Dawes Hall Scene Of Short Program Mill City Has Community Tree; Many Visitors In Attendance -- MILL. CITY. Dec. 25 A com munity Christmas tree was held In Dawes hall Tuesday evening. A short -program was given after which a Santa Clans distributed oranges and candy to the children Christmas visitors in' aim iaiy for the holidays are Mr. and airs. Clayton Baltimore and on Bob by at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Clayton Baltimore, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woods and son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods, all of -West Fir; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson of Oregon City at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. An- tnna Movarac. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hoeye and mni ' are soendine i Christmas In Longvlew with DeLoas Hoeye and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman uaner. Clnb Has Party The Mill City Woman's club held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Frank Potter with Mrs. Chas. Porter and Mrs. rot ter as hostesses. The eveningwas spent piaying;- gifts - .were aistriDuxea r i beautiful tree. Each member also f eTf . f or the needy ch ldren rdiuJio of town. A delicious inncn wan orved - bv the hostesses. Mrs. t.thm MeAnleT ooured. Those present were Mesdames C. Cline, Jumes McAuley. A. Lawson. C. ifnn H. Mason. W. W. Mason, A. Holthouse, H. Sans. C. IVfonB- son. J. Dawes, H. ABpmwaii, o. Jepsen, M. Kelly, C. Kelly. V. Clarke,?T. W. Allen. W. W. Allan, C. Dacis, H. Schroeder, R. Schrae der, Collins, K. L. F;V3t, F. Smith, F. Taylor, R. Saucier and Misses Audrey Johnson and Daisy nf o-nfl Mm. John Farr of EugeneJVislted at the home of Mr. f and MrsJEd Bertram Wednesday, Mrs. Parr was lormeriy iary oei ram. a Mill City girl, until her j marriage last week to Mr. Farr. Teacher Is Named As Delegate Again HivFSViLLE. Dec. 25 The children of the Hayesville school rhrifitmas ' with a ceu.cu ,. I Christmas ire 1 r-hrlstmas holiday During the Christmas -ay mn&PnrtianA attending the 'sSte athi oda- !Teg Mention which she U UOJ.it?toom Marion county, 'ti.f. i!gJl Shaner's hrff time to This is Mrs. Shaner s imr Sr rresented air the rural !LJa in Oreeon at the National ,itinS ?LS Education assoclatlonconv ni ' xt r nd Mrs. W. Fitts accom- , j 7J j -Mr Prank Gara- panted Mr. and l Mrs. Fran uarm will take them througn taiuur i ,1 Tnrthrm Mexico. They auu , ... .l. exoect to be gone most oi . m winter. - W. McMelleon has been con- . - . . . . IL "fin " iiuvu -w Club at Lebanon Puts on Program LEBANON. Dec. 2 a.. A jro- 25. . nair TeadincS. siums and play. "S-PPL" was presented oy tne - ir.v. t Maver hall Tuesday i . .niilpnrc of l ing before a large audience oi members and guesw. - - i en tne aavanceuictn. :and stated that 111 congressmen 'favorable to the plan had been - Refreshments were served by the women of the ciud. . Tiia. mnm in Marer hall for many years the meeting place the Civic club has been leased to the Knights of Pythias, ine vijic club, which will meet there for : if time next month, is trying . to make arrangements ior v ' manent home Students are Home . " TCr ",7. ..-i-ro. - Among me Ct.s ny kuuv .i.. ' a .aA-M anon n in cr t ii i r TBL'a- tion. at their homes ; are Harold and Clifford Kidby, .;7kdT and Frea jo - t Tru&lln. Vaver. Ed . hannsen, Florence Fromhers, Ad- Ireen Nichols, Jonn mcuowm, fprrv Marv.. Francis , umuiw, : Sherman Blackwell Loren Bohle ana woms "'X V7: nii?e; Marian Morris oi uu I fiftifl colleen Florelne Calahan -; f . Pacific eollexe t - Forest ' Grove. ; Van! Winkle Installs -Ti.-s.. , fm at -MSn jtttriu . . .. I mM Ka 3 9. A. . ft A. M.. install ed Tuesday evening, December 22 Myio iJariu, .junior w- UBU, - ;.7Zr ' BernierTior ). Myers, treasurer; wormaa 1 . ' j. . -.n t n.iJcr commv iier. senior uei o, . ........ t T jiffler. i i anil . luuiui uca.vu i v. . na-3n,r S!-,vn,ftT.t;w: SyrJRDsmo' Tr: Tearing worshipful master. Joor steward .,7 . inatalr officers to, Scio. Rolla Shelton ofKio served warihsl for thTcVemonl grand marshal for tne ceremon as les. rm-inn!l PrnoTam Community iTogram Draws - 200 People UNIONVALE. Dec. 2S More than 200 attended the Unionvalel Community club Christmas pro- ' gram given Tuesday evening, by the school as follows: Christmas carols, Wallace Bartruft and De- lores StoutenbuTg; three-act play, 'Christmas Gift." Song, 1'Oh Lit - tie Town of Bethlehem? Wynona Henslev. Dorothy and Maxlne Lau - ner-: n a ge a n t, i uring mee Peace." - ' Free treats of candy and nuts were-distributed. - - ' .... i . m,m. 1 ' ' - t "" - , . ' - i . - - . : r J:. .K .... . . ' I .' : .:...- . ;-- . " . . .-: ' - . . - - ,; . . . , - -:! st, ; ' , r - I--' I -. ' ? ' ' - v. . ' , -" i . " - 1 - J : v1 1 LlJ v'l - -;ir . . -t'-v - ir t vv-J ..Ut - t- II J -nfT - v ' . r---r': f ... ."f Hundreds were rendered homeless LSfc .tral American . SHsh o-The Sfl "porFh show, a stollar catastrophe which happened i San 8alvlor ted Kewi Photo. Christmas Event Is By Varied Programs in Schools i And Churches of Communities LIBERTY, Dec. 25 The school Dresented its annual Christmas nroeram Wednesday night to large crowd. Settings, lighting and costuming was beautiful through- out ana holiday aecoraiions were used In the auditorium. There was also a large trimmed Christmas tree. The children of the two lower grade rooms presented an oper etta, "The Real Santa uiaus. Part one consisted of scenes in fairyland, the fairies being. June Turner, Edna Judd, Jean cogs well, Leon a Murhammer, Louise Murhammer, Betty cogsweii. Donna Dash, Wandaline Engle, Jacueline Von Loh, Martha Mur- hammer Patsy Gosser, Doris Ring. Drumstick corps; John Von Loh, Bobby Stark. Maurice Laid , MarviI1 Berhow. Jimmi. Stevens. Roger. Dash. Edwin Hurd, Frank Karner. Oscar myer. Ca- det corps: Lawrence Plank, WH- lard Murhammer. Eliott Olsson, Melvin Gosser, Verlyn Schuldt. weaver. Elroy CarUsle. Part two: homo scene, Allen Dasch, Ross Cruzen. Carolyn Car- son. Patty Davis, Jlmmie Wall. . , Sargent. Laverne Sargent. -These scenes in- eluded also iairies ana cautsuo; .Inein. solo parts and , A pageant, What Child is this?" was as follows: singing. choir processional. Readers: For rest Colling, Paul Judd. scenes: We Three Kings," kings. Dean Glenn, Chris m Sparks, ernon Rings: pages, Donald Jonn3on, Merle Rains. Woodford Carson. "Good King Wenceslas":BoD Dasch, Cecil Sargent, Teddy Stan ton; Angels. Iola Peterson, Reda May Schuldt, Shirley Biacaman, Ruth Davis; shepherds, tanner Murhammer, Floyd Plank, Wil bur Murhammer. Everett Plan. Frerf Conrell. Harold Babbit. Hurd Eu-ene Ber learner, marviu inn""- Llttle Doye": Carolyn r tt Molinr, Patty Davis, Allan Dasch, Glen weav er, Bobby Stark. "Joy to the World" Children of preceding scene, also Glory Davidson, Jane Lansing. Carrie Co eg well. Margaret Martin. "The First Noel" Lucille uen- rens, Byron Hurd,' Eugene Ber- "Go6 Rest Ye Merry Gentle men" Kathyrlne Bradley. Devo Schuldt Donald King Merrlu f"1" I 1V1UK. . s ..Aw.. ln - Manger" Madona, Muriel Baker. "The Sleep of the cnrist i;nna. an O Come All Ye Faithful." and SI ... & lent Niarht." choir ano au.casc Ch . slner8. Betty Hurd Ed Stevens, Ross Cruten. Walter 1 . , m- vn thm siara. raja vu.a.ua. Allen Weir. Let Hudson, nia Krauzer. Robert Judd. Dariene Evans. Verlyn Schuldt, Viola Col 0,gJsont MarIon phelp,. Fred Chambers, Ruth Brownee, Grace Laidlaw, Robert Gosrer, Richard SUrk, Norvil Cruten, Le- verne Sargent, Laurence Plank, Willard Murhammer, Leona Mur hammer. Almlra Anderson. Ju- laine Berhow, Vera Atteburry, Marcella Olsson. Louise Murhara mer. Betty Bradley. ,.. Vf.-- t, riaiv Hal. em sang Christmas numbers be- AVA4SO J W -- -Maw-sa. - I r n.n1n1n SA nrnrrm worn - -..i-ted I flnnllll . . u I cosiumes. rei hwi jihu children, financed through soli- cltaUon through the district, , , sa-iaTToeedale .BOSEDALE, Dee. 25 As the "..TiTr th- ehTl on Wednesday! Bight, the children . come early. The program was giv en by the school children, super- I Vised ny ine leacuem. mi. :"j . Ed Caldwen. Eve- lyn v Baldwin read the following nroxTam:. ' Song. "I Heard tne Beiis or Christmas,' school; reciution. Donna Stroud; Christmas Carols, Girls quartet; reciution. muy Boje; Christmas Suggestions, a quintet of girls; reciution,-fayne Strayer; song, first and . second I grades: reciution, violet. Keo- 1 fern ; songr "Billy Boy," quintet 1 of boys; reciution. Dick Lawson; 1 Christmas ; Acrostic,- grades ,1-4 ; i recitation. r:i saw ,Banw,- buij I Hudson: Song of Christmas, pnyi I Us Lawson r recitation, Wanda 'Creason; puy, "Shoes for SanU Hundreds Die in SanadorQ and the death toll was estimated to bo nbUc of Sanaor. 8a. ykente. " . " TT-T: .' L c. Celebrated Reindeer," grades 5-7; exercise. "The Living Christmas." The last exercise, "The Living Christmas." was very effective. Small children were fixed to rep resent a fir tree; fonr girls to represent two tin soldiers and two dolls. Other pupils brought in decorations for the tree, in cluding Christmas lights. n con clusion the main lights! were darkened and the little lights on the living Christmas tree) were lighted, thus making a beautiful scene of green and red. I At the next community club. Mr. Fred e Vries is toi show pictures of the World's $unday School convention in Norwaiy. Pageant Features Program JEFFERSON, Dec. 25 The an nual Christmas programs! were presented Sunday night at the Methodist and Christian churdhes. At the Methodist church Rev1. W. F. Willings gave a short talk pre ceding the Pageant of the Nativ ity. Following the presenta(lon of the pageant, gifts to the manger were given and theywUh the evening offering were to be sent to Bandon for their community tree. I The Christmas pageant, f'Quest of the East," in six part3 wls pre sented with music by the choir, at the Sunday evening service at the Christian church. Those tak ing part were Gilbert Loony, Ro berta Bostwick, Irvln Gres, W. F. GatchelL Kenneth Seipp. Ro bert Harris, Irvin Wright, Helen Hart, Donna June Powell and Marjorie Norton. 1 The Evangelical church did not plan a Christmas program but will have a Watch Night meeting New Year's night. Treats At Sidney TALBOT, Dec. 25, The Sidney school had its Christmas program Wednesday night. The following program was given: Recitation, "Christmas come." Melissa Roblnett; Weir recita- tion. Wayne Johnston; recitation. "Do You Know," Donna Wleder- kehr: recitation. "When Claus is President," Dona Zehner; a drill by the promary grades, The Things We Want"; cornet solo. Clyde : Barket; recitation. "Xrtes Krlngle." Carolinie Gil- mour; recitation, "Signs of IChrist jnas' Glen Johnson; reciution, "Christmas Joys," Shirley jGrens; play, "That Bag"; exercise, "Christmas Guesses," the primary grades; recitation, "Southern Christmas," Dolly Wiederkebr; reciution. "A Christmas (Carol," Shir lev Gllmour: play. "Deaf Un cle Sam": . reciution. "Faithful Sanu Claus." Alvin Roblnett; play. "Christmas Spirit";! and a song, "SanU's Coming." At the close of the program. gifts "and treats were given out to the children parents and all mends. TALBOT SCHOOL CELEBKATES TALBOT. Dec." 25 Te Tal hot schdol program was held on Wednesday night with the fol lowing program: Song, "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.T ' trio; prayer, David Turnidge; reading, "Christmas Greetings," j Eunice White; play. "The Christmas Story"; reading. Not Boy Blue, Ernest Freeman: play, "SanU's Old Red Suit"; song. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing": play-"Un cle Peter's Presents"; song, "Joy to the World"; exercise 'My Gift to Jesus"; song, "While Shep herds Watched Their Flocks by Night'; Play. "Surprise tor San ta"; reading. "Busy Lady,"; Mary Lou Eliason; play. "Widow Wil kin's Last Christmas Gift' and a pantomlne of the song. Night," "Silent - Oak GroTe- Has Treie OAK GROVE. Dec. V 25 X Christmas tree and program was held at the church Wednesday night. The following program presented : i ' Reciution. Eileen Allen; reci tation. Albert Walker; recitation, Evelyn Grltton; piano solo, Mar jorie Letteken; r piano solo. Zel ma Allen; piano solo. Donald Let teken.'. : i :' . : , ; A number of Christmas carols. by a quartet composed of MrsJ Harry Walker. Mrs. Irene Rowland.- Emil Stevens and! E. II. Tarpley,. accompanied by Mrs. Florence Ragsdale; a plajr by the lower grades. "SanU's j Health ElTes" ; -Tocal solo. Mrs. Harry Walker; play. "The Christmas Toy Shop,' upper grades.; :r . Program At Pioneer PIONEER. Dec. 15 The school " ' n - bo well over the thousand mark well 2,hXV ot was the virmtA. volcano near the stricken children had their program on Wednesday night with a large crowd present. The following pro gram was given: Christmas song by the aebool, "Welcome," Elmo Black; accordion solo. Fay Kel ler; "Christmas at Pumpkin Hol ler." Ruth Dornhecker, Alice and Truman Robblns, Charley Wells, Robert Dornhecker, Dorothy Kel ler, Lillian Mummert, Murel Day, Harold Brown, Virginia McCar ter, Shirley Keller, Leo and Gall Wood. Silvia and Margaret Wells, Jaclt and Laretta Taylor and Bet ty Thompson; song, Dorothy and Shirley Keller, Frances and Lil lian Muhhert, Yvonne Shoridy; "Christmas Tree," Jimmle Coy, Francis Mummert, Rose Marie Wells, Leslie and Murel Day, Lor etta Evans, Leo Wood, Beverly Evans, Lester Wells, Shirley Kei 'Reunion at PIneknot Ranch," POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE rr was Aixmfi nevec, omewmeke, OVfchC ,1 rVUSB. nuur WEU. THERE'S CERTA1NL.V NO TRACE. OP HIM how: I - T-o!:J3f -m' f ( j LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY We WILL NOW TAKE VOO TO TME STAGE OF TUB COLOSSAL THEATRE - WHECC TWEY OFffcR THE MAMMOTH CHRISTMAS FE5EMTATKJM CHRISTMAS' . . i THUIBLE THEATRE THE CREEPIEST MUSC EVER HERD tT GWES ME THE. ti Jl ; W " By JIBl ; TOOTS AND CASPER : ; . And DonH Spare the Horsea . , . ....... . - : XTRA" EZRA AND JUDY "71 AT LAST- CASPER. WHEN YOU I II: I t THERE THEY Q- 1 1 t AXzZ TErW ) tiSST ks aES,? ; t AT LAST Uet HOME LOOK : f HONEYMOON BOUND! I SEE VHA7 HE LEFT. UNDER WERE OUST MARRIEPi , I L- fM ; ( UNDER YOUR BED j jS- , . Appp Vwc Bf.. i wm, y , K, i MARRIED FOR A LITTLE i" I . JJCW!1 -JF1 l! rJ -V W W THE ; MOW WTLL i l EZRA.YOU M7 i 11 CHRISTMAS PRESENT L?- fct TnLJ-UCK.L r !H V j HAPPIEST ) j HAVE A LITTLE A ' SURE i S " VLTV iSknV X LEFT . FOR ' &t-- K??JFVXt KV2 TfF&iL ' I ' ' vc xpi. V V I I .J- o.r- klivrl o S- I when violent earthquakes recently scene of the quake's worst rav- ritr. burst into eruption, ahower- in 1917-Internatlonal niustra- Walter Taylor, Raymond Rick ter. Elmo Black, Donald Klnion, Fay Keller, Harold McCarter, Yvonne Shordie, Lila Day, Ruth Dornhecker and Harold Brown. Santa, was represented by Johnie Keller. Mrs. Alfred Domasehofsk is the teacher. Cloverdale Has Crowd CLOVERDALE, Dec. 25 The Cloverdale school gave its an nual Christmas program Wednes day night to a large crowd. The program consisted of a number by the rhythm "band, a Merry Christmas drill, a Christmas play, "The Happiest Christmas"; the "Dance of the Christmas Stocking"; a piano duet and a song, "Santa Clans Is Coming to Town," by Edith Schifferer and Herbert Booth. minj, V noPUAKlS OMPlSTMAS. At OFFOpuSW I Starring Popcye i V J IF WTo A CLDUL7 XII V , -A 4 I frC i Jy-' tJ ZA I'V I I Sv . ' " . r U ciA. XJ 3 . j I BETV " . rV m e9a mig ai rrri m i s mt j u.vi kt ivfc-vr i . i -y. r m tm i vm m imrm ti - y IFlTfttDOGKT VDO WAS y PvT tOOR popwv. V in wo I .... . I kCDMH I fFRWO FRMbHTEJKEP TOOEfW JHubbaM's Schools End f or Holidays vHTJBBARD, Dec. 35 Hubbard public schools closed for the hol idays Thursday with a Christmas party - in the high school; The teachers, who live away from Hubbard left for their respective homes : Thursday evening. Miss Fleta Merrill went to the home of her parents at Heppner, Ore.. Miss Katherine Barker will be with her parents ln Salem. Mr. Paul Burch will spend the holiday season at the home of his parents in Inde pendence. The-Test of the teach ers live in Hubbard and Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Foster are spending . the Christmas holidays at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Stout In Portland. . ' Many Travel for Chri'tma" Mr. i and Mrs. - George Lef fler visited their-son. Henry and oth-f er relatives and friends at Molal la over Christmas. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ,Lutz of Portland are spending the Christ mas days at the home of Mr. ant Mrs. L. L. Lutz in East Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boje and children are spending the Christ mas holidays at the home of Mr, Boje'a parents In Medford r ' - ' Mr, and ' Mrs.'- Glen, Larkins, and children are: spending Christmas at the homo of Mrs. Larkins' par ents at Oregon City. It will be a family reunion. , Mrs. Williams of Rosebnrg, is visiting her son, . Mr. W.- D. Wil liams north of Hubbard. Miss Helen Knight who teaches in the Bethel high school Is The school rooms were most attractively, decorated. A blue and silver andblack color scheme car ried out in Madonnas and the Christ Child, also wise men. Hocks and the brilliant star. The auditorium lights gave a subdued blue light. The lovely tree was painted silver, decorated with sil ver Icicles and blue lights. ,The pupils returned to school Thursday morning to complete a Bpeclal work. The vacation will last until the Monday after New Years. Sunday School Has Pageant TALBOT, Dec. 25 The Talbot Sunday school's Christmas pro gram was held In the Talbot schoolhouse Sundav night with a I li.tra mt awitanpa Thai fnatlirA Of AH Dressed Up and No Place From the Grumble Seat In Person m FEATUBINQ ! : - . : ...La h i r- -m Rubbing Their. Fur the Wrong rO BE. .11. . ' x AN I . -' ' ' y : Young Financier jA " .'J4- j. .i j-sii -! : " David Hilton (above) son-in-law pfj John D. Bockeleller, Jr, appeared before . the . SEC investigation at Washington to tell how be ran a few thousands and some stock into con trol of wide-spread investment trust " interests. , spending Christmas at ber home in Hubbard. White school held their annual Christmas srogram Wednesday evening, a large crowd attending. rrhe Hubbard grade scnooi oas- ketball team defeated the Aurora grade team 12 to 1 Wednesday afternoon. Hubbard Is a memoer off the Grade School league or Brooks, Woodburn, Aurora ana Htbbard. Poling Will Be Speaker For Next P.T.A. Meeting INDEPENDENCE, Dec. 25. Dh D. V. Poling or tne nigner board of education will be the principal speaker -on the program a Dn.ant -Too rnpT SKHDriH- tibn "guest night" which is or i ... . January 4 in the auditorium oi the Training school, at 7:45. . Guests will be the chamoer oi commerce, tne woman a ciuu. Lbmia chorus and senior eias. to Go Way H-rArA-TERS , ffiAXT T : VASTArAO). Hiff Jersey Cow Has orld Record DALLAS, ' Dec. If Another Jersey eowt has recently made a world's refcord. , . Remus' UUe Maria. 105501. a cow owned by Miss Nan Illtf. re cently made the . highest record ever completed by a Junior two-year-old Jersey cow In a 115-day test on twico-a-day milking. Sha yielded 770.10 pounds of butter fat; 13.810 pounds of milk, aver aging 5.58 percent fat. She was two years and five months of ags when started on this test. Robert M. Illff. a brother of Nan, owns a cow which recently won both the gold and sliver med al on twice-a-day milking with- a 305-day' yield Jt 74.58 pounds of butterfat, 10,015 pounds of milk, averaging ".74 percent of fat. She is Remus' Lilac Ruby and was three years and nine months of age when this test started. This is the . same cow' that as a yearling -won the silver medal with a 105-day production of. 5C9.55 nounds of butterfat. - Lilac-St. Mawes Is the leadlnr sire in the Jersey 'breed from a standpoint : of production. ' . Ills daughters havo the' highest aver age fat' yield of anr other tested sire.- according to' W; C. Leth, county agent. . In the latest Jersey Bulletin is a story containing considerable In formation about the Iliff breed. Churches at Dayton Hold , - Joint Christmas Program DAYTON, Dec. 25 Despite the Inclement weather good attend ance of local people enjoyed-the union service of the five Dayton churches Christmas program given Tuesday evening at the high school auditorium. A play by some mem bers of all of the churches, 25 in the cast, "The Star Flower" was beautifully rendered; "The Holy City." pantomime, and two vocal sqJos were by the Evangelical church; a vocal solo, by Edgar Thornton. Full Gospel church; a clarinet solo by Rbbert Pentney, Baptist church; redding, by Helen - - - I. . jannette uower, tnniinn tuurtu, reading by Gladys Herring, Meth odist church. Song by Sprig sis ters. Other song and musical num- Jbers were Interspersed in the pro gram. By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY Hey! who po yOU THINK YOU'RE ANVWAy V BY BRANDON WALSH WJUAT ? AKlKMB roois.v-'AT.Twsc COLOSSAL. TWEATWC - AKB wu SUPS TT CO HEARO HEM i w RADIO? WHAT WNUfcwrwu i i-LC t ureT US AT THB1 DailWAV STATlOKl - AT 9:iO" LEAVE EVEHTIHINM CONTINUCO MONDAY By SEGAR AINfT WELL. VftM f LITTLE. CfcREO- LITTLE wT, .i 1 . I 1 I 1 i . ! 3