The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 13, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local. ygwsfcnete;y
Radio Tecknlque Topic Har
old -D'Ken, formerly radio an
nouncer and program director aU
stauoa KTW and artist singer at
stations KOMO and KJR, address
ed the adult education, expression
class at the senior high school
Monday night. Mr. U'Ken'a dis
cussion of the technique ot radio
broadcasting included such top
ics as the part of the radio artist
In the program. Including music-1 Skinner, ' Salem,
lans and speakers and sound ef
fects. The expression class organ
ised to form an organization to be
known as the Speech club. Offic
ers elected were: President, James
Hall; secretary-treasurer. Leah
Branson; emergency chairman, J.
I Prange; booster committee
chairman, Albert Boardman. .
" Report Accidents Accidents
reported yesterday, to'., police. , In
volved: Clsrk E. Lee, 1715 South
Winter-, -and 5Joev KaTanaugh,
2143 UnlTerslty, at. High and
Rnral; Jerry Wick man,- 21(0
Berry, and Hugh Cole, route 4.
at Berry and Crosaj-W.--P. Fer
Uca. 149 E. Letelle, and-W. E.
Burke, ronta ; 3, Sherwood; - at
Commercial ' and Ferry; Earl
Ramsden, Salem,
Amend Onirh
In Page Action
Perxnment Injury Charged
Plaintiff; Ilcrlcj
Case Said Settled
- - . . . . T"
Star's Suicide Prostrated 7Hq
High; - TJ. " P. Kelderbelser,
Bast Superior, and Harry Baer at
Liberty -and Ferry; William L.
Krucb, route 7, and George Malf
strom, - 425 North Winter, , at.
North liberty and High. :-
J - ' , - .
- Want Roada Oiled VTwa more
petitfons ' for improvement of
roads throughout the - county
Alice H. . Pare and Rola XL
and , Gordon 1 Iliea emcuuw
at Stats and lneir separata miuuiuuuo v.iv-.
rc i aimus anna inuut amnaum
1 wntmaHa
G roc err Company and George
Roth in circuit court here yester
day. Rollln K. Page seeks la. addi
tion to $2000 general damages tor
a knee injury he. claims is 1 per
manent. 1 1000 for damage to a
S3 000 automobile, Alice Page asks
$10,000 generaT damages for. mis-1
Beauty Parlor Equipment goes at 1 were tiled with the county conrt j cellaneous Injuries and impair
ment of tne eignt or on eye, ana
$150 medical fees, .. .. -
The accident is alleged to-hare
occurred July 7, 1133, at Liberty
and Mission streets with, the Page
sedan and a . company car driven
by Roth involred. - - :
The ease of Ererett Morley vs.
A. M and R." J. FeU has been set
tled out ot court, according to a
motion for dismissal filed by the
olalntiff yesterday.- i ' -
In justice court yesterday L. H.
Hook 24 hours in which to plead
to a charge of larceny of cattle,
brought by Raleigh Harold of
Scio. Hook failed to proTlde $500
baiL ' - j -i ...
Circuit Court
Katherlne' Heathman et al ts.
L. R. Springer et al;' motion by
Springer for change of, venue to
Multnomah county, as matter of
convenience.' j T . -
Minnie To wnsend vs. L. J.
Townsend; motion to have defend-
auction Thurs. nite 8 p.m. Wood-
ry s auctlou mkt. If 10 N. Summer.
- Follow on Soal The. Marlon
county public health association,
sponsor of the Christmas seal sale
in this county, yesterday-started
a telephone check oa seals on
which no returns were made, in
an effort to gain returns on 2 5 0 0
letters on which no report has
been received' to date. The seal
sale in Salem was -handled large
ly through the mails, with 6500
letters containing seals sent out,
and of this total, returns hare
come in from approximately 4000
persons.. The telephone check-up
will continue this week,. and post
cards will be sent to persona who
have no telephone. Presumably the
seal sale response was overlooked
in the rush of holiday activities.''
. Eagles Have Lobby - Charles
Foster of Astoria, state vice presi
dent ot the Eagles lodge, has come
yesterday. Claiming - they .own
some ot - the . most hearily - as
sessed land in the county, ia the
Dutch Fiats district, John J. Hoe
and 53. -others asked for- the oil
ing of roads north and south of
Brush Creek school to the. Beth
any pavement and to the Pud
ding rirer bridge, t H. , F. Dur
ham and 25 others requested sur
facing i or-4: black topping of
Fruitland road. The county 'has
enough money 'budgeted only to
oil approximately SO - miles ot
road this yearr-
' (
' s - -.
Aid ic7vcmsik:-IldvciiAsIaCcIEicrc
i f.:
Hotel Do llbxto Fnndi Arc
1 .
Furniture auction Thurs. nite
p.aa. 2 house holds. See ad. ,
Holly Tree Cut The first tree
to giro way for construction of
Salem's new federal building was
German holly.; About 15 feet
tall, the tree was considered i too
large to preserve.. Identification
j as to variety was made by mem-
, bers of the Salem T.M.C.A. land-
Mother eewrforts Aim Nay! I
... .w- . .v. I wiit.ii - wrat if Afii, I ant provide S300 attorney fees and
'Despondent over the suicide of fate-first wife, AJeta Prelle. a year ago
Ross Alexander, screen star, shot and killed himself at his San Fer
pando, CaL, ranch. His. second wife. Ana NageL whom bo married.
aereral months ago, la shows being; comforted by her mother.
legislative session to look after
lawmaking matters of Interest to
his - organization. He 4 hss estab
lished headquarters at the Senator
hotel. The Eagles lobby this year
. according to- State - President ; A.
Warren Jones,, will not advocate
a specif ie program but ; will in
stead watch the proposals that are
made, largely in connection with
old age pensions, and "ask the
legislators to do the best they can
at this time." v :" -
, Sale-"-AH f ormals and - semi-f or-
mals Vi to H less regular price.
MiUdy'a Shop.. " .
IUvrr Rise,' Fall A six Inch
rise of the Willamette fiver be
tween 11 o'clock yesterday morn
ing and 1 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon was noticed by men work
ing at the city water commission's
pump station on . Mlnto's Island.,
. Last night, the river was reported
falling again having dropped two
inches between 5.' and 8 o'clock.
It is possible that thawing of Ice
in the Jam across' the Willamette
and ice elsewhere may have swell-
id the river during the afternoon
and cold later, on , stopped the
prOCeS.. . "."'..;"" V ','J, ;T I if i
Application! Due Applications
. for advancement at the regular
Cascade area and Cherry City dis
trict court of honor to be hed la.
conjunction with the council's an
nual meeting January 20, are now
due. James E. Monroe, scout e in
centive, stated yesterday. Appli
catios from Salem scouts should
be at scout headquarters In the
Masonic building while those from
out. of town, scouts are due Sat
urday. Monroe said that reserva
tions for plates at the annual ban
quet sre-coming in well and a
large crowd is expected. -i
Drunkenness Charged Robert
night. The German holly; .has I
smooth, shiny oral-shaped leaves. !
Postmaster ; H. R. Crawford haa
giTen assurance that trees and
shrubs destroyed by the building
project! will be replaced with ot-
en better landscaping materials.
Invite Harvard Grads Any
Harvard graduate living in r or
near Salem- ia invited to attend
the Rotary club luncheon at the
Marion; hotel this noon, when
EdWin T. Reed, Conrallia, will
tell of i the Harvard - University
sesqultennial celebration held
last year on the - Harvard cam
pus. , Reed, editor of publications
for the Oregon state board ! ot
higher ! education. .was delegate
from Oregon to the Harvard cer
emony.' wnicn was aiienaea or
18,000 persons.. : f -
Many Foreign Car !.There
were 139.855 non-resident motor
vehicles registered In Oregon- in
1930 s against 100,303 th pre-
i viou year. August registrations
of 31.190- were the' largest tor
any single month of 1930.- July
registration aggregated 30.64 5.
In 1932 the registrations were
90.760 bat dropped to 82,616 in
1933. The 1934 registrations ag
gregated 92,268. Vi - . j :;!-'
i -, .
Collins Return Mr. and; Mrs.
Harnr Collins, who hare.been
spending several weeks at La
Jolla, California, returned to -Sa
lem last night. They report ea
driving conditions on the coat
highway from . San Franclseo as
bad. Collins, who is manager oi
the Salem office of the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph comp
any, was on a six weeks leave i
absence. . : ; : ''i."..
Special! Dry wood $5.50. P. 3354.
Lists Club Xisders Wayne
Harding. Marion county el no
$50 costs to
State Sayings 4b Loan associa
tion y&,J. L. and Esther Warlner
and Ladd 4b Bosh; foreclosure
complaint for $2425.15 judgment.
Orders by Judge L. G. Lewelllng
continuing for: further aetlon cases
dismissed by jmlsUke during re
cent clearing Of docket: Beechler
vs. Farrish. Johnson rs. Johnson.
McCaU vs. Hobbs, MeCall ya. Ries
beck. s U -- ' ' V
American Central Insurance
company ys.; Ball Bros., Inc.;
fendant's answer.
; Bush Grade School BiiUdiiig Wffl Be
Dedicated Tonight; Parc5iitlc
Association in Charge of Prbgrani
- An Appeal for general citie aid
la maintaining the Hotel de. Mln-
to, local agency which, cat been
tltlterlnx and feedlss 7Sf tai S9
trirs'.iata dally, has fceel tzzt
bat ty the transient bureaa com
mittee' headed by -Al-erdan
Frank; Marshall.-" .'Hf. t;'-T-rJ
. -Letters trom tie committee are
being " sent .to churches, fraternal,
organisations, service clubl. bus
iness n and - others." .' The letters
read: : .--'V'-.-v - ' "
.""This letter Is being addressed i
to you. tor the purpose of v jex
plaining a condition that tas ex
isted la the : tfty ot waiem, and I
which, the common council' of the
city of Salem Is-endearorlngr to
remedy. . . " ;- :.-;-M -'i
"Upon investigation it was
found that .there -waa a. Certain
class ot people who were coming
Into, pur community for t which
there ; had" been absolutely . no
provision for reller made by any
of the relief agencies. ,' We refer
to the transients who stay here
only for a short time.'. 4, 1 " f .
!' Ko Ptads Provided
'; Ta order.: to keep the4 trom
oonrrrtinr aronnd thef edges
of ttaa town and coming into town.
and soliciting for . food an d mon-
and reneraiiv ' annoying yarn
citizens of Salem. It was telt best
to open . the transient bureau ia.
the -xity hall, -where inese peopw
eonld be forced to get foil ;P
streets, whero they obttld 4 be
riTM a warm nlaco to sleep and
a warm' meal and then forced to
more on , ''" -.' -if ." i
-. TTir was' no nrovlsloa made
In the last budget for funds tor
the operation of two transieni
baraaa. By the use "of; funds
hndrfted tor other surttosea it
has been 1 possible to make a
sUrt, but tto arailabla tnads are
not auftldent to eorer the cost
n -nnnratton- This is t a. real
emergency; iTo aU aeyeral pub-
lie spirited eiusena anos una-.
r-i AT.FTVTS newest school bafldinfir. the Bosh grade school P-rSS
at TTniversitv &nd Mission streets, will be formally dedi-1 tiona ot the city hare responded
Seated toniffht with a program sponsored, by the Bush to tha call or MsMancej bntsun.
de- Parent-Teachers association. .;i-"-rv:r-j-.-f t.' response, it is going to 4 neces-
- I ; " (TiAA4n oa -Pmm tha state narent-teachers association to I for a to discontinue this
Cora V. Harding vs. M. Cliftord Uv tj-v .v,1 atnrloTitji nd Tjafent. will beiriven by Mrs. J work. Please, consider tbji a Tory
Hoynihan: plaintifrs-demand for 'wnii.- in.t. f Tnrtland. arrant anneal for assistance.;
.... . a . I . . M ft.AwA. aw h VflAW Y M T1 Wm
mmm. wtwsMf n sn r fir , ins - t rrngnn 1 it yoq uaiv. ui sjLavw; -m
Congress, of Parents and Teach-1 one who has any' food appliea
..nM AArmm - -Uv. wanld "be suitable 1 for ;the
t in . .f.
oui 01 parweuwra. , . I t v.t,r IS.
0 .Grt"itt.,Tfl. R c.f- eiecnaston
I oroduets Sneakers win Include S.
sustained by plaintiff in automo T. Whits -SSiSSLTS
uai Liucub us eatsis - - "
Schoenfeld. dean of agriculture Xt
Oregon SUte college; Frank Mc
Kennon, chief of the state division
of plant industry; - Henry Rey
nolds of the United States depart
ment of agriculture; Paul Car
renter, Oregon Stato economist;
Wilbur D. Courtney, and Charles
F. Doucette. United States etomo
logisU both of Sumner, Wash.,
and B. A. Mitchell of Orenco, who
will speak on the Pacific Coast
convention. He ia president of tha
Pacific association.
Nett. Salem, was arrested Monday "l"t' -XIU VriW.
nlght on a charge of dmnkennesa. ' . ' af A. lnelr lead
ers ini this county. Each club,
leader Will receive a copy. There
are about 125 4-H clubs now or
ganized. Harding ssld the spring
would ! bring the ! formation 01
many crops project groups. .
Inspector Haa- Ikllshap-l-BaUy
Cooper 4 1C94 Broadway, eity san
itary inspector reported te - tne
sheriff i yesterday that his auto
mobile had collided .with a ear
belonging to the Church Motor
company on .State street between
High and Liberty streets at 4 fP.
In this city Jan. 9, Frank Armst
at local hospital at tha age of 71
years. Funeral announcements
later by W. T- Rlgdon company.;
t - - Toats '
in this city, Monday, Jan.-11,
Maude Tonts. 58. Leaves her wid
ower. Knowles Tonts of Brooks
route 1 ; daughters, Mrs.- H. M
Kelly of Reedsport. Louise and
Peggy 'of. Brooks; son, Leslie T;
Tonts of Tigard, Ore. Funeral an
Tonts ot Tigard, Ore. Funeral -aer-Tiees
Thursday, Jan: 14. at 2 p.m..
from cnapel ot W. T. Rlgdon. In
terment at City View cemetery.
bile accident; p. T" -':
Salem Collectors, Inc., vs. J. T.
Faulkner; plalntlfrs brief tn case
on review from Justice court. ' -Sarah
Legare tb. Bert L. Jones
and F. H. Ganlke; sherifrs certif
icate of execution. ; f f f -
Probate Court I-
l Marr A. Walling estate; order
naming F. H. Weir, Bessie. It. EI
ofson and Ruby W. Emery ap
praisers. . i- i ' :
George B aires estate; order
naming H. A. Slid F, M. White and
Howard Jenksi appraisers. 1
W. a Pettyjohn estate.; $1800
appraisal by George J. Veall. For
rest Edwards and P. H. Preston.
Albert W. Brady esUte; decree
of final settlement, discharge ot
Mayme Cochran as administratrix.
'-- Otto Rotxlen. estate; decree of
final settlement, discharge of Fred
Rotsien as administrator.
Michael Quirk, New Tork City;
revocation of letter of attorney to
William Scanlon.
" W. T. Slater, estate
cntintlnr of Rex Albright, admin-1 due the slainti ff corporation -on
istrator. ahowinc 11270.7ft in- the 1934 loganherry crop ana
come. $326.88 outgo; final hear- averring $2210.74 was the prop
in g requested February 16. . '-. er amount due. The defendant de
' Rudolph StadeH. sr.. estate: de- dared willingness to : pay the
cree of final settlement, discharge $2210.74 in final settlement of
ot Ernest and jMarie Stadeli as ad- the account. ' . ; v
mlnistrators. ! j ; Whereas the plaintiff contended
, Marriaire licenses :', I packing, ot the- eropweost $51-
- Ttobert W. Harris. 21. farmer. 222.42. the defendant assert tne
Tha nrnmm -will OMn at 7:45
with, an ; overture by ; the Leslie
anior high orchestra. The pro
gram, follower -. '"V, 'V;-'
Poet and Peasant Overture...
. ... ... .". . .... . v suppe
Leslie Junior High Orchestra
Led by Gordon Finlay
-i ...if: . ' -" t ' : -
Answer Filed By
H yaling Firm
The Ray-Mallng company yes
terday answered in circuit eonrt
the ' complaint of the woodourn
Fruitgrowers Cooperative assoclar
flaal ae- tlon by denying that $9796.65 was
Jefferson,, and Lucille M. Barnes,
18.- housewf fej Jefferson.
Noboru Oklia 24, laborer, in
dependence, and Clara Umemoto,
19.' housewlfeL Brooks route one.
Derald L. Miller. 20, service sta
tion operator, iSUvertoa. and Hel-j
In- thla city Saturday. Jan. 9.
" Feaxl.Mlnch of Salem, -route 3.
Wife of Roy L. Mlnch; mother of
' Marie and Marian, both of Salem;
eister of Floyd Gibson of Salem.
-Funeral servlees will be held
. Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 1J30 p. m.
from tha chapel ot W. T. Rlgdon
Co. Rev. Dean Poindexter officiat
ing. Interment in the L O. O. F.
cemetery; - -,,
' : -t - ' Anderson
Oran Anderson, aged 33 years.
In Portland, Jan. 10. Late resi
dent of 196 South 24th, street.
Surrived by parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Anderson; brothers. How
ard, Marvin and John, all t Sa
lem; sisters, Irene-Anderson and
Mrs. Margaret Young. Serricea
will be held at the. WT. Rlgdon
chapel Wednesday.-Jan 13, at S
. p. m. Interment Belcrest Memor
ial psrk.
m No;damage or. injuries wrw n jeaimj, v, trcm.nij ujrei
mentioned in tne report.' i
' fTa Ttronoed The adult ed
ucation crafts class which has been
held at the high school on Mon
day nights will be discontinued.
The teacher, who- haa been eon-
dnetlnr thla class. Is changing ner
residence and consequently expects
to offer - instmctlon -elsewhere in
the state, reports Earl Lit win er,
supervisor of adult -education-1
actual cost-waa $9.279.67. The
defendant Also maintained: Its
selling coat was $14,36470 and
not $13,793.26 as alleged by plain
tiff' and that . defendant's over
head under the contract wa $12,-
The answer denies 650,70$
pounds of berries : more than the
8939.921 packed were produced
br the association and claims the
association voluntarily . dieeonttn-
ned cannery deliveries.
A stlnalaUon in the east ' also
. - Safeway Manager- - Traaafewwl
Manager : ot the i Woodbum
Safeway store the past year, Joe
E. Brown has been placed aarmaa
ager ot the Salem store in Holly
wood "district. Clyde Smith of Sa
lem takes his place at Woodbum.
Hare Chbsswer rtree Chimney
flrae at 524 "Belmont and 465
North Cottage required rans by
Salem fire department trucks yes
terday morning.
Pnrftin. ' - h
Andrew Olsonr 65. farmer. 765
Academy, Salem, and Barbara Dil
man,. 63, domestic, 20104 North
Churchetreet.! ; J' y. if.bfv
jCrSTS NoroT Lib- Wfiled-yesterday watrlng the
T br2ftS a iLS warraat Mu'bltrtl aeekla
IP"4 A nf "TSTi contract and aareeina- the euK
rvHw!Lwa November ahoaM he tried before Jadge Ar
?;dI"k! IT,mbr Us G.; W-alkar without a jnry.
A6f acaa -sassv st-w-
Houseweart of TToodbnni Luther to Speak
m r Preside at f Session - On SclftTlCft ToTJIC
. . . i. . mr a.
UI , iJregoi&'a nursvrymen
WOODBDRK. Jan. 11 Earl
Houseweart of Woodburn, presi
dent of the Oregon association of
Nurserymen, will preside at the
convention of nurserymen to be
Hiakle 1
mnkle. at a local
hospital Jan. 1U Late resident J enue, a son, Ray Thomas, Jr., born
Qttcotnuciiy- -To Mr knd Mr.
James Queaenberry, ,1044; South
Commercial, a daughter, Bette
Lou. born January 1 at the Sa
lem General hospital. 1 '
Barton To Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Thomas Barton,- 2155 Myrtle av
f ni Citv. Aced 72 rears, sur
vived by -widow, SoUney Hinkle
f Mill City; aons. VaL A- of MIU
City, ; and Charles , M., Hinkle. of
Aumsvlllft, brothers, W. T. Hinkle
-of Clearfield. Pju; and F. E. Illn
kle tf Klamath. FaUs. and tour
grandchildren, Funeral services
will be held from the Clough
Barrlck chapel Wednesday. Jan.
13. at 2 P. iB-w, wvr
Kantner of flctating. Interment In
Belcrest Memorial park. - ! - .
.;::! Ay ere
Edward E. Ayers, Ute resident
of 338 Highland avenue, at local
hospital Monday. Jan. 1L -Aged
8 years. Survived by widow,
Stella Ayers of Salem and sister,
- SS. C. II. Clerk f ot KJW
Funeral sjrrlces wfll be held from
cionrh-Barrlck chapel Wed-
T a n is. at i:w . iu.
January 3 at the Salem Deaco
ness hospital. :: "C
rower To Mr. and ' Mrs. Ar
thur Cleo Power, Monmouth, a
son, Leigh. Anthony, born December-20
at the Salem General hos
pital, i - . v
. ."Some Achievements . of Sci
ence" la to be the subject of the
address presented br Dr. Chester
L. Lather." nrofessor . of mathe-
matfea, mt-the Willamette univer
sity monthly program over KOAC
tonirht from 8 : 3 0 to 9 o'clock.
Morticians to Meet The Mar- The musical presentation of the
ton-Polk-Yamhill . district organ
Ixation of morticians will be host
to the southern Willamette dis
trict members at a dinner meet
ing tonight 46:30 at tha Golden
Pheasant.7 with an address by a
legislator o nje of ' the program
teatnrea -j ;;: ' '-"
' llesMconeae Patient Improving
Fred W. Jobelman, t whose legs
were fractured, when an automo
bile hit him aereral weeks ago.
Is a patient at the Salem Deaconess
hospital. Although it will be sev
ersl more weeks before be can
leave the hospital, he Is improving
.tlafaetorlly. i-
program will feature Kathryn
Smnllln. sonrano. assisted by Mary
Virginia : Nohlgren. accompanist.
Miss Smullln will slnsv
The Fisher's -Widow. . . .Edwarda
Immortalla ............ Walker
What is a SongT . ... . . . .Cnrraa
Dawn .. ......... . .Curran
!!. f.r.5 r-alre or CCS Nose Drcr3 la ncstrHj cJ-ht'anJ
wlSatateraent in thV odd Fci-1 morning and take CSS Llqsii or ess TaMeta every jaonuag.
tnnntmt fatireau. by canmglthe
p o 1 1 e e department, telephone
3155, someone wiu can anu a
theeuppUes. - " h
--: "If yon feel that the operation
hia transient bureau' is of
sufficient - value to yott and , this
M-ninit(r: and ' VOU are.i to
Cchzmtz Evcntt
Jan. ... 14 Oregon V State
Fox Ereeders association an-
anal meeting chamber of
commerce.--. .v.;-?-" i
''.Jan. i4&fetln9 of new
"settlers ia Blarion county
chamber of commerce, to ais
cuss agricultural problems,
council, Enlsht Memorial
church. ' 'r;
Jan. 14 Annual ban-.
2et. Salens: Credit . aaaoe
latloa. . ' '
i . Jan. Annual banquet.
Cascade Area Doy - Hcoit
counclL- " . -
Jan. 3 Galena Missouri
dab meeting. 7 1 SO Kt
ot'P. hall, 1854 N. Com
aaentai r.t. ' ' ' -
.Jan,' 27-r-Annnal concert
Eusene Gleemen Leslie Jun
ior hib. school, . ausplcea
Rotary clab, - V
, Jan.' SO -Annual meet
ing of ' state Jersey Cattle
club, cbambry of commerce.
"As lYou Lilic ItV
1 -.- 7
Pleases TIiron3
Shakespeare Play Follows
OriinJ Closely; Is
At Stitc Theatre j
Vievs on Mexico
"Impressions' of Mexico? was
the subject of a travelogue given
Tuesday night; In the. auditorium
ot the, Salem; chamber' ot. com
merce by -Miss Mary Erre, Salem
teachers -under the auspices of
the Salm TArts ,laguev .The, pro
gram was th January 'offering Ot
the league tor the. enterUinmnt
of the Salem pubUe; . '
kMlS Erre told of . visiting
nolnts of .'historic interest in" Old
LMezleo and. related 'Incidents et
ot the group that braved the cold
weather to attnd. v ; . - . -i
Mm,-- Elsa Sbsen. Tlce-presi-dent.
presided in place of - M Us
Grace GllUam who has been 11L
She presented ; Mrs. Ella . Hsta-
away, member ,,ot the program
committee, who -presented; tha
speaker. yy .' J' -.'' . '
Taking Shakespeare In pleasant
doses was the privilege of several
hundred high school and V. lllara
ette str dents yesterday afternoon
and . as many adults last nls-t at
the presenutlon of the EclUh
film "As Jou Like I" at the tate
theatre, -
Judging from the audible com
ments and ready laughter from
members of the youthful after
noon audience, the antics or tne
Viennese actress, Elizabeth Berg
ner, as Rosalind were much ap
preciated. Laurence OUrer as Orlando
made a very appealing lovesick
suitor, , Sophie Steward was a
sympathetic Cells and Henry Aln
ley a loveable banished duke. -
Stick to Shakespeare ;
The play "As Yon Like It" fol
lows cloiely'the story and lines
of Shakespeare's beloved comedy.
Is well cast and beautifully photo
graphed, i '
There , will be two" afternoon
performances ' today at 1:30 and
3:16 and two evening showings.
The play Is an English production
under tbe auspices ot the Ameri
can Association . of University
Women and ia especially recom
mended tor children.
Elmer E. Leadbeder, 75,
Dies at Daushler'a Home
WOODBURN, January 13 El
mer E. Leadbeder, 76, passed away
at thehome of his daughter, Mrs.
Frank , Fowler, Monday morning.
He was born In Pennsylvania No
vember' 21, 1861. Survlying are
his daughter, Mrs. Fowler, and a
daughter, Mrs. Margie Blglow ot
Port Angeles, Wash. Funeral ser
lces will be announced later by
Ringo mortuary. j
c! Hcrcsfe Hdp to
Invocation. . . . . Rev. .Poindexter make any cash donation j toward
Oregon State Songv... . .. .. : 1 1U operation, please aedd iaid
Assembly Singing donation to the city recoruw.
PreaenUtion ot the New School I ; i : . , ' f
' irom the Architect ; Youth and Oldatera ina : r
Presentation , of the New ' School J .'-Winter; Sport Crotmdg.
, v On StreeU ,at btayton
T STATTQN, Jan. 13 Thi lnven-
tire mind of the modern youth la
without limit when a rarer oppor
tunity Ilka thla snow ' and coio
weather present itself. I -1",: t
t etavton's ' caved streets , with
-.John-Carson rhaTa packed snow and Icetresem-
ueorsa xi. x ia i aa C9 coliseum eacn viguv
from The School1 Board-
Frank' Neer r y
Acceptance of The. New scnooi
for Tne vouaren r
John- Johnson.
Wbere'ere Ton Walk. .;. Handel
Tenor Sole -Enoch Maers c
A ccomnanlst G ladys Edgar
Reminiscences of The Old School
Greetings. .Mra. William KleUer tn0 youngsters 4 and oldsters) jga-
President of Statev f.t.a. ti, with their ice skates.-.! ; i -
Tha School . tn . The Community ' - I , Kothlngr haa been left i untried
................. . eaiser i .. sxeeoUon of "skimg, wioi
Our New School; .Mrs." B. Skeen i Cf equipment a?d exper-
A Presentation to Tne ew -
School . . . .Don upjonn
America ; V. . . . Assembly . Singing
, " Led by Miss iniow :
Accompanied by Miss Meusey, ;
lenee being! the only probable rea-
Massage VapoRub briskly .on tbe .
throat, chest and bock (Dctween and
below the shoulder" blades). Then
spread it thick over the chest ana "
cover with warmed doth.
. It takes so little time -It does so
much this 3-Minute VapoRub
Massagcl 'i"' .
-' Almost before yoa finish rubbtni
VapoRub starts to bring relief two
'ways at once two direct ways:
1 ThrouBh-tha Skln. VspoRub
act direct through tbe akin kc a
poultice or plaster. -2.
Medlcoted Vapors. At tbe
same time, ta medicated vapors, re
leased by body heat; arc breathed in
for boars--aboat 18 times a mmuta
diitci to the irritated mitpmwmgrt.
. Thiscombtocd fxadticsend-vapor
action loosens phlegm relieves
I McaJt con
iulttion -belpa
WhSa the little Datlcnt relaxes Lnto
comfortable sleep, VapoRub keeps
riSht on working. Often, by morrtinj
the worst of the cold is over, i
Avoids FlUk of Slomach Upsets
This satcexternal treatment cannot
' possibly upset the stomach, as con
stant internal "dosing is so apt to
do. It can be used freely, as ofxen as
Deeded, even on the yourcsst cLiL
VAionou .:
Motfawst Look ia yeur VpoRu
Mdcaa for fuS details mt Vicks
IW practical hone gold M
aons from com, mcnia
ii mt to awralfi tn h -'-f
FaCaaa VUka fUn. tr '
' Bmttmr CevtfreJ CaU
MM. . ' r . . i I - - '
. , i .
r ' ' wr:-:: ' : ''
JoelHactt Dies r
-SOf Brief Illness
SILVERTON.' J a a. 1 1. Joe
Hackett. aboat 60, employe of the
Silver Falls Timber company nere
for the naat 16 years, died" in the
Silverton hospital tonight after be
ing found ill this morning in the
mall house on North Second
street where he lived alone.
Little was r known about-, Mr.
Haekett although he waa known
to many Sllrerton people. He had
said ha -had a sister who worked in
.an. oTTlee in the White- Bouse ax
Washlagtoa. D. C. 4
The body la at Ekmaa'e funeral
home.' y y y,u f i - ry'J: ' : " ,i;
- t
' ' . 1 ' ' 1
. -Natural
tor disorders ot tlr
err stomach, elands.
aklsv navd urtaary
system of men ana
worn e n. Remedies
for ' constlratios,
asthma, arthritis,
sugar r diabetes and
T. Tt XA1I
in EsvsW
phy ticlaBa, CS3)S " - Court ts.
Corner liberty.
-S . Office open ttatur
Caya and Tuesdays
oxly 19 A. tL. to 1
P.1L.6 P. XL to 7.
pressare' and urine
otdJc chargee.
rei.'fee' of ;
"XToodry; & Voodry.
: ; AUcnopflSEns y
MjMMifvM faatM4lcns ffrentt
the Owners, Frank. Palmer,
Julia Jacobeon,te eeu ea
Thursday Kiht, 8 P. M.
- at tha .,
1610 N. Scsnaer SU
The Following t- veleur
davempert, table model w ,
die, cabinet radio, aaanary
coMh. Blnrer aewlng naa-
chine, -gateleg breakfast ta
ble, 1 walnut oeo. i mm pw
..k1 mattrees. 1 oak
ex. table, buffet aud oak
diners, . A-l, . oreswera,
nuxiea mod beater. Bar-
see electric washer, a xl2
wool rags, eosgoiewii
liaoleuns tmaanta, ,aew-
Ins basket, country tele-
-phone,' electric plate, phono
graph, mantle clock, double
frame bicycle. Cab aquarium
cemplet with flah, writing:
desk, borne canned fruit, set
dishes, library table, u ma
hogany DavDable 'kJtcben
cabinet, wringer, apartment
novae electric washer, iron
ing board, new brooms, new
tryckie, 2 fur vesta, and
many other miscellaneous
articles.- - ? ' " '
'ltra Ep-eclal neasfy ratlor
tSuipment Ordered Sold oy
Owner. Mrs. BIcQrath.
"" . '. ; ' .. . ; v
. - " : j - - . v v - i
! - f ' .
i . -
; Now. you oca casioy tha prssUTa cl csntia
engrored. pcsienad Tilting ecrds ci tha Cnsst
Vaddlnci Bristol cad , isiatmxis : of Flcfinura
IVichracat ct tha lowest prices ever cllcrodl
You do not henra to furnish a plats. : V wiU ca
tha pla wllhout extra chesca. .
12 pcasCsd tiisradi
C3 enrelcTen to '
II ...
' 1C3 pcr..Ttd Via
: tiaej Cards
Your chdeo cf 3 c!cs of stock cad 3 beoutl
fcl rtyl-3 cf lcttcrini . . cU eodcdly correct . .
ell thoroughly modsra.
Izkarcd ccrds era Jurt Ci Ihlag for C'
shcrt ricia wlCi Cowers, cend ex c-l3. Thr
era cprcpriala fsr corrcrpcndcnca wherever
brevity end irJorraclLiy cuit bo cxcrilmd. C-
our acnrplsa today.
215 Soulli Cou::::crc:r! Clvczt
lows cemetery.