The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ths OREGON STATESMAN, Sataa. Oregon, Saturday Morrtlnx, December 23, 1933
Local N
: School on Vacation Salem
school children can play to their
hearts . content ' this week-end
without thought of returning to
, studies Monday. The midyear ya-
- .cation will not end until Mon
T day. January 4. Many members
of th public school faculty will
- be; In Portland next week to at-
tend the annual meetings of the
" Oregon State Teachers assoda-
tion. - '
Mass Meeting Called Presi
dents of Salem district Townsf-nd
clubs have arranged tor a, mass
. meetlne- tn Ka IiM hi tha ten ?ni
. ; high school auditorium at 7:30
o'clock next .Wednesday night to
receive a special ttessage from
headquarters. The message, ' of
which no inkling has been di-,
Tulged, will be delivered by Dr.
Ralph. I. - Shaddaek, Portland,
state area manager. ,
Prompt del. Dry wood.TeL 5000,
Open House Unlikely Mud
conditions are such around the
city's new reservoir on Falrmount
hill that holding of the proposed
open house is r unlikely. The
water commission has authorized
. .. throwing' the. big double storage
basin open for public Inspection
..If conditions prove favorable, be
. fore it is placed in service. . .
Christ mas Visitors Mr. . snd
Mrs. V. V. Hagedorn and son, Bab,
of . Myrtle Point were Christmas
visitor at the homes of Hage
; dorn's mother, Mrs. W. J. Hage-
dorn, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hau
ler yesterdan. Mr. Hagedorn, a
logging operator, will leave today
for Valsetz to inspect some log
ging operations there.
Son Visit Merle Putnan, San
Francisco, son of Marion Putnan,
city police officer, visited his
father here yesterday. He was ac
companied by his son, Robert.
Merle i arrived on Christmas eve
and Is leaving today for the couth
after spending Christmas with his
May Snow Today Rain or
snow the weatherman wasn't
certain which it would be will
be today's contribution from the
skies, the weather bureau said
last night. Little change in- temp
erature was predicted for either
today or Sunday.
Turkey shoot, Shaw, Sun. Dec. 11.
State Offices Open State of
fices will be open this morning
to transact public business but
only skeleton staffs will be on
duty. Employes who enjoy a holi
day today will work next Satur
day to relieve those who missed
the two-day Christmas vacation.
Clinic Today The county
health department will hold an
immunization clinic from 8:30
Ho. 10 o'clock this morning. Im
munizing injections against diph
theria and vaccination against
smallpox will be administered.
. Fall to Stop Two motorists
were on the polict blotter charged
with failure to observe stop signs
yesterday. They were Daniel. -R.
Hamant, Cottage Grove, and Joe
C. Vine, 270 North 13th street. .
At the residence, 305 South
14th street, December 15,. Charles
E. Demerest. Leaves one daugh
ter, Mrs. Hattie - Miller, of
Dallas, son, Lloyd Denerest of
Salem; brother, Joe, of Lebanon;
sister, Laura Bates. Funeral an
nouncements later by V. T. Rig
don company.
Lee E. Abbe, at the resi
dence, 10(5 North Cottage street.
Survived by widow, Mry;- brother,-
John Abbe of Corvallis;v sis
' ter, Mrs. Mabel Howard of Chica
go. Funeral services will be held
irom tne W. l. nigaon company
chapel Saturday. December 26, at
,'l p. m. Interment Belcrest Me-
...1, . V. TTf r TTannAW
L win officiate and the A." F. and
; A. M. Masonic lodge No. 50 will
be- in charge of tbe services.
' Rex. rA. Turner in Seattle. Sur
viving are the - widow, Arvilla;
sister, Joy . Turner Moses of Sal
em; uncle, C. M. Inman of Salem;
cousin, Mrs. Charles Sears of Van
couver, B. C. Remains will arrive
In Salem Th ursday morning and
funeral services will be held Sa
turday; December 26,' at 3:30 p.m.
at the Chapel of W. -T. -Rigdon
cuuipauf, luitrmvui i .tii, rens
.Abbey Mausoleum. Rev-W. C.
Kantner will officiate, assisted. by
the A.'F. and A; M. ;
. Smith
Aide uavia Smltn. late res
idence of .915 North Winter
street, .WedhesdayDeceniiber 23.
Survived by widow, Effie Smith,
daughter, Lucille Lengrin; step
children Miss Freda Young of
Hollywood. Mrs: Glen. Langren of
Salem, .Mrs. Ethel. Waldorf- of
Portland, ' Mrs. ' Pauline White of
Salem. Lester Grant Young, of
Madison, Minn.; two n teres ind
nephews, two brothers," Clayton
Smith of .Salem and waiter Smith
of Halsey. Funeral services .will
be held - Saturday December 26.
at 1 a. m.. at the W. T. Rigdon
company chapel. Interment Bel
crest Memorial park. '. . .
Mt. Crest Abbey
Mausoleum and Crematorium r- . .
-' Lloyd T. Rigdon, Mgr. - -?"..
uuwe Jrntlle L. b. Marquissv
ii Mill street, .reported to city
police that he had chased a man
who had attempted to draw aside
the blinds to a bedroom window
of his home about 1:15 Friday
morning. Marqniss gave the offi
cers a description or the man but
reported that he was unable to
catch mm.
For sale--f our good work horses
priced so yon can buy them. W. L.
Skipton. midway; bet. Chemawa
ana Keizer school. :
Go to CoquJlle Chief of po
lice and Mrs. Frank A. Minto
went to Coquille yesterday to vis.
it tT.eir son who was injured in
an automobile accident Wednes
day. His injuries, while painful.
were noz serious, reports stated.
Pt-nnken Driving Charged H.
S. Shoate, route two, Aurora, was
an-esiea oy state police at 1:30
o'clock t Friday morninr on a
charge of drunken driving. Shoate
was arrested near Brooks. He will
be arraigned in Woodburn justice
court loaajs
Win I Present - Cantata Th
L choir of the First Baptist church
win prerent the cantata. "Manger
of Bethlehem, atr 7:30 Sunday
Only ; One Drank. Citv nolica
made only one arrest for drunken
ness op to 6 o'clock Christmas
aayw Tnat was an unidentified
transient booked as John. Doe.
Meet ! Again Jan. 8. Central
lownsena club No. will not
meet again until Friday. January
5. me meeting scheduled for to
night has been postponed.
Eisht Hurt When
Car, Bus Collide
Both Vehicles Go Through
Guard Rail, Road Near
Port Townsend
(rP)-Eight persons were injured
near here today In a collision
between a mofor bus and an
automobile. -
Both ; machines crashed!
through a guard rail and plung-j
ed over a 12-foot enhankmentj
Into a marsh near the city Hm-i
Five of the injured were in an
automobile driven by Robert
Hamilton of Irondale and three
in the bus which carried only
a few passengers bound from
Port Ludlow to Port Townsend
for Christmas,
The injured, all of whom were
cut and bruised, are: Hamilton,
his wife, their daughter 'and two
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dol
lar of Irondale; Lisette Barthron
and John Lopcinsky, both of Se
attle, and Dan So fie of Belling-
ham, bus passengers.
Hospital attendants said Lop
cinsky and Mr. and Mrs. Ham
ilton might have fractured ribs.
Further examination was being
made of other patients, except
Miss Barthrop and Sofie who
were released.
Weather Reports
Will Be Speeded
PORTLAND, Dec. 25.-P)-The
federal lighthouse service, coast
guard and weather bureau took ac
tion today to provide more fre
quent weather reports and thus
reduce the possibility of another
wreck such as that of the steam
ship Iowa which crashed on Pea
cock Spit January 12 with a loss of
34 lives.
Effective Jan. 1, it was decided
the lightship at the Columbia riv
er would report at 7:30 and 9:30
a. m., and 1:30 and 4:43 p. m.,
daily to the naval radio station,
NPE, Astoria:
Lumber Company Sued for
$10,000; Poison Food Is
Given, Frank Hart Avers
DALLAS. Dee. 25-iiP)-lrrank
Hart has filed suit In the Polk
county circuit court against the
Willamette Valley Lumber comp
any, for $10,000 damages which
the - complaint stated - resulted
from eating poisoned food.'
Hart alleged while he was em
ployed by the company he was
poisoned f by f o o d "negligently
and carelessly -prepared," and
that It resulted in Illness, loss of
time .and permanent injury to
his leg. ; " . . :
Family Are Visitors " ;"
At Dierks Near Turner
I TELDRIDGE. Dec. 25r Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Brnndidge and children
and 'Mrs.' Nina: Murdlcky-were
guests Christmas day at the home
of Mr and Mrs. Diercks near Tur
ner . :i 1- " -'- " '
The following spent Christmas
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Allyn " Nusom: Mr. and Mrs.. A.
W. Nusom. sr.. Keith Brooks, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J Becker; Arland and
Norrls Becker, all of this commun
ity; Miss, Geneva Dunn of Siletz,
Hollis Becker of 1 Hayward, Calif.
Rural Women Have !
Christmas Affair
Mrs. : Lauderbach Hostess
New Officers Are
Installed '
OAK POINT, Dec 25 Mrs. El
lis Lauderbach was hostess to In
dependence Rural Woman's club
for their annual Christmas party
Tuesday afternoon at her home.
Yuletide decorations and a Christ
mas tree with an exchange of
gifts was the main feature" of xhe
axternoon s entertainment. . - Roll
call was answered by a Christmas
story and Miss Hazel Hughes gave
a reading, A Christmas Story,
Mrs. Josephine Walker acted as
Installing officer for the new of
ficers who take their : seats the
first-meeting in January. Mrs. Of
ley Brown was installed as presi
dent; Miss Hazel Hughes, vice
president; Mrs. Charles Wilson,
secretary; Mrs. La vant Pease, as
sistant secretary; Mrs. C. O. Allen,
treasurer, and Mrs. Hugh Rogers
as journalist. .
- The president-elect,' Mrs.
Brown, named her committee
chairmen: Mrs. Stephen Van Hou
ten, chairman of music; Mrs. Bert
Glvln, program: Mrs. Hugh Hog
era,. ways and means ; Mrs. C O.
Allen; lookout; ' Mrs Edward
Harnsberger, membership,' and
Mrs. Lavant ' Pease,"-, the house
Eggelston were gu
Mr. Herbert Rldeout of Chat
tanooga, Tenn., was a guest the
first ot the week at the Lavant
Pease home, later visiting the
Charles Jenkins family. Mr. Ride-
out formerly owned the Jenkins
farm, running a dairy.
Go to Grants Pass
Mr. and "Mrs. Cecil Hultman
and daughter Delores left Thurs-
ow r.r.nt. p... t t.i.
day for Grants Pass to visit his
brother, Harold Hultman, over
the holidays. Thev will also visit
his annt, Mrs. M. P. McColm, and
cousins. Earl an4 Charles Nelson,
of Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Orley Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Whitney, Mrs.
Leonard Peterson and Miss Hazel
Hughes comprised a group of the
Octo" card club who were guests
Friday night of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Hultman of Buena Vista. Two ta
bles of "5 00" were in play dur
ing the evening with Mrs. Whitney
and Orley Brown winning first
and Mrs. Orley Brown and Miss
Hughes low.
Program at School
Wednesday night marked the
night of Jhe Christmas tree and
program at the schoolhouse. Aft-
er a program of recitations, songs
and plays, a treat of candy, pop-
corn and nuts was given, to every
one attending. Doris . Primus re-
ceived first prize and Hais Mato-
ma second prize for girls who sold
the largest amount of Christmas
seals, and Billy Alderson first
prize and Clarence Ruddell sec
ond prize for boys. The four prim
ary grades had their exchange of
gifts after the program and the
supper grade children had their
exchange Thursday morning,
which marks the close of school
for the holidays, opening January
On the honor roll for the last
six weeks at the school were Clar
ence Ruddell, Jean Black, Mike
Morohiro, La Verne Harnsberger,
Jay Matoma, Herman Schrag, Bil
ly and Betty Lou Alderson.
Lt. Kenneth H. BlackL on active
duty with the 6th engineers. Fort
Lawton, Seattle, is home with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M; R. Black,
on ten days' leave. Hej is to re
port back for duty January Z.
Roseburg Facility
Becomes Hospital
The veterans administration said
today work would be Started in
March to convert its facility at
Roseburg,- Ore., Into la - neuro-
psyeopathic Institution! to serve
Oregon and northern California.
No new buildings arje contem
plated. The conversion ; will In
crease the number of Inmates
an d entail an expenditure of I
$50,000 to $100,000.
General hospital facilities will
be retained, as well as , soldiers'
home facilities, the administra
tion said.
, ' - '
Good Meals Is Topic
For Talbot 4-H Club
TALBOT, -Dec.. 24. The Tal-
bot 4-H Health club held a meet- I
ing at me laiooi Rooooiaouie, wjiu i
KoDeri uoie, ciud presiaent in
charge. J
The, topic for discussion during
the meeting was, "Good Meals."
inose giving reports were, ixren
Moven, uaynen uoie,; Hereaiin
Johnson, Albert Bursell, Ronald
Hoven. .Frances Hoven, Robert
Cole, Betty Myers, Wesley Jorgen-
son and J. C. waiaer.
nouerv ioib, ice cibd prmaeni,
left for- Couer d'Aleae Idaho.
w ii ere ne win ipaa uin vnruimu i
. - , . . . . i
noiiuajra viBiiius remine.
-ine laiDoi rnimoie ciuoi
will bold Its next meeMnsr at the
Talbot schoolhouse, January 8.1
1937. J i ; .;
A wedding of interest: to this
community was that of
Mrs. Ethel I
Elston of Corvallis, and
W. R. Me-1
Allister- - of Talbot, : which took
place Monday in Salem
Painter Held
. 1
I -- - ,
Wimm Hoffman frie-fatl. house
Assistant District Attorney S.
holding him in connection with the roomrog-h ouse fire in which five per
sona died. Police say Hoffman's habit of smoking la bed caused the fatal
Upon Park School
The old Park grade school
building was not completed until
the late 1890's but it was first
used In February, 1892, Mrs. Earl
"'. , 1' .
reported Thursday. The exterior
of the building was finished at
that time but only three rooms
were finished. Other rooms were
finished from year to year. One
upstairs . room was finished in
Mrs. Race was led to report the
actual opening time of school In
the old building, which Is now
being' torn down, to correct prev
ious reports as to the time of Its
first being occupied. Her personal
recollections of Park school activi
ties explained the- recent discovery
of a crayoned date, August, 1894,
on building paper between the
second story walls.
The first principal at Park was
Mrs. Nellie McAdams, Mrs. Race
said. The other of the first three
teachers was Carrie Bentley. Mrs.
I Race may .be remembered by for-
I mer pupils as Euphemla Crossett.
She was married to Earl Race In
I June of 1892: Race for many
I years was city recorder here,
Christmas Rowdy
Day in Toronto
TORONTO, Dec. 22-UPh-Two
persons were killed by hit and
run drivers, 20 were injured In
accidents and by assailants, and
the police were kept busy In To
ronto's most rowdy Christmas
celebration In years.
Two police officers and four ci
vilians were attacked. Ten men
faced charges of aggravated as
More than 50 cars were In
volved in accidents. Eleven per
sons were charged with reckless
or drunken driving.
In the most serious melee In
volving a policeman, Constable
Robert McCarton was slugged
with an empty oil bottle by one
of eight men who attacked him
in a taxi office when he ordered
a crowd to move on. Six stitches
were taken In wounds on McCar-
ton's head and face.
West Slayton Enjoys
Interesting Program
For Christmas Event
There was a large crowd In atten
dance at the Christmas program
at the West Stavton school W e fl
nesdy night. The background of
the stage was covered witn ceaar
boughs and holly wreaths and
two beautiful Christmas trees
stood at each end of the stage.
and In the distance could be seen
the star of Bethlehem
The program was announced in
a novel manner representing
station, with Millard Camp-
rranr follows with Mrs.1 Potter at
th, niano: sonzs bv school: "Toy
Review" bv nrimarv crades: drill.
"neck the Halls," primary graaes;
"oettlnr Readv for Christmas.
nDner grades: nantomlme: Christ-
nativitv of the Christ child: dra-
. noni vin wencelas " Jack
Parker, the King, Robert Stunr,
ym luuumt Knnth Van Cleave.
tae page
At the close of the program all
-hudr!! worn treated to candy
- na nf. k, the teachers and com-
mnnitv clnb. School will be Closea
,- hnlMir unn tn reonen
Januarv 4
-v. 1
JWixeu rrusram ouuu
. PLEAS ANTD ALE, Dee. 25. -A
very splendid Christmas mixed
program was given by the Pleas-
antdale school Tuesday evening.
Despite the Inclement weather
there was a large gathering of the
patrons of the district present.
in 5 Fire Deaths
nainter. Is shown under cmestkmlnx by
Price at New York where police are
Coming Events
Jan. 5 Cherrians an
nual banquet, Marion Sotel.
Jan. 14 Agricultural
problems conference primar
ily forewconier fanners. '
Leslie Youth to
Leslie Methodist r church will
close - Christmas week Sunday
night at 7:30 o'clock with a de
lightful play, entitled, "Bothan'
a New World Wise Man," by
Grace Sloan Overton. Mrs. Over
ton is a very popular writer for
young people.
The play concerns a young man
of 25 years who is disillusioned
about life because of past misfor
tunes and because he, like many
another young man cannot marry
tne girl ne loves.
The cast, made up of young
people of the senior Epworth
league, includes the following
Billy Suton as Bob, the disil
lusioned boy; Merrton Williams as
Sen Jo, Bob's fiancee, Carl Mason
as Bothan. the keeper of the
bookstore, Virginia Mason, as one
of Bothan's customers, and Bob
Laws and . Ronald Waring as
friends of Bob.
Carols will be sung during the
play by Carla Williams. Patience
Pries in&, Trula Short nd Clarice
Waring. All members and friends
of the church are cordially in
vited to attend.
Christmas Comes
Jan. 6, Rodanthe
RODANTHE, N. C. Dec. 25.
(JP) Christmas was just another
day to most of the fisherfolk of
this little town, situated near, the
nonnern tip of Hatteras Island.
While virtually all their fellow
countrymen celebrated the "day
of days," Rodanthe people await
ed the coming of January C for
tneir festivities.
For generations the people of
tne town nave celebrated "old
Christmas," as' it is called. In
stead of the generally observed
date. - Formerly several of th
communities of the outer banks
celebrated January 8 as Christ
mas, but one by one, all except
Rodanthe, changed.
. January ila the anniversary of
tae Biblical twelfth night, when
the three wise men laid their
gifts at the Christ child's feet in
Jury List Issue
To Reach Courts
PORTLAND, Dec. 25-(ifp)-BardI
Skulason skid today a petition for
mandamus proceedings to quash
the 1937 circuit court jury list in
Multnomah county would charge
that officials did . not . conform to
the law in selecting 4,000 names
exclusively from tax rolls Instead
of from tax and voters' 'lists.
. Skulason, who is preparing the
petition for the Blackstone club,
attorney organitation, said pro
ceedings would be filed with the
state supreme court.
Santa Play Is Feature
At Waconda School Night
WACONDA, Dec 2 5 A large
crowd' attended -the . Christmas
program held last night at the
Waconda schoolhouse. A feature
of the Interesting program was
a play, "Santa in Blunder land."
The cast Included students of the
upper grades. Following the pro
gram bags of candy and popcorn
balls were given out by Santa.
Give Play Sunday
Loyalists to Vfin
I Jay AUen Thiiil
Former Oregon Newt Man
' Telia Impressions of "
i . ' Mrs. Simpson'
-Jay Allen, former student at the
university of Oregon andionce a
reporter in Portland, returned
from European news, assignments
today with the observation that
Mrs. -Wallis Simpson Is "extreme
ly good-looking and a very charm?
lng woman. , 4
- He also commented that It was
possible a reported social boycott
of persons who entertained King
Edward's friend may result In
the present ."society"., being, ."out
on a limb." . - . "I "
"Did you ever stop to think,"
Allen asked, "that the Church of
England was founded so one king
could get a divorce and that It
took the lead in ousting another
king because he wanted to marry
a divorced woman!" . -
Wife Woodborn Girl
The Aliens were Hying 19 Toore
Mollnos, - near ' Malaga, I Spain,
when tbe Spanish civil war broke
Ut. - . -,-: i
" The war correspondent sald'to-
day. "the Madrid" government will
win" unless the German and Ital
ian governments send an "expedi
tionary ' force of 1 0 0,0 0 0 men ' to
Join the Insurgent leader. General
Franco. . Ha' also said -even If
Franc had taken Spain "he
couldn't govern It, He represents
a minority."
Allen "covered" the civil war
for several months.
Mrs. Allen Is the former Ruth
Austin of Woodburn. The Aliens
went Seattle Thursday to spend
Christmas with Judge Jay Cooke
Allen, the correspondent's father.
They are accompanied by their
son, Michael, who was bora In
Paris nine years ago.
The Aliens will remain in the
northwest for several weeks be
fore returning to London.) Their
honse in Spain is now used by
Jim Lewis Plays
Alert Cat Role
Warden Lewis of the
penitentiary, who has the rep
utation of spending more hours
at his desk than any other; state
official, took time off yesterday
to partake of Chrismaa dinner at
his home instead . of eating In
the guard s quarters.
Asked why. he didn't
more time away from the!
on, Lewis crossed his fingers and
replied :
"There is an old saying;
when the cat is away the
will play."
Lewis made lt plain that he
referred to the prisoners,
not th official personnel of the
Resolutions on Strike
Provoke Much Debate
at Red Hills Grange
LIBERTY, Dec. 24. The new
officers recently installed presided
at the Tuesday night Red Hills
grange meeting, E. O. Berkley,
master in the chair. Two resolu
tions relative to the maritime
strike and roads received1 a igreat
deal of discussion and debate! from
the floor. They were finally refer
red to "the legislative committee
for further Investigation and a re
port on them requested at the Jan
uary meeting.
The building program was re
ported progressing satisfactorily
and the grange expects to bci able
to use tne new addition at tne, next
meeting. .Standing-committees an
nounced . were: home economics.
Mrs. W. R. Dallas, chairman, Mrs.
O. L. Dencer, Mrs. C. D. Curtis, ag
riculture. John Dasch, C. H. Tay-
1U I , rt . outer.
Initiation wlU be held at the
next meeting for the following:
Mr. and Mrs.- Guy . Williams El
mer Berg, Mr. and Mrs. J. R,
Rains. Mrs. R. L..Forster. Mrs.
Olga Northrup, Mrs. J. T. Bullock.
Following the meeting a Christ
mas party and gift exchange was
enjoyed. Christmas carols jwere
sung and remembrances of child
hood Christmas - related. E. O.
Beckley "spoke his first Christ
mas piece" which was In
man. Other numbers were read
ings by Mrs. George Heekart
Mrs. Grant-Teter.
TrlenAm Sundar school
m. M a r rare I .Mammon, intx. jfors-
ing worship 11 I. a. Fraaela ObiaJ nin
inter. Cbrrntian Endrmvor 7 for
11 agea. CTaalnr KTaasclistie Hnnn
S. m. Teams ppl prayer meetlac
Taesdar 7 :30 d. m. Rerular prarer
ateetins TharaAay 7:30 p. am. .- j
. " - - ' f
Vflnti., wnnkiii 1 ft a. m Franeia Dkw.
minister. 8nn4ay achool 11 a. at. Cber
ter gkelton. . aopt. Chriatiaa Eadeavr
7 p.- at..- at- fcome ef EUea Ja HnsW.
Janior EndeaTor I p. n. la the icotaK
naaitr hall.- Mr. B parka, teaeaer,- -
for ,
: prlc-
5c. 10c 25 c
i Llqaid-Tablrts
1 Salve-Nos
Wbm Others all
Chinese Hrrb .
Healing virtae '
Jim tHea tested
liandreds years. .
for - chronic . ail
ninli. toif.
throat, sinusitis.
f a i arr ii. arairBs.-
luagsv Mhsn, chronic coach,
toanaeh. arall stesw colli rav.
coBstlpatloa. dUbetla, atdnrys.
ttlsdder. heart,- blood neri-s,
ruralftla, rheumalUin. high
land i Drrwuire. - Khiiid. ' ski
sore, male, female ;: sad chil
dren 4lsordf-r --v, -'.CI,:--. '..
.S.tL- Pong. ii:yvr prmetlc
II I'hlia. Hern : Hprriaiisi.
t23 N. I'ummrrrial 8t. (Ulna.
Ore. OfTtr hoars f lo p. jm.
BMBday asd Wert. 9 to 10 an.
at B rVft '
Comr Kortk FifU vmd 6um. L. E.
NlraTaftaTaTa. ! airaaaW aTt.a..
5l7. Sabbath achoel S:aS . am. Wer-
vontaaaaiea aerrioe tomorrow
at 11:00 . av T.P.M.V.-ateetias at
S:S0 P. am. Oa Saaday Bight at 7:45
V Bm-0l, Ptor wiil five apoelal
alter Chriatmaa aermoa that ia differ
f?1" .T" nbject will be "The Bleaae4
Virgin Mary.'' Oa Wedneaday aight a
apecial Mew Tear'a aeratoa eatiUed MA
Reeevery Adaialatratiea Aaenrea ef
Saceeea.' - A - cordial . lavitatiea la ea
teaeed te all. .
. '" "d 8uU High atreeu. Bev.
arao J. Wenlger. pastor. Snadav.eer
vieee aa foilewa: . Bible achool :5
- r- totter, aapt. Mora
ine worahip U a. a aermea topic, "A
2"r.! YV .fh,U"- Y PoWs
aaeetUg 6:45 p. m. reatara aight. Eve
aiag worahtp f:45 e'eloce- eenaea topie
Aa Evcot that May Oeear ia 1937
The Yea ted choir will aing "The Lerd'a
Prayer"- (MaJotte): Th. mid-week ,.r
vice win be ia the for. ef a watch
sight aarriee ea Thursday evening coia
Beaciag at . e'clock. . . , , .
Corner Liberty, and Marion atreeta.
8day aeheel 9:4S, rd Broer. .opt.
Meraiag worahip 11- a'cleck. Kev. hi
men E. reraberg of Portland, apeaker.
Tf "if".? '. Jk
il. nk.: 7: IS er-
'lade by Mtaa. Miller. S:W yeaag
paeple a meetiag. Monday- eveaiag 7:S0
Mr. Hooper,, auaaienary front tuiiopla.
wiU relate aoaae of his ezMrieneea dar
tag an atay ia Addi. Ababa. Alan, Bev.
Thenu. Tiuo-b. .ahaswr froi ta.
HflaflatB anf(.uiA nTf : war
Africa, will apk. The gnla? wid.!
lluiT " aneetiag wiU be
w ?1T JiAjr BAPTIST '
arth rijieanou A W a ana
mil sm , " atreeta. i. W.
Oltbaff, Ster. Bible aehool at- S:45
t ""?; S". aapt. Morning
--..,, vmmmm n. it e clock. Hmr
".J. ''Die reaerprobe. t'Tho T.t-
i, wr.-r rr
TT . """ aooreas ay Mr. Harold
Petit. "Tk a.v- ..Mr 7
- - - - ..ww vw. . v uimni. -Tbe
Bethany .Baptist choir will aiag th.
eaataia. "Th. World 'a ledeenaer.AI ea
Tnoadav avMia, n. - on -. m i.
Tharaday evening.
Kartk lO.k k -. .
, w.wwa venter nna
Chenuketa atreeta. Krneat H. Brown,
K-awr. oonnay acnoot Wla a. at. Morn
ing aerriee 11 aw n- aermoa, "Kalra
tioa and Baptiain," B.Y.P.U. t:30 In
termediate aociety S:45 a. aa. Evening
aemea 7:30 n. aa nj.3
Ont." Midweek aerviean ThnraJ.v
7:o0 p. at. r.
S5S Perrw ipm b ur T....1
pastor. Bible school 9;4 a.m.' h. Sheet
MorB,f worahip 11 a. at. aeratoa
people S:45 p. aa. ErnngeUatie aerriee
; -" mi. donn reraiaa,
formerly ef Milford, . Maaa. and now
ni.aionary to eaitora Siarn peakiag.
Chair ,,J ...V.. t h m.
ik.k aucanay
1.& w,t lfh ri Tharaday
vww aye aWS
C. T. Springa miniater. 130M North
Commercial .treat. Bible etady at 10
a. at. Preaching at 11 by Shelby Smith
ef Portland. Obeervanee ef the Lerd'a
anpper. Preaching ia evening at 7 :45
Wednaday, :80 p. m. s
Corne- of rt.. mm. A u:-i. J . -
7.. , - mo 1 1 V..
Boy f Drill, miniater. Church achool at
9 :30, . with Ktunjoinaa claaa ia - charge
f aaaembly. Morning werabia aad com
maniea at 10:45. Chriatiaa Eadea-orera
aieet at 8:15. Evening service at 7:80.
,-: -r .." or in. entire
church will be held Tharaday evening.
Membera and f rid. m-m ?
tend. -
- Court and. 17th atreeta. D. . W. Dan.
tela, paator. Bible school at 9:45 with
tha ..n.J.. j i
. .-I'E'tiiKuij.iji in cnarge.
Morning worship and observance of tha
Lord a Banner at in-i( u.t. v
Shoemakoa anal j ,'
ina- Ixni... v ! " "
- -w - - - - mtehiu srrv icav aa; f ;aw
l.ZVB t,T'-U'H Prie- Meaaage:
MT,!m p?.b' Ton." All day meeting
nf thm . H ...... ft. v id.j.j. ... .
W."S "rTlc,) l Bnslow, Thnrsday
at 7:30. .
as lenter, J. K. Siatoada,
minister. Sunday school, 9:45. . Moraine-
worahin . II -An Bm... ti.
Along Coraes He'rod'." Anthem, "Aria.
oame, econ. boio "Jtock of Ages"
Komick sung by Mr. J. Gordon ones
ef Pasadena.
19th Blld Vmmmm, U f C- ' f
later. Morning eommaaioa service at 11.
Sermon "First-Hand Religion." Recep-
ttaHft m. t mm mwm tt... A . k. . - . -
Heart of Cod." Evening aerviee at
D.iw.a uarwisa . renewanip.'
Bundav achool . in Omm,
BBd. SSItXI. Touns noonla'a . t
:45 p. m. . . . .
fTlftailftek m m A MLh. "A . . m
day achool at 11 a. m. Servieew'at 11
- P- rJubJeet, "Christian
ot-kwcw. aeatunony meesiag at p.m
Wednaadav. BMaina mam u w. w -
BOttie- teawi.lo - 11 a mm. mm. a .Oil . .
. -. v. . ... .0v s. aa.
xeept Saadaya and holidays. ,
KftTth V.a mm A lm I - A- .
Wesley. Johnson, - pastor. Suaday achool
aaaemhlv at ft J I . mm :. .v.
eoaliaaing. James Da via supt, Moralag
a - . Tm,
An Electrogaa Heating aod Air Conditioning; Unit opens
the way try having a modern Recreation Room In your base
ment! For the Electrogas Unit eliminates ashes, woodpiles;
pats an end to dirty drspes and walla, dust and fumes. Eco
nomical in operation, these Furnaces are specified toy the Ore
gon Builders of Salem. Home and Financing; Loans and recoin
' mended hy Portland Gas ale Coke Co. Easy to own,, under th
F. H. A. plan. Installed by: . -
Jeon Sitfni-PIumblnj
Sheet MtUl L n
. Refrlgersitors-Hsstin $
worship at 11 e'clock. Sermon; "Small
Ueda and Covera.' Yevag people's meet
ing at S:45 p. at.. Ud by Mi.a Mildred
iavia.-Kvealng aervtce at 7:4S. End ef
the year aermoa, "Farewell 1BB6."
Special meetiag for all membera Wed
nesday aight, praeeatiBg plea for aa
laUuita 10JIT camnaifa.
nasT cHtTBca or tot xazaixbb
Center aad 13th. Lee W. Collar, pas
tor. S m, revivai prayer meeting.
9:45 a. m., bible achool. rnk Utwii
ier. aupt. 11:00, meraing worahip. Bcr
aoa by the pastor, "iloiag Jorward
with Christ la-l37.' S:80 p.m., young
f-.-;!e service. ; Hp.eial masical pro,
gram. S:30, Junior tocUty, 7:80 Evan
aiistle -service. Sermoa by Rev. Woods
of India. 7:30, Wednesday evening,
paryer and praiae. S:0ii Tharaday eve
aiag, watch aight service - tea tori ag
the Wuartotte Evaageliatle Singers
ia the begiaaiag service of the revival
- 197 Va tt. Commercial. J. Alenxe Saa
". . paator. fcoaday bible school S.
AMVoUoaial :15. c.O.I'. :lo. Evsa
gehaja 7:30,- spiritual recovery - earn
paita. EvaagelUt aad Mrs. it, Sylvesuf
Aweeeen, 7:45.
Corner Montr , aad Marina atreeta.
Til' .it"? Campbell, miniater. uT
t.01 : Za. J Theraua!
supt Meraias worship at 11 o'clock!
Special maaic Bonao.;. " a Vrnw- YtM?!
Sins, Bad prayer Tharaday MlllJ saj
" .C,plt1 amariea streets. Edwla.
vuH" PMt0.rA C-riatST da, ,e
. : sj.rmBa aervicee 10 a am. . -r
t4-g la U. LoM.' EnglUh : -A
Cmwl.te ChruUan Lif" sJonam..l,
Lihertr -.ZZ?VM 'ol seat
Tr,Trt' Suaday aftaraeon aa a. an
ieetara aad bible study.
atJSiT, 'i Cottage and Chem.kata
Saday achool 10 e m h." ,1"
nance Wednesday aa a -.
Artha, Hawking prVaideat.7 Pm
ltm.. - - "
cent.7",t;;;i:: :;" v vTekv" .mn
mini.,.,. 9:45 Iu,'&i.2Zb
"ft. H a. m. morning wor
ship, germon by the paator.
a. a "1. r"v. uuiioit cnool aft
witahin".-. fr I1' f "' "Pt- Crnln';
P!2JP 1' M Elrein service, at 7:8o"
Asw Ymi,. wership ea Pridaj it Ti
Cornae V wi.i -. . . . 7 .
D A ri,.m.m "r,I tresis,
43 , a Pm" School
"hr- T; m!Z -. fP. Church
7 -Sn V ""ngeuaue service
9- .P. meetine- Sao. u-in..a u
----- - "llisri XlOD
L aiaviaur revival martin e
begins Dee. 39, with Bev. Pan! Pitial
I.e. XI i-T
7;80. ae. services begin
Korth Winter .Jefferson. Fairgrounds
Lrn A. Wood, minister. Church
achool 9:45 a. m Morning worahip l
J.'"-. "I"- "A Backward Iok.'
!l!rTl.7:0p- "' rsatomima, "WhJ
the Chim.s Bang. ' 7
Cheraeketa streets. Orovei
Vi HiTtf'?t' ?, D - Pstor. Prof. Willianl
tu . Vf'S". director of young people' a
netlvitiea .nd of muale. 9:80 a. m!
chueh achool. directed by 3. J. Pita,
aimmona. supi. H:oO s. m. morning
wership. Sermon: "We Are Come il
Worship Him." An hem: "Aa4 the
Glory of the Lord' (Handel). S:30
P' ."-, ' ehoir. 6:30 p. m., C. E.
aocietiea. 70 p m., evening worahip.
Sermon: "Out- of His Hiding Place."
f J "WW If Jt W.r. Today f
(Morris). Thursday, 9 to 13 p. m.
Wateh nla-ht bIiv ,v a..i
. -ZJ r-' ! w..m ,u jaariosi
county C. E. snioa.
- vuusutt
Seventeenth and Nebraska streets. B.
O. Hann, minister. Church school 9:41
S- m. Mrs. Anna Welcott, supt. Morn
ing worship 10:50 o'clock, aa after
Chriatmaa asoditatioa entitled "Jeans.
Horn A King, or Which Jeans Are We
Thinking About!" Special aeeaonat
maaie ' and aongs. Junior church meets
at the same hoar Under the direction ef
Mrs. J. C. Hill. Christiav Endeavor 9:80
p. m... Mis. Dorothy Walsh, leader. A
7:30. an after-Christmaa proa-ram 'In
cluding, abort meeaage in recitation and
sonar by the juaiora entitled "The Licht
of -Loving Giving:" "The Prreen'atioa
ef the -Christ child in the -Temple"
and "The Search for tha Kw bora
Kiog,'. ia pantomime. . . ; .
Olaar Lake Bvsagelleal Herbert B.
Bennett, minister. ; Morning wonhirt at
9:45 e clock. Special music. Sermon
"Hitherto Henceforth." Suaday achool
at 11 a. as. W. P. Cellard. anpt.- Bibi
a tody and; prayer aerviee Wednesday at
7:80 p. m. '
' XaMah Canter Bvaagsllcsl-nerherl
K Bennett,' minister. Sunday school at
10 a. m. W. A. Starker- aapt. Young
people's league at T p. m. . Evening
worahip 'at S 'deck. Special music.
Sermon: "Hitherto Heoeeferth."
f I :: . I I t
4 ... " '
Paint. Roof In d