Tnt OHEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Blorning, Jannary 16, 1937 PAGE FIVE 1 -Local News I Brief s 1 1 . Convention Continue The annual missionary conTentlbn of the Christian and Missionary Al liance will con Una through San day night Mrs. Hlnkey, a mis. alonary. spoke last night on mis sion -work. Rev. Michael Knrlak. Saturday at 7:45, will show pic tures of Africa and will tell the story of his conversion -.; from Greek Catholicism. Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock Rev. J. D. Wil Hams, former" missionary to the P.L and now district superinten dent, will brine the message. Sunday afternoon at X o'clock " Rer. Knrlak and Mrs. Hinkey will speak. giving information of their work on-the mission fields. Sunday, night at -.7: 45 o'clock Rer. Knrlak will speak, followed by a messengo from Rer. Earl . Gulbranson who is expected to arrive here at that' time from Aberdeen, S. D. , v Tax lien Issue Is Raised Here Contrary to Statute Barring Officers V DttfoaM Week ernor Charles H. Martin Issued a public sUtement Friday urging ; i , Tti Tl the people of Oregon to observe Hewlett Held Ileal liHYer "National Defense Week. which begins on Lincoln's birthday. Feb ruary 18,' and extends to Wash ington's birthday, February 1 1. "It 4i altogether fitting In these troubled times that we turn ur attention to national defense prob lems and see that -we are In a posi tion to function in case an em ergency arises, the governors statement ! read. Governor' Martin said defense of the Columbia riv er was of vital importance to the people of the -entire Pacific coast. Coming Events - Jan. IT Chemeketaai ski show at Idanha. 3mm. 18 League of Ore- Cltlea. QneUe, aO:SO Jan. 0 Annual banquet. Cascade Area Boy Meant council. Knight Memorial dsWvdsW - Jan trail fielrm Mlm-tr-i dab jneetlng, 7:80 tnu, K. of P. haH, 4) N. Com saenlal St. ' -' "' . Jan. S7 Annual concert Eocene Gleesnen, Leslie Jun ior high school, auspices Botary club. Jan. 80 Annual meet inc of. state Jersey Cattle clnb, chamber of commerce. Prompt deL Dry wood. TeL SOOO. Smkn Closing Rev. Two Pardons Issued- Governor Charles H. Martin issued a con ditional pardon Friday to Orwln J. Brooks, undef five years pen itentiary sentence for burglary not'tn a dwelling. Brooks was re ceived at the prison May 4. 1933. from Multnomah county. Another pardon was granted to George -.Circuit Court The question of a county officer acquiring title to tax liens was raised yesterday in plaintiffs re ply to ; defendant s answer ana cross-complaint ' in the c 1 r e u 1 1 court ease of Wjj. and Marie Wil liams rs. William Powell, Leroy and Jane Doo Hewlett. The reply accompanied a motion to permit Cling of the-reply after the usual time had exnlred. The reply contends that Hew- under will of Elva Brown, vs. jre- m 1885. Visits for scarlet fever lett, county commissioner, paid! ter Betser, Lyle TW. and ltaipu 11 totalled 887 and for whooping $340 in taxea and took a county! Betxer; suit to foreclose mortgage! cough 105. quit claim deed for Salem prop-j and recover "18971.74. J No particular reason for the ln- erty In tha name of William Pow- y. Watson vs. D. McCleary. I crease in disease was aires by the all. Mrs. Hewlett's father, alleg-1 order dlssohrinr attempted attach- health bureau exeent that In some edly without Powell baring know-J mmt of hops stored at Mt. AngeLI years epidemle conditions run A. I hraham. .aerrinr a four rear term i??8 MB ?ro?ZiI Gerda Marie Meyer vs. Mrs. JUgher than In others. Disease Increase Shovnin Report Eleasles, Diphtheria' Case VisiU Chief Gainers. Bureau Reveals eWJ alj: iTYff I'tiXv TT fY hi iCY Realty Board to 7iden Activities With tha exception . of scarlet ferer, cases of communeable dis eases Increased In 193 8 Is Marion county; the annual activity report of the Marlon county bureau of health show. -.s . . . : Field visits for diphtheria, cases Increased from seven In 193S to 84 la 1888 while visits to typhoid sufferers . ' Increased , from 7 8 to 14. Biggest Increase In visits was for measles cases where -3 4 4- visits vautaax unw vuuwu i Prry ui Soath High street; Br. im Q. Waal putR. Bikle seael :4 . m tnmk. Susasa, -wni. Korm- r wenkie tl e'eleek. tsmea saMset. - "Pawer la Prsrar." Teaar pW't mt- JASOBT XBB MZM OXZaX. M. B. CHTJXCH - Krt WlnUr, Jeflmom. FiiTgnmmi TU. Ljm- a. Weed. aUalatsr. Casrcb easel StS a- . Maraimx wraU 11 a aw tkest. 'Th Larf r Christ." Zs wsrth lMffa S:S0 . sflss Sars Lih I All ; Dealers in Land May Join; Valley Meeting January 25, Plan I isg S:4S f jb. Orsen treat Tint Baptist ImissieasTj Im duliwh win : har im ekarra. ItwIiii- w la T:S vjau. I wark aa4 akaw ewwii and cwiac. Cva- Caaaiac t tsa CUT. ' Tkt tmoU. Chriat raataa tkMrnMrlt airaetiaa ac X. v. Uaabers will aims at bath sarrleaa. Mii- wtea tarrica Wtaaaaday T.90 y. nw -' riftsT aarnre Caraar - Libarty - sa Mariaai . stMata. Bibto achael Tn Braar, -aapa. MoraUr warskia It a'claak. Sakjaet: "Tka Warfare -at Ua Xiaffdoas ef Oaa." Rar. -W. T. TafseaU, tsaasar. ' Xvaaiag aarriaa at T:S0. Tkaaaaa Irraaa. saaakarw S:S0 Taaas aaaaJS's -laatlag. Frarar sU4a ChandHr P. Brown as trustee were made aa compared with SI I taaatiac weaxaaaay T:o y. nw Henry J. Meyer and others; reply!: Immunizations totalling 1090' : amannon 4Tiawar I ajfaa nAi. I ell to clrcumTent the statute which t.A.A i,fOTH,.. hr hsrlna wVrV mmeiderbj p? P'" 'T' TaT.reat te Ea- lire year, and tsf toilphthert. ing officials. Cohagan. pastor of the Free 1 tor forgery in Lane county. He Meinoaisi cnnixn, announces mai the evangelistic campaign whkh Rer. Paul Pltlnl and his fsmous gospel aingera bare been con ducting will come to a close Sun day with three services. At 11 a. m. Rer. Pltlni will preach on Our Great Nee4 A Vision of God": at 2:30 o'clock.- a mass meeting will be held, with Pltlni speaking on "The Central Truth At the f insl eeasion at 1 7: 30 p.m. Rer. mini win spea on a i . ftn.rnt TtMrt of "VJI 7 roH. n .Woman Conrt Much ' -' " " ' or uisxnouuon. rrr v.: i. .,. the uregon penuenvary win j.rris Needham auardlanahlp: a w m r .111 a.iri- aanAtiol speaa. mow: ww 'uu. . B f second annual report of W. I other attractions, numners oy Needham. guardian, aho wing 11,- quarxei maae P i m w 110 incame4UU $500.13 outgo, I " - ll - cmi w caa 1a a wi aswsenw en nr Approval Delivered Approral auenaea ineee Banquets praiaaJ. 43350 real rAd Z05 per osxatajr maran Kartk CMtf aa4 1 tatraats. J. 1. Oltkaff, faaaar. Bibla sckaal with claaias far all ssas st SUa s. St. Asmaal Sckir ua. sept. Maraias warship ia Oartaae at II. Caiiaa. "OaaXial aVsa Ckiiaaaa." C'Tka CkctatiM'a OaaL") la4ia aarriaa arar tatia KW JJ. PartUaa. f rata :SO ta atlS p. m. Tapia Tk -War af taa irU."TasccUti icrriea is sUak at 7:10. aanaae,, VBaw Paaa Jcibi Saval" KTsafaliatia aarrieas erary -'stiskt -this waafc. ascapt aatarday. st 1:S, Ber. O. laiac aarviaa TrSO p. m, thaaaa, Kojraaa Caaaa te aaiariea." LBSZJB M. B. CBUXCB Saath Caauaaraial aa Mjvn atraata. Daae C Pataaaxtar. mlaiatar. Charek aehaal S:4S a. m. lfaraiag warskip H a. ma.. amasaaca. 'Tiadiac . taa liaaaiaa Let LUa." Laams e:0p. su Sarriaa T:80 P. l, tsaia --Maeaa, Taa Maa Wka DUcarara -tka Prtaa at o4'a Lara." rrsjar ataaUam V :SO p. mTkar.dar. Dr. lae tact -ari . -wpart ( tka Taaaat-aaaninc at tha hoard at haata siia .aiaaant Philadelphia. qairlnj; title to tax llena, - Hewlett haa maintained the Wanted. Filbert meats or in- shell. I property waa obtained aa a home- immediate delivery. State Cafeter- stead for hia father-in-law, wno ia i I was to more here from Indiana I soon. s Fathers. Sons Dine The annu-l Pmhafa Pnrrrt al father and son oanquei si w .rmvn Knttm estsJa: order First Preshyterian church will bei pproTlnK nl-annual accounting neiu in me-caurcn utuu.(i..wu. Monday nlsht at C:30 o'clock lent estate ot'E. H. Meyer were I patients orer.flre yeggl old. now stopped' from pushing a I claim for possession. Frank DoolltUe vs. Edward E.I Forgard et al; aatisfacUon ot Judg ment as to defendants Otto W. Helder and Gilbert Tilbury. Vaccination 4 against smallpox was given in 1749- cases and 'the Schick test In 433.' - . afany Examined The department examined 44C7 school children during:, the year i 7XBST cmaxBTxaa- ohtxbob Caraar et Caatar aad Hlsk straats. Got I, Drill, iiatar. Ckarek-ackaai at S :SO. Manuas waraaip- ana eoamaaion-a. iv 13 a. au Aathaaa by tha chair. Banara, "Tha 'Maaa B1mm4' Thtag." Chriatiaa Badaar oraoeiatiaa aaaat st 6:15. Kvaaiag aarriaa "BLtHaOSnTB CKVB0H Itth --aaa Chaatakata. H. H. IMek. -Daator. Baadar aehaal at S:AS .a. b. .13. W. Wall. aapt. aUcaiar-warakip at 11. an. niim, juaaneaa bob oar acsaei, wauar im that diatairt wfil yraaek. 6er aii aarrtcaa at S .pja. kj Bar. H. C. Uarah. Xvaaia aarrieaa st 7:90. Thaaaa. aaua Aecaretar ta Jaaiaa." ataatiaa -Wadaasdar -t V:I0 p. Bibla aehaat rridar-aickt wa aaaaaat of taa. clause pracra at ai tha OaHas hihla aehaal that aight, : i ' -. - irzxsT CHxraca or thx wAzjaan ' P..... -.4 1k . - T Iff lar. aaiaiatar. S a. au rartval ararar vast- iac :4i a. au. Bibla ackool rally, apaeial praxram hr tha Laaa- aaartat. Claada st 7:80. Saraiaa, Little Chat, Uattaea I? lmt wUI tell his famaoa " Break Sows g...l. 1. o.t T.nik WMwb 1 Rlmrr " PtIsm will k. mimm 4. .k. l. of Francis J. Nuttman, 4ulmiai8- placing of an tl -seining bill on bal trator, showing balance of 1 18,-1 i0t. Interest has been shown in the rerirsl". The Pltlni party ut'l open Tuesday night in the Free Methodist churcn al wooaourn. Of the Chemawa road system Im- I In the past. prorement project waa deiirerea to the county court yesterday by J. K. Smith. WPA director tor district 3. resterday. The project. for which the gorernment will gtre IK000. will -proride a new rrada and allcnment at the Che mawa Southern Pacific crossing and the construction ot grareied roads through the Indian school property to the Oregon Electric tracks. Oiling ot the road in front of the school Is to be done next summer by the county at federal expense. Jlowarxl Goes East Charles A. Howard, state superintendent of schools, left Thursday night for Washington. D. C. at the call of the federal commissioner of ed Continue Ditch Job Repair pf Shelton ditch i banks to prerent future washing out of Turner road will continue despite recent rains. County Engineer N. C. Hubbs said yesterday. Other county crews will continue prep arations for the launching 01 tne new Buena Vista ferry, whch Is on the way at West Salem. The present Buena Vista ferry win then be mored to the Wheatland crossing. Solicitation OPDOsed The Sa lem Business Men's League has not annrored solicitations by a newsDener : published In Vaneou- rer, Wash. for adrertisements for sonal property. Michael Tanxer estate; apprais al. 31S0 in halt interest ta need automobile parts; order -setting hearing on final accounting of Francis M. Tanxer. administratrix, for 10 a. m. February 23. Santiam Fortitta guardianship; State of Oregon ts. Earl Snell; I and in the pre-echool department supreme-court mandate enjoining I made 84 C field risita and gare 407 clinical examinations. Tuberculin tests were giren to Salem Narigatlon company vs. I 2190, a- decrease oyer the two Frank C. McColloch; application prerious years, and of this num- to hare trial set. her 240 showed posiUre reactions, MarriagTe Licenses also a decrease. Only nine new Deland E. Robblns. 25. paper cases were hpsplUUsed during the carrier, Molalla. and Mary Alice year a decrease of "fom 1935. Hunt. 25. telenhene onerator. An- Field visits totalled 308 and clln- Bpaaks la Salem Tonijnt. atiawacs aer- I -riea Wadaaadar 7 :10 p. am. leal vbits 270 In this department. In the dlrlalon of venereal dis ease control there were 1380 clin ical visits during the year. There were 70 new clinical cases and eight new cases under field super vision. Physiclana were supplied with 51 treatment, units during the year. Three React Tuberculin testa the president's ball to be giren m giTen at Lablah Center school Jan " Iirti, - rommln Vancourer, Philip H. ho m.i, Mry it by the Marion county president of the league said yes- public health association revealed terday In response to Inquiries. Salem business men are cnieiiyi Interested in the president's ball to be riren here by Salem folk January 29. Roberts People Marooned - 1 Countr Engineer N. C. Hubbs yesterday directed Roadmaster T. L. Daridson to attempt to rem edy muddy road conditions along j banquet of tha Cascade area coun to formulate policies relatlre the allotment and uae ot the George Dean fund for vocational: educa tion. The fund totals about m, 797,498 annually, et which Ore gon will receive about I113.Z98 for rocationai education. R.N.A. Lablsh Camp 4148.. Big free social and card party. Che- mawa hall. Sat. night, Jan, 16th. FeUowatilp MeetThe Pente costal Church of God. 315 North Commercial, will hold, an all-day fellowship meeting Monday, with 1 the county court earlier services at 10:30 a.m.. z:3U ana day, 7?S0 rj.m.. announces A. J. Jen sen. nastor. Rer. W. W. Cradey. district superintendent will pre- aA and risitlnr ministers will address the aTroup. The Saucy auartet will assist with the mu sic w.a-t i2nksFred deVriea I rennrted. Before cominc to Salem If Pratum will be the principal I B e c h e t managed a Woolworth Maker at the mommy mwuts i store in ifQwooa nu, " 7". r vfvU 1ih V .t flrnPhSr room Approral ReeeiredA ,p p ror.l . . . Kt. rtnrrh of a WPA project calling lor clean ZS'r rht n r 7:S0 Vclock. ins and imprormg of theDaIlas DeVties will tell the important rMtnrra of the world's Sunday school convention which he at- j tended at Oslo. Norway, last sum : mer. rora. Justice Court Albert Crow, trespassing, $50 fine suspended on condition he leare the city, six months' proba tion, j' Francls H. Peterson, plea of not showing 1199.85 recelpta. T70 t tater: $150. bail undertaking disbursements, an or o vina oar- fnrnlsneu. ment of $47.Sff to Brasief C I . wGeoTfF ? Clark, T .TI.. I Tlff-., .CamaL CTnft Small, guardian.: 1 1? ' ?Lt l'. I MrSa 32X3X1 StOlie Fred and Betty Jean Krieger I . .;r.- t-i7i. Vira guardianship : order approrlng an- !" 'rB""l""r' Harry Sprout Jones, fines of $10 and $5, respectively, for lack of p. u. c plates and switched li cense. Municipal Court Iran Jordan Rood, Brooks, vio lation of basic rule, fined $2.50. nual report of Brazier C. Small, guardian, showing $1575.53 In come, $304.85 outgo. Rites Set Sunday two adults and one child posftlre reactors. The test waa glren to 30 persons and 28 Schick tests were glren at the same time. Speaker Chosen Senator' Ho mer Angell ot Multnomah county, a veteran scouter of the Portland area council, will be the guest speaker at the annual Music Collection Given to Library! DALLAS. Jan. 15. Mrs. Sarah Stone passed away at the Dallas hospital at 9:30 o'clock Thurs day night. . Mrs. Stone was a resi dent ot the Buell community. She was brought to the home of her sister, Mrs. John Cerny last Tues day, but was mored to the Dallas hospital Sunday morning: Death was due to complications follow ing an attack of flu-pneumonia. Mrs. Stone was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sarage, prominent pioneers of Sheridan. COTTBT BTXUT CHUBOH 07 CHKST Coart sad 17th streets, D. W. ItaaiaU, Jaator. Bible school at t:45, with Miaa aaa Bawkias. anpt. Keraiar -ararahip aad oheerraaes at the Lard 'a Sapper at 10:4a. Vaeal eole hr htra. Daaaiaoa. Maa save. "The Walla at Salratiea." Eveaiag aeeriee aad Chriatiaa Eadaarar at 7: SO. Tha first areseatatioa at the apaeial fea ture ay a faauly ai tha chareh. If aaaaca "Sia aad Iu Paaisbjaeat." Heetiss of tha eaBfareaea at Bibla i aehoel teaekara aad afticers, Xaeday at at 7:S0. Mid week aerriea Than day at 7 :S0. OHraOH OF CHBIST North Cottafa aad Shippiag atraats. C. T. anriiiaa mi mister. Bibla atadr at 10 a. au Serawa at 11 by Xraaraiiet U. BV TharahHl at Oklahama. Obeervaace ( tha Lord' a Sapper. Yaaag paaple'a aieeuas at S:S0. Freaeatng it I . au, by ETaagaliat TharahtU.) M t - OHBISTTJUr AJTO XXasiOXAXT i tTJ.iawcn SSS Ferrr atraet. &. W. BraaaUr. paa- tor. Saaday sekeal S:45 a. au. ftamael Rich, aapt. Moraimf werskip ll a. au !- iaaarr eoaraatiaa aaa wita nar. . v. Willi ami of Seattle. Ber. hfiehael Kar- lak ot Africa aad Mrs. PhiUp Hinkey of Chiaa aa aaiaaiaaary apaakera, Barriea at au au E Teniae wflft at l Mldwaak prayer aerriea Wad. 7:5 pjs Membership In the Salem Realty board, wheh haa orgsnlxed and will meet each Friday noon at the Quelle, will be open to eyery man and woman selling real estate, the only stipulation being ethical dealing and adherence to the organization's code. President William McGilchrist. Jr..outlinlng this policy et yesterday's session, pointed out that salesmen In local real estate offices will come in under associate membership. The group yesterday ordered rerislon of the constitution and by-laws adopted by the Salem realty group In 1TTS8. EL A. Miller, president off the Oregon association ot real estate boards, announced . plans for a Willamette valley realtora dinner Prayer i meeting at the Argo hotel here ie i Monday nicnt. January Z5. at :io o'clock, when all members of the state legislatures will be tnrlted guests. The meeting ts under Joint auspices ef the Salem RealtyJ board, the state association,; as sisted by the real estate depart ment of Oregon. Attendance is expected to Teach 250 persons, f C. IT. Johnson, chairman of the membership committee ot the Sa lem board, yesterday preseaiea Starr." Prises will be cirea ta tha las. et faauly ia atteadeaee, to the Ml briagiag tha greatest nasaber of people to aad the reeareat tMtbVhoV aad tm V. I nine applications for membership. eldest aiaa aad the eldest areeaaa. Jl as. I all of Which Were accepted" by the aeratoa, - Tha Power ot Pentecost." SO p. au, Tonaa people s society. 6:80. laa- ior aaciety; 7:SO rsosinf serriee of thol rorteaia. xne Leas aaartet win grra a SO aunaie eooeert. Bersaon. xaa Uapard aaable Sia." Salem board. au Ereaiag serrida oak n rarer aerriea 1 choir aad orcheatra paertiea Thars. yam.; I ( ! j rimsT ooa-aazaxTioirax , cbtjboh Liberty at Center. J. K. Siatanda. amia-l ister. Saaday aaheol :45. Moraiag war-r skip 11. Bernuns "God's Weary PropbeU", Aathaau "The Shepherd's Psalau" Pro- theroe. Solo, i VGod Ia My 8treagth,1 Scott, by Miss Hannah Kaaiaua. XBTOBT IfXMOBIAX. ooBOBBaaxxoaai. IQtk ram. H c. Sterer. mia? ister. Moraiag ! worship at ii. aersaos "Oar Second , Wtad." Aatbem. ''tord I Cosao to Tnee- (Boeeattg;. boio,- step by Step" (Lorooi), Ray Drakclay. Eri PBbTTBOOSTAZ, CHTTaVCH OP oos : ?1S North Commercial. Saaday bible aehoel 2 p. sa Osisy IVilsen. aapt. Ie rotloaal S D. at Eeaaceiiatie 7 -la n n Taeaday, Thursday aad Satarday nights at 7:0. a. J. Jeasea. pastor. I- PMSBTTBXIJLir CHITBCH i wtatar aad Chens, he ta streets. Orerer 0. Birtchat. D.D, pas tort Prof. Wat. H. Wright, director pf yoaag peoplea' actfr itioa aad ataaie. S :t a. chareh school diractod by J. J. ritsaiaaona; aapt. 11:00 a. as4 asoraiBg worship. Senaoa. "The Ooodaosa of Preo "-Will." Anthem by tka Carillon ekoristera. "Bleat Are the Pare ia nearx. - istaarteri. :0 p. au. Chriat iaa Endeavor aocietioa. 7 :0 p. bu. eve ning, worship. Serasoa, "What Can One Maa Dot" Anthem br the ehorietera. God Ia A Soil-it." rSaaartV. WmU 7: SO . p. as- aiid weak aerriea. Dr. Hear Roosevelt Policy Lauded by Martin lii Radio Message 45 p. au l T. Babcoek, gaest speaker. ' President Rooserelt's policies of national derelopment, particular ly with relation to the Bonnerille dam. were praised Friday by Gor ernor Charles H. Martin in a tele gram aent to Washington. 1 "Oregon sends congratulations on the beginning of .your second term. the telegram read. "I add my personal greetings for happy and harmonious administration.'. . The governor's message Was sent orer a nationwide radio hook up, from the originating station of Milton Marsh in Salem. 1 Similar messages hare been pre pared by other gorernors. All of these will! be presented to Presi dent Roosevelt January 20, " the TOST CHTJaCH OP CHBIST - SOIBWTIST Cheaiaketa and liberty a treats. Son day echool -at 10 a. at. Sorrieea at 11 sw sa. aad S p. au 8abjeet, "Ufe." Toatlaioay aseotiag at S p. au. Wedaaa- day. Roadtar rooas ia the Maaoaie I day Of his Inauguration. -"l"w tvai aaa. as. io o:su p. TO. 0X eept Saadays pad holidays. j TJaTOH BIBXB CIAU I Meets Taasday S p. as. at Y.M.C-a-, with Siatoa . Forsberg of Portland as teacher.. ., . ' Change of Jurist Cited, Writ Case Fidler road abore RoberU sta tion to enable residents of the district to get in aad out. Word of these citizens' plight came to In the Bechet to Long Beach Al Be chet. manager of the F. W. Wool worth store here for orer two eil of boy scouts! here next Wed nesday. F.ntertalns Club Rose Ann Gib son, Willamette unireraity speecn department ' student, presented a reading at the Twenty-Thirty club meeting Friday night. ; --j. I 1 - Magln to Preach Dr. Louis tne guest The Salem Public library has ot,. w.a vJL. n..- willamina in I ' ssrries at 7 :So, reiigioaa dranm. fSSSSZ SnnCed,,tllt,r,ftr0f ?in l".he1maTr1! e area coun- hensfvo collection of musie from thar resided on the I s V au Saaday achaot ot 10. Boy. Harlaad, aapt. Mrs. James Walton, for the Mar tha Draper Burgnardt music room. I The gift consisting of same ! 370 Items, includes mis sals, hymnals and other church uslc, as well as sheet music of a general nature, and some num bers of unbound periodicals. These j additions bring the total " ' " has been nromoted to the Magin. superintendent of the Sa- number ot music Items In the 11 SgnrXljTf YnTcompan7. I t, M.1E. bra'seson tout 2 500 store in Long Beach. Calif., not to ZKZ i- " Longriew. Wash., as erroneously ;"" -"- , Close School The girls Indus trial school will be closed to the public until the ; flu -epidemic Is orer, officials ot the school an nounced yesterday Speakinc to the Salem Music Teachers' association on January 5, James T. Rubey, librarian, ex pressed the hope that musical books; sheet music, and records would be glren for the music room. A staff ot WPA assist ants, under competent supervi sions' and they resided on tne Stone donation claim in the Buell community. Mrs. Stone is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Esther"Fawk ot Wil lam ina and Mrs. Alta Cerny of Dallas, and by four brothers, Ed son Savage of Pasco, Wash., James of Sheridan. Dan of Chlloquln and Austin of Willamina. Funeral services will be held at the First Methodist church in Sheridan on Sunday. January 17 at one o'clock. Henkleand sou man Bo i ST. PATJX.'SiXPZSCOPaX CHTJXCH Chareh aad Cheaaeketa strata. Barj George H. Swift, rector. Holy eosasaaal iaa 7:8 a. au iCkarck achool :S a. aaj Prayor aad iaa tails t ion of the Veetry lk a. au Instractiea Wedaesday 7:15 p.m. I as traction Saturday 9:S0 sat 10:30 BTOXXWOOS USITBD XtXTBXKX .17th aad Nebraska etroeU. B. C. Mama, auatatra. Chareh achool 9 :45 a. m., Mrs. aass Wolcott, aapt. Moraiag worahip aad nannn semes IV: "A saaaa liowr.'-nBriatiaa Endewror MeiaJ I w JuatlCC Of the peace during hoar S.-OO p. au Christian Eodeaeor aer- the COUrSO Of proceedings St Mt. rco a:ao p. at. Evening aerriea 7:80 I Anarstt atimn nut of nffica Jan. 1 Annulment of a writ of review from ev Mt. Angel Justice court civil esse was applied for In cit :so a "iack. tkeme. I cult courti here resterdsr on the Wonderful Guest." iaaior chareh I arrmrruln tha PrinV Xfoidl -who ' UtH . .1 o'clock, topic. 'Ia God 8tiU Soeakinr ta jseai Miaweek serriesj Wodaeoday i :a y. s KTAJrOBXICaX. AJTP BZrOBSfXD i i CHTTECH 1 Nertk Capital aad Marioe streets. Ed aria Horstman. pastor. Saaday ackool 1Q a. au Leader of adult department;- John Of Dallas are In Charge Of I nir." at tho aaaaal atooUag of ' the cearrsisttea it was -voted to ia peaao with tha Germaa aerrieea to snake room for aa issproTed chareh achool pro? graau A Oennoa bible claaa is prorided for ia tha adatt- depart meaU Reopen Sewer Work Work on -the D street sewer project, shut down since last Tuesday because of Inclement weather, will be re sumed Monday If weather condl narmlt. About 200 men are -employed on the project which ts belnc done with federal -assistance-. Work hss now progressed to east ot Capitol street. ttimtm nsasli Meet The an nual congregational meeting : of the CThrlst Lutheran church, lth it . & fa. at & OS 8 and State streets, win ne - sewer system has been received by J. E. Smith, district director for WPA. The federal government will furnish : $148 and the sponsor SSM. Eleven men will be employ ed -for three months on the pro ject. ' Doctor's Fee TJpheld Fee ot a physician for examination of a- drunken driver I a proper item to be Included In costs and dis bursements, Attorney General Van Winkle held Friday. The opinion was requested by B. R. McCabe, district attorney of Cur ry county. Dorraneo Joins Army Delbert Willson Dorrance. 4i5 North COt- has enlisted in the Given Promotky--Lawrence preparing new accessions Heman. employed by the J. C. r tne coiiecuon aa soon as mey Penney store here for a v e r a 1 r received. -.r. will leare soon f or Yakima Since ite opening In December. the funeral arrangements. Knight Memorial To Present Play ITHt TOUTED BBXTHBSW CHTXBOH I Jtotwooa 12th aad Miaaioai Pastor, Bar. A. a. Henderson. Baaday achool. IS a. au ' Praaehiitir. service Us. su. Bar. B. Gleaa Brady, district aapt. ia change. Chriatiaa EadosTOT, S :S0 p. m. Preaching. 7 :S0, Bar. B: Ciena Brady. Wednesday 7:80 prayer meetina. Thnradar 7:IO choir practice. nary I ' and his successor wss not eligible to - certify the pro ceedings for the review. - The motion to quash proceed ings and annul the writ of ire view was; filed by Mrs. Paul Shearer, who was named along with Mctdl and Paul Shearer! in the auit. brought by Merchants Credit Bureau, Inc. rXXST BVABQXXICAX. Corner Sunuaer aad Marion streets Bee. i J. E. Campbell, minister. Saaday achool at 9:4$ a. as. John Benrens, aapt Moraiag worahip at 11 'clock. Bermoa "The School of Prayer." Sea ior high aad yoaag people' a leagaos at 6:30 p.m ! thb caxxacK AT SAXXM I19TH Sooth Coansaorcial, i. Aloaso Baadera, pastor Saaday. Bibio achool 2. Daeotioaal S:15 Y.P.F. S:30 EraagaUstie 7 : JO, Taos, Bible atady, open f oraas. There, prayer aad praise. Sat Gospel aerriea, 7 id5. Tti TrfM f a TPartr br MstT m mansce the Pennev store there, the music room has been used by nssell. a religious drama por- i. i an average 01 is . persons usuj. itrayin the) moral adventures ot i Eraageusuc aemeo at Building Permit A permit was a committee ot Salem music mnAmrn mnnr naonle. will bo ore- 4"rh" Oespei u Song and Sermon. Bible Issued to Mrs. Jttnjf Sing to alter teachers will be announced short- -.-ted sundav niaht by the ,tuar Tmt""f ' " a one story cafe at 90 North Com-1 iT br Mrs. Darld ason. who will I irnrKt Mnmorral slayers. I som iileu rtnuiM ' merclaL SS0. I work elOSelr with the llbrarlon In I Th characters. B. F. Adams as I - Soath Commercial at Waahiagtoa bulldlnr un the collection and I wr Himhr. Alice Rlaaa Mrs. street., Mtuar u. sa ," OtTT-OJr.TOWV CHTJBCHXS Oloar iuka BTaagaUeai Uorbert s. ed as county nurse Mrs. Mora Beaaatt, nuaiatar. Moraiag worship at Young, Salem, Who will Open Of- d o'clock. Gospel aoag aarrice. Special m-m here Satnrdav i music Sersasa. ''The Cast at Gad's "COS nere patnrnay. i ! Nera Young Selected! ALBANY. Ore Jan. ltKrVJ. M. Bennett, Linn county school superintendent, said the newly organid county health unit nam ed as county nurse Mrs. Mora Lore. Saaday aehoel at 10:45 a'eloek. V. P. Collard, aapt. Bible stady, Wed nesday t 7:SO p. as. Cbituarry scheduling concerts. . - mivl .1 1 in . U.m(.. Hamby, Caryol Braden as Betty I ;u,,,4 n ajau ChriatUa'Kadoaror at I worahip at 11 o'eU Merrill, Charles Dayman Bob, Mar-1 s:So p. au Erening meeti-g st Tutn p-;j w -asiaratoa Melchert. Mrs. Minnie Melchert at the residence. 1840 Ferry street. Jan uary 13; Aged 78 years. Funeral services will be held from the Ger man Baptist church. North Cot tage and D streets. Monday, Jan uary 18, at 1 p. :m. Ker. oitboft tare street. United States army and will be sta tM ifflM E. at inn e- i i a. a , . a tk. van, pastor. - ! I T,.Aa .rdina- tn word from ment I. O. O. F. cemetery. rnoaexlThirfy eight rirr H. n. Basmall. recruiting ...rlnr of the itOTe I .rriM -Portland. - I Jslntt yenrw oa -"I I T , nMavn. 7 Wtrra-. lata resident building s 1. ,""a.:.. i .r.o -l.t.- Accidents I 7Vt. 7 nrZ-Z T.V-- t!iordsv All of the clothing reported to police yesterday In- 1S to portaj. Ore., at age of 88 yesieruay. . k- in. oivad Donnell Saunders, route I sirrrirstd br ridow. Nina Knanma win aww - ., - - Salem Ranks 5th 'In 1936 Biiudirig Salem ranked fifth among ctt- Ion Averlll as Mrs. Merrui. waiter Bushnell as Hermle and Mary Eli sabeth Rosa as the maid. The musical prelude Includes an octet I Hare a Rendesrous With Life (O'Hara), Ladies' Trio "God So Lored the World" (Stalner); solo "My Taak. octet. There MUaoek 7:M f, rk p-rayer BMOtiag Tharsaay at I BraasaHcal Herbert K. Beaaetu minister. Saaday achool at 10 S. au W. A. SUrker. aapt. Moraiag clock: Gospel aoaga. Spec- Tie Uoiect ol God's Lara." Chair practice. Tharaday at 7 p. as, Bihla stady, Tharsdsy at S p. am. I m.. . . M ' V . ...... ,.. i,j nf to, ,mv inn win nana, satf af. w.w mm .n.; oam. snimwaL wU - .-. ' - k ..i.w aiiHruuuu. t a.awu ovw-w v w - - . . . . aw a w . , 2 O Cava,.. .,. I a A W .Tsaaaa eauShe WA VSn.r. W-flth I AmCUtlaJT. Haider OXTVCUCm OE UIO I a ) ttTlle.. M. . T9 aaroa A TTrTtfTtsl Ml. IIUUIV- UVBW 1VI aaasw aa. aT - f . KAVW IJfS UaUHllUal W-w- assssr nonncfi " i . . a a .iu. I slNTt srh-Hsiwir - ifM.nY. c int Ar I ... .... at SS-rfaa-taaas w " ' 1 ITsSeBU bTPLIl alA.UUU.VUU. aVaUTb. SBh . S BUST- aa am. i ' TsT TW Hon which appears in the Psr ITACAjfJllKIl Ills AAOXAICJ Boise. Idaho, waa. the only city Restoration Flail of- saiem s popunvtion . csa . w rarvasa it in bttildina permit val- nation. Cities where building WASHINGTON. Jan. lS-CAV ezceeded that ot Salem . were I Senator Steiwer. republican, ore- ratT cHxracH or oob Vavtl. nnttmra and Hand strata. JL. r Jehaaon, pastorj Saaday aeaooi asaaarbiy I at t :S a. as. Jaasaa Oarta. saps. Moraiag- worship at 11. Serasoa ."Detiea of uartst i.MtatM" Jamiavr ehorck ta tha hoaesaeat eaapof -at XI. Toon poopU'a aaaotta4st S4ajp. au Xraalag aarrice at I 7:46.:. . , ... - - - .; -. - -.J ammaammaa rial K. X. ZSf ff m ultramodern i. and KlUnd T. l, Maudo Kin; children. Earl OU. .nS. SotaM ionT MklzMOO aTpwpria- fTt. o Nerth Ltberty street. betweenFerry aud Trade s a I Uon to restore the home of Dr. - The 11 cities listed as exceed-1 John McLoughlln, "father ot the ins l,000,oeo In building sre: I Oregon country,' In a bin Intro- Portland, 88.758.37S; aaatue, aucea yesieruay. s,saas-i Kastoration 01 me noma in ure- Salem. gon City. Ore,, would be done un- yrxBOWXBaT OOSPaX CBUBOUt Sd7 Ooart atvoet. Mama ay acaoot a S:45 a. nu Preaching 11 a. sa. aad T:se a, as. iETaageUetie aarrieo, Crataadord meeting j S:SO al a. Tho paatora asrs re tamed fraas Loo Aagatos aad will delirec a aaaaial diacoorao oa taa PoaTaqaarO oaavoaUiaa ta aaseiaa- i saspto. jnayef aad praise Wednesday ereaiag at S :54 Bible atady Priday araaiag at S:S. Paa- Clark, minister. Caaaea achool 10 a. as. Koaaoth Abbott, aapt. Moraine worahip. "How Loot la Tear Shadowl1 Epworth leaerao :S0 a. m. Leadar Lallio Shipler. Braalae varahio Ttsa a. at. Bar. John Hikers, tetaiaed aaissiaaary freea India. wiU apeak -aad Uhutrate hie roaaarka by aaaaas af pictaroa taken ia ladia. Special ssaaie br atom bars at -the Xsaatiy et aer. hJTk. Hlhort. ; - Uses Sale Pisssala Sua iar ocheol 10 . m, tioah Oh so. ampe, Moraiag warship 1 1 a. m. Psaaeia Ohae. minister. Juaiar. aoaior aad . intermediate oa dearer 1 p.m. Ereniog araafoliatia aerriea win be eaa d acted by tha Booodale hoy's prayer Wad. fyke M. G. Pane, driring a car e tod Mrs. Onal Lome of; June-1 longing to L. P. McCoon of Mary-1 Uon ctty. brother, Andy King of land, affd an uniaenunea arirwr, i surtoj, and eight grandchll- at CommercUl and Court street marvices Saturday. t$tSlttS: Spolcane, 7 CWnodis. I .1 V.V" ,P rf-785; Solar. J2.087.0.5; S oV taedkztid with throat- mootbing trisrefiicna of VidO VapotJo- H. Chambers and wuuam a. Dereny. ; both of Portland, were i reanoolnted Friday by Govetnor Charles i H. Martin memners oi the state board of Cbiropoaisis W. T. Rlgdon chapeL Rev. George , . ..' T.-nm. ti.K4.207: 1 der direction of tha national bark fvuusi waaa w&Mr.. -t- Belllngham. $1.41.T0;. Olym-1 service. . Fox At the residence. 148 S. 18th street. Thursdsy, .January 18, Henry Clay Fox, aged io Tears. Survived by wife. Margaret Fox; JL.ZL777 I .lhj tt m T- aO Pnrt. I auaa" r avaaav. o-."--. To Honor McNary MemDen oiuarsn, a. j ;;"'', HiT.TIt; Yakima, I40.bS. Ifa (ah aAn T r ap nap Will I aaWaAAU. llUSa aaes aaasaaa aa era w n m aa.s avaa u wsaaa o w ar " s - j examiners, j They will serve two year terms. pla. fl.SS7.88S: Pullman. 048.388: Helena. Mont, 81.014- rm. Triaho Vails. 11.0X4. 735. Other cities- mentioned in the lUt are. Wenatehee, xzi7,ftix; Dr. McLoughlln was "chief fac tor," Steiwer said, of tha Hud son's Bay company. Eli?. ClinnlLaa CHINESE MEDICINE W. Katnral itwrdlea for disorders of liv er, stomach, glands, kin, and urinary system Of esen ! - ' ay O Sn BW wnww fap constlparioaw xma, - autnciua, : Mjcnr diabetes aaa-- of tho attend memorial service tor the late Federal Judge John H. mc Nary In Portland today. Walter Keyee. law partner of McNary tor many years, nas oeen iwiwa glre a tribute. t is Wonld-Be Otixens Meet The Ralem T.M.CJL. citizenship class WrUl meet at the association ouiia land, Mrs. Herman a. Brows ox ii":.,.-' aisi sss Ererett. i wTT' t.w y;. and Hal For. Missoula. 1 841.848; wemerw Lyle Brown, June and nai nntta 1708.720: Van- Was a member of the Maaonic ' iUIIICl. If -f T w ' Guard Station at Taft Mott's Plea tars, rteyd aad; Bet her M JXXOVAjrB WTTsTZaSZS . 5 yrataraal Temple, Center ataeot aaa Liberty .i Saaday S:SS p.! -nu Priaelpal tea tare a bible ftady. , ' ainitfla ifiiraair sSHlTBtTsf 1 Chareh street; hetweea Cneamehete anl Center streets, Kor. p. w. Kruceea. peater, Ui a. as. Saaday schooL Sopt, Dr. A a Jaaias. 11 n. au. ssaraiaaT worahipi sermon, i "The Mtad of Today. Special mnsio orraaged by Prof. B. W. Hobson, Ba iusIms chareh onanist. Hew maaa kjn ta ha raeotred aad aowly elected of fleers t bo Installed. S:0 p. au Toanfcl poopla's serrira. Lather lesgaa. i i ; evart Tneassia tCHTXXOH ' lath .ui State atraeta. Bar. Amoe-E." Miaaaasaaa. AM paator.' Oorasaa S:S0 Salshta Oniaiaatrr Chareh, Moraiag -vers hip 19 a. as, Praaeia Ohae. minister. Saaday -aehoel 11 a. au. Cheater Skeltoa, aap. Jnator aad laseiaiadiato C. . 1. a. Prayor aaaeting Wadaaaday 7:80 -p. an, - - n CSB CHIMTSSB UKKBS J When Other FaU CHARMS CHAN CSalnese Herua RE&ICDrES ' Hralins; vlrtae beesj tested hsmdreda years, for chroale all- BtltisOIC, ttsaota. 1 afmaiaitta. ntnrrfa ears, rm I lautgnv sutflumsu chronle coatsn, aoanach.' fall stonra. colltia, raaunpsUtoa. dUhetis, kidneys, bUddcc. heart, blood nervea. latians. blgfa jrlassd, -akla frmslo- and chll- j S. B. Fons. 9 yenxa pi ac tics ta' Ch I . Herb Specialist. 123 H. Caaussuasilsj C Salens, Ore. omcw hosnw O to 0 p. m. Banday and Wed. f to 10 sum. sheomtlgla, risen blood nn rn. lodae ot Rlekreall: charter mem ber ot Alnaworth chapter, numoer 17, ot Dallas, joining March. 18, 1878. Mr. Fox was a Mason. over 80 years. Also was a Civil war veteran, belonging to the Eighth (b(b(b ' LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE - NOSE DROPS i f-yf " USE AS A I ' ForGothamFair . ISLilJSWui W UMM llVX 'iT SLt SLm Plaee 66 Salve or 666 Nose Drops in nostrils nizM and t. .0r.r"yiV-,: momlnj and take 666-Litinid or 666 Tablets errery morning. with aloctioa-of offieers. Lather seagaat ' ; ; Francis Keally, , New York architect, one of the designers of tho Oregon state eapltol. has been chosen aa on of the architects for the world's fair ot 1S3S to be held by the city of New York. To him and . Leonard Dean of UO . BU r " -tATTim sat SAJjrrs - Corner of Cottage aad Caonraketa.' Son day achool 10 av au Ereaiag aerriea S:Sa f v' a lux st 8 o'clock tonight. The class I Missouri caralry. Funeral aerrieea la open to an persons antewuai wlu be held Baiuraay dannary tip. as. Boaiel oociety Toaaoaoay a N VnrV w.a mwrmrAmA the ma. 1C I. A. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. A. to become naturalised citlsens. l$, trom the W. T. Rlgdon chapel WASHrNGT0N. Jail. . tract tor planning the Communi cations building at tho fair, which' will contain exhibits ot the radio. Hawkins, president. m. . A. rnesmsiism. , 10. emtS 'af - -- Vntnrcmathlc - al4-i . ovsaiA Conrt St. v" Corner Liberty. Offlco open Uatnr tUys aad Tncaxlays only. 10 A It to 1 a if . S P. 1LU 1. r- tftinn..iTinnn 1 preasnre and tLr teats are tree of iiuuTKno:i , J j NJ aWlaeaUeV j PTBST BtETnODIST XPISCOPAI. j a..... - M artw a a- Taa - WtTl.g . .UV Taa 'TIT f 17. om.aa. avf I H AnUrU WO- -!; ' t WU CO U Mill fjZlUDlU OI Ul retOlQ. I VDWirrrw vstra-p. - chareh, Moraiag wer- .fh.aa rnr llBAft f 1 bUlKUng i ana m I aaia 11.- Coaunaaioa aorrteo.- jmwr r . . , i wv . awa VI umc sysc svaaw wau I ".. , . KriiiUliaaa to tha Par Eaat. rs T .Va stttnna.I nark Used I i m-M m j I chares U. CMiaaooa ra soo m mr - i uiuuue bus, isuovr suits a (srucu h ac ikaw in. Tnr m. nnaau aiautifc I ... . - . - . . - . i rcsiaiuaui. , Another , biu ne rnirouucen At a local hospital. JanuaTy 4,1 Thomas Fawcettv aged 78 years. Late resident ot 148 center street- would authorise the establishment Late resident Ol us uenxer street, j - - t .rd -tatlon at Taft. Survived by two brothers. Robert f co,t awd sUUon at xait, Rhaaaiul. Tllj. and Isffltf ofr" 1 " t ' Durant, Mich.; two nephews. ;Le- Birth Blany Enjoy Snow Sights' SCOTTS MILLS. Jan, 18 Mr. King, one ot Marlon county'a ex pert crawler men, broke snow drifts in the Crooked Finger coun- sj., .Vnnl -45. Hick school soagaa at S:30 o'clock. Tho TJalr. Vesper groop st :0 p. ta. The yoang adult troap at SrdS. i Brettls eoarek , Worship c t:80t Jeaas BalUr. . ' - ": CARD OF TIIAXKS. We wish to express our gratl tnda and appreciation to our' try Tuesday. King reported some I friends for tbo klndne" ndrtBTmT Roy James Stewart ot Salem and i Leland Ballard of l-ortiana. ru- neral services from the (Hough- . .1 formidable- The I oathr extended us in our sorrow Barrlck chapel Monday. January -TOi tha beautiful floral !.U:Sp.s.ntetentm . I o. o. r. cemetery, tier. r. w. i aiicnaei mwhu, . .-- - . r , - iriv... ffit.Hi. r. I at tha Ralem General hospital. I try. - r Roy L. Mlnch and Daughters: Cj S'lc h ''' tlatisoleuin and Crematcriina - Lloyd T. lUgdo