ft 3 CHEGOrJ STATESMAN, Ci!:u Ore-cn, Zztzrlzy llzrzlzz, Jznnry 0, 1C37 o f Tli- rTI - O '. TK . o' JV- 71 at w. i n i. irn(n ; - rnii in) mum un o; .JSQGEIpA-v -A- ... -.-....,.. - WW-. Vtt . WWAUOV : Tf i ml i - Hi I Nr --Vr --. aa -- .a t 1 t V Uany. issues A Enjoy . Boost Day Volume Hits Higb Since November 17? ;" Kails Up -Too: A'U; ' - 4 1 ' NEW YORK. Jan. S-ffVFur-ther ' recorery wares splashed ti rough the stock? market today and swept a "wide; assortment of issues up fractions to 3 or moie points. There were a few 'wider ' Jumps. - , - 'i Despite the spreading of strikes In General Motors plants. Wall street apparently found stlmnl.i- , Uon la the president's budget mer- ; saje and - business news as a ; whole. Building Stocks Up i Recommendations by the chief executlre for substantial expan ; slons la the army and nary'es : peclally spurred aircraft, ship building chemical and specialty groups and brought .rallying sup port to steels which had been in the declining class with motors during the forenoon. j . The day's volume totaled f. 3, ' 21 (.8 SO shares, the largest since Korember 17, last, and compared with. 1.0C7.C70 yesterday. The Associated Press arerage . off SO Issues mored up .5 of a point to . Tl.t. i l An Increase in last week's freight loadings, officially pub lished today, brought support to rails. In addition hopes were; re TiTed . that the interstate com merce commission will grant-the road's plea, for a boost in basic rates.: -. 1 ;'i :-- i Parsonage or Has Mean Blaze AMITY, Jan. 8. A chimney -fire at the Amity Methodist par sonage Wednesday morning caus - ed quite an excitement. The fire ' engine was called to the tcene and 1t was 'several hours before tti kUM' vn romnletel-r vtinr- - ulshed, as the fire had broken some of the plaster .Inside ! the flue and rot to the 'woodwork. . The Christian, church of Amity - , . . - ,,n win neia iut rrsaiw auuuai ,run call, meeting Sunday with coy ' ered dish luncheon at 'noon: A business meeting with election of . .fleers will' be held at t . o'clock. i The Installing staff of Industry Rebekah lodge . and I.O.O.FV lodge No. 7,v motored to Monmouth Thursday evening to install I the officers of Monmouth Odd pel- JB wt . 1. W . V ta A a Am ... , 1, , Chimney Fire -Checked. By Siherton Fighters SILVERTOX Jan. 8 The SH Terton fire department was called ut Thursday night at 11 o'clock ' to check a chimney fire in ! the old Marion Palmer place on North .Water street. The James Scarth family are now living In the house. Genera) Mlcts PORTLAND. - Ore.; Jan.: 8. (API lroar ei-baBe pneea: M mm Batt-r Estrae, 82tt: atanaara 8e; Tin firsts 82e; first. . 81 e: kattcr- ET C. S- larf ettrss, 23e; V. 8. se.iaia tr,' ! . , r ; ;- - Portland Grain Wkwt: - Oim Hifh L ,CUJ JCa , ....1.14 1.14 - 1-1 Cut tmi: on; mm . j, m ... l "n J.rk kanl wiatar. IS Uata. Xa. wait. 88.00; ray. 3S.OO; r7 So. 5-i lb. K S7.0. Ta 4ay'( ear reita: Wheat. 4; flaar, . Portland Livestock (Ci 8. Dpt. At-) Hosa 330, lath4 sas 235 eiract. Mranrar ta 10 aata kUt"ar: fooa t caaica XaO-103 lb. SrtTeina 10.75-10 85; tnaaa lot pwlbly ajaatabl t 11.00 r Wurf law 20 lb. waixhta 18.83; few parkins aawa S.OO S.8S; athar welfht acarea. - Cattla 150, lacladinc 107 4iracU aa 35, iaehUiac It 4rcet. activa. ataady a atraar. iaataaeea &0 a aaara abava aa Maarfay aa. cewa; 44 fed ataara ep 7.00-1.T5; airictly fad slaaa a,aav abla abaTS.25; (aw raaifcra S.8e-S.25; law cattar aa4 eaMa raws 3.15-4.00; ta-- (a saadjitai gra4ea a.aO-S.Oe; baa4 84 bf aowa- aa S.OS; balU 4.M-5.T5;. aMainm TeaWra 1AQ akaica aMabla ta S.50. - ' . ' fcaaa 150, liK-laaloc 128 iract, -toailr ataady ; ija tracked Us aalaabla araaaa S.25-S.50 or abarea; ckaiea fed aretbara qnotabla ap. ta a.75. Pcrtlind Produce Amity r rat, 1.88; 13 pr rant. 1.21; 11 wr- ecmi. 1.3 1 ; aofi whita ed wUti vaita. 1.18: hard winter. 1.15; tra PORTLAND. Ore, Jaa, 8 (AP) . BatUr Priata.' A graae. SdHa tk m arcbaMflt wrappara. 85 a la. ta car iaa : B rrada. parebataaA wrappara. 83 H ' " lb.; cartas, satt ta. Uauarfat fart la aa datiaary. gaaarai . price A rrada. - dHafad at leaat wi weakly.- IS-8T lb. J i eaaatry TaaUa, . S-85; B rrada. 84-25a lb.; 0 Srada at aaarket. -. -? at crada cream fat ; aaartet Bnrlat . rwa katterfat baaia. UVkt Ik -. - tre boylo prira af wholeaalera. -traa, S2e; taadards,' SO axtra aaad taama. lcS modi am finta. , 17; asdar gn-ie, ISc. -. Cbeeea Orero trip lata, 18a Ora raa loaf. 1 He. Brabara will pay. Ma Wtaw qaatatiaa. - Caaatry Maata SelllBf priaa ta ra taSlara: , cava try kiUed kora. aat katcb ara, aader 159 Iba 14 ; lb.; : vaaJara, 15a lo.; Tfiht aad this. 10-18 lb.; kcaay, S-lla lb.; cstter aawa,- T-Sa la. caaaer eawa. H-7 lb.; ball IH Pa Ik. lanba, l-li lb.; awea, d 7 li. - " ' .. - - Caere's berk RtUb prra a4 t lb ' - - Ufa Peoitry Portlaad dalieary, key l pri-; Colored baa, arer 4S lli, le 17a lb.: aader dVi lk 1S-17 lb.: L-Sera . Vn. 12-15 - lb. Laliara Vr- .tr,- 1 15-lea b. -L4hora a;-nen 14 1'- i.; rfr,-S-Ba lb. I-:atM iCl.wtfc" . 1. $2.45-2.63: rifint-.- f J '-2.8S; .Taihns -K. 1. -- . -2.60. v - -, .---.- ,nitt la.ifl nnmloalf W!tml aal l' w.' 3 ra. S0 lb.: cer end bra4a. i f ia ; ra) . rJrajsa. S3 ir Ik ; J . i.e 1 a . 'r ' v - Hy Kc',':Ejr' rria ta re t Here - kJ tt 'a Ka I. -417 170; aaaiera Orefoa Salem Morlccts UraUr U raw ter ctsnt milk. Salens baale pool price $23 per hundred. . Co-op butlrrfai prtre. I. O. B. Salem. 35c. : " tatua aaaea aa aaaat akvataij ak.ar.at araa) DUitributor price A graUe buiu-rTai IMrliw ered, 30c; B grade, dellr ered. S3c A grade print, S5c: It icrtp. a-tc. Pr. paid im grvwara ay Kaiaea aiiyara. tTba pricra b-lw,- aapUed.by a local grorar. are indicative af aba daily aaarket bet are net guaraatrod by -"i'be tatatea nii.l . i : aa PCTJ1TS t ' (Buying Pctcet) Applet, pa. Urimea .GeUei (Coiuaa iiaauty llaaauaa. lb. oa atalk .Maude .... raraaaali aack Cra a berries, M bbL a:a ireafe, it. lirapafrait. Klorida. bUi Grapcfrait. Ariaona Laaiona crat " rati- ateL r -Hmkiat ' . Fancy " -Choice .2.00 s 4.ao ! s.ue ; too ta 8.25 ta 2.35 2.00 Peart, Boar, ba. .80 a m i.eo ppi imn rrate !graaata uut VEOETABUI . - (Buying Prices ) BeaU. Calif, dua Bruaacl bproata, crate i Cabbage, lo. - Cabbage, red CuiHrae aabbaga, crata , , 1.00 1.2 'M 4i 11 2J5 . 1.85 i 1.-5 40 . v . Cayrota. coast, do. aara eai Caaliflawer. Califs crata Celery, crata-. . - L aab , Heart, da. .. Boat, doa rjHii. dua ... r Urevaa. alualard. crata ; M litmi Kalv rrale ' SO tattuea, Calif eraia. iced .3.10 ta 2.S0 Oaiona. grarR,' dot: , - , HnMtaa Orrgua wkiia ' 50 Iba. L 1.2 Walla Walla sweet. 0 Iba.,.. ., . - . O) iter plant, doa. s 0 Radiakea, doa. , .45 - Japaaesa radiabaa. doa. : .40 Paraaipa. 92 Peaa, coast or Seattle, lb. .13 Pepper, green Calif, lb. , ,.f .10 hWd lb . i ' . .-.. ! Potatoes, ew. So. 1, cwt, 9.35 Ka. 2, cwt, . bag . 1.75 Potatoes, sweet. Ma. 1 1.30 -Paapkiaa - cwt, , tpinaeb. taaga box - 45 ta ; 9 oaash . , , j Uaaiah daa ! 40 ta 10 Hubbard, eat. - 1.00 ---. i- ..... t j Tama toes, 20 lb. crata- 3.25 - j Taraips. dos. - ' .85 Water areas - ..... , . '. " BUT8 4 -Walaats. tb. . - - M rilbem. IM9 crow, lb -18 ta ta .15 H -19 Vk - SOrS t ,,. (Bnying BrteM) eiastars, 193S, lb. .37 ta .28 ' do. 1936. Ik. ,) J ta .40.- k'aggles, 1835. tap, lb. Xoai-al .'.da, .if 3fir lb.- . .. Xaa-inaOi . WOOl. AKD MOHAIB . - (Btrylag rneas) Mokalr ,, , Medians , wool , .40 ,2 JO Coarse. wool BOGS AKD P0TJI.TBT (Baying Price af Aadxeseas) White extraa Brewa - earrae 'r Medians . extras Lante standards . Mediant standards .It jo -' JT J7 .15 . JO 44 - 43 .10 45 .05 '43 .19 : Pullets lleary hens. lb. - -i.. Colored mediunaa. lb. . klediass Lagboras. ; lb. , Stags, lb. .. Old roosters, lb. . Colored fry a, oyer 4 ; . Under ids. Wbite Lffhonn. frya .12 . -tAttlU CKfcAM-Rt kaylag Prwee t.i. t-aatsr Mo atock' ... . Colored bane, ander 4H lbs - .1 . Colored keas, r 4 Ihi J4 - Laabora bene, a-cr 1H lbs , . -.13 Leghora beas, aodel t lbs -.10 Leicbora broilers 48-, 43 .18 .05 ralue 47 Colored, springs, or tr 3 Colored BpTings, ' nader S Boestars ...... " . . . IteJecM . Hlara. lb. .... ... . Iba .. lba .saarket Ka. 3 grades, a ceata F.tra - and led aad graded - Larra extras Xediam ertrsa . Largaj staadsxds . Medium standards. Cadergradea PnJIete 49 47, .IT 45 .12 -.13 49 Tarkcya, dressed IS aad IJVXSTOCB. , IBayiai Priaal 5 PpHng Uaabs ... - 1.50 ta Kwea : L , 3.00 ta 8.00 3.50 Uon. top. 15O-820 lbs. 10.50 10.00 10.00 130-150 lba.K 9.70 to - 310-22 lbs.. Rows ... B tears I fairy typa Beef Cawa 7.3S .eo s.oo .4.60 .4.18 ta 7.0 ta t.50 ta 4.50 ta S.60 ta 9.25 ta 9.50 Balls Heilera Top real Dressed veal. lb. 9.00 8 50 ..'4- - Mavfc . i.01 - l.oo vk .43.00 .89.00 ' 2.0O 35.00 . .23H . 9.00 - Dressed ken .. ... . - OIAIH iniAl VTkaat, wbite- Ka. I , Wheat. weaUrn. red ' Barley, brewing. - t feed barley, taa ' . , Oats. aailUag, , to Peed, taa ,. , , Ooreraeed. lb. .. , ' ... Veteb . aood. per 100 H inifc pneea . AlfsUs. TsOcy ;,. ! Ost sad eetck. taa .19.00 .10.50 , - Clorar. taa -1M0 ... e , 1 7 CASCAAA AJTD kUBT Caarsra bark. lb. ! Peppe-atat Oil. Ik i . . .. Stbdts & Bonds .- (Cow-fla'by Asaoclsted Pres"s STOCK ATBBAQBS - f Compiled ky tka Aa-aeiat-dPreea) lad oat. Bails CtU. Stocks " tfanaary - ' Today ; '-.: 99.9 92 j tl. PreT. day - t.'. 9SJI;i 52.7 . Tl.l Maatk ago . 0 S8.0 91.8 : T0.9 Teas- ago 784 Sl.t 454 ' - 97.4 1836-37 klgk 9t 3 434 . 83.7 , 72.3 1989-87 lev. 78.d 904 ? 43.4 55.7 1885 klgk 78.9 - 914 ; 44.7 59.1 1835 law , dt.S 194 - j ! 94.9 ' BOBS AVERAGES ru: ... SO 10 , 19 10 Bails ladas. VtU- Par'sa Tadar tS.S 1044 , 1024 79.3 Prer. day . tS.5 104.1 303.4 Montk age 974 . 1044 r 102.4 Tear ago . 994 - 109.0 100.7 1934-87 klgk 98.8 1044'' 103.1 188-87 low. 984 1014 " 98.8 1985 klgk 974 1034- -99 9 1985 low 18.4 - 934 I 44.5 - Xaw klgk. 784 714 704 784 974 70.4 54 timothy. SIS 19.80 taa; eats sad Vatck. 12 14: elorer. SIS toa. Port-sad. . Hopo -Homiaal: 1984. 88-40O Ik. Onioaa Oragoa. tOo-f KIO aoatal; Takima. S5c oaatat ' - Sagar Barry r fralt, 100s, $941; Us. 95.45; boat, $5.25 aaataL . Demeatia . Floar Belling prica. . city deti-ery. to 25 kbL lata: family pat aat. S.s. A.80S43: kaksrs kard wkest.. 84.05-4.60; ka-mrs' klaastam, 18.25 4.95; - kleaded kard. . t-95-t.75: grsham, 98.75; Wbalo wkoat, 40 kW. Cs:Scn yocI -BOSTON," JTsa. 8 AP)(tr. S. DpU Arr.) Trsde was slow oa domeatia wools tedsy. Kupaa ware limited aad holders were very -J aa asking price. - . Combing H ktood Oaio ileeees ware keld at 53-53 ceaW t-t-J-t grease com pared .with recant - aaloa at 51. while combing V blood war keid at 41-52 c-nts compared wrtk-issawt saliir prleas af mostly around 54 eaata. )o aale hare tons far baa reported at tb a ad vanced asking prices. - ' .ov - .70 - ... . .OS . - - e-H - e 4.25 ta 4.75 ! . S 50 .. ta 2.20 ta tf.Otf Rains Lbver Grain Prices Wheat Drops 2 Cents on July, 1937, Crop; - Rye Tumbles CHICAGO, Jan. S-Jy-Vnxiu-ally generous rains and snowfalls In domestic winter wheat territory today .took rank as the best for crops since 1931, and led to lower prices.". ... ;-' I ' ; The maxlmTTt downturn' cT wheat yalues was . 2 cents : a bushel for July contracts, repre senting the new' 1S37 hanrest, July delirery of wheat dropped to 1 1.1 4 at the last, as. against 1.17 Just 24 hours prerious. . Suggestions that . the political situation abroad Is hurrying to a crisis were largely eclipsed by the United States' improved ! wheat crop prospect, although j prices rallied to a notable extent at one stage 6n account of trade uneasi ness that followed reported land ing of Italian troops in Spain. . J At the close, wheat was 14 -2 under yesterday's finish,1 i May l.S2H-, July 1.14-l.lS; Sept. 1.12; corn -l down, May new 10V-H, July new 1054-; Sept. 1.01 -tf-H, oaU off. May 52-, and rye 1 cent to 1 setback, May 1.12. i The outcome for prorlslons . wits un changed to 10 cents lower. ' " Corn and . oats displayed1 more or less Independence, "of wheat, and ' at times liowedt moderate price gains, ' lnfl henced by rough weather conditions . likely to In crease feeding of livestock. ;In the end, howerer, both the feed grains declined with wheat. A private es timate of , farm reserves of corn on farms put , the total at) 84B, 000,000 bushels, against 1,400, 000,000 a year ago. Leading corn specialists said these figures, if confirmed, - would -be ; decidedly. bnlllsh. - -1 i , - Rye followed - wfieat i prices dOWBhlll. ;'-: 2 i . - C V ' Provisions lacked any vigorous buying support, ; ' 3 Seattle Folk Visitors At Dave Titus'- Home in ! Oak Point Community OAK JOINT, Jan. t Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Jones and daughter Of Seattle spent the weekend at the Dave Titus hotne. W. W. Jones, father of Jones, has been! visit ing at the Titus home for three weeks and will' accompany his son' home."" .'".. X", I- I " Rev, -Arch Deacon and Mrs." L. Payger, newlyweds, of Chrystal Falls, Mich., were guests recejitly of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ldinderbach. They are on a tour tkrongh the west and are much impressed with the Oregon country. m Gardeners" and Ranchers Mart PORTLAND, Ore.,: Jan.: -Supplies on the. gardeners' and ranchers' market remained! mod erate today. Cold weather had de layed most of the 'shipments. Cab bage and celery, free from frost were firm to higher." : 1 ' Parsnipg and carrots and- the few crates of spinach offered were firm irith an almost! un changed leveL ; ' Apple Waakragtoa Deliciooa. ! astra acy, S2.25-240, Wiaeaapa, extra faacy $2.00-2.15 ; Oregon Wsthingtaa ! Joala pack, DeUdaaa 85B-I1.25, Nortbara Kpiaa, 70-90e; Btafmaas, 75o-$1.00; Spttsaaborga 75a-91.00; Wlaaaap Sl UJ; teoma'a Boat SSc-Sl.OO. . ArUebokea Cakf ormia. aaaa S-S da. Arsdo CaUfornia, 5a. 92-245: Paskla. S1.70-1.SS. f-artaa. Baaaaas-rPar paaad. 4-8 Ha. i I 7 ' Beaaa Cslilonia, crata. SS.79-9: S-7 - Baota Per dosaa, S5-40cw Q j . . -roeeou LiOgs, e-ooc. - f I nns sen spraats Orr- flat' arata 85-$ 1.00; Cali feral. 9-0 pr Ik.; drama, $2.00-9497 7 1 ) T - n Cnbkare Orairo, .- Daalsk. I 1 1 a s a aratas. 81.T5-2.00, red, lb. 14 -2c j . Carrota Dab. kaackae. 20-0e. ! .Callflwr Orogoa poay, $1.1 0.1.28. Celery Hearts $1.10-1.20; i TJtak typ $2.25; Califaraia $ t $' dosaa. $245-240.. -. j . .7 Gowry root Pwaad. 975. ! f . Citraa Prslts Oraagas, Calif oral a BSTals. $2.80-8.S5; taageriaes, 1 $1.7e-8-00 par crata. Lemons, California, faacy $4.25-5.75; grapafruita. Plorida. faacy $845-8.75; Arlsoad aU aiaea $140-8.10. Coco-ant Imported, , sacks, . . $448; 95-90e d. - - j CrBaberriso 25-poand kax, $449-4.71. Id k; CaUforal. $14$ par fag W 4 daaea. - S ; Cacambars - Oragoa kotboaa ! $24$; OaKforakB, $140 par lag af d do. Eggplant Calif arala, lag, $140-2.90. rics Canforat flaU ahit a 50-Tae .- . - Oarlla Per poexod. 10-15. Oraoos Emoarara. 91.80-1.75. Greea r dsasa saaakes $0-40. ' ' Groaad Ch Tries Oregea flat kozaa. par lb S-10..- .. m - Hack 1 brro 13rga, Wsshlngwia f. 7 9. a-- - v - -: 1 - - Lettaee Import sV 4-5 doi ; . $240 S.7 5; Ariaona, $240-240., i! Meloaa Wasbingtaa Casabs. ! 90 $1 arat. . . , : f - Uasb rooms One ponad cartons. d 45... '. :. ; - - j - . -,H. Ontans 100 poasd cks 0. S. Re 1. yeUews. . $1.00-145; yellow boilars, 10-lk. aacks, 12-lSc . . ParaaJpa Per lag; dO-50. ! ! - Peas California. SO poaad kaatpar. $245;10-12e par pooad. Poors Oroaua Masnmstna. boar Jambl pack. Baa, aad D'Anjous. $1.75 $2.00. PerBi-mas CUf rags. $1.00 145; base. f$e. : ... t-'i. . Peppers CaUforal. '-12-15 IK 1 ; PatateesU. 8. Ke. 1. lOO-poand sacks kaker. $3.00-8.25: Dechnts roe aeta, - $2.75-240 Waahiagtea rassots, $2.T5-2.0; local; ' $245 2.50; Bttrbank. $245-240.: .r-w- Pomegranates Lags- $1.00 1 25. ' ; ; RUks Per doze kanckes, 80-40. k kutfwpl Wasarajstew - $145-145;. Oragoa, . local, logs,- 5e. . Ppiaseb ii 0ygaet, raag boxee. $1.35 140. - - ? . ii 8'tassb Oregea . Daalsk at arate 80-; Babbard, lb m-2c " , - - Sweat -!- es . raiu-r-a 80 lb crate. $1:75-145; - yams, $2.60-2.75 per basbet ": 'u Tomstooo 'Oreg-ei ktbs, $1.40 ."i: Idaxica, 82.75. ; . -'i. . .. . . Tasmipo Oosoa ktracke 40-45. . Vr atercracs Poand. 8-40c. 4 i- " Shades Old 7est! Gitde Rustling : Charge Is Heard CORVALLIS, Jan. S A' shadow of the old west was east In the local circuit yesterday when Dong las Hutton of south Benton coun ty pleaded guilty to the charge of cattle rustling. Passing of sen tence was postponed until a later meeting of the courts . ; t Don Creson.- Indicted by 'the grand Jury Tuesday, pleaded guil ty to the theft of a car, was givSn a suspended one year Jail sentence and then paroled to Deputy 8her rlff Carl Schloeman. Judge Carl Wlmberly presided over the ses sion of the court. Wool Market Is j Stronger, Report ; BOSTON, Jan. S-(WThe com xnerclal bulletin will say tomor row: -J r - ,..o-. I The, markst for- wool Is stronger this week both hero and abroad; : Average . tine wools are up a cent or so In the last week and - medium wools are also against the . buyer. In the for eign primary . markets, there Is rather more -j" advance, inj conse quence "-of the . buying furore of the Japanese . and Australia, South America and South Africa. Yorkshire , has advanced Merino top 'prices 1. to 2 pence per : "In this market, scoured .wools haveheen especially strong, ow ing to the government request for bids on CCC . cloths In large quantity. . - v - 'A ; little scattered contracting Is reported through the west at firm prices. Mohair Is exceeding ly strong but not very, active at the moment... 1 C ' ' Quotations, scoured basis: Ore gon, fine and f. M. staple 1.08 1.10; ) tine and F. M. clothing 1.00-102. Mohair: Oregon, CS-07: (Foreign prices' In' bondi) V HILY AND HEft PALS POU--TH'RXKS 3QUND AJEP 4. VUUTEKI VJZ GTT EAOT4TVf I am 1 g-s cam jr - rr-p r i f I I t Ov3 T it f"jCT- ---. n i? rak; - - v - ,rt ihiQ f3 mCKEY MOUSE I - A PrivaU World f 4 - By WALT DISNEY jjyr LITTLE ANNIE IIOONEY ' ' 4 An Unliealthy XMinate for Mrs. Meanyl V? li'-i LITTLE ANNIE IIOONEY DOKiT UOSSaV- KS3S MHANyl I BUT ARE VOJ'L V1U. MEVEQ Ttiy TO Jldtf UP WSt ' . rusio AMNia ttooNsy TTTiT " ecucveo vouT Howf - SMSfS CABfeO- If Trnrrs. i 11 fi TOOTS AND CASPER Casper, voo 5JCKS.TOOrTS. WPAP MINKS AND RAGLES AROUND ' BOU4HT HS TOO I MANY PRsTTTT CLC7THSS ! MUCH TOO THAT CUTE FI6URS Of V I FI6URB Of I TIHMCLE TIIEATRE- U-TEN.T0AR, I SfsW G01NT MTER HIJfXTCH t-Mi. POPPrV- DOrTT LtT HSA get out of TVttS HOUSE T "C Debt Adjustnicnt Aid Is Available Riches end Hobart Say - Their Services Are Ready, Farmers Marion county - farmers: who find' themselves in straitened fi nancial circumstances may obtain assistance '- from : the local farm debt adjustment ' committee . by contacting either Barry L Riches, county agent, postofflce building, or T. R. Hobart, rural rehabilita tion supervisor, Oregon building, Salen,, the two men pointed out yesterday. They also said .Walter A. Klundt, district farm debt ad justment supervisor for western Oregon, would stop in this terri tory every four to six weeks. ; ' "The farm debt adjustment pro gram, the two local men said, "is an organised effort to provide, fa cilities for adjusting farmers' "ex cessive ; debts toj conform with their capacity to pay. The purpose of the committees which have been appointed by the j governor is to gnlde both debtors and creditors toward satisfactory ' adjustments la order to avert the alternative of : ' court liquidation through bankruptcy or foreclosure with the undesirable social and economic consequences which '. are -: Inevita ble If Such procedures becom too prevalent. " ... ' - "In large measure - these com mittees are confining their efforts to those cases wherein deserving farmers because of circumstances over which they have no control cure , faced with the loss of - their property unless, mutually accep table adjustments can be made be tween creditor and debtor. ' Milk Control Act Will ;l Be D'tcussed at 44th '-x Dairymen m Convention I TORVAL-LIS, iaxu S-qpA dls cnsslon of the Oregon milk control act will bo among the subjects" be EVCSV! VOt2CV - - ; ......... .. - . ; . , - . ' . . ; . . 4 . HCQ FACE WMIUS I VUA9 M TMS TCtA4C- I TOCO MEQ TMC? poos Lrrrt-B. wno vav m towm, BUT YJHEt SHS FOUWO 1WS ; Bv-miniNW i-:kmu ' -l VA9 SOMMA MAPPCM-. IT. iTI MEANT OANCSa - MAYBC II I tin 91 1 aa. -Sv "J-aamma-aannm . WHEfTS AM 1- .VOKIKIA f6T A VOCOT1P ON THS STOCK MARKET V -SO-Z CAN CLEAN UP 'V A LOT OP DOUtW? iJ Starring Popeye TVL SLIP AROOHO Hew I HOLD HIM ; . ? CbOOO fore the 4 -th annual convention of ' the Oregon . Dairymen's asso ciation here, January 1S-20. The act, source of a statewide controversy and assured of. keen debate at the approaching legis lative session, is expected to receive- major - consideration along with animal diabases, the first day. ' The second day will be devoted to quality -improvement, feed re sources and, the AAA program. livestock Confab Ends Here Friday A two-day . conference of live stock feeders closed yesterday af ternoon with talks by,E. R. Jack man on hay and forage produc . tlon, H. A. Lindgren on manage ment in the -feed lots and feed rations for lambs, G. , W. Oliver on hog feeding and market out look for Oregon-fed hogs by H. A. Lindgren. The conference was at tended by about : 20 Interested stock' feeders. Harry Riches, county; agent, pointed . out that - the. conference had brought out the fact that there is an opportunity In Marlon county for some 'farmers to feed livestock on their farms each year, particularly beef cattle and lambs. This-can be done,': he : said, by utilizing some of the surplus hay and feed grain produced; especi ally the poorer Quality-which does not find a ready market: He warn ed, a galas t over-expansion. Talks during, ther conferences were followed by Impromptu dis cussions by the members attend- Mrs. Thomas Brnnk Is , ? Hostess to Oak GroTe ' Ladies Aid- Society OAK GROVE. Jang Thff Iad les' Aid met at the' home of Mrs. Thomas Brunk 4 Thursday. The group: named Mrs." Brunk, ' Mrs. Warren Allen and Mrs: Irene Row land, a committee to buy a new tove for the halL-- - 5- . - ' Devotions were" ' led by Mrs. Every body's Doing It I MS VATOg(3 XJOGM. AT THAT -rr err oi TULA.-r MOM 4 I'M OMK3 TO , - J7ft TfkUOIS Eavesdropped! ' THO-SE UrSHOTTS MAY BE Dt - SCUSStN NOW MAYES IP I CLO5-R 1 a & Swir.2 It, Sister! , SOU 7 'X ' - ' -a - - - 1j j Radio -PrbgrarnG v..-: i 8' ! Jawnnry 9 KOVS SAIOitDAT 948 Xe. :90 Klock. ,T:54 News. 9:00 Cineinasti Conserrstory at Mu . - faie, , " . i - 9:18-i-Toa -. -t:8&-Hali arch , :S Charles Haetrr, plaaav t:4S--iphanT Hif-lif-ts, 10:00 A ssaale. 10:15-Jask and Gil. " 10 :80-fBatfal presents. ' -v ll:00--Dsnipstors. . - " . 12.4S News, -w ,i ... r-- 1 :00---Csptirator. . -' - l:80--Vsriety saatinee. ' 3:00 Darhia oreh. ' . '. ' 3 :80-Drma of Skie. ' : :45Etqn Boja, vocal. 8:00 Roth arch., - 3:30 -News, f 4:30 Tnrkrr orek. . 9:00--Colnmbla coacert. 6:3---tills re. - S :00 Spel skow. Floy 4 Gibbas. - . S:80-8t-rdr , Night Serrna-ers. . T:0HfYtir Bit 4 Parade. : 7:80 Anericsna, 8:00 Drews, ergaa. 8:lS-Gedmsn orek. , 8:8MKlsea reh. :00-Ce orek. 8 :30 Harria arck. 10 rOO-irk-e orek. -1040 Taeker orek. 10:48-4-HarrU rek. J1:00 AUea rk. ll:S0-Fele7 aa Dooley orek. . .. . : 'A -towLATUEDAT 420 K.'-M- -.T:00-rlorninc melodies 1ET). r7:90-P-tit aaasieal (ET). - ! 8:00-rAmericsa schools. 9:1 S--Financial. - - 9:S--Brojaley Uose, sine - : ' i 9:4-Hoa Tow. 8:00 Xews. ; I 9:18-Chssia maaie series. . p 10:0A-fTstrj Chf. -10:l--Whitne ansanhl. . - 'J I i: j , , f - ;-, Webb lwls and this program fol lowed: Piano solo, Los Rowland; reading, jurrs. Neis' B. Toungberg; guessing game, won by Mrs. TIE. A. ttteke. - Special 'guests -are Mrs; Emily R. Cromley. Mrs. A; W. Vernon, Mrs.' L. E. Billings of Los Angeles,, Mrs. Nels Youngs berg of Salem and Mrs. Florence Kortemeyer. . ' . P-T Bleet Postponed . i : ': SIIaVERTON. Jan. 8 The Parent-Teachers' : association did not meet Thursday, the regular meet ing day, because the speaker was unable -to come -n that date. The next( meeting date - will be ran nounced later by Mrs. Warren E. Crabtree. j -Endeavors are being made to secure sua outside speaker. OLD &-HKXJF JROSMU4G ioasj PCrat v . i;' . ' j - OVER THERE - V STOCKS EOZiG UP - MAY OVCRHCAR 4000 tip -: . -- - a- atos-P- ' I IV..-V r r i - i r i i a at 1 1 mm. 1 1 I ill --rs i l.a u ; I ft -. . . . 4 ntrtfmrr - THAT, ..y.-THAT. ; THE UITT1E. V J BLONDE PM BUBSLB -, ) RED-HEAD IN ' THS: FRONT OANCER 7 TME SECOND ROW WA-a..4) ,7jA9.- ACT SURE J & n : u . l "0r:.v. 1 THE H.XT'.'. If ' P0P1S1 IfJ G05NC- TO TAV5i A50CK AT THIS ( v; , TERri.ClUt- v: caDVUTCHS H- - 4 ushst cr.tL :ooxl tl' o--f--'2 . i .... .... . r. - JV ::Y1 10:80-r-?apa Casr. 18:00 News. 11:15 Ixla'B aaatk-ale. 19:80 Waeken rea. 1:80 GoUeo melodies. , . 9:30 String tiae S:43 Clmie. 8:00 Barron area.' 9 ;80 Maws. 8:35 Sofiia Esaoa. 8:45 Ralicloa la aawa. ' 4 :00 Hoa stories. . . 4:15 Hampton aingera. ' 4:45 Sport Parade, Ti-oratoa Tlskev. 5:00 Paul Carson. - -- 5:15 Pisa surprises. 8:80 Stadio. . 9:00 Maaieal Grab Bag. T:S0 Irr.'a Cobh oa l'adaeah FIsnta . 8-00 P.aao recital. - . 8 :05 Sport shots. Clam UeOartky. 8:15 Trianon orrh. 8:30 NUC, 9:00 8haador, Tiolin. 9:08 Blaine orrk. :3 Baser. r? 10:00 St. Franeia orek. . 10:15 Wood yard rek. 10:45 Bal Tabaria orrk. 11:00 Amhssrador orrk. lt:30 DeaaTilU orek. t 1J Complete westher r sports. -. '-EX SATtTKDAY 1289 Be. 9.90 Clock ET). T:S0 Raising Year Parents. ; T:45 News. 9:00 Madga -Carter, siags. - 9:15 Qrganist, . . ' 9:80 Magi e( Bpeeeh. ' , 9:15 Hon institate. - ' . 9 :80 National lama, aad fcama.-- . r 10:80 Salary talk. 10:4 Stadio. -10:47 Song eyete (ET). . 11:00 Utrpolitaa pera. 3:00 Maaieal Adrentar. " - , " "J ..9:15 Timotky Make Peace.. - . ' 9:80 Merry-Oo-Hovnd arrh. 8:00 Norma Skarr, piaa. , 9 -90 Newa. ' - . - 8:45 Host Srnpkoar.' 4:00 Meaaaga f Israel. 4::0 F4 aad Friands. 4:85-4:45 Deao-lU rek. 8 :00 National Bars Daaea. . 9:00 Ed Wyna and Grsksm JicN'a- ' mee, Tariety. . :80 New. 9:45 riapkia rrk; . 10:00 Palaea arrk. 10:80 Taberaacla' aiagiag avaagelists. 11:00 News. t 12 Wastker-a'ad pol report. XOAO SATtrXDAT S5S Ke. - t :00 Fntar heap ---:. " SwiB HinU' Vrviaa Smith aad Jlsry , Ann M.Craxie. - r v . .9:80 Hall koor in food lasts. "Dane - " Etkraetta.' .. 10 :80--Jnnior matin. " - - 11:80 What the adaeators ara doing. 12:00 New. .. , ., , . ; 12:15 .Farm hoar. . 1 1:15 Variety.'. ' : ' " -" 9:00 Oaarding yr health. -. 9:30 British Isle " trsrelogn. , 9:00 Her t health. ,. 4:00 The symphonic hear. ' -4:80 Storie for bays and glrla. : - f .6:000 tha campaaes.- - --5:45 Vespers, Her. X. B. Hart. ' . "S:80 Farm hoar."-. V.'.; - " - , 7:45 Sciene aw af th weak'. - Dy C-UFF STERRETT BY BRANDON WALSH 6EEZEPO- AINT IT 6RAJMO ?JUST UKE A GACOEM - VOO 104Mr IF 4 VASNTT SCARED OP Mas. MIAN , - KETCH! M ME fO FEEL. 6 LAO . r - AULvOsEca. . A - i yrd. m. W. W nW By JIMMY MURPHY By SEGAR -- 1-9 I - f