1 PAGSTZIJ Spreading Out Every Hint of Que Now Being y Followed But . Few Are Revealed (Continued from Page 11 der which : held hack all search J daring the last week of the boy's kidnaping. .'"vy"'-' Finding of Charles body, brut ally beaten,- yesterday loosed the forces of law.: An order from President "Franklin D. Rooavelt to "go get him, plus the stim ulus of a 110,000 reward fanned the hunt to fever heat today. . Intensive Search 51 For Clues is Made ' : In the waste-land seven miles south of Everett, where Charles' body was: found, nearly .100 fed eral' agents, state police and oth er officers, : conducted a minute search. Some tore through thick ets. Some searched winding cow tiails .over barren cut-over tana. A fleet of automobiles and t mo torcycles patrolled highways' and iH-roidt. Other officers oaes- tloned residents of the doxenn ol chicken ranches and small farms within three-mile radius. -;. Halt a dozen reports of mysterious automobiles were Investigatd. Around the spot .where the body lay in a depression yester day, .federal ' agents continued their careful scientific , workto day; -Impressions of tire -tracks and foot' prints were transferred to - wax. f .Dosena. of . photographs were taken -while - other-agent Inspected every broken . branch and misplaced bit of snow. - , ' At least - three automobile loads ' of federal agents; were in the area, -In addinen toi state pairs men. ' BUte Patrol Chief William Cole commanding . the group In per son, said -he would - gradually ex-j .tend the scope or his searcn to in elude the entire state of Washing ton It necessary. .- .. . . . , Known Criminal Under Scrutiny - . ... The officers were known to be seeking the clothes Charles .wore when he . was abducted, the. spot .'where his body was laid before -being transferred to the .Everett . hiding place and the site of the actual murder.. Given these clues, -they ' believed they.: might be led directly to the kidnaper. , ... In vTtcoma, Seattle, . Spokane .and other Pacific northwest cities .meanwhile, police quietly investi gated the . activities of every known criminal. Parole officers .were' especially active. - i "i .Washington state hospitals also checked their records for suspi cions former patients or. escaped inmates. Their theory was some former patient of Dr. W. W. Matt son, some narcotic addict or In sane person operating from con fused motives of revenge, might be responsible for (he kidnaping and murder. - To support this - theory, ' they had little except Dr. Mattson's wn statements the kidnaper was incoherent, in telephone "contact" conversations and Irrational In his directions. ' Drunkenness Charged Joseph Burke, who gave his address. as Oregon CIty.- wss ar rested by city police last night en a charge .- of drunkenness. Burke was arrested at the Mar lon hotel where It was alleged he had been causing a disturbance xa the lobby. -v. - ; nsrCSS : Tragic Climax for Search for t -hMSSfrX HnSSHHr -k... "Xt. -.'v Federal G-men and other officers are shown placing the body of Charles llattson, 10-year-old Taeoma boy, victim of a kidnaper. In an ambulance to be taken back to Taeoma. The) body. Ilea on a stretcher. and la covered with a blanket. found, six miles soath of Everett, Townsend Setup Wm;BeOiangea V. v r :.;: .-1 ' ; .- - . ; ' : - (Continued from Page 1) - s e n d - supporting ; organization; with .the", manager to be elected by a . vote of all Townsendites. He also said the action was not tak en to "antagonize" the national organization. -; y , . : ; - " Dr. Shadduck ' said he did not know ; whether he would accept the state managership until he knew "all. the conditions. . . - "I have had enough politics to last me for the next six or eight months, or longer. . Fisher; Stock Is Bought By Gelilen STATTON. - Jan. IS Charles Gehlen of Geblen's store grocery, market and, mercantile firm here for many years, has been busy the past few days taking in ventory-of the stock of the old Joseph Fish er clothing store he purchased re cently. Gehler will move the mer chandise to his store location. which will leave only one vacant storeroom In the town. In disposing of his stock Jas- eph-Fiaher closes his - 28th year in business here; "Dick"" Richard son, former deputy -sheriff, was at one time- a partner with Fisher in the clothing firm. . - p. , -1 V t .l These iQuioB&blftaJlv svy . r.:: mm A . m, . l 1 . ......... i. ' ........ nd The LcsislaWe Arc. (n, Sc That meant LAWS . . Laws that affect both the big fellow . . . the little fellow v the fellow in between'. Thinking citizens will want to keep tab on proceeding f eongresa and the legislature. ;The v .. ... '-( logical way to keep informed is through The Oregon Statesman, Salem's MOXUMIVG daily. For only the morning paper gives you the COrPLETE story daily of the preceding day and evening's sessions x reMBMA4vfcv& Tb p&tere was taken near the clamp f frees! j where the bouy Monday .r-Inter national Dlnstrated Three of Justice " Audits of the records of the jus tice of the peace offices at Mana ma, Jefferson and ML Angel have been completed, rnnd the auditors today will move to! the Sllverton Justice court office, lit was report ed at the county clerk's office yes terday. Audits of the outlying Jus tice districts are being made by J. H. Rowland and Warren "Dick" Richardson; state auditors are checking on the Satem district. ' In reply to a'reiqnest for his records, Henry Smith, constable at Stayton for years, has advised the county clerk that the records were all turned over to the late Judge Jerome Grler. I i Donation of Part Of Park Favored "(Continued from Page 1) . out -loss of Its! present facilities. ; ."It will be I Just . a , rearrange ment, that's all," Dancy said. Between S1.000 and 118.090 will be spent by the commission In adding an artistic west entrance to the capltol building and In ter racing and landscaping the extra 19-foot strip of park land, the committee was advised, accord ing to Dancy. The terracing Is re quired to raise the ground level to the new entrance, which will be about six feet higher than the present ' leveL ;, -, l' i'V.. llDffilliiiio ". ' - ; CD i Llattzon Boy, j eesj jwh 14 Leave of Absence (Continued from Page 1) 1918-0 while Prof. If. S. Peck was In England, and was advanced to the rank of. associated profes sor tn 19SS. i.j.):.y" I He received his undergraduate training- at Nebraska . Wesleyan, receiving his A. B. degree in 19S0 and his -M. A. at -the University of nilnols in 10 ST. He has vur aued graduate studies at the Uni versity of Washington oceanogra phlo station at Friday. Harbor, Waah and at the University ef California. , . ' - Mrs. Monk and the family wtH remain In Salem until spring. , - Two From Salem ; IMalie Honor Roll UNTVERSITT OF OREGON. Eugene, January IS The-Misses Msrlan Hultenberg : and ; Gladys Wlndedahl, both of Salem, have achieved places on the honor roll of the University of Oregon for the fall term. This honor was awarded to 100 students," It was announced here by C. L. " Con stance, assistant registrar. "Miss Hultenberg, a ; freshman In physical education, Is 1 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hultenberg;. -.- - - v.- i - Miss- Wlndedahl,' - a Junior tm education, la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. ' Wlndedahl. ' . . . . . r y i " -V. ----- -.- . . - r , ... ': . , . ; ir -J'-:;:?-' ' " " v.-- " v K r'-'"r-' "'" m : M aie.(R ram Associated Press while the Oregon Legislature . ; . The S talesman's . own able reporters and by the state capitol bureau Y . ' , . , i ' . " . - . " - " ; " , - - J. . of the Associated Press. Full reports will appear each morning of " ' ' , ----- v-s , -r - - ' - - . ; the previous day's proceedings and of night committee hearings. 1 'Follow the news of congress and the legislature get the f ell !cry V yswifily .and accurately, told in; THE OIIEGON STATES' IATf; 2 AzCli ... o Teacliera ; said : . . Lawyer' Pay Issues Are Cited yy la Cupper Request - ; . (Continued from Page 1) y vestlgatldaiii Hack's or any oth er court, and If the hoard wants an Itemised statement the same can be furnished." -. r- The full text of .Cupper's res- . , - m . . ibuou was as ioxiowa; , - .... ."Whereas, difference of opinion has arisen among members of the board relative' to the payment of teacher s salaries, and. r n,"JHiereas, payment of .certain attorney's . fees authorized by the board have been questioned, and, -"Whereas,- the' present ''system of purchasing,', maintaining and distributing school supplies Is not In harmony -with the best -business practice, and, c. : ."Whereas, iwork done la cooperation- with federal relief agen cies has necessitated ' the .expendi ture of funds, outside the ordln ary: routine; t i',.' '"-"3 .?..-iW . . . "Now, therefore, he It resolved that the board employ sV firm of certified public accountants to make : a thorough 7 and ' complete audit of tne records of the board for the past two years and other accounts dealing with emergency relief work, with recommendations for changes, ' If any - are deemed necessary, in our present system.? The annual audit of school dis trict affairs,- Cupper averred; has been a perfunctory checking of records. 'There was no second to his . motion "for ' adoption of -.the resolution. ?. - EadTill Hear n tionallOfficiiO - Delegations of .Eagles lodgemen will come to Salem tonight -from Oregon - City, Newberg, - Melllnn- Tllle, Tillamook, Dallas, : Toledo and Sllverton to hear an address on the order's social security pro gram to he delivered at Fraternal temple at I o'clock by Dr. H. B. Mehrmann, Oakland, Calif.. - na tional president. A. Warren Jones of Salem, state president, will wel come. Dr. Mehrmann. upon his ar rival at the Senator hotel at 4 Headed by Jones, a: groun of state officers, end officers of the local and visiting lodges will hon or. Dr. Mehrmann at a dinner at the Quells at 0:10 p.'m.. Vl. . The. Saism Jodge, Willamette aerie, assisted by Its drill team, will be la charge of tonight's' meet ing, whleh will Include Initiation ceremonies. -. ; - -"' :: Sout hSale mSite p Studied Board - . ..." : -., ' Forecasting a. possible deal to obtain a site for a future senior high school building In south Sa lem, the school board last night studied appraisals .made of a tract adjoining the Leslie funlor high ' grounds and of the old Lin coln" and 'Park school blocks.1 f Wv C. Conner, owner of . the Leslie tract, -'has proposed that the . board trade the : abandoned Lincoln and Park grounds tor his land. The' appraisals, made by the Salem Realty board, rai ned the Lincoln block at f $000, the Parte block at SS500, exelu- alve of buildings and the Connor tract at . SHOO, including Con ner's house. i ft 4".: "v' . ' i ( r -- - hi Supplied complete news r ...... .... . . . .: , .- ! VV U U It Hiy iUtll' "ill: ... . - - 1 - t ' - " - - Glenn FraMz Lczc Onztar Ficht - Despite a determined battle to defend himself from charges brought ' by the L FoUette faction of tne University of Wisconsin board of regents, headed by Harold WUkle, left. Dr. Glean Frank, nnlver- if: slty president, was retired from office. Frank, seated at the rffbfi '- of Wllklc, who ts standing, was-ousted by an S ot T rote. ' ' Drl Brooliis Offers EdiKHwGoui 4 1 Teachers and prospective teach ers of Salem and ticlnity have an opportunity to study "Prlncipless' of , Teaching" ' under Dr. Wendell;. S .Brooks, professor ot 'education of ) the University I of Oregon. A: class in that course Is helng eon--ducted Monday nights at 7:18: o'clock at Salem high school,- as. part of thtrevening extension pro- gram of the Oregon State system; of higher education.-.; " . : Dr. Brooks, iwho came to. ore-f gon from the University of Mon-, tana and who had served on the; faculties of Northwestern univer sity and Chicago Teachers college, varies - his teaching through lec tures and textbeeks by - urging : teachers to mike use of theirs teaching, experiences. Prospective instructors are eneouraged to do' what Dr. Brooks terms "anticipa tory teaching. . -.-. .. . t Although the winter term of the extension program has already opened, persons Interested in the; course are still being encouraged1; to enroll. j fc -- : - - In Many Sections GRAND FORKS. B. C. Jan, II -(iP)-Two meri were held herf to night by Royal Canadian aiountea police for illegal en try-In to Canada after they had' been convicted ear-. Her, of carrying arms without a permit and been' fined S20 each. - The men; giving the names of Leonard ' Dahl.' Si; and WillUm Bailey, 44. said 'they were from Miles City. Mont and had passed through Wallace,- Idaho, Spokane, Wash., and Republic, Wash. ; .' -t MORE - , I " Police , communicated w 1 1 h United States authorities to check on " their activities before - enter- tafCanada. ,- ;Vn TAC0MA4 JanJ 12-(jP-Feders4 - !t- ' - '.'it: . jt olumn& , ' ' ".. -if .''"'.,.v .'j "'" : - -r-- e. n I .4 . - TV i i -i. of CorrLa by tie: . will be covered by -i- bureau of investigation men said there was iao basis for ""conaect-; lng the - men arrested in 1 Grand Fords. B. ; 0., with theMattson kidnaping. rllt&i 1-v.. - :-r Funeral Held for Funeral ' services for ' Mr. and Mrs.. Merle G. Long,. the young Salem ; couple Injured fatally '. in an -automobile-bus collision north of Salem Saturday afternoon, were held at the Clough-Barriek chap el yesterday afternoon. So many friends of the couple came to pay their last respects that the chapel was overflowed.' A profusion of flowers," the gifts of organisations and individuals, were ' arranged about the front of the auditorium. ... j Brief . services were r e a d by Rev. Grover C. -Birtchet of the First Presbyterian church' at the chapel and at Belerest - Memorial park. William Wright sang. v ! Among those attending the rites was a delegation of Long's f rat erntty brothers from the Phi Delta Theta chapter, Oregon State col lege, which both he and Mrs. Long attended. ' ; 1 Policemen stood bareheaded as they guided the long funeral pro cession i through busy Intersec tions. - . , U-i"'" " " :' Cafeteria Manager -May y Accept College1 ' Offer T.nn TTarwood. Parrlah Inn- lor high school cafeteria manager and foods instructor, may accept at position with the Ore god - state college extension department at a 75 per cent increase in salary as airsult of school hoard action last night In releasing -her -from her contract here' College officials Will be requested to permit hr fto ' remain - here, however;' until a bother instructor can be obtained I? fill. her place.'.., ": ' : t, r . - - . - i . v. f ;';ial.,9i:0t"-; ,r And Order Delivery- Now! k. .Attain-.Victoricfjr .: TTirce 7on From St. Lotib U. Ilorley end Hester Now in New York .', ' Randall Kester and Lawrence Morley,4 varsity Willamette deba ters are making a victorious rec ord in their cross-country debate tour. They won three decision dew bates in St. Louis from St. Louis! university. " "'-'' I Two debates were held with De Pa aw university, a Methodle school, 'at Grfencastle, Indiana These debates were non-dcclsioru January S they-debated the VaU versity of. PltUburnh. also Jn ii non-decision event. They are now at Colamtia: university liX.'Xew York City .and Iroia there will go . to Boston university.- ' - ;j Peace Oratory Bet - Tryouts for the state peace ora torical contest which will be held at Pacific- university next month are being" held . this afftrnoon la the Little Theatre ., -Waller hall. A number; of Willamette students will participate in the tryouts.1 PrUes ot 50. S30 and S20 are sponsored by the 5Iif$cs Sea burr, who prorUes - similar prizes in contests: throughout v the ' United States. A nation-wide. tournament Is held after the -varlooa tate have . selected their 'represent- Uves. , 4 : . J ' . . ; Tryou 'decisions will he an nounced1 Friday or Saturday If Prof. Herbert Rahe. . To Finisli Planned (By the Associated Press) Labor Leader : John L. Lewis 1 hurled a 'finish fixht challenge ' at his adversaries on the tense la bor front yesterday. ) - The manifesto of Lewis whoee committee for industrial organis ation allies aTe locked atrug gle against the huge Ce'neral Mo- 1 tors, corporation widened the breach between the employee atI their employers. -- - - It Is intended that the striha (against General Motors) will bei fought out to a finish on the tssoei of collective bargaining and union recognition," Lewis declared. - ) IIe also -promised to ask a con- gresslonal Investigation of the cor poration after a conference with! President Homer '' Martin ot tcej United Automobile Workers nt-i Ion and John BropTiy, a direct1: Of the Jwls drive to unionize tie; motor ear builders. ' , I Gov. Frank Murphy of Miehl-i gan ordered : 1.500 n a 1 1 o n a 1 guardsmen to Flint. Twenty-sev; persons were Injured In a brltkj battle at the Fisher body plant Kc, S there. ' I Ex-Hoquiam Man Is Being Sought HOQUIAM.Wash Jan. lZ---! Police i Chief William Foote said tonight federal and state author-; Itles requested the police here for) detailed " Information about .- a former Hoqulam man. once tn-f vestigated. . In connection with, a kidnap threat, and answering thai description ot Charles Matteonn! slayer. -- -.:... '.. j . The man. Foote said, was- ia-j vestigated about, a threat, to kid nap a Hoqu lam girl. Foote ah asserted the man might he "dan gerou&ly iosane.": ;: . .. , t-i " - r v;. ." '. C 'i T ttii If I: Ey Carrl: 0 .0 f 1 -i 1 , i 11:11-11 I U . i 11 i '