i ! r "V f - 4fc - V -- W ------- J jltv l?u Mead TMa -Pa3 " cm : . - i : -i - v- ;' ,... . i -4- - i ; ? I : t ? - Statesmen Classified Ads ! Call 9101 . Classified' Advertising Single Insertion per line .ffle rare insertions per lis ei SLt Insertions per llne-...30c One month, per line .3J 1.00 Minimum charge .t Se Copy foihl tase accepted until :14 the evening be for publication Cor classtflratkw Copy wcHwd fttr this tint via be run nndet the heading." Teo Late to Clas sify." s v ,r. ' " - The Statesman Munm bo flnae ?lal r ponsltlUt5 for errors which mar appmt. In adverttsemeata tmfr thed Id ita tolumna, and la cases where this paper ts at fault wilt re prlnt that part ef an advertisement In which the typographrraJ miatak iccurg . , '' ..... .- ; ,.; ' Tha Statesman reserves the rlghi c reject questionable advertising it further - reserves the right to place all. advertUrtns - under Che roper . tasatfVett'm Help Wanted SALESPEOPLE TO work" tor Una Insurance society. - Liberal advance, good contract. State references, apply Box VS. U Statesman. - - - WANTED EXPERT plumber. Also electrician, wiring. 151 N. Zlst street. - - AMATEUR A RTISTS Compete . for - FREE ART COURSE (Value $lv.00). Writ today for FREE TEST. Give art and occupation. Box 91, care State: . man. -. t ." ------ " j Sitiialon Wanted Exp dressmak. Mrs. AdsitCT. 1411, TOUNO MAN. experienced track and tractor driver. - Dale Churchill. Bligh HoteL ' SITUATION BT experienced cook, Basra partry or pantry. TeL 4527. ; WILLAMETTE STUDENT wants afternoon" work- for board, room or otherwise. Experienced - shipping and grocery clerk. Tel. 792t. - ' MIDDLE AGED Christina lady t wants to cars for semi-invalid or baby la their borne. Box 97, Statesman. - COMPETENT OTRZ. wants eeneral office work. 197S Broadway street. WANT JOB cutting wood. Call at or write 1819 S. High. . . r EXPERIENCED GIRL wants gen eral housework. State .wages. Rt. 4, Box 371, Salem. i . ,. For Sale-Miscellaneons ADDINU UACH1NES, caati regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair serrtce. moderate prtcea ttoea Typewntw- Exe. vz court, CASH OH trada tor used furniture ranges, heaters, radios machinery, toots, ete Woodry and Woodry. i auo tloneers, phone S-t-l-e. ill ;N. Bum mer in .XtoUywood... . .. i : FOR SALE .Good table potatoes, i 1.C9- cwt. HarvV Warehouse, Brooks, Ore, Ptona 7F2, SaJeni. .J: - r ' USED LUMBER, "DOORS, windows, brick and wire, ttewet prices. 30th Century Wrecking Co., ill K Front. i APPLES, 35c boiw J.3S N. Com'I. i PIGS ' FOR r tale. Crolnson Creek road. Rt. 9, box, 365. Ralph Hanson; ADDINO 1CACHINES. caah regis. tera. typewrhere aold rented, swapped. Kxpert repair service, moderate prices, Roen Typewriter Excb. 429 Court. -, TRAILER HOUSE. 3JJ Water St ( Wante! -Miscellaneous WALNUT MEATS or walnuts w hell, anr quantity State Cafeterta, ; . Brs ITi rla tra AmA aawi arorth- mss horses, rowa shrep Tel 4319 FREE WK pick m dead and worth. ieas horse a, cow a, aneepv TeL . - WALNUT MEATS or wahrats in hell, any quantity. State Cafeteria. Miscellaneous! COLD STOKAUB toelwra. ftamage'a 119 N. Liberty Pbone 7tl : .. ' - COLD STORAGE lockers, lUmage's, III n. Liberty. Pbone 75L ..' t For Kent Rooms . I SLEEPING ROOM. 725. Court. ' HEATED ROOM for man. Hot and cold water. SSS Chemeketa. TeL 3533. . FRONT SLEEP. R 509 N. CapltoL SLEEPING FJSL, prlAU entrance, til Union. v -' SLEEPING RUa, bath, 1S40 B BC - ROOM FOR two dnrtng legisUttve session, twin beds 334 N. Capitol. TeL 5034. - . : -,---. SLEEPLNO ROOMS. 3S Chemeketa. tbjsekasevseseebsveaabisaass - 3 SLEEPING " ROOMS. 415 N. ltth. , UOHT HX, rooms. 431 a. Com'I. I ; Uootn and Doard " EXCELLENT RM. bd. 741 a Com. HEATED FRONT raw 315 & Winter. BOARD BH Cloae in. HI 8. Cool ROOM, BOARD, prefer mem, also table board 333 N. Church, TeL 4375. For Kent Apartments S ROOM HEATED, unfurnished du plex apartment. 549 Union St. t R. FURN. APT, gar drst floor, JM7 8. Commercial. ; - . , -; - - . , FURN. APT $9.90. 333 Water. NICE FURN. apt. 599 Union. FURN. APT. Adults, f 1L69 per mo, up. Garage. (24 N. CapltoL r 3-RM. APT. 759 JL Front street. 3 RMS.. BATH. furn. 1479 Waller. - ADVERTISING y , Western AflvertUlaf, RepreBentatlves . Fenger-Han Co. Ltd. tmm traeiew Assetea Bsrtle Castertt Advertising Represeautivee ; Bryant. Oriffltb A Bnmsoa. tstv Chicago New, fork Detroit. . . ' - Boafon, Atlanta ATafereo at A t fjala Origan. o SecoaeVCMss fter r Mked every morning eseepv Meavda tuints o'tr 215 Swf rnetatereta. (;rL .-- - ' ----- etJUMCKIHTIoK HA I ICS t , M.-vIl ifuiscrliili (iates. In Advaajee. Wttbtn ron Uaily aad Puody, I n & ron I '! tl ti lilt 1 yrr ti 'X L.wtre 59 cents pe Kj, ui . tr I year la advanea lv 0"r 3 t-er.ta News ttanda 5 cect ".. I f City Carrier: 4 cenla. month S i h- n year la advance. ' For ile Used Cars A Better" Uccii Car l?cr Leco -i : . Pvdcey at McKay Chevrolet ,Co 333 .Center ' Phone S1SI . - Open Evenings Cleairainice ; 8le i ; ; i We Bleed Room! - llt CHEVROLET COUPE 1SS BUICK COUPE ... 12 CHBTROLET COUPE 192T OAKLAND COUPE U UICK SEDAN 1931 DURA NT COUPE Valley Motor .Go. OPEN Uarion and Liberty TeU T919 for St. CUlr and Fulton For Kent- Houses - I - CHOICELY LOCATED- modern ' 3 apt. tiouse. Ground floor, 3 rooms xatr turn., 2nd floor, 5 rooms furnished. I ' Nice private entrance to each flocr. Nice homes for 3 families. No small children or second floor. Inquire 15 East Miller. . -- ; ... ' COTTAGES BT week, or month. Wood or gas heat. Fairground cottages, 2597 Portland road. I For Rent HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs t rent. H. U Stiff Furniture Co. ' 189' ACRES. 159 CULTIVATED, good bldga. Share rent. r - . 3 - acres, i house, bam . and . poultry bouse, 912 per mpnth. . LINDGREN OR TUCKER " v...- 17f a High Su ' ! OFFICE ROOMS for rent, 381 State St. TeL 8713. For Sale Real Estate I HOMES, GRANT, . 829 Court.' TeL FOR SALS or- xchanKS modem beach cottage ocean view,' aut1 oil furnace, fireplace. Box 84, Nalscott, Oregon. ' i v "::-' r, ft ; . !- FOR SALE 1 ACRE.' CLOSE to city itartta, " wett built, plaatered houses,, ooe 5 rooms, other t rooms, nice small house deep - well with -automatic watt' sys tem. -Good, lawa with . abundance e? shrubs, et& Tea will like this- place and the price is only 94759V Call for appointment. ..i-f"-- oon 1 1 - . :CH1LI3 dc MILLER, ReaHrsSl 84A-StaU,St. ,- .,.-:- Phonr 4U34 CHOICE LOTS ON PAVED sL, f509 win finance new homes ep to 19 of cost oa Ions term parmeata. - W. H. OOABENHORST A CO. - 134 S. Liberty St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' WELL BUILT, modern house, , nice rooms, large attlo- suitable for 3 anora room, well arranged kitchen wttn lots of built tna, full basement, large fruit room, nice lot with double ga rage. Price only 15259. Might .coa Mer cheaper bouse u part. 'Key. la office. t - '. SEE Mrs. EUts with' ' . CHILDH at MILLER; -Realtors 244 State St. . Phone- ?C8 - ! -- listen; t ROOM HOUSE, corner lot one street pared. Rents for 98-09 per month net the-' price la only 9io. (Jau to see it. - -' - ' v"- CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 -State St. . Phone 9708 I HOLD THE KEY i TO NEW modern bouse, hardwood floor, basement, furnace. 5 rooms fin ished. 8 anf. Fine location. Only 93854: . Reasoner (certainly) 585 N. High St. t ACRE3. TOU5IG Orchard. 3 rra. house, plumbing throughout bouse and barn, garage, etc Rt. 9, Box 83, near Ptm 4 corners, K. is. west. TlfflflimTATE POSSESSION ATTRACTIVE 4 ROOM house, ga rage, corner lob 3150 will handle, bal ance Tike rent. - ream modern house dose In. ga rage. Just has been completely redec orated. f2S9 down wDl handle, balance monthly. - v . : P. H. BELL 429 Oregoei BUg. - Phone 812L Few Sale Real Estate vocation grocery, service STATION. Suburban corner. Sub-divide.---- - ; Reasoner (certainly) t45 X. High' St. 8399 DOWN Win bey this modern 8-room home erltb full cement .basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved street, near school. Frtce f Zevt J bau 939 per month. See .. 5- W. IL GRABENHORST t CO. fit S. Liberty St. FAIRMOUNT HILL HOKS . f375 will buy this 8-room plastered home wIUi basement, furnace, garage, nice tot 89x199 feet, paved street. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. This property is a. 'REAL BARGAIN. Terms. - , W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. " 134 & Liberty St. : r 14 A. WEAR. AnmsvUle. Sale, easy terms or would consider leasing. Full building tracts, 35.09 down and 85.00 per month, Also lots same terms. Let me tell yen about this opportunity. 1 H. C. .SHIELDS .Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 899:3. I For Sale Farms CrVERSrFIET FARM S ACRES. 3CANT tterrtea, orchard, grata, - timber, pure springs, several buildings. SUt and loam solL Raise livestock, poultry--. Only '18599 terms. Reasoner (certainly) 585 N. High St Business Opportunities"" EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales in the northwest, will onen permanent auction bouse la Salem. WOl coswhier partner. Investment of three to five . thousand dollars - required. Write ti 97. Salem Statesman. - .x - .1, - Lrulru'iju inn i-li-h iVnj-n-" HAVE FINEST' acreage location In city for building program. Want rt'l abie person financially responsible partner to help develop tract. WrtM box . Statesman. . .. - . " .1 -r -SMALL GROCERY with llrtng quar ters, mostly cash. . .... t.. - , Lunch room well located ; terms. Can for aroUjtmpt. - - - . WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 381 State Ph. 7113. For Sale Used Can f L I - 43 North Commercial and Sundays.-- .I1IS.0O 7S.99 .tl9M . .09 - SUNDATS Center and Liberty TeL 3151 for Bond 1939 FORD TUDOR, 9495.9.-Llke new. Trade or terma, 1073. Second street. West Salem, j Money to Loan - Auto Loans - MONET .TO. buy; new or used, car Private mrfney at very low rates: K red tapel to IS months to repay.' I Roy H Simmons 201 First NatX Bank Bide Salem, Or. Phone 9158 1 Lie. No. M-152. WsejsejaeaaeasWarfcessJMOav CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS . BORROW - FROM an Independently owned ana operated) Salem company where your" problems; wilt receive per sonal consideration both before', and after the loan Is made. ' Interest oa unpaid balances No fees Quick, courteous 1 service. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT , , General Finance Corporation 201 First NatX Bank! Bldg., Salem. Or. Phone 9188 . ;.i Lie No. 8-1X8 ' MONEY TO LOAN - A ON SALEM residential property un der the F. H. A. plan, loos-term loans with low monthly payments. .No. com mission. Refinance or build new bone. -.!'--. 1 - f " r-. 4 W.. H. GRABENHORST A COJ . r - - - - REALTORS """' "-' t34 8. Liberty bU iH f." Phone 8448 ; SOUND INVESTMENT-- -Good first mortgage real esute loans, farm and city properties. Net investors 8H to 8fc AmoBnts 8500; to 8J00A Exam ine security yourself. .CHILDS a MI LLBlV Mate. Loans 144 state st . - i " Phone 87ei. to Relieve Hangover . We mean the bangOTer el old bills from last. year. Stop tn and see . as for that extra, cash you need -and start the new -year with e clean slate. Ton can repay tn easy monthly payments arranged to suit . your -budget Find out how lit tle a loan will cost you. FREE - ' valuable Social I Security Record book.-Aalc the eaahier for- your copy. i ' .j - j. -Second Floor New Bltgh Bldg. Rm. 119 518 State St. at High St. - Phone S748 - - j; r Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. : of Salem . - . Llcense S-122. M-1SB. ..raderst Boaatng loans title 8. OutHS or refinance homos or business prop Low rates A bra me A: Elite Maaonle R Loans Wanted " ' Leans wanted on I larm and city property ' Before ' borrowing. Inquire t Hawkins A Roberts . - -- - - - - - - -.--w-,-fr-.--M-M-n.ru-rrinjij-i WANTED REAL estate loan 82ZS.OO on . 99 acres unimproved. rBox 9S, strtesmaa- ; - -- , -1 !- ' ;i - - - - - - -- -- - - -M-fi-ii-mnnriruVLrArir " LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing, inquire at Hawkins A Roberts i ,,... .sr. - I Financial I HAVE; A number of excellent first mortgages i bearing 4 tnterest pay able monthly on Salem city property for sale at face value. - - DONALD A TOUNO 1 298 U. a Bank Bldg,- k Salem, Ore. j Livestock and Poultry " RHODE ! ISLAND Red and WbiU Leghorn hems. 9 miles east Pratum.. LORENA THOMPSON --. , Rt. 5, Box 189 For SaleWood I DRY WOOD, aS kinds. TeL 8883. ALL KINDS of good dry wood. TeL 3354. ... ! - 1-7 1 ri-truui-rL uLr WOOD, Smith A Rubens, TeL 48F14. GUARANTEED DRY-3nd gvsth. 7389. 18 OLD FIR. 85. TeL 5819. . 18 IN. OLD fir,: $5.25 cd. TeL 9919. ALL KINDS of wood, reasanable. 307 M1U SL Ph. Weathers 4933. "s svCaraf.rnxerwaf.ofvs GUARANTEED DRY WOOD eoaL TeL. 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. - i .- - - -s . - :-. IS IN. OLD fir. 35. TeL 946A DRY WOOD that to dry. TeL 113F23. Robert Fromm, R. 7J Box 488. FEN WICK, 4527, dry Snd growth. - DRY 18-mCH alabJwoodT3.75 load. Phone 459a,--;.-. -. -i t - . -.-.-.-. DRT1I slab wood. 94.T9 load. 4999. 18 IN, OLD flrf Key 2C. SmiuC TeL 59F13. i - . . VARNEL SHEETS. 885 a 22nd, selling wood again. See me evenings. . r Lost and Found '. LOST OR given away by" elderly lady, extra large lady's bUck coat TeL 834L Reward, r . - - -. - LOST OLD STYLE lady' a watch fob chain Reward TeL 60SC. - .- , - LOST WHITE, PART PERSIAN cat, Jan. 4th, at Fourth and Market Reward. TeL 71 7X LOST on, hose about 13 ft. long; Call 111L . I i:,- r ........ 1'ersonal ' PATIENTS TAKEN tfurses home, T. B. P. R. old people, coav. ReL TeL 7172, 1195 N. Fourth. ' . For Sale Used Cars t ' . WWV,M, f I -,V Chrysler. bedaa . 1 1923 PontlaoTSfsLui '.. I1VI3 Chevrolet Coach - 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1933. Plymouth P B Sedan , - -1311 -Auburn Brougham 3935 Plymouth SedAn . J -- 1935 Plymouth Sedan v - a . . v-i - ry 1 -i J98t Pontiaa Sedaa -i I TOMB OF. CHRTSLER AND PLYMOUTH 435 N. Gooamercial fit.- - j-t'-v -W : T -t - , , ; OUR NEW CAR .DEPT. 13 STTLL ORADtT. lISaTO --OARS '-AND MR. WILSON SAYS-W MUST BELL EVERY USiUA'CAR SiUUt. 1931 Bijlck SmaH Serlaa Sedan drtveb w . only -13.090 . miles mecksaloaUy v perrect not a scratca -oa om fhilah Interior like new, : This v car was formerly owned wy; Me. - Rowland who is a' -verr careful driver , , ... ,1 1. 3935.99 1338 Ford DeLuxo Coupe, has fine ra dio.; heater and many other ex ' tras thU ear has been thorough ly checked over to-our.: service dept and O. K.'d! 4635.08 ll34Butck mall series 5-pass. Sedan - ' This lob has' a nice ooiit-m ,.i trunk finish inside -and- out al- - moat like, new powered by Bu - icks famous valve to bead mo- . tor $835.09 1135 Plymouth DeLuxe- Coupe Thla ear was formerly owned by prom inent local people IX your choice Is Plymouth, be sure and see this one 'before you buy ... , f63e.ee 1938 Cher. Master two-door Sedaa , . . , with built In trunk, radio- heater 1 ' and 'lota of other extras,1 fine - - buy at - ' f 585.98 1984 Pontiao Sedan, dual equipped . . . Thla car was turned in by Mr. H. W. Wait of Rickreall actual ' mileage oa thto car Is lose than - 34,909 ' 4" 1984 Dodge DeLaxe Coupe 615.49 1935 Ford DeLuxe Tudor, with , : built-in trunk ; : 845.09 1933 Dodge DeLuxe Coach 1 448.09 1934 Ford DeLuxe Coach . 448.99 1938 Pontiao .4 -door 84tn,. ,. . ; . , trunk, new brakes, new : , clutch. 4 nearly new Virk . i stone tires, motor recently -: - overhauled, - good 'paint. N Interior tn fine condition 195.49 1933 Buick DeLuxe Sedaa 445.99 1931 Buick DeLuxe Sedan 836.99 1931 Pontiao DeLuxe Sedaa 815.99 1930 Dodge 4-door Sedaa 346.49 1939 Cher. Coupe . ,. ,. 346.94 1929 Buick Standard 8 Sedaa 376,09 1929 "Buick Standard 8 Sedan-. '346.00 1929 Oakland Sport Coupe 1. 96.90 1939 Pontiao DeLuxe Coupe 185.09 1939 Graham Light. 6 Coach 315.04 1129 Pontiac 4-door Sedaa 115.90 1938 Buick Coupe L ' ,- ,r. 145.03 1988 Buick 4-paaa. Coupe 186.99 1929 Durent Coape ' 1929 Buick Sedan 145.44 19 29 -Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Stude A Sedan 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Chev. Coach 1925 Buick Coach ii5.ee rl99.ee - 199.94 8.98 !45.8 86.94 .86.94 j 85.ee 1925 Olds Coach 1927 Chrysler- Roadster' 1928 Star Sedan ., . ,., iModo-j.Wiiwrt' Stl lCt3omL ' ' z "r Ph. I4IL A Real Special 1125 CHEV. TRUCK. 'L.W.B, low mileage, tip-top mechanically guaran teed throughout If you need a truck Borrego's Car Market 131 Marion Ph, 4533 BARGAINS LOW PRICED USED CARS Ford Model T Coupe Chevrolet Coach Pontiac Spt Coupe -Ford Model T Coach Essex Coach - Studebaker Sedaa Dodge Coupe .. , . .8 8.00 . le.oe , 18.09 . 30.00 . 3M0 . 45.49 . 60.00 65.00 . 85.00 . 76.00 Reo sedan Nash Coupe -., , , Buick Sedaa Stude baker Sedaa TRUCKS -. 95.99 TRUCKS Dodge. Panel 45.49 O. M. C. H-ton Panel . V 60.00 Chevrolet Canopy Pel.... . The tlerrall-Owens Co." " - Depenabity, DODGE, PLYMOUTH AND DODGE - TRUCK DIST. 238 South Commercial St. - TeL 3169 . Used Car Park. Dallas. Oregon. . Stove Blows Up As Pipes Frozen ;STJVER, Jia.H Mr. sad lira. Roy Smith sad daoKhter Beverly have moved from Indepondenco to the Carl DeArnaond place on the nlgawsr. Mr. Smith works at the) Cooper lumber mill neer Alrlie. Reed Wattenberger. who ? hsi been workingr for Ed DeArmond. was recently married to Marls Mo aler, Salem. They are making: their home there. Melvin Johnson Is now emplojed . by DeArmond. . Froxen srater pipes caused a stove to blow ep at the O. SL At wood homo Wednesday morning. Fire thrown Irons the fire-box lg? nlted enftalns la the kitchen bat tho blase) was pat oat before) any farther damage was done. The tove was badly damaged. Mrs. At wood ts Jnst Tweorerlas from recent Illness.''.; -:. " ,-i-."v APMXS lSTltATOR'S ; FCTAXi HOTICR - NOTXCS 13 HEREBY GIVEN, that Thursday, January tl, HIT, at 4en o'clock fa the forenoon, at the Conrt room of the Connty Cburt of the Stato of Oregon for Marlon Connty, la Salem, Oregoa, has been fixed as the time and place for the hesiiarj . of objec tions to the yinal Account of Rea ben A. Elliott, administrator f the estate entachel N. Elliott, de ceased. : - - , - Dated and first published De cember 23,;lt3. ' f - '. .REUBEN A. ELLIOTT, ; Administrator of the Es- Ute of Rachel N. 111 ' ott. Deceased. . - GEO. A. RIIOTHN,. --Wll-U. S. KafL rank Zlig., Caksi, Oreijoa, v- ' Attorney tor the Ealate. .. , D. 23-30; J. 8-13-20. - L cr tiia Used Cera .8235.99 . 815.98 ' . 125.99 " . 385.09-. . 195.09. 376.98 . 325.09 : 2 54.09 w 675.09 -Jr 695.09 i, 845.99 . 825.98 Thoos 4437. -vU, " - aw W JLClf ITT . : - , : By Lynn Lcmb&kiPres STATE MOTORS, INC. 31 TERRAFLANa - PICK-UP. Like - pew. 6000 f 31 ESSEX COUPE. Ramble seat Or- ' bxinal finiah, seat . cover A Fender wells, new tires. Motor perfect 3264 St WILLYS SIX " SEDAN. Fender . well, trunk rack, 15,040 mllsavReal Value - - ' , ' - ,., f 38 WILLYS KNIGHT COACH. ReOn , J lsbscV Seat covers, motor perfect -' Good tires ,; " , fi" If FORD Coupe. Ramble seat. Motor se Hosoif - BSDAJN. . Fender weiia. Trunk rack f MANY OTHERS STATE MOTORS INC. HUDSON PACKARD DEALERS High and Chemeketa, Phone 8494. Open Nights and Sundays Haopv Hoar dub A A J . Selects Officers ' STAYTON'. Jan. IS Mrs. Ott Bnrson will head the Happy Hoar clab tor the coming year, having hen elected president of-the dab at the first meeting la the sew year at th home of Mrs. Leo Odea thaL ' yj. -' , . Other officers elected were Mrs. Ambrose Dealer, vlee-presldent and ' Mrs. Albert ' Boedlghelmer, secretary-treasorer. A large at tendanee) of clab - members were presemt at the meeting despite the cold' weather, and' the afternoon was pest Itaaeedleyworfc:; f Members present 'iwera Mrs. John: Dozlefv Mrs. Joseph PleserJ Mrs. -itmbroso Doxlor. Mrs. Dave fctayera, . Mrs-. Jessie Wonnaeott, Mrs. H. .W," Porter, Mrs. Andrew Fery; : Mrs. Otto BursonMrs. S. Porter, Mrt4; Albert Boedlghelmer and the hostess. Mrs. Odenthal and children;': Dean and -MarleneThei nextmeetlasrof the clab wul be held "Tannery 21-at "the home: of Mr9-HoyPotte4V; .7;.-Tv? - . '.- Neva Bam PJanist Jor. : Chnreli School Infant 'Cn AUMSVTLLE. Jaas 1 1 The two months' Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WlUlam Roberts has been taken to the, Salem general hospital wlta lttflamnutloa of the stomach. ." m-:-' ; -- - la a recent report of the eleo UoSnof officers' at the Christian Sua day school.' the name of Mrs. Fred Potter .was htadrertently given as the pianist for the com ing year; Mrs. Potter . ts the as sistant pianist. Miss Neva Ham being- the pianist, Miss Margaret Myer will serve as librarian. Mlsi Myers Is a faithful attendant walk Ing a distance of three miles each way to' atteadr the Sunday school. -. Measles Reported ' RICKRICALLv Jan. 12 One case of measles developed here over the weekend. This -disease-swept the community three years ago, so there Is not mach fear of an epi demic. - - - ; . : .- Business Cards la thla directory ran oa a ' aaoatlily basis . only. Hatet St per line per month. Auto Brakes Mate - Penes. V 378 South Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW A- reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 & Com'L Ph. 4518. ITruahea FULLER BRUSHES. - So. Side. TeL 6734. 3738 Brooks St Eve. appoint ments. .,- , I. Chimney Sweep j TELEPHONE 4469 R K'Northneem Chiropractors 1 DR. O. U SOim. P8C Chlrepraotor 258 N -High TeL Ree 8168 Excavali23 -1 KXCAVATTNO OF all kinds. Baae meats eng. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale, Salem Saad and Gravel Co. Phone 8468.. "Horists Brelthanpra. 447 Court Fa, 6944. . r'tirs fhjBAlN Far Oa" aiaet-t furrtere and teas s a atioer Bldg. . Laundries . i TTTB NEW SALEit LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 243 S. High - . TeL 9123. - -CAPITAL CITY LATTNDRT ' FIRST IN Quality, and PervW Telephone 3183 - . 12i Lreadway r. , CAI1TOL BEDLUNU CU. Pbone 4039 Four Convicted in Ship Llurdct Convicted of aecond degree sanrder after am Oaklamd. fJaL. Jary receaUy delTbcrated foar hoars, the do ' r. feadants charged with the fatal Stabblajr of CUef Cnsiaeer Geotxe TV. "Alberts of the freighter Point Lobos tlanaed to soaks appeals. Left to tiht they are Frank Ooasor, Creorge Wallace, E. O. Ramsey : sad Larl Klaj the two last betas raartne tralott execcttrcs whs win be sentenced by Jadze Frank - XL 0deav Jaaaary 11. All detfesata are martae uloet neeu latearmatloaal Ulnstrated News Photo. Softball Plans Are armiiiAM Celebration for Mt, Angel College 50th Year . l is Suggested - Mt. Angel. Jan. 12 The bull neaa men at their meetlnc aAd luncheon this noon, appointed the aortDau, committee tor tne comins eason And made plans tor a meet in e iaas tn whlh dalas.tAa from oatside communities are to be ln- 1 ted. Alois Keber heads the soft hall ommlttos which . consists of Tonv Birler. Lonla Schwab And Josepa Berchtold. A definite Plan of the goftball program was out UnedL I i-. ' - -r.V ' I - - Father ' Alcata suggested that Mia Rnalnaaa Men's elan halt In puUtng oa a public celebratfoa In honor of the 60 th annlTersary of ML Angel college. Memorial day was suggested as a data for (the celebration. No definite steps were taken in the matter, t Joaeoh J. Keber and Jack Ban- man were appointed to cooperate with the city leglslatle commit tee. P. N. Smith and Lee Withers. . .. Wajrster New Member . ' . . T. W Waarner of the ML Ansel Vault company was accepted Into the dab as a new memoer. .- The matter of allowing; vultbrs at : the meeting . of the Baslaess Men's clab was brought ap ad It was decided that visitors weald meeting Monday night at the 611 rerton public library at which Mr. H. B. Latham, chAlrmaot the Uhrary board, served aa pro gram chairman. ' Student Is Treated for 1 Slight Injuries After Fall from Palmer House CiTtvaOK ! STATE COLLEGE. Corvallls. Jan. 12 Melvin EnCle. milmt. atndent from Klamath it-11- Van (a iki nevw Ool- lege -health aervice . yesterday m a slightly injured condition after PxMAntall- fall In r from the sec ond-story window of the Palmer. house, (local I bearding nonse. .. tr. wan ill and mar have had anaM auteordlnr to health service authorities. An examina tion revealed no Broken oones.s ' ' J Directory Mattresses KALRM ! FLUFF-RUO and ' Mattress Factory. ! new mattress maee to order, old remade ; carpet cfaning. six Ins; fUitf rus weaving. S. 13th A Wil bur. TeL 1 344L OTTO F. ZWICKKR. Eat, t91t'... .. " . Mnsic Stores UEO. C HVlLL Plaaoa, radios, sewing machines sheet music and piano stud ies. Repelling radios, phonographs and sewing - machines, 433 State street Salem. I , -... .' .-.(!.; Photo Engraving If I SALEM PHOTO engraTlng. 147 N. Couimeichtt TeL 6887. . - - - if ' Printing FOR STATION tRT, oarda, ' pamph lera, progmma, books or any kind, of printing. Call lhe Ststesmsa Printing Department 316 & Commercial. Tele phone 41- , y.;,--; if Sewirxb Machine Uepairs I CL E. LEATHERMAK. Ph. 8878. 1163 Waller.- - 4 - ', ; " Stoves WE REPAIR stoves, ranges, clrcula tora Sell new and rebuilt staves, ran gea and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken - wire, tialem Fence and Stove Works, 363 Chemeketa, TeL 47T4. Ii B. Fleming. g-,;c ;" " -- .4 Transfer FOR LO&AL or distant transfer stor age, call -3131. Larmer Transfer - Co. Trucks toi Portland daily. - V. CAPITAL CITY Trannfer Co.-22l State St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our speciaJty.'Oet oar ratea. s -' - - - - j' WIIJJAXTS TRUC3 Serv. TeL 223 f A liri.Ilr-r It A. WiZST. Kt 8,-Bx. 445. T. 114F3. . (Contlnaed from Page 4) ; j a column of figures . when the doorbell rang. "Oh. darn!" ahe said mildly, hoping It wasn't a caller, tor It was S o'clock already, and- she'd planned to make lemon-cream pie, and get It Into the oven be fore Donnya 4 o'clock ' feeding. : ' Just In case ft was, she ran to take a peek at htm In his baggy on the back porch, before she op ened the door. - (To Be Continued) ' Vocal Gift Offers I MT. ANGEL, Jan. Jf Present ing their first play of , this year,' the M. A. A. Vocal clab members will appear in the fire-act relig ions drama, "Mystic Rose," Sun day afternoon. Jaaaary 17. at a o'clock, and Monday, Janury lg, at 8 p.m. , . I Headinjr the cast Is Mis Irene Bernlag in tha role of Pilate's daughter. Other major characters are Pilate's wife, played by Miss Margaret McGuire; Leah, a maa iae, portrayed by Miss Mary Bee Zollner; and Afrs, a sorceress, by Miss Mary Beth Brockhaus. -' - j f - The large east of 25 includes singers and dancers and ts being directed by Bister M. Beatrice, as sisted by other members of the mastc faculty. Special care U ho ur iff eft to, the deslrnlnr sad preparation of tha elaborate eoe tames aad seeaery. 3 r -'-- 12. 73 7tO 21 22 'A 26 2n SO 31 Vj 31 35 36 'A 37 3S 3f HH HI HO SO S3 Ily EUGENC 4 '' '" ; J ; 49 - worm 43 former Bussiaa - rulers . ; . -45 growing oat 47 table-land , 49 threads In troduced be-; . neath the skla S9 the linden 61 contend X 2 Chinese - money of account - PL) , v 1I0ZIZOICTAL 1 the major ,. of Noah 9 place - -It over " -' IS wine vessel 14 for the - a3rmative 15 author of Mariastbe - : Epicurean" 18 dizziness 18 masculine - name - 19 penetrate 23 former gov ernor of --:.A',rirs 21 small- , Toiatd ' i process r , ' ' 3 trap . " ' ; 3 ascend 1 J medley 3 ntices S3 rector of a rarochiAl 1 .thurcb . 24 period cf ; . time ". . 35 supporting ti.jArs ! - Cross ord Puzzle 77 Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. : ... j ; ii ! 57 resei. " !af -i' a Tj.L.:d- jCD vre'tLt cf !.. Ii-A , . , to Appeal i Past Matrons of Star in Session JEFFERSON, Jan. It Mrs. George Marlatt and Mrs. Earl Lr nes were hostesses to the Past Matrons club for the January meeting. During the business meeting these officers were elect ed: President, Mrs. Guy Roland; . vice-president, Mrs.: George Mar latt;" secretary - treasurer, Mrs. George Mason Following the bus iness routine, the time was spent informally. Refreshments " were served by the hostesses. ' ' ' - The - Jefferson Townoend elab will hold Its regular meeting Thursday . night In - the Masonic hall. A business meeting; includ ing election of officers and a pro gram will bt features of the eve ning. ' i-4.-- . Mrs. KL 8. Thurston and soa Burtoa motored to Portland Sun day to attend the funeral services there Monday for Myrtle Conway, who I died Thursday afternoon. They were neighbors of Tharstoss when they lived la Portland. ! Junior High School toi Select Officers Tolj BTLVERTON. Jan. 12 St a dent body officers for the second term will -be voted upon Wednesday at the Junior hlh school. Nominees for president are Bernice Ilannaa. John Day, Phyllis Adams, Vernon Bsrkhnrst; vice-president, Paul Jones. Dean Stamey, Alaa Thoe trude; Secretary, Lois Letard, Hu bert Nell and Lois McDeltlit; treasurer, Clarence Simmons, Jty Paalson, Pauline Jones and . Jor dan Henjam. i - 10 II tH 17 23 2H 125 32 33- 21 45 HH 52 35 SIIEFFC3 ' - 23 afflrmatlvt 64 conclude 65 drunken carousal VERTICAL .1 eta'red 2 decline 2 fu3 of cer tain insects 4- Jayer of the Iris -- 8 thretioli S 4sarkets curves " .' 10 unit ef work 11 also 17 male voices - 22 small bunch cf straw " . 24 city in Era? J 25 indeniU . , - period cf time 23 tease of tb" ; Creek verb '. 27 weapon ' 'used ia izrxi?2 '' 23 alot 20 elongated . 21 garmentj worn i i t!.9 Lcr .t treats be It rcls - I -..3.) 41 t- :: . " 4 3 r I 47- f -"-' I i 31 ' 1 Hi mm HO IHI H2 p