" PAGE TWO ? s ' TLa OREGON STATESMAN, Salera, Oregon, Thnrsdaj Blornis, December 311936 Si t I, ..;t Pair Captured InWildOiase urges Aided By Former Football flayer and : Other Witnesses (Continued from-Pif 1 . tftllirtra rniae&'ey ssvlsg - ''seen nittttr going flat.: -' " ' ! "The ttie mis" "directed - lr Ckiet f police prank A. M Into -vag, tTtbe radio during the Hlme the reports or stolen ears 'Were coming in. It U the radio log "that reveals the - rapldltr lth ''which the -men... were eanght. It c feeds;" " ""!' 5:11 o'clock Bnrgess sent to tnreatigate the '"men tampering with the cross car. 6:20 o'clock. Feller car stolen from Court street between Liberty : feed Commercial and seen going ,1 put on Court street. Burgess In teracted to follow, f S:tT o'clock. Feller ear seen ,Jtolng south on Commercial street ''''with flatjiire. "Burgess given ad ; diUerfiirectfbns. ; -" ' At 5:45 o'clock the men were , In the station baring abandoned - the first stolen car. and taken the v "Second in the interim. -- t Prison records show that Mc Clatn has s erred & two year term 'In the penitentiary on convletion 'for", burglary nor in a dwelling, om Polk county. He .was , re .: leased August 21. ; "' ' Mayor Prepares j Annual JVIe&bpge Mayor W tL Kuhn yesfefday was preparing to write his annual message to the city council,tto be presented next Monday night. While ha withheld word as to 'exactly what recommendation he would make, there were in dications he would s uggest .changes in the handling of city finances to effect economies, would nrge that the contemplated L . Whoopee t Have the Time' of Your Life at the 6alo New YQCut'p Eve Frolic Tonict 11:30 ON THE STAGE ' 5 DIG ACTO AND STAGE BAND MONTY BROOKS : Master of Ceremonies ON THE SCREEN Attraction Extraordinary Advance preview showing of James Oliver Curwood's celebrated j novel FEMININE FURY UNLEASHED! SCZIOiO .hi. GEORGE BRENT DEVERLY ROBERTS Barton MacLan Roicq Atti Wareer-First Hsttowal directed by Wm. Keighley FREE HATS - HORNS - NOISEMAKERS ALL SEATS 55c INCLUDING TAX Tickets Now on Sale at Box Office TODAY - FRIDAY WO ACE cn nn damgerou fUROs4ANCEefaSOU DJiarfFORTUH& ! f Coatlaooos New Year's (j Day 3 to 11 Y -a .REMEMBER Go3o Nov E32dnEto 5 bow--Tdhltit TWO SPECIAL , f NEW YEAR'S EVE HTTSI : : - - piiii. - KVELYif ; 1 t , ILZUAN -. ViiPiAliljE 02 AND 2ND HIT TBI BIcCOY in "THE ; TRAITOR tlXZE FAVORS And NOISE MAKERS . POTl EVKRYOBTB Bentson-Grinde , -Clan Reunion I ; Slated Tomorrow ' SII.VERTOX. Dec. 80 Sirs. Susan Griade, 79, will be- especially ' honored at the 14th annaal New Tear' reunion of the Bentaon Griade etas. ales. Griade la the oldest living mem ber of the clan. . , The groap -will gather New Teases day:, far a 1 dock dUier, st the Knighta of Pythias hall. followed by am afternoon ' program and . danciag ' la ; the evening. ' f f . Wetter rj of SUverton is president, and Mrs. Al bert Grinds of Bethany la eecretary. j. ' ; traffic control program for the business district be carried out tally and be enforced and would point to progress made during the last year in developing the muf cipal water system.;. Congress Is Held - (Continued from Page 1) baaed on an 8-hour day, and wage adjustments, j Assistant Secretary of Labor Edward F. MeGrady, preparing to return temporarily to Wash ington for the opening of con gress, announced he had ar ranged a meeting : between the operators and the longshoremen for next Saturday and conversa tions - between . shipowners and radio telegraphers next . Monday. The- union group did not specify ,1 what projected legisla tion it would consider. , 1 . Some .legislators. however, were reported drafting a mari time labor bill along the lines of the railway labor act. pre scribing detailed procedure in labor - disputes and. arbitration boards to handle j specific con troversies, i it oltolf; Pictoro SEATS 500 20c and SATURDAY FEATURES ! W'f F33 p:- r AMI) ail Kir Al X AADVENTUREI Ycoi?fa Evo ALL' . SEATS 35c Labor Peace Hop ., 1 i ..it?iiaTL , sssassBBSSBBBaar aaa i tr M m i- n F. Mannings , Honored Silver Wedding Is Occasion For Lovely Event at . Parish HaU .GERYAIS, Dec SO Fidelity lodf e Masons, and Corrals chap ter. O. E. S., held joint Installa tion at the hall Saturday nlfht. Abont 90 menvbera and Invited srneeta attended. - - , , KaUe Sturls as Installing of ficer and Minnie Alison as mar shal installed the following- Sas tern Star officers: M., ui "an Harrison; W. Howard Booster; associate matron, Lanra pitman; associate patron. Mar lon Hennint;; secreUry, pearl Stevens; treasurer. Mary Sawyer; conductress Lucille Xspinwall: associate eondnetreea. LU Smith; - marshal. Ida Mlnaker; chaplain; Clara Jones; organist. SfZ? l2nK; Rttth Florence Oddie: Martha - rr.T. -nr. a J"rson; l&l wr vanxnyea; -warder gi.v-aaiS . The -Masons installed : W. M C. M. TanZnyen. senior warden; Georre Harrlnnn. innin. . RlPh GIrod. secetary; Howard Booster, treasurer; J. js. Cuts- aenjor deacon; : William Uourhertv. inmin fuA. v Aspiawall, senior steward; Ar w ftww, junior steward! A. B. Mlnaker; chaplain; B. J. j. Miller; tyler, RMph Sturgls. A supper preceded the installation. Mrs. Mlnaker acted as toaatmis treas and . several responded to toasts. Rex Davis of Salem, a past p-and master and past grand patron f Oregon, made a short talk.? i : Sflvor Veddiac Observed More than 100 relatives and friends responded to invitations to a silver wedding anniversary reception given Sunday after noon at the parish hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning. Mrs. Felix Seguin -and Mrs. Otto Schwab, sisters of Mr. Manning, planned the reception held from 2:'to t o'clock with a covered dish supper at o'clock.! Four daughters of the honor guests, Anna, and three nieces, Anns and Evelyn Pillette and Gertrude Seguin. served during the sup per. Mr. and Mrs. Manning re ceived many lovelr rifta Keiatives from away who at tended wara Mrs. TIHU . um.. of Independence, an aunt, -.and Menry nuette ot Weatport. an uncle. Two daughters, Lucille (Sister Marita Rose), who Is teaching at Spokane, and Flor ence, (Mrs. Marvin Flagg of Sa lem), were also unable to be present. Both Born Near Gervals Mr. and Mrs. Manning were both born in this community, Mr. Manning at St Louis and Mrs. Manning, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pillette. was born on what Is now the G. H. Benjamin place north of Ger vals. They were married at th fit Louis, church November 22, 1911, Fatner Van Clarenback officiat ing;. Thev have lived on h same place in the Parkersvllle autrict every since . their mar riage. They have 11 daughters and two sons. They are among the oldest families of French Prairie, the father, Dennis Man ning.! having come here about 70 years ago. Cooperation From Police Is Pledged Mayor Joseph K. Carson, answer ing an inquiry from District At torney James Bain, said today the city police would cooperate in stamping out gambling violations. The prosecutor supplied the i mayor and chief of nniic with a ust oz alleged gambling estab usnments. Recently the rtfstrw attorney and sheriff nfffeM e-rtn. cized police, asserting they failed majKv arrests zouowing raids. i LAST TIMES TODAY STARTS TOMORROW FOR FIVE BIG DAYS Hang on to your hat! Hang on to your heart ! The screen's favorite sweethearts are at it again! Clowning kidding . . in happiest - hit of A Romantic Holiday! them all I Is W. S. wWi M-G-M 7 Jo FOANCHQT JOTZ2 V. e Late Sports PORTLAND. Dee. . SO Oregon Normal won an overtime basketball contest from Pacific Packard tonight, 43 to Si; The score wae 27-all at the close of the regular playing period. i PORTLAND. Dec SO-HThs Multnomah club of Portland swamped Gooding College of Ida ho here tonight, SS to 29. j 4 of Portland Is Huge . PORTLAND. Doe. 10-3Ljti!l Thurmond, manager of the for eign .trade department ot the Portland chamber of : commerce, told the 37th annual convention of the Oregon State Taac hen association P-ortlsnd hand led ! mora t o a s ot water borne cargo than San Francisco. The city's foreign cargo ton nage la greater than Seattle's, ho said. ' v Cargo values are lower here; however, because they consist largely of low Quality and' bulky gOOdS. : ' Thurmond said SO per ' cent of Portland's population depend ed upon foreign trade for Its Income. . I . - Cow Is Killed in The accident resulted fatally but only for a cow. Drivers of three cars involved in the wreck apparently eeeaped with only slight injuries. It , happened lata yesterday afternoon when an unidentified !driver hit the cow on the high way near the - Molalla Junction near Woodburn. Gladys Edwards, 2191 Maple avenue, - coming on the scene, slowed down and Erms Grens, Monmouth, following her, collided with the rear end of the Edwards car. Police last night were check ing, on the Identification of the car which struck the cow. The Call Board HOLLTWOOD , Today New Year's eve mat- lnee at 11 5, stage show and firrt run feature, "Champagne Charley" with Paul Caranaga and Helen Wood. Friday Jack Holt la Zane Grey's "End of the Trail." ELSIXORK Today Double bill. "Wanted. Jane Turner" with Lee Tra- cy and "4 Day Wonder" with all star cast. Thursday Night New Tears Eve Matinee, stage, I acts vaudeville, on the screen George Brent In "God's Country and The Woman" t in color. Friday Clark Gable and Joan Crawford in "Love On The Run." GRAND Today Shirley Temple in "Stowaway." Friday 'One In A Million" with an all star musical comedy east. J CAPITOL Today Double bill. Bob Steele in "Border Phan- torn" and Mickey Rooney in "Down the Stretch." Thursday Night New Years . Eve Matinee, two features Phil Regan in "Happy Go Lucky" and Tim McCoy in "The Traitor." Friday Double bill, 'Night Waitress" wltV Msrgot Grahame and Gene Autry in "The Old CorraL" STATE Today Fred Astalre and Ginger Rogers Jn "Swing Time," 4 acts of eastern , circuit vaudeville. 500 SEATS 2 MAJOR FEATURES f aisfir acct"-- ey rgca ICSHMC SAUTE ALAN MOWSaAY StXXKB J . Foreign Three-Car Mixup J CQAWFOIID VAN OYKFS - Cost iiKludlna Niagara Ground r4 yhite With Snow Epidemic of Coughs, Colds Comes During Holiday; Garage Built NIAGARA. Dec. : SO The stu dents of Niagara were surprised when they awakened , Sunday morning' to see the ground cov ered with about an inch of snow which styed. on all day. Mora fell early this morning. f. Raymond Asche. Marvin and Carmine Stafford; have been eao fiaedla their horns with; colds and coughs. There Is an epidsml of eoughinqg in the community. ' U. 8. Rider la building a: dou ble garage "on - his place. ' The Arches, have added a- new kitchen to their , large cabin. It is a room 10x18 feet and is lighted with eight windows. " ' Mr. and Mrs. C B. Gaines bare' returned . home after apending Christmas 'with MOi Game's sis ter, Mrs. D. H. poney at "Jeffer son. , v-. ' . . , Aachea Are Hoete Guests at' tho Elmer Asche homo for Christmas day were Miss Dorothy Asche of' Portland air. ana Mrs. rrea Asene or port land, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Chambers and children, Marvin, Aden, Charles. Esther and Clif ford ot Albany and Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Kelly and children of North Santlam. The Knutson family had. their entire family home for Christ mas, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Staid man (a daughter) of Detroit, and aaotoaer daughter,"Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Heesmanr-and chil dren. JimmJe and Mable of Mill William Clement Funeral Saturday Death yesterday took William Stuart Clement, 69. late resident of Salem, route t. Born in Haun cllle, Ky., May It, 18 6T, Ir. Clement came to Oregon in 1881. He was prominent in the activi ties ot the Modern Woodmen of the World. Surviving are his widow. Ber tha, and the following children: L. J. Clement ot Corvallia, Mrs. G. D. Parmenter, Mrs. Ralph Du toit, Hasel Clement, Nellie Cle ment, Donald Clement. Robert Clement, Bertha Clement, all of Salem; -a brother, Guy L. Clement of Portland. i Funeral services will bo held Saturday, January t at 10:80 a, m. under the direction of the W. T. Rigdon company with tho Odd Fellows in charge and interment at the L O. O. F. cemetery. 1 Grant arid Parker -Tourney Finalists NEW ORLEANS, Dec t0.-JP) -Bryan M. "Bitsy" Grant of At lanta, and Young Frankle Parker of Lawrenceville, N. J., stroked their way into the finals of the annual Sugar Bowl tennis tourna ment today. They will meet tomorrow on the New Orleans Country club courts in a , three-set-out-of-f ive match for the 1936 championship. Grant eliminated the defending champion, Arthur Hendrix, of Lakeland, Fla -8, 8-6, while Parker advanced with an easy 6-1, MAUcsaOneAWaggr rv OLLYUOOU Tonight Is Family Night Mom, Pop1 and Qfli Unmarried Kids. iOUC TOUJU:lOmBflRD1 pa v m afj Friday and Saturday Cdatfnaoua Performance New Tear's Day, S to 11 P. M-.i 'JL 15c id . , mm DOORS OPEN Pirn fiwAIl Tickets Jfow a Sale'- I t I 3Y 1 BiActs I Blaster of I . Ceremonies . r - Plenty ot Horas.. V 1 1 . Nolaemakers , . f maul Hata I'Xt 2 Pim 'iw-n V ff 6-t victory over Martin Buxby of Miami. FUu - ' ' I McDiarmld and Hendrtz ad vanced to the finals In the doubles by eliminating j; Gilbert Hall of East Orange. N. 34 and Parker, in a close batUe 18-11, T-f. . Dawson to Favor Anti-Strike Laws ALBANY. Dec S 0-Cff)Regnla. tlona of unions to prevent strikes may bo offered to tho legislature for -consideration. . aald Repre sentatlvo Fred Dawson of Linn county today. 7 "If the . unions are to seek regulation of wages and work ing conditions' in factories and other, industries., then the unions should be regulated, too. he re marked. . , V ' '.The strike has hurt us here la Linn county, and in -ene thtng at least. It's too late to repair tho damage. I'm talkies; about ouT: turkey raisers losing the chance to sell , to tho holiday trade In Hawaii and Alaska." Weld leciMon Delayed MEDFORO; Dec I MffKl" cult Judge George F. Skipworth of Lane county aald tonight he would return a decision In the packing company suit against the Oregon unemployment com pensation commission as soon as briefs were filed and considered. Testimony came to a close to day in the action ot the Pinnacle Packing, company .and six other Rogue river valley packers ."and growers seeking exemption under the agricultural clause of the insurance' act. ' The .court granted the state 10 daya to file a brief and the plain tiff 10 days to file an answering brief. It permitted the defendant five more days tor additional reply briefs. Peggy's Intended 5th Mate Killed ST. MORITZ. Switzerland, Dec. 30-(jp)-A sleighing accident cost tho lite of Vivian Jackson, amateur-hockey fiance of Peggy Hop kins Joyce. Miss Joyce, who was preparing to have Jackson as her fifth hus band as soon as he and his wife were divorced, was . slightly in jured. Her condition was des cribed as satisfactory." Jackson, 8 0-year-old professor of astro-physics in London uni versity, died in a hospital from injuries suffered as the noraee ; pulling the sleigh in which he and Miss Joyce were riding became frightened and; bolted. Jackson was thrown out and s track his head on a stone. Sicily Has Quake MESSINA. Sicily, Dec. 80.-AV An earth shock was felt in Mes sina and surrounding territory today. There was no damage. fc a4s i. TICKETS VAU SeaU NOW ON I 35c SALE Lodges 50e 11:30 P. M. ' Aad On Oar Screea Big; First Ran Fox Feature Picture Kf WOOES WITH WOO! Ht RltTED WITH OiATHt PAUL CAVAMAGH Rlltl W001 Txcaii ticx Scree Vaadevillo Act ' a " "" . ' . "Fun In a Fire House" Aad AH Stare of Hollywood ta - : . 'Color . - t' fSaaklrt Stars of Pataa ww a - BS . i : :;'':'1q 1 ijK&!&. Losses mStrike Tie-UaExtensive . , PORTLAND. Dec t.-iP)-Th research bureau ot the shipown ers committee ' estimated today, the maritime strike cost Oregon and southern Washington 2T 70.S.009 the- first 41 days. : Loss along the entire Pacific coast i r e a e h e d approximately 8415.000,000. . i Much of the loesr the report said Is In the form or diminished purebelng power and wages mud canaot be recovered.. The-survey -indicated Portland faces! a aawdast fuel shortage In two weeks unless mills resume operation. ; .-. The 1J?4 tleup lasted 2 days snd observers here believe tho presaat deadlock will continue even j longer. ... ; - State Radio Wl Be Utilized Soon Oregon's new short wave radio system will go into operation next week; R. H. Baldeck. state high way engineer announced Wednes day. - . Tho system will Include It broadcasting stations and will serve the state police, forestry division and state highway de partment. The state- police will have preference tn tho use of the setnp. " - Tho three largest stations will bo located : in Salem, Klamath Falls and La Grande. Alaska Educator yisiting Brother A. B. Schoettler. who holds the position of supervisor of voca tional education for the territory Dance and Floor Show New Year's Eye TONIGHT - " 5VEST SALEM ' i- - . -1 ; ; Kay's Eastern Girjs' Band Radio and Movie Short Artists. AD! STARTING TODAY! AMERICA'S GREATEST DANCING TEAM! A FRED W DANCING TEAM! A v A" FRED J 4 BIG ACTS 4 Headlining JACK JOYCE and. CO. Other Big? Time Acts! .TICKETS NOW ON SALE ALL DAY AT THE BOX OFFICE . for I---:.:- TONIGHT -11:30 P. M. - 25c Jnst Uere'M What We've Got Come Along . . And Uave Funl .-' I STUDIO PREVIEW PICTURE It's goiag to bo the beat laugh show of the year Tonight will be tho first showing; la any theatre ta , tho world! - Big Vaudeville Stage Show! Ileal Biz Time Acta Booked from Fanchon-BIarcd Serpentine Noise t : Hats - ravors Come Where of Alaska, created last year, -is here for a few daya visit with his brother, Leo Schoettler. Supervis or Schoettlers headquarters are In Juneau, from which place he has traveled 7000 miles; by modes ranging from airplane to dogsled and horseback In his official ca pacity, f r" Accompanying '" Schoettler here are his. wife and their daughter Betty who Is on vacation from studies at the University of Wash ington. 1 , Hospital Visited By School Group Members of the Nurses' club, s Salem high school girls group, which meets twice monthly daring thm school avocation neriod. made a toar through tho atate tnbercu losls hospital during the holiday week. Tho club nu toners giria and has two divisions aopho mores snd upperclass. The sopho more group visited the tubercu losis hesnltal Monday, the other group going yesterday. - Miss Bessie Hammer, matron at the T. B. hospital, talked to the girls on tuberculosis while they were at the hospital. Miss Dorothy Holmes, county health nurse, is adviser to the club. Carrie L. Johnson " Funeral Saturday RTT.VKRTnM. nee. 10 -Miss Carrie Louise Johnson, 82,- died here tonight. at tne nomo or ner sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Fatland, with whom she had lived for 31 . years. She was born tn Norway-' but had lived In this country for 32 years.-1 ' Funeral services will bo at tne Calvary Lutheran church Satur day at 2 o'clock with Interment at Evfins- Valley. Ekinan Funeral horns Is In chrgo of arangements. SIONSOe in Store For You , Rlakers, - Horno - Novelties the Crowd Got t 4 Poors Opea 11 ISO