service. City school district good old house, deep well, electric water sys tem, abundance ef fruit and nut trees. Price only 92O0O, terms to suit - CH1LDS 4k MILLER, Realtors 244 State St ' Phone 0709. FOR SALE BRAND NEW 4 room modern house, North Salem, price 92700 with 90 down, baL 935 per mo. SF.K Mrs. Ellis with HHILDH UILLEIL Vtr-tnTm 344 SUts t Phone (70S. FOR FEW DATS ONLY INCOME PROPERTY. Price reduced from $4600 te 91000. Property consists of 4 rentals and Is well located etoas to university and state office build lag. Call te see It SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILD A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone C70S 1s1"'ss1MoaAwh SPECIAL THIS week only. 3 acres suburban, good house and barn, water system, elec., 9209, 9850 down. Phone 519. ; BONDHOLDERS ATTENTION ! MY MAGIC wand can change your Income of 9599 Into one of $2000. I mean It! Your bonds. If good, are se cured by real estate. This Investment is strictly high grade real estate net tlna 15. Reasoner f certs Inly) 515 N. High St 4 RMS BATH, garage, paved, 91(50. 5 rmi, bath, plast, garage, pave ment 91800. 4 mi 4k nook, fully modern, aarage. 925.00. 9 rma, bath, garage, walks paved. paid, iiiov. Some Immediate possession ; for bar gains. See F. Griepentrog, 1940 McCoy St TeL 4954. ' HOMES, GRANT. 629 Court TeL 7723. 93500. 0 R. MOD. HOUSE. Urae airy rooms. Cor. lot plenty shrubs, fruit. 91000 down. SEARS-SANDERS 47( Court St i Ph. 94(9. -,-11 -i'--ii'-rvM-i(i-M-.-irrii-iriiiin.njur FINK RENTAL property, down town. 3 mod. furnished houses. Steady Income 972 per mo. $7500. by owner. Box 101. care Statesman. JUST FINISHED new modern 9 R. home in N. Salem, new addition. $3850, 9500 , down. Ph. 55SJL NICE MODERN C R. home on N. CapltoL .8 bedrooms, cor. lot. 9300 51000 down. I'll. 5580. 9 ROOM MODERN, fireplace, base ment furnace, hardwood floors, lot 52x120. Hollywood dlst 93250, 9335 down, fbone esse. Exchange Real Estate; 1 A NICE home and acreage at Shaw, $3500 Valuation, will exchange for bonse tn Salem. Clear for clear. Sub mit f v It P. GRANT, 5:9 Court St For Sale Farms DIVERSIFIED FARM (0 ACRES. MANY berries, orchard; grsin. timber, pure springs, several buildings. Silt and loam soiL Raise livestock, poultry. . Only 9(500 terms. Reasoner (certainly) 5(5 N. High St - CHEAP STOCK RANCH : 11(0 ACRES. (0 ACRES open land. can be irrigated. Some old buildings. on good road and raDread, 9 miles to town, 30 miles to Salem. Some open grass land, hundreds of cords excellent fire wood. Priced at only 3000 . SEE Mr. Walter with CHfLDS A MILLER. Realtors 31 State St- Phone 0709 " 10 ACRE BARGAIN. '".WELL LOCATED, good road, only 9 miles to Salem, near paved high way, electric service, stream of tine water. 4 room home, some orchard. Only 91000, hair cash, bat easy. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State St ! - - Phone 9799 For Sale Used Cars "7 .3575.00 - 595.00 . ois.oe . 596.00 . S46.00 995.99 T45.SS . 590.00 . (65.00 945.0 4- overdrive, radio, heater . Ph. 4(73 paint, good rubber, fine con- ibs nit new. new paint, etc .$135.00 .$145.00 Marlon A Liberty Phone 7910 Forest Fulton, Bill EarL Shorty Mlsson For Sale Farms I FARMS. RENT. sale, trade. Oregon Land Co.. Woodburn, Ore. AMsassssb4BasSBsnSBjsB3pf WE HAVE 4U acres close In. I R. A sleeping porch. Basement, furnace, fruit, for 13200. 120 acres, 5 Vult.. f R. modern house with fireplace, 5000 cords -wood, filling station, wood truck.; goes with place. Price $5000, $1000 cash, terms on bal ance, f; CO acres. 2 R. house, barn 20x39. chicken Souse. IT cultivated, balance timber A pasture, price 93300, 91000 casn, terms on balance. VOSBURGH-GRANT Masonic I Bldg. 19 ACRES NORTH. All aood soil. price cut to $900. 20 acres, all good, sou. paved roads. $100 per acre. : fr:."- --,, 40 acres au modem bldga. 2 silos a good dairy farm. Very productive sou. raved road. Fully stocked and equipped, 99000. r I K. A. FDRKNER 1953 N. Capitol Acreage 91000. 19 A STREAM, TIMBER, 3 room house. 1. 9800, 1 A.,!" fair i house, elec.. good soil, highly Unproved. . S4ZO0, 40 A unimproved, none bet ter. 911.000. 199; A- ooU A-l. grows al- taira, clover. potatoes, corn, $9000 worth Improvements. A dandy. 1 SEARS-BANDERS 474 Court St ! ; Ph. 94(0. S1 A GOOD OLD fir Umber. 19 miles east of Salem, $17009(00 down, call 5580. I Wanted Real Estate LET ME bear from owners wanting to sell I have buyers ready A willing to pay a good down payment for the property suitable. You may have just what my customers want F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9992 . WANT TO sell or trade your prop erty? I need farms for eastern buyers tell me what you have it can do no harm I might help yon. a ee ' H. C SHIELDS, For Real Estate Oregon Bldg. Phone 9902. I Business Opportunities"" EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer who has conducted some or the largest auc tion sales In the northwest, will open permanent auction house tn Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three to live thousand : dollars required. write box st. Salem statesman. - - i'1-Tn(,,in,. SMALL INVESTMENT, good in come in small business place in town. Box 100. The Statesman. FOR SALE Hat shop, cleaning and nresslner reasonable 141 R. Liberty TeL 9473. j i Money to Loan CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS BORRROW FROM an Independently owned and operated Salem company where your problems will receive per sonal consideration both before and after the loan Is made. Interest on unpaid balances No fees -Quick, courteous service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT General Finance Corporation 201 First Nat'L Bank Bldg.. Salem. Or. Phone 91(5 Lie. No. S-133 Auto Loans 1 r?ovTHArrr ns-sTVANrr5rnl MONEY TO buy new or used. cars. Private money at very low . rates. No rea tape x to z monuis io repay. Roy H. Simmons 201 First NatX Bank Bldg. Salem. Or. Phone 91(9 I , Lie. No. M-162. a a . - is""Vr"sr"S"sinjTjnjTXU"UXn- How to Relieve Hangover We mean the hangover of old bills from last year. Stop la and see ns for that extra cash yon need and start the new year with a t . clean slate. You can repay tn easy . monthly payments arranged to suit -your budget Find out bow lit- : - tie a loaa will cost yon. FREB . valuable Social Security - Record , ' book.- Ask the cashier for your : . copy. . . . Second Floor New Bllgb Bldg. Rm. 119 619 State St at High St Phone 9740 : . - Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salemx ! - License S-I21. M-K5. inrsnrrTrVTjTjrxnrui Federal nousma saaaa atlo . build or refinance bomee or business prep. Low ratsa Abranui A Cits, Masonic B For Sale Used Cars A Better Used Car 31 Chev. Sedan , 31 Bulck Sedan 81 Ponttao Coupe 95 Ford V-8 Coupe 85 Ford V-9 Sedan 39 Ford V-9 Tudor 20 Chev. Town Sedan 39 Cher. 8pt Sedan .$299.90 . 295.00 . 525.00 . (45.00 . 950.00 . 595.00 . 695.00 . 995.90 Better Cars , Liberal Trades McKay Chevrolet Co.' 233 Center - - Phone. 31S9 - - 430 North Commercial ! Open Evenings and Sundays Its Buick Again ittt xrtnjor rm niewr. ts 8TTLL TAKINO IN A LOT OF FINE HIGH GRADE USED CARS Art U mK. WILSON SAYS WE MUST SELL EVERY USED CAR IN STOCK. 193( Bulck Small Series Sedan driven only 13,000 miles mechanically perfect not a scratch on the finish Interior like new. This car was formerly owned by Mr. Rowland who is a .very careful driver $935.00 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, has fins ra dio, heater and many other ex trasthis car has been thorough ly checked over in our service dept and O. K.'d 95.00 Buick small series S-pass. Sedan This lob has a nice built-in trunk finish Inside and out al most like new powered by Bu Ick's famous valve In head mo tor 9(85.00 Plymouth DelAixe Coups This car was formerly owned by prom inent local people If your choice is Plymouth, be sure and see this one before you buy 9585.00 Chev. Master two-door Sedan with built in trunk, radio, beater and lots of other extras, a fine buy at - 95(5.00 Pontlae Sedan, dual equipped This car was turned tn by Mr. H. W. Walt of Rickreall actual mileage on this car Is less than 30.000 ; $535.00 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe . 615.00 Ford DeLuxe Tudor, with built-in trunk 545.00 Dodge DeLuxe Coach 445.00 Ford DeLuxe Coach 445.00 Pontlae 4 -door Sedan, trunk, new brakes, new clutch, 4 nearly new Fire stone tires, motor recently overhauled, good paint Interior la fins condition 1(5.00 Bulck DeLuxe Sedan ' 445.00 Buick DeLuxe Sedan 595.00 Dodge 4 -door Sedan , 245.00 Chev. Coupe 245.00 Bulck Standard 9 8edan - 276.99 Bulck Standard 9 Sedan 2(5.00 Oakland Sport Coupe 195.00 193( 1934 193S 1935 1934 1984 1935 1933 1994 1938 1933 1981 1930 1939 1929 1929 1930 1939 1939 1939 1929 1929 rontiao DeLuxe coupe Graham Light 0 Coach 215.00 Pontlae 4 -dr. Sed. 1(5.00 Bulck Coups 145.00 136.00 136.00 146.00 115.00 . 100.00 100.00 -99.90 -s ($.00 95.00 Bulck 4-pass. Coupe 1929 Dursnt Coupe -Bulck Sedan Chevrolet Coupe Stude Sedan . Poatlac 8edan Chev. Coach Bulck Coach Olds Coach . 1929 Otto . Wilson 359 N. Coral. Ph. 94IL USED CARS 1933 Dodge Touring Sedan 1939 LaFayetts Sedan, perfect condi tion, 90-dar guarantee, radio and .heater. 1935 Dodge . Panel (nearly new) . 1933 Cher. Sedan 1939 Ford Model "A Coupe 1939 Ford Model "A" Sedan And nine ether good serviceable used cars priced from 916.00 to 999.99. if our price on the cars de not suit you, toll ue what yon will give. No rea sonable off sr will be refused. Carter and Church Motor Co. Nsah and ' LaFayette Dealer 295 N. Com'L Phone 9720. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property un der the F. H, A. plan, long term loans with low monthly payment-, No com nil ilon. Refinance or build a new home. W. H. GRA EENHORST A CO., REALTORS - 124 g. Liberty St Phone 94(9 Loans Wanted : LOANS WANTED -on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins Roberta, WWWMWWWWWWWW WANTED PRIVATE loan of $1(00. Best of security on real estate In 8a' lem. For appointment writs 7425, cars Statesman, - . AAMV MMVMMMfMMMW - MAKE YOUR sa vines earn more interest Buy a first mortgage on real estate, the best security of all. Loans avUlable 9300 to 95000. Net Interest to Investors IVI to CHILDS A MILLER. Mtae. Loans 344 Stats St Phone (702 1 Livestock and Poultry SALE, FRESH, registered Jersey, Rt 7, Bt, hi, saiem. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD, an kinds. TeL (((3. WOOD; Smith A Rubens, TeL 4SF14. GUARANTEED DRY 2nd gwtb. 7860, 19" OLD FIR, 95. TeL 5919. 10 IN. OLD fir, 9SI6 ad, Tel. 9010. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coaL TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. :. , " 15 IN. OLD fir. 95. TeL 9469. DRY WOOD that la dry. TeL 11SF22. Robert Fromm. R. 7, Box 4(0. FEN WICK. 4527. dry 2nd growth. 1( TN. OLD fir. Roy E. Smith, TeL 69F1Z. VM MM l VW wWWMWi VARNEL SHEETS. 9(5 B. 22nd. Selling wood again, sea me evenings. j n DRY WOOD, an kinds. Ph. (((3. DRY WOOD. H kinda Ph. 95(0. : DRY 1 slab wood. 93.T5 load. 4598. 5 DRY WOOD. $5.50. TeL 5919. SPECIAL! DRY wood 9 (.5 9. P. 3J54. Lost and Found " LOST VICINITY of Hnbbard. young. Australian Shepherd. Reward. Owner, J. N. Paulsen, Rt 6. Bx. ISA, naiem. - - - - - LOST MONDAY. Dec 11th betweea Oxford St. 8. Salem and N. ' High. package containing table linen. Phone 1532. For reward caU at 255 IN. High. I For Sale Used Cars for Less Money at 25 Cher. Coupe 28 Pontlae Coach 29 Bulck Coupe 33 Beacon Coups 20 Chev. Coach 30 DeSoto Coupe 29 Chev. Coach 29 Cher. Sedan -9 75.00 . 95.00 135.00 . 150.00 - 150.00 - 195.00 . 195.00 - K5.C0 Written Guarantees Low GJMJiJC.. Terms - -- -- -- - --"-J-1Tl-M,---,-rVVVAAJ-U-Ln By Lynn Lambeth, Pres. : of STATE MOTORS, INC. 36 HUDSON SIX DeLUXE SEDAN; original finish ; upholstery spotless ; .95 tires, motor perfect; built In trunk, steel body ; safety glass, duo Servo brakes: radio A heater 9(95. 34 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN, radio heater 9476. 33 PONT1AC COUPE, new paint new tires 9395. 29 ESSEX COACH 2 95. 28 CHRYSLER SEDAN, new paint motor penect 9126. 27 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN -8 25. MANY OTHERS SAVE 9 BUY NOW . STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON PACKARD DEALERS High and Chemeketa Phone 9400. Open Nights and Sundays ------- -- -i-i-i-,-, i-g-,-,-.-ir7i-iii.nrutn FRANK DOOLITTLE Our Used Cars Are Thoroly Reconditioned 1922 Ford DeLuxe J -dr. Touring Sed. 1936 Ford DeLuxe 2-dr. Touring Sed. 1986 Pontlae 9 DeLuxe 4 -dr. Sedan 1935 Pontlae 9 DeLuxe 4 -dr. Sedan 1935 Pontlae 9 DeLuxe 2-dr. Sedan 1992 Pontlao 9 DeLuxe Coupe 1939 Cher. Master Coupe 1932 Ford V-9. New motor 1931 Chevy Coach . 1990 Pontlae DeLuxe 4 -dr. Sedan 1999 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan 198T Buick Roadster 1937 Hudson Coach , WK ARE AUTHORIZED PONT1AC - DEALERS A DIVISION OF' GENERAL MOTORS Yon can Buy from Us with Confidence m top value and satisfaction ... our written guarantee proves that DOOLITTLE MOTORS Commercial A Center' Ste. V-9 SPECIAL 1925 DeLUXE 3-DOOR. Terr low mileage. Must Jm saen to he appreci ated. Friday and Saturday only, 9595. BORREOOa CAR MARKET 229 Marlon Tel. 4522. 1922 FORD 2-DR. Deluxe Touring Sedan. Radio equipped, low mileage. Must sen this week. Will take a cheap er ear In trade and terms. Phone Mr. Boone, T199. NOTICES to cstronoiis NOTICE la hereby, giren that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of Marlon County Oregon, appointed admlnlotratrlx of the estate of Mary B. Ruth erford, deceased, and hag Quali fied aa such. All persons having claims against : said estate here by ere required to present the same, with .proper Touchers, to the undersigned At 111 -Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, irlthin six (C) months from the date hereof. ' Dated January t, ltS7. - DELL-. RUSSELL As Such Administratrix. WALTER S, LAMKIN. Salem, Oregon -Attorney for Administratrix First publication January t, ItST Last publication February f, im.-j. t-it-ii-ti iv t. Busi lie ss rtmi tm eKIa A ttieklu wm on m -eoathly basis' paly. Rate! 931 per line per monthu Auto Brakes Mike Pa nek. ITS South Commercial. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW A reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 14T & Com'L Ph. 4519. Brashes FULLER BRUSHES. So.- Side, TeL (714. 27(9 Brooks St Eve. appoint ments. "v ' - t Q-imney Sweep 1 TELEPHONE 4454V, t B. Northnesa 1 Chiropractors DR. O. L SOrmr. PSC Chiropractor. 259 N- High. TeL Rea 9763 1 Excavating , EXCAVATING OF' an -kinda. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled -or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 9409. - - . . ' Florists . Brelthaupfs, 94? Court Ph. 9994.' r t Furs DuBAIN Fur C Master rurrtcra and designers. Rm. 9 A A MtUsr Bldgv r ; Laundries- THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY f THE WEIDER- LAUNDRY ' 2(2 8. High . . -4 - - . ; 4 -ireL 912. capital" crrr laundry KRST IN Quality and Service Telephone 2115 . - 11(4 Broadway Mattresses CAPITOL BEDUINQ CU Phone 401 J. Walter Dry Skted Jo Address Group Women's Community Qob v at Stayton to Hold Tea f . Next Thursday . STAYTON. Jan. 15 -Walter R Dry, superintendent of the state blind school "trill be present with Several of his pupils next Thurs day afternoon - to address mem bers of the Women's community club. A silver tea for the library fund i will be a feature of the af ternoon. The hostess group in cludes Mrs. Fred Berger, Mrs. A. C. Van Npys, Mrs. Amelia Van Ermen, Mrs. Jacob Spaniol and Mrs. J. R. Boitx. ' .. j At a joint meeting of the Wool en's club and the chamber pt commerce last Thursday evening at the clubhouse, civic problems were discussed by J. F. Lau. Le;e Brown, president of the chamber of commerce talked about adult education. George Smith, mayor of Stayton, presented plans for the improvement of the recently acquired city park. . t , Need por Gym Told 'f An interesting paper prepared by E. J. Gettmann and read by Mrs. Lau. set forth -the need of a gymnasium to accommodate an athletic and recreational program for students and adults. I Members of the Stayton band under the direction of J. F. Lau presented a number of selections! Miss Clara Stewart.- accompanied by Mrs. Eugene Spaniol, sang two numbers, and Miss Rosella Bell played as a piano solo. "I Heai Tou Calling Me," and Giles Brownf as a violin solo played "The Old Refrain. He was accompanied by Kentin Thompson. J The serving table was centered! with an attractive arrangement of blue and i silver flowers with blue tapers In silver candlesticks: Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp and Mrs. C. A. Beauchamp served the tea. Mary SchoU, 77, Called to Beyond LEBANON, Jan. 15 Mrs. Mary Scholl, 77, a long-time resident; of Sweet Home, died Wednesday following a lingering Illness. She was born in 1859 in Switzerland and came when young to America living for a number of-years in Wisconsin where she married ln 1891 to August ScholL Surviving are three sons, Ern est of Sweet Home, William off Portland, Fred of Monmouth, twin daughters, both nurses, Alice of Portland and Erva, who hag nurs ed her mother the past four years; : three brothers, six sisters and four grandchildren. ' i Funeral services were conduct-' ed by Rev. Rlttenmeler at the Evangelical church of Sweet Home, burial In GUlilland ceme tery. .- I . : -CECUTORS NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is -hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Coort of. the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mary A. Walling, deceased, and that he has- duly qualified aa such Executor; - all persons having . claims - against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at my office,' 205 Oregon Building,' Salem," Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ', . - Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9 th day of January, 1917. i RONALD C. GLOVER, Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mary A. Walling, Deceased. J. 1-1 f-23-10 -F. t. . D irectory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattrsse Factory. NEW i MATTRESS made te order, oldremade ; carpet cleaning, sis lag t fluff rug weaving. 8. 13th A Wit bur. Tet 344 L i OTTO F. ZWICKJCR. Est- 191L ; - I Masic Stores OEIO. C, WILL Plane-, radios, sewing machines, sheet ma ale and piano stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machlnea 432 8tat street Salem, i Photo Eriigraving I SALEM PHOTO engraving. 14T N. Commercial. Tel. (887. - . Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call 1 he Statesman Printing Department 215 8, Commercial. Tele phone 910L :-;y.-',.:-. , Jn I Sewing Machine Repairs" C. E. IJATHERMAN. Ph. 9(75. 1192 Waller. . . : . - , Stoves WE REPAIR stoves, ( ranges, circula tors. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, . ran ges and 'circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and 8tove Work a 2(2 Chemeketa. TeL. 4774. RR Fleming. ; i -- " ;, ' ; -Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, call 2131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. ; . . CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 22( State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and. storage ear specialty. Get our rajea. - .. -. - WILLIAM'S TRUCK Serv. TeL 22F2. Well Drilling R. A. WEST, Rt 9, Bx. 41S. T. 119F5. Discussing Jersey; Politics? - li-- - ys- . V i , s 1 V'-.v'.- - "7 1 Stephen Early Senator Harry Moorel Bi ssHHfihNH MNKdlKsMIMK New Jerseys poUUcal situaUon , Harry Moore f New Jersey. rllit, : f rrenr In tVi rmrt -k arew vm niur ui&i jaoore wouia run iw rovernor this year to reclaim New Jersey 'gbernatoriany for thai Democrats.. ' ;. s Men's Sodality Gives Reception MT. ANGEL, Jan. 15 The social reception for the new mem bers of the Young Men's Sodality was held in the auditorium and dining hall Of St,l Mary's school Wednesday night. ; The affair waa oooned with dancing In the auditorium. Later a comical program; was given In which Bob Appleby, impersonat ing Major Bowes, asked each of the 14 new members to give some entertainment, act. More dancing followed after which all repaired to the school dining hall where refreshments were served. Speakers during the luncheon included : Father Al- ulm, Donald Aman, Miss Ursula Keber, Clarence Ebner, Joe Het- twer, Lawrence Saalfeld. Marcel van Drelsche. Miss Dorothy Schwab, Bill Beyer. Father Al- cum discussed the puble forum which Is to be established in both the Young Men's and. Young 'Ladles sodalities. 4 He also an nounce- that the i sodalities are to give a play after Eaeter. Prac tice will be held during the len- ten .season. I 1ST 1 22 23 I 2H 29 21 'A 31 32 3W 430l 37 'A HO HI, MS N3 50 51 53 Cross Word Puzzle 1 i 0 EUGENE SHEFFEU HORIZONTAL 1 email child 4 European country hiatus 12 tra8Te-S 42 price i offered 43 able 45 body with I j le-l -I authority 47 rowing lm V clement . 50 Hawaiian wreath 51 mountain nymph - 52 member of an Indian tribe 53 part of a ' curved line 54 examines , 65 series of - -1 - l connected J " , objects i 13 divisions of a poem lli grow old j;15 eleeveleas t garment ' ,16 wild buffa I loesef lT--catter il seeds 1S enatcli 5 20 -choose, r 22 blushing 124 declare 2S dre 23 biblical -!' -;.name - '29 split pulse JO Tirorln ; t "-France.-'. . Sl-ontaning; -i - nitrogen . S-astant -"S4 frosen - I Herewith Is terday'g puzzle. VA Vi T A M1A-IE Sir rN O 5 play on 'words brisk en- . 1 f VCifyM t- ere - feoUoo.1 AIL. OR IJCf 17 -periods of ' h time - sink tn the - h middle - jtajarired vIh .--".cliffs . ,49 coxy re-J:- treats TIN CSeirigM. KIT, sr X- J: :":: -.': r -y.. :- v ( . t may weU hAve been the topic of i when they held an informal conW . . . Selects Officers "f , 1 Missionary Group a: JEFFERSON. Jan. 15 The art class, under the supervision lot Mrs. Wlnslow of Salem, has been organised. The class meets la the old Review building on Mala street Wednesday and Saturday, from 7 to 9 p. m. - These officers have been elect. , ed tor the Missionary society iot the Evanglelcal church:. President. Mrs. Edith Wilson; vlce-presU dent. Mrs." Myrtle Myers; record ing secretary. Miss Anna Klmpe; corresponding I secretary, Miss Beulah Davis; -treasurer, Mrs. M. . J. Davidson. . j Mr. and. Mrs. William Hoofer and son Linn and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wescott of the Dover district, i have returned home from a sever al weeks' visit to California. Mr. and. Mrs. ; Wescott visited their daughter and family Jn Santa Bar bara, and also their, son. Fen ton' Wescott, at New HalL The-Hoefer family visited Mrs. . Hoefer's bro ther, Joe Arneet and family -at' Ventura. ' '- A crew ef eight men has been, working in Jefferson reinstalling the telephone system which, was destroyed by the recent fire. IO ii IT 20 21 26 127 30 33 35 36 A 17 3t rA H2 H6 HaHt VERTICAL A pertaining to a class of molluska - 10 past C 11 seat In ,. church . 19 Interject ion 21 bivalve mollusk : - 22 rove" at large , 23 -willow 1 Beverage 2 sphere S crossing the Atlantic -. Ocean ( j 4 incrust-- : fcion over a - sore : ".!' 5 esUblixbed ,TiU 6 subject to high heat and then 24 -member of --an Algon- quian tribe 26 penetrate - 27 leaks : through 29 made 30- 1-humatt i -" beings ; -. S2rA9eend " -53 covering for the floor 55 -oversteps . S3 place for safekeep-' ing 85 note ef the -'" scale ' -: , :'. ..' 41-blemlsb 42 articles of .' .'ftrrniture 43 wing 44 through , 45 posed for a 1 . ., portrait ' 48 consumed 49 steep in ! - moisture I cool , T European ' . country j' 8 eense organ the solation te yeav -.. , si?5 4r rsrtews Sisd e, 1 i i-I- ' . - ' . ' V