thm OREGON STATESMAN. Salesw Ore-on, Tkwatisj HanSnz. Deeemlter 21, 1SZ3 Stock Marltet Enjoys Good UBtinijajrirQ. ill Bav of .19 PAGE SIX 'Glosiiiiig 1 I 1 - i! . i' ! i: 1 j; ' - I : f AveragfrGain 1 to 3 Points Shutdown Auto Plants Has No Serious Effect on Motor Stocks NEW YORK. Dec. 30.-ff-In one of the broadest upturns of the past several weeks, the stock mar ket today swung back on the re covery trail for gains 1 to 3 points or more. A few "thinly" traded issues got up as much as 6 or so and frac tional advances were widespread." Trading in stocks attained only moderate momentum throughout the greater part of, the session, al though the ticker tape speeded np a bit Just before the final gong. ".Best Day Since Angust " The Associated Press average . of SO Issues held a net gain of 1.2 points at 70.1. It was the largest ' single day's advance of this com posite since-Angust 27. Transfers -totalled . 2.305.070 . shares com pared with 2.280,642 yesterday. 7 . That Wall street Is encouraged - was indicated by the sale of a stock ' exchange . seat for- $130,000. up f 1,000 from a transfer announced yesterday. . , - ,1; A shut-down of work at the Chevrolet factory, due to strikes in plants of General Motors subsid iary, Fisher Body Co., failed to de " press automotive stocks unduly. General Motors Unchanged - General Motors, up more than a - point at one time, closed unchan ged at 4. Others conspicuous on the up J side were U. Steel at 79 H. Be thlehem 77. General Electric '64, American Telephone 186, N. Y. Central 41. J. I. Case 145, D. S. Rubber at 48and Stand ard Oil of N. J. 9. 'Soil Erosion Meeting Slated January 6 for . Farmers of Lebanon , LEBANON, Dec. 30 Farmers of Lebanon and " vicinity will have an opportunity January 6 tto hear County Agent Floyd Mul . len and soil experts from O. S. C. give - information on soils. - erosion, cover crops, fertilizers, . commercial and natural ' produc tion, increasing production with Irrigation.- . . The . conference i will be held In the American Legion hall and : questions will be asked and ans- wered.r Mr. Mullen says that "In ; tfustries and communities depen dent on agriculture are no rich er. Jhan the soil." 7 Vacations in Portland - STAYTON, Dec. 30 Miss Jean Inglis, student at Oregon State college : is spending the week in Portland with relatives and friends. She spent the holiday here with her parents. vjeneraJ Mkts. PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 30 (AP) Produce exchange-net prices: Butter Extras, 32 He; standards S2e; prime firsts, 32e; firsts 31Vc; butter fat. 36-36 i.c. Kegs C. S. Urge extra, 28c; V. S. medium extras. 25c Portland Grain POBTLASD, Ore., Dec. 30 (AP) Cash wheat advanced le a bushel on the " - sample rash market here , for the day after recovery, was made in theadom - .'. oatio apeculatire market- , X.o change J was shown in May here bat the price , . was bid.' " ' " Wheat:' .Open .High Low Close r - May ; 1.164 1.16 1.164 1.164 -Dee.' (unquoted) Cash-wheat: Big Bend bluestem, aw. 13 pet, 1.234; dark, hard winter 131 pet 1.364; 12 pet. 1.304; 11 Pet, 1.244; aoft white and western .white, 1.16H; hard -winter -1.184 ; western ted 1.174. . Oats, No. 2 white $32.50- gray 831-50. Barley, No. 2-45 lb. B.W $37. - Today's car receipts: Wheat 8; flour $ ; oats 1; hay. 1. Portland Livestock - . - - PORTLAND. Ore., Deel 30 (AP) (CSDA) Hogs 500. direct 104. aMirkot s ' ' - - - alow mostly. -10-15 .lower;, good-choice I J'--- " " J' 165210 ' IV. driveins 'mostly . 10.85. few i-c- ' v- dewm .; 10.25; . 226-85 lb. ra.50.10.00. . 4 heavier downward . 8.50. 13f 60 lb. 8.50- 10.25 ; packinr sows T.50-75 ; few eheice 1 1.? feeder .pigs. 8.50-75o medium 55 . lb . ; T V: - downward 7.50, eomo-unsold. s-r r Cattla: SO, direct. 9. calves 10. di ' -; '' tact ' 4. market alow, scatter sales V-'atpadJlV dd'head-.commoa' steer 5X0-. " - with - eood grades eligibl 8.J5; few ., .. v .,. tt.nmrm i Deiiec sal able npward 6.75; low catter aa ca-r truM. -amman-medlOSB a.73- - - ' r " .. . . -c.annJ huIU salable 4.7-a.a; cnoico S a .VI. a an dka . BIMIYbI. ,i .. ! : , , Phoep:. 50., .tree. 23, -market wm - v v -tT Vteady-.r aW trucked to. Jambs s Z-H t. aabli ?.60-8.0F few i mediain,- awes !"-,.AV 4'.- - ' -------w-aaaaBa-a I.. PMrf Uhrl PrWfliiCwi ' I . . ' - J ' S S - W .WW F01lTIiAKD,Ora- X. 0 (AP) Butter Printa,. A ' 844 I- parchment wrappers. 854 ,lb. ta ear ' -a; B grade, parchment jrrappora. 83 - n.;Sartoa, 844 lb.- - Bdtterfst Portland delivery, general pnes A trad, delivered at least twice weekly. 86 87 1KJ eounti7 jro-te. 84-S5;- B. grada. - 84-85 lb. ; 0 grade at market. ' .. .:' ' , B grade cream for market Boring V pne. . butterfat beam, 68 4 a lb. -' Eggs Boyjns: price of wholoaalara. ex trss, 26e: standards. 28e; extra mediums. 32c; medium first,' 19c; under grad. 15e. V " ' " - Cheese Orsgoa triplet. 1 le: Or ; to loaf. 184c Brokers wUl pay , be-uw quoutiooa . - vT Country - Meat Selling arte ' te re ' tailor: county killed hogs, beat batcher under 15 lbs Tealcrs. 14s lb.; light aad tfcia, 9-lie lb. : heavy. 8-9 lb.; '; uttr cow, 7-74 lb.; csnr caw. . 64-7e lb.; bulls, 84-9 lb.; lambs. 14c lb.; awes, 4-7 lb. - C as ear bark Buying arte. 1986 pael. 8-7e lb lift poultry Portland delreere. kev tn price: Colored feana. over 4 4 . 13-14 lb.! onder 44 lbs., 18-14 lb.; .Leghorn hens, 10-12. lb.: Leghom kroiler. 1 lbs, .8-14 ib.J U.-Kora : r apriags, 11.14 lb. ; roosters, 8-9 e lb. - Potatoes Klamath No. 1. $350-2.60 ; Desehutee. $2.50-3.60; Yakima No. -aaital.- $2.85-2.50. -. - -' - .. W : Wool 1P30. nomiaal: Willamette -eat ' key medium. 80e ib.t eoarso and braids. ' 88e lb- eastern Oregon. 23 2e lb.; ? Tsbred, 27-28 lb.; 183T contracts. ' 80-36C b rf. - .'.-'- -.'--,. - . Hay Sailing prie t. rUlln: At falfa. No 1. 81 7-1 T.5Q t east er Oregon timathy. t3 18 5 loo: oat sad vetch if .813-13; elovfr. $13 t-JPort)aad.., J O- : : 1 - Safem Markets tirade H raw per cent milk. fUleta basic pool price $222 per hundred. - Co-oi but I erf at price. . O. B. Salem, 33c. MUk um4 o eeatf eatltly ji:.eriM average-) 'Distributor price $4. A grade bmierfai leliv ered. 83c ; B grade, deliv ered, 83He- A grade print,- 35c; U grade, 34c. kri' paid l growera by balem buyers. tThe pneea beluw. aupplied by local grocer, ara indicator of too daily market but ara sot guaranteed by Tba States mn. - .. " ntrrrrs , ' , ' (Buying Price t) Apples, bo. Grimes Golden .60 Uouia Beauty - .70 Usaaaaa. lb. on stalk hands - - .00 V Coeoanats sack 1 0.50 Cranberries, bbl. ...., atea fresh, lb t , Grapefruit. Florida, box Wrapsfrait. Arizona - ,.. Loraona crate Oranges & a vela 8-akist .. Faney 1 -. Choice i 4.25 to 4.75 20 to 8b 8.50 1.7. to 2.10 4.20 to 6.00 8.00 to 8.25 8.00 to 2.85 8.00 rears. Bose bu. .ii .'taoeppia fresh, crate t'omegraaatea lug : VEGETABUSS (Bay.sf Prices) Beets.- Calif, do UrucruM. o , Cabbage, lb. 4.00 1.00 .60 .45 .08 .03 .15 1.15 JO .35 .0 2.15 1.00 .60 40 Cabbage, reft Cabbage. Kraut.: cet Chinese cabbage, crate Carrots, coast, dos. 'liard dos .. Cauliflower. Ore. No. 1 crate Celery, crate Hearts, do. Hoot dos. r.adiea. dos lireens. aiaitard. era to . reena. Kate crate Lettuce. California, iced.. Unions, green, dos. ihnmi 1rgo wan .80 .2.10 to 2.40 .85 &o IDs. tisr 1.25 Walla Walla sweet. 50 lbs Oyster plant, dos. . .65 .60 .40 uadisne. dos Japanese radishes, dos. .40 Parsnips, lb. .02 Bess, coast or Seattle, lb.. Peppers;-green. Calif, lb. . Ked lb ... Potatoes, aew. Ko I cwk . 'o. 2. 50-lb. bag Potatoes, sweet. No. 1 Pumpkins ewt. .18 .10 10 loo .85 1.30 W .95 Spinsrb. orange box Squash .85 to Uanisa. dos .10 to .20 1.00 7 .35 ... ... . Hubbard, ewt. Peanut, doa. , Turnips, doi. IM cross . , HuTS Wsinuta. lb. .11 u .15 H Pilberta. 1936 crop W . 16 to HOPS Baying Prices) Clusters. 1936. IbrfZ- .37 to .29 ' - ,jdo, J936, lb. 4 .35 to .40 . rbgsesT35i-4epeJlb. Nominal. do. itsr,, . lb. Nominal WOOI. AND 1COHAIB (Baying Prices) Mohair . .40 Medium wool ' .32 Coarse wool . . jo EGGS AND POUL.TET Bnylng Price of Andresens) Wlrite extras .24 Browa extras Medium extras .24 .22 .23 .19 .13 .13 .13 .10 .05 .03 .13 .13 .12 Large standards Medium standards Pullets Heavy bees, lb Colored medinitis. lb. Medium Leghorns, lb. Stags, lb. Old - roosters, lb. Colored tryt, o-er 4 lbs. Lndpr 4 lbs. White-Leghorns, frys MARION CKKAMKKT buyina Prirrs Colored bens, under 4H lbs. Colored hens, over 4 hi lbs Leghorn hens, over 3 lbs. . Leghorn hens, under 3H lbs Leghorn broilers .. Colored springs, over 3 "A lbs. .12 .12 .10 .08 .11 .12 .11 .04 j Colored springs, under 3 lbs.. Koosters ... ; Rejects Stags, lb. market value .06 No. 2 grades, 2 cents less. F.ggt Candled snd graded I.arre extras Medium extras ,, .24 .21 .22 .19 .15 .15 .12 .17 Large standard Medinm standards Undergrade Pullets ..: Dressed veal, lb. ... Turkeys, dressed 16 and LIVESTOCK Paying Price t Spring lambs . 6.75 to . 7.25 Ewe t 3.25 to 2.75 Hogs, top, 150-120 lbs .- 10.25 - 130-150 lbs.' 9.50 to 8.75 210-225 lbs,: .. , ... 9.75 Sow 25 to 7.50 Steer 6.50 to 7.50 8.00 to 4.00 4.50 to 5.00 4.75 to 5.25 3 00 to 6.00 8.50 - .12 Dairy type cow Beef cows Bulls Heifers Top veal Dressed veal, lb. Uressed aogx OB.ATN AND HAT IS Wheat. wh , No. 1 -. Wheat, western red . Barley, brewing, ton 1.03 1.02' 43.00 -.39.00 Feed barley, ton Oats, milling, ton 29.00 25.0O - .23 4 . 8.00 Feed, ton Clovers ed lb. ...... Vetch . seed. . per 100 r." tin vint.. we . AlfaMa. -alley : . Oat aad .vetch, ton ... -13.00 10.50 Clover, ton ' . : CASOABA AND aflBT Mascara' bark. lb. 4 Peppermint Oil lb 17. (Compiled by Associated lrew) " . - December 80 tTOOK 4TUE8 I Compiled by th Associated Press) 30 15 15 60 :'- Indust. Rails .'95.6 ' 88.5 . 93.9 V 8T.4 96.0 - -88.2 Ctil. Stock Today , Ptot. dy--Month. ags 51.8 70.1 50.7 82.3 44.7 53.7 43.4 " 44.7 31.8 ' 68.8 70.5 55.6 73.8 55.7 56.1 84.8 Tear 1936 193S 1935 1985 ago 78.8 80. hJgh t.S 48.5 ; low 73.4 80.3 kigil... 76.8 31J !-, 49.5 18.5 mrvnm ivrxiaci. . SO 10- 10' ' 10 i Bail - ladasU TJtil. ror'gu Today 87,8 104.1 tOVJt xT2 Prv. day 97.2 104.0 101.8 Month ag ' 104.1' 103.3 Year ago. 86.5 -102.3 ... .8 1939 high 87.9 104.4 183.1 1936 low.; 86.9 101.8 . , 99.8 1935 high;87jB 103.3 99.8 1935 low .. 76.4 93.3 - 84.5 i. X New 193 high.A A -72.0 71.3 69.5 73,3 67.8 70.4 65.5 Hop Nominal: 1936. 88-40 lb. Onion Oregon. 90e-$l-10 cental; Takinta, 85 eentaL , Sugar Barry or fruit. 100a. $5 15: bales. 85.85 : beet. 5 05 eentaL Domestic Flour Sailing price. . city delivery. 5 to 25-bbl .lots: fsmilyusV ant. 88a, 38.8 8.05 t, kak.r. hard wheat, $8.05-8.60 ; bakers' $65-.95; blended . ar4. -'-J5 graham, $8.75 ; whol wheat. - $6.80 bbl. I Boston Wool I BOSTOX. Dee. 30 (API CSDA Only a -few buyer wra in th market for domestic wools. but Wausa at th scarcity ef i immediate supplies, eery strong price wer paid for fin tert tory woole. s - - , Bulk fin wools in original bag, con taining good French combing and staple combing lengths and also clothing, were eld at around $1.07-08 sce-red baaia. Th earn range ef price w-reld graded fina territory " rni bulk good reach eonmic w.o I staple combing and elotntng woom w th. Jot. v .- -' Corn Boost Lifts Grain Future Deliveries Over To Peak Prices in Last Seven Years. CHICAGO, Dec. 3 O--Shoot lna; straight upward , today, fu tare deliveries bt corn over topped : peak prices of the past seven years, and, helped mater ially to lift quotations on other grains. May delivery of corn,; new style contracts, scored the max imum gain, mounting 1 cents to $1.07 a bushel. July con new also reached a fresh top price record at $1.04. Corn Goes Higher At the close, 'corn prices ranged from the same as vea- .terday's finish to l higher. aaay new si.07 July new $1.04, Sept. $$-$l.00; wheat to 1 cent up. May July 1.18fc-H, Sept- $1.154, oats advanced. Mar 51 H- , and rye varying from 1 4 set back to 1 bulge. May $1.18. In provisions, the outcome was 2 cents decline to 10 cents gain. Rye and oats responded like wheat to the strength of the corn market. Quotations on Sep tember rye, however, a new crop future, underwent a 'decline. For the most part, provisions climbed with hog values and with grains. Qyde Randall Is President of C E. MIDDLE : GROVE. Dec. 30 The young people, of the Court Street Church of Christ met Mon day night at the home of .Cath erine and Harry Scharf for the December Christian Endeavor business meeting and party. Officers for the coming year were chosen: President, Clyde Randall; vice-president, June Dorothy Winegar; prayer meet ing chairman, Katherine Scharf; missionary chairman, Gordon Randall; lookout chairman, Yv onne Walters; social chairman, Jean Rogers; pianist, Doris Kru ger; Mrs. Hazel Priem, adult ad viser, i- Spring appears near, as spirea was found blooming in the yard of Mrs. Vernon Van Cleave. Gardeners and Ranchers Mart PORTLAND, Dec. 3 Q-JP)-Ile-celpts on the Gardeners' and Ranchers' market were lighter today than they have been for several days. Track holdings of lettuce and citrus fruits were fairly heavy and the demand was light. The celery market was slightly firmer for best grade. California carrots in crates of bIx dozen bunches brought $2. BO to $2.55 while local carrots of good quality are still plentiful at 20 to 35 cents per dozen. Local beets were scarce and sold from 40 to '50 cents with out-of-state beets as high as 75 cents.. All sack vegetables were steady and unchanged in price. Apples Washington Delicious, extra faney 2.25-2.50; Winesaps extra fancy. 82.00-2.15; Oregon, Washington jumble pack Delicious 85c-81-00; Northern Spies. 70-80e; Stayman 75e-81-00; Spits anbergs, 75e $1.00; Winesapa $1.00 1.85; Home's Best 85e-$1.00. Artichoke California, boxes 8-8 dos. $8.50-4. Avacadns California. 65s, faorte. $2-2.25; Pueblo. $1.70-1.85. Bananas Per pound. 6-6 He. Bean California, crate. $2.78-8; $-7 per lb. Beata Per doses, f 4.0-50. . Broccoli Logs, 40-50c. Brussell 8oroos Oregon, flat era tea. 65-75c; California, 66c per lb.; H dram. $1.75. Cabbage Oregon, Danish, I 1 1 a crates. - $1.85-1.56; red.- lb 14-8. ; - i Carrots Dob. buaeb. 2 5 -30o. Cauliflower Oregon pony $1.15-1.88; California. 80-85 .per- crate. Celery Heart 75c 81.00; Utah typ $2; California 8 to 8 dos, $2- 3.85. '-. ' Celery root Pennd. 80-75. - Citrus 'Fruits Oranges. California naval $2,50 8.85; tangerine, Florida, 81.75 per flat. Lemons, ' California fancy' 83.T5-6.00; grapefruit, Florida faacy.' ' 83.40-4.O0. Ariaona, . U aisea, tl.8S-2.25.-i - ; - - Coceanuts Zmported, aacks, ; $) 80e-$1.00 do. - "1 Cranberries U pound hex. $4.$0A75. 84 box; Califerni. $1.80 per lag of 4 , "Eggplant CaUfemia, lug. t-.t8-t.88. figs Canfomt Jiats whitM blak. 86-75 " r-'""' 0..i; Vmr oUaL 10-12. - wrapea Emperar. , $1.25-1.88. Giets - omi-e Pee oaea 29-Sc - Cmund : Cbrrt-Orgoa, flat kwaa. dot IbV 8-lOe.' - t ' ' . , Bachlsberrie Orgoa, Wasblugt- la l-t.-- ".... " Lettnee CaHfornU" Iced, i $1.80-2.00 ; , Imperisl.-- 4-8 . dos. 82.00-2.25; Arisona. 82.25-8.40; dry pack. 8 dos. 81-10-1.50. ! Melons Wsshlngtoa- Uasaaas. POe $1 crate. - - Uashrootns On pound cartons. 40 45e. . .'. .t Onions 100 poaei tsekg.. 0.1 fi. B 1. yellow. 81-1.15: Vlenrfaa, 80-lb. sack, 85-00 : yellow boilers. 10 lb. sacks. 1S-14C - - .' i Parsnips Per lug. 80-40.-'-v Peas California. 80-pound hamper. 82.60-2.85; crates. $20-$3, 11-12 pec pound. , . 5 : : ParS Orerou. Washlnst-n. - Jumble pack. Bose, and D' Anions. $1.15- $2.00. ' ; Persimmons CaUf lug. $1.00-15; boxes. 75. " 'i ' . t ..I . Peppers California. 12-15 lb. . Potatoes O. S. K. 1. 100 pouad aaeks bakers' $2.75-8.00 ; r. Deschute russets, $2.40-2.50; Klamath russet $2.40-2.50; Washington sussete; $2.40-2.50; local, $2.00-2 15;"Barbanlr. $2.-8.15. --- ; ' Pomegranates Lugs. tl.O0-l.S5. ; Radish ps Per dorea bane he. SO 25c ' Rhabarb- California. ' boxes. 81.40-1.-0. . ;. - s n Batseaga WsshlegUva . loo lb sack $1.25-1.50; Oregon, local.' log. 55. - Spinack Oregon. V orange' boxes, 75 85c: Texas. $1.15-1.25 per erat ; Cali fornia. $1-75. ' ' ... - - CUtuash tiregow Daniah, eaat crate 60-6 5c; Hubbard, lb-., lrl 4e. -, I S w Hotare . nattlernia ' SO eratea. $1.80-1.75; yams, $3.60-2.75 per boshaL. 'T ' . ' vf : ' " Terns toes Oregon - botbou,' fl.80 1.85; California, lufs,' $ L45-L50; ? Uo, $3.00-8.25.. . '. f;;j i, - Tnratpe Ltaaca - fcuaek. 85 50- -Yaw--ce Pe-ad. 48 -40. . - Petrified Woid Bookends Draw Much Attention LEBANON, Dec .10 Attrac tive oookends made from length' wise splits . of ; petrified wood brought - from nearby forests are seen on a number of Lebanon library tables and show wonder ful markings in vatied colors. W. A. Hunt has collected manv specimens, some of which have taken a high polish and show figures as pronounced and as rich in coloring as the "clearest moss agates. 'Roy Gardner, has polished a number and 'the admiration shown for the finished specimens gives promise of merchandise in this product, found -in forest re gions adjacent to Lebanon. Aiina M. Bearden Funeral Is Held LEBANON, Dec. SO Funeral services for Miss Anna Mav Bear. den, 69, an estimable Lebanon woman who died December 2t. following ' lingering Illness at the home of her sister. Mrs. C. E- DePew, were held at the Lowe mortuary Monday afternoon. Rev. F. .Wemett f the Methodist church officiating. Miss Bearden was born in Iowa May 1 1867, and spent most of her site In her native stats. Early in life she was stric ken with paralysis and was un able to walk without crutches the rest of her life. Following the death of her parents she liv ed with other members of her family -and came several years ago to make her home with her sister, Mrs. DePew, where she haa since lived. She was an ear nest Christian , and a:, lifelong member of the Methodist-church. Surviving are two brothers In Iowa, both present during her last illness; one sister, Mrs. Car oline DePew of Lebanon; two nephews and four nieces' all "of Iowa. Burial was in the Masonic cemetery at Lebanon. f POLLY AND HroPALS BflCKEY MOUSE TOOTS AND CASPER OH.l KIEVER Ve'Er-TT THr?0O,H SUCH A NldVrfTJ VCRV TtMtl A fclAF . mTrr?EO 1 IMA-jIrvT-O IT , VMw A WJRrlAR JRAKlNf IN TO 'Vi STEAL C-JR MONEY! THDIBLE TnEATRE - " " " ' A jess seen Virginia C ' sA SWATTADCWNTrf rf rrt I tms S0H new -J fTi rIi C -N fWE HAVtOA TIED ONTO WHICH THAT MAN HAS 7 W HAT X THINK XT J 1 VB GOT IT I Jj GcT rT I CAN TCU, cL . JjSf MORE THAK -aci! U T? IS COVERED AMP WE'!?- V S, WE'u. BREAK IT ) !-- JT I NT T VT-Vl S THAT TltT? CWVV"91 VuoK TrtlSHT HERB N V UP AN MINUTE NOW ! sKjTZz-J ' TyWT IWHATCVER HOUD I'J, v-t$K UNTIL. YVT I ' I'tl 7"nxC- UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY Money Talks -BY BRANDON WALSU j 'MONEST MAOAM JmaCGIE MASTTIsd TO XJ.WONyJ g AKK AytER HEAOtKlG ABOUT " tVJO ofcxXX-K THAT STUPO LAWVCR SAX? I VUv-t-.ll I TrTrrC PROPS ON6 MAAVC-LO, I .ySHOH OOmT wTABTT THAHW34a j THAT CRUCU CCD HSf)4- ' HE WOULD t3E WERr? AT 04S THtRTV lv4AT H HUMORED OCUAflS TO TBLU THIMK VCXJ'PC J M8? AU. OVER AsSAIN . t VI --AO MPS. MEAMV I'M TlCKUED ATHOUT FAIL. X sSAVS. HIM a IOO v HT K, MS WHERE AMM IS m 6RANO TO HAVE "VOO HCRe - YCKJlBe ( I TO KV-OW SV8EKS RUNNIMQ Tt rLV TO BRl BsT THAT STUPtO Mf2 POOPS. I XXJ f L-J HOWG-TM8JN VOrvTHIr4i fV "--COePAMVyTr-T11! ' H oetn cc f fiVl ill -JC"' 10 '- ACClC?V-i WEMT UACK r. , - ll OOT TO GOi SHCSV ' I I v ' - : I 'M? ST'S "ii 1 'sz voa stv ; , rr &f .r Charivari Staged For Perle Byes Robert Tweed Home From Washington State for Holiday. CENTRAL HOWELL, Dec. 30 A Jolly charivari crowd called on Mr. and Mrs. Perle Bye (Eve lyn Stewart) Monday night. They maoe me usual . noise and were generously treated by the newly weas. The Byes were married unristmas eve- at the home of .uw unue parents, our. ana Mrs. L L. Stewart, in silverton'.- -j Robert Tweed, attending Wash ington Stats ; college, is spending i no noudays at home. Edgar l-weea, eoacn in the high school at Jefferson, is also at home this week. Dr. and Mrs. Peter Tweed and daughter Patty of Lebanon visited with the John Lauder back and John Tweed families the past week. . Progrsun Unas-ally Fine The Christmas program at the school was a lovely play made attractive with . costuming and setting. Unfortunately , the stor my . weather prevened as many as usual being present. The chil dren had ther-. Chrsjtmas party Wednesday when they exchanged gifts and received generous -treats from their teachers. Mrs. Raines and Mrs. Sehon. Mr. and Mrs. John . Tweed en tertained with ' a' dinner Christ mas day for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Westphal and John, Mr. and Mrs Norman Kolln and Norma Mae, Edgar and Roberta Tweed, Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Jans, Miss Wtl vo Lennon, Mrs. E. . T. Barkua and Mr. and Mrs. Tweed. Small .Thefts Reported In Liberty Hill Section SILVERTON, Dec. SO Resi dents on Liberty Hill, particular ly along Lower street, are report ing considerable disturbance at night. Several smaller thefts have bee aw reported, s rM TAKaM y THS. 30,000. i cTOTHK BANK: , , fac. wW -M tarrlng Popeye Commnnity Watch Meet Slated at Methodist Cliixrch This Evening LEBANON. Dee. 10 A com munity watch meeting . will be held at the Methodist church Thursday night . with : the . last hour given to a - consecration service. - Elecric wiring is being placed on farms south and east of Leb anon connecting with the ex tension lines placed within the past few months. ;s Buy Stage Tenriinal SCOTTS MILLS. Dec. SO Mr. and .; Mrs. Will - Sauressigg ara moving to Woodburn this week where they -have purchased the Independent stage 'depot ; on the Pacific highway. -.1, - , - ; " -; ; Charles Llttlepag'e ; and Evelyn Parkin of SHverton were . mar ried at Kelso, Wash., last . week. Perry-Parks Is in the Oreron City hospital suffering from ln juries received in an automobile accident in Portland Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lutgen. who resided in Scotts Mills 2 years ago, were Sunday visitors at the Fred Sklrvin and J. N. Amundson homes. k ' Two New" Arrivals Have rndparenl8 at Gervais GERVAIS, Dec 10 Mr. and Mrs. .ChaTles Gin ther of TSUver- ton are, the parents of a daugh ter, ; born at the Deaconess hos pital n Salem Monday night. Second child and second daugh ter. A son was--born Saturday morning, December 26 to Mr. and Mrs. F. 'W. McAdoo of For est Grove. Second child and sec-" ond sou. Mrs. Ginther is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Seely of Gervais and Mr. McAdoo is a a son of Mr.' and Mrs.' I. V.. Mc Adoo. , Enough1'. to Go Around? f-r-f--f- "Ma. fL! ITHE ONE WHO Sauressigs KAX HER WEvAPTT BROKEN BVTHAT MATINEJS Out of the Rut r WHY DCC-Msrr CASPER 1 1 wCTST CAMS kroh PH0NC? HB SAIO Hfil CALL, ilSSSJ RCACr0 THE t-ANKt-: - eS' I wYBa.44trmiNr-fc. 1 r l -5jtJ Ttr r "On the Wings of N!ghtw ( vex), kose. yz&s tS.- j OF SEft, . V 'rf Ml I? t?lfe Radio Programs KOtsT TXTOXSOAT 840 x 8:80 Klock. S :00 Son f tba Fioaeera. 8:15 Clab reporter. 8:10 Nswa. , 8:S5 - Mood la Kelody. - 8:45 -Ho taker. ' 9 :00 Consnjner - news. '- - 9 ;10 Romance at Helen Treat. 8:45 Rich Man's Darliaf. . 10 : 00 Bet ty snd ' Bob. ; ' . ' 10:15 Modern Ciaderella, 10:80 Betty Crocker. 10:38 Hy sans o all - cburcbes. ; 11. -O0 Bis Sister. 11:15 Cooking foe fan. . -18:15- Holiday snatinee, 12:45 News. . 1:0 Story f Rone ' 1:15 Mary Cullea. 1:80 Variety. 8 :00 Salvation Army band. 8:45 Wilderness Road. 8 :00 -VTeatera Heme. , 4:00 News. . 430 Charioteer. J r1. 4:45 Nw. r..:-..w '' ( 5:30 Roman tie soags. 5:45 'Popeye." ."' S: 00 Major Bow aasateur kour. " 7:15 -Dteiw. organ. f i ' T:80 Mareb ( Tim. 8:00 Poetie melodies. - 8:15 Renfrew : of th Mounted. . .8:15 "op re-ue. : 8:80 Cavalcade of eric. . . ' 8;SO Danciac party. 10:80 A Ilea orchestra. ' . 11:00 Oancias party. . , , . , KaW THTTSDAT 820 Xe... ,7:00 Mrnin. melodie (IT).. Jay Aliens Leave for " Seattle Bui Will Come . Back to Woodburn 5th -WOODBURN, Dec. SO HoU day guests at' the A. E. Austin- home included Mr. and Mrs. Jsy, Allen, jr.. and -son Jay III, late of New York and London, Cap tain and -Mrs. Leland Austin, Nancy and Sally of St. Helens; Mr. Jones of Salem; Mr. and Mrs.! Arthur D. . Jones, Elmer . Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 'Jones and Betty, and Victor McFarland of Portland; Captain, and Mrs. G. C. Jones of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Qulncy . Corrle of Bandon and Miss . Eva Corrle. of Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Allen left Tues day for Seattle where--they will visit his father, Jay Allen, jr. They will return January 6 when Mr. .Allen will speak at the Uni versity crub at, Portland. JI84s8 I I '-a. . Im C7 T TwOrrs - ."tH NEW YEARte . AlNO T0NTr ay V B4-I Vl- Wl43stJ-ib- III - - i- g " " W" ' "7"" J I U fveso.p 'it I CDisgTaeumKMf mi I . . 1 -W- 1 I " L -WcTVE. 44srrHNwr TO CCLEBRATC ; . - V I 11 ' j jiu m . l m s. "Irt imwr"-- Ji:?' -'- .. -- 7:30 Petit musicals (KT). S:O0 yiaaacieL 8:15 Mew. '.' 8:00 Christine,' alnf. 8:4i iisry' MarUa, drama. i 10:00 Merguerit Pad u lab, glaff. , 10:15 Mrs. VV'irrs af Cabbaf fatck, . 10:80 Joha'a Other Wife. 10:45 Just Plain Bill. dram. 11:00 Muale Oalld. 11:80 News. ' 13:00 PepperY eons' Family, sketea. ' 1:15 Ma Parkin, drama. . . 13 :8d Via and Had. 12 :4S-0'2f aiDs i 1 :00 Styta show. " 8:15 r lore ace Gear-, alas. 8:00 Woman 'a aaacaaiae, varied. . - 4 :00 Kaay Aeea. ! 4 :80 Flyiag time. - 4i45 Me. aad My Shadow. ' 5:00 Body Valla, arch, sololsU, ebelt. 8:00 Headlines of l3f. 7 :00 Masi Hall. . . , . . . 8:00 Amos 'a' Andy. 8:15 Standard Symphony sour. ' 8.15 Coffee dob. . ? 8:45 America dance. 10.00 News flashes. , ' ' 10:15 Shelley, orgaa. ' ' - ' To X a. m. Complete weather report , a , j THTTBSDAT 1188 Xa. 8:80 Musical clock ET). n 7:80 Christian Science prefrsav -, i: 7:45 Iiamor la New. UV 8:00 Robert Getley, arnf. pA C 8:15 Vafabonds aaartet, d-wlnft -J 8:80 Eda rieeber. sinf. ' 7- -T 8:45 Oospol aincer. . '-yr, 8:00 Honey boj-Saaaafra,' alag, fatsat 9:15 Home last irate. ..?.. 9:80 Morninc concert." 10:03 Trailing Alone. 10:30 Vaughn Do Leatk, slag. 10:45 Dot and Will. j -. 11:00 Word aad music . . . 11 ;30 Western farm and bom. 13:80 Market reports. . 1:00 Ught apera, . 1:15 Tabernacle, . Veadea Bras). .. 1 80 Strolling Songstera. 1:45 Public forum. 3 A eapella cba 8:30 Dictators, Instr... vocal. 3:45 Helea Jsne Eehlke, slag. 3 :00 Soloist. 8:15 Aaimal closeaye, 8:85 Financial. 8:8 New.' 8 :35 Thro X Slaters. 8:45 Joea and Kaeort. ', 4 lOO Nswa. 4:30-4:80 Daemplaymeat Compenaa- tlost, -. .8:00 Dr. Kate, drama. '-i - . . 8:80 Showboat, variety. 9:80 Hands of Lirbtning. 10 Xws, 10:15 Varieties (ET).t' . .-. -k. 10:20-3 a. as. Ameuea, dasees. www XOAO THtraSDAT BSO Me. 9:00 llomevnakera' hour,- "Warne aa - Jiu." i -? 10:15 Story boor for adult. 10:45 Morning concert. 11:15 Noou. faras bur. 1 : 15 Variety half Sour. 3 :00 Gaardiag your health. S:O0 Travel Talk. Mr. Robert W;ll4b 4:Oe To armphomi hoar. 4.80- -Storie for boys . and girls. 5:45 Vespers. Rev. E..J. Harper. 8:80 Kvening farm hour. 815 UoMiag Along with Others, Miu, UladTs Chambers. 8 :4S-9 :00 Ferestera la actios.. By CllFF STILnnETT' By WALT DISNEY Aflaj. V - aero cm arjcar - -'ib&rr fxiT omtidur BV-i FCaTniALL, ACT AT HT . r V , THE TAQLE TDNl-iHT AND START ; THROVv7Nt n-e r-r t . . . i c71-i TORVVARO .PASSEn. VrTTH ThUS ROLLS. - r - T Or By SEGAR 1