V - 5 - -esT; iixMi :Wiitrfi-r- " UtST Q?EGN STATESMAN, Saleta. .Oregon, Thursday. Morning PAcn nvn Society . Ctul. Music Wedding Date Oi Miss Harms Is Announced' - - - - - -.V-.-. - -v ;.- ' .' INTEREST la being evinced -, In the forthcoming marriage ot Miss Clara Jane Harms, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Harms.' and Lowell Wright, son,, of Mr. and - Mt3. R. L. Wright. The lmpresstre -j candlelight ser Tice will he read Friday, Jan' uary 8 at 3:30 o'clock at the Calvary . Baptist church, with Rev. Arno Q. Weniger officiating. A large reception will follow "LSlSf1 lors. The -engagement of the the couple fall was announced in "A galaxy of smart affairsare Z "V(zr 0 11 -being planned to "fete Miss "M' 'ZMU XTtS 'MEMBERS of the Tillicum club Li M d i additional guest, will "charmingly arranged dinner in U compliment - to "Miss Harms and her fiance. : A . pink and la v e n d a r decorative motif will be carried out in the ap poi n t men ts. Tall white tapers in silver holders will guard the pastel centerpiece. The favors will also , carry out the same col or scheme. - - Covers will be placed for Mlas Harms. Lowell Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Harms, Rev. and Mrs. Arno Q. Wenlger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Billeter. Saturdav night a no-host party will fete Miss Harms and Mr. Wright at the home of Mr. and IkJfpa Rrnaat C Vninh VTrm War A.. - - Ryland will entertain with kltch- at iDover 'on jHuoanf ci emus for the brideelect at her home on Maple avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wright will entertain at dinner on Tuesday night for. Miss Harms and Mr. Wright and members of the two : families. Mrs. Dale Taylor and Mrs. J. -F. Billeter will be joint hostesses for a mis- cellaneous shower Wednesday night at the Taylor home on South 16 th street in honor of the popular bride-elect and Mrs. Brewer Mills (Lola Dale Pick ens) a recent bride a . . Thursday evening?Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Harms will be hostsfor a dinner party for: Miss Harms and her fiance and : members of the bridal party. Pattern 425 . . By ANNE ADAMS . Would you like a "luxury" frock at "budget" costT Then make Pat- tern 4252 slimming, becoming, and'eharming at all times! A frock that's always la good taste because nf ti rlstaaiA nimnliritv. la this- Anne Adams model, and. a,.yersa tile style, too. , Just see Ilott Its demure sleeves may . be worn "bracelet length, or down to the wrist to smart cuff-effect. You'll find chic In the unusual yokes, dainty bodice gathers, and tern- :,n2'tJZr Titatte mt W i?,hH, J r5?ita V Sne surS ? iV?hl- smart fSk on all SASS? -ifSaSiS able aUk crepe, triple sheer, or synthetic. Easily made In a brief tlme, this frock is a Joy to cut and stitch yes, even for an "ama- Pattern 4252 is available in Sizes J4, 2C, 38. 40. .42, 44. 4. 48 Sises 84, SC. 38. 40. ,42, 44. 45. 45 and 60. Size 36 takes S yards 3 Inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing, instructions In cluded. Send TirTxXJI CQTTS 16e) is reins er stamoe (eelna orefetard) for nis line Adams pstter. Write plainly SUB. WasCB, ADDKXSS and STTIJt VTSMBSB. ' ' New! Jtxeirincl Omr latest AHaTB ADAM rATTBXW BOOXI; Order it at oaee, sad ffree Spriac i the safest, sladdest clothes , yeas' eTer aeea. Flattering- designs - lor tery dartimte sad veriing occasion I ria ry for the Bride tk Grsdiia- aad ;unr liiM et erery fl Clever sUmmiaic styWs , . - ewe? patterna . . . all of them interpreted in tea aeveat fabrics t BOOK TTT TKEM CEVT8. ATTBWI riTTEEi;. csts TwrsTT.nvi cejtts FOS, BOTH WKZX OXOSXZ9. TO- J ttT&BS, ' - - .. " - addreaa orders : to The Ore fae) Statesman, Patters Depe-rtsseat, tern. Ore. Ordera eastemarilr are filled wita a ieor daja from tim reoelTed by The Statesman. :. - rJ : ,, . .I... "SSaMMaalS s SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday, December 31 South Salem W. C. T. U. with Mrs. Ernest Tucker. 255 West Wilson street. 2 p. m. KCKP club. with Mrs. Delia Schellberg. I4T 8outh Commercial street. 2 p. m. vi Holly wood. Merry-Go-Round with Mrs. Harold Hol ler, 105 Rirer street, 2 p. m.H Friday, J First Methodist church - r. . Tillicums : IVi the Old - vujv 6 iw c n vt A M H A tAMUkl 1 A 1 in wu6ui n me mrrur Room of the Marion hotel. Din- ner wiU be served followed b7 dancing to the music of Guy Al- bin and his band.' : Tho YuleUde motif wUl be useX wltTbrel i stars and balloons adding to the festiviUes. lesuviues. - The committee in charge of the dance includes Mr. and Mrs. Tom Windlshar, Mr. and Mrs. W. J Braun.:Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. L. v.. Ben- son. Mr. and Mrs. Al Adolph- son and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arm- strong. . . ., Special guests for the evening im mA M.a Dalnh ni.nfi 0)1 ATI . a II IH. .T. WAOWU. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Day, Mr. ana sirs, joe nomin, mr. ana Mrs. Clarence Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Jerman. Mr. and Mrs. Una Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Drillon. Mr. and. Mrs. Clifford Townsend. Mr. and Mrs.! Jack Goodman, -Mr. a"nd Mrs. H. F. Thomas, Miss Louise Cramer and Dr. G. W. Rittman. i Memben of tK club who will attend dinner dee are Ir. and Mr. H H Barow. - Ueesra and Mesdames Glen Kuh. Graham Sharker. Dot Mo Cleod, Tarn Ofynau. Max ?lnner7, Tom nwiiWH, a. n. am .f nti.iarifi i miik ci;.i. t. n l. - p.. w. IPnwIia. Mnaier. jitk omna, nua uvra""""i - - Edwri Armttronf. w. J. Bihop. Leon, Brown, Kenneth ' c.rV otaVBob c"-en: m Hammond. Bichaxd Krioael. . jamea Williaa a. i.andia, William Paiua. Robert Sean. t. H. TomU.aon. EUi. Vo Kwhea. Carl Armatroax, Al Adolphion. HwTy Belt. U Y. Beno. Lief BerxTik. Eat- MirBoWtosta. v. s. BoTeii. J. H, Bradier, w. J. Braun, John Brophy. Eart Hirrh U R. Bnrdette. Ctande - ick, Carl Bntte. Balph Campbell. Kalph rZU n t. rvM.r inffnni D.u. Earl Cooler, O. I. Crider. lofford Daue, Karl Fisher. K. B. Gabriel, LeKoy Oard. . K. Hill, W. M. Hamilton, Cnrtii Jobn on. Guy Irwin, V. E. Kuhn, E. H. Kennedy. A. W. Knox, L. D. Lambeth, H. A. Liets, F. 8. Lamport. Don Mad ison. Ira Mix, R. A. Meyer, Clifton Mndd, F. B. Keedham. O. U Kewman, B. B. Owsi Ted Paolna. E. K. Fiasee ki. George Roeaman, WiUiam SchUtt, Glea Seeley. Hollia Smith, Sidney SteT ena. lu J. Stewart, - H. F. Thomae. Kltoa Thompaon, Vm Wieder, Harry Wied mer, Harry WiUett. H. M. Williama, T. A. Windiahar, B. 0. Woodrow. K. "V.- Wooten, Walter Zosel. Grant Day, B. M. Donaldson, J. I'. Cooke, K. A. J e Ma iris. Mm. Edna Kowland, Dr. and Mre. F. D. Baylor, Dr. and Mrs. V. E. Hockett, Dr and Mr. W. A. Johnson. Dr. and lira. E. A. Lebold. Dr and Mm. Frank Prime, Dr. and Mr. J. I. Sear. Dr. and Mra. A. B. Starbnck. Dr. and Mr. Laban SteeTee, Dr. and Mre. A. D. Woodmansee. Dr. and Mrs. &. E. Frirae, Dr. and Mr. DaTid B. Hill and Dr. and Mra. Fred I. Thompson. Shower Honor to Bride-Elect . ; , . . Miss Shirley Ruud was compU- mented by, the girls of the de- partment of agriculture at a luncheon-shower held at the home " . . j Of Mrs. Araen a. wjcu day Holiday colors dorat JJi table and the bride-to-be was the recipient of ; many lovely gifts. The invited guests were Mrs. G. A. Brown of Portland, Mrs. S. T. White," Velna and Audrey White. Mrs. Ella Wilson, Mrs. J. H." Scott. LueUa Callin, Hasel Forrester, Mrs. June O'Neil, Georgia Affolter, Helen Tayne, Madelle Kappauf, Florence Gun- derson. Alma Patterson, Mary Pilchard, Dorothy Howell. Mrs. Robert Taylor, .Elsie Lampi, Twyla Stockton Taylor, Mrs. George JKaPPaui ana ueorB HalL The approaching ' marriage of Shirley Ruud. daughter of Mrs. CoratF. Ruud. of Vale. Oregon to-Hudson D. White of Salem has SSLmtS .- " , ! Jr'wJnEa'wards Is Honor n r . Gi?est at Dinner Irwin Edwards, who is home from the University of Oregon for the holidays, was the honor guest for a dinner last night at which his parents. I Dr. and Mrs. R, L. Edwards entertained at their Sonth Church street homer ' Those bidden were Winf ield Needham, Roderick Llvesley, ZJSPSSS1 UDyeJ' bourne Djrer ;J" DgJ; Richard Pierce and Irwin Ed- waras. , i 0 : . : Mother. Cluh Entertain a . T- Tti Portland At lea in JTOrtiana ' : - The ' Salem Beta - Chl Mothers' eta has received an invitation for; a tea for which the Portland Mother's club will be hostess Sa turday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. B. Cutler, 1245 South east Stth street. Calling hours are from l:3to 5 o'clock. , 1..: ; . -r . : - . , Franklin Everson -is visiting his mother, - Mrs; Nora Ball, at 167 South. Winter street for the holi days. Mr. Ererson teaches Eng- lishj at Enterprise and is " secre- taryiidtc the Wallowa coanty rho guests included VlrglnU choojmaster'a association: Brown, Doris Volple of Portland, i - Mr and Mrs. Donald Klmple ina Weatherlll, Margaret Langly. are being congratulated on the Betty Francis, Eileen SUnton. birth of a daughter -on Decern- Gedaldtne ' Dickman, Lorralae ber 2 S. The little girl has been Johnson. Edna Kreutx, Elaine named f Paula Sasanne. Mrs. 'Marsh, Mary Jane Nof taker. Agnea Klmple . is ! the former , Del p ha Brenden. opal Green, Alice Miles Savage, h i TjV"; nd 'Maxine Morgan. r , l-. ': ' ' ;' - -'"' : ''"-- "'''- -,' - '.- i r " .J ,' i-'i'-t'-' and Features of! Interest to. : Women - dfiuary 1 open house,' parsonage 2 to S "-'- a " - ' LsOlOriUl CeremOnV rr r-i : a . (jf hi astern otar .,.; .... ' Installation-- iiocuMuwvii rOLORFUL installation cere- speecnes xuiea an eventful evening . . .... - ior memoers ot tne uraeroi the Eastern Star and their friends on Tuesday night when Mrs. Wini- fred Herrick took office as worthy matron , and William Merriott as WOTthr Pon- Mrs. Herrick wore a gown of Pta laee trimmed In Jade . velvet, and a corsage of orchids. Assisting were girls in white, red. yeUow bllle aad green print toN feU. officers were In powder blue jace A floral degree was given aa a tribute to the high officer: past ntmn ofn iw.i. presented by Mrs. Ira Darby to the retiring officers. Mis Elizabeth Ann Herrick and little Loris Ar- d'vth Mrrlntt aa flnwar rla nrr. Ha. . V . 171 . sented the gifts. The former wore nuu. .sui vmci .tu ntsixuir formal, the latter a gold formal.' The ceremonies were the most elaborate ever presented by the eroup, ana iook piace Derore an audience of over 300 persons. They were held (n the Masonic temple. Miss Scheeler Will Wed A TToTTlP r,prfmnnv ""IC tiCremODV At an informal home weding tonight Miss Irene Scheeler, riailirhtor Mr .nrl Ur I. A. o - . StrlMklor vill Wnma tha Vrida nf v ..... v w " - jeo Crabtree. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jobe E. Crabtree, at the Wheeler home at eight O clock. ReV. L. Jones will perform the ceremony before relatives and close friends of e conrjle OI Tnf, c0Ple . Holly, greenry and tapers will decorate the rooms. The bride wlU wear floor length gown of lo . tn .v,,t blue lace, made with fuu skirt and jacket, and a shoulder cor sage. ;f Miss Doroth'v Crabtree will be the only attendant for Miss Sdhee i- T7.i oi 1 1 1 1 A reception will follow the' ceremony after which the couple will leave on a short wedding trip. Both are graduates of Salem high school and are well known among the younger set. They will make their home in Salem where Mr. Crabtree is in business, e Program of Musical Nnmhers Given The Old People's Home was the scene of a gathering Monday evening when the Knight Memor ial church choir under the direc tion of Rev. H. C. Stover, and the Junior Harmony elub, with Mrs. Walten Denton as eouncellor, pre- gented a program Tne cij0jr Bang several Christ- mas numbers, Ronald Craven ao an RT;fc ,S.tOV.r talked on the spirit of Christmas. TnnJnr Tfdrmnnv rluh members who contributed piano selections were; Helen ostrm, Maryiee Fry, Kreta Fae Ashbaugh, Antoinette Lambert, Lila Mae Needham, Betty Burroughs, Maxine Enger, Danny Fry, Frank Sonthwldk and Jack La Chele. Mr. ana Airs. I'Tanic urawiora, Miss Hilda Crawford, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Duane Gibson and Miss " TmV A PlKaAA A A ennn A In sr this week in San Francisco visit- mg friends and relatives. They wm return to the capiUl on Sun- - aaV In the Valley Social Realm AT LIBERTY a jolly holiday . X. At . Affair was , the "fireside" ar ranged by Mrs. W. R. Dallas and her daughter Catherine at their home Saturday night honoring Miss Dorothy Judd, bride-elect of Clyde T. Robinson of Portland. Gay decorations of polnsettias holly and wreaths were nsea. xne honor ; guest was presented witn a large "treasure chest filled with gifts for kitchen and fireside use. Dainty refreshments 4 were served by Miss Dalas assisted by Miss Mary Lois Driggs and Hiss Janice Higgtns Bidden were Mrs. Wayne Bla co ot Seattle, Waslu, Mrs. : Ken neth Oliver of Willamette. Ore.. Mrs. Robert Morlson of McMinn ville, Mrs. Mervln Seegar, Mrs. Ralph Steele of Salem, Miss Pa tricia Taylor of Portland, ? Mrs. Roland Seegar, the Misses P"earl Scott. Florence . Berndt, Mary Berndt, Mary Lois Driggs and Janice Higgins of Corvalllg and the honor guest. Miss Judd. MISSES JEAN AND JUNE Bowman of Silrertoa were host esses at a delightful Informal a fair Tuesday afternoon In com pliment to several girls who" are at' home during the holidays. Bridge and monopoly formed s the diversion -of the afternoon.' Mrs. George 'Bowman assisted durlnr the tea hour. MA XING BUREN Miss Jane Hillpot To Become Bride This Evening AT an Impressive home ceremony tonight Miss Jane Hillpot. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. L. Hillpot, will become the bride of : Robert McFarland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland ot Seaside; at S o'clock with Rer. Gay L. Drill officiating. Members of the two families and a few close friendsj will attend the weddings The couple will exchange their tows oeiore jne nrepiace wnici will be banked with greenery, hoi rows before the fireplace which r nd tall red Upers. The bride wm wer model of wai wue velvet, fashioned with long full BUrt and tight bodice. She will carry a shower bouquet of pink TOh hyacinths. Miss Hester Hillpot, sister of . k uwuu, ..cuu- f Tl f a n 4 Will WA.W . mj T tl " wWt f rock n corsage of garden- M- Roert Kitchen will act as be"t man f,op Mr- McFarUnd. a.u rception will follow the wedding. The couple will leave f 'home'L? Si SJJJ ."f tta Salem at 1244 ' f tl" t "7. For traveling the bride has chos- orfor ensemble with Mck acceasorle.. . Both young people are well kn0WR mong the yonnger set Mls HilIPt U a graduate of Sa- lem schools and has been connect- 04 w.lth: 016 state Whway -depart- f .v rV a alesmn Ior tn Lnln company. I OUnfiT Hostesses Entertain A gay affair oMast night was the informal party for which Miss Josephine Morse and Miss Leone Spanlding were hosts at the P. W. Morse home on Coart street in honor of members of Cheir dancing club. Games were enjoyed In the play room in the basement and a lata supper was served by the hostesses assisted by Mrs. p. W. Morse and Mrs. Walter Spaulding. Special guests were Miss Betty Byrd, Miss Janet Byrd, Bill Laughlln and Arthur TJpston. Those present were: MISSES Mary Boas Helta Daphne Potter 8hirley Hontlnxto Doris Harold Nancy Btricklia Betty Je Seaett Helea Oitria 8ybU Spears Molly Jean Mation Franc as XJIbnra Leone Spaaldinr Florence Lilbara Josepnine Mors ME SSR3 Gordon Elodfett Jim Leedy Jack Hayes Mack Maigoa Cari MeLeod Albert Lindberk John Lamb Charles Mills Co Roberts Bob Pound Ray Farmer bui Thompnoa "eU Wallace .WhiMw, er D A. R. Meeting at vt: o t- TJT Homer Smitn Home i , The Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution are planning their regular meeting for Saturday and will include business and the dis cussion ot antiques. Mrs. Homer II. Smith Is the hostess In her home and Mrs. H. T. Love heads the committee for the affair which Includes Mee. dames Howard O. Smith, Edwin Jory. Lewis Griffith, Frances Cornell, R. O. Balderie and Mrs. J. E. Sibley. Election of delegates to the coming conference In Corvallis Is one of the Important events of the afternoon and committee chairmen to talk are Mrs. F. W. Sf Horn for iria rtai eri Ire i9 conservation, and Mrs. H. E. Ea- kin, filing and lending bureau. Members wiU answer the roll call by displaying an antique or Mrs. A. E. Austin of Woorburn' will talk on "Experiences of an Antique Lover. TVr "V' !., New Year 8 Eve Party T: 1 tt At LlVeSley Home William Dyer and Roderick Llvesley will be hosts tonight for a gay new Tear's eve party. The affair will be given In honor of a b'vuji ui lueir ineuoa, uancma . a . . .... . win De enjoyea at tne I. a. Lares- aay was peieuraioa ai on wot ley home on Falrmount Hill and at Laeomo 7 Sunday with a spec will be followed by & late supper lal dlnher and a visit ot rel at the W. C. Dyer residence on atives and t friends. Guests were "North Summer street. his sister; Mrs, Sarah HalL with ; her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. The Town club will entertain B Mrs. ' Lloyd Faulconer of with a rav New Year's dmra Sheridan: Mrs. W. C. Skelton ot tonight at the Fraternal Temple. nn .u.i. m . . a ii o auair is lormai ana a Dulll ber of informal parties have been planned to precede the dance. 1 ' OP TO AS FEDEPiAL SAVINGS G LOAN FULL PAID fncoms. SHAKES c&rn afctrcctrvQ cssh cfmdcnds and : ore frca from speculative hazards. - - Csoreat DivldesMls Rate 4 Fer Ce . - S2:ni FcS:rd Savings l5Lccn Assccistf::. ,1SQ S. liberty T: ::'-;Z Fhont S801- Womeri$ Editor , Traditional New Year Dinner Festive pinner Includes S3 ish of -k -rirxxr VF A T'C J 4-i.olitiAnQllv famonfla aiihor Trtncf tmASA IV " " M.v.ws, ; ' . r .V : H or little pig witn eiaDorate mmmingsana ricn oesseris hut mrtrfprn menus en easier on the waistline and include .4--i,:o cA ia, ni.n o u ITIT ZZLfZ- oVlf ttTmfN nUXtZ?rrZ- changed to beef or Iamb roast if the family budgeteer pre-, fprs - x i 'V . Where there's goose, there's also applesauce and never will there be a better combination found. Avocado salad begins this meal, and -if combined with per- Simmons or with grapefruit it's a aressy rerresaing mei ut-K'u- ner. . . Avocado salad . Roast Goose ' Browned potatoes - -Cauliflower-pimientb cream sauce Celery-olives Butter rolls Steamed pudding or Pineapple Prozen cream' The goose of modern way at a tP"1 l L3' S i loTnS attXttatl-fK utes. a 12 pound fowl cooks in 8, hours and 40 minutes, a 14 pound fowl roasts in S hours and 50 min- utes. This' is a much simpler way to cook! fowl than, the old time way. and produces a richer, Jul- cier meat when done. The stuffing is made as usual, but applesauce is used as the U- quid , The oranges are cut across the top, peeled down a half inch, cen- ter membrane removed and filled with sugar and a few raisins if desired. The i oranges are then baked for about an hour and serv- ed around the efoose. Dessert is optional, some famil- les like a plum pudding, others go in for mince pie while still others prefer lees or lighter puddings, Fresh fruit is really enough, espe- cially when there are Christmas cheeses to accompany. e e e v Buttermilk Cake Is CmVv T?oin4 opicy rvecipe sr.i in . ftnttArmiiv caki (a rather unusual, but there Is a re- clpe to try. BUTTERMILK SPIOE CAKE Vt cup of shortening 1 cup sugar 1 cups flour 3 eggs 14 teaspoons -baking powder ii cup sour milk of buttermilk teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon each, cloves, cin namon, allspice teaspoon salt. " Cream butter and sugar well, add egg yolks and beat well. Add it i a J a soda to milk and add alternately with sifted ingredients to but ter mixture. Fold In beaten whites last. Bake in 2 layers about 25 minutes at 375. Maple Syrup Icing Cook 2 cups maple syrup to a thread and add slowly to beaten' whites of 2 eggs. Set over boiling water and steam until it begins to grain a galnst the aides of the pan. Lift o ; i Walter SpauldingS Hosts p j-k Or Uinner Mr an(, Mrg mltep SpauIdinf ?nteIa,n,d , lB'Jmal,Z dIfner ? their Court street iwiueute iu Munur vi oniaa juariau Wood. Ths table was centered wjth red carnations guarded by red tapers In silver holders. 6vers were laid for Mis. WooV Miss Julia Query. Leland II ess of Portland, Oliver Crowthers, Leone Spaulding, Barbara . and ' Bobble Miller of PortUad and Mr. and ' A ' aswua vi.. jiiuiuuu i uinu- M - . 1 w . . . . . Lebanon; his sister, Mrs. Billie M ru ar xrr wt. n;uci, at. uu aito: n. r. iiigia and Mr. and, MrsBrnest Heath .of Lacomb.. "tHe'Dayi" ncf (rrvnca meal -fhttf'a Aflailv Today's Menu Today's menu will be one on preparation fo tomorrow' feast. so let's nlan an Italian dinner. Head lettuce, thousand Island . Dressing Italian spaghetti Spinach In olive oil ' X.I me Mousse or -Lime whipped gelatine X-o. r.nnr,A antaralntn la aim. sandwlchoaf Is m the repertoire of the hostess, Any Wiety of filling is possible bat the general Idea of the thing consideration, SANDWICH LOAF Use two long loaves of sandwich bread, one white and the other dark bread. Cut, off all the crusts and; slice lengthwise In 4 slices, Spread a slice of white bread with filling made of ground celery. .olives and green onions moistened with mayornaise. Place a layer of dark bread on the filling and cover with a mixture of ground ham, ground mustard pickle and chopped celery. Then place on layer of white- bread and cover with a mixture of package cheese put through the food chopper,;- sweet pickle) relish, mayonnaise and horseraddish. Place a layer of dark bread on;top and cover the whole loaf, top and aides, with cottage cheese mixed with finely chopped pimento and green pepper. Decorate with pimento strips, sliced stuffed olives and parslev. Surround with lettuce. Rolled sandwiches are made In much the same manner, but paper tnIn leil4tnwto, Blice. cut, then the spreading put on and the sandwiches rolled like a jelly roll. They are placed close together and covered with a slightly moist cloth and should .stand .several hours before slicing very thin. . Fillings Include ground green pepper, nuts and mayonnaise; or bam and sweet pickle and may onalse; or cheese and relish;, or raisins; ; nuts, lemon juice and mayonnaise. ' . Icing from sides as it steams. Do not let pan touch the water.. a Spread on cake, sprinkle shaved maple sugar. ; with 1 lafthj A Good Resolution Deserves Repeating la 1087, too, it's going to be good. wholesome foods at the lowest , prices consistent with quality; We know you'll be with s on this policy. If roa do not shop the Cross , Market way. start now.' Here we list some timely bays at our costoniary low pricea, y,..- . ; Tomato Juice No. 5 Tins. 3 for. 69c Manning's . Coffee 29c Real quality, lb, Jello or Royal Gelatin. All flavors. 4 for.. 25c Tuner Golden Bantam )A. Corn. 3 .cans - VC Coast Peas, sweet and 29c .tender. 3 cans. Softasilk Cake Flour large pkg 27c Dakota Hard wheat Blend Flour, 49 lis.- Comb Honey Una, . $1.69 29c qaaUty. 3 Fre Delirar ' Any Amount MflRKCT ty G0Cy, "T&s tLLizinir 1T7TT T771 t 4 Cranberry Cake on Winter Mentis A cranberry cake is novel for this time ot the year when it's mm popular oerry or me aay. r CRAX BERRY CAKE Let IVil cups chopped ' raw cranberries ,stand with 2 .tea spoons "soda and 2 teaspoons wa ller. Cream cup butter and, 1 caP Ogar. 81ft 2 cups flour and add to creamed mixture alter- nately with 2 eggs beat hard, Add cranberrv mixture and some green candied orange or crane- Peel, bake In moderate oven 4 toB i TODAY! Munsingwear STEPINS Reg. 69c 2 for Here's the very popular Munsing wear all-silk atepins at a Year-End Clearance price of 69c "ot two for $1,001 Buy two and get them" for only half price t Shop early today for these . . . such bargains will be snapped up early. Sizes 32, 34, 36. ! . ind floor. ZouhJuUa Other CI Reg. to 1.3 S Silk Hosiery, odds, pr Reg. 329.50 Winter Coats (women's). Reg. 15.95 Bilk Raincoats (women's). Hickory Girdles (Notion DepL): 1, Reg. $3.85 Red Cross Footwear (women's) odds. Reg. to $1.00 Silk and Wool Reg. $1.00 good quality Alarm Reg. tie Batter Bowls with Men's reg. $1.00 and $1.50 Scarfs..: i .... .e&c All Buttons and Buckles (Notions Dept.)..Lees One-Third 1 Choice of Women's Hats (Basement Store ).... 40e Cotton Remnants (Main Floor aiale).T.. , ' Half Price i Children's Odd Dresses, etc Choice of lot.......89c and f 1.00 Children's odd lot of Wool Dresses, priced aL...... .....LOne-iralf I Pastel shades in Crepe O'dear (Main Floor) S yds. for S1.00 Mea's trench style Raincoats (Army duck) .!..... S2.79 Men's reg. 50e Ties.: 1 , ,. ,,. ,.. for gl.OO i . Odds f Discontinued" Numbers, Etc. A Table of Odda and Ends of Gift Shop 3Ierchandise - . Vt PRICE! - Take your choice of dosens of fine gift shop Items such as stationery, scarfs, candy dishes, vases, glasswares, antimony wares, perfume bottles and many, many jther gift articles you :can nse tbe year around. . Cookie Jars 89c : Choose cookie , jars - now and are! A delayed shipment in tended for. HoUday selling prompts us to place these on sale at lie each. Decorated large site Ideal far prises! ' -I rm Homemaking Styles . Food Planned Jellied Salad Is Luncheon Dish An excellent jellied salad that u Terr much appreciated by guests at a late lunch is simple to pre pare. JELLIED TUNA 8ALAD 1 package lemon gelatine 1 teaspoon salt ' 1 tablespoon vinegar '2eups boiling water Allow to practically congeal. then fold la a small can ot tuna and a cup of mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce without dressing. ' $1 $1 Munsing FOUNDATION $289 , Reg. $5 Munsingwear girdles are, to be found in this clearance at al most half price! The extra strength stretch of these leaves your figure free, yet unbelievably slender I Shop early . . . and have choice of the lot. Expert fitting, of course. Sizes 32, 34, 36. 2nd floor. earahces .....,.50c .f 19.73 .3.03 7&c S4M9 Remnants. Clocks... .noe mix spoon to match fiOc GIFT SHOP Half-Price Clearance! orBOON ( . .. . . v