: i ""-- I rris CnCGOII CTATirCIIAII. Cilsa- Orc-cn, Salcrday ITcrnin-, January 9, 1M1 V AUS HI-V LIN nn . Trr n tt '. "Trn . n -n .'TT vpiii .' oro -. n a ti o - iiieiDiu, (Dir TPh .Bny v ; SJafesmnn Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising . Single Insertion per line .10e rhree Insertions per tin St?e Sii Insertions per tin ...50c One month per tin ,31 09 Minimum chars 2 5e Cepr to ttit page accepted until :2 th evening before publication for classification - Copy received fter this time will be. run undei the beadtna Too Late to Clas sify - -r Th rHasmi assumes no fl nan Hal responslblllt) for error which may appeal to sdvertleein-aia iib lahed In It olumna and tit eases hrt this paper la at fault will r- firtnl that part f an advertisement a which th typographteal mistake "wears . ; ', " Tb Statesman reserves th right o .reject questionable advert txins ft fur the I reserve- th right to Olace all i 1 vertlelr.a fw t the rfvfier -!eetflM-m Help Wanted SALESPEOPLE TO work for large Insursnc society. Liberal advance, good contract. Stat references, apply Box 95, Statesman. I Heir. Wanted Male THREE MEN who are free to tra vel, must hav cars. If IIS.OO to S25.00 per week Interests you. answer this ad. Call Sat. and Sun. W. H. Fuller. Bligh lloteL j . , GOOD EXPERIENCED mllksr Victor Oleman, Jefferson; Oregon. I Va ' miles N.E. . ( Salesmen Wanted AN EXCLUSIVE EXCEEDINGLY PROFITABLE SALE AGENCY FOR f 6ALEM AND BimROUNDING TER RITORIES OPEN TO AN ENER GETIC AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN. SMALL INVESTMENT REQUIRED. FOR APPOINTMENT. A D D R E 8 8 BOX 08, CARE STATESMAN. . ;itni;r) Wanted Exp, dressmak. Mrs. Adsltt, T. 44. - S?W A8 IRON- TCK Tlt' EXPERIENCED MIDDLE ad housekpr. desires position. Tel. 40. , For Sale-Miscellaneous aDDINU MACHINES, cash regis teta typewriter sold, rented, swsppod Expert repair service- moderate prices Rnea Typewriter Rxe. 42 Court . CASH OR trad for used fornftu ranges, beaters, radios, machinery toola etc. Woodry and Woodry. sue tloneers, phon S-1-1-. . UIS N Bum mer In Hollywood.' k FOR SALE Good table potatoes, L2S ewt. Hayes Warehouse. Brooks. Ore. Phon Sirs, 'Salem, HAT ALL. KINDS in truck or ear load lota, Pbon 5000. , - USED LUMBER. DOORS, windows, brick - and wire, lowest pricea 20th Century Wrecking Co. 411 N. Front. FOR - 8 ALE Dr. Foley's restdenc at DOS 8. Chnrch St. Saturday from a. m. to p. m., th foQpwlng de scribed articles : S medium slxed Wilton rugs ' full mahogany center, tabl 1' mahogany wall tabl 1 mahogany rocker 1 dining room set piece) various pictures fancy work - .';'.. cooking utensils . . -5- 'j 1 lawn mower ' aad mlse. other articles e, 1-1- i-i-nmnnn(Wnry.rtnrtrLnm i .un S WEEKS OLD pigs, 15. Tel (SF11- Trade Miscellaneous Sff AIRLINE CABINET radio and cash for car. 1090 Shipping. f Wanted- Miscellaneous" WALhlTI MEATS ot ! walnuts shell, any nastiur Stats Cafeteria rre We ptrb ap aoafli and worth less borsra rows, sheep Tel 4 Hi Miscellaneous COLD KTOHAUB torlt.ra RamagSS I N Ubertv Phono S751 WS PAY highest prices for sll kinds of scrso iron and mtaL also hides or all kmda For sale all sisea ta pip aad plumbing. Capitol Junk Co 140 CenUr St. Tel. T040. I For Ilent Kooms I SLEEPING ROOM. TSS Court. DESIRABLE SLEEP. R. TeL 5I7, HEATED ROOM for man. Hot and old wtUr. S5S CheroekeU. Tel. S5SS. 2 NICELY FURNISHED sleeping rooms durlnaT legislature, 142 Court, ROOM FOR business girL WeU lo cated. TeL 4259 between 0-7:20 p. a RMS. CLOSE In for Jeglslatora 4229. FRONT SLEEP R 000 N. Capitol. SLEEPING 4)40 Union. . 1UC, prtvat - ntrnce. SLEEPING R. SIS N. Winter. SLEEP. ROOM for 9 during legis lature, with breakfast. S50 Center. SLEEPING RM9L. bath, 150 B" 8L ROOM FOR two during- loglslattv session, twin beds 12 ti. Capitol. Tel. 054. : ,! SLEEP. RH for men. 150 Union. t SLEEPING ROOMS. 3S Cbemeketa. FURN. ROOM, board. 754 & lSUu with or. without I loom and Board EXCELLENT RM. A bd. 715 K Com, 900 osowSwbSiiaaweSa BOARD. ROOM, clos In. Tel. SOOL GOOD ROOM A board, for men. 1125 ' Mill. .... - t. . - '1 Crt:aCD0tnttsniia ADVICKTISINO Wsstcra Adrertlslnf RrrrtsenutlTss rsncsr-UaU Co. Ltd. fas Freaeiea ti Asgsles fteStU EaAtsra Aflrsrtlalns Ropresenutlrae Bryanu tlrtffUh A Branson. Chicago New Tork Deuort. Ronton. Atlanta aaleeett ei i l'.t'u. ml Mmlm Oreoea. as Soeosd-Cioss tJaltrr Pa OUaotf evorv mram s-et afeaoVip SuteMi of'tro 310 ( fwnaffCi Strort, BOBscHinms KArt3i Mail Subscription IUta in Advance -within Oregon: Uaiiy an sunosy. Ma 50 cents: 9 Ma 91 25: 0 tuO $2 to 1 rear 94.00. C-je where SO eent tto, or 15.00 for 1 yer In advanca Corr 9 cents. News t ands 0 cents. By City Carrier: i cent a month For Sale Used Cars ' j . BONESTEELE BROS INC. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ! ' OUR PRICES ARE LOWER i i . , ' 1 . ... ' .... SI Dictator Tudor Sedan, built-in trunk. Lock-hoed hydraulic brakes. 10 . H. P. six motor, very low mileage. Phllco radio, heater Finish Ilk now. Will out wear a new low priced car - .. . 9895. 35 Diet. Cusc. Coupe. 11.000 miles see It - i" . 9996. II V-l DeLux Sedan, formerly owne4 by local doctor, car Is in top-con- dttlon i .... 31 Studebaker Diet, Sedan, practically new Urea, ha had perfect car, ee nttm : " - 5Sft- 31 Chevrolet Sed.. refinlshed. new seat SI Chevrolet 4 -door BeO, A-l condition, rellj.nl mln. 30 Hhavrolet KAlan 31 Ford Model A Rdster. Sf Dodge Tudor Touring; Sedan with trunk . .. ... , -. . . I . ' WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER GOOD USED CARS , ' FROM WUICH TO CHOOSE ' . Bonesteele Liberty A,Cbetneketa, $75 to t$l CO Reduction . !. ( Sold in Next 7 Days) 1915-Plymouth Sport Cpe.. Rumble Sent 134-Bulck Hpert Cpw radio, heater lS34-OIds l-cyl. DelAix Sedan, heater - 1034-Old (-pass. Coupe, trunk, heater . 13S4-Grahani f -wheel, trunk, eedan, heater 114-Ford Cpe. excellent condition -, ...... lJJ-Chevrolet Spt. Sedan, fin snap , i . S50.00 REDUCTION OX THESE 1030-Ponttae Sedan, complete engine overhaul . 1329-Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan very coodi THESE REDUCTIONS DO NOT Day & High ft Chemeketa For Sale Real Estate"! 1 : Beautiful Home for Sale by Owner i 6-Room Bungalow in East Salem AS modern, with two-car farare In basement Good heatlnr system. Lot 05x130. Fin shrubbery, weU kept garden ana lawn. Immediate sale desired because of owner's removal of bus tness Interests. ' ' ".l -. -t For further Information, phone 5457, residence, and 7941. business. SEE" MB for" tracts and lots-ebss service. r.00 down and OA-OO perTna Your best way to own your some is to build a It can be financed. Ready to occupy new modern house, S. Liberty St. 1000 win handle oaL easy , terms.. 1 bare buyers coming from. Idaho this no. for acreage . tracts small farms and business opportunities ju in what you have now. -Call or writ. H. C Shields, ores. Bias. jra. CHOICE LOTS s 1 ON PAVED-st-. 0500 will ftnaae new homoaup to . or cost on.iuns term' payments. : - W. H. ORABENHOR9T CO. 134 S. Liberty St. - Hnrnr. irnl iS'-Nrtirt lei 172S FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME BRAND NEW colonial. 0 nice airy raoma. nirrerenc in aesiKn. oil ourner. Urge lot with beanUfut shade trees and landscaped yard. Built before advance la pricea Can sell tor tu wiux aay terma You wilt like It ! 8KB Mra Kills with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. , Fhon 070. 7 ROOM NEW bom oa N. Winter St - 4 bed &, rockery frontage and enclosed back yard. 94500, terms, Ph. 5590. .1 SPECIAL - 04500 HOUSE FOR 03300 ROOM. MODERN bungalow, cor- noe lot near Lesli Junior men scnooi. tmmedlata noeseeMon with mode it down payment. Can show It any time. BEE Mrs. Kilts wnn -rniLDa a MILLER. Realtors 344 Stat St. - . Phon 070S T BOOK HOMH on 8. High. S bed- mi, rim iscatton. 2900-f 200 down. Fb. . WANT OFFER ON A . : Remarkably cholc do In. bualaass corner. Aa. Inside business property .. netting good inUrast. Well located f room house tliOO. Terms. Wonderful farm value. Learn why. - - - SEE - - SUasoner (Certainly) 5(S N. HlgH SALE OR rent. X R. house at 1190 Shtpptnav Inq, 1095 Shipping. ; - ; 7 ROOM HOME dose la on N. Sum mer St. Lot 70x180., 120 fivroowa. rn. .-' ) 1450. 500 DOWN, 5 .ROOM house In good condition, wood shed, ga ' nn Mvina- ad. S&00 down. I 200. Down, 5 room buncalow, In good .. . ' condition, basement, rurnace, - 91700. t 210. down, stuoeo home at 2075 Myr tle Av. S rooms A tmflnlahed upstair, modern In every way, , S1X5A . SOSes. Modern room bom doe ta on Center Bt, partly furaished. Ifw. " - - T MONEY TO LOAN " " MXLVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court St ; Pbon S7SS . . Room and Board I - HEATED FRONT rm, SIS S. Winter. S RM. HEATED apt, 444 & Hlsh. For Rent -Apartments-1 S-RM. MOD. S00C N. Capltot rORN. ONE-ROOM aot Gentlemen only. S10 per month. Tel. 5340. SIS N. CommerclsL . ; , - - S ROOM HEATED, unfurnished do- plea apartment. 00 Union St. S R. FURN. APT 1047 S. Commercial. gar first floor. For Rent- House S NICELY FURNISHED sleeping during legislature, if xv wen. FURN. OR einfursw 749 8. Com'L- C ROOMS, FIREPLACE, modern ex cept basemeDt. inquire izy jnr u ,. 4 BEDROOM HOME. . hardwood flMtra. aoitnmatio furmcA. double ga- rare, beautiful yard. 950 monthly. 1119 N. CapiteL Ph. 4405. y. S ROOM BUNGALOW, garage. 015. Also 9 room fern, apt, lights aad wa ter, 9 la. - .. : '.- III fctat y.-:-. For llent llvpfla' M dr an' erheelehalr . - m atirr rurnitur Co.- . ewMMMNeeeeeiee OffW rooms for rent SSt-Statern rV 37 IS. For SaleUsed Cars U covers, A-l mechanical condition 142. jumbo Urea, new finish, an x . I ... ;i , , $260. Bros., Inc. Pbon 4144. Was Now .005 585 - 080 595 S8S S4S 97S . S4S 245 245 195 ear 196 ! APPLY AFTER JAN. 15th Co. TeL 119 J j For SaleReal Estate FOR SALE 14 H acres, prunes, cherries and strawberries, family or chard, creek. S-room plastered house. basement, good weu, electricity, eee owner at rt. f. dox n. am Chrlstensen. - f MOD. COUNTRT borne, l - r.f Salem. Mod. 9 R. house.- basement Fully furnished with Frtgldair, elec- trlo range. Large poultry nous, gooa barn, 4 A. bearing cherries, filbert wahTute. Price 950 with term. ; See LIN 1X5 REN ! ft TUCHUSK, r -- 1 17 a Hn . : 1 I wrrr PIT rentt DANDY HOME-SIT K3 within 190 yards grade school. 1 about two nuaos from Salem city limits, fronting- oa naved street with east view. Electricity available. 925.09 cash, balano less than rent j - HAWKINS ft ROBERTS - rSnanflaii Riitldlna. Salem 1 9 R. HOUSE. FULL price 91575. 9S0 down, bal. pee mo. Tracts of land suitable for country homes, clos In. 95 down, 95 per mo. Buud your own bom. - :- F. H. WEIR, Oregi Bldg. Ph. S90S 200 ACRES near 8 liver Creek Fell nark. Improvements. Promoter can make money, saie or rraoe. i 19 acres, river bottom, blags, close In, 91500. Bale or trade. : Salem income property ciear xor farm. i - Have all kinds listing. Be us for what you want : M , J. LINCOLN ELLIS. SO 91 Stat 8t NEAT 4 R. FURN. house, 91750.00. 9550.00 down, bat 912.50 mo. TeL 3315. For Sale- Farnu SS ACRES SACRIFICED SS ACRES, OVER 15 la eultiratloa. balanc timber and I pasture. About 91500 worth of wood. New 4 room home, barn and other small buildings. Excellent solL Only 2 miles from Mt Angel on paved highway. Must be sold at once. Priced at i 11250 with only 91000 cash. - 'i BE Mr. waiter witn CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors S44 State St 1 1 fbone 0708. 1 A. 14 ml. from I city oa SUverton . Road. 9200, S A 9550, 0 A 91000. II A f mL northeast of Salem, W In . - crop. baL brush ft timber, beet of eoU. xcneat drainage, 91875. SI A. fin Howell Prairie land. 19 , to crop. exceUenti drainage, 92200, r- 950 down. ' , ! ! . 20 A. about 9 mL from Salem, 19 bearing fruit plastered I bouse, basement i ' 02150. 2500 down. tectrte lights. 10 A. 2 mL from city on hard road, all ; : cult, creek. S9S0, f75 down. MON-I . EY TO LOAN. I MELVIN JOHNSON. 7S9 Court St ': Pbon 2723 ONE ACRE east ! strictly modern 7 R. boas. Will trad for smaller boos m Salem. - : . -.n., S acres 1 ml from Salem. 7 s, aouea. .1U acres eherriea SO sere, zv cultivate. 7 r. noose. basement and 4 R. house. Good barn 40x59, chicken coopt and other bulld- tnra Price 9oo. t i Oltv water. Price SS400. terma Wo have a rood 40 acre close in for l sale : let aa teu yon aooui ix, Vosburgh-Grant Masonic Bid t!i A. ALL IRRIGATED, 4 room nous, garage, poultry nouse, xine j soiL S1500. terms : nortneaac A. S room bouse. 51060. 9200 down. 015 mo. t '-; - ' S A. 4 room house, lc gaa, 92000. 500 down. .'II--?- 9 A. 0 rooms, chicken hou, garage, stream. O0. terma It A. I room bouse.! timber, stream. fruit. 81000. terma 22 A. 5 room bouse, river bottom land, mS cows, chickens, IS mL out, 92000, U cash. !-' - 109 A. 9 rooms, highly Improved farm, fin son. 81100, worth mora JAS. D. SEARS-CHAS. SANDERS 470 Court 8t ;-.!! . - Ph. S44S. I Acreage : : 27 A. OF TIMBER IS miles east of Salem. Mostly-old fir, 91700. . 950 down. Ph. 580.;, . ! I - r--- - ! Vanted Real Estate I ; I WANT THE best real estate bar gain In or near Salem, regardless of s-ixe. Give definite location, ' descrip tion, price and terms Box 8f, Stat? KMX. . - . . r ' ' WHO HAS easy terms or low cash price on good small place 7 . Box 95, S:atesman. ....... ' ; . For Sale Used Car t A Better ; Ucod Money . at ' ,;r 7 n t McKay . Chevrolet Co. ; SIS . Center - Pbon S1S9 Open Evenings Weather Report! - Salem and Vicinity Cold ' Business, at Shrocks Hot JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BUYS, PICK TOURS NOW 19S5 PonUae sedan, heater, trunk 1994 Oldsmobil sedan, radio, trunk 1930 Chevrolet pick-up "winterised 1922 Chevrolet standard coup 1921 Chevrolet cab. coupe, trunk 1920 Chrysler 77 sport coup 1930 Pontiae sedan, fine shape . 1929 Ford ptck-un 1929 Chevrolet coupes It) MANY OTHERS FROM WHICH TO 555 Chem. St.' eeMMMMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I Person-ally Gueiranteed By Lynn Lambeth, Pres. of STATE MOTORS, INC. SI HUDSON DELUXE COUPE original finish, upholstery spotless.- 1 motor perfect,' radio, heater ,-959S SS PONTIAC COU PE refinlshed. : mierM-T yiessi ri unnui - v hauled. A-l tires. Real buy 9395 SI ESSEX COUPE original fin ish, seat covers, new tires, fen- . der wells, rumbl - seat, very -low mileage ' , .. .. 92S5 25 FORD 1 COUPfiJ rumble i seat motor perfect good tiree, only9 91 29 ESSEX COACH original fin- lah. new tires, motor A-l shap. i vry low mileage... ., , , , - 1S STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON PACKARD DEALERS Hlsh and Cbemeketa ' - Phone S400f . Open Nights ana Sundays ; i Business Opportunities - EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer . who has conducted some of th largest auc tion sales in the northwest will open permanent auction house la Salem. Will consider partner. Investment of three to flv thousand dollars, required. Write box 57, Salem statesman. DANDY PAYING lutie business ta Salem. 9500, Investigate thia Pressing, cleaning, alteration bus- Ineea. good location, good buy, 9BS9. : BEARS-SANDERS --. - 479 Court 8t Phon 9499. l:i . LISTEN -.'; SMALL INVESTMENT. Good hft- eom from going business right down m. Ask us about it CHLLDS A MILLER. Realtors 944 State Bt Pbon 0705. Money to Loan How to Relieve Hangover We mean the hangover of old bills . from . last year. Stop la and see , us tor that extra cash yea need; and start th new year with a clean slats. Too can repay la easy ; monthly payments arranged to suit . .your budget Find out how- lit- . . Ue a loan will cost you. FREE : valuabl Social Security Record i book. Ask the. cashier for -rbtir . 'cony. -4. i. s Oecond Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Rm. 119 . it stat at at sign et Pbon 9740 r , 8alm, Orgon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-112. M-145. ' SOUND INVESTMENT. Good flrst mortgage real eststs loana farm and city propertlea Net investors ce feV amount to sxeee. a:aaa Ine security yourself. CHi-oa a stiiL,iR. hut. tMtns S44 Stat St t Phon 9709 ' CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS BORROW FROM aa Independently owned and operated Salem compear where your problem will receive per sonal consideration - ootn oeiore after the loan Is made. Interest on unpaid bslsaosi W Quick, courteous osrvtue. ' ;.WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT - General Finance I tt First Nafl Bank Bldg Salem. Or. Phono 9109 XAo. No. S-18S Federal or refinance MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM residential property un der the F. tL A. plaa, loag term loans with low, monthly payments. Ne mission. Reflnanc r build bom.-' - . W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, t- REALTORS . 1S4 & Liberty Bt ' Fhon 9499 eweweVeweeeVMMMMMMMeVMWeVM Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED. MONEY TO btnr new or fEOM Private money at very low rates. No rod tape I to 89 months bo rspay. Roy H. Simmons 91 First NatX Bank Bids- Salem. Oft Phone 91SS . - Lie. No. M-152. Loans Vanted 4 mne wanted oa farm - an city property ' Before borrowing. Inquire Itawkm Rnherts Financial . t HAVE A number of xcllent mortgagee bearing ( . Interest pay able monthly on 8a lent dty property tor saie sr race vara. DONALD A YOUNO - S99 U. a Bank Bldg. , . Eatem, Or, t Livestock and Poultry SALE 4 FRESH milk ows. Heavy milkers. Phone 529. ' FOR SALE Pullets, 11 R. IV reds, ta Kocas. E. IX. LARS EN - - R. 4, Box 992 - i " 4 MC So. Pac Highws f. . For Sale Wood DRY WOOD, all k'fds. TeL 44SS. For Sale Used Cars I Car for Leas - - " 410 Torta Commercial and Sundays c -. ' 1130 Plymouth deluxe sedans 1915 Pontiae coach, lis new 1935 Ford coupe. Ilk new ' 103S Chevrolet, sport coup 19S1 Chevrolet coaches (1) -1920 Dorsnt sedan, a peaclt 1930 Ford coach 1990 Ford business coup 19 SO Oldsmobil sedan. whla CHOOSE, AND ALL PRICED TO SELL Phone 7922 brock's " Here They Arq Kin good serrlceabl ' 'used cars priced from 915.00 to 985.00; lAlso: 29 Model J 30 Model "A 90 Oakland Sedan " Coupe . .9125.00 ..916.00 (joupe 105.00 450.00 33 Terraplane Sedan 29 LaFayette. Sedan, radio. heater and new tires, 90-day guarantee. It's a dandy. . - "SPECIAL". Repossessed '34. Plymouth Sedaa for amount of note 9290.24. Can b financed. . Open Sundays and Evenings. Carter and Church ' Motor Co. Nash and LaFayett Dealer' S99 N. Conu- - Phon ST14. 2 FORD COUPE. S7S: S5 Bulck std. sedan cheap: S trailer bouses, 925 and 9190. Wagers, rt 7, box 88, Sllver- lon jugaway. - . . . 1- for Sale tWood PLANER ENDS BLOCK WOOD Salem Box Co. Telephone 9139 'Order; while th supply lasta ALL KINDS of coed dry wood. TeL PHONE B. FENWICK. 4SS7 Cor dry WOOD, Smith A Rubens. TeL 4SF14. GUARANTEED DRY 2nd gwth. 7S40. xekawwrolMoa 19- OLD FIR, 95. TeL 5410- ,10 IN. OLD fir, 95.96 od. TeL 0010. ALL KINDS of wood, reasonable. S07 Mm St Ph. Weathers 4912. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coal TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage,, ,j- '..t:,::.l,'t-t , 19 IN. OLD fir, 99. TeL 9459. DRY WOOD that to dry. TeL 11SF2S. Robert Fromm, R. 7, Box 450. ; ; - . Lost arid .Found LOST Be fore Thanksgiving. n 14th aad State, gold rimmed glaseee ta is from Diuea Rogers. . Foruana, 1446 8tate. . . , ,-. LOST PROBABLY on River road. bundle of clothing. TeL S24L -LOST BILLFOLD. Calif, driver license currency liberal reward 97i South. 12th. v r.. ;u-f Personal I WTLL NOT b rpeponslbl for any bills contracted by any on other than mysett O. E llaselwood. - Auto Brakes 978- South Bicycle BICYCLES. NEW ft reeondlUoaed. Harry W. Scott 147 a ComX Ph. 4619. Brushes FULLER BRUSHES. 0714. S7S9 Brooks St 8BatS'.-. so. Sldej Tet Ere, eppotnt- Chimney, Sweep 1 TELKPHt IN B 446 a t North exBnaa-s-B-sannsBew-Bn A ... ara 1 Chiropractors DR. O. U SCirT -PSO CWropraetor. 96 N High Tel Re 8768 r Excavating Excavating - tt ' kiada Basements dug. Dirt aauled e aoved, Dirt tor eela 8a leas Sand aad ravel Co. Phone 049. . - - ... Florists Bretthaupfa, 44T Court Ph. 994. r Furs DuBAIN For Cn ' Msstet furrier and destgTMrra Rm 111 54 liter Bldg. . Laundries THE tiW SAt.KSI LAUNDRt 1 THE WEI DER LAUNDRT 989 S High ; ., Tel 01SS r CAPITAL CITt LAUNDRT 'V Flret n Quality and Pervlee relepnooe , 1 1 66 .. . II Hrnadw "Mattresses CAPITOL BEDUINU CO. Pbon 40S9. ; BusinessiDirectory 1 I- oa saonthlr tas-i 4nJy. II t-stot 91 per Una ter roo-th. ' ' For Sale Used Cars It's Buick Again i OUR NEW CAR DEPT. IS StfLLi TAKING IN A LOT OF FINE lOH GRADE USED CARS AND "MR. WILSON SAYS WE MUST. BELLI EVERY USED CAR IN STOCKS 1989 Bulck Small Series Sedaa driven only 13.000' miles mechanically - . perfect not a scratch on the finish Interior like new. This car was formerly owned by, Mr. :. Rowland who Is a very - careful driver ; 9995.00 19SS Ford DeLuxe Coupe, has fin ra- - dlo.' beater and many other: ex-1 tras this car has been thorough-1 ly checked over In our eervice dept and O. K.'d 9095.00 19S4 Bulck small series' 5-pass. Sedan . This job has a nice butu-ln trunk finish inside and out l-l most like new powered ' by jBu- - ick's famous valve la head ano- tor , . ,., 905.00 199S Plymouth I 'Delaixe - Coupe This d car was formerly owned by proro- lnent local people u your cnoice is Plymouth, be sure and see this one before yen buy . . . 1505.00 1 1989 Cbev. Master two-door Sedan I with built in trunk, radio, heater and lots of other, extras, a fine buy at . . , 8595.00 1991 Pontine : Sedan, dual equipped , This car was turned In by Mr. H. W. Walt of RlckreaU actual mileage oa this car la less than 90.000 . 8535.00 19S4 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe 615.00 126 Ford DeLuxe Tudor, with ouut-tn -trunk . oio.oei 193S Dodge DeLux Coach 4 4" 6.00 1924 Ford DeLuxe Coach 445.00 192S Pontiae 4-door Sedan, - . trunk,- new brakes, new clutch, 4 nearly new Fire - stone tires, motor recently overhauled. arood ealnt Interior In fine condition -195.00 19S4 Ford Coupe, a special at 2 S3. 00 19S2 Buick DeLuxe Sedan 445.00 19S1 Bulck DeLuxe Sedan 985.00 1091 Pontiae DeLuxe Sedan 916.00 180 Dodxe 4-door Sedan 845.00 199 ri Vfa-t-J ' ' ' tl'S.OO 1929 BuIc;Standard drSedstnt .ISTS.OOi 120 Bulck Standard Sedan 265.00 1990 Oakland 8port Coupe 195.00 1999 Pontine DeLuxe Coupe 155. its uranam uaitt coacn sia.ee 13 Pontiae 4-ooor Sedan 195.00 126.00 1929 Bulck 4-pasa Coupe . 1929 Durant Coup 13S.99 12 Bulck Sedan , 1929 Stud 9 Sedan - - 145.00 100.06 1929 Pontiae Sedan . 192S Chev. Coach ' 127 Chev. Coach ' , 100.00 05.00 45.00 4a.00 S5.00 85.00 13,00 1925 Buick Coach 1926 Old Coach - , 1927 Chrysler Roadster 1929 8tar Sedaa . , ' II- OTTO J. Cora'L 'i ' WILSON SSS N. Ph. 949L The Used Car Center - .. - - i ; 19S7 Licenses . . . Term ... Trades Compare thee Price Com In and I Compare our car SS Whippet Sedaa , SS Chrysler Coach , 29 Ford Coop , 99 Pontiae Coup - i 4 zis 917S IS Ford Roadster 91 Willys Roadster si, Durant coupe. Extra good ii cnev. sedan S9 Ford Coup ft Oakland Coach 3 Ford Tudor , Sedan SI Nash Sedan. Special i unev. uoaen SI Chev. Special Sedaa 31 Ford Coupe - -SS Plymouth Coach . SI Buiek 40 Sedan SS Dodge Sedan i 24 Chev. Master Sedan . 34 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedaa S9 Cher. Sedaa Delivery -SS Ford U W. B. Tiuck Opea Evenings and Sundays The Used Car, Centex ' 240 Center Phon S421 l ii end Marton-Polk Co. bridge; ; ; Now Wrecking : 1929 ESSEX Sedan . - 1929 FORD A Roadster 1927 DODGE Sedan 1927 WHIPPET 4 " , 1917 WILLYS-KNIGHT 79 V 1929 DODGE Coup CHRYSLER 4 Sedan - Acme Auto &' Truck t. Wreckers ' a - 420 a Commercial t.st- ' Radiators i 8tartere Generator Batteries . . Our stock Is th most complete la th. Valley. eeeMieejeMwMMWMeeMeeeeee 30 Ford V-9 Coach S1 Chev. Coupe, radio .9599 -8200 .9219 -9116 '3 tjnev. coupe '99 Bulck Bedaa Std. TERMS AND TRADES 999 Center St nALEM FLUFF-B-UO sed Mattrees Factory. NEW alATTRE-Ul msd to order, eld remade : carpet deaning, sls mT2 -fluff run weaving, a VtH ft Wtl bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. SWICKER. Bat 1911. ., ( . i - - Music Stores i GEO. C WILL Ptaae. radto. aewtn I aseMaia sheet oraalo and srtane at4- lea Repatrtnc radloa, pho-ographs and sewing machinaa -ess atac atraes Photo EnCTavici Salem photo neravms. isst 149 It Corny Tel, r rVintinf; W1R STATION EKt. -earda eamotis ' tet. programa books or any kind ot printing, call 1 h Etstaaman Prtntlnd Department, si a csramorrtat. ;Tett phono ..911- ; ;;;v. , " Sewing Machine Bepairsl C R lMttMrma 4(76 1109 Waltef Stoves We repair stove, : range, etreulator Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges aad circulators, stock fence, posts, chick wire, Salem Fence and Steve Works 24S Chemeketa TeL . 4774. R 4 U. FlmlnS. - vf.J .,'i'-r . Transfer FOR local or distant treasfmr storatr call 8181. larmvi Transfer Oa Track to Porthtbd dally CAPITAL" CITT fes eater Co. .219 Stat SL feL 7712 DistriooUne. for-1 wardlna and toraee our aperialty Get Mir rale . t WIIXIAU-S TRUCK Serf. TeL S2FS Veil UriiUn-r K, A. Wt RL 9. Bos 44V. TL 110KV IKS 9145 245 9S99 ; ; 9326 9?26 9479 EiliI m 9 For Sale Used Cars Drive a Safe Used Car No need to take risks or chaace you can buy a late model used car In 1 safety condition for an amaaingiy low price. Buy now. Drive in safety. Profit by present low prices. Sav the cost of repairing your present car. Get the benefit of our big selection and top alolwanc for your car,- - Big Stock : All Popular Makes Good Will. Guaranteed . . Used Cars 1935 V-9 Ford Deluxe Tudor Touring Sedan - . 1925 "Deluxe Pontiae S 4-door Sedaa 1935 .Pontiae Deluxe Coupe 1935 -Chevrolet Master Coupe " 1936 Deluxe Pontiae 9 Sedan 1936 V-8 Deluxe Tudor Touring Sodas 1936 Pontiae Deluxe Coach - 1921 Chevrolet Coach 193 Pontiae C-wheel Sedan 1934 Pontiae Sedaa 1939 Rraklne 4-door Sedan 1920 Dodge 4-door Sedan 1925 Pontiae Coupe - - . AND SEVERAL OTHERS . DOOUTTLE MOTORS Commercial ft Center Sts. New Pontiae 4's snd S's. We are Authorhted Pontiae deaters- , division of GENERAL MOTORS -J 80 AUTO WRECKING CO. AT NINE THIRTY N. CommerdaL n.i.lflHltne muni t nML ,t.rt.ra em aturea new, used or rebuilt; batteries new, usea or reouut. . WRECKED OR WRECKING 2 8. Chev. Coupe, good motor ' 27 Chev. Coupe, good motor , ,. '27 Olds Coupe, good motor r 27 Pontiae Coupe, good motor . 29 ft '27 Pontiae for psrts - ' FOR SALE " '25 -Star Touring, good- motor. 0 2 worth of rubber. 935: some good. '27 Chev. Tourmav new rubber. S35, Some good front end assemblies for trailers. . .-. ! BOB SHATTUCK. Owner LEW DRAKE. Mechanic at 920- N. Commercial Accident Victim Better SILVERTON, Jan. S Matt Lentsch, who was Injured fn an utomobUe accident on the last day ot the- year. Is reported mneh ImproTed and able to stt up a lit Ue each day. It is . expected he will be ahle to leave the hospital la a week or 10 days. v. STOCK of men's f urnUhlnes snd clothing located at 469 State street, Salem, Oregon, will be of fered for - sale- by sealed bids. Bida wilt be opened in our of fices at 11:00 o'clock, on Friday, January 15, 1937. Stock inyen torie 95100.00, fixtures -15 8 S. 00. Stock may be Inspected all day ! January 13 th snd 14th, or be-' fore that data by applying to L. J. Connor, 975 So. High Street, Salem, Oregon. Certified check for 10 of amount offered must accompany bid. Right reserved to reject any or all bids.! - s THE v ADJUSTMENT BUREAU 4T1 PITTOCK BLOCK. PORTLAND, OREGON, J. 10-12. v Cross Puzzle f T" 3T TT s"" ST 77 TI " l!l 111.1 Wfc z2 "Jill III-l--ilfL-J !1I!..-JI ) ihr i r-:yi.siiiiii K- - --.. '. ..... By EUGENE CUEFFE3 i:02IZ0NTAL 1 posseaxive ' pronoun ' 4L-tactioa 8 swift 12 mimic 13 fa a loving - maimer IS boundary , 17 approach II correLative '. ef either IS -freezes " 'tS celestial , , body 21 mineral - rprins . 22 . iaapost " 29 city in - England 4(X beverages 411 month in the Jewish calendar 42 dialect . from . Sanskrit 43 as if dead 44 polite 47 -tUize - 48 comf ortabl 49 insects CO lair r VXaTICAL 1 native salt- J 1 1 23 -ersifer art of '- nerewith I th solution to yester day's puzzle. br -nebrew . ' name for' God . 5 close noisily. 27 Irs ? 23 comes ista . view aj-xia -25 lard, o ar able WOOd ' 52 -arrow -' " road - -23 eTci-ma- - . tion . 25 famous '" ' American - earicaturit 23 cram 37 the Lava Z3 two-wired ' - i3ect Civi i-r 1 j s .1 1 I i ( I r. - I l lf i - i CwnlsOt. lilt. T Dob Lackey Heads Businessnien Qui) WOODBURN, Jan. 2 At tbr resnlar luncheon meeting of the Wood burn Business Men's dun held Wednesday, Bob Lackey was-. elected president to serve tor two months; Fred Ilecker, Tice-presi- dent; Keith O'Halr reelected ec-retary-treasurer; J. Melrln Rinro, reelected member-hip secretary, which is tor one year. The Woodburn high school tint and second basketball teams were luncheon guests ot the club. Cap tain J. F. Lacey,. retiring; presi dent, welcomed the boys and Dick whitman, captain of the teams. responded. A talk was. also given by. Eldon Cone, coach. Present were Jaft Anderson, Charles Shaw, Arthur Edwards, Dick Whitman, Melrln and Merlin S pro use. Da rre 11 Anderson, Jerry Kruplcks and Ed Koch. Plans were made by the club to furnish a program for Fair field grange January 8. - i . Open Peacock Cafe WOODBURN. Jan. ' 8 John Werner, sr.. and : Delbert Riggs have opened a new cafe In the Werner bulldlng, on Garfled street which will be known as the Pea cock cafe. The buildlnr has been remodeled with new booths, new counter and decorations of black and orange, making it rery attrac tive. v.;'- - ' , - EXEfJUTOR'S NOTICE OF . . . . ApPOIXTMEXT Notfce is hereby glTen that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executor of the ; last will . and . testament snd estate of Mary A. Walling, deceased,; and that he has duly .Qualified as such Executor; all persons having claims against the estate ot said decedent are notified to present the same, duly Termed, to me, t my office, 295 Oregon Building, Salem.' Marion County, Oregon, within aix months from the date ot this notice.' --''-:- , Dated at Salem. Oregon, this tth day of January, 19 IT. " ' RONALD C. GLOVER, Executor ot the last will and testament ,and estate ot Mary A. Walling, Deceased. J. S-lf-23-30 F. 6. t. WOTICB TO CREDITORS NOTICE. Is hereby given , that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of Marion County Oregon, appointed administratrix of the estate of Mary-B. Ruth erford, deceased, and has quali fied as such., All persons having claims against said estate here by are required to present the same, with proper Touchers, to the- undersigned at 211 Oregon Bullding, Salem,' Oregon, within six (0) months from the date hereof. . . u Dated January f. 193T. DELLA RUSSELL ' As Such ' AdmrnlBtratrtc. WALTER S. LAMKIN. Salem, Oregon. . Attorney for Administratrix First publication January 9. II ST Last v publication February 0, 1117. J. 9-19-22-30 F. . X proper is . naiT-tiv poetry . t-tmill . s leather ef a bird's - . - - wingr - . 4 posed for a : portrait ' I prister's measure - 0 meditation T pay a person's expenses 5 dressed pelt 9 like 10 inclines 11 absolcts . ruler 14 rowicx iirpler-cri IS exists 20- -dean!x - scbetanc 21 bodies af wxtxr . 3 !rtia ' 24 ict with - enncJ 23 lirpatchej 27 rid,- f earth - 23 tius-lry very Lv- iiviiaal 23 writ on tit - face cf a draft 21 Panama money ef . , account K23 reluctsEt' -34 pced - -23 cJa in tit fowerir-j rlr.-.e is . -aT-j - 7 u.i:y ' I " ilszt ' ij -art ti j te" I ? - eo - . ' 2 - . It. ... 'i LI a: Klat return -re-tats, la I f 5 ei a vear la advsae.