The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1937, Page 10, Image 10

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    .; r:-:V.'.- "jT '.: "'i if :-Oitke,pnEG01f STATE T-; -' ' 'f' : ' -
Oregon Rallies Mightily y ftp". Edge ' Out Beaver
w mm .? ft
Bearcats Pick
, -
Up Speed, Win
Versteeg, Nunnenkamp and
. Anton Set Pace For
; 42 to 35 Victory
- "6pec" Keene's ; blustering
, Bearcats shook off their bustle
last night and put on some hustle
Instead as they downed "Mush
Torson'a crew of Wagner's All
Stars from Corrallis 42 to 35.
Showing not only a lot of scor
!ng ability but more often than
not passing the "ball around like
. a bunch of veterans, the Bearcata
hit a stride better than they had
shown since the season opened.
Charley Versteeg, Bill Anton
and Larry Nuanenkamp were the
three chiefly responsible for build
ing up the Bearcat score. Versteeg
went hog wild to score 14 points,
his biggest total of the season,
while Anton clipped off 11. Nun
nenkamp, who has been warming
the bench since he failed to lire
ap to great expectations In early
games finally showed that he has
the stuff and was the big push of
. ' the Bearcat offensive in the first
halt when It was pretty much neck
and neck.
Tied Four Times
' Willamette went Into the lead
late In the first half, arter the
score had been knotted four times,
. on two swift field goals by Char
ley Versteeg and stayed there. It
j was 19 to CI at half-time.
The first half bad been dog eat
j dog and the second half was more
so. There were 29 personal fouls
called during the contest and Cliff
Fblen and Wilbur Kidder, former
Oregon State stars playing for
I Wagner's, both left the game on
too many violations. Kidder, an
unruly redhead, also came in tor
a pair of technical fouls.
The Bearcats lost little time
in the second half. Bill Anton
pushed one In to start it off and
then Charley Versteeg. who was
doing things by pairs, "got two
field goals in a row, one a close
in push shot, the other a looping
distance thing.
Versteeg's long prayer shot
swished through Just after Harry
Mosher had frantically shouted,
Number three play, 7 Charley,
number three," and it was agreed
that number three play was a very
effective one indeed.
Versteeg potted one of'two free
throws to make it 25-16, a fairly
.ood lead considering that only
2',a minutes of the half had
Stay Little Ahead
From then on in the Bearcats
kept a lead that was never less
' than five ooints but never as
much as ten. They were given
much trouble by the Sandos
twins, a pair of lads who two sea
sons ago played for Corvallis high.
Fred Sandos potted field goals
merrily with a practically un
gu'ardable leaping push shot while
AH was an Annie Oakley on the
foul line. Fred with his 11 points
was the best point garner for
After Willamette's Initial spurt
In the second half Wagner's gath
ered momentum and played the
Bearcats practically even for the
rest of the half. They couldn't
t ahead thou eh with Charley
Versteeg and Bill Anton working i
the net cords overtime.
-Wagner's was closest and j
threatening with about six min-i
ntetf left when Willamette led by
a scant fire points 37 to 32 after
' Bill Lemmon, Eellfountaln coach, r
had slammed in a field goal from I
Has bd on a auick pass from Tor-
son and All Sandoz had converted
a free throw.
Anton and Bill Beard took Wil
lamette out of danger. Beard with
one of his nonchalant shots from
the next county for a field goal
and Anton with a free shot but
the other Sandos and Lemmon,
this time with a long shot, drew
Wagner's up again as time grew
.; abort. .-
Tomscheck's two fouls against
Versteeg in - the final minute
served to use up time as well as
to let Versteeg make two more
points. , -
. r Tillamook Beaten w
,The Willamette Freshman, led
as usual by diminutive Cecil Ques
seth. scored a 27 to 15 win over
Russ Rarey's Tillamook high
quint. Quesseth scored 10 points
: "-tor ' the Bearktttens. They will
meet Tillamook pthere next Fri
day. The Tillamook Junior high
. band enlivened the occasion and
made several spectators wonder
where the Willamette band hiber
nated after football season.
Lineup and. summary
- Wagner's 35
Folen, f
Torso n, f
Lemmon, f
Kidder, e
1 4
I' 11
A. Sandos, g
F. Sandos. g -Tomscheck.
WiRaaiette 42
Mesher. t
Nannenamp, I
Anton, e
.It 11. S5
Brandon, s
Versteeg. g
Beard,; g
1C 42
Half-time score Willamette
. 1. Wagaer's 1. ,
personal foals: Folen 4. Tor
eon 2, Kidder 4. F. Sandos 3.
Tomscheck 2. Lemmon,. Mosher
9, Nunnenkamp 4. Anton 3, Rags
dale, Brandon, Beard. - -Referee,
Max . Allen; umpire,
Vern Gilmore. ; . - '
TClamook (51
Z7) T0n
Alb. UanTtrat. 4 F 1, Quesseth
Alf. Hankrat, 4F 1. Hagodorn
'Page. X C 4. Wagner
Smith. 1 G -4, . Staynor
Long. 2 G Kyle
Substitutes: Tillamook, Chris-
tenson l; Irosk. Pstrie J, Shina
t, Catkerwood J,
Seven Points Behind With But Four
Minutes Left, They Tie It, Orange ,
-) Goes Ahead, Then'Fihal"Shbt ihs
eORVALUS; Ore.,-Jan., 15. AP) -The University of
Oregon's hoop team, trailing 7 points with but four min
, utes to go, shot into the lead -tonight to defeat Oregon
State college 35 to 34. The victors were behind 21 to ,16 at
half time. . ..i-.. : - - .1 ; h :
: Oregon State had increased its 5-point mid-game lead
to a 33 to 2 a score In closing min-O-
utes of the battle but the Web
foot -were far from through. The
winning basket came with no
more than seconds to spare.
Tonight's game was one of the
moct hectic - hair - raising affairs
seen here in years. I t
With the score tied at 33-all,
Holllngsworth for the Staters and
WIntermute for Oregon both hat
free throws but infssed them. Hub
Tuttle. however put the Beavers
ahead with a gift shot and with
the gun almost ready to sound,
Ken Purdy grabbed the ball on a
tbrow-n and swished it through
the' net. I .
Even then the surpsnse was not
ended the timekeeper's gun mis
fired and officials Tuled the game
on until it sounded a few seconds
The seo re "was tied six times in
the first hair. - j j
Art Merryman. j Oregon State
forward, whanged in eight basketed
and five free throws for 21 points
and scoring honors. He contribu
ted largely to the 1 0-point lead
33 to 23 the 'Staters took midway-in
the second half but Pur
dy's three long shots tor two
points each late in the game, with
good supports 1 from .other Web
foots, told the final story.
Lineups and summary:
Oregon (35)
Lewis LF .......
2 6
5' 5
4 6
3 3
0 6
0 2
0 4
15 35
5 21
2 8
2 4
1 1
0 0
10 34
Silver RF 0
Gale C 1
WIntermute C . . . '. . . 1
Anet LG 0
Purdy LG .......... 3
Courtney RO ....... 1
Johannsen RG : 2
Totals ......... .10
Oregon State (34)
Merryman LF 8
Tuttle RF ..... .... 3
Conkling C . 1
Kolbers LF ........ 0
Harris RG 0
Totals ......12
Perronal fouls: Oregon Lewis
2, Silver 2. Gale 2, Anet 4, Purdy,
Courtney 2. Johsnnsen 2: Oregon
State Merryman 4. Tuttle 2. Con
kling 3, Kolberg 4, Harris 4, Ly
man 4.
Free throws missed: Oregon
Lewis. Silver 5, Gale, Anet 2,
Courtnev; Oregon State Merry
man 3, WIntermute, Tuttle 2, Con
klins. Referee: Archie Buckley, Spo
kane: umpire, Frank Heniges,
Fox Scores Kayo
SPOKArE, Wash.. Jan. 15--Tisr
Jack Fox, slugging Spokane
negro, floored Bob Olin, of New
York city, former world light
heavyweight champion, twice to
night to score a second round
ethnical knockout. Fox weighed
ITS. OUn 181.
Will be
of- the
TNDOOa- track win " shortly be
I upon aa, and the runners are al-
ready pounding over the wooden
boards in creoaration for the bic
j meets. . : . ; - j ; : . ' ... ,
Many ef the eld familiar faces
will bo saoBg the missing daring
te 1837 indoor campaicn. Hardin,
llanran, Owens, Torrance and
others have turned pro; Bonthron
fa through and Omnlngham may
i Ciaanaxa axaciea.
not race due to the pressure si peat
West linn Winner
At Independence
West Linn's clasy; hoop five drop
ped Independence! from the Wil
lamette valley . league lead - at
West Linn tonight as it humbled
the Hoopsters 25 to 14.
It? was the first league loss In
four starts for Coach- Lor en
Mort's Independence quint.
West Linn went Into the lead
in the second period after , the
two ; quints had battled on even
terms through a low-scoring first
quarter which ended 3 to 3. West
Una led 14 to 7 at half-time.
Earl Stone, Lion center, was a
thorn in the side of the Hopmen
as he rolled up 11 points to lead
the West Linn attack. :
Lineups: i
Independ're(14l (25) West Linn
Hart man 2 ..... F 2 i Davis
Engblom 4 F : Tuor
Linn 6 .C.... 11 Stone
Birch ,G Freeman
Eurch 2 G C McLean
Referee, Yerkovich. j
Culdahl in Lead
In Oakland Open
Oakland, Calif., Jan. 15 -(JPy-Ralph
Guldahl, Chicago ; profes
sional, shot a 64 today to set the
pace in the first round ; of the
72-hole $5,000 Oakland open golf
tournament. j ! .
Guldahl took a one stroke lead
over Young Johnny Perelli, Ta
hoe, Calif., pro., who finished
with 65. !
Tied at 66 were Johnny Revol-
ta. Evanston, III., and Henry Plc-
ard, of Hershey, Pa. Each post
ed a pair of 33's for the out
go'ng and incoming nines.
Salem B Quintet
Beats Christians
The Salem high B team de
feated the True Christians 29 to
8 bn the Salem high floor yester
day. Smither. B team forward,, led
scoring with 13 points. Lineups
Salem B 29 8 True Christians
Smither 13. . . .F 7 ; Chapman
Lltwiller2 F Li Schott
Van Woert 4 . . C . . .. Grabenhorst
Quackenbush 4.G - Sharkey
Driggs 6 G i Nof finger
institutes: Christians, Nelson 1.
Coming Track Campaign
7i -BlIP t
J. a tV. -- ST - r TM . WW , ST a a I . 0
FOLLou iai ttie
- Who wd be the new here to step
Into the winged shoes of such im
mortals ef past Indoor seasons as
Venxka, liahn, Lermend, Conger,
DorabosteL Cunningham, Bonthron
and IfanraaT -:;.iJ
The mile Inevitably takes preee
ienee as the feature of the Indoor
season, and It baa been over this
distance that the most thrilling bat
tles of the pine boards have been
waged. " :- . v ': I; , !
. With Bonthron out, Cunningham
Sacred Heart
And Deaf Win
Future Farmers Lose Out
34-22 and Auto Shop
Goes Down 2714
I . Sacred . Heart' academy, hoop
Quint defeated -the Future Farm
ers 34 to 22 and the school; for
the deaf team blasted the high
school auto, shop team 27 to 14
In Intramural league game play
ed yesterday. ,
; The ; Leslie-Future Craftsmen
game was postponed as members
of the Future -Craftsmen team
went to Vancouver, Wash., to ln.
stall a Future Craftsman chapter
I Lineups. ! .
Sacred Heart 84 22 Future Farm.
Alley 16. . . . . ,F. . . ..10 Gardner
B.3entzkow 2.F. . . . ..5 . Kemper
R. Gentzkow 8 . C . 1 .". . 4 Rulifson
Schmid 3 .... .G . .2 Baumgartner
Trnmm S G 1 Hilfiker
; Referee, Gilmore.
Auto Shop 14 - 27 OJ3.D.
Kelso 3.. . .. ..F......9 Blakely
Elsey 6 .... . ,.F. .... 4 Torgeson
Paulson 2 . .. ..C. . Beaman
Swigle........G....10 Cochran
Prince 4. .. ...G . ....3 Stortx
Substitutes tor O.S.D., Drake 1.
Referee, Clateerbuck.
Puget Sound Wins
.Over Husky Quint
TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 16-(ffV
Staging a last half rally, the Col
lege of Puget Sound tonight de
feated the University of Washing
ton 30-29 In a basketball game
here. The victory was the first
for CPS against the university
in nearly 10 years.
Trailing 15-20 at the half. Pu
get Sound tied the score at 25-25,
then took a four-point lead. In the
closing minute of play, Wagner,
of Washington, cut the lead to two
points by sinking a basket. Smith.
CPS guard, collected a free throw,
and in the final few seconds, Lev
erlch's basket cut the lead to a
single point, Wagner missing two
free throws as the game ended.
Erling Tollefson, of CPS, was
high scorer with 11 points. Smith
and Wagner had nine each.
Safeway Beaten
By Gates Outfit
GATES, Jan. 16. The Gates
Mountaineers town team 'won
over Salem Safeway team Thurs
day evening, Jan. 14. The score
was 43-21.
Gates 43
21 Safeway
.... Short
. . . Hansen
Carl Ball..... F...
H. Farmen. . ,.F. . .
C. Ball..... ..C... Art Williams
O. Farm en .... G .... H. Williams
O. Hay ward ...G Allison
1 1
on the doubtful Bst and Venske past
his peak, wa arast look to new faces
for the 193? mile king. Archie Saa
Komant, gsnsas ltauan .who ran.
ensationallT la the Olvnmie 1&G3
meters at Cerlin, la the logical can
didate to take ever the mile mantle.
Doa Lash, two-mila ace, is also said
to be eytaff the shorter distance.
f San Romaai took' Cunningham's
measure in the Sugar Bowl games
at New Orleans last moTith,- and
win be the man to watch this year.
Mil. fev S3M MM SjaStaMa, laa
r )
Rookie Feller
Signing a contract with the Cleveland Indians which guarantees him
a salary tn the neighborhood of $10,000 for the 1937 season. Bob Fel-
ler. sensational rookie pitcher from Van Meter. Ia-puts his name
on the dotted line as C C Slapnicka, left, assistant to the president
of the Cleveland club, and William Feller, the young rookie's father.
V ' witness the document. . . .-: ; j ' j-.;. j .
McIVliimville Five
Winner at Dallas
DALLAS, Jan. IS. Red Bail
ey's Grlsslles from McMlnnvule
high school came to' Dallas last
night fresh from their victory
over Conrallis, last year's state
champs, and took the orangemen
into camp 40-14.
The first half was close, Mc-
Minnville leading at the first quar
ter 3 to 6 and at the half 10 to 12.
They soon wore down the light
Dallas team in the second half
and led 26 to 12 at the end of
the third Quarter.
Dallas was without the ser
vices' of Burelbach, high scoring
forward, who has been ill the past
In the B game the Dallas team
won from McMinnville 21 to 20.
Dallas 14 40 McMinnville
Bennett 8 F - ..... 8 Mabee
Peters F.....14 Kreider
Van Buskirk 2.G.
. .... 9 -Jones
.1.2 Johnson
.7 Mulllcken
I. Voth G. .
E. Voth 1. G.
Dembowski 2 . . S
Kroeker 1 S
Referee, -Dick Weisgerber.
Jefferson O.E.S.
Installs Officers
JEFFERSON, Jan. 15 At the
regular meeting of Euclid chap
ter, O. E. S., Tuesday night,
these officers were Installed:
Worthy matron, Verna Leffler;
worthy patron. Rex: Hartley; as
sociate matr6n, Nancy Di.vidson;
associate patron, Lincoln Water
man; conductress, Elmina Thurs
ton; associate conductress, Lillie
Wilson; secretary, Fae P. Smith;
treasurer, Ina M. Thomas; chap
lain. Mary E. Mason; warder, Joy
Kelly; sentinel. Mylo Bartm; or
ganist, Cara Aupperle; Ada, Vir
ginia Waterman; Ruth, to be in
stalled; Esther, Josephine Getch
ell; Martha, Nancy Tubbelson;
Electa. Nancy Arnold; marshal,
Esther Hartley. Mrs. , Annie Bar
tu, jr. matron, was the installing
officer and was assisted by Mar
garet Mars, marshal, and Mary
E. Mason, chaplain.
At , the . close of tho meeting, re
freshments were served.
Visitors from Albany chapter' No,
If were Mrs. Hazel Fisher and
Mrs. Ethel Murphy. ;
Clara - Hamiscli to
Manage tefeteria
-Appointment of Clara Hamisch
of Albany to replace Mrs, Louise
Harwood, who resigned to take a
position .with the I Oregon - State
college extension department, as
home economics Instructor and
cafeteria manager at Parrishjun
lor high school was announced
yesterday by Silas j Gaiser, super
intendent of schools.
Miss Hamisch Is a graduate of
Albany high school and Oregon
State college where she majored
In home economics She was man
ager of the Alpha Gamma Delta
sorority at Corrallis . for , three
years. - ; -.i ?
East Liberty Telephone
Company Names Officers
LIBERTY, Jan. f 15 The East
Liberty Telephone! company held
Its annual business meeting Mon
day night. W. Li Olden and John
Dasch were - reelected president
and secretary, respectively. The
tax bill passed by the 1935 legis
lature assessing telephone . com
panias, was discussed and a com
mittee, appointed : to investigate
farther Its application to this com
pany.' -. vv r . -1
niwiw i i s mm - :
Colds and Sore ThroaU
-1 FoUoir on Cold leather
! LIBERTY. Jan. 15 Tha cold
weather has caused considerable
school absence, doa to colds and
sore throats here. At present Miss
Florence Berndt .is still ill In bed
after - an' attack of pleurisy. Mrs.
Roy Farrand la teaching father
stead at school." Mary Sargent la
out of school,- due to quinsy, and
Gladys Behrens has sore throat
and: is also at home, lira; W. R.
Dallas Is ill with lnflaeua.
Signs Contract
Acton Team; Wins
Paul Acton's Giants yesterday
defeated C. A. Page's Giant-Kill-
ers to keep a clear slate for the
first week's play of j a volleyball
contest for noon classmen at the
Salem T. M. C. A. which will con
tinu each I Tuesday and Friday
until February 26. The Giants,
who won both days' play this
week, now , have a credlt of 81
points to 73 for the piant-Killers.
Acton's players Include Dr. K.
K. Adams. Dr. Charles Wood, SI
las Gaiser, Karl Heinleln. ! Rev.
Charles G. Weston. B. E. Sisson,
Mike1 Panek and William Moran;
Page's, Hayes Rehm, Dr. C. A.
Downs, Tinkham jGilbert, Dr.
Lloyd Hockett, Stanley Satchwell,
Dr. Ray MH Walts apd Dr. Waldo
Zeller. i , i - !
' -i -n in m, I '
J 1
b t a
' F
I ------ . -' - - - ; 1 - '
Silverton Dovns
Dallas Hoopsters
Score 41-16 With Help of
Huge Early Lead ; Game
. &th Indians Off
SILVERTON. Jan. 15 Silver-
ton kigk school's basketeers roll,
ed 'up 2f points tonight before
Dallas high collected a field goal,
and. -went! from, there : to beat
tho boys i from the Polk county
I - . . mm
41 to 16.; The score was a
3 when! Dallas finally connected
from the 3-floor. : . v:-
'Daiiaa was aiso aiaea oy mak
ing eight lout of nine free throws
while Silverton had only one gut
shot and made It. Silverton was
ahead 33 to 11 at halftlme. -
Dallas B team beat Silverton
B 31 t 14. ' ! -The
game scheduled here Sat
urday niiht with Chemawa has
been called off because of the flu
epidemic. it was announced, j
Summary: I
Silverton (41 ) ( 1) Dallas
.Gross gj. . . ..... F. . 2 . Buremacn
Jenkins 9j. . . . . ,F. . . . .3 1 1, voin
Pettyjohn 10 ..C..... 2, Kroaer
Specht , J. . . .r; .G, . . . 3 I Bennett
Busch 4 . 1 ..... G .... . E. Voth
Substitutes! Sltverton,! Herr z.
Vorseth 2; Dllas, Peters 2.
Perry Is Finally
EUsworth Vines, national profes
sional tennis champion, handed
Fred JPerry, former czar : of the
amateur courts, his first V defeat
as a j professional tonight. The
game: scores were 6-3, 5-7, 6-4,
6-1. j - :
x Vines' j victory cajne : after he
had thrice been defeated by the
pipe-smoking - Britisher,, and af
ter YJnes left a hospital, in Chi
cago .yesterday, ending a several
day period of recuperation from
influehza. . 1
Perry.l recently turned profes
sional, defeated Vines In New
YorkJ Cleveland and j Chicago.
Then I the Stars met tonight be
fore sv near capaciay crowd Du
quesoe Garden officials estimat
ed at; 7.000 In the fourth of the
serieS that will take them to 40
of thfe country's -large cities.
1 !.'
. - -' v-1 '
- ' j. "- ', - . .
vnsinriiFKB i (DAimnDs.
4Nbw you am enjoy ihs prestigs ci geemta :
warred, paneUed vlsitlncj cards of the fiatst."
Weddtoc, Bristol and , Normals - of PlatiSS
?FftoMt ot the lowest prices ; over ofleredJ
You dq .not have to furnish a plate: We wiU en
ravs -the plate without etra charge.
3 pfmaPad Inlonnala
SO envslop to ; '
s&atdi '
lCa'pcmeiled ris-
S ISttfgsu -
mdrf1S,,d3 are just fheifhJna for fhe
S?111 candy or gifts! Ther
SewlhrSft? rresrxdencerherotS :
I 3 N'
tcb man Publishing
: 5 South Commercial Street
91 Free Throws
Out of 100 Made
By O.S.C. Editor
CorTallis, Jan. 14 Hal Higgs.
member of the. Lambda Chi Alpha
free-throwing team and editor of
the student daily from Burns, set
a new individual all-college tree
throw record when he tossed the
pasketball through the hoop 91
out of 100 tlm s. v
fFive Lambda Chi tossers also
set a new record in capturing this
event caging 378 out of a poasibl
600 tosses.
Mbiutiy frightens
Whitman Quintet
The Northwest "i conference bas
ketball season- ' almost opened
with disaster; for Whitman, 1936
champion, as a much improved
Albany squad held the Missions
to a 28 to 24 victory here tonight.-
- ' . ;
Albany stepped out in front at
the start and held a 15-14 lead
at the half after JWhitman had .
taken the lead once. . The Mis
sions came back In the second
and moved slowly into a 26-18
lead .before j Albany could click
again. i -, - ;
... The- two teams meet again to
morrow night. .
Otto-Skopil, Formet
Salem High Hoop Star,
Playing With CorvallU
CORVALLIS, J.n. 15 Otto
Skopil, former star forward of
last year's Salen high school bas
ketball team, recently ruled ineli
gible because of -membership In a
secret society, is now a full fledg
ed Spartan hoc per, having play
ed with the state champs in their
game Wednesday night with Mc
Minnville. . i
Skopil- registered at Corvallis
high last week and. has been prac
ticing with t the basketball team
all this week. Tie Is living with
hU parents In Corvallis.
- Magic Show Nets $37
LEBANON, Jan. 15 Virgil's
magic show at the high school
gym Thursday netted the school
337.50 which will be applied On;
the price. of piano for the school.
j !
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