u - i jr. w ... TT I lr4 "2 - TFT) ? J O TTn TTD.:-:-;;--:r ' - - : - T7T f 1 Li. - " . . . in. - i. . Vklk "-V t - - -: - ' - - l Nr ' ' ..- I i i ' a. I - ' 1 y ' ' I I ' I - J III 1 A ' W II . I I - " ' . V i t , I " V Plan Reserve . Snpply Wheat Rally Also Gets Support in Word .of. Low Stock , la .'Argentine ': S -.CHICAGO, J. ltPi-Urely lata upturns ot? train' prices .to day resulted from British official announcement of. plans to ; build up huge regerre supplies of Wheat and other foodstuffs. - ' ... .... . . . Contributing to- the wheat mar ket - rally, were indications 'that only about 100.600.000 bushels remain o- be offered : from Argen tina -the coming ' 13 months. - and but 60.000,000 ? to 70,000,000 from Australia.- :"- - . - - r r - Rxe In Slight Gain - . At the close Chicago .wheat futures were, ranging from 4 off to - - up -compared with yester day's finish, May 134 July 11-H." Sept. 112 H-b; orn; 1U adTanced. May new 1114-H. Julr new-lC T6-107, .Septal 02 I Ml Alt! Ultlili.iinil tn 1 ,htrkai..M r oats-unchanged to bigaer;.1, May 53b, iMf..m. vryliig one - eeni . oecune -ju 34 gain, May 114; - Corn ' and oats . prices' showed - independence of wheat. Rye chief , ly followed- wheat. .,; AproTisions . areraged 1 o w e r. along with bog' ralues ' and '. with cottonseed oil. " . ' . " e Pruning Schedule in Polk !'ii;;t:." ' ' i DALLAS, Jan. 1 2 According to W. C. Leth, Polk county ag ' ent, he will - hare a reliable per r caps this week a schedule of pruning . demonstrations to -,f be conducted ; in this county: As these demonstrations are ' to be aeattered as much as - possible oyer, the whole county, any farm er wishing to hare such a dem onstration in -his orchard should notify the 'county 'agent's' office as soon as- possible. . - - t Leth states that an, orchard to be suitable for demonstration purposes should . be located by a good road, in a .neighborhood wbera .there are - a number of other orchards, . and- where it eaa easily be. found. Demonstra tions will be held in only one or chard In a community, and em phasis will be' on prune trees this year. 1 v vVv"' ' " " Pruning can be done from now until - March with . feood success. .Leth Is of the opinion that quite ftea damage is done by pruning too early -in the winter. v Grammar Contest Losers - : Entertain f or Winners " FAIRFIELD. - Jan. .12 Pupils In the upper grade room at El driedge school enjoyed , a party Friday afternoon: at the school house. The losing, side ta a recent grammar contest entertained the winners with; the aid of their teacher, Mrs; Albert Girod. After an hour of lire ly games refresh ments were . served. - General MlctSo POBTLASD. Ore..: Ja. 13. AP Prodaeo oxcbinge act ptlrea: Bdt I or Eztraa, - S3a: ataadarda, 82He; prima' flrata. 82He;. firaia, SIHa; batteffat. 84 -37c. ... : . - K)tr Vs. 8. larxc e-traa. 24e; TJ. 8. . aaadiaa extras, VI.' . . . : PORTLAND. ;Ore Jaa. 12 -AP) oa a bedriah Opeaing -was tamed lata - a atoady closing (or May wheat bare and generally ta the domeetie trade.. A eala of 1000 bashela was made at tho fall pre t tea t price. On tbo sample cash mar ket all wheat price-wer up coat, a baahel. ., Wheat: ;' Open High ' Low Close May 1.1J l.li U414 U5 Caab wheat: Big Bead " blaesteam, aw, 13 pet 91.20: dark bard winter IS pet 81.85: 13 pet 919; 11 pet 91.33 oft white and westera wkito $1.15; bard Winter si.it; western rea Sl.18. Ost No 3 whit 838.50; gray 32JO Barley. So. 8-45 lb. B.W. 938. Today' ear receipt : Wheat 3; bar ley 4; floor 4;.aay a. - , . Portland Livestock ' PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 12. AP (USDA) Hog 51KI, 4, throaga B direct, market aetire, teady; good-choice 165-315 lb. drirein 910.75. Load lots bseat aootabl to 810.90,' 230-390 lb. 91S.00-10.3a. lew iao-145' 10. - S1S.Z5. packing aowa 97.75-8.25, bgbtwoicbta f 8.50. Choice local feeder plga ga.SO. Cattle 75. ealrea 10. market active. teady, steers scarce, iew choice medinm S 8.00-7.60; strictly good grn fed a.7S; aad a bora, few eboico heifer 4)5.359.25, fed heifers 87.50, low entter aad eatter oww 93.75-4.50. Shelly cow down to 93.35, common -medium $4.75-5:50; good Beef eowa si.i3-o.su, onus so.oo-a.za. eealer 810.50 mediam grade . $7.00- $.00. add head medinm 820 IV ealye S7 no. . - : . Shoes 100, "steady, good-eboiea 91 Tb.' tracked in 88.75. Load lota t $9.00; oommoa dowa to $7.00, yearllnr T.00. Good -choice wooled owea 945-5.00. Pcrtbnd Produce Prepar V. . Portland Grain ; ; FORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 13. (AP) Better Prints. A grade, 35 ; lb in parehmoat wrapper. Soo ' lb ta car tea ; B grade, parchment wrapper 85e lb.; cartons, 8 8c ' . - - Bs turf at Fart land deltrory. general p'neo A trade delivered at toast twice weekly 8tt-$T4 lb.: conn try re tee, 84-85e; B gr.de, $44-83 C grad at marktl . - ' --. - a grade cream tot market Barias artra botterfat basis. 63 He lb Egg Buying erica of wholesaler, oa traa, 3.e atandarda, 80s; extra med lama, 18e: ato-ia firsts, 17; aader grad. 16c ' . Cheese Oregon triplets, lge j . Ore oa loaf, 18Vic Broker will par - below iUttionc - -. - i. ... Comatry lieta Selling priea i ra tailers: country, killed bogs, beat bateau a, nnd-r 150 lb.. 14 Vt lb.; rosier. 15-180 1.: ligbt and thin, 10-it4 lb.; beary. 9-lle lb.; entter cows, .$-9e 1j.; eanner cow. T-8o lb.; boll. 9-10 Id.; lambc 13-16o b.; owes, S-8 lb. -. Caaeara barb Barias ore - I83S poet S 7e In - Lir Poult ry Portland deUrery -,ay-1"T pri'": Colored bens. prer-A'i ' lbs, 1-17 lb.; ander 4'.k.-s.. 16-l7;lb.; Le- ora hens. 12-15 Ib.t s lgbom In. .-, 14 lbs.. l 16 lb.; Loghera 1415e lb.; rooarers. S-Be Ift. . -' i stoea KL-math Ko.- 1, $25-3.00; T otc, -S.6i-8.00; Takima - K. ' 1. ', 2 2.83;. bskers', $3.25.--? , ..i i3fl" nominal: ..WTliamett ' ? -nea.am. 80 Ib.r eors nd brid. IK , - TM WSL . IB. t Salem Market s tirade U raw per cent milk, Salem basic pool price $23 per hundred. . Co-op but trrf at price, K. O. B. Saleui, 33e. Milk ku4 oa semi-meathly butterfat arei-age. ) -L- , DUtributoi prl f&f. ' ,. A trade butterfat Deiir eml, 33!c;'B grade, dcllf .cred, 34c. - r. ' . 'L : A grade print 33c,rB grade, 84 c ' " -' rieei paid to grower b; Etltn iuyeir. i Tk. .iA- V-l . 1 ia'; wiSSrV r.i ?ff7.S bat., ar. ,ol tvtnatori by . T Stat t 1 -C-tBuylBf -rilel ' jftpptea. kn. tTruata-GoIdeBJ. : .69 ; Romas " i . .70 Haaanaa.; Ib. o aMlk .06 '"- p-obarriaa, A bbi. .... 4.25 ta 4.75 ! : (rcatt, Ib i k . 0 ta ..t rapcrruiU iwrida,'' boa 1.60 Urape(rait,vAixoaa 3.00 to- 8.20 moB&, tsrato '-.j- ... 1 .'6.00 to ! uranrea Zavala, : t : -nfT i.', . s.ss ; tf'lr--vr Y""' ;2f J ip1T We'Loo OBftccraaatea, - c rata ' ."' VXGEtABIJtS iieota, Cur doa. .SO iratot Sprooti, erato 1.0C-. uabDajre. la.' , Cabbag-a, - rod Chincao eabbara. erato i.aJ Carrot, doa. . . .35 taaXiflowoa. CaliT Celery, erato - Utah -.- ' Heart. do. Boot. do erato , S.25 2.85 1.25 .80 ' .60 .80 Endive, dot. Greena, Kaatard.' eiato Greeaa. Kale, erato .80 Lettaee, . California, teed S.10 to 3.60 Oniona. sreen. doa. )5 Ontuna On-foa wfeH -s. ? 50 -lba. . l.t Walla Walla awaet. SO Ua .. .65 Orator plant.- doa. .- .30 . .45 . .40 nauiaoea. an. i. Japoaeao radiahea. doa. Paraaipa. Ib .02 Peaa, coait or Seattle, lb; feppera. grooa. Calif, Ib. Ked Ib . ' , v. Potatoea, - aew, Xo. 1. cwt. - Ko. 2, cat. ba( ' Potatoea, aweet. No. X , faMBnkim-i rat 1 .18 40 is ?.S5 .75 1.75 je 4a to Ji Jft-te l.oo , i 8.35 .55 Spinaeh. oraago bos bquatb - ; Uaoiaa. do. i Habbard.ewt. Peaa at d u , -Toraatoea, 20-lb. , erato Turnipe, do. . ,, ', , , n ater creaa .80 wrrrs Walnnt. Ib. .11 to .15 H ".! to 19 H Filbert. 1936 crop. lb. . ' - . ors . .. (Boring mea) Claatexa, 1836. lb. . .37 t' . : do 1836, l-i -JJ U 0 rnKslea, 1035. top., lb. Xom.oal v do. 1! 8, ib. , .NoaUaal WOOI. XS HOHAZS (Baying rncas) Mohair .49 M Medium wool Oaraa otoo! BOGS AJTD rOTBT (Bvyiag Net ot AadsMoai) Wblta oztra .20 Erowa axtrat Median i cstraa Larso ataadarda Medium ataadarda J8 .18 as .13 J5 .14 ,10 JOS .05. .15 .15 .IS Pallet Heary ben a. lb. Colored medium.' lb. Medio rgtoraa, lb; Stag, lb, ,. - Old rooatera. lb. Colored fry a, OTer 4 lb. I'nder 4 lbs. - : Wkito Legkqrnn, frya MARION CREAMERY barinc Price T.W Poallry. No 1 stock -Colored bea. nnder 4H lba .14 Colored hoBa, aver '4 Ibi -.14 Legbora hoaa,- over 3 lb r J 3 Leabora keaa, ondor 8 Mi. lba .10 Leshora broilers : ., '.IS Colored kpiinga, orer:3H lba. .18. Colored priaga, 5 aader S lba J 8 Booiters . r - ,, . JOS Reject ,i ,. ,., .. aiaiket . rains 8taga. Ibi , .07 .No. gradea, 3 eoata lea. gra Candlea as aradsd - La reo . astras- - " i .19 11 47 .15 .12 J3 .19 Mediam extra Large standard Medinm standard Undergrade Pallet j Turkey, dreaeed 18 ad . - uvrsTocx (Bar-m Prteol Spring Umb .: - , .T.a. t $.60 Ewe ... - . 8.00 to S.50 Bogs, -top. 150-229 lbs. 10.50,. 130-150 lbs. 9.70 ta 10.00 10. 0O I 10.00 -10-225 Tbc' Sows Steer Dairy typo Beef Cows Boils Heifers 7.85 t 7.80 -. I 7.00 to 7.50 . -8.00 , to 4.50 : 4.80 to 5.50 - 4.75 to 5.25 : .00 . to 9.50 .9.50 - - Top eeal Dressed eeal. lb. .14 :- X7reea nogs - . OKA DC AXTD BAT Wheat white Ke. 1 Wheat, western red Barley, brewing., ton Feed barley, ,: ton , ... ,,. Oata, ' milling, ton , ' 'J3 1.02 - 101 .43.50 , 89.50 29.50 .25.50 seed, ton Cloreraood. lb. . Vetch seed, per . 100 Hy. . baying prices , .28 8.00 .14.00 .11.00 Alfalfa, valleys Oat and Vetch; ton r CIotot. ton 50 CASCABA AKD MXaTT Caseara bark, ,,. ,-, : , .06 fepoermint n.i s- . , -f Stocks & fionds C Com piled by Associated Pre January "'18 . STOCK AVSAQES Compiled by tb Associated Press) 80 . , 15 15 60 Indast. Rail , 97.'- 8.7 Ctil. Stocks Today .. PrT. dy 63.9 71l 97.3 89.8 94 84.8 aa.a ' 61.7 48.5 63.0 43.4 44.7 21.S 71.8 70.8 67.8 72.8 55.7 Month Test ago 75.9 83.8 1938-87 high 99.8 43.5 1930-87 low 78.4 80.9 1935 bigb 78.8 81.S 1935 w 49.5 18.5 681 1 BOK9 AVKAOKS 80 10 - 10 ' 10 . - '- i- ' Bail Todsy -98.5 PrT. nay, 98.4 Month , ago 97.7 Tear ago 90.4 1936-37 high 9S.S 1934-87 low 84.9 1935 high 87.8 1935 low-76.4 Indnat. Dtil ror'ga 104.0 102 73.4 104.S 102.7 104.1 103.5 103.9 101.0 104.4 .103.1 101.5 - 99.S 103.3 - 99.S 92.3 84.5 73.1 71.5 70.6 78.8 67.6 70.4 65.5 eraasbred, 97-2I ; lb.; ; 1987 " coatrtcta, SO-SOc lb. - -: ' '; - Hay Balling price ta retailer: At fa I fa. Kb 1. 617-17.60; oaatera Oregon timothy, S18-18.60 ton: oata aad eotra 812 18; aioeer. 819 ton. Portfanid. - Hopa NomiaaJ: 1988. - 99-40 .lb. Ocioao Oregon, - $1.60-1. 75 . cental; Tsklma. 95 cental. . Snrar Berry or fruit. ' ltfO. - 65.35 : bs'.e. $5.45 beet. $5J5 eeaul. . '-Domasti Floor Selliag price, ity delivery. to 25 bbl. iota: Familt pat wt, - $. - $8.30 8.05: - bakers' bard Wheat, t $ 8.05-6. K0 : kakora' aiaaatem, $8.25-.95; tjloadcd bjfrd. f8.85-7.75; graham, $8.75; whol wheal. $4.80 bbl. L'cstcn Wool L BOSTON JanI 12 t AP) ftTSDA) All sale n Ohio fleec wool wer ow ing closed at strong to rising price. " - Fine Ohio Delaia brourbt 45 to 66 cents in' tho gTeaae, while A7 rente was asked xor other unsold , Iota. Combing lengthafin . Ohio fleece, cold t price ranfi"? 40-a J rente, ana 54 blood-grade wis firmir- r.eid it 41 m as cent. Tor staple minlilng lengthg and at 43-44 cents for combiner -Jote.-i - . Utilities Hit . Heavy Buying V I J - . . . . -I" Motor Stocks Dnt Slitly '". Lower j in Spile of ' Strike Riots 7 - NEW TORS, Jan. 12P)-Ctn- lues ana specialties were . sub jected to, a baying barrage la to day's stock market i which partly eoTered.-upv large ; offerings In other sectors." 4 - The ticker tape was frequently 4- floor dealings, with trad ms .ueaTiesi in ue imai : nour. Transfers - of S. (17.675 shares were the largest since Norember 5, and compared with S .0 7 1.S S 0 yesterday. 1 Averaire Ui Fraction The Associated -Frees areraga of -0 stocks, bolstered by the power group, was up .1 of a point at 71.9; Both the industrial and rail, averages were lower. " i AutomotlT stocks Were only moderately lower' despite the oc currence of violence in the Gen era! Motors strike and the calling out of national guardsmen by the Micnuran aroTernor. Smallest StOcko In Years; Found VASHINGTON. Jan 1 2-UPV- V . J . . ,. ... m i . a ' . - us aiuaiiesc iarm : StOCKS or corn ana. wheat for January 1 in 11-years were repotied todav br the federal crop reporting board, iort crops . last year and at tractive market prices were said to have cut stocks on farms to the lowest point listed for avail able records. Stocks I of oats also were below areragf but were larger than 1934 or 192S. ft.waa said. . r' .,-5. ... Wheat ' stocks were renorted as 128.604.000 bushels or 20.5 percent of . the 1936! crop, : com pared witn 183.360,000 bushels, or 26.X percent for the previous year. --and 249.318.000 bushels. or 28.0. percent, the 1928-S2 av erage; ; .-, - - . . - ( ?, Farm stocks of wheat la Im portant producing states as the rear j started. ; compai-ed with a year earlier and 'the! recent- five year average (1928-32). Includ ed: I. State .1 . n 1937 I ' 1936 Oregon ...1,644.000 2,015.000 Mont, ...,! 32.0 00 7.627.000 Idaho Wash. ...4.008.000 4,664.000 ...4,167.000 4.966.000 Average. 1928-32.1 Mont.. . 1T 56,000; Idaho 8,624.000: Wash. 0.665,000. ; War Situation Bolster Sells Carload, Germany ROSEBUHG. J a nl IIWV-A large German firm has placed an order with the H. S. Gile company for a 'carload of Douglas county prunes. Although the cost will be approximately $1 000 more, the shipment will go to tfew Tork by rail to avoid delay by the maritime strike. '. '- t 1 f Prune dealers report , the waT situation In Europe has created a heavy demand for Oregon' prunes Garde :nersi and i t - Ranchers' Mart t ihjktnd. Ore.. Jari, 11-fJPV- Dut to tho 'advance . in prices oa , " - J ---v - tf-; Gardeners'-andl j Ranchers market . receatlr. demand todav was below normal. -'- f - The first shipment of hothouse rhubarb was being offered' - i uaiornla bunched' vegetables were light ia supply. L ;t r, Apple-WaabJagtoB Deliclou, ' oztra fancy, $3 35-2.50. Winesap. extra faaer 93.0O-X.15 ; Oragoa, Waahingtaa jamble pack, DeUeioas 5c-$1.25. Northern Spies, 70-80e; Bufmana, 75e-$1.00; Spitienbergs 75-$l.o0; Winetaps $1 L25; Rttai'i Best 85e-$1.00. Artichokes California, boxes $-9 do. $4.25-4.50. ',- F i . Ararado Californl. 165, ficrtos. $180-1.85; Paeblea, $l.oi . . - Aananas Per poand. 4e. - Beaaa Calif oraia. crate, $3.78-8; 9-7 It lb. r: . : . . - " 3et Per Back. Oregon, $1.00-1.76. Broecoli -Crate, $2.75. Braaaetl SDnraii OraMn flai .rmtaa 85c-$1.00: California. 4-6 4 a nor lb.: U. drain, $2.00-2.35. ft - Cabbage Oregon, Danish, lattsta eralea, $3.25-2.59; rod, Ibi l-3c . , uarrota far aaca. $1.00-1.25. auuiiower calif, crate 91.85-130. Celery Hearte 81.50-1.75: Utah era-. $2.50-2.75. Calif oraia S ta 8 Isms. 2.50-2.76. ; Celery root round. 60-75c . Citrus Fruits Orange. California rcla. $3.50-4.25; ; tanrerinoa, 90e- $1.10 per crate. Lemon a. California, fancy 8e.00-7.00: craoefroit. Florida, faaer. $3.15-9.75; Arisoaa. choice. $3.40-3.45. - Coooannt i ported, aack. -S4-28; 65-f0 dos. ( : Craaberries 25-poond bfix. $4.50-4.75. $4 bos; . CaUfarnis, $1J0 j per lag 4 vscsawtn unisa aotnoas a-OU ; California. $1.90 par bag i of 4 doc Iggplant rCaUlornia. lug, $lO1.60. fisa Calif ora'i flata whiia aad Black 90-75 i earue Per nd, 10-15e. Giapes Emperors. $1.60-1.79 Green anion Per , doiea annakea 80-65.- - fe,-.- ; i j f v Ground "Chocrtoa Oregon, flat boaec Br- ln S-lOo. ' Huekleberriea - Orezoav Washtagtoa Ik, 7-9c Lottnc ImDoriat. 4-5 idosi 61.75- $3.00; ArUona. $2.85-8.00. Matbrooros One poand 45. . - J rartonc 40 . Onions lOe-eoand esck. n. s. x. l, boilers, 10- yeuow i.!s uij yellow poena aack 14-lae. -s. I faramps For lac 75-90. Peaa -California. 80-oound hamper. $3.25:10-12e per nonnd. , i Pra Orcaoa ttaatiinr!Mi. noie Jnmbl pack. Boac and O'Anjoaa. $1.75- $3.00. .-- - . if-- ; Peppers Caarornlc 12-13 Ih Potatoea U. 8. Ko. 1. 100-naaad sacks bakers $3.00-9.35; Deschutes r-e- awtc $2.85-8.00; . Washingtoa - rasaeta. $2.85-3.00; local, $2.50 2,75; Barbaak. 8X50-2.75. - -(-. ' Kadi she a Per dozen baaehe. 85-45e. Ebabarb Calif, ppl jbosea, $1.75 2.40. Rntan gas Waahlnstoa- too th eaek 3L25-1.85; Oregon. loel, Inga. $5e. gpiiBacb Imperial, $2.75-3.00 crate. S'laash trrenwa uaata i cant "ratr 45-75r HabUrd. lb 3-2'4. ' Sweet Potatoes CMiioram BO-lh. erat ec. - $1.70-1.80; yamn,; . $3.eo-3 74 per boabel - - , - . - t tvreres fnna,f eoc. -. . Toraatoea Oreraa - io(hon. . $1.7- t.70r Vxie'f-.50-"5.- : " ' . Tarniaa Dosoa bunches 40 4 ' . Follows His Ct el t-s suweszsm to ts ssrat Czar? C-tst UZz ! tZM ; a' ,itta,-UZ aa Interview wrt tt rrtao ? but -oany buyers ars holding off until ; termlnatloa of the water front deadlock. - - OaliUe's Night School to Start ALBANY. Jan. 19. H. H. Gibsont of the department of ar- rlcultural (exlueation ; of . Oregon State announces that the slxthSan- nual night school for the.OakvlIla community would start Tuesday evening of this week, at the Oak- ville school house.. The first class es were starte in 1928-29, and lasted from tea to 15 weeks.. Much Interest has always been taken ta the studies and a good attendance reported and it Is. expected that the " same will prevail this time. Classes start at S o'clock . eaeh evening. ; .v:-".r-v. 1 POIXY AND HER PALS mCI-EY MOUSE COK- ONDOWftll POHY VrORRV ABOUT ytXJR is rsKnerufx SAf. r3r .rvt-y.'n - n BBaaaaW ' Mrmc. M E.CRO-'TM8 FOOl? UTTUE LAM& IS Abe rr MUST B IT CAMTT Vd8K : rrs rootr MC TOOTS AND CASPER ; f, :? re at WHAX ARE X WH PUT IT - VCXJ dWONNA- Vjlrt IN7HE BAJslVf; DO V-TTM THE fJVr OPCOURSE ! L. MONEY EZRA I f - ?grr : . 177 ; ,AVE YOU. : fZGl JWit, 1 1 . - r I L Grand fathsi f - BuhJecU , as suggested ; j . the farmers f thorn lelves. will b dis cussed,, and ta care and -keeping of various kinds t . livestock- wlU be studied as will fertlliaatlon of the . soU, rotation Tot crops, and other topics to do with the farm. C-bjristian Cltnrch Plans z. ; ; Tor Annual Guest Erent 1 1 1 V ; v' ' i ; DATTON, Jan. 12 Tea-members attended the monthly ; meet lag of the Dayton Christian church missionary society held Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EL Demary. Mrs. . Roy E. Will eon ducted the devotionals and- Mrs. Clark Foster was lesson 4 leader. The next meeting will be the an nual guest day sad: will bs. held at the home of Mrj and MrfL Frank Wright. ? r:--.-mXzi - AarTHbOACrOI rP3 Jiv3 iVVu- you POHT - A UADPER uooarr wa POVVHS I' have yA corr a V -' UAPP Jv CR - totat-r?" '5 i guess vuoevEtt rr bloms tO DOrdT KMCW VJHOCtSm'fT 19 AW S WSJ OOsTT HELP IT SOMEs - VXXJ CO OSesQ MrGr4T COMB " AUOeJ- Af4' EAT IT- MXI KKhCVJ ALU ALOMT; LOST - AU 'CAJSff . - i&s is eow SOMtrTWINS VCX.VES LCVE ' POOBsUTTL-T 1 r. srou irirHA4CApeR our douZtn IS 14 THE . STAY THER TO TAKE. CHANCE - SOUNOeO UVCETHKT CC POST U)f5 tW Iw" UOOH ,-'V Errip Prc-idcat uFcmLdjai Group V. S.: EortlcU Reelected r Secretry-TVfsurer . At "Annual TJeet Tta 10th annual business eet- la of tis.llarlon-Polk National Farm Loan association, held yes terday afternoon at the chamber of commerce here, ; elected these Clrctors for 1937:- S. A. Harris of Brooks,' J. J. Stratton, Larkia Crlc, J." W. Simmons and E. i afraac, all of Salem, i - : The '. directors elected Harris president, Stratt6n, vice-president. and continued w. S. Bartlett, who has, served since July, 1936; as secretary-treasurer.' '-.c 1C3 Loans Reach f 12.SOO The association has 31.036,160 ta outstanding mortgage loans ne gotiated through the Federal LandH Bank-of Spokaaev for the "294 stock holding member on a co operative v baais.K .Bartlett . said. Loans -close4 la .1 S3 6 - totaled At ' present the association ' Is a-akinr new loans at record low of,; 4 per cent; loans . beiag amor tised over a long period of- years. The Marion-Polk association . is grouped with three other associa tions ; having - headquarters I; fa Marfon , and Polk . counties and" with Joint-offices" at' 216 Oregbn balldlagv Salem, in charge of W. 8. Rartlett. "UOl" Federal Land bank loans in ' thls.i district : are serviced hers. " ;w Joha M. - Throne, r secretary-' treasurer of the Willamette. Pro duction ' Credit association here. fQtlressed the' meetlhg -yesterday explaining the workings of his organltation; and an encouraging message . from'. A. 8. Goss, land bank ; commissioner', of . Washing ton; D, C, was read to the 'group. Dinner Compliments ; ' John Arms of Dayton .V v'j-4 dn:78tli Aniuversary DATTON, Jan. 12 John Arms Land Ahoy! ;; . r - - W HORNS ACT TIN CAN ---prw Watch your Step, Fellers! V0 - - riaMtNS rT?iHtl aoosT STEr OVJ5 THE SIDE AJslQ-OQWrl YtHJCOKEi AH "Wool .uid;i.Var ! : J ((A rr I VA MEAN i wnrl WVa ' ra-TJ-s ) OR SOMsTrHiKl' SO WH O-aJLD FlMO OUT - wun rKl. UsTTLB LAMB VucV- i i l'?Srrr TO CAT LAMBS 1-13 tw. wr The Future Big-Shot BANK AND ITS 4fONf4A. - t i WE CANT. AjrgroRD . .Dead Womes to Life y ( Cm m w. ia tr - . --. ' I ; pU sH IT- J OUP0ST J : Lvadio; Programs I-" Icoao wxnjrrsDT 659 xc. 9:00 The boeaemakara' boar. , 10:15 Story boar lor adolta. 11:00 8eboo! ef tke ar. - 12:15 Farm boar. ... 1:15 Variety. , S:00 Ooaediag year bealtb. : .ark T...r. tl Mtiav. -M-.OO A.A.U.W. U boor, Sato braaeb ' of Aa .w.w. . .4:00 Tho ayaupboaio koar. , , 4: 80 Stories lor boys aa girl. -5:00 Oa th campnae. t f 8:80 Pam boar. f 7:45 Manleipal affair. .' 1 8;15 Writer' craft. . ' 8 :80-9 :00 Willa etto - aaiTOrelty. S ' : . 3X0ZV wDirESIa.T 90 3-6. , ' 'SS.-SO Kloek. 7:55 Xew. 8 :0O Keeping fi..- " ; f 8:45 Son 01 Ploaaera. - . . :15 deratloa ol Mnale. ' a .3n II. 1 Tr.nt. . aerial.- -. . im.AX Rk If .a n.rline. aerial " "' - 0:15 Modera Cinderella, as as lc-serial. 0 :80 Batty. Crocker, bomemaktr. :S6 -Hyma U churches, eboir-orgaa. 0:48 Wbo'a wbo ia aow. " . 1:00 Big Bister. 11:4 45 Mrt aad Marg. - , , .13145 MOW. ' .... , . i l:0O-r-Carti iattitato. j - , I 'j l:15--HoomkeT. i 1:30 Variety, aaatlaoo. 9 Ad-Toatar. ;3:03 Al -Traeo. - J ." ' " j 3 :88 Xcwe Tsraaik' Womaa r Ey. SieSChili Poppera. ' - . r i 8jOK -Weasera too lirt. 4V --. ! SrOO HooaiOT.1 6:13 rws, orgap. 6:45--Top rovao. ; . -V . -'i -S:00 KoJuUaet ore , i 4 S:80 Beaaty Boa thoarer.- ; i7;00Oag Baatora, drama.. .,. ;' j 7:45 Chappia breb. :"' - - - S:00-i-Pooti aaelodio. ," . . - ' 8:15 Boafrow, aerial. . f 8 :80 Baraa Allea. .patUr-orcb.-aiag. 9:80 Honor tho Law. . ; , '9:45 Memory' eoraer.- - " o :00 Fio-Rita oreh. . . - ' , ' t 10:80 Allea ortb. , 11:00 Feeler aad Doojey oreb. " -11:30-13 MaleMlrTor. .-. "; . ?' kow wxxnrssDAT-i-sao as. . ;7:00-Moraig Molodie (ETK- 4 ' T;SO-Ptif MbUU tZT). iasj' 73 years; "young" Saturday And cotapHraentlne him oa.thA oc- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Church- of Newber. his nephew and niece, Mryjand Mrs. L.' D. Krake of Day Con land Ben and Ralph Branson of .Toledo were guests at a 7 O'clock dinner that night. Arms Is very active in everyday affairs and conducts a prosperous rest: estate' .business In Dayton where he has resided since , dis posing of his farm about 10 years 'Vta jESS TV4 SAWS AS 1 MS -. H VU., rEt? GOSH T3AKC9 J UIKK WALKIH v POWH STAIRS h t3 - 4., D K ' . ' - - L. t. . . i. .. . . . TM AKIDCV-M A WTTL8T vvaaj THIS LAMB DAPOEXU rAECLuR t' ,. - w. xu m- i OX ifr , a 1 ' I THtTf WONT TAKE CHANCES, BUT . : 1 WlU. ! THAT- WHY THEYLL. ml LV 5MALL PRY WHEN 171 A Bl-a SHOT 1 - .y TO BE A Blr SUCCES -L YOVJVE -iGrTTA TAKE BIZ. ' 1 r j DOOR fJUrfrTYs 1-1 ai v nr rtl V d rN ATiOUT : 8:00 Fi-ancUt, - . . , .' I 9:00 Now. ' I 9:15 Story of Mary Msrlia, drama. - 9:30 Hew to Be Chsrmieg, beauty uTJ 9:45-Wo Uhlte, siag. 10:00 FidUr -oreb, j 10:15 Mr, Wirtr of abbago Patrb, " 10:30 Joba'a Oer Wife, draaa a. -10:45 Jaat PUia Hill, draiaa. , 11:30 Nowa. . i ; V 11:45 Bingia Baam.. : ..!,: 12:00 Pepper Young' ramily, draaa 13:15 Ms Perkiaa, dram. , i j lt:SO Vm aad Bad a, drama, 1 13:45 O'Nailla, drama. .1 Boat arttV. 1 :0 Follow tho Mooa,' drama. ' 1:45 Church Ooaaeil. . ; . - . ' : 9 :0O Hollywood aewe.- . . ji ,"3:05 -Meet tho Orchestra. . , JH i 9:15 Kdward Dariee, alag. - f Sto Randall Siatora.' S:45 Cliaie. ' ' - 8:00 -America achoola. ' . j. 8:15 Womaa 'a magaai, Varied, i ( 4 :o- Donald McUiboay, omaaeatator. ' 4:15 Back Seat Drieer; . - -r 4:oO Flying lime. . - . 4:45 M and My Sbadow. ! . ft :00 On -Maa'e Family, dram. . S:00 Dinner eoaeert. -.'); S :30 Benaoa eoaeert. .. , ' i. .7:00 Hit parade aad waepoUko. t:45 Wilaoa oreb. - " - r 8:00 Amo 'a- Andy.' . . 'j 8:15 Uncle ara comedy. . . . , 8:S0-rWtaaing tbo West. , 9:00 Towa liall Toatght, variety.' ' 10:00 Nerwa - flashes. - . ' ' . " j 10il Woodyard oreb.; . . ' , .. . 10:5 Hopkiaa oeca. ... ".'. ' - ' 1 1 :00 Amboe-ador are. - J , 1 llise -Demavuie ' :f y i."- ' t - 1 ' 13:00 Wtatbor report. '-- 4 . ' ... -. . I ' rx wc lazspAY mo x c . 4:80 dock (IT), ', " 7:30 Joab Higgia. kotcb. - ' . v 7:45 New. Laraoa, Tg. , 9:15 Vagabonds. 41 a g. .. ; .;. 8:90 Edna rise her. ; 9:48 tJoapoi singer T K 9:00 Honey boy aad Ssssafra. k 9:15--Hoaao iaatitato. . ... - :SO Federation oCWomoa'a Clnbo 10:03 Jin gletowa Gasette. 10:30 Vaagba Doleath. i L i 10:45 Dot aad Will, drama. 11:00 Xatoro Trail.' 11:15 Word nd maaie. 11:80 Farm and komo. . " 13:80 Market. . I !v 13:85 Continental varietiee. 13:45 Bparaia atrfag , ensemble. 1 . 1 :0 p.-T 1:30 Robert Gatelr, ing. 1:45 Tonng Hickory, drama. 3:45 Old Homestead, drama. 8:90 Aniimal elab. 8:15 Midg William. iag. 8 :25 Financial and graia. :30 ? New, 9:35 CaU4 of Romance. 3:45 Joaa aad Escorts. 4:80-4:45 Coast aad Job. ' 3 rOO New. . . 8:15 Lam nd Abaer, comedy. ! S:30 St.; Rerio oreb. , S:45 Night Watchmaa.- . 9 W Eeorybody alag. . - ; 9 :30 Wrestling. .! 10:30 Biltmoro orrb. 11 Xewi.i 11:15 -Paal Caraoa. . " k 13:0o Weather aad ve-e report. Dy CUFF STEItRETT VUH JZSSAMTCOT sSBebBaa' w, a a oa i mm m ! na U t 7 . LESGS vrr 4a ' Dy WALT DISNEY V. V . BY BRANDON -WALSH Rsl SCHOOL. I WEAROA POEkA BOUT -A hCO MAMEO MAQy VA40 UA3A4BTiAXr $KMJjOV-r MAftV CVCCcVeaLACH MAfify ? - lHt-7 h U I r-M- BUT 1 6UES3 IrtARrS LAMO OOM T MAVB NOTWnM ' THE -MATTER WITH ITt LtSA LtS UTTLE MAS Am . 5-Li By JimiY uIURPIIY CA PR MAY i Y6TT .TtrV UP- SOMt cxcrrr:arr WITH HI- . MONZYl ,io , -aor- j- - t-rr. x . - tc n as. -v. r e a - t- r i ' r . r w $pr OPPCOTUNIYY KNOCVrSAT MY 1 WONT : est BA3HFU-. Wn: , ' DYlNf 1 TO 'WHAT' HAPPEN By SEGAH N