The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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Ci:i:GO:i CTATXS-IAN, Colin. Oregon, Saturday. r.Icrnir January a," l'J37
News 'ami ' Featores of . Interest; to " :W6m-
Styles.. Fond
': I
MAXINE CUREM Women1 Editor
Society . . Clubs
j U1US1C I ; V
i IV;
V -
Students Dance
Under Bright
Blue Shy
MEMBERS of the undated
students of Ealem htrb school
danced last night, amid synthetic
snow, llght-es-a-teather snowballs
and a blue sky. Snowball Inrita- .
lions aad bidden spclal guests to
attend. Harry Wesley and bit or
chestra played. -,'
The decorations were the in
spiration ot a committee Including .
. Shlrlee I'eCaln. Louise iiaJto
Jere Simmons, Winona Roblnct.e,
Eileen Lester, Eileen Goodenoush.
Bill Thomas and Phillip MeKinley.
Invitations were In charge ot
Barbara Lamb and Bererley Arm
strong. Reception plana were la
the hand of a committee lnclad-.
Ing Anna Mae Grabenhorst. Bill
Hastings and Barbara Younr
Ralph Leedy did the adTertislng
while the responsibility of clean-
Ing no fell on the shoulders of
. Jack IXanselL
. following
K. T. MeCwy V. C. Meyiaaa '
A- A. Sckitaa H. Y. CVwapta
H. OraeeejereJ. I. Te4 -R.
O. Siauaoaa - ItovU Emm
.!. Brew ' J. W. Haneetl v
W. U nn W. BJtrw
J. A. SkalMta i J, r. KeRaIr
- Georce Omtkmat U X. Cut
Cayler VanPattaw J. j. Vdf(
-hM If ra. a A Dmi
... ,,
Pearce Home Scene w
Of Club Affair
At a bridge supper erred ta
their Winter, street home. Dr.
Helen and Miss Dorothy Pearce
entertained, members ot the Zonta
elnb on Thursday. -
As a special treat. Miss Mar
tha Hottel. who was an exchange
student from "Willamette to Ha
waii last year, soke of her ex-'
perlences. Tare Asai. a Wlllam
' ette student, who wu bora In
the TJalted States and later rts
lted ta Japan, gar his rlews ot
the second generation of Japan
ese in America.
kaa. m
Winkler. Mrs? Winifred R Her-
tick. Mrs. Belle Nile Brown. Miss
" -
Helen Teckey. Miss Hazel Cook.
Mrs. Mabel Brownell, Miss Helen
Louise. Crosby, Mrs. Victory Mor
ris, Miss Helen Barrett, Miss Lil
lian MeDonald. : .
' The woman ! who's constantly
"on the go" will find this dash
ing sMrt-waister ideal for the
. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenou'h f United States. Salem is to have a President's Ball the last sow Sreatly sought hy the great formed Castilllau haa last night
aa host and hostess, and the mMfW 11 concert artlsU ot Europe. It was tor- thegutar monthly dance
were patrons: . . " " , in one ot her concerts in Sotis, of tne wisteria ew.;xne anair
-'.!' . ' H - " ., if '
.'..-'. U - '
"V a . a r "l
a .1 A I j
1 ' A A il, '
.la . a
early hours of her busy day, and.
too. a rateable- "compliment WORD HAS BEEN receired at .
catcher" when worn of an after. . Sclo of the marriage December
nooa! YouH lore the way 1U 18 at, Medford of Miss Eleanor .
trim chic may. be enhanced by. Ruby Shimanek and Jacob Fos
a colorful, yet Inerpensire fabric ter ot Red Bluff, Calif. Mrs. Fos
sa ch as practical, figured percale,- ter la the daughter . of Mr. and
gingham, calico, chambray. or Mrs. J. W. Shimanek, former
cotton crepe. Such fun to make,' residents ot the Sclo rlcinity. The
is Pattern 4211, that whether bride Is also a niece of Mrs.
you're an experienced or luex-
perlenced "seamstress" the sim
ple patterns made doubly easy
by its Illustrated sewing inatrue- M. A. Wells will be Joint host-,
ttons! Special "high fashion" tea- esee to members of the -4-M
tsres are Jta brief, slashed sleer- ib of Mallear Tuesday, at the
es. - handy square pockets, full - Macleay hall for aa all-day meet
pleats, neat yokes, and a iaunty ing. sv
JSton collar. Choose gay buttons. Officers' for the coming year
Pattern 4X11 - Is arailabia in
sizes 14. IS, 18. 20, 32. 14. 38.
.33. 40 and 42. Slxe IS takes X
yards 34 Inch fabric Illustrated,
atep-by-step . sewing instructions
Included. !
8m4 nrrxxn csnra xto u
eoma r ttaaio eolat rafrrMt far
(ma Aan A 4 a ma pit ter. Writ
Slalalr Sirs. KAMA, ADDaXSS aa4
Mewl Kinlmrl Ovr tateat ,AXXS
I awe. an jraet Sprlaff ia taa
Cirett. ctad4aat Wtbaa taa'ra
aean. ftatterinr oaigaa for ar-r
atartiaM aa4 trennif aceaaiMi t Fla
rj tor tb Bride tha Graiaat
and Jaaior Vtiaaaa af .vary '
ClflTer iliauDlnc alrlea . . . aaar
aatteraa ... all af tbeai laterpr-ted
fa tea tMl fkrl BOOt riT-
Term cests. yTTrii rxrTE
roa both WHzuf oEsrxr.a xo-
1 Addraaa ardere ta Tba Orr
Staiaamaa. FaUera partaiat, ba
le .-m. Ora.
Order caetomarilr are f.Iled wlth
ia faar dare fraa tlaaa racred ay
Taa SUIaaajaa.
.. CA J
Janlorettes of the Amerteaa Legion auxiliary. 1
a. m.. at home of Patricia Waters. Wear old clothes.
, ! ; i : -. , . Monday, Janxtary 11 -
' 1 American Legion auxiliary executive board, , with
Mrs. Ones Olson. p, m. -
Delta-Phi Mother's club meet at chapter house,
1C10 Co "rt street, 2 a. m. I . i
i Polk County Public Realth association meet t
Woman's clubhouse la Inde;$ndence at 8 p. m. .
f . - '
- t Tuesday. January It
North Salem W. C. T. V. meet with Mrs. Mollis
Spiers. 143N. Summer sireet. 3 p. m.
President's Ball to
Raise 'Funds Here ;
ALLING in line with thousands of other cities in the
the help of citizens of various
. Lin uua imnn in wia . . w mm n - v rm Mnv v . n . . nmr wmswi B smn H in i is - kuka- w m&i.ouu w
infantile paralysis, and to support research efforts to com- dance, i ; r , - snes - , . - -
pletely wtpe out the disease. -O- : -4- : i Then this young artist, almost A apecUl fesnre for the ere-
Salem. through funds gained by Georgia Warm Springs rounda- at the beginning ot what prom- nteg waa the Drum nance siren
prerlous balls has within the last tlon for continuation of the na- ised to be a brilliant concert ca J Shirley uu r m s or Barbara
year, aided one resident of the tlonal fight against Infantile par- reer, met a young American, Oor- Barne s school ot the dance ac
city, to sUnd upright and walk alysls. - j I i;.vr -vdon Claycombe. and tare npn 1? b MaTTl!.0 ,)Vt0n:
without the aid of crutches. Mrs. Local organisations are girlng career to become Mrs. Oerdon Morrhw spec Paul Jones
Darid Wright, chairman ot the thejr full support to this rery Claycombe. They came to America nd Le! ? 5
committee on administering the worthy cause, and It Is hoped that and are now residing In Portland f" ttoi JLV?!8 l-
funds reports that with money t the President's BaU will be well where they are being welcomed atent dance "Sklddo to the, Bpa
- a a mm . 1 m. m. A W - mm IS ' m m si J J A aa m JSkenaan 1 '.
work, a great deal or good can ne
da withia nor eitr. i
The city fuad recelTes 7 per
cent ot the I proceeds from th
dance,, the remaining goes to the
In thbVallt
Social Realm
lation chairman of the Salem
branch of the American Associa
tion of Unlrerslty Women, ad-
dressed the meeting of the Lib-
erty Women', club here rhurs-,
a t"t aea aim
day afternoon. ' Coming legisla-,
tkn both state and national was
ner topic sne use snowea mo
tloa pictures of a trip through,
the U. 8. and Canada. , .
An aU-day qnllUng club lunch-
eon was announced for the '
meeting. January 11 at the
?m hdiTothehoPIa
?m 2J T 22J? ir !f !
Ii ifhM-ii 1 rtiUmV
annual scholarship 1 o a n silTer:
Social hour was held' at the "
e I o a e of the meeting. Present
were Mesdames Golden, Ma rr
Seeger. C. W. Staceyf , Roland
Seeger. John Datch, L. L. Crow-
ley, Frank; Kolsky. 8. B. Darid-
son. James Cogswell, Merrtn See-.
ger. Laurie Walker. W. R. Dal-
las. HarUng o. Miteneu, euuuiee
L. ShutUeworth and Westen-
i j - - home at their reeoecure aousee. After Temple meeting' refresh
MR8 KZNNKTH L. WILLIAMS Townspeople, members ot the tao- menta will be serred by the corn
er INDEPENDKNCE. entertained lty, trustees, alumni and atn- mittee, Leila Vinson. Mamie Cal
the Wedaesday bridge club at her denta are cordUUyMnTited to aU loway and Maggie Knighten. -home
this week with a 1 o'eloek tCT t a"fil:. . t
luncheon followed by an afternoon i Delta. Phi UJTT .fv Airs. Waters Hostess
MfltMt' ' 1 i I gnesta front 7:J to 8:S0 o'clock "" waicra uowras
The lorely buffet UM wu
V 1 9rm nlnV ItAvnfita
A color scheme ot pink and whtte
was carried to the three amall
tables that marked plaeea for the
Mrs. rJ mJ Walker held high
score for the play.
Om A SMALL attendance at
the first meeting ot the new year
of the Laurel Social Hour club
at Klngwood i Tuesday afternoon
owing to much Illness and the
cold snap. Mrs. R. B. Mcciendon
was hostess with, one - special
guest, Mrs. D, H. GllUIand of
West Salem. Mrs. Arnold CotlelL
Mrs. C A. Guderlan and Mrs. Me
Clendon were appointed a com
mittee on entertainment' for a
period of weeks.
-i , , . . . ;
were in play Wednesday after
noon' at the Sclo horn ot Mrs.
K. D. Myers at a regular meet-
ins of the Sclo brldg; Mub. Mra. i
V T TTAllxtit mtmriA ltfvh finM.-
Si Jgue.t.taoVtheaSoon ;5:
Wm AmK trm DHn Mnnl.
sue awe f m-mm van mmmj . u ewv
gomery, Mrs. Iran
Mrs. Cecil Elder.
Lerner and
Frank Bartu. i ir.. of Sclo.
r MRS. H. EL' MARTIN and Mrs.
j ,
will be elected. Mra. A. IXJ
Fuestmar Is president of the club.
e, a
who has been a guest the last '.
two month at the home of her
son. J. E.England at Klngwood,
has gone to Chehalis, where she .
will rlsit other relatires the rest,
of the winter before returning to
br home at Ellendale, S. D. " .
. ' m m m . . ,
elton. an Oak Point girl, waa
married In Vancourer to Reg
inald . Hartsharne ot Independ
ence, inm youm coupie -
nere ax ue aomm oijier moiucr, H . - "pick-up" work
Mra. Frankle Haietton.- gor ul8UT; moment$l Now you
.- "" can knit an entire spread, a
The Polk county Public Health matching pillow : land dresser
association will meet at the Wo- scarf, Just from simple, 7 inch
man's clubhouse la Independence squares. Picture their beauty la
Monday eTenlag at 8 o'clock, string, each .square the same, pat
There will be a special program terned after the They" square
and Dr. Crorer C. Bellinger will which la really easy to learn,
be the sDeaker. Finish with a simple knitted
T n -
cities, funds to help victims of
auenaea in taiem, ana um on tee
designated night all private social
arrairs win oe set asiae .10 max
this an eftectlre means tor rale-
ing the much needed funds.
Dance Club Begins
Year's Classes
u uuwr uua ftuvut Bwct
club, ot which Jean Templetoa la
secretary, met last night tor tnelr
first instruction class at the Bar-
bara Barnes schooL According te
Alfred Lauralne, i Instructor of altska. the orertare to Mendel
ballroom dancing at the stadlo. ssohn's "Midsummer Night's
they will soon arrange, for their i
fh-st ormaLr Thrall high school
clubs are now beginning , their
second month's work. !
Those attending last night's
class were: Robert Allen, Carolyn
Brady, Bob Butte, Betty Byrd,
Warren carkln. Earl CaasUlIna,
Betty Cooper. DorothT Dixon,
y. Dorothy Johnson. Marlgene i
L' 8ftlrte3r McKay, Elaine Mur-
ray Mn , r Peggy 'Rein-
Barbara Ajw RJcketts.
--Va , inKSiT .1
eeea waas waa wv mm mm mrnmp ? www
7 . . .
WlHuinCttr Sororities
i t' m "j
At nome loni em
Tonignt tne tnree wiuameue
sororities. Alpha Phi Alpha, Beta
Chi and Delta Phi will be at
DClS VIU Will WW Kb, UV1UV - .
tween the Iwn of tand
The AlDha Phi I Alpha maids
will hold open nonse rronv irie
10 9:19 o'clock at TSt North
Summer street.
JI". Laws Hostess at .
Lancheon Recently
Mrs. L. L. Laws entertained at
luncheon Tuesday j afternoon at
her suburban home. ' The affair
was arranged ia compumen w
Mrs. Eugenia Harrison and Mrs..
T. R. Leonard who were friend
in Texas. The afternoon was
spent . informaUy. j
CoTers were placed for:
xnaDAKKS r " !?
EurBia Barrlaea T. R. LMasrd '
I. O. Clement J. 9. Maaa i
a. F. Kircit roha HsTfeisea 1
Kittle Gray 4 Walter Robimso
a A. Apngum ; U Imw
Mr. and Mrs. ; George Waters
bare -had j tbelr houaegnests the
last weei. nrt sua ni . Lm.
Barnei-ot' Bererly jHUls. Califor-
Bl.' ". '
1 ; ;
Laura Wheeler Pattern
ft aA." ; rK ., .v-
1 f v - .. '
FN f "
V - " ; : -Cw-fef
Knitted Souare - I Pattern SS4
Hiss Detcheva Is
uucat. jtxi uot etc
: Next Concert-.
rrUIE many who heard Antoinette
J. Detchera. the brilliant young
Viennese pianist - In her artistic
. concert 1 last - spring, hare been
clamoring for a return engage
meat of this excellent artist. To
these and to the many who did
not hear her, the announcement
that she Is to be heard as guest
soloist . with ' the Portland Sym
phony at Its next popular matinee
Sunday at the Portland municipal
-auditorium, comes as a welcome
.bit of news.' 1
- Miss Detchera la a natlre ot
Vienna, 'completing her musical
education 'there at the- Vienna
. State Academy of Music from
, which she was graduated with
2SZZiZWi&fo Held Gay Dai.ce
southern Europe, appearing two
the Bach Society of Vienna., an
her royal . party were in atten-
as ralaahle additions to the local
mHiniicntAn. . . :
Miss Detchora will play the
brilliant Schamana piano concerto
vita the orchestra This concerto
was first performed In Vienna in
1847 with. Mme Clara Schumann
playing the piano part and her
jllltllirillflllAil 1i.k..4 i..l..ll..
the orchestra. The nnmber ha!
been a farorlte with all great ni-
trim wk uivfiw wiva ail Kieac Dh
anists erer alnce.
Besides the 8chumann, Dr. Van
Hoogstratea will conduct the or-
chestra In Drorak's orertare. "Hn-
Dream,- "Marionettes- from the
"Scene, de Ballet" by Oiaxounor.
the Andante from Haydn' "Clock
Symphony", Strauss' "Tales- from
tne Vienna Woods", ' and the
dances . from , "Prince- Igor- by
Borodin. .
. ... e e e ,
txi ; c' '
- -
Centralla Temple Pythian SI,
tars wiU meet TnursdaTheii
Grand Chief Ella Roper pays her
7-. w'"
fiU SW iUlUeVlvU SVs7 VttV BW
Temple now being instituted at
Klamath rails
fhe degree staff of WllUmette
Temple, Independence, will .as
sist witb the ceremonies. U :
Past grand chieTa Jewels win
be presented to past grand, chief,
Mabel Srleson, and past supreme
representative. Susie paxmenter.
At lTincneon
Mrs.' George Waters was host-
to a group ot Miss Margaret
TJreilaTa frtenda mt tanAhaan a
Saturday. Miss Lireeley. bride-
.iet of John Hamilton Green et
Portland, was the honored guest.
Those attending were:
. Mrs. Charles Ltresley. M I a a
Ethel Lirealey. t Miss Mabel P.
Robertson, - Mrs. Frances Mudra,
Miss Ruth Moore, Miss Frances
Welch, Miss Doris Neptune, Mrs.
. Luclle Glutch, Miss Anne DeWltt.
Mrs. Cordon . Hadler. . Mra. San-
noa Hogue.
. e e e , .
c - TT
IlOrtn oalem W . Vj. 1 U.
j Meets ; Tuesday
North. Salem - W.C.T.U. will
meet with Mrs. Mollle Spiers at
her home 14SS North Summer
Tuesday afternoon at S p. m.
The tople will be Prayer" la-
-eluding Life of Lillian Sterens.
deIenaUAT. to ttet.ct
m.m. ocug nuunw,
Martin will glje jttalk
. . . .. .
edge. .Pattern tS8 contains di
rections" for making the square
shown: an illustration of it and
of the i stitches used; material
requirements. ' " - v
Send 10 - cents in ' stamps or
coin (coin preferred) - for- this
pattern to The Statesman, Filem,
Oregon. : Write plainly PATTHUN
NUMBER, your NAME and
Angel Cake: Tests . Skill qi "Fapujily. Cc
Saturday I is
BestBakers1 - to.-Vie
SATURDAY was alwajrs baking day when households were
run on dally schedules and running out o&bread or cake
. Although bread is mostly bought from the bakers now,
and doughnuts, cookies and pies are big sellers in the stores,
xi Mwmt Softird.v mnm.
Lagt NisJit ' j
A blue-sk and stars trans-
hy a number of couples and their
w11 "M,0,,u,0" -v, ;
- -The eommlttee in charge
the dance was Mr. and Urn.
Ralph H. Kletting. Mr. m4 Mrs.
Roy D. Morrison,. Mr. ' amf Mrs.
Bryan Ooodenough and Mi'J ead
Mrs. L. J. Stewart.' . ,
... ' e , ,;, ..-
Mrs. W. V Ingatla ot i 4
JiV1! wS
CaUfornla after a tkffff
..... .... 1 M
V7- x Ba :IZ" a1w h
PZ Brkely oartB tlie
" .- 1 ..
Rebelcahs Install
Officers For 37
wnnDBTJRN. Jan. S .Home
nahakah lodca of Woodbum held
1U regular meeting In 7ha LO.
o. F. hail Tuesday night at.whieh
time installatlott of offlcera was
held with. Miss Nona oijea,
nty district president, . acting as
Insulting officer. t- . .
Tii fanawina officers were in
stalled: Mrs; Joyce Eagle, nooie
grand; Miss ' Opal ? Hasenyager.
riee-grand; Mrs. Edith Fronts
secretary: Mrs. atyrtie au, vmm
krer; Miss Mabel Jackson, finan
cial secreUry: . Mrs. Georgia
Frents. warden: Mlsa -Margaret
Jaekaoa. condncter: Miss Nona
Otjen, R.S.G.N.; Mra. Gladys Mc-
Clure. LANA; Mrs worn Broyiee,
L.8.Vl; Mrs. Maude seoit,
V.S.; Miss Freda Hall, chaplain;
Mrs. Nina Rtngo, musician; suss
WUma Doss, inner guardian, and
Mrs Mabel Wright, outer guar
dian.. v..v;.4 U
Committees appointed by : the
new noble grand were: . Finance,
Laura Woodward. Nettle Johnson,
Maude Hicks; flower committee.
Beulah Leasard, Laura Lfresay,
Mary Whitman. Georgia rrenta
was -elected degree staff officer
and Fred Hall, trustee. Plana were
made for the next meeting; Jan-
nary It, when Mrs. Estella N.
Mead, president of the Rebekah
assembly, wia nay ner Tlalt to
Home Bebekaa.4 -
Installation Is
Slated Tonight
: ,
StLVERTON. Jan.' 8 SHrer
lodge No. XI, L O. O. F aad Trr-
pnena . Renekan lodge win aoia
joint installation at the Odd Fel
lows hall Saturday night. Tha of
fleers to be installed for the Odd
Fellows are Clifford Snyder, . N.
Q.; Jasper King, V. G.: John Ger-
ke, secretary: Roy Skalf. finan
cial aecretary. and Elmer King.
treasurer, George Busch, D. D. G-
M- will he the installing offfMir-
1)r. R. Moore Stewart la tha re
tiring noble grand.
surer lodge will " act as host
ror the installation, and Odd Fel
lews. .
- Tuesday ' night, " Rldgeley En
campment held a special meeting
at the. hall of Rock Creek lodge,
L O. O. F., Needy. Among those
attending from sarertoa were
George Busch, George Chris ten
soa, s. W.; Dr. R. M. Stewart, J.
W.; John Gerke, aecretary; Bruce
Bennett, treasurer; C H.! KeUner,
L. J. t L. Darenport and Jack Rlch
mnt k
The next meeting :: of the ; En
campment will be Tuesday. In
stallation of the ' offlcera and initiation-
wiU Uke vlaee. All En
campment members are requested
to attead. .. ' .-
Four Additional Recruits
Alloted to Linn County
ALB ANT, Jan. 8-Announcement
was made from the office of Miss
Caroline DoolitUe, executire sec
retary of the Linn ' county -relief
committee, that four . additional
recruits from: Llna county had
been authorized for the Caacadia
CCC camp.- . .
Only members of the families
on direct -relief or dependent up
on the WPA are eligible, the sec
retary Said.; - :-':',';.,- -:-r"-.
RICKREALL, Jan. 8. The
Polk county grange council , will
meet la the local hall here Sat
urday.' Pomona Master Glen, Ad
an will reside.
Tikne , tor
-Oinr as the time when the family
may expect to -enjoy the odor of
browning angel food or chocolate
cake.-,v'-J ..'"r-:: tfcVV 5":
Erery successful angel food
baker has a special recipe, and
this type ot sweet is. perhaps the
most tempermental of an cakes
Carefully following directions in,
both mixing and baking will be
the best way to acquire a tech
alone If your list ot accomplish
menta doesn't include this one.
Here Is a good recipe for angei
food cake, the water is to add
moisture to the finished cake. . 5 j
1 cups egg whites 11 or II)
t tableapoona cold water
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
teaspoon almond flaTorlng1
yk teaspoon ranllla -ii
teaspoon salt ' "
1 cup flour t -
1 1L. . unna, biiMV : i .... - l!
Add salt: and: Water to whites
beat until frothy, add cream ot
tartar, and beat until stiff enough!
to stand In pointr. Fold in sugar
and flour that hare been sifted to-
gather twice. Add flarorlng. Bake
about one hour at 300 degrees. a
Ordinarily a flat wire whip 14
recommended ror angei xooa caaea
ratner tnan aa eiecme oeaier, o.
cause the slower method is less
apt to break down the air bubbles,
An eight egg yolk sponge cake
will rery nicely use orer half th
yolks. .This recipe is practical t
make cup cakes, a regular round
loaf cake or to bake in a sheet pan,
and cut. ' ' r
s eT yolks ?!
cup cold water
L cup sugar -
1 teaspoon Tanllla
1 Hcups-flour
H teaspoon salt - .
.wwrfiiwT IiSS
sugar gradually and beat until-
dissolved. Change to a flat waltf
and add flarorlng and xlonr gradf ! paper tn the bottom. Bake 80 to This howerer wiU mane SB, serr
ually, beating orer and orer tn th Si mtnutea for sheet pan, or aa lags. It takes I quart ot rreant
same direction until the tatter if hour tor a loaf. Cut around the te aenre these 6 0 persons. 1
smooth. Pour into a pan or. in. edges, inrert on a board and re- pound of sugar will also sweet-
three nine inck pane with, greased
Affiahy Church
Elects Officers
ALBANY. Jan. 8 The annual.
Erangellcal church, following the;
close of the church serrices being
held this week by Dr. J. Stoltmaa
ot Seattle, elected these officers v
H. L. Stanton, class leader; Lester;
Horton, assistant class leader;,
Bessie Wallace, secretary; Glenn
Peebler. treasurer: Mrs. O. Moul-
ton, pianist Mrs. Lester Horton
assistant pianist; and Mra. Helen
Whitaman. financial secretary of
the chnrch. ir-i
Oaear ' Rvindar wma raeleetaA
anpetintendent of the Sunday-
school; Sidney Munson, assistants
Una Hermanson, secretary; Lei
ona Day, assistant; Gladys Mo
I Aa-ef-ia-r-aVSaj.l . ' ' . s' ' '-V5C
nrga I
- mm.
n . Aj"swCTaeawawr
'- i i7i i -n i in--' " f ! ' rnmna.
, i mamtiJSrihmmm M&a- iw. 'A
.ar if, a. , "j 1 '- ' ".. i, " 4.
irjr cjri i - ,h v
"-".pTe 'tVTk, To C
m - Mf . 1 t sit Ym- J
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Today's Menu
Today' mala dish is a com-
blnatloa of pork and fruit, espec-
tally good for Saturday.
; Shredded Carrot Salad
, Pig Sausages
.Bananas "
4 Baked-Sweet potatoes
" . , Steamed Cabbage
, " Peach Barariaa
: .Cook the" sausage and bananas
;in a corered skillet until
meat is done and the J?.2TSa
f lea' LJ Mak specialty shop axriTed tour years
from , the drippings. . -
Jellied Waldorf Salad'
. Beef Roast
Yorkshire Pudding -!":.,
Buttered. Celery and Peas '
. . . Lemon Chlffoa Pie ,
' , - aaa . - .
i Artichokes with Mayonnaise --
Beef Hash '
I "" . 'Horseradish .Sauce
S - Spinach
i, - Gingerbread ;
Apple Rings . '
- -. r . m . m m
MLr Ham, Noodles in
Casserole Dish ; -: .
; Ham noodles "and . mushrooms
make an especially dressy ap- ,
Krxywh U's SZ&JY FiUinS
buffetstyle. r :ff;
' - - nirHnnnM.i Sandwich loares remain pop-
Cook t cups noodles tn boUing
,aited water f o r 20 mtnutea.
Drain and mix with S cupe cold,
CBbei b&m cap canned mush -
roams, l tablesnooa xhooDed pirn-
lento. Make a whlte sauce by
meltlnK S tablespoons butter, add-.
t- j tahtespoona flour and m
emM diluted eraporated milk. SUr
nntll thickened, season and mix
wlth nooaies. place in oiled cas-
Mrol, ud corer with 4 cup
buttered bread or cracker crumbs
g jj to. 40 minutes in a ISO
degree Ten. Serves f .
i .
- , , a -
oanawicncs Appear as
Breakfast Dish
if tLeftorer sandwiches can be
French tried the next morning
drae hMiW ih m
tke whole uandwichee in egg and
" - :
, '. ' ' - . ,
more paper at once. -
eneh, treasurer; Betty Erb, pian
ist, and Ruth Moeneh. assistant.
Mildred Stenclpher wiU serre as
president ot the Christian Endea
ror societies; Mrs Richard Hur
lery, rlce-prealdent; .Marjorle
Peebler, aecretary; Joe - Kelty,
treasurer; Betty Erb, pianist; Ar
della Fnlk, assistant pianist, and
Janice Hamerson, aong leader. ;
I Bar. Dean- Vermillion, 'Thurs
day night, took orer the Soltmaa
series and will continue them un
til January 17.
SILVERTON, Jan. ' S--TrinIty
young people's society wiQ hold
its January meeting v Sunday ' at
Trinity church. Miss Inga Gople
rud is prealdent. Following the
noon luncheon, a program will be
" : . . ; l -;: " , ; dj r " s ; 'Spa
American Method
Surprise Staid
T rtrl rTc
MiSS uarjorie Castle, who dared
to Introduce American ready
clothes to smart London so
ciety, la a recent lnterrlew with
a fashion reporter told of her
interesting - - shop la Berkeley
Square, In the Tery house made
famous by the play. This bouse
waa owned since the 1SU century
' The selling methods of Marjorle
Castle were an innoratlon in Lon
don,, where clothes were either '
made by a dressmaker or bought
from - Parts shops. . Ready-made
dresses in London were usually
la the 'lower price range accord
ing to Miss Castle, who says her "
shop entered the field of prices
"where the department stores end
aad the dressmakers begin."
She haa promoted the plan ot
ea?llng customers when especially,
suitable garments arrire. thus
each saleswoman knows and cul
tlratea the personal needs of her
customers. She says the Londoners
were surprised at first with Amer
ican salesmanship but now they
"lore IU-
r-: ..i-:--. e e e -
ular as -party refreshment, they
Just need an occasional change of
filling to add yarlety. Here ia an
' elaborate but rery , good filling,
U soun i cottage cheese
through slere f .'
l piece Philadelphia e r e a
'-I wedge roqnefort
V4 cup walnuts chopped fine
, some chopped green ellres
T some lire brine ;
some mayonnaise
lots ot stirring.
8pread on loat of dark and
light slices, chill aad slice.
- . e . "
Large Quantity Measures
Handv tO.KnOW
': rnr urrriir a rreat number
of persona It's nice to know that
-i pound ot coffee takes 10 quarts
of waUr. making 40 full cups.
en tne eonee ior .iw tuwu.
Kxxinln3 Class Is Held
jEiach Tnesdayi Silverton
' 8ILVERTON. Jan. 8 The free
knitting instruction class win meet
Tuesday afternoon from I to 4
o'clock each week at the home ot
Mrs. Lela Shepherd at 318 Koon
atreet. Pupils may register at any
time and may also do aa much
home work as they desire. Mrs.
Shepherd reports she is willing
to help the members at her home
between classes. .
Gets Portland Job c
SILVERTON, Jan. 8 liUs Sjrl
Yla Orerlund. who haa been em
ployed at EUrerton since aha grad
uated from high school here, will
leare tor Portland next week,
where she has employment.
mmm w r -. aca. at .
- eeeTa, Tawra. r-
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