The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1937, Page 2, Image 2

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    " r rr ' ' i
& . . U ... A 1 1 LI
1 TLa Cr.ZCCN CTATESIIAN, Cilcn, Cre-cn, Catcr&ty Ilsixlr.r, Jar.uory 0 1CC7
DsHevcd Safe
Truck Drc$ Deal From
Eoathouao Tipped
i . (Continued from Page I) .
' UmetU university law student
TBIs young man ww apparently
etni ignorant of what had bap-
pened,- late-'Friday afternoon.
' Meanwhile men rescuing otter
property along the waterfront
-sad seelng'the impending fate of
this houseboat, tad chopped
through tbe wall and removed the
;aUdent' tlot,htng and household
r goods, J .,
Captain" Spong. whose power
boat waa one of the craft dragged
. S a tuiaiti Kfnra hafnv lam
ac ed, ' declared that A fn the 71
years ha haa been familiar with
the Wlllametta river here, there
had only been one lea Jam pre
j .vloualy, la the last, days of De-
- cewber. lt24.- , , . ,
Rink tag of Steamer !
"Beller Reralled 1 "
t 4 That waa" the occasion on which
the steamer -"Relief." then mak-
in regular in pa oeiweea eaiem
anl Portland, eank to the bottom
I when lea piled up around it. The
Teasel waa later raised and found
',Oot to be greatly damaged. That
f ice Jam waa different from the
present one. la that It occurred
when the tee, broke up following
a cold pell, rather than in the
midst of one. Damage to Captain
. Spong's property on. that occa
sion waa considerable.
The Teteran rirerman pointed
out yesterday that the piling np
of if an hlrk above tha ttr
level, la view of the fact that
floating- Ice la normally seven
elghths below water, mean that
across much of the river at leaat,
the lea la Jammed In all the way
..'to the shallow bottom. Ice float
lag down tha river pushed under
the layer that former there, and
wedged there because of the
alack water above the bridge.
Ice 31ay Dnm - '
River's How 4
1 . Vnleaa it breaks up and floats
.clear, the lea will form a corn-
.- plete dam and water wilt back uP
behind it to a height which la
now un predictable. The unsea
eoaably low etage of tha river bad
.' currencev. ;
- Tha " : Salem Navigation . com
" pany's steamers, "Northwestern'
and "Stranger. which hara not
bea 'operated since low water
halted ' navigation laat aammer.
are docked at Portland and did
aot ahara la tha damaga hare.9 :
Walter Qerth. deputy sheriff at
""Weat Salem; reported that there
( . had bean no damaga on that aide
i of th river, all of tha boats hav-
tng bean pulled gut In tlma.
i; " f -r-
Grain Probable
With no saow to protect the
ground from i tha ef facta of the
eold weather which this week
gripped tha Wlllametta vajlay,
much damaga mar have been dona
to tha fall grain plantings which
managed to survive tha lonjr dry
apeli laat fall. Tha saed and young
shoots are literally being lifted out
ef the ground by tha frees.
Although mo canner or fruit
man will state definitely that tha
preeant cold spell will damaga tha
caae fruits la tha locality, they
state that weather below 10 'de
grees always haa caused damaga.
They express tha belief that It
probably win thia time but say
that conditions hava been good for
the fruits to withstand tha at
tack. - t ' !.'-
Walnut and fllbtrt growers do
hat believe tha cold will do dam
age to their orchards as the sap
la tha trees ta well la the ground
at tha present time. Soma fruit
men are . worried over possible
damage to loganberry and other
berry pUnta "hut tha damaga will
mot be ascertained until tha Tinea
start, or fail to start, growing la
tha spring.
Appeal to President
ASTORIA. Ore., Jan. -)-
appeal for President Roosevelt's
personal intervention ta bring aa
and to tha maritime tie-up want
ta Washington from tha Astoria
chamber at commerce today.
Ihz Cell Boord
Toda y Jeaa Arthur and
George Brant ta "More Thai
a gecretary". .
Today "Tha Shakedown"
; with Law Ayera and Tha
Three UatttaUeera. .
cArrroi h
Today Doable bill. Glenda
Farrall In "Smart EJonde"
and Trail Duaf with Dill
, Boyd. - i , v '. i - ''
-, i
Today William Powell and
Myrna Loy ta "After Tha
Thin XTan-.
Today Gene Raymond ta
' "Walklsx Ca Air and
tour acta ef vasdsvIUa.
r i r nn t
i r r.rrD
Will Install
Voodmen Install
Officers Monday
Installatloa of : officers will be
held Tuesday night, January 11,
by Salem Camp No. 118, Wood
men of tha World, at S o'clock In
the Fraternal temple. . District
Manager Adolph Oerwin. who la
affiliated with Multnomah camp
No. 77 of Portland; will act at
Installing officer.
Tha following f officers will be
Installed: Leon W. DoBois. past
consul commander; Mrs. Leora
Matlock, consul commander;
Laura Flagg. adviser lieutenant;
George Stafford, banker; How
ard J. Smalley, escort; Dorothy
Walker, watchman; Harold Bur-
right, sentry; James II. Herren,
manager. W. E. Judson is clerk of
the camp, appointed by the head
office. : . . j . '
After he meeting ad-exiallent
program Is promised, prepared bv
the committee headed ' by ! Mrs.
Flossie Smalley. Refreshments
will be -served at the close of the
program by the social committee
headed by Oscar Donaldson,
: : ' ' i ' T- ; "
Wrangle Unlikely
Over Solon Seats
As a tew of the legislators
drifted Into Salem yesterday to
look . over the arrangements at
the Marlon hotel and armory for
tha session opening ' Monday
morning. Indications were . thai
there would be little If any dis
cussion over the seating of Sena
tors Lessard, Pearson and Strayer
following the Oregon supreme
court decision la the Lessard
caae Thursday. . j , - .
Legislators declared that the
opinion apparently waa sound
and that the credentials commit
tee probably would recommend
seating the three senators with
out extensive comment. - v
The supreme court held that
the legislature and not the courts
nor the secretarr of state, la th
sola and exclusive indare of the
qualifications of its members.
it had been charged by certain
Portland political , leaders that
Lessard waa inelirible to serve
as a member of tha legislature
becauae of his appointment as at
torney for tha World war veter
ans state aid commission and
notary public, f
(Continued from Page 1
met Mayor Angelo J. Roast here
In a move ta mnitM ha ti.vit
behind ! Rossi's recent appeal to
rresiaeni Roosevelt for action.
The new ltnmnt nmrtmiA
Involved the deep sea era tors
aad tha sailors . anion. .They
reached aa agreement eeveral
weeks ago but the sailors asked
for chances which resulted in
revised accord. Details were not
given out. : - -i .
Flu Menace Leaaens
- DENTER. Jaa, t -()-The
Roeky mountain west waa heart
aaed tonight by the lessening of
the inflnenaa meaace and the
forecast of higher temperatures
Oaattaaoraa Performance rsm
Today l:SO U8P.f.lV
A New
Kind 0t
a, W
Kkrruc nenns
Aad Beooaid Feature '
j7v "
i i
Added Serial Episode 7,
' "Fiaah Ctordow, Newa aad '. :
OswalJ Cartoon ;
Conday, Uaaday & Tuesday,
,' , Newa "v.--
I. ComeCy
KcvVc!cr Dcrd
rJeinLcrs Seated
(Continued from Page 1)
meeting waa devoted largely to ex
planation, of various details of the
utility 'a management so that these
new members would be Informed
of present procedure f and prob
lems. , -' ; r .-r; K.f
Dr. Olson did raise a question
as to Insistence upon employment
of Salem residents on all water
department work. Manager Cnyler
Van Patten declared that all con
tracts for , construction provide
that 19 percent of the workers ba
Salem residents. - He' added that
caret al check waa made of compli
ance with this provision, and that
It waa being: followed except that
when new crews were hired, some
workmen had obtained Jobs by
giving Salem addresses whea they
were not actually residents here.
These men were dropped aa soon
aa the facta became j known, : he
said. j
The commission passed a reso
lution asking tha state auditing
department to audit tha water de
partment . books. The f audit will
cover fire months of 19S5 and all
of lt3f.
See Way to
Collect From Council
- Members of tbe eommisalon
glimpsed a ' possible I method of
"getting even" in part with the
city council which haa consistently
refused to pay or provide In the
budget for hydrant rentals, when
a bin from the city streets depart
ment for street repair; where new
mams naa oeen lata was ques
tioned, it waa voted, however, to
pay the bill under protest, with a
communication to tha council slat
lag the reasons for the protest. ,
rossiDimy of getting the hy
drant rental issue on! the ballot
at the next clta election, was dis
cussed. 'Kequlrftig- water users to
carry the harden of thia debt was
declared to be aa Injustice.
30-Minute Plan
(Continued from Page 1)
tlcism waa made of! the Uberal
amounts of no-parking front
age allotted, to service; stations and
other business enterprises in ex
cess of actual needs, i
John Beakey, state highway
traffic engineer, produced a chart
showing that of 11,181 curb
footage In the area ! bounded by
Commercial. Center,! High and
Ferry 10,714 feet or 74.1 per
cent la marked for vehicular park
ing. The remaining percentage is
restricted, the largest restricted
footage. If 21 or 11.3 per cent, be
ing for service stations. Bus load
ing aonee take S.4 per cent of tha
curb -footage and tire hydrant
sonea 1.1 per cent. Miscellaneous
restrictions take t.l per cent, i
Moser Is Fatally
at Dallas
(Continued from; Page 1)
the accident, 1 presumably from
shock. .. j I
Mr. Moser came to Dallaa from
Silverton six yeara ago and since
that time had been employed at
the local mfJL " . j 7
Hia widow resides at 10 S Ma
ple street. He la also survived by
several children who live at Sil
verton. , : j , .
Prison Population
Reaches New High
A new high popalatloa of
1070 waa reached at the Ore-
goa state penitentiary here Fri
day, warden Lewla reported.
The prisoners are coming ta
droves. Governor . Martin said,
"and a number of counties are
yet to be heard from. ' :
Records show that six prison
ers arrived at the institution from
Lincoln county Thursday.
Tha prison has aj normal cap
acity of 100 prisoners.
4r "
. 0 i
D '
K 1
: Rczzlre to da.
VoL 1 ,
Qay Modeling to
Will Meet at 11 O'CIock,
Y. M. Cl Cartoon
Gnb la Busy .
The . Mickey Mouse '- Oregon
Statesman Clay Modeling club will
meet today on tha second floor
of the T. M. C. A. at 11 o'clock,
at which time all boys and girls
are welcome to have fun making
things out of clay.
: Bob Bmshnell will be . the in.
structor of this club. Plenty. of
fun la rolnr to ha had hr nut
of you Salem boys and girls. Bob
haa It all planned what you are to
make today aad some of tbe bet
ter moulding s are rolnr tn ha
placed on display tn the foyer, at
Micxey . Mouse tain afternoon.
"BilT expects to see an or van
at the MY'at 11 o'clock, doa't faU.
: The Cartoon club - Is coming
aiong in great . ahape and every
boy present enjoyed the instruc
tions from Bob Bushnell, chief
cartoonist, drawing . everything
irom uasper ana Mickey Mouse
down to Toar. - - .
Casper waa the picture that won
a iree pass to tbe Elalnore, and
te waa drawn by Bobby Harring
ton. 10B Cross street. If nrtnraM
mentions Igo to Frank : Whltte-
more, Heary Johnson and Jerry
Mulkey. vi ? . ... . - ,
Every boy and rlrl is iom.
to attend this Cartoon club which
meets on the second floor of the
Y. M. C. A. every Wednesday at
4 o'clock.
Two Win Awards. -
In uSpy Contest
i A great deal of .excitement was
created . over our. Ace Drum-,
mond hidden spies t h a t, closed
laat Wednesday. The contribu
tion bax was Just stuffed full with
the four hidden spies contest
blanks. Over a hundred came tn
the mall. What a night the Judges
spent oa Wednesday eve ' trying
to choose the winners, but here
they are: Leonard Seely, 411 N.
list street; Henry Johnson, 114
South 24th street, and Darrel
Tennis. 141 North. IS th street,
were the only lucky hoys the Jud
ges could decide were eligible tor
free passes. : r
I : And Tour
; Persons bora la this month are
natural leaders aad thinkers, es
pecially fortunate ta all commer
cial enterprises. . :; . z - . -.
Congratulatlona to , Sally . Me-
Lellon, Kenneth Stewart, Norma
Smith. Andrew Zugler, - Philip
Jaskowski. Frank Staples, Vlaktle
Haaklns, Bert Kenyon, Murray
Baker; WHlls Thomas,. Jr- Lou
ise Potter, Reuben E. Boise, E we
al Is, Blundela. Helen Crenshaw.
Larry John, Marvin 8ummera,
Floyd uippla, Bruce Burns. Mir
iam Albrick, Jeane Carter. Betty
Lemon, Roy Coleman, Eleanor
Bailey, Kathryn Ana HHl, Nellie
Flood, Francla IficknaL Dewey
Anderson, Helen Maria Collard.
MUdred Hyland. Bob McBrlda;
Shirley Luckins. Cyril Williams.
Alma Bales. Marlyn Marie Hart.
Roiiaud Daily, violet CoU. Frank
Logan,- 'Stanley Pucker. Edrle
Henry, Eileen Holden. Doubt lied
rick. Bonnie Diekereon. Leoaa
Tangleeoa, Beula Fed arson. "
J li
" : tsr.,a
10 00 ' ' ' , 0 a . 1
JIaUnre t:0( P. ?X,
Graad eUage Kbear
welcoiis nom
De Started Today
cjw'w3E0 u 3
. TTCfred C. tlagedora. Editor V
Calera, Oregon,
Introducing , this ' week, your
Mickey Mouse Ch to f Wilfred
"Bill'V Hagedorn. bora February
lSth, 1917. Is nicknamed every
thing from the 'Rat Trap' to the
Town Crier. However he likes
being master ' of ceremonies for
all. you kids. Plans to be a news
paper man some day, already ed
iting the Clarion, a high school
paper. Hobbles, well, outstanding
is singing, next dancing. Ha play
ed golf for a while until he shot
a la for nine holes. Favorite say
ing is "sea yott at one o'clock next
String-Gum Event
Proves Enjoyable
Great fun was had by ten Mous
ers Saturday la our string and
gum contest. It seemed as If you
Mice liked It where the contestants
had to rub noses before they won
tha prize, which was a keen poc
ket flashlight from Cookee sta
tionery store. Other prises Includ
ed Karmelkorn from the Karmel
kora ahop and 1 passes to next
week's ahow. . ,
Wlnaera la this coatest Include
Dary aad Allen GemmeM, first;
Fa vian Nelson and Deaa Fear,
second: 'Frank Htnkle and Earl
Von Ludegraf. third. '
Rehearsals Held
Friday Afternoon
Perbana mn !. . . .
UB.V .uui. UUWI
that; the Mice would enjoy hear
in r nr aatn A w
Perform or entertain coma down
to the Elslnore Fridays at 4:10
o clock. We have an tha latest
songs from such shown aa 'Gold
Diggers of HIT.- "Pennies From
r?.a ad taer..Teceat musi
cal nits. v. . -...-. .....
Remember too, "Met- Draper,
our nimble fingered pianist, can
Play anything you know without
tna nnmlnJ fin ji - .
.fw wvwa una oe-
come a regular Mouse entertain-
AT LASTI The laaa.eweAMi
aaeeal le7lMTUaataa.
fi!!Hv WVi,
,v. aAHaaviuiia
i i i
f taaf av
L Lr'L
. " EricBLGRE-
TiinaMWWwltwgBiB'e J'D 2ND IIIT C
Gordon Elliott, Joseph Kins. Addison nhrhardu, mzim AccTf,
OH nowland, Dick rnrcetl. A Tim National ricture.
Directed by Wnu Clemena. - i '.-j
: Deaa Are hart. Manager
January 9, 1S37
lively Acts For
Iilice Are Planned
--r --- j." " --y s " : -'"s"' ;.-
' ' t . 5
Home Talent Singers and
" Dancers Perform; New
, Contest Secret
' Real entertainment la going to
ha. an loved br the Mice who at
tend today's matinee. Oa thia
program will ba such acta as Vir
ginia Polk ttagtaz "If Delove
ly. Then the club favoriu, Ce-Tella-
Lamb, la; gola to sing
-Ton Gotta Smile." Pennlea wlU
will probably fall on the atage
mrhen Rnthella Amundsen sings
"Pennies From IIeaTea. : Jackie
Williams, a popular saiem mga
girl will entertain also. .
: Wa Mice are goto to "have
the tablea turned on ua whea
Betty Severla alngs her numoer.
The Parriah high school popsters
nniae tha direction of Bob Allen.
yell leader, and Jeaa Walter;
song leader, will add enthusiasm
to this show ? today. "St. Louie
Blues" win -t ba the number that
Dorothy Edwards wlU alng; for
today. But tieiea - enutu -around
and says, "Ifa Love I'm
Affr. sairler MeClo'ud win rep
resent v' Ed Chaaey oa the -pro
gram. Little Mary Lou Lane- wm
do a baby dance. Not only; that
but Anne Cravea will do a-aoft
shoe number, too; both are from
Barbara Barnes.
The tope oa the program will
be another huge contest; u a
surprise. , ' .
What Would
You Do?
if von -want rour name la this
column concerning- whet yoa would
do If you had a million dollars,
just man or drop la the contribu
tion box your name, address, age,;
school, and what you would do It
ah had that much money.
Hera are soma that were drop
ped la the contribution box last
Saturday. Dorothy Hottest, &o
Is a Junior la nigh ecnooi ciaima
that aha would take a trip around
the world. r : ' ' ' -r ;
Loraa Kernea, who le In the
ninth grade at -Parrlsh, would pat
all that money - In tne baas: . ana
save It for future use. "
BXarkm Broans, i 1 S, who goes
to Parrlsh, would Ukr to f o to
Hons Kong, buy a car and then
go to college to secure soma
knowledge. -
Jack Goeeery a bright shining
star at Salem high; boasts that he
would do everything and top It
off by getting married.
A trip to the Hawaiian Islands
would be the goal of little Austin
WHson It she had a minion dol
lara, and. then would deposit the
rest la the banku
Deloree BJrek, 11 years old,
who attends , Highland school.
would go spend It on clothes and
buy a new car for her folks.
John Johnooa, 11 1 years old
also, only he goea to Bush school.
would, like to buy a horse, a new
nome and take a trip around tha
world,' with all that money.
Mickey iU
tf sttaee Today
x p. SI.
Bin Boyd ta
KeK'a Brood ,
Stagw Show
, Ccntlacocj ;
2 to 11 P. VL
J )
tw t
. Cn? jV.
1 ;
1.3 tovrn to . v
tcic-rrsalj AJ
No. 8
r Good 'morning; ' Mice, Isnt it
keen to hare'; snow , again. .The
only trouble Is that we . didn't
get enough In my estimation.
' Laat ilonday all of us had to
go bak to school to' grain more
knowledge. I am sure that most
of you enjoyed : your vacation aa
as I did, who wouldn't
everything from eata to trips.
Cartoon elub la coming
in fine shspe; more kids
are -. attending- than . ever before.
The club meets every Wednesday
at 4 O'clock in the . T.M.C.A.-
it. jv : . MMC : .
Tha entertainment for laat
week waa -well- appreciated by
all you -Mice. Have you ever
heard f a 15-year-old boy play
that march1 "Stepping Along,- on
an ; accordion?. Bobby Marr did
for J the Mice .last Saturday and
went over big too. He has only
tag en seven lessonarom Herman
Domogolla. Then; Thedamary
W grand girl with so
much (personality. Bang a recent
hit", "Ifa Do Lovely," and how
when Kenny Cater -sang it for
the: Mice Saturday, and . believe
me" kids, he surely la Improving.
Jerfy i Cottew, the popular ' high
school chap who la constantly
dedicating his vocal numbers,
sang "Midnight Blue. Harriet
Tatmadge sang that popular song:,
"Slngi Baby Sin-, and the Mous
ers enjoyed It too. Little alx-year-old
.Cheryl Aashelm waa back
with os this . Saturday . singing
"The Right Somebody To Love.
Tall and handsome Ted Thielson
aans; t that a r a r popular hit.
Dlna and the kida thought that
he waa - swell. Roy Pease and
Herman Domogolla, boys from
the' orchestra, entertained all you
Mice. TAlI of you seemed to like
them so well that I think wall
hare them back today. Tap danc
ing la -no snap, however it . ap
peared easy, -for "Renee. Caplan,
aa4' why ahouldnt It be she
takes! from Barbara . Barnes.
f Aa special Mouse feature to
day, Mr. Porter haa procured e
thrilling; aviation picture "Eagles
Brood. Chapter tea of the ser
ial, together ' with our reguUr
feature "After tha Thia . Kaa,'at
' List Times
Club Notes
- in ii ' I.
; mm
t flXatiaeeaX ie'dl)
fee f 1
turr'af Vi!!iara Powell (and
Ilyrca Loy. ' - i
- " line . - ' !
111 te lookiaj; for TOU today
at oae o'clock.'
WILFRED, Bill to you
' ' ; - ; ; Mickey Mouse thiet
Sstitute; Plan
For Prison Given
(Continued from page 1)
state planning board,. listed the
followlag projects: r -j
1-ReorganlzaUoa of the parole
board by equlptng u with a train
ed and paid staff of specialists to
study and rehabilitate inmates, i
i An observation e 1 1 n 1 e to
weed out men and women of ire-i
tviuuuie cnaracieri.
Educational direction
training. . i -Reformatory
Women Proposed
-fA reformatorr " f a r m
women to remove ik tn is n,s.
houses on the top floor of the pen
itentiary and eliminate criminal
types now Quartered at reform
schools. .r- i ,-, j .
v . 5-Construction of a dormitory
at the. annex, a workers base
camp and a cannery plant for per
son who can be kept from the
prison Itself and started on the
return journey toward becoming
law- abiding citizens. ;
The survey pointed out It was
better to remove high-type prison
era and, keep men out of the pen
itentiary by scientific penal treat
ment than by erecting-facilities to
house more criminals.
Silverton Officials Ah
x Roosevelt to Take Hand
K ; i In Maritime Settlement
SILVCRON. Jan. 8. r.Two
telegrams ,were tent from Silver
ton today to President Roose
velt urging him to intervene in
the maritime strike on the Pa
cific coast- and catling attention
to the loss occasoned by j con
tinued paralysis of water trans
portation.; ; "
The telegrams were signed by
W. H. Moffett, mayor, and , Clif
ford Rue, , president of the .Sil
verton. chamber of commerce. ,
Snow Blankets Crooked
Finger; Officer Finds
Jive Inches of snow In the
Crooked Finger district blocked
automobile traffic yesterday. State
Trooper Farley . Mogan reported
last night. Mogan, who went to
that district on official business,
said tha snow began a quarter of
a mile above Scotts Mills. Mogan
was forced to abandon his car and
walk the,, last , tour miles of his
trip. : ,- - !
": f Farmer Burns Dies
-4P)-Martln "Farmer" Burns,
deaa of American wrestlers.' died
Tali daughter's home tonight;
EI E3 'HI?- Q:E
Contlnnoaa Ehowa
'The Best Stage
Show of the Season
Direct troaa
4 Big Acts !
Tti European
Dance Sensation!
preaeatod by
AND - -
An artistle dance creation
C beaaty and gjrac .
Soniiny 71iitc
Xanda2 ConaeCUn at
&how Coat la j
- 'Eceesitiic sfoaneats j
"JToy Boy
one of tiie
- t
1 1 1 I .