The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1937, Page 1, Image 1

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    ie!sliiure Opens ;
- - Tlie -Vps!ifr
.' , v la -sir -r In.'iics (
- - day i I ,e: -: : jiy, -i re
:cll; :;ax. Terr?. JIon.Tjr
3. I .La. 11, northwest wlx. J.
! I
Ir rorfant news will break
la ' .-.".cm this month; for
fsU ti; Jxr.tla"? J reports of
I"-liIatiT proceedings, read
The Statesman. '
Calf in, Orescn, Tuesday, January 12, 1837
. l' I'rice 3c: fiewsti-ijEf
rr - -v "f n
I : . t jj
1a'". K
1 1
- ... . . - . -
Houses Select
:Franciscovicli and Boivin
accorded :GavcIa With .
! No Vote Opposin
I or
Flood of Bills Irisn't Yet
, Apparent ; Only Three.
: tt! ' J." 2 c " : -; -
Martin Speech .... .'. . 1 1
Opratlns smoothly, without a
Ingle hitch In pre-laid plana ot
the conceded leaders, the 39 th
session ot the Oregon state leg
IsUtnre organized quickly yester
. day morning, selected pre-deter-
mined officers as outlined at the
. Sunday night - caucuses,, heard
committee appointments . - made,
listened , to i one of the ' shortest
speeches erer made ' "by a 1 state
executlre reporting to (he legis
lature' tn-the afternoon and then
called it a . day, adjoining nntil
.10 o'clock this morning. -
In hlK short address delivered
before -the. Joint session of the
house and senate yesterday ai
tenoon. Corerno Charles H, liar
tin urged the legislates to keep
the state on an eren keeL The
message. was also heard by state
officials and members ; ot f Jbe
state supreme court who were
special gueU at the cession.: The
galleries.. were well filled -daring
. the period.-i : . - :
. Pointing to - the heary ."no'1
rote on Tarioas measuM . at the
last election, the executire urged
. - s inil nine MKUtBiivir w wuf
ln order not to "rock the boat.?
of the state in the-last two years
he declared 'the state is out of
the red and emphasized that "it
Is essential that the Uz load be
not Increased at 'this time.
' Only Three' Bills j f
Appear First Day .
Two bills nere introduced In
the senate and one In the houe
during the day. A vetoed special
session : measure proridine; for re
peal of compulsory student fee
was laid on the table lnthe sen-
- ate; -'
As predicted before the open
ing of the biennial meeting, llar
. ; ry D. Boirin." Klamath Falls, was
' - v selected as speaker of the house
and Senator-Frank" Franrisco
t -rich Astoriii. ,won the president's
t. position In the upper hou-e. Both
were seated - without . opposition
aopearlng. either In the Sunday
night caucuses or yesterday
morning's organization " meetings
' likewise, clerks- and other - as-
- . slstants were named In rapid. orr
' der. unanimous .' Totea ' being, cast
ta- their, fator, with only one ex-
- eeptlon. . ; . . .': " . -
. , t .' Credentials committees , of - both
' . bouses seated all members, thus
ending, for this session all' dfc
putea as to the qualification of
meTnbers.-'-Tbe-legislators - were
"v. ;sworn.Into, office by Chief. J tin.
- 'tlce.. ,Bean , were the newly
- It eleeted. officers. C""'- - .
'' - , r W. H. Strayer.of Baker presid-
ed as temporarx hairm in the
- senate', organization while . Sen-
ator E. A.: McCornack made lie
::. dominating : speech for Fran.-is-
edTlch neplylur briefly
president declared I thank yon
- '- and I. hope I -lire up to the trust
.. yon haTe placed in me'
noivia Nominated ' 1 .
By ex-Opponent " ' ' ' .
RepresentatiM Vemon Bull or
" La Grande, who opposed Boirin
la the pre-session camp! for
sreaker, "Viada the nominstlng
speech, for , . his . Klamsth Falls
- cfellearte. trhil Charles
.rfortlapd. .another mmbr tne
' earlroppoiUon cam p. acted .aj
"i ' ? . (Turn to page 10. . "
" ':' ' - " -7- t '..
Death Penalty Is
i Faced Slayer
, : TACOMA, Jan. ll-CTVDeath
. faced the kidnaper - killer of
Charles MitUon on three fronts
tonight. ' ,
The Washington ' itate anti
' ' kidnap law provides the death
penalty for simple kidnaping for
ransom whatever the- result.
The Washington state' homi
cide law provides the death pen-
. altv for murder.
The-"Liddbergh- law,' federal
anti-kidnaplng atnte ' n n d er
which the federal bureau of in-
vestlgation-. has authority to-aet.
. . provides the death penaitvfor a
' kidnaping which the victim is
-- " harmed. Uader.thU, act." mr
naper ho holds hlj victora for
' ' seven -days Is presumed to h-
-" taken him across aetata. line and
" lsv therefore subject -to the feder-
1 alVrourt; -The kidnaper mut
- ' " tatllsh tte fact the victim did
' not cross a state "line. ' ' I
s . s -. O
i i ! ' ' . A -v.
"dolz Mock the bo An says iiartul
Scene a Gorernor Charles XL SXartia read his hlennlal message to the Joint session of the bouse and
' senate on the opening? day off the 89th legislative session Monday afternoon in the armory. The gov
ernor said the ship of state waa on an even keel and be boped nobody would rock the beat. Frank
' Franeiseovlch, president of the senate,. site Just to the right of the governor; Harry Boivin, speaker
of the house, is at the left, at the earner of the j roetmm. Other Mate officials are on the platform.
: ".In the foreground, house members and their -secretaries. ;.,.. -- -4 l.'.Vx't
Funeral Is Today
Blrs. Merle Long FolIow4
Husband in Death as
i - Result of Crash
raslt,v:.-(! ;
"Funeral services for Mr. and
Mrsi Merle O. Long, will' be held
at 1 o'clock this afternoon at the
Clough-Barrick ehapef Interment
wl be at; Belcrest memorial
nor r - - ''" .---'"- . i-
Mrs. - Long. 'victim of an auto
mobile accident . which 1. brought
Instant " death to ; her husband
Saturday, died at the Salem Gen
eral " hospital about S ' o'clock
Sunday morning.' : '.J',V
Mr. and : Mrs.. Long i received
their fatal Injuries when, the, ear
In which they were driving
toward. Portland collided with a
Greyhound bns on' the PaclXie
highway five : mllea ' north of
Brooks about 3:35 o'clock Saturday.'.,-
: j . I? , '
4 Mrs. Lodg waa -brought to Sa
lem by a -passing motorist. She
had badly .fractured legs and se
vere head injuies. - ,;v :
Driver of Bus Is ' V '" .". 1
Oat of Hospital .
' Ora . IV Hew:tt,'drtver of the
Greyhound; bus, 1 vat . released
from the hospital -yesterday noon.
Hewitt suffered minor neck i In
juries though it was first thought
he. was" seriously .hut.. Hewitt
lives at Oregon City and has been
(Turn ,to page! 7, col- ) " .
The, biennial pilsrimago !
en. For the ' "Kb reenter session ;-
ef the Oreiron state leislatnre
opened at the Marion hotel and
'nrmory. yesterday," bringing In;
- it wake.. vanguard. of clerkn,
secretaries : and , lobbyists - to .
.whom the saions are. not only'
h soufce; o' political intrlgne
and maneuvering but a soorce
of. sweet financial return dnri
; ing the time the law-makers .
; deliberate. : ' "
, Jt Is. in fact, the side line work
ers who profit from .the session
and not the . representatives and
senators, who. draw only S per
dir for -the first 40 dars of the
meeting and nothing from then
until the end of the . lawmaking
spree. Officials are already freely
predict In s that the Current -meeting
will net close in lees than 0
days.-' ;:
It was with typical "sew deal
organisation thaU. the ' house ; se
lected Its officials at. the caucus
Sunday night. In no case, waa a
position contest, aH being selected
by a unanimous vote. This aitu
ation allegedly resulted from cer
tain deals and maneuvers during
the afternoon which permitted the
arranging of a sla at an "inform
al democratic ' meeting after Har
ry Boivin. speaker-elect, had flatly
refused . to attend a democratic
caucus. : ,
i ' 1
Maintaining his reputation as
.a parliamentarian. Hep. Walter
. Fubrer was aastained in a polat
of order, raised shortly after
: Charles, Leach bad opened the
bouse ratwu!, Sunday night.;
- Things: moved o fasHSuttday
nl&ht; , that .Speaker " Boivin - was
nominate l- following . annonsce
ment from the temporary . chair
man that . nominations . were in
order for fcheergeantet-aj'ms..No
one objected to the procedare.
Boivin was officially selected r.t
j v - . :.' r - ,.. I-
1 1
Rlitulak iU Be
Backfield Mentor
KMENE. Ore. Jan. 11-JIV-
The athleUe council of the Uni
versity of Oregon gave official ap-:
proyal tonight for a football rtmt
with ,tb University ot Artsona ai
Tucson, next December ' 4.. It waa
understood - the agreement waa
r for; this year only. -
-The hoard also nam eLMlkeMJk
ulak, 1 former atar fullback " hare
and member of the Chicago Card-
Hnaiaf professional team for the
past three years, aa backfield
Otien Bidsl)iii2ht
- - . - : r
- Bids . in . connection .with the
shop building planned for the
grounds of the new high school
will be opened, at -the session, of
the Salem school board tonight. -
- The bids. Including plumbing,
heating. ventilating and wiring,
will be checked against a bid. be-,
lng. submitted- by - the 'Hoffman
construction company, - firm which
is building the kick schooL : . ;
Twenty-five percent additional
space' would' be provided: lnrra
new plan' for, the shopbuUding
calling for dimensions of. 3f by
S9 Instead of-30 by 0 as orig
inally planned. -J. ;:i x'A'
Happenings Around the Lesrislative,
TTaTlal 1rnArtr Cnma Thf T?Atlftia
Senate Spectators -Missed.
the boose ; meeting " yesterday
morning. '.
"Nominations came so rapidly
at the house eaucua that members
were hardly ablf to keep up with
the calls for. question and unani
mous ' votes.! When they failed to
respond on one nomination, Ralph
Watson; . veteran political writer
threw Rep. Leach into consterna
tion I when he obligingly called
"question . on. the motion then
before ' the group.
In f the - senate, ' organization
also went- off smoothly, with all
members seated, officers and as
sistants chosen in leas than halt
an boor after the raucus was call
ed lo order ly Sen: W; H.Strayer;
One' senator nominated 'a eonstl
tnemtwho wasn't on the slate, for
a clerkship got nowhere.'
. The weather Jmay seem chilly
to western Oregon representatives,
but -to Rep. Vemon 3ull of Baker,
tt feels warm and in serving as a
gmdual thawing out process. Last
Thursday, Rep. Ball drove through
Meachem when the thermometers
on the highway fehops In the little
mountain town showed 64 degrees
below aero. "You caq really feel
that," Bull declared.
- Flowers for the Jadles. On each
of the desks of the four, lady
members of the house yesterday
was a bouquet j of flowers. They
were the regular' opening of the
session gift of
former Governor
Oswald West, T
It wa. only! because he was
yonthfal and bashful" that be
refrained from ktsslng the Lu!y
. members of the Louse yestcr-Jay
..Chief Justice Henry J; Lean ex- .
plained n tiis3come talk -to
the legislators after - be had
worn In-tT:e taernbers cf- the
session. .
II.- IS. 1 - was , Introduced and
(Tarn tj ra29 2, Coh 7)
Gold Spell Gnnes
Thawing Temperature Is
' Recorded During Day ;
IUyer Jaxa Rernaixis
. Shivering- in . .the Willamette
valleya wintry, weather "waa a
Hula Jesa Violent: during, the day
Monday bat tho mercury dipped
rapidly - again -teat night ; to a
minimum ot - 1 1 -degree - s after
reaching 3 1, four -points abova
frseatng- at mid-dar - Xht temper
stars rose again during- the night
attar , kitting :the low, -point at
10:30 It was -Ml at 1 o'clock
( this morning, v,
L xno weatner - Bureau eouia i era-
see no moderation or the : cold
ness la sight for today. Increase
lng cloudiness .'was forecast.
. Despite . the Icy road conditions
that prevailed, no serious motor
ing accidents were reported here
Sunday or. Monday.
Ice packs, in Mill'- creek, espe
cially, in the. branch which cross
es JSUte street near 19 th are not
at . p r e s e n t endangering' city
bridges, according, to City .Engi
neer r Hugh v Rogers c but , may,
should . Mr sudden . tha've start .the
ice morinw out quickly.
: : Rogers said ? bo. -was. prepared
to dynamite the Ice Jam backedJ
up -from the cement-dam. near
Taylora. beach, and.. surrounding
the .wooden 3 1st street bridge as
soon as -there am any signs of a
Ice still ' extends across tn
WlUamette although yesterday's
comparatively- warm.- 'w eat b'.e r,
started v the Snr to .tb wl a c;
slightly. Threat of -damage to the
Maxlon-perk. ! county -nrwge' i
negligible as the piers ' withstood
a." much- severer lam in lllK ' .
Peace iiildrtceo
t Bt ibe Associated Press) ;
'Germany and France exchanged
pledges ' yesterday-- to respect thei
Integrity, of Spain, and7 Spnnisn
possessions. .
!,The development, - announced
by the French embassy In Berlin,1
waa interpreted as' easing, tension
over allegations of German: activ
ity In Spanish Morocco. -
. These alterations ware denied in
Tetnan, ; Spanish Morocco, :. msx&.
Serial.: ji V-T:i
xance maintained-her vigiiaaee
as French troops drtedn French
Morocco 'and French warships;
prepared to said today-from Toul
on for maneuvers, in the Medlter
raneaa. .- .' ; .-."-.s r
. Relchsf nehrer. Adolf Hitler,' the
7 r e n c h embassy - in " Berlin an
notneed, assured' French Ambaa-
aador Andrt Francols-Poncet,
Germany bad no intention, and;
never bad the intention of vfolal-i
lng ta any manner ' the Integrity
of Spanish territory. , .
- NEW ORLEANS,. Jan. 11-CTV4
"isaby-Jack'-. Torance, i World's
shotput record holder; knocked
out Johnny Saxon, . Beaumont,
Tex., t heavyveight, in - the first
round' of their - scheduled ten
round bout at the coliseum to-'
night.- It was Torance'a second,
knockout;tory .'.In -c as- - many,
tart3. as a 'rrofesslonal boxer.: -1
- MUD FORD.- Ore... Jan.
The Sti Jiarr's , baskethair tem
cf I'eilord laid claim to- aorne'
tort cf a recorJ tcdar-i-it iLuf
out t!.e Grants ra.63 tlsi ecLacl
fres!:r.:ca 23 to C '--
Aide toPageri
Move Planned
Office CbtjrthouserfJs
- Desired; :(invenience
-j- Held: Chief Issue .v-.-
Question bf - Space There
Unsettled; Memhers
' f of Court Quoted
- : Lyle J. Page, who became Mar
lon county district attorney JSn
uary l, yesterday announced that
Joe B. Felton wonld be- his chief
deputy, -for the time being" and
that be wanted to move his office
to the county courthouse, "where
if beloagm,-.. -:r:'4 I ?s;r:-
. Felton, graduate ot Willamette
university college of lav. baa been
second ' deputy : district -attorney
for three years under the retiring
ehlet. prosecutor, - William H.
Trlndla.- ,f.i 4 1- -tx
; District Attorney Pago . declar
ed bis wish' to move the prosecut
or's , office to the . courthouse was
motivated! entirely by a desire to
conduct official 'business, aa ef
ficiently as possible, lis recognis
ed, be said, that there bad been
repeated, criticism of the county's J
paying rent for an outside office
for the district attorney, ..but as
serted ft was not the $2 a month
rental charge, -but the Inconven
ience to i b e t b " the public and
county off fcers that led htm to in
vestigate i the Tpoaslbility et . mov
ing Into the courthouse..
County Elbuld Pay - -j--
net neDeclaree - - ? ;
" " "tt m ray opinion t b a t ' the
eonnty 'iciit'caa,"; lestty-Hgntr
should pay rent for this office,
Page said. "That is hot a factor."
Bat; bet added, he thought "the
coarthonse la - the proper. - place
for a district attorney's office."
Sach aa J arrsagemenC he aaid,
ls baiter for the district attorney
snd for feosnty' offices, Dally
trips back and" forth between the
courthouse and s downtown office
waste valuable' time. Page explain
ed, and four, business - could be
bandied. Jmneh . better'. . from r the
courthouse. -". .J, .;' "
' Two members; ef the county
court agreed, , however, yesterday
afternoon that any. effort to find
and , fit up rooms ,ln the court
house for the district? attorney
should not '.be made at present
while construction of a new coun
ty bunding; is' being considered.
-- "It-would be .unwise now when,
we are planning on a new build
ins. County Commissioner. Leroy
Hewlett' declared, vik, --':y-
--Commissioner ; Roy Melson de
clared the- - prosecutor's officer
(Turn tb!.pag IS, eoL-4) i
.,4 - . v- ' - - J. '
; ' ; - . . - t ' :-" rf'. .;- A
1 ' Tke' bulk of the' 1 3 1. OOl estate1
bsf t by Carroll L Mooree, suprame!
court building Janitor who died re-t
eently. ultimateirwUlbe used to
erect, a - monument'lfottorlng prej
g6nr 'ploaeerr. aecortlns .' K the;
willTwhicb was admitted topro4
bats veaterday. Tha city council
will determine ibe' type off f boot
nment and ite.-ieestlon. .. .
r: Before the residue off the atatee
reverts to the city, 350 0 will be
devoted to ' far e : of r the : L; Ri
Moores, jr lot in the Odd Fel
lows cemetery, 31000 win be spent
to cover It with: concrete $3000
will be paid outright to Mrs.
Charles -F. .Elgtn, who eared -.for
Carroll Moores. and certain other
terms of- the will must be arrle4
OUt. ' - " i ' ' - rfi I 5' -
. t Mrs Elgin - la" to receive furni
ture in the' Mooreg' home at 3iS
South ; Cottage street, - the prop
(Turn to page 10, col. 2),
Girl Present at I
kidnaping Is Dl
r ?'
T SEATTLE, Jan." ll--Tbe
15-year-old .girl who .witnessed
the kidnaping of Charles Mattaon
from his Tacoma home December
37, Virginia Chat field. Is. ill from
shock,- her mother said tonight.
? Highly . nervous since i the' kid-
naping,. Mrs. Luella T. Chatfleld
broke the news to her daughter
that' the boy was dead.' - -;.
. - When the is calmer, the will
attempt to aid authorities ia every
way possible. to-Cs.1 ti8lU"i:?r
Slayer, an I is -sera i 3 wo-- : r. c
ognlro'l;lm a gala I -a. CLit::
-"There U nct!.!ii.X.caa da to
fcf!p TIazfl.tvi r-'3-cf . I'rs.
i:atteen.-;i-ah.l -tit , ti-t.r
lEimedlatfcY- It all tz? fcorrlLla
too borritle.'. . . ; . ; . , -
- IK a "m - 1 - --- 1
r yuster.iuauses;-!
I - - .- '4 t . . -. -.-..-
Injuries to 13
In Auio Strike
7, i
First Major Violence vTs
Reported' at . Flint. As l
Riof Guns Are Used 'R
Dispute ! Order1 Feeler f
? - v ore onr senirment
(By The Associated .Press) !
: Serious violence: broke out last
night . for the first . time . in. the
nation's ramified industrial strife.
Stay-in strikers were - rooted;
Body - company, - General " Motdf 4
sdosiaiary, , at- Flint, - Mich.,- by
riot guns and '. tear, gas" v.;.:i .?
At least 13 persons were known
to have been injured' ,'mosf of
them by gunshot, when police and
pickets came to grips at the Fisher,
plant.! Others suffered from the:
effects -of gas and blows struck
In street fighting. ; , ': '
.'.The affray, was provoked when
police tried to cope With a crowd
which gathered outside the fac
tory, . occupied by striking mem
bers . of ' the. United Automobile
Workers of -America. Company
guards, who had removed a ladder
used to convey food to the "sit-down"-
strikers, were reported to'
have fled when the - strikers
rushed them, took their keys sad
opened the main ' gates" to permit
food. to be carried In. ; . ::r .
--IA Washington "strategy" con
ference between John L. . Lewis,
commander-in-chief.- pt the .com-
mlttes for Industrial organisation,'
andhla field marshals la the auto
mobile atrlkea was . a dominant
facet of -.the ..'American -' labor'
drama.. , I 7 . ' v I
58AN -FRANCISCO, Jan, 1 l-iffl)
-Conferees renewed discussion to-
off , nnsettled Jaauea law the
maritime strike,-' and .two unions
Involved - In .the 74-day- dispute
' (Turn to page'10, .coL. 1) ,
entire basineaa
MMknm tmn ol Jetinvr '
' . son, ir miles south of here: -on
the Pacific' highway was ;,
destroyed by fire which broke . '
"out late last night. , i : J -
The flre-ww-aported aa- ;
dcr control at 3 o'clock this i
f;::,marn!bk& jtV -:::; I
v i. - Bolldlngs , destroyed by the i
S R flre tncinde ms grocery store,
- - ss vFUi swmvi j .asaam swvar swe r
- torav second-hand store"- and
" m barber shop. ." ' ' -'
'TS6'... cowlmnnlcationi -WlthJ,
4' Jefferson I was . poeaible. ,
- phone-' circuita through the-.
rp.Snem. were -r : ... i. -, 5
4 - a.,.A,s - Albany .telephone., opi.
V-esnier".'-, contacted iby : the j
f Staeaanan said that'the first ?
reports there were. "that . four ..
buJldinssLttt, tbo 7 Jeffersonf
Ibesineas aiectioa .'.were '.oa
X fire, V The . information ... was
. ' relayed" to. Albany by : aome-"5 4
'.'.'enei whb hednhoned from n '
' A State police car Was sdv-l
en ' erdera throvgh' ' Sai
lean police .'radio station' toe
lnveatlsa(r about iZ:iS.Z
l'.-'A pampeV and" six f lremeni" j
- 'were rushed fromAIbahy aft- i
?'f ev si request 'fOraid wis re
' 'lelved'- there' "at TlsfS3? lastn
..a4sns.' fFourl buJldlags- WerO
reported burned or burning' bt? I
that: time, -r.-T..y ?t'-Z"M.
." " ";Gne regular nrenuT'.andjf
v five volunteer 'made np' tbeL: '
- .crew of Ue; Albany pumper;.;
v': Chief Oliver ButU of the A1J
''.banr fire department 'went;;
' : '.with the; crew..;..V..; - . :r !
Marion county members off the
etate -leglslatureVive republicans
and 'one democrat, came out 'of
the committee appointments yes
terday with, some of the most paw?
erful committee chairmanships fin
the 1 session and ' with .one hodse
member "on the all-powerful hods
ways and imeans- committee. i j
i- Senator I Douglas McKay '"'rer
celved - the chairmanahlp of the
roads and bighwaya - committee,
one 'off the most Important in I'M
upper bouse, and Is a member -of
the eapltol reconstruction ero-.5p.
Senator Charles K. EraulJ.n'? i3
to bead tie tar'lrs cnniit'.re
aa be did Ja tie 13 35 ft:: 'on. '.fa
the i house, r.ep. Walter rutrer
was des! :l ; as ctalrnian cf
the bankUs
i:?a::h r
end ... corporati
.t.e -'.'
'i !' rtin ir to Ji
. ; :'c morEs c
i Ltii t! : -
t'ce t
r c:
? J.. lot rat
aci f.
tern.:r, rcc.vcl tla ar;
- Almost ian
JBatterea Cody
Probably Dead
'Iilake JoCTess 7bh- Case
rpACOMA, Jan. 11 (AP) Massed federal, sUte and load
iJ. police authorities turned loose their full forces tonight
a in a drive to capture th? kidnaper of Charles Uattson a
j. few hours after the" search for ,the 10-year-old Tacoma boy
ended iri tragedy.-. VYi-:. " f '..
" . . A 19-year-old Everett youth stumbled on Charles tit
tered, nude body, shortly before noon" today in a clump cf
snow-covered brush. The head. was crushed, the teeth broken,
the body covered with blood and bruises. . - . h '
I ; Within half a dozen hours, J Edgar Hoover, dircctor cf
the federal bureau of investigation, announced in Chicio
his department would fuse .all the resources at our command -to
apprehend and brinsr to justice the .kidnaper and slayer -
1 SBodvBicoverv
i ii.v:i"i-..-'--i
vAunst ; Corpse i Xda
lieatexsi Asserts ;w :.
I EVERETT Wash., Jan ll-r(JP)
i-Here la -ther atorn'taTf -told by
Gordon "Morrow,' i; of tow the
beaten body of: 1 0-year-old : kid
naped Charles Matiton,: Tacoma
waa found near here today; - ;
' - "It 'was! tbemost awful exper
ience I ever bad finding the body
of that poor little Mattson boy
out there In the woods. ,
b "l v Vento rabbit .hunting-: with
my :33 rifle right In back of our
bouse and was going through the
woods Whfen r saw a rabbit. ;
v "I started to run after the rab
bit," then. 1 stumbled and- felt -1
hit somethlns softn: ; ; " v . ;-v?
: -I looked down and there be
was,all naked lying in the snowt
rit.waa a' horrible sight," r.was so
frightened. I guess 1. nearly fainted.-
I don't remember getting up
but I know ! I stood and' looked
dSwn'on his little form, stretched
tout there" IA a p o c k e t In. the
rOUhd." '7."-,' :
'He looked awful- someone had
beaten him all over. His bead waa
' 'i4! didn't stay to look any more
further? I Just.' "ran" right J to my
home and Shouted at my zatner
There's -ei IttQe .boy; lying put la
. , (Turn to page 10, coi:. 2) ;
YtTtik BriokeH ''ie& Xfren
Ilide i Uoriei Get Help
". . REDMOND; Ore.. Jan; llHT
After.. lyfng In" his .aero-cold -cabin
belplessl or , two "days' becanaeT ot
a broken legfc Frank: Eos wick, ltv
lg alone in-. Use Aaawood' area of
central' Orego'd,: recovered - Suffi
ciently to crawl to bin barn," climb
astride his horse and ride to Ash
wood s . ,. - .--u ; i.:
- H waa .-brought 'to. a- hospital
here today and .-was - expecte'f .ta
recover. Toe leg waa broken in a
wood-chopping- mishap, j ;. .:.
as chairman of the Important ad
ministration and - re-organization
group. He la also "on the highway
and taxation and revenue commit
tees equally important. ' - -
Altboagh- -.not designated as
chairman off, any committee: Ron-
Sid -Jones Is a member off the ways
and means committee which posi
lion is considered equal to a
chairmanship. He la also, vice-
chalrinaa cf two other croupa.
- The complete appointments for
the Marlon legislators are as fel
lows:-. . . '- -. ;
I'ciray: rcais and 1'livars
chairr.-.: z, -i.i:-itlca asi dr;!
itj Elralrs, r:
1 i
, rt..:a
. xlr.aa.
c :cl r;
at'.-., t: I
ueut cr 1
f - f "
- i -rcr: 1 z- - 7
t' -3 clufrr -n,. r1 si
if r
:? i
ti. rescluii : : i. . -
.--'Jv-;es: airLull-ral "vi
man. i'U'l2 Izcds v'.co-c I'.rr
HTurn to rae " 8)
of iIattson Cliild: I
Nearly Y7cek
soi me juattson boy.' -
In" -Tacoma, the Washington
state - patrol ' indicated its pcllce
men -would be given full authority
to resume the search they ab&
doned last : week 'la. the fccre
Charles might be returned safely,
?. Tacoma and Seattle city pcttee .
joined "the bunt, announcing t$s -end
of their1 rhands-otf policy. In
Seattle, department of Jaetlee
agents and. city police Waited in
What observers believed, to; ts -s
kidnap raid within two" hours alt
er "the body. was found. " r-
.-Harold Nathan, assistant ;rc-'
tor of the bureau, 'announced 1 1
Tacoma the 323,000 ransom p-
nianded by Charles kidnaper k&2 ,'
not ; been . paid by the "boy'a far-
ents,. Vt. and Mrs."W.- W. Mattson,
- : Under direction of the federal
agents, ,pr. S. 21, Creawell, anf
Dr. -Clyde Maglll of -Tacoma per
formed aa- autopsy on Charlee
body at the mortuary here to -.
tannine the' exact cause and ap
proximate time of - death. .- ; -
ported by close frlenda to be pro
strate with grief Jn their iomr '
Nurses and special - attendants '
looked, after -them. " ; ..
: Gordon Morrow, son of an Ever- -elt
chicken: rancher," found -the .
Mattson boy's remains today whHe
be waa hunting1 a rabbit. ?ferroTf
imraediitely notified officers, wlwj
tentatively f I de n 1 1 1 ted it as--Caarles"':-;',;
- -
r Charles Morrowi'- owner-f the
nearby chicken' ranch, tlli cirictrs
-the. neighborhood , do S aj TtarTted .
wildly St about 3 p. ra.,f ,uaiay
aa though an Intruder were some
where near. He added he believed'
the body was thrown in the bruh
at that time!
.Federal agents remained la the'
district.; near .Everett; toniiht,--checking
the cut-OTer, stumn-fUl
ed land for all po?sibis clues, tak
fngvlihpression' ct automobile tire
tracksand foot tracks and -search-
j lng for anything- else which miEiit
v lead them to the kidnap-murderer
. The. fvid- today' loosed law n
foreement -agencies wLlch bat a
been Tolantatlly harapered" dur
ing the last two weeks by. tie leaf
any action they took to capturo
the kidnaper would endanrer the
life of .Charles, held for 322.009
ransom. ' ' , :
SEATTLS, Jan. il-VKinC
County Coroner Otto 'Mittelstadt,
who made a -minute examination
of the body of kidnaped Charles
Mattson before it was removed Vy
police from .where it was;foun4
today, .said tonight'. "Sniff -V
tie. Lcylfc?l" teen" d?3l for 'fot
or tive.da1.t:- s 1., . . t . . ,
CThe coroner" aaldctbe' f Irjers x 5 '
both-boy's' bands wereerreail an3
booked. aa. If be bad claw e 3. Th
flngera were caked with a tlus
grey clay, of the sort commonly
found along river banks, llituu
stadt said. ":
.'- One of the principal clues yield
ed by the "body itself were abras
ions and marks of dirt an i grea? i
In the skla," indicate - ha sa.K
that- the frozen body tal t c:i
transported oa the floor of a filrty
Jolting old automotlla.
r:.On h!s wrjsts were raarks ct
a sms!l rre cr cord. tOTr!?; t
had be- . 1 ;un J. I would fy, fr- ;
these ' l.-.Iications." be 1. a j i t
bad?y" abused and roucl! l.;.r, .
led." " . 1.
r.. c
: I.;