- .- . . j - . fv t ...a " Legislative Ftewa ." Complete - and unbiased ' eoverase of the legislative acsslon-le. provided . in -The . .JStatesmaa. wlth.all feature carefully reported. --' : ''i -' -! ' ' i - s . Occasional a now, con tin ned cold today and Tlinrs C&Yl Iax. Temp. Tuesday Sl. llln, 6.0, river -2.5 feet, litt south wind, clear. , . !! - - " "I 1 - - PCUND3D CtZZl I2IUUTY-SIXTI1 YEAR Ciljia, Oresrca, VcdnccIiy llcraia, J&zzsxy 13, 1S27 Price r.c; lltxrzzlz-Zi lt r 1 ' i I I i J M II 11 1 III -11 I WA W AC L I i A,"- - r . . -. j Board Meer. Asldng School Teachers' :and' Lawyer's Pay Issues Are Cited ; in Cupper Request - 4 u Fee of Winslow Is Under -Question - by Circuit - Judge", Indicated -s-A.- thorough, certified audit of Salem school' district affair '.wu called for by Director Percy A. ' Cupper in a resolution he present ed at last -night's board meeting." Action '' on ' the proposal was de ferred ' when : other members or the board indicated a desire to drttr. - , " The resolution referred specif ically: to the recent disagreement OTer the time of paying teachers' salaries,. to Questions raked oyer payment of .attorney's fees, to "the present system of purchasing. 'maintaining and distributing school suppliel smd, tpj extraord inary expenditures fceeesaitated by . sponsorship of relief projects.. . The sponsor after the-' meeting disclaimed intent to criticize school officiate.- Method of Baying - - --. Antiquated, Clamia " ; i v Relative to the present system of purchasing . and handling sup plies, .Cupper maintained It - had been devised when the district was smaller, and had since, been out grown. - - - "I thought It would be a' good Idea to have auditors check it orer and , suggest - how this business should be handled," he explained. "Ton see 1400.000 la being spent each year onw. The question of attorney's 'fees, It developed at the meeting, was raised by Circuit Judge L. H. Me Mahan, according to a letter pre sented to Clerk W. H. Burghardt by W. C. WIaalow.,who has rep resented the board in dealings with, tb public works administra tion and handled property con demnation proceedings. i - I understand your-office ha been requested by Judge McMahan r for a segregation, , of . my jbill re cently rendered to the school dist rict for 150e, segregating, the ; amount charged for the two con demnation cases 'tried in his court," Winalow'a better to .the clerk read. - - r -; Offers Itemized "i. i I Treatment of Time t i i Stating be could furnish a stats- ! meat - fully itemised, as to f time spent' and specific work done, Wtnslow declared "if I should charge for It according to the reg ular charges made for such work In Marion county. It would exceed the $1500." lie explained that be had made opt the bill for S1S00 because he had" promised PWA I officials It would not exceed that lam. He said his. charge. for. the school district vs. Sellg condem nation 'case was $160 and for the school district vs. Stege case, $JB0. r r - f 1 did mbre-work in both of the cases than the attorneys for the other side.- and. yet Mack al lowed attorney's. feee In the Selr? case alone, which the district pala, 'amounting to $42 5.T the letter -continued, .Mack's sole purpose " fa this matter .Is. to embarrass verrbedv who aets a cent' of puh- . lie money' besides- himself, and-1 want to assure the board my am was .'away under the ordinary - eharre - for work ... of . the same I" kmL. as. .established by -the -Mar- Ion- county 4ar, and, will stand In- - , - . .(.Tuii to page 10t col. a ) Riimorof . a. j Jacket Is Denied :'t ' PUYALLUP. "Wash.'. Jan. 1J.- ' iTV-Chlet of Police Glen, Barton " aaid tonlxht a . r e p o r t officers found a bloodsUined' Jacket, be- lieved to have been worn by kid naped and slala Charles Mattson, was "erroneous. . i." - .' i Federal off fleers were seen In Puyallsp.late today and were re ' ported to have' Impounded the au tomobile in which the Jacket was said to have been found, but Bar- ton -denied thlsr. '. i s- . "That report is erroneons. the chief said. . . . ' Harold .Nathan, in charge of the more than SO federal agents work-in- At of TiMimi. said "there Is A no " comment - I - would want . to Cross-YZalks Are Geared of SnoVf' . Cognizance of extremely danger ous footing on slippery aowniown tmeti waa finally taken yesterday by the city engineer's department which tad a crew of men cleaning and sprinkling salt on cross-walks 1.1 eieaninr out cutters and drains.- " - ''' " ; . J There will probatly be no clean- in of the streets of ice one to t 9 fact that the city has no mnnv for the urpose and that it is a Jab of considerable dlffU nltT. Van Wleder. caairmsa oi trPta committee, etatei. - "TTt..r said- that cleanlcT ct 9 frora Uews!ii is the respon t'LIlltv of the owners of the prop Bloody erty abutting on the walks.- " Strike Leaders : Won't Concede' Progress Made V SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. - 12P)-A aother; onset threatened the maritime -strike 1 peacemaking - today ' while the government asked for new reports on' the 'sit- - nation and some spokesmen ' -. e s a a .talking privately.' ajcain about the possibility. of federal interrention. - ;' , '" Membership '- meetings .'of all seven 'anions involved' were railed after strike '- leaders' here made a situs-r tkm report jrhteh-failed to ' concede 1 that - any tentative agreements had been reach ed between the 'workers and transoceanic lines.. Two : unions went ' ahead 'with settlement negotiations.' One of them, the masters,' - mates 'and pilots, - was re t ported 'near an r agreement. nts Exceed :S RoD'sTotal 107.71 ;Per Cent Paid in ' Counting BackLevies; ' K3 on 1936 iAnionnt The jingle and flutter of tax payers'coins and currency spoks of near 'normal times in Marion county -during -1936, tabulations completed yesterday by T. J. Bra- bec. chief deputz sheriff In charge of, the .tax department, showed, f Total tax collections for the year- amounted . to 107.71 per cent of the 193C tax roll. Brabec announced. Receipts of 193$ taxes alone constituted 83 percent of the roll for that year, a gain of I per cent over 1935. Close to Xormal, " - Deputy Estimates ; "in good times I am told col lections have averaged about IS per cent of the roll." Brabec ex plained. "That means that 19 3 S waa pretty cloae to being a normal year." ; ' -r. The Improvement In the tax sit uation was reflected throughout the county by dwindling warrant debts against municipalities and school districts. The county bad no warrant debt, r ":.V:. The - eoanty received 11 Sll?4S!- 7 4 5.5 L In Jaxes from the xolls for 19 3 C and past years last year while the 19 31 roll alone amount ed to but $1, 2 0.19 . Taxpayers paid $1,344,854.95 on their 193$ tax bill and, $401,090.5$ in de linquent taxes, v. ; , , ,i "In other words." Brabec point ed out, "total collections in 1936 exceeded the roll for that year by 1125,049.51." . . ers Action Dismissed Irked at attorneys, failure to arrive at the courthoase here yesterday morning for ; start of the case of Isaac J. Pros t vs. state industrial accident commis sion, for whlch-a' Jnry. was on band. Circuit Judge JU H. MeSfa lan dismissed: the case, and set his entire, docket back untU warm er weather arrives. Five minhtes before the trial was. to open: Vic tor Origgs assistant attorney gen eral, telephoned t r o m Portland. saying both, be and,: William. P. Joti., defense counsel, were in volved - In; eaaea there and -could not keen their court' appointment here. i.j.:-1"' ''"'... -:'..,. -i Judge' UcMahan severely eeold- ed attorneys for last-mlnnte de lays "iof v trials, and declared he would have no mors Jurors travel ing, over icy: r o a d s ?and -take chances on breaking lers; arms -and necks ; . so attorneys can: advise - them after they get. here that the case has been postponed."! -The judge then : directed .the clerk to rest cases due to begin soon, to start January 25 and said tne lawyers . involved . yesterday would have to start their ease all over again. Ten cases as a. result were postponed to later dates.- ; . ThallLobby TEMPERATURES . were : 1 b w Tuesday 'morning in .the arm ory where the house meets, but - the senate . chamber - in ' the Marion hotel was 'warm. Ventila tion is a hard problem. In the lat ter place. ' ... . Wily Knight ' watched the wheels go rownd but wot m member this ' time. He was a 1 03s mem be . from Douglas county, but 1 now practicing law la Portland. Vp here he ts a observer for - Portland em-; - yloyers, - :' ; S ' , - Fred Pack wood. veteran 4 of many legislative 'sessions. Is con ducting a i reporting service .this time. In past' sessions . Packwood worked as legal adviser, assisting in the drafting of bills. He count ed up onee,' and i found he hadl written 1302 bills which became laws. ; ' . Some protest Is heard because Bud get eer Wharton's budget, all nicely balanced, with a' margin ov er, hasn't takea cafe' of every thing. ; It Is the identical protest heard against the- Hansen bndget of two-years ago Payme T Missing Sepi fields MPaidlobs To Republicans - I. - : 4' ..- ' .. yr Demo Bodyguards Active Steering "Them Away 1 From Pje Counter . ; 1 Reporters' Wives Score; House Reading Clerk . Flareuj Averted 1 -By CHARLES A. SPRAGUB . : . Jlouse republicans - were weary ing t a sad look Tuesday as - they saw few, loaves ronage. coming land fishes of.pat- their way. They had hoped, what with Voting right and everything, to have a generous minority ' share' in the Jobs that go "with the business of lawmaking; but the oversupply of. deserving democrats plus . the alertness of . democratic. . body guards kept fheT republican aspir ants out of bounds. . ': With' John J J BeckmajC Taamed the governor's legaj adviser, ;but for the present more active as chairman ef thej Multnomah coun ty democratic central committee, and Floyd Bilyeu. another demo cratic field brigadier, both hover ing -on -the ; floor the patronage machine was ini good working or der, it was eve reported as. par celing out jobsj in some of the administrative idepartments, the utility department for example. . : Fourth Estate Is -' " : V?". Well Represented - - i But while the republicans and democrats boxed around over patronage, the newspaper women moved in and got the jobs. Wives, children, ("in-laws-r and- sweet hearts of reporters received ; appointments- to Clerical positions. With some-it-iras "repeat busi ness.' the Jobs jhaving been held in former sessions. With others it -was first offense; By afternoon - (Turn to page 2, col. 1) ension Is Greatly Eased ( By ' "Associated ' Press) . Eoronean :.tesaloa om the Spanish civil war. almost at the creaking point eased Tuesday. two days ago. Developments which some ob servers, felt had tnfluneed were: 1. France, and. Germany,, tra ditional enemies, began . commer cial negotiations, r ; - t - : 2. The French i resident-general In . French lloroeco reported one of his . assistants, in an In spection ' of ; Spanish . - Morocco, bad found no evidence that large avtmbers of German troops con centrated there.'' j '( 3. The body of a Belgian eit isenv alleged to f have been slain during an uprising- among for eiga volunteers i fighting for the Spanish - government . was - to be sent, back to Belgium in comply ance with Brussels' ultimatum to the Valencia regime.. ;:' -- ? : :'- 4. - Great 'Britain . turned down a. Russian reauest. that- she oe her naval vessels .to patrol Span ish waters against tasclrt lights ihf ships. . ,vv? lx s: Suspect Seen inrStmth, ' Koqd to Border Witched -' 8AN BXRNAADINO. ' Calif.. Jan. 12-(ffV-AIl roads leading Into the Imertal valler were blockaded' tonight by the police and sheriff's office following, a: report that a suspicious-acting man 'resembling the kidnaper of Charles ' MetlSon was headed that way, possibly for the Mexican border. " ' m ji rii i " lxtension Granted ' ' The ' Hot fan - Construction com pany wan granted an extension of time from January -2& .to Marco 1 for completion of the new Sa lem hlSh school building.' by ac tion Of the : school board . last night. :;-:';':"s'1 ? - r!i, -H :;K y' T7 i ' m European 1 Happenings Abound ihe Legislative, Halla, Including Some That House and Senate' Spectators Missed.' , ' Eyes are on ebraska with ita one-house ' ' legislature. - Senator ... - f . . : Carney's eye is i friendly, and he win Introduce a resolution for an amendment to duplicate : the sys tem In Oregon, if no one else does. ' Ko one should be deceived by the dribble of ! Mils comtei ia the first 4w days.' Most legist lators - have pocketa bulging . with - typewritten manuscripts of bills. They will shower down' In- the house, honors for having the most .distinguished-looking member goes without contest to 9, hoi Marion, county, j Its junior mem ber, T. A. uvesley, with white flowing hair, st&ndrout among all others. Livesley Is getting his feet oa solid ground andlearnlng,the ropes before entering the arena. He takes an active interest La an activities as ho listens carefully to -motions and - orders of the house, -r - t- Een 'Osborne,;- executive tecre tary of the Oregon labor congress. arrived at the aeseion on opening . (Turn to-page 2, -col- S 4. .: WMmmms-m G-Meri Leading InDeterrmnisd IGdnaperliuht -I '-'iL- -..-" osmmmhO) '" -,-.f ;. Every Hint of Clue Now Being Followed But; . Few Are Revealed ' 11 Known Criminals and i; Former Insane Persons : " i:Beijig:Ceckel:IJp:Ei TACOMAV r Jan. It -Pr- Im- pelled . by a" . demand for acUoa from: the president of the United States, law officers -adopted - an investigate' everything policy in the a ear eh for the kidnap- slayei1 1 ot icaaries afaucson nlghti j Jrt-ff ilVllI; -f-fi- , The policy, which took xeaerai bureau of investigation : agents, state and local officers on '' doz ens or wild, trails, was . in aaroct contrast .to. the -hands oil", or f Turn to page 10, col. 1) . Donation Of Park Committee Learns Capitol - OmimiaaioTi Plarjnlris J To Beautify Site Donation of an4 additional tl feet of Willaon nark to. the state for-tneluslon - in-the site of the new capitol wiU be recommended to the city council Monday night by the special committee appoint ed January - 4; Alderman W. - H. Dancy, chairman, announced .last night. This decision was reached by Daney and his committeemen. Aldermen "Fred A. s Williams" and Van Wleder, er thr h con f erred urlth capitol -. reconstruc tion commission.' represeutatlrea and Interested local eitlxens. : ' The committee was named af ter the eouneil had. received a re quest from the commission for the additional ground.: - ; , Lsurge. Kxpeadltnra -- . . ; ;. Commlaaiom's Plaw v. Dancy declared hit committee had. been assured that the, ulti mate result would ho an enhance ment- of- the. park.'s . beauty, with-. I .. (Turn to page 10, coL S) . ..... .... Bidg Dec IaA On Shop Bnildihg . The 1 Salem school ' hoard' last night received" new: bids for. coB structlon . of the '.proposed ;twef story I f . by f 9 toot high, school snopa nuuaing on .me new, site but,- finding the cost still: too high, referred the natter to-PWA offlclala. for ft recommendation. This decision -was. reached In an execntlvo session. : ,"' ' " "- - - v XxptaOniag- the vote, hoar members said they -understood PWA' regulations , forbade ' malt ing i change orders; required la connection ;wlth the shops pro ject, which" exceeded f27.H0 0 la cost- nsl&s . additional- bids; were called for.' ThLJ procedure might enable the board ' to employ some other contractor" .than- HoUman Construction - company;' vrhoei structural bid of $S0,6p4. uraa held by; some membert af $oo ntgn.--vr;' '--.-'yy-K i pids .for heating, ventilation, plumbrng aid "wiring and . archi tectural tees brought-, the - total cost of the .project last night to annraxima.telv .141.00 0. or $8000 more than .' is available. - Local biddera included J. A. . Bernard! A Son. Seating. venUlatlofl and plumbing, .15400.28. the lew fla ure; and Bosler " Electric shop.. 3:0.. wiring. ; - No Fooling A!?out :WiiiterIliis 'TnTlJkim: Ore- Jan Itl-UPS -IVintef apnarently' wasn't foo lng a bit in lis bid tor toe neau lines 'last week la the r Pacifle northwest. Biting cold continued tawnsoot areae-tenirtt , and the weatherman was not too optimis tic about future fuel bills, ' . ; r Occasional snow J and rains1 were on the menu. And rain, if nightly freezes persist In ; those sectors fortunate enough to en- Joy about 12 temperature in the day-time,' might , bo evn; more unwelcome thaa. aew . white blanket , ? - Ice continued to hamper opera tions of the Oregon City pulp" mill, and temperatures nearthe sero mark kept logging work . at minimum. . . -. '-' '" Mlnlmums included: -"Below sero -Ueacham 20. Pen dleton ' 7, Baker , Bend- 4, The Dalles' 4. ':--.''' 1 Abut xero JTlamath falls 5, Medford 9, Salem 0.0. Eugene 10, Ro eburg ,1 0. Portland tt.r : La Grande had an ctcu zero. . t 1 TN YOUTH WHOSE FIND ENDED Gordon Morrow, 19, m left, la showa talking to sua officer near the day he found the body of Cbarlee IXattson, 19, victim of a brutAi .-, aapurs. Inttrnattonftl mnstrted To,vnschdSctup.; i ' ,.- x .'. V'-- - ' ;0 - "Recovery Alliance? Hay Carry On; All State . Cronpa DiBsolired :,t'Q : Dr. Ralph - L ' Ehadduck, - man ager of .Oregon Townsendlsm, said Tuesday night while in Salem that the Question r as to' whether the state setup of the pension' organ- Ixatlon will -continue would be set tled at -a meeting- of - representa- Uvee from .the state's three con gressional districts in .. Portland 8undar.;-' -,,3 v Bis statement followed receipt of copies of the Townsend na tional weekly which' said all state organisations would be dissolved and- that national headquarters would maintain " control through unltar In eachr congressional dte- t z ; Recoverlns; . AlHaneo ;; Is Betaar' OKasdaed ' ' T,: Dr. Shaddock also' sold articles of incorporation "had. -been: filed for .the. - "people's f recovery, allir ance, with three members of the Mnltnomah congressional ' district Townsend 'board' and two other persons ar trustees, v a He: said : thw new organisation. would provide' -machinery .for r democratic- state-wlda: -T m w.t& : (Turn Xa page-10. epLl) ;To BeSiihinit The proposed-36 minute park lag ordinance- will.; "probably - be put before the council at Its meet ing; Monday night. Chairman Ross Goodman of the- special ' traffic committee stated yesterday after survey, of downtown streets was made by his eommitteei - - ", The committee .waa accompan ied by- Karl E. Hinges, state high way engineer who has beeita&ist lng John Beakey lu study of Sa le traffhr problems. ;, The survey was chiefly Intended. to give the committee an idea-. of how mnch additional narking space could be obtained by the elimination and uhortening of gome present re stricted parking areas. ; r i" ! No-painting of tratfie lanes In the .downtown, streets where tour lane traffic is proposed will be done; until weather conditions Are better. .Center lines have already been painted on State, High, Com mercial and Center streets. .- - LctC Sppt3 POItTLAND."Ore.; Jan. ll-(V iTwo long Held goals by "Chuck. .Clayton. University of Portland guard, gave the Pilots a 33 to 37 victory over the Pacific University Badgers la an overtime basketball game here tonight. Score at the 'end of regular playing time Ws 34-34. - . ' . , . i - KI!i ScUoc.l Paslietban " , , i - Rainier 24. Ililisboro 2S. . . Woodburn 31. Newberg S3. -' : St. Stephens 31, Sandy 17. i i news pnoto. 1 IM AUlIioiishtHerel i i lr.1. Vey:-T wu ia rirst.in .weeit , - There was k no freexlng fn the middle of the night last night for the first time ia over week as i rising temperature,' which -; was only .1 of a point below the day's maximum of Sl.S - at; 1 o'clock this mornlnjr, borne on a, 'light south wind, brought ft second molt llfleation of eold weather which here yesterday- reached a new low for this year of CO degrees at 6:30 a. m. i r --i ': .'-;k:p Enow fell briefly, shortly after. 11 o'clock last night and with south -wind 'gaining lncreaaUTg ln- tensity ; lee in t h o streets wat thawing . early this morning. It was : 1 probably several : degree warmer ta 8aleni than at the alr port where reading wero' taken -- - SnoW- and coastal rains are pre- dieted, for. today. r ' ' v 1 m By Striclcen Pope . -VATICAN Crrr; Jan. 1 t.-CjpV Pope Piue auffered a . relapse to i night, vaucan sources saw, arter I ft ainxmg spext earner : in. uo aay. Considerable - increase of -1 h e pain, in his legs' .waairepdrtadi.and attendants' were, worried lest . his condition ..develop, and. affect , his heart.. ;.'": . I A ' varicose ': condition . ' tn'J his right leg appeared 'to he "develop lng jn. the samo-manner . as Jat the The 79-year-old pontiff Ignored the warning of his physician, Dr; Anintft vlf Hani. .by. dsvoUng him self -actively -to his : affairs" and holding audiences ' from 1 his aick bed. He was exhausted, late in the day. reliable Informants 'declared, una was given a sumuiant, : h Warned ttliXdndtriwtwh Due Soon " Construction Of -Salem-'sj-nels1 kk nfl-fBfri iniiiHTt-wlTl fca la-fsll . owlaa;' withla ; two weekf despite delays- la shipment . of materials caused by the. maritime strike, officials of - the Hoffmait Construction company- announced yesterday ta excavation for the basement got under way. . . ' ; ij . L. t II. Hoffman, head of the firm, and O. F. Sonde, general superintendent, were her to ob serve the start of their-contract, for wtlch Cauia Post wIU be con structlosuperlatendent. J Marble, 3ranito-- '".-.," 1? May Le IeIaytd-:':"'; -' Th shipping strike . makes it uncertain when marlls from Ver mont and granite frcn Califcrnia for th exterior cf t-e ts".i:r-. as well as reinforc'ajf steel, c i be- obtained, 1ST. Ilolfmaa t z' TTork, however, TsriU. ta r" ahead M tla 1.:; V f -transportatisa. v 1 ! i i . -stored Iz'zre ties 1 . -r.rrt C? ' rli' r re meeJ' 1. ' " ",m , ia go Ja&t as fAt as we. MYSTERY spot south of Everett where on Mon siayins; Dy ius aaanaper or aao- - - ' - ' a ' : f - sencc Seeks Ph. D.; Place Taken By Dr. BIary Erickson, i i Dangbter of Dean . : Leave of absence to ' complete his work for a Ph. D. degree in Uoology- has been - granted to Prof. Cecil n. Monk of the biologr e- bartment of Willamette university, it was . announced Tuesday by President Bruce Baxter. - J Prof. ' Monk ,'will leave at the close of the present semester late this month, and will be gone for a year or possibly a year and one- half. It was Indicated. I r Dr. Mary'Erickson,daughter .of lean and Mrs. Frank M. Erickson of the university, will take over the duUes Prof: . Monk has jer- formed. President -Baxter announ ced. -Miss EHctgan, a graduate-of Willamette In 1937, obtained her inaater'a and Ph. IJ.-degrees at University of. California, sad - was an aasUtant at that lnsUtntlon in the museum of research, depart ment of vertebrate soology. She was -awarded, membership la' Pil Bet Kappa, collegiate -honorary fraternity, aniSlgma XI, scientific jnmorary. rr p. . 7 , -r'V Oopepoda Planned i- 'A T . : j H Prof. . Monk, will ftccept .a. pes! tlon as research ssitant In -xoo-' logy at the. Scrlppa Institution- of Oceanography, : ft branch of the University or .California , at: La Jolla,. Calif,, meanwhile, working for his doctorateTIls -special atu . dies will deal with a roup of ma rine -Copepods- '(water-fleas) - of world-wide . dlfltributton but little studied on the Pacific coast, j I . Prof. Monk came to Willamette as -assistant professor of biology ln.Septemben 1137; served as act ing head of the department.. In . f ; (Turn .to page U; tou j i , No : caa get materials,? Hoffman said, "Wo.wIU t least get theeicara- tlon out of the way and the base ment walls up .- Excavation.' of : the r basement. which will - be .the- s 1 s o of the building proper, - and seven feet below the ground level, wi!L.be completed In about 10 days. Post estimated , The exterior walls will bo of brick with a granite base at the ground level and four. to eisht- inch marble facing above to match the new state capitol. .. Unlike , the capitol asl echoc projects here, which are rnier the PTA. the federal buililag cos tract carries somewhat less sir! : t-r.t labor. rcnlrece..u. It tlU for faymett of prevaillr 3 vzts reri-.its operation a a 43-hour vtt.'r bas:, ulthout a 12 3-lou r.cri'.Iy maxliauia, aui does to r- ".'lira tlriag to be ? ttrr--"i He rfr.iaa s.ald tl.t cer iastcl.':s wcili be a strictly 11 ale j j:b. . Tr v new buildini? is sclieiu!?! ia ho tW. :--ed ia- 19 moatLs. . - 0nlvOiieEie 1C ShibPancalico Serious Iniurv Suffered by llsrtin Jolinsons, : ;',.Most of Others . ' - - r Victims Being Taken j V Smashup Unknown LOS ANGELES, Jan. IS-m- A ' Salt .Lake. City-to-BurLati transport, piano: with; 19 passen gera- and three crew, member aboard - pancaked" : on - a f 00 1 h i .l slope S miles north of hers, to day in stormy weather ' one passenger was kiued.. Too others and the crew were Injur ed soma seriously. " I The death .victim was J. Era- den of Cleveland. O. Martin ' Johnaons r i1 Both Break Legs - Among the Injured were iir. and Mrs. Martin Johnson of New York. - exolorera and biz . tamt hunters, each with a broken leg. The crash was only 10 miles from "Union Air terminal at Bur- bank and ' 4 miles ,by mountain trail from Olive View eanitarism. hut first 'rain and hall, then ft heavy snowstorm, hampered res cuers ' andi communications from the scene for hours." The piano hit on a hillside 100 yards from an unoccupied forest ranger fire lookout station One motor fcroke loose and rolled downhill. - Escaping with only ft bruised foot, one of the paaaengera.J Ar thur 8. - Robinson of Rochester, N.T., struggled out of the wreck age Immediately after tho crash. Rescuers from tne sanitarium where the crash was heard, met him coming down the- hllL ; A "Party - of - physicians -'- ana mm wii aanftartflm Went to . the wreckage - and removed other victims to the ranger look out station for emergency treat- . - j , - , . .. . J ' The victims were 10 oe nrougnx out to hospitals- tonight. Pilot WiUiam- W. Lewis- ct Glendale. Calif., who suffered broken leg; but iwas not believed to bo In a srious condition, Je- n . V a 0V.11 int of plane wreckage until seven ' eth ers first taken to the ranger sta tion were removed and treated.' Lewis, Johnson and two otn- era remained in the wreekaco temporarily. ' Mrs. Johnson was among those- first - removed. ! - Neither Robinson nor stewara- -could account for the crash, sav ing they, had no-warning of the Impending disaster. - Miss Conner aula, however. we., were cum ma w . .. u plane) -instruments." to the air pert at the tim." Despite her frsctuTed ankle. the stewardess aided hr remov- - ttrr and ; caring ; for the lajured passengers. . " !.. ,. . The extent of the more serious aAgj itg avv mm euiuuuw'W j - - Urn -Air express officials were: Martin '- Johnson;- New Tors, fractured leg.- - . Mrs, - Martin:-' Johnson, New , York," fractured leg. . - ' X. ..L.' : Loomls," omana. a.. nead. injuries; .n cruicai counr tion. -'- : - -- 'U E. pencer, Stromberg EU trtfi "corn D any, Chicago, head ia juries; in critical condition. Pilot Wliaun w. L.ewa, dle, Callf fractured leg. -co-Pilot ciiirora r. u 3, Bnrbank Calif., fractured Jaw and : loss, ct several teeth. ; pasrage through an Atlantis CUT, Pt. r leVVd'ci acuv, .'ui. leg. . ' K::....y, OkJ . A JmM, ft Vw if In Datlitub C - NEW YORK. Jan. 1 $.-. tectlve Jamea O. Sullivan of t: New York homicide squad annou . ced early today that Major Cm , S3-year-old - negro, had beea r rested and woull be charge 1 the-slaying of Mrs.?Mary llirri.t Case, 25-year-oU kouseui.'s. .; Sullivan saJJ three ether ts groes had' been takea 1st cus tody In connection with the rat-?. All were being held at tbe New ton police station ia Qaeer.-v. - Creea tUenptei lits t -y t J pawn teveral salta, ere cf the 1 a blue salt owned ty I'rar.i Cr , husband of the slSa woman. 1 livan said, and tlis 11 ta t s ar rest. t,. m-t A' o.TC A C. r:.-t c ; : to!or 5 t. .: T i . t. . i i.:t &j I'.Mw. Negro