The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 13, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    : ' ... '
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' iLss - Nigh 2 - Jjw&M . 'J(0QpmPl
Nearly Block
JlsUiped Out
1 . j H'
Tra din Post, merchandise
Store, Jones Building .
Are destroyed
v t . .: .
. JEFFERSON, Jan. 12. Jeff er
son i experienced "a 225,000 blase
- Monday ; night, when tire which
broke, oat shortly before mid
night, completely ( destroyed al
most an: entire block In the busl-
. ness district.' . -. . . . -
Buildings destroyed by the fire
' Included - the Jefferson i Trading
Post, occupied by K. A. Barlow;
the ' general merchandise store of
Smith Fontaine, and the W. IL
Jones building. On the first floor
of the Jones building; .was the
' local telephone office, the barber
shop, and the ' Elite eonf eetion-
ery, and the rooms on the second
" floor were occupied by Mr. Jones.
The. fire wis discovered by the
night operator tn the local tele
phone' office, ' Mrs. Lois Under-
- wood. The fire started in the Jer
ferson -Trading Post, which, Is the
building" next door ,to the tele-
' phone office. The buildings were
all wooden structures, and In a
.short, time were .one ' me as" of
. flames,- which could "be seen by
residents ; of; surrounding; towns.
( 1 Some Goods Bared 1 -vl
About two truckloads of goods
' were taken out of the Smith
Fontaine .store and Into the build
ing across .the street, formerly
occupied by Knight Bros, garage.
Two trucks . and a car . belonging
to C L. TtHirtoa. 'wtilth were
stored in the 'Trading Post 'build
ing, were destroyed by the fire.
All phone communications were
Impossible, as phone circuits
through town were out. Call tor
assistance was sent to the Albany
lire department, and a i pumper
and six firemen 'responded, and
with the aid of the local fire
department kept- the fire from
v spreading - "farther. - The Intense
v heat cracked the plate glass win
dows in - the front of the A. - B.
Bins hardware store across - the
street. ; ' -: v .
.'Jon, Fontaine to Rebuild
" ; Temporary headquarters for the
. local telephone office will he. es
tablished ia the - Jefferson IK
. brary. W. L;-Jones andrMr.: Fon
taine report that they will rebuild
' as soon as 'possible. v '
- There Was no wind af-the time'
;f " the fire; and tom ot th
roofs of buildings were- covered
with snow; making It easier for
firemen, to 'keep the fire from
spreading to-other buildings. No
one was injured.' . ?
Savyer Residence
Destroyed By Fire
GRAND ISLAND. Jan: 12-r-Pire.
thought to have started from
sparks ' from the chimney; com
pletely destroyed the residence en
the Frank Sawyer farm about 9:30
o'clock ' Saturday ' morning. Mr.
and Mrs. Adelbert fSmith, who
had the farm rented, were living
In the house. The fire, which broke
out on the south slope of the roof
and whipped by a strong southeast
wind,' was practically out of con
trol when discovered by- Mr.
Smith. ; - ;
" Neighbors were summoned Im
mediately. Most of the furniture
and clothing were carried to safe
ty. The heaviest loss to the family
consisted of canned fruit, stored
vegetables which they. bad takn
Into the bouse to prevent freezing,
bed and bedding. '
Insurance covers the loss of the
house. . At present Mrs.: Smith'
and little daughter, Myrtle Jane,
are staying at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Rogers' at Fairvlew.
- -v . j. 4 '' -t
Allie a Marcellus ; Scott , -
" Passes at Silvertonj :
: Funeral . Rites Today
SILVERTON, Jan. 13 Foner
. aP services - for Mrs. Allie Mar-'
cellns Scott. 7 7; who died Sun
day night, wilt -be held - Wednes
day at 2 o'clock from the Ekman
. Funeral ' home.'.. r :,.., " , J
Mrs. Scott was born in "fish
house, New York,, and , time to
Ell vert on from Nebraska in 1218.
. Survivors ' Include . one ; daugh
ter, Mrs. MamieiLaurey .of SI1
verton; three foster children, Ida
Berger In . Nebraska. Elixabth
Scott of Lakevlew. Orego'n , and
Clara Scott of Silverton, besides
two sisters In the east. ;
EIrs. Harve Smith, , 57, r . ,1
: Dies; Last Rites Will
Be Thursday at 2 p. m.
' ; . 1 . . - j ?-y. :
SILVERTON. - Jan. , 1 1 Funeral-
service s ;for - Mrs. - Hrve
Smith, 7. who died Tuesday,
, will i be held Thursday at 2 o'
clock , from the Ekman funeral
home' with Rev.' Frank Zook of
ficiating. ' ' " - ' '
- Survivors- include the , widower
and two children, ; Orval- Smith
and Jessie Range of ; SilTerton,
"and a brother, John Dawes also
of Silverton. : '
Grand Island T.Ieii Attend
Annual Gtnuery J.Ieetins
IL Tompkins and Louis Will at
tended a meeting of , the Spring
brook cannery association - held
Saturday at Springbrook. The two
men have recently Joined the com
pany where they may dispose ef
a large portion-of their -fruit. All
' present "Eatur day -were taken- ca a
' tcr K throu gh the new. buildls.?,
-erected following the firm- which
T. estroyed - the ' -ol last Ena:
FallenWork Tower Dyzdricd ByQplden Gate Bridge
In the most spectacular accident yet to strike the Golden Gate brlds, a 100-foot false-work tower under
u rch at old Spanish Fort Point recently crashed, carrying; three workmen. One man, Jr. Han
craft, wm seriously injared, while the others, C W. Brinkley and B. Krleger, eacaped with cat and
V braises. The tower collapsed during a sadden rain squall. : Bridge engineers said work had been tn
progress removing wind braces on the tower preparatory to removal of the tower Itself. Photo shows
how the piled nn wreckage (Indicated by arrow) Is dwarfed by the also, of the; ta6ev-teurtion.
Lamberts Observe
I 40tli Anniversaiy
- - f 5 i .
STAYTON, Jan. -12 Mr. and
Mrs. Lb SV Lambert were bests to
a large number of-friends-in hon
or of their 40th wedding anniver
sary Thursday. A reception was
held la the afternoon and evening
with a delicious anniversary din
ner served at 6:30 p. m. to Mr.
ad Mrs. C. A. Beauchamp, Mr. and
Mrs.' Arthur Leffler, Mr. and Mrs..
George Glover, Mrs, Amelia Van
Ermen, Edward Hallock, Ellen
Reynolds; Frank ' Tats 'and 4 chil
dren of Culver; Mrs. Celine MCler,
Mr." and Mrs.' Harry Porter and
Miss Helen Porter, Tony M in. ten
and Maxlne M in ten. and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert. ; i t
The) " Lamberts ' were presented
with .beautiful plants by the Or
der, of Eastern Star chapter," Stay
ton grange and. Happy Hoar dub,
of which Mr. and Mrs. Lambert
have " been members for 14 'many
years. At the reception several
steel o.uftar -selections were play
ed by Miss Maxlne Minten and
Miss Helen Porter, r r . ;
' - Many friends called during the
afternoon to offer congratulations.
Those assisting in serving at
the dinner were Mrs. Martha Glo
ver, Mrs. Mabel Leffler, Mrs. Am
elia Van Ermen and Mrs." Leona
Porter. t j ' . I ' r-
Educators Arrive '.
To Give Test But
i School Is Qosed
MILL CITT. Jan. 1 Dr. Shel
ton of the University of Oregon,
Dr. Worlngton of Madison. Wis.,
and. D. A. Emerson of the state
department of education, ; called
In Mill City Friday to give the sec
ond test in "Cooperative Study of
Secondary 'School" Standards" to
the Mill City high school students'.
Two hundred schools In the Un
ited States were chosen to take
these tests,' the four In Oregon
being Lincoln high ' of Portland;
McLaughlin high. MUton-Freewa-ter,
Sheridan high and Mill City
high schooL ' - y
' - On account of the cold weather
the Mill City school had been dis
missed, so D. A. Eemerson and
Dr. Parr of the-State college will
visit Mill City later to f Its the
tests. g. A v.-' T ? r ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore
and son Bobby of West Fir are
visiting in Mill City at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baltimore.
Coast lias Winter-too v ;
With Most Seyere Cold
-" i v On Record at Nelscott
: KEIZER, Jan. 12 Mrs. G. N.
Thompson rtarned Monday night
from Nelscott where she. spent a
week with, her daughter, Mrs.
Ray Phipps of Portland. The win
ter struck the coast suddenly and
severely daring the week. It was
reported to be the coldest. weath
er ever experienced there. " One
compensating feature was the
beautiful sunsets.: : ., :'
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. : Burnett of
Clear Lake, on their way to Los
Angeles to spend the winter -with
party . of friends from: their
home ; town, - stopped over here
for 4 week st the Sam Richard"
home. , j J ' -
; j" I Dayton Boys Lose .
? DATTON, Jan. 12 Union high
school basketball . boys' team lost
to the Sheridan boys In the .first
league . game .played here . Friday
night. The score was 29 to 19.
yt'k:o lizzdls FcdOU. CciltrJ Crf :tixid Zlz
Grs-'a Dicsc pirfcr Tartcr Crrl-ci C3 Ezrstra"
SUVER, Jan. il The commun
ity club met ai j the hall Friday
night. A number of people from
Monmouth' attended." Mr." Cham
bers," chairman; of ' the chamber
of eomerce . announced the pro
gram after betnr Introduced by
Mrs. Wes. ' Kester. Musical num
bers, sleight-of-hand tricks were
given, . also an address oi "Why
I think the small town la due to
make a. large 'fro wth.". was. giv
en In' an intereettng manner by
Mr. GUletts. , . -. -y; . .;
Committees - tor - the .February
meeting are: Program, -Mrs. Ed
win Larsen, : Mrs. Ralph-, Kester
and' Mrs. Emma Benedict. Re
freshment, Mrs Bam Surer, Mrs.
F. Rock and Mrs.. Tyler Johnson.
to the cold weather a small crowd
was present at the . , community
club meeting Friday night. The
program was in charge of ' the
young folk of the neighborhood.
Miss flertha - Aim, ; a member of
the Silverton high school .faculty,
gave a most interesting talk on
her; summer travels in Europe.
The American Legion trio of Sil
Terton. Mrs. W. P..Scarth, Mrs.
J. J. Lewis and Mrs. H. L. Riches
with Mrs. 'Roy (Davenport as ac
companist, gave a group of songs.
The hall has i been wired - for
electricity since the last meeting
and the lights iwere nsd for , the
first time Friday night. - A pie
social win be given at the club
house January j 22,' the proceeds
to go to defray the i expense of
wiring the hall n- ' . - ; '
regular meeting of the commun
ity - club will i be held Friday
night. Tumbling and Indian dab
drills will be m part of the pro
gram furnished by the TJd.CjL
of 8alem. ' Jaquith's music house
will also furnish entertainment.
John AJMoe Is CaUed-
- At Mehama Residence)
- Final Rites Not Set
MEHAMA, Jan. 1 2John ' A.
Moe died at his horns here early
this morning. He had been In
ill health ' tor j several months.
Funeral arrangements were 1 net
completed today. I
Surviving are the widow and
four children, Mrs. i Henry Korn
mann of Vancouver; Iva Moe of
Vancouver Adlyn Moe of Port
land and Ruth ' Moe of Mehama;
a brother, Slg Moe of Portland;
and ; three sisters, Mrs. Lena
Woar of Silverton. Mrs. Eliza
beth Elzenhartief Vancouver and
Mrs. Xnga Young of Los Angeles.
; Meeting Place i Changed
' SILVERTON.I JanJ 12 County
students are- asked to notice that
while , the legislature Is tn ses
sion, the class meeting at the
Marion . hotel . must . find - accom
modations ' elsewhere. - Wednes
day night the group will meet at
room BOB Guardian building, Sa
lem, to arrange larger, quarters.
Miss Olive Stersns of Silverton
directs the class. . . v
Salve 1
- Ealre-Noee
Drops ,
prtee v
Sc. 1C ZZc
Wonien's Groups
Meetat lrary
i. SILVERTON, Jan. 12 The Sil
verton Woman's club was host to
the junior ' Women's ; club at a,
ing Monday ' night .at the Silverton.
publie library at which Mrs. H. B
Latham, ehalrmon of the library
board, served as program chair
man. - '. .:
-' Mrs. A. P. Solle, president of the
Woman's club, opened the meeting
and -after a short business session
turned the affair over, to - Mrs.
TAtham, Mrs. G.B. Behtson; - mem
ber of the' library board,' wel
comed ' the guests, - Mrs.' ' Latham
gave a brief , and interesting'7 his
tory of book making and bind
ing. : This was ' followed 1 by 1
demonstration by Miss" Alice Jen
sen In, mending . books, Miss Jen
sen mends the. books at the Sil
verton library, and - mended one
during her talk. Miss LlHIe Mad
sen, librarian, talked on books
added to the library during the
pastyearv .
Following the formal meeting,
the visitors Inspected the library
and ; looked over the scrap books
which are being made by the na
tional youth girls. ;
Honor John R. Rohb ins -On
78th Annireriaryi
i Sunday School -Meets
PIONEER. an. 1 2 John t R.
Bobbins, pioneer of this commun
ity, who now lives in Dallas, cele
brated his T2th blrthdsy . Sundsy
at his home with these members
of the - family present: '' Mr.' and
Mrs. Roy Bird and Virginia Me
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rob
bins : and children ef this ; place,
Mr. and Mrs. Reece Robblns and
son PauL Mr. and Mrs. Art Bicker
and son of Ellendale. ' Miss Ime
gene Hlllery and Ora Harrington
of Dallas were also dinner guests.
- After dinner several members
of the' Sunday school ' from bereJ
Joined the group for a short serv
ice. Virginia MeCsrter played aa
accordion solo : and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Rice sang a duet. Mr.: Rice
gae the message of the afternoon
Z7hisCln$ defines st wiater; out trains speed south
trrtr aa ilUptstlyr Hrbwsy ct SAFZ, tmooth steel ta the
, tbaajhntrtczdca. Una ct CsllIoalM. Pain, tscrw, f bold
so terror for those who travel ia eats and comfort with: us.
' Palm-fringed beaches, soa-wacoed and storied dries desert
tore of yocr arrrvsJ. For a real tdd-wiater boliiay follow
r gas Rjd HodJ U Ssaulhti ca Z&zf'.sn Ttdlcl Z
All Jt2eqstha2r-ccd
are most economics I sad Tray Food Service at 3 and IS is
featured ia s!l Southern Facie coaches sod tsnxlst cars.
XL4urAr.rrAyr j
swiibjbjsJ's"6Kb ejjjy
CAiT rsAircicco T...: ?12.t3 gl9.70"
nxm is art . t cs.. ...t
i cess s i- I sai
I ' -
Gavel Presented
To Dayton JLc
Hazel Cones end J.' Cones
? OfiTfift Arc ilarriefl -;
- At Vancouver - -
TURNER' Jan. 12--Pearl lodge
No. 6 B, A.F. ft A.M" sent a good
rtrfeeentation of Dayton Masonic
lodge. Thursday night where they
presented- the traveling - trowel
which had 'ben "recently presented
to the local lodge by a past mas
ter of Ehedd " lodge.- Members
were", present "also from stayton
and Gerva'la."'- T'
The i usual hot school lunch for
the '.winter.; months Is " being - ta
ken ears of as, a WPA' project
Miss Jluth Larson and Mrs.Neal
Dow are In charge. r -
I Mri. T jr. M4 Stover of , Weiser,
Idaho,, is, at the home " of ,h er
daughter, Mrs,', pi .. 8. Riches,-
Sy' Itetaia phone Bosard' ";3,
I TURNER - Telephone company
held Jts annual January meeting
with'. Small .'attendance, and the
present -board . was . continued
President,.'' C. . JU' Beayj . secetaryr
teasurer, E.' S.-,Prathe; ' linemen,
H. R. Peets ;amT Floyd " Parker.
The. finances were reported to be
In' good shape,.; i '. -
J Miss . Hasel M. Bones of Tur
ner and J.' Daniel' Bones pf Taft
were married In Vancourer Jan
uray . Mrs. Bones Is the eldest
daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Bones. The- groom Is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bones or
Taft . - - .
The - W C. T. U. will i meet
Wednesday -afternoon - at . 1:J0
with- Mrs.- i: Harrison.
Croup Opposing
-; iQosuig of Bay, ;
, ) SDortsmen Find
. - I- "A , ' , - ,
! CORVALLIS. Jan., lz-t-A meeV:
tng protestlns threat of local and
Willamette valley- sportsmen - to
close he - Alsea bay . to commer
cial fiflhinr, w . held by : Alsea
bay commercial fishermen, a num
ber of business men and fish buy
ers at Waldport. according to re
port received, here from .the coast
W n m m ' J ' "- --- ' - - " :
VW,Ib-,., f .--
' The group passed .'a resolution
censoring the' act to i "deprive
around BS heads of families.' who
for a number lot. years, have been
dependent upon- their catches to
help feed. their families.-
: Senators Staples ' and Maloney,
recently elected .to the ''lower
house, .have -.been Invited to the
next meeting of - this ' prbststlna:
group to be held In the near fu
ture. r .--
Lola McCourtriey," S6," "
. Dies at Country Home t ; -Final
Services "Ileld
4 AURORA. Jan.' 12 Mrs. Lola
Courtney, BS. wife of Harry. Mc
Courtney, died at her. home west
of Aurora January .?. The widower
and two daughters survive, Mrs.
Betty Duncan, ;Loug Beach.Cailf.,'
and Mrs. Edna Taylor, Riverside,
Calif. -i t- :-: ., - . :. ,
Funeral services were held Mono-
day afternoon from, the - Miller
mortuary.1' , . . ? ..' '..'
Lorance Dorsett Drector
Of Albany Church jChoir
lALBANT. an.12 Lorance.Dos
sett assumed .-the duties of, choir
director and tenor soloist at the
Church, of Christ- In Albany Sun
day. Dossett Is an advanced music
student, of . Oregon .State . college
and during the past, two years has
been .with the - McQuary-Dossett
evangelistic, team si the. singing
member .of the team. ' . . ., . '
tej c 'rcsfSsAlwiat-
. - .
il ilW
Qidnrp) Column
r VICTOR POINT, Ian laThe.
regular jneeting ; of. the .Union
ma grange Home Economics
club scheduled, for 'Wednesday
afternoon at the grange hall has
been'7-postponed to a later dsts
because of the cold weather.; )
The'-regular 'meeting of ' the
grange. will be held Friday night
preceded by : i " 7 o'clock: Covered
dish dinner,' ' A graduation cere
niohy with fbur 'Juvenile grange
members graduating into -. subctr
dlnate -membership,-will be a fea
tore of the business, session. State
Jnvenile Matron Mrs. $, X Blake
has -been invited id Attend.. j j' -
CHEMAWA. Ja. 1 a- ;Te
regular business, session -'of Clte
mawa" grange 'will he held' Tburs
day lght"at;2 6'clock in the il.
W.A. ball with - Master Charles
Weathers' presiding. Attention iia
called 'to the change 'In order' bf.
meeting 'lilg"htsj; the" 'social - meet
ing 'wini be held 'on the fourth
Thursday . of the -month - hereaf
ter. -,rrr ':-.--r i f! '-' p
i The i Roberts degree team 4 wjll
be - present - and .. Initiate candi
dates' in - the 'first .and - second -degree.
1Mrs,3 F; 8. McCall will pre
sent f a iprogTam' ' following" tte
business' session. ; V - r j ;
i The H.E.C.'s wllC be hosts for
the-evening and-, will; serve cake
and sandwiches;
uome ix una .Meets
j FAIRFIELD, Jan; . 12 In spite
of J Inclement' - weather Thursday,
12 members and xnests attended
the all-day meeting of - th - Fair-J
neid. grange H.E.C. at, the home
of . Mrs. Duke Ballweber. Club
luncheon je-as - enjoyed. t - - f
- At th next meeting J tfebVua)?
4, with Mrs. D. B. DuRette, It ila
hoped that, a woman's glee clb
can r be organized, in order that
special - music can be given at
the grange meetings this year.
Aik Paul Tf 1 ISA
FAIRFIELD, Jan.' 12 Fair
field grange held Its r e gfu 1 a r
meeting Friday ' night " with Jig
members present 'in spite of jtihe
cord" Weather.'. An- officers seat
ing drill was given with J. itv.'
Johnston In charge. . . ; ;J :
-; J.' F. Lacey, representatlre rdf
Woodburn Business Men's v clqb.
presented .a ; group of ' talented
people In an Interesting program
forllecturer'a honrr Included, were
Up dances by Shirley '. Rockefel;
ler, witS Mrs. Norton, at 'jtbej pin
ano'; readings,: Donald. . Stills joV
cal 'solos, Wayne TCennant.' -:
;.,The .H.. E. . Chairman . " Mrsf M,
B. Lucas: reporter that a,"p!eifos
cial and dance will be held Fri
day night, January 22.. open ;tov
the public.; .Committees .In charge:
Pie. Mrs. JF, M. Hill; door, Mjrs.
Duke Ballweber; floor. . Mrs. -jLu-cas
and Mrs.-Allyn.Nusom;. fjpf
fee. Mrs. J.- W. Johnston;, pfo-
gram,: Mrs. , O,. B. . DuRette and
Mrs. J.'"".A; Ditmars; auetioneer,
tV.,C' Hall, -Oscar Jtonje and Joe
Hoxle. . ,-':-.
: . Mrs. ' Lucas reported - that ma
terials would . be - purchased for
making bazaar articles, the work
to be started at the next regular
HJ!. -club : meeting at the honie
of Mrs. Dn Rette all-day Thurs
dav. . Febraaiy. ; 4.'-. j - j&
j iThe. resolution - frem Waaco
county . waS . adopted regarding
improvement of rural roads.) -fit
asks that the legislature set aside
2 B . per . cent of. all gasoline 1 tax
funds -received by the state Ho
surface school ' bus - mail.'., route
roads, giving "preference -to : those
roads-first. which are. used. Joint-
ly by both school- busses and jaa
matt routes. ' ... v .:, '
v. -r- r , o-.
i - ' ." Install Officers . l-i.
-r RICKREALL;-J&h..'l2 ;--- The
grange '- officers -' were installed
Friday night- by 8. H.i Edwards
of Monmouth,- who was- assisted
by Mrs. Alts Rodgers, Mrs.' Alta
Smith, Mrs. 'Irene-' Sealey; Mrs.
S. H. Edwards, J. B. - Riney - aad
Mrs. Alma Dempsey. Officers' In
stalled were:- Master, J- HZ Hr-
IHctstor Cx the jraayi cent Frekient Ei.t aa ezccTt trsia-ia aLowane aryv
re iiuesticaiaUy'the besibuit. eaHt' ornea Came la and Live a r-cw 1127 Cl-'
' tlack' prices la' America i-.Thcyve'( got''iMterials;ani ' it V conceded ta Is Air-ica's spctr.
vokmmte?Mi them -,-rfazr : boastful : and in-wt-tc 1 liaW - tl Had c
car to shamel' .'Y "- ;v' - ;' '-ir?, "-.Jererating "- '" -yit cc
v - Tlyre 'hCZt to.stand c ani stand Wfor years - siire and sollil'e ta 1 '? on bontlJy
fffwf for thousands of miles after other
land;, overseer,. F. E.- Pence; lec
turer, Claude Larking secretary,
Mrs. Helen Van - Santen; trea
surer.! W. W.r Rowellr steward,
II. A Dempsey; assistant .-.steward,
' Kenneth' Bnrsell; " chaplain.
Mrs. Ida - Ragsdale; gatekeeper,
Ora Lants; Ceres.: Mrs; Mary Ad
ams; Pomona,- Mrs. Lydla Gral
bert; Flora.' Mrt. Addle Bearer;
Pence; Executive committee, Mrs;
lady assistant steward, Mrs. Grace
LiUie . LarkinB. -F.-Oralbert aad
Arthur Beater., . . . ! . i
r During-the business, session Ag-
ricultura.l ' Committeeman.-; .Bur
sell ' stressed "the - sowing of:- soy
beans tor. seed. i FE. Pence sug
gested 4hat ' all turkey ..raisers
guard against .the . feeding of fish
and ;cod liver; oil meat due to ef
fect of flavor of the dressed fowl:
Mlss .Carola May was girrn the
obligation of the third and fourth
degrees -by : Past Master x. P.. F.
Pen?. It. was voted" to -.lay "a
new floor on the . downstairs hall
and -tb -.purchase': Six new chairs
and a '.met' Thursday, was . the
day; decided upon to' saw, '.wood
" -V k
t PLBAS ANTD ALE; Jan.l;l 2-.
W Slms.W, resident ol the
Pleasantdale neighborhood for 17
years, . died Sunday at his .home
after nine days illness, due to a-e.
He was . born Sent ember 28, 1S54
at Bethlehem Penn , .and when
a child moved to LaCrosse, Wis.,
and later to Stoddard. WJ., wbfre
he was united in marriaK wth
Miss Estella Henry. A vril 2 S, 1882.
Twelve children were born. . -
1 He -moYed with .his family to
Salem, Oregon, in 1910 and later
to Wheatland.-He was-a member
of the . Dayton. -.Methodist church.
Suriving are his widow and
nine children, 2B grandchildren
and two great grandchildren. The
sons - are Merle- and - William of
Portland: Robert of Forest CroveT
the daughters are Mrs. John Mur
phy.. Beaverton? ; Mrs.- ; Kenneth
Sco veil,; " Nehalem; Mrs. Riley
Clark, Dayton;- Mrs. Harry Wam
bsgan. Grand Coulee, Wash.:. Mrs.
Curtis Young. Forest Grove; Mrs.
Vernon- Foster,- Dayton. Uyr .
. 'Funeral wia be nt 2 p. m.,Wedr
nesday.;;.:;--;; yr;
Weather Cuts Attendance ;
At Stayton ' Lesion Meet
1 STAYTON. JanC l 2 Stayton
post No. - 58r -American "Legion
held Its regularmonthly- meeting
Monday night at the' Boy 'Scout
clubroom in the basement of 1 the
Women's clubhOuae. " Because otv
thef cold weataer a" smaii atten
dance was i" reported, with only
foutine business being transacted.
- A Baptist minis
ter recommended
jasey'a Compound,
I was given up' to
die. with rheuma
tism, was down five
months and found
Casey's Compound
life-saver. 'Cannot
recommend it too highly as a won
derful medicine.; REV. W. T.
FORD, 2718 S. -E.' Morrison St.;
Portland, -Oregon; ;. - . - .
H AjiTirarns ; .
Dear Sir: t have a chronic ease
of Arthritis for almost 20 years,
hardly able to move without great
deal of pain. After Using 11 bot
Ites of Casey's "Compound I; can
again - get around anL do -part, of
my house work. The pain Is grad
ually leaving me. I give full credit
to Casey's Compound. MRS.
KURATH. 8120 S. E. 85th Ave.,
Portland Ore.. ! - .
A . .. jOa Sale at C ' S, :'
i VOOtPERr & ; tEGC
! i 'A
cars have worn - t.tuacta?r s tcnvi
Aurora Delegation
Mat Lodges' Event
Pytkians Slate Card Party;
Averill to Undergo
; r Eye Operation
AURORA. Jan. 4 2 Those from .
Aurora attending the joint instal
lation of the Pythian lodges cf '
Hubbard were Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Weber t, Mrs. E. J.' Snyder, Mrs. .
J. I. Smith and Drl F. C. Renfew. '
and others. The installation of the
Aurora . Pythlans Sisters will te
Wednesday night. '
7', The Knights of Pythias are '
sponsoring - a ' card . party this '.
Thursday night. -
?' A. R. Averill, bridge contractor
of Jennings Lodge, who received
serious ..injuries to his eje La a .
construction on- October 21 near
Aurora, returned Monday to the
Coffey clinic In Portland.' He will '
undergo and operation on his eye. '
Averill is of the firm of Averill ;
k ' Corbln, contractors. who 1 are .
building a bridge on the Wilson- '
ville cutoff highway. - f
' Guests at the A. W. Kraua -home
Saturday night and Sunday
were . Betty Bowe and Billy Chase, .
students at Maryhurst college.
. - Mr. and Mrs. Jonas M. Will at
tended, a banquet at the- Brawn .
hotel -In-Portland -Monday night.
It was the annual meeting of .the -United
Grocers of Oregon. -1 "
- E. C. Natigar, who has been vis-
iting his daughter, Mrs. -Percy
Will, and I other relatives for the
past two weeks, left for his home
In Wilder; Idaho. . 5
;.: - ; . .. .
Winter Sports Enjoyed - -
TJNIONVALE; 'JanJ i2-fikatlns
and sleigh-riding has been the ub- ;
usual sport of many young people ,
of . this locality during the last .
few days ' ,-' A
::? P Whstbar tpu yiiit
Sda Francisco lor fun or for
finance, for business or for
: ' ploasure, touII bo amazed
v and jplsossd to find a erect
holel coyering two acres
whore $y principal streets
. snoet tho famous Palace
Hotel. He re the financicl,
. shopping, 1 the atre, and
-; w-holesale disMcJj meet :
meraIlyV' - ;-'':r-':' " - j-
, i v 'J
tOO toons, tack wua balk. J
'.Srosm S3 per doj idaiU) vp.
ls BteBaorl etSan FtorndtetT.
Atcklbold H; ' Price, Maaeeei
lS UCh
? hy
t i i.a
ii . t.r
' re!
' J !
t C.I.T.E-- t i