The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1937, Page 2, Image 2

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    : Tf. Tf
' f Wfc f ""-"""1
s tit
I 1 . .
s Elected
, i
Council Prcxy
' r '''" - .; V,.,i
Ilaycr DoWersox Lists New
'. Committee Heads and
.JCity Officers.;..;
- MONMOUTH, Jan. 9 Orpanlx-
Jil for 1137 Monmouth' city
council elected Ed Rogers as pres
Meat. Major J. R. fiowersoi nam'
ei these committees: Water. Par
tridge. Rogers; ' fire and : polrfe,
Butler. Rogers; streets, sewers
and lights. Rogers. Partridge; city
building. Norris, Partridge. , s
"The new counctlmen. J. L. Kor
rls and Dr. B. F. Butler were
sworn im. fining vacancies left by
li "B. Howard and George Coopar.
These official appointments were
made: Fred Lofting, water super
intendent: - G. W. Cooper, fire
chief; Verd Scbrunky chief of po
lice: C T.' Ellison,' elty engineer;
T.'TL Chambers, city treasurer;
C. Jf. Gillette, city attorney.
v Hard Surface Suggested
Mayor Bowersox's annual ad-
drees stressed the fact that; hard
- surfacing applied to two residence
streets, in recent years have; been
satisfactory. He suggested that all
residence streets! be treated In the
same manner with proportionate
donations .from property owners
affected, .'"-. -
jBe reported ; tho city's current
InHebtedneas to'be 1107,2.00. with
172JDIO tn water bond's; 1 2 WTO
In t&wef bonds : f 9.000 remalnfir?
due. on city hall, and tire depart
Best, and Bancroft sewer war
rant la amount of 2700: v" t:'
J-Th mayor commended the fire
chief and firemen' -tor efficient
service. One thousand dollars per
annum Is being- retlredToa the city
hall ;building -debt from general
tazesv and some improTements also
were made to the building daring
the past year. Some new. hydrants
fcarr been installed cutting down
total amount of hose necessary.
The jWPA grant for water dis
tribution work helped Improve the
system and the new grant to aid
In fsfctallation of 1I.S00 feet of t
Inch i apply pipe to replace t Inch
pl. the. mayor believe wfUrla
sure, ta. ample supply of water for
aaa&r rears, . , v--, ..-
1 iv-
. with en Invocation. Thii
- Z;L:lilcr3 ta they towed
1 Jhie
Grange Hall Might
Be - Oldest in the
Nation la BelieVed
ALBANY. Jan. 9 According to
the belief of Bertha J. Beck, state
grange secretary. Charity grange
hall Is the ofldtfct grange hall in
the United States. The hall, was
built in' 181 7-and has-been used
continuously 'as a grange " hall
since. - -
- That. Is not the only record this
old hall holds. At a recent meeting
of the grange a class of six was in
structed in the first and second
degrees of Charity juvenile grange
No. 4. Osw of the candidates was
Virginia Klier. Virginia la the
daughter of Harold and Grace Ki
xer, both charter members of the
Charity Juvenile' grange and now
members of charity grange.
' Two of Virginia's grandparents.
Francis and Maud Klser, hare been
members for, more than 40 years.
Fonr of bee groat grandparents,
F. M. and Mary Klser. and D. H.
and Dora Fierce, were all charter
members. Fire great, great grand-
'parents, Kicholas ' and . Elizabeth
Kizer. James -and Martha Pierce,
and Jacob Wlgle, were also, char
ter members. ' This makes 11
grandparents of Virginia, who hare
been members of this grangeand
nine bt them were charter mem
bers. For the third time ; in the
history of the grange there are
Uhree generations of ' the , Kliers
members at the same time. .
Avrards Are Presented ;
To 4-II aubT-Iembers
For Last Year's Work
TaIIbotI Jan. - Awards
were ecently glen " to V4-H .club
members for last year's '-work.
Three; different clute receired
their - awards': First "year .'"pint,-
Gaynell xCole, Calarin Burcell.
Ixren Tuxnidge Meredith John
son, Frances Horen and ' Albert
Burcell;' second - year certificates,
Ronald. Horen and, ; J. C Walker;
third-year pin, Robert Cole. .
i-; SereraX Talbot' persons are
suffering afflictions: J. F. Walk
er is suffering with an Infected
arm. Nathan Taylor fell and broke
his right, arm;. while doing chorea
Sunday5- morningT ; Gaynell - and
Donald Cola, hare been confined
to their heme recently on account
f chlckenpox. ;";;-,
4 .
i :
Chaplain's Prayer Opens
excellent International News
their hszii la prayer as las caaploia cf ths hstst ct rejrescatai
t .-
Scio Sponsoiring
Vitid StatisUciaii rj
: Births Exceed Deaths
by 9 in Year
;.SCIO. Jan. t-Scio' willi'aKaln
Join with other towns land cities
In the nation in observing the
.president's birthday." A bail is
planned for Saturday night, Jan
uary s o, at Sdo CZBJ hall, R. M
uain. program chairman, an
nounces. Other members of the
committee are E. J. Holland, Rolla
Shelton. and Early Phillips, '
Mrs. Vera Leffler ct Seta will
bo in tailed worthy matron of Euc
lid chapter No. 7 ft. O. E- 8., at
Jefferson Tuesday night, January
II. at -a stated communication.
Mrs. Annie D. Bartn of WSclo Is re
tiring matron. . ; t
Foothills Are White . .
; Mountains east bf ! Sdo are
shrouded in white and firs on the
near foothllla are mantled in
snow. A light snowfall ' In 1 Selo
Tuesday melted almost , Immedi
ately,! except on the ihlgher
reaches. Scioans report thermom
eters (unofficial) as touching '1
degrees abore xero during the cold
weather. ' f .- ;.
Births exceeded deaths by nine
in distiict.SS, Scio, for ; 136,
cording to the report of! Dr. A."U.
Prill, official registrar. There were
25 births. 14 males f and," 11
females; and IS: deaths eight
males and eight females; !
"- Sdo Townseud club chose J.
Turnldge, president;. SantDaTis,
tlee umldentr and HAV' Morri
son, re-elected, treasurer, at :i the
recent regular meeting. The office
of secretary will be filled at the
next meeting.' ! "- -
; '. -
:-.- t
Russian Missionary
Speak Before Alliance
RTLVEB.TON. Jan. t i ReT.
Michael KnrUk of French West
Africa,' will 1e the speaker at the
convention which onens Sandar
at the Christian and Missionary
Alliance church, n---": r .
Amonr his subjects win be "The
Canonist of Tlmbactoo. JMr Con
vers ton- from Russian Ortnodox-
lsm, I "Mohammedenlsm, - and
"The Lure of the Pagan
- " - , J f , -
. ef . . r- t ,
" ..- " ; 1 ' ..-"--i
" " - , ' ' ' '
(Li) f e g;(0) mi
SotrmJshoto showa thai ttatian'si
Scio High Ready
To Land Variety
Of Trophie3 Now
, . . . 't
SCIO, Jan. 9 A cedar trophy
ease has been Installed in the up
stairs hallway at Scio high school.
The case has two. shelves and its
dimensions are 40.; by- 2t inches.
Decorations are a carred baseball
and bat. !
''Fire J' trophies, Including : the
large, bronse and sllrejr figure de
noting the Linn county' class B
basketball' champions for 193 ff,
repose In' the case.
Scoring 21 In each' of fire games
of Tolieyball, Scio high school Jun
ior girls hare defeated the sopho
mores twice and : the ' freshmen
three times during: the past week.'
' . -r- 4
Church .of God Holding .
Special Campaign TTith "
Oklahoman as Preacher
WOODBURN. Jan. t Special
meetings are- being ' held at the
Church of God each erentng with
Rer. M. J. Hooker of Oklahoma
fln charge. Not only Is Rer. Hook
er a splendid; speaker but he and
his wife are both talented and
each evening they entertain with
songs -and music, making a spe
cialty of Hawaiian music . ,,
. Thursday night ' was Tlsltors
night with, many Tlsltors present
from Salem, Oregon City.- There
will be no meeting Saturday' bnt
two will bo held Snnday and
next : week singers' night will ' be
held Monday, and family night
Wednesday, when a cake will be
awarded to the largest "family
present.. : - " - -
Snper Egg Shown
. SILVERTON, Jan. . f Att egg
of nnusnal proportions has been
attracting attention this week In
the office of the Sllrerton Appeal
Tribune. The egg weighed six oun
ces, la three Inches long and, two
and one-half inches In diameter.
It Is about ths also of a normal
goose egg and was laid by is white
Leghorn hen owned by Tom Dy
brad of Hubbard, route 1.
Bo? WJ
t ;
H '
rco!: for the Answers
& -u a it g
Lodges Uill fJeet
On Sane Evening
I.O.O.F; Installation Ueld
WithN Seaman Koble .
Grand For 37
Odd Fellows meeting night has
been changed from - Friday to
Tuesday night, making the Odd
Fellows and ' Rebekahs : meeting
both on. the same night. Follow
ing the Rebekahs meeting Tues
day night the Odd Fellows met and
Installed their, new officers . as
f ollows: 3Wobte- .grand," Ed i Sea
man; ylce-grand, Fred Hubbard;
secretary,' L J. Smith; treasurer,
Albert Rich; ; financial eecreUry,
Robert Seaman; chaplain. Erio
Larsen; warden, Charles Slaugh
ter? Mindnctor. Bert -Huhbardr In
side guardian, Charles Early, out
side guardian, Alebrt Groshong;
R. S. N. Charles Swartout;
L.' 8. N.- G., Clarenca Thomas; R.
S. V. Q., Len Kellls; L. S. V. Q
O. H. Brongher; ' R." S., George
Haynes; L. S., Joe Jones: -
Refreshments were aerwed hr
the Rebekahs following the lodge
meeting. . - - i. - -. j - - .
: Class Enjoys . Taffy Psdl -The
Wlllinr Worker Miu nt
the Friends Snnday school -met for
a pany ana tarry pwi at tne home
of Mr.; and Mrs.iL. W. Magee.
Saturday afternoon: Those, ores.
nt were. Vera Logue, Ruth Ger
en, Arllne Erazler, Pearl and Opal
Uoffet, Barbara Magee, Jean ' Ma
gee and their teacher. Mrs.' Fra
iler, r - - ' f : .1 - ,- -
Student Kecovering
Carl Loron, who underwent an op
eration recently for the remoral
of a tumor from th joint on his
left knee, is reported to be on the
road to recorery although he will
be unable to continue his studies
at Oregon State college this term.
Young Loron is at the1 Emadnel
hospiui at Portland;
:.--.v. ' 4 - - -
Teacher Dl
MARQUAM. JanJ 9 Miss Lily
Nelson has been HI for the past
week and has been anable to Uke
ears of her class work in the Mar-.
Quam school. Orren 8. Rice Is sub
stltuUng for Miss Nelson nntU she
reeoTers. fc ' 1 r
v 'r V
rneaai IAT79 . . . Laws that
Th Oregon legislatare convenes here tomorrow.' That body, too, wiUi consider laws of importance to you
to CTcryone. Thinking citizens
The logical way to keep informed is
the morning paper gives you the COMPLETE story daily of the preceding day and evening's sessions s The
Statesman will be supplied complete news of Congress-by the Associated Press while the Oregon Legislature
1 will be covered by The Statesman's
Press. Full reports will appear each
. T
Follow the news of congress and
THE reMtCSlrTOa Fi); :
Shooting Cougara
Prof itahle Sport y
( For Holly Hunter
ALBANY, Jsn. " 9 Three .con
gars netted Orin King of Holley
$90 in one day. King was hunting
along the Calapooia rirer when his
dogs treed three cougars. King re
ported to the county clerk he shot
them one at a time.
Linn county "paid King a bounty
of $3 ewf or the three and he will
receive an additional $f 0 from the
state. ,
Benefit Dance Is
Set For Tuesday
- STAYTON, Jan. The Sublim
ity fire department will stage the
first of a series of dances Tuesday
at the Forester hall la Sublimity
to raise funds for the purchase of
new equipment for the department
- At the last "meeting of the de
partment three members were ap
pointed to investigate the possibil
ity of adding new equipment to the
unit. The committee includes Law
rence Boedlghelmer, Phil Wagner
and Bruno Ruef.-.
The fire department plans the
purchase of two chemical tanks on
a four-wheel trailer with a re servo
Zetterbergs Parents of
: - Girl Weighing 9 Pounds
fsiLVERTONJan. 9 sirvertoh
relatives and friends are receiving
announcements 6f the 'blrta'of a
danghterweiging 9 'pounds and
ounces, born 'Januarx V to Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Zetterberg- of
McMInnvUle. - - .
Miss ZetterbeVg Is th format
Miss' Helen Lamb of tho-Sllrerton
" - - ?
Gentle Reflected , ;
; - MONMOUTH, Jan. 9-4Thomas
H. - Gentle was -i again, reelected
president of the-Monmouth Town
send organisation at this week's
meeting. - Mrs. 8. R Skeels .was
named vice-president; Mrs A. J.
Whlteaker was reelected .secre
tary ;, and "SL M. Ebbert reelected
treasurer The, club plans to bars
a - Portland group present tho
Townsend play, "The Fifth Com
mandment," here at an. early da e,
ession .
affect both the big fellow
will want to keep tab on proceedings of congress and
through The Oregon Statesman, Salem's HORNING
own able reporters and by the state capitoI bureau of the Associated
morning pf the previous day's proceedings and of night committee
i .... "
the legislature get the full
Picture Tailing
7?Ci AT UsT Jan. 9 ?Tb"e high
schoe students spent their spare
time this week taking pictures
for tfcir annual which they will
publish . this .spring. This 1 the
first tenture of the : kind - and
much interest in the project is in
evidence. .
: Mraj A; E. Carey, Mrs. Lenn
Young; Mrs. Ed Davis and Mrs.
Russell Lake worked Wednesday
canning; the 'meat which is to be
used - as a - basis ' for the : soup
w h i "h fa; to be served ' to the
schoolf children during . thai next
few" weeks. Mrs. Oliver Farmen
will be th cook this- year and
with the sudden cold and"" snow
all are I looking forward to ths
warm f&oon. . meaL V-y-Ln:
i The I f Gates I ' school- resumed
work on Monday 'after a lS-day
vacation. An increase in the en
rollment ' was made by the reg
istration of fonr; new students,
all boys: Wade and Wayne Har
ris, seniors, and Clifford .Harris,
sixth grade, 'all from Jefferson;
and Gordon Williams, first grade,
son oE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brad
ley wiO . recently . , came, fro m
North : Bend. - The , school had
more than half boys' before ' the
new ones entered.
Dr. Helen Pearcc 7ill
. peak For Gvic Oub
-n ' - w , '
' MONMOTJTri, Jan. The Civ
ic club? wfll meet Tuesday Instead
of Thursday . afternoon , this
week in order to make possible the
appearance of Dr. Helen. earce
otthe English, department of Wil
lamette university,, who Is to ad
dress the club. .
A silver tea to help raise funds for
pnrcha!pf books for the Inex B.
Churchill Memorial In tho Ideal
cemetery; will be held. This meet
ing alto will be an open house for
the " city ; library, and will . Uke
place 14 Ihs Legion hall.'
, ' mi 1 i I . . , " i -
'J 1 . ' - ' : - .
Grading Nearly Done
project of grading and leveling the
athleUc Held for ths high schooi
was nearly completed this week,
A' small amount of work remains
to be done when better j weather
conditions will permit. - .
- t 1 J
f - I
, - i
: f V
V.'-' 1 ..
the little fellow the fellow in between.
v '
story swiftly and accurately, told in . .
Hcportirho tktvi Sinco 1851
Hayesvillc Qnb
Aids Mot Lunches
T. Rae. assisted by Mrs. V. Clark,
entertained the Hayesville Wom
an's club Thursday with 16 mem
bers attending. The members
made arrangements to replenish
the food supply for the local hot
lunches. Mrs. B. Willis gave a
book Teview - on "Whaling."
?i Special guests Vw ere Mrs. C:
Doolittle. Mrs. Frank Johnson of
Salem, Mrs. Mark Saucy and Mrs.
.W. O.": Nanon. ,-, : ' .
Mrs. J. parks and Mrs. O. Me
Cnen, who have been rlsltlng
their sisters, Mrs. Rorilla McAfee
and Mrs. L. Morrison, returned
to the homes in Columbus, Ohio.
Tuesday. 1
David Grelg has been 'confined
to his homo with flu and trench
Co'rrian and !arsh to
Address 7aI(on League
, SILVERTON. Jan, "--Matt Cor"
rigan, state president and Frances
Marsh, state secretary of the Isaak
Walton League, will be guest spea
kers Monday night at the SUver
ton chapter meeting, - Election of
officers and reports of the Wild
Life conference Will be held during -the
Edwin Oveland is president of
the Sllrerton group. -
The Jevel Box
Diamonds T7atehes
44 State T . Phono 6310
Between EJsh A Liberty .
The store thai sells qaallty
' snerchaadlse for lees.
the legislature.
daily. For only ;
i 1 " In', " I
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, rr ma i.., i.n. , m., , w , , . , , ,7 - mt J
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PRICE' pgr :--a6C3icn;--Dy
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