s a j 5 . , i, .U' i Use 0RX-G0I1 CTATIHAN, Czltz Orcn, Thwy Mondr Dcceiaber.ai, 1S23 1UI Mia fllfB t For Rent- Apartments "f Eor Sale Used Cars I j For Sale Used Can 3PFor Sale Used Car ( - For Sale Used Cart lit For Sale Used CaTTl I For SaleUsed Cars APT 3. AND rooms. 197 H B. ComT. awssaAMAsaaWMmaMsStfSaMBMtokMsaaWVsswh is; A -Better. Used: Gar' -fqr. Less Monoy at 8 AND I ROOMS furnished." No ob jection to children. 1470 Waller St. WhatY : Statesman m Classified Ads , . CaH 9101 Classified Advertising . Single- Insertion per line lOc rhree insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line ....... .30c One month per line .... 81.00 Minimum charge 2Se Copy for thla pace "accepted until 6 :39 the evening before publication . for dMBineatlon. Copy received after -thia Una will be run under the heading, -Tee,. Late to clas sify." The Statesman assume no finan cial responsihUtty for errors which may appear ia advertisements pub ilshed in Ha eolurrroa, and to case where thla paper ta at fault wilt re print that part ef an advertisement la whlcM the typographical oilatake occurs, The Statesman reserves the right ' ta reject questionable advert lain It farther reserves the - right to piace all advertising; under the MTtper classification. - ( Help Wanted Male 1 "YOTJNQ MAN stenographer for cre dit office work. Must have flrst class . references. Hogg. Bros. ''.i.inmmm THREE MEN free to travel, must have cars. Steady work with earnings above the average. , Call BUgh Hotel, W. H. Fullerr Help Wanted Female I ELDERLY LADY, to stay with children more for home than wages. 121 N. High. Apt. No. 2. Call after p. m. INTELLIGENT YOUNQ woman for general office work. Automotive exper ience desirable. State age and exper ' ience. Box SO, care Statesman. WANTED GIRL for housework. TeL 63F4. Route' 4; Box 366. . GIRL FOR reneral housework. Must be good cook. Prefer one who can go borne nights. 161 S. 14th. i Situation Wanted i EXP. DRESSMK. Mrs. Adltt T. 1446. MIDDLE AGED woman care for in valid or elderly couple. Drives cars . good ret Mrs. Cottage, Box 43,, Al - bany. . l."N.0.. EXP. GIRL wants clerking or work In laundry. Box 82, Statesman. LADY BADLY in need of work, wishes hour work of any kind. 355 Bel levue. Apt. 8. I , For Sale-Miscellaneous 1 ODINO MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Ex&. 424 Court. CASH OR trade for used furniture ranges, heaters; radios, machinery, tools, etc Woodry and Woodry. auc tioneers, phone 5-1-1-0. 1610 N. Sum mer In Hollywood. ; it". ' FOR : SALE Good table potatoes, LSS cwL Hayes Warehouse. Brooks, Ore. Phone 5 7F2, Salem. -5" - - DELICIOUS HOME made fruit cakes ready. Mra E. F. Wright. 6S1 Center. UAY-ALL-KINDS In truck or car load lots. Phone 6000. GOOD WOOD range. Tel. -6825. 3 APPLES, , WAL, and turk's. T. 1F15. BOAT FOR SALE A 14 row boat, constructed of select spruce and oak, en tirely with brass screws, and designed especially for fishing purposes. Approx, t 150 lbs. Phone 127F21, Route 3, Box 327. USED LUMBER. DOORS, windows. brick and wire, lowest prices. 20th Century Wrecking Co., 4ll N. Front. RED MOUNTAIN CEDAR SHAKES $2.50 a square. On hand at all times. Lloyd Hepler, Molalla, Oregon, Gen. DeU ' , FAT. HENS, frys and roasters, 60c each and up, 1400 S. 22nd. FOR SALE BALED HAY IS TONS BALED oats and vetch hay at farm. $8.00 per ton. Phone 6708. FLORAL PIECES and bouquets. Jay Morris, Florist. Phone 8637. Wanted Miscellaneous WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In hplt. any quantity Stat Cafeteria. Free We nick to aaa and worth less horses, cows, sheep Tel 4868. Miscellaneous COLD 8TORAUE locKera. Ramage a SIS N- Liberty Phone 8751 Xsafcssassssa A GOOD CHRISTIAN home for aged and convalescents. Phone Sellwood 3146, 8735 S. E. Clinton SC, Portland, Ore. I Wanted Furniture ' CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS) . Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. 816 M. Commercial Phone 7848 1 For Rent Rooms I SLEEPING ROOM,-near Deaconess hosp. 666 S. Summer. - SLEEPING ROOM, 725 Court DESIRABLE SLEEP. R., Tel.. 6977. - SLEEPING ROOM, 975 E St. Ph. TS67. , Room and Board EXCELLENT RM. A bd. 745 S. Com. ' kj-ij i n" i Ttrt IT? r AND room. TeL 5963. , ftAniVinviV ......... m,. ...... - BOARD. SUUU, J6 jm. uoeriy. BOARD, ROOM, close In. Tel. svei. For Rent Apartments onrwr HBlTWl iinfi1rnlshd du- , . ..... . plex apartment 660 Union St. jt,wsisisajsinjsrsT FURN-3 ROOlf, 444 S. High. CxC " ADVERTISING Western Adrertlalog Represestatlvea renger-Hail Caw LtA rraacisw. Ls Asgsies. Sesttle Eastern Aflrertlslng RepreseautlTw , " Bryant. Griffith A BruBson, toa, Chicago. New fork. Detroit. Boston. Afianta 5 iesri- 4ireA " . SUBiSOKHTIOW MTtll . . .. i tnritStrii It jsVa rrfchli Oron.Da, Sunday . i 60 cents : i t. Elsewhere eeato ret LoVs. fcAi rmtntk J f CUy V.r '" Ji. a var la advaaee. , 1 SUV PORN ' 1411 N. Church, s'ee-----ei-ss. -- --. i"Mj,vninirLrLriruruTjvi FIRST FLOOR turn., 113 Stfctoj. - - riri iTr-Lrij-rxji UNFURN. APT, rooms, bath, 1 sleeping room, S0 MilL . I OR ROOM FURN. ant., rurnace heat, lights and water. Clean. Near bum, Adnfts. IJJ Rural Ave. For Rent Houses MOD. Furn. rm. bouse. Ad. P. CISC For Rent HuspKai tmi im1 wheek-talra lo 'it H I. Stiff Fumttur Go. Ofxlee- r Tel 37 1 3 tor raat. 8 at Stats- SX 1 For Sale Real Estate 'CHOIOB LOTS- ON PAVED aU SSe wUl Onaaca new homes up to so ox cost on long torn parmenta - W. EL GRABENHORST CO. 134 a Ubtrty 8t llnwt araot- J Oourt Tel 1I3X IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . WELL BUILT room, modem home in A-l condition, deep basement, beau tiful oak floors, large attic, double ga rage. Price only e250. Located only 8 blocks .from state house grounds, north. You wilt like it. Terms can be arranged. s SEE Mra Ellis with CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 346 State St. , Phono 6708. SPECIAL DOUBLE HOUSE, 5 rooms each. WH1 bring good returns on investment of 210. Ask to seo it. CALL Mrs. Ellis with ( CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Pbon 6703. EXCELLENT QUARTER SECTION ? ROOM i PLASTERED house, S barns, 125 acres cultivated, balance good oak timber, 'good soil, well and spring water, good road. Only 10 miles from Salem. A real bargain at only S00. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 341 State-St j Phone 6708. HOME AND INCOME LARGE HOUSE arranged In apart ments. Good location.- Price 4Sdd for quick sale. . CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. " i Phone 6798. EASY TERMS S ROOM HOUSE. $1187; 3-r., X lots, SfiOO: 4-r& lots. S1650: good lot. 8300. ReaaonerX certainly) 565 N. High IJOOK. THIS OVER T ROOM MODERN home In 1400 block North Salem. Cor. lot with fruit. 93160, f & down. n. &sv. 4 H. PLASTERED HOUSE, base ment, furnished, ljrrge lot. fruit, $1200, A nice suburban home to trade for Salem. About 1 acre, 6. R. bouse, chicken house, all kinds fruit, good soli, race SlOsO terms. - VOSBURGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. COMPLETELY FURNISHED good fiva 'room house, close. In, basement, furnace, fireplace, trays, some fruit. A bargain at 83100. Reasonable terms. . . JJJNDORKi 0 TUCKER : 175 South High Z. 81475. NEW HOUSE, living room, kit chen, nook, bath; 2 bedrooms, wash trays, woodshed, garage, 8 300. down, 5 -room bungalow in good condition. Basement, rurnace, - 31700., f 750. down.! Nice 6-room home, oak floors. basement, furnace, oil burner, fireplace, close to school. $3500. 86500. Fine colonial tyte home, 7 blks. from State House. S large rooms. modern every way. Trade for smaller house. . MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St Phone 3723 200 DOWN. NICE lot in 1900 blk. N. Church St. Some trees 8450. $200 down. Nice lots in 1800 blk. N. Cottage 8500. 9450 Lot on Shipping, paving paid. 8400 Lot on BraT"s Ave. Paving paid. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St Phone 3723 4 r RM. PLASTERED house. 8800, 8190 down. 812.50 per month. This Is cheaper than rent Good suburban store, 8750. This Is a real good one. H. C. Shields Oreg. Bldg. TeL 8902. SR. USE., E. front : fireplace, no basement, 82350 ; $50 down, balance like rent S s R- strictly modern hse., verr close In: 82000, S7S0 cash. 7 R. strictly modern hse., N. Salem : hot water heat 8360. terms. Listings wanted. Rich L. Reimann 167 a High DUI 8632. f i 1 Exchanse Real Estate I WILLAMETTE SOIL v 68 ACRES NORTH of Salem all cultivated, good bldgs. WUl take Sa lem property for part or all. . LINDGREN OR TUCKER ' 175 South High St T ROOM MODERN, double plumbing, trade fof 5 room house Box SI. States- For; Sale Farms I 23 A. GOOD BLDGS., creek, same tim ber, oa Hewell Frame, f sovu.wo, Sl&OO.OA down. 40 A. 4 R. house, good barn, electri city. S3500.00. . 6500.00 down. 40 A. fully stocked and equipped, all mod. bldgs.. silos, paved roaa. Fine soil. 89500.00,- terms. R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol It Acreage OLD FIR TIMBER 8000 CORDS ON 37 acres 16 miles east ef Salem. $1700, Insured title giv en for land and alL Phone 6580. t Wanted Real Estate t I WANT THE best houae S2000 will buy. Describe fully-. Box 79, care States man. .:..' ; Bnsiness Opportunities 1 EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY reliable, experienced auctioneer Who has conducted some of the largest auc tion sales In the northwest will open permanent auction house in Salem. Will consider partner. Investment required. me box 9i, saiem statesman. . COUNTRY STORE, stock ami fl-r- turea. S9G0.S0. . A- rUHUHEB, 1851 N. Capitol CHEVROLRT niRinn - n ViT11!? 2? business, price U,- v, cn. email grocery store for StBO. T leh T. W.lmar. II, m High Diat S633. Money to Loan MONET BY aa 1nAnnAnt i.. corporation en pianos, musical Instro esenta. automobHea furniture. Uve stock and endorsed notes. New tow rates J te 2S months to repay. ireneral Finance Corp. Phene 9168 T Lie S-ltt Ftest NarL Bank Bldg.. Salem. Ore ir&ix9 cor automobllea. New low rales, Roy. TL Simmons Firs National Baak Bldg, Ua 6-leg . AH Cairo Priced for Qmclk ReitiniovsJ. . . Watclii This Space Uced Car Bargaiiio 1932 Model B Ford Coupe, A-l condition throughout Extra Special- 1929 Chevrolet Coup 1928 Ford Coupe, a real buy at ...... .... 1930 Model A Roadster, new pain t, runs good 1930 Chevrolet Coupe . 1929 Model A Roadster .. .... ; S...:. 1930 Dodge DeLuxe Coupes-was $300noto 1929 Model A Coupe was $195 how . 1929 Special Six Nash was $245 now ..... 1930 Model A Coach, new paint, new upholstery, mechanically ...... ............ Many Center and LibertyPhone 3158 BOND 0Vj0VV sSssMSSssasasssss BUICK Orders Keep Coming In . . We MUST Make Room for More Trade-ins 1931 DODGE Coupe A Real Value tor- as low aa 1933 BUICK Sedan. wheel equipped. Lots of miles of service, for only 820 1929 BUICK Sedan, overhauled. Thousands of miles of service. You can't afford to overhaul your old car at 1930 dodge: sedan . . . New paint, car tnorougmjr cnecicea over FORD Coupe. A Bargain. We've got to sell. There' nothing wrong 1934 with this car i ,. 1930 OAKLAND Coupe. Repainted in fine shape ONLY 8199 1928 BUICK Coupe, 4-passenger. WUl be gone soon at this price 9136 YOUR CAR WILL NO DOUBT MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON THE BALANCE . . - Otto J. Wilsoi - 288 N. Commercial Phoni S4S1 Salem, Oregroa 50 GALLONS OF GAS AND A 1937 LICENSE WITH EACH USED CAR 1935 DeLuxe Pontiac 1935 DeLuxe Pontiac 1935 Pontiac Coach 1935 Pontiac Coupe 1935 Chevrolet Coupe 133 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Pontiac Sedan 1930 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Pontiac Coupe Doolittle Motors CENTER A COMMERCIAL PONTIAC 8-8 Money to Loan LOANS For end-of-the-year-needa, BEGIN THE new year wltlv a clean slate. Will lend you cash to buy what you need pay up odd bills and you can have up to 20 months to repay. Come in and see us today. Second Floor New BUgh Bldg. Rm. 119 618 State St at High St , Phone 3740 . Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. of Salem License S-123. M-165. - SOUND INVESTMENT. Good first mortgage real estate loans, farm and city properties. Net Investors 5H to $. Amounts $509 to 82000. Exam ine security yourself. - CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge. Loans 844 State St Phone 6708. Federal Aeustng Mans title 3. band or refinance home er business prep. Low ratea Abrams A Ell la Masonic B MONEY TO LOAN f ? ON SALEM residential property un der, the F. H. A. plan, long term loans i aw mAnthlv nflrmnti. No com mission. : Refinance or build a new home. - W. Hi GRABENHORST A CO, ; REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone f (C8 4k Loans Wanted I ; loans wanted on rarm an ' city property Before borrowing. Inquire r Hawkins A Roberta - Financial mtna a nmhr nf aKMllcnt Tlrst mortgages- bearing 6 interest pay able monthly on Salem city property for sale at face value.-;: ; - DONALD A lOUMu 206 U. a Bank Bldg. Salem, Ore. 1 For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRY WOOD coaX TeL 000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade and Cottage. 1 16 IN. OLD fir, 95.00, ft. 2nd growth. 84.25. TeL 6616. . ALL KINDS of wood reasonable. 3390 N. Fourth. Phone Weathers, 4859. 9sSSesnaVss1lkSS4M9a9 16 IN. OLD Or. $5. TeL 8468. PLANER ENDS BLOCK WOOD Salem Box Co. Telephone 9189 7- Order now while the supply lasts. PHONE & FENWICK. 452T for dry WOOd. ' ALL KINDS ef awed dry weed. TeL 1354. . . : I DRT FIR, oak. TeL 8254. Others Priced s for Quick VaMey Motar Cd Open Evenings and Sundays - t in transportation and we can sell 8515 thla price , , ,, 831 1 . SSM Sedan Sedan Persongilly By Lynn Lambeth, Pres. of - ' , STATE MOTORS, INC. 36 CHEVROLET TOURENG SEDAN; built In trunk ; can not be told from new; only 2800 miles. Save money, big discount ; 24 months to pay. 34 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN, original finish; upholstery spotless; A-l - tires; radio, heater, motor over hauled ; this fs a real value ; small down payment, 18 months bat 28 CHRYSLER SEDAN ;. ref lnished ; upholstery perfect; good tires; mo tor overhauled, today only 8125.00. 23 FORD COUPE, rumble seat, runs good, only $95.09. .- MANY OTHERS STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON "PACKARD DEALERS High and Cbemeketa Phone 8408. Open Nights and Sundays Wliite'o Last Day of the Year Bargains LOOK COMPARED BUYSPECIALSl 1938 1984 1931 1982 1933 1939 1930 1928 1939 1929 Chev. Vaster 4 -door Sedan. trunk, radio,-etc. , 8695.00 Plymouth Coach Stand- ard ; Chevrolet Coupe, fine con dition , , r........ , , Chevrolet Coach, all new tires, , ! , . . I...... ' Plymouth Coach, beet buy. I98.t4) 196.98 311.90 816.90 176.00 Durant Ceeper a steal . Ford A Coupe, we say 196.00 Durant Sedan, new license 98.00 Char. Coach, aire away ... 168.99 Ford Roadster, I ask you 75.89 MANY OTHERS AND . THEY ARK ' PRICED TO SELL, W BARGAINS BARGAINS ; John White Co. 144 N. Corel., opp. Marlon Park . "Phone 7114 For Sale-Vood H - WOOD. Smith A Rubens, TeL 48114. Se89M8sJ9g9B4gs9V9 DRT 18 SLAB 83.76 load. dlT 1T 2nd 4tr. 84.85 load. TeL 4596. , , i Lost end Found . I .... i TTamI fti" rkiuT n- 1S47 ' A. ConfL Call Day A Co, 8iri.yttine. JUberal reward. for ..$335.00 .$ 75X .$145.00 ..$190.00 245.00 $95.00 . ....... A-l 4235.00 ...$155 $235 ...$275.00 Sale. r- ? Marion and Liberty Phone 7910 ST. CLAIR or FULTON 4tMiles of Economy9' j IN OUR Dependable Used Cars SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS 1927-Cher. Coach . . , 1927-Ford Tudor , , , 1927-Easex Coach - ,, 1925-Reo Sedan r 1927-Dodge Coupe ..J 1929-Studebaker Brougham , 1938-Oakland Sedan " 1927- Dodge Sedan 1928- Chev. Coupe ,,. , 1928- Chev. Coach . . 1929- Olda Sedan .8 2J.00 - 35.00 . 45.00 . 65.09 . 90.00 98.00 . 125.00 -146.00 .1155.00 - 155.00 185.00 245.00 t. 225.00 265.09 1929-Nash Sedan 1928-Dodge Victory Bed. 1 9 29- Chrsyler Coupe 1930-Chev. Sed: r. , 1931- Ford Coupe i 1931- Chev. Coupe' - 1932-Nash Sedan ; .-876.09 . 295.00 . 345.00 895.00 - 425.00 . 475.00 1932- Bulck Coupe 1933- Dodge Sedan 1935-Ford Coupe 645.00 193 5-Ford Tudor 1335-Dodge 4 -Dr. Sedan 1916-Ford 4-Dr. Tr. Bed. 1935- Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. 8ed. 1936- Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. Sed. 645.00 645.00 6S5.00 745.00 825.00 Trucks Trucks 19S6-G. M. A. C - K-ton Panel -8 75.00 1928-Chev. Vi-ton Canopy 85.00 1931-Ford lH-ton 157- w. tx 185.00 1935-Dodge Truck A Trailer . 945.00 ' The Herrall-Owens Co. Dependability" DODOE, PLYMOUTH AND DODGE TRUCK D1ST. 238 South Commercial St TeL 3169 ' AArrVVaJVVST iWWAlW 1934 Dodge two-ton I W. B. .overhauled ; ..8650.00 1935 International PanelDeliv ery. L. W. B, 575.00 .1938 Internatlonar IK -8 ten L. W. B.. i 775.00 1984 Chevrolet lU-toa I W. B. and body . 476.00 1938 Graham Custom Sedan Su percharger T50.99 1935 International Pickup L. W. B. , i 875.00 Others te select from, 925.00 and up James H. Maden Co. 217 State St Phone 8590. Business Cards In this directory m oa s monthly beuUs only. Raft SI per Ihao per month. Auto Brakes Mtke Pa nek. 378 South Commercial. Bicycles BICTCLKS. NEW dt reconditioned. Harry W. Scott; 147 & Com'L Ph. 4518. Brufthe lTTLUCS brushes for Xinaa. TeL .7668. rULLER BRUSHES, So. Side. TeL 8724. 8786 Brooks St Eve. appoint ments. '.'.,,! - t - . t Chimney Sweep TaUJCPHONB 4464t R. 93. Northns ) I Chiropractors : " DR. a t- SCOTT. PSC Chlrepractor. 356 jt. tug TeL Rea siss E Ej-cavating -tL Bceavstmg of an ktnda, Saseoaents dug. Dirt -auled r moved. Dirt for si, galea Sand and Gravel Co, Phone 9498. - . r Florists Breithattpfs, 447 Court, Ph. 1804. Furs BAIN Far Co. Master f-rrters and Km. a e saussr suog. Laundries THB HKVt SALEM LAtTNDRT THB WEIDEB LAONDRT 863 SL Bish TeL 8128 CA PTTAL CTTT LATJNDHT - First 9a QuaU retainer SIM riMf Onalltv snA SerJlea 1IS UTWOW17 Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDINO CO. aess. 7 Chry sler Sedan .. $ 35 28 Durant Coach. 45 28 Oldsmobile Sedan... ...J.. 85 28 Chevrolet C6upe.....L....:.: 9 28 Chevrolet Coach......X.r14S 30 Ford Coupe 175 28 Buick Coupe... 4, 145 31 Ford Spt. Roadster.l.:.. 285 Better Caro - Liberal Trades - - - - Low G.M.A.C Terms 333 Center St. Schools DIESEL. AVIATION. NEON Lumin ous Tube Lighting- todays greatest op portunities; prsIltB bhopJwoTk. HH1 vocational Schools, Dir. lilll Military Academy. Portland, (earn .board and room while learning.) Write Box 76. today for full Information. Aged Man Falls In BoilingWater LEBANON, Dee. 30 August Paul, an aged Crabtre resident was brought to the Lebanon gen eral hospital Sunday night suf fering from barns censed by falling with a tub of boiling water.- The hospital reports ' A son born December 11, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hunger of Halsey; a daughter December 26 to Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph ' Benoit of Quarts vllle; g daughter December 27 to Mr. and wMrg. P.'L. Gouey. of Tangent. - A car belonging to Rev. Henry Turnldge of Lacomb, driven by Lawrence- McCloud. was badly damaged near Cottonwoods, on the Lebanon-Albany road Satur day when a tire blew out throw ing the car into a ditch. Mr. Turnidge's sons ''were passengers but' escaped without Injury; the damage to the car. was assessed at $170., No blame was attached to the drlyer.' f C KOTItf IS OP APPOINTMENT OF H EXKCUTOR Notice Is hereby giren that the undersigned has been duly apoint ed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Henry Fennel 1, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such Ex ecutor; all persons having claims against the , estate of said dece dent are notified to present the same, duly verified to me, aty the office ct Ronald C. Glover, mr at torney, 205 Oregon Building! Sa lem, Marlon County, Oregon, with in six: months from the date of this notice, Dated at Salem," Oregon, this 31st day of December, 1936. ALBERT FENNELL, Executor of the last will and testament and Estate of Henry Fennell, De . ceajied RONALD C. G6R. Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. D-J1-JV7-14-21-28. Directdry lattresses SALEM nxrrr-RVa and Mattress wmcmrr. PIB.YT HATXRE S3 made to orderold remade ; carpet cleaning, efs tag; rhiff rug wearing, a 18th 4k Wll. hur. u,t OTTO F. Z WICKER, Marie Stores QEO. 42. WIJ--Pianoe, radios; sewing machines, sheet wiuaio and piano stud iea. Repairing radios, pbonegrsphs end sewing machines, 423 State street Salem. - .: .., ... . . . 1 Photo Engravinff ( Salem photo engraving. 14T N. Cero merctaL TeL ,5881. r Printing FDR STATIONERY, oards,' pamph lets, programa, books or any kind of printing, call Ihe Statesman Printing Department SIS 8. ComrnerclaL Tele phone 910L t Sewing Machine Repairs C BV Leatherman. I 6676 1168 Waller Stoves We repair stoves, rancee. ctreulatera SeO new and reeollt stevee, ran gee ad eJre-lateee, stock fence, pests, chickesj wtre,l SaJem Veaee and Stove Works 368 fCheeneketSk - TeL 4774. R, U. Plemlng. . Transfer BVB hMl m if. - - - - - - oaU 8181. Larmer Transfer Co, Truck wm rwuus osty, i r . CAPITAL cm rranafer Co. 116 State St TeL 7773, Distributing, for warding mad ilerege-eur -peclaity. Get oar rates. W1LXJAM-S TRUCK. Serf. Tel 3 in ell UriiiiCT ft A. West Rt C Boa 444. TeL 11993 KCli . 3 1 Pontiac Coupe 34 Ford Pickup r 33 Chevrolet Sedan......., 34 Chevrolet Coach..;...... 35 JFord 35 Ford V-8 Sedan 35 Chevrolet Spt. Sedan.. 36 Chevrolet Sport Sedan - - - - - Written Guarantees Phone 3189 Open Evening s and Sundays Lovefs By Hazel (Continued from page 4) his hand. Oh dear, so good look ing and already so distinguished: It they Just had some more money so that she -could lire here with him, here in a larger apartment one of the front onesand not hare to be mother-in-law ia John Field's household. , . - ' I "Come along with you!M He took: her by the arm pushed-her out of the doorv . and into the large, deep carpeted hallway leading -to the elevators. "You NEVER answer the ques . NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE Is hereby giren that the undersigned has been by the County Court ot the State of Ore gon, for the county of Maries, ap pointed Executor of the last will and testament and estate of John J. Cowley, deceased, and has qualified as such! All persons hav ing claims against said estate hereby are required to present same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at 870 Hood street. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. 1 Cross Word Puzzle T3 : IT- n I Illlil!:-"!!!! TT ? 7" "T" w 35 W" WLZ-ZZWlZ-WZ-Z- IILl-l-i 7S" " """"" 41 ' ZX? ; . 3I I I xm i i i vy i t i Br EUGENE SHEFFEH HOSUZOrfTA4 is Wt A 1vfW 4 Who was the first presMemt ef ' - Gerseasi y 7 ' " ' . fRiver in Switserlai)4 ' 12 Rowing implement 13 More domesticated 14 Greek letter ' IK lnKli anaVP " 17.What great Greek poetess lived .waa mm m el a the island ol LtxDosi 19 Electrified particle . 20 Wigwam . r : 21 Otherwise 23 Fiery , 24 Endure 27 Contend ; . 28 Established value ' 29 Nest of a bird of prey 50 Latin conjunction 21 Repentant regret J 1 83 Symbol for manganese ij . 84 Nocture! mammal ! 38 Pinch 87 Regard studiously f 38-Means of conveyance - 39 Greek letter 40 Decline 41 What Shahspsareaa character Is the sea mi MeaUfue? . 48 Cooking utensil 44 More impartial ' 483 Squanders - 48 Sea eagle ' 49 Wke wrote tko recent stag ccess. Terseaal Appear- '-nce-T 51 Natire compound . 52 River in England B8-Aets as chief . sVft Bora ' ' ' VERTICAL lWho was aselstaat secretary ef the aavy U Wilson's tl. '. trmtiom? . ' J . 1 Sense organ , 8 Land . : 4 Eeglish publk school ' . , i The lel profession . - f Printer's measure 7 Put in type again . 8 Snare . - . S325 ... 325 ...395 :..-475 545 550 M 625 725 V - 8 Coupe. 1, 430 JV.I Coml. Litanv ivinston tions I want you to answer! Oh, Donny; I really dont want you to marry. No mother ever - wanted her son to-" v All right,, Ere -darling, i won't." But you must! That's just what I mean. For your own good oh, dear, now we cantt talk any more. You always push me into some public place when I want to have a heart to heart talk with you!-' ' . A He grinned at her. (To Be Continued) Date of first publication. Dee. Date of last publication, Jan. -21, 1037. " ,, ' ; j Glenn Roberts, - As such Etecuto. D. 24-31; J. 7-11-21 Humphreys Entertain 8TAYTON, Dec. 20-l-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Humphreys are en tertaining aa a holiday guest Mrs. Mabel Wenner of Minneapolis, Minn. , ' : 9 Seem 10 Kind of tree 11 aty in Brazil 14 riivifc i a Uk. .: mIui Ia ta the - worthwestersi pari el lrtfca- "lewe? " ' "aJ . 20 What CaaaaUn dry raake see-e-4 fas imde-trial ie-ortamee7 22 Metric measure of capacity . 23 Prepared thigh of s hog 25 Which ef the Apeetjee was Meallod reter-f . 261 ! what staU te Leke-t Mw . taiat ' , 28 Through ev . 29 Serpent ' 31 Hearsay 32 Long narrow Inlet 35 Pertaining to the sea 37 What city , fas Ohio was the -kos-o of Pres. M-KisJfyf 39 Weird 40 Existed 42 European blackbird A .Iflam nenna ts t 44 Supplied with food 45 Metric measure oz area 48 Marry .' a? Sooner than - 60 Note ef the scale Herewith is the solution te yester day's puzzle. ll.tr' N - I If' f v . ..P.'t;AljLK . ' C??iir-.M-.: Cwrris-t lit, kr K- tmuum 8ru-i, !. P MJ imi r