PAGE SIXTEEN fhe OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, : Sunday Morning, December 20, 1936 lesivy Selling Pins From Under Stocli 'Markeli; Adverse Ruling Of ICG Blamed Refusal of ICC to Grant Extension of Emergency Rates Is Cause NEW YORC, Dec. . 19-iffy-Touched off by an ad Terse later state commerce commission . rul ing, heavy selling in rails today knocked the pins from under the stock market with resultant loss es 1 to 4 or more points. The list displayed selective rallying tendencies in early deal ings, although it was unable to get a sure foothold on recovery at any time. A relapse in the final hour followed I announcement the emergency freight rates which ex pire at the end of 1936. ' Recent favorites were offered in such volume that just before the close the ticker tape fell about 7 minutes behind floor dealings. The total turnover, however, of 1.214, 520 Bhares was slightly un der last Saturday's aggregate. A. P." AVcrage Drop The Associated Press average of 60 issues suffered a net de- cline of .9 of la point at 68. h. the sharpest drop in nearly a month. For the week down 1.8 poll the composite was ints, the most" sub stantial recession since the week of August 224 'Coppers, - in supply recently were exceptions to the general downturn, apparently making a belated response to mounting prices for the red metal. Export copper was given another lift to a new 6-year high. Up fractions to a point or so were Anaconda at 51, and Ken necott 5S. Among principal losers were N. Y. Centralist '41 Union Pa cific 126. U. S. Steel 76, Heth lehem ?3?j Westinghouse 144. International Harvester 98, J. I. Case 145, Goodyear 31, Am erican Locomotive 44. and General Electric 51. PORTLAND.) Ore.. Dec. IS. (AP) Produce exchange net price: Batter Extras. 32tie: standard, prime firsts. 32c: firsts, 31 He; butter fat. 86-36 He K IC C. S.j large extras. 29c; U.' 8. mrdium extras; 26c. Portland Grain PORTLAND,! Ore. Dee. 18. (AP) Without traditit; and without price change, the Market for wheat futures was unchanged generally on the Port land market. Cash market lost 1 rent tnshel all around. Wheat: Open) Ui-h Low Close May 1.13M 1.154 1.154 1.15 4 Ve. - 1,13 1.13 1.13 1.13 Cash wheatl Big tend blnestem, hw. 12 per cent. (.21: dark hard winter. 13 per cent, 1.34: 13 per cent. 1.28: 11 Ver cent, 1.22): soft white and western m-hite. 1.14; hard winter, 1.16; western red. 1 15. I Oats, So. 2 white, 32.30; array. 31.30. Barley, No.' 2j45 lb. b. w.. 37,50. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 12;. bar ley. 1; flour. 2; oats, 2. Portland Produce Portland! Ore.. Dee. 19. ap liutter Print. A grade. 34 He lb. in parchment wrappers. in car ton; B (Trade, (parchment wrappers. 33 'lb.; cartons, 314 c lb. Kutterfat t-uillKtiu delivery -ii-r-. rrt- A rrsdK dlirret at I st iie weekly 36 3Je lb.; country routes. 84 35e: b f grade. 34 35c lb.; 'ii grade at market. H grade cream fci martri Muvtns pricj. buiterfat basis, ft 3 Vie lb Ksres Hnriiit once of whpaler ex tras, 26e: standards, 23c; extra medium. 21c; medium 4 firsts. 18c; under grade. 15c; pullets. 15-18c. Cheese Oregon triplets. 18e: Ore leaf. 18 14 e. . Brokers will psr He be''uw quotations . Coin try meats Selling ric te r-i 1 VJeneral Mkts. I : We solicit ' your orders I to Buy or Sell ! The , OREGON PULP & ' PAPER COMPANY'S . 5 Income Bonds I and Fractional Warrants 1 M. J. GEARY & SON J WILCOX BUILDING . PORTLAND, OREGON jjjj ATWATER 1875 . . j Boost Salem and the Willamette Valley. Send copies of The Statesman Pictorial Progress New Year Edition to friends and relatives far and near. Give them a picture of the progress of your com munity painted in vivid words and scenes. List names and addresses below Radio Programs December 20 - JZOTH 8UVDAY 940 Kb ' ' 8 :C0 Harmonies fa contrast. 9 :30 Comics Breakfast club. 10. OO Church of the air. 10:30 Christmas Toys, Ciecho-8l0Takia. a i :uo aroi stagers, Ioadoa. ll:30--Chritma at sea. 11:45 Portland Symphony talk. 12:00 New York Philharmonic arch. 2:3 Wings of song. 2:30 Church seno. S:Ou Joe Penuer. sing, orr comedy. 8 :vu KnoiBOH ana nia violia. - 4:00 Jolly tine. 4:03 Prof. Quia. 4:30 Oregon on Parade. -5 :00 Open bouse. Nelson Eddy. 6:30 Romanvie songs, Walton IfcKin- 5 5 :4S Lopea en-h. 6 :00 Honday eveninr boor. 7;t0 Community, sing. Christmas aeal tais. 7:15 Mpllt Second in History. 8.00 Kddi Cantor. 8:45 Sunday news. "V 9:00 Toast of the town. 9 :43 Lopez orch. 10:O0 Dnwi, orcan. 10:13 Lyons orcu. 10:30 Pollack erch. 1 1 :00 Hoagland orch. 11 :30-12 tjgic Mirror. SOW SUNDAY 620 Kc 8:00 News. 8:05 Ward and M.uuy. piano duo. 8:15 Peerless, "Trio, vocal. 9:00 Moscow Sleigh bells. 10:30 Melody Matim-e, sing. 11:00 Choral .... 11:30 Spiritual raiitasv. 11:53 Portland ts uipiiouy, talk. -12. -O0 Opera additions. 12:30 tirand Hotel, drama. 1:00 Sunday ri-ial, drama. 1;.0 iiusitiil Camera. 2:00 Marion Tall.-y. sing. 2 :JO News. 2:43 Kamirez Argentines. 3:00 Posey playlets. 8:15 Mother Dreams. 4:00 "Songs H You." 4 :30 Robert Kipley. variety. 5:00 tiood-will Court. 6:00 Manhattan Merry-Co Round. 6:30 Album of Familiar Music 7:0O Concerts, iuxtrurueutal. aing. :0 Sunset Dreams, king. 8:15 Ueide the .Shaliuiar. 8:30 Jack Benny, comedy, sing., orch. 0:OO Paming; Parade. 0:13 Night Editor - 9:20 One Mau n ramily. serial. 10:00 News. 10:15 Bridge t Dreamland. 11:00 Bal Tabaru orchestra. M :30 Keveries. to 12 Weather Keprt. KEX SUNDAY 1180 Kc. ; 8:00 News. 8:03 Alice Reii.K- '. s'tig. 8:13 Allstair ''. 8:30 Paul Cur- organ. 9-O0 8outuerna..e. 9:13 Christian K.ndeavor union. 8:30 Radio Mosie Hall, aing-orch. 10:15 Rose City Olee Club. 10:30 Song Cycle. 10:45 Own our Home. r Con hi r kilted tanas, best butchers under 130 lbs.. 1 - ls 13c; vealers. Ha. 1. 1314c: lisht and tnin. 1 It lb.; heav 7-8c lb.: cutter cows. 7-7e lb.: can uer cows. C' 7c lb.. bulls. 6 9c lb.; lambs. 13 14c Mi.; ewes. 4 7c lb. Mohair U37 contracts. 40 42e lb. Caacara hark l.Miitta vrirt infe eel. 6 7c il' Live eiiinlry f-.irllaml Jeliver buy -He tince t ulnted lens over 4 lbs 14 15c lb; undvr 4 lbs.. 1314c lb; l-eghom liens, 10 12c lb.: Leghorn bi oilers. 1 lbs.. 14 15c lb.; Leghorn springs. 12 I3e lb.: roosters, 8 9c lb. Potatoes Klamath No. 1. 2.40. Desehntes, 82.40: Vakima No. I, cents'. 12.25 2.35 t Wool lil'Irt nominal: aVillametle vnl ley meili.iiu.' 3r III : coarse and braids, 28e lb.: eastern Oregon. 23 te lb;$ crossbred. 27 2rtc .fc ; IJI37 contract. 10 H6e lb Hay SSetlinr iiriTe to retailers: AC falfa. No I 17 17. lit: eastern Oregon timothy. $18 Iri 50 Ion; oats and vetch lil3. clover 12 ton. Portland Hops Nomina!: 1'!6. 38 40c lb. Unions tlreeon l 2.S ISO cental. akima $t 151 23 eenisi " Sugar Berry I. S 5 23 : bee Tfcr fruit l("s 85 lis ba 1..1 n ....i.i Iomestic Flour Sellins price. citvf delivery. 5 to 2.VM1. lots: Family pat ent. 98s. 6.1o 7.8.: bakers' hard wheat. $5.05 K.I 'I: bakers bluestem. $6 6.63: blended hard. ii.l0 7.63: ernhamt 96.55: whole wheat. 0.6ll bbl. - ' Boston Wool BOSTON. Dee. 1 1. - ; AP) ( U. S. 14rpt. -gr. ) Domestic wool prices be gan to show a revival ot strengthening tendeue'es in the pat week as demand broadened and prices in Australian mar ; kets made further advances. L Late in the week territory wools were moved at prices above the bnlk of the bids of the previous Week. This move ment stimulated further mark-ops of asking prices. .Ohio fleeces were moved in limited quantities at strong to higher prices which ranged 41-43 rents in the crease for fine Delaine. 44-45 cent for Miple combing blood, and 48-50 cents for combine ss and 4 blood. ORDER nly 10c including postage. NAME 10:55 TsrieUes. 11:00 Magle Key, sing.' 12 :0O Better Bpeeca, muaie. 13:15 eunshin Division. 12:45 Dorothy Dresleia. sing. 1 :30 Fiabf ace and Pigsbottie, Tariety. 1 :43 Lotheraa hoar. 2.00 We. the People, Philip Lord. 2:30 Stoopnagle and Bad, comedy. 9 :00 Listen to This. 8:30 Christian Science Program. 8:45 Eabbi Edward T .Sandrov, 4:00-4:30 Helen Tranbel, sing. 8.-00 News. 8:15 Seiger orch. i 8:30 Eook ebat. Richard Montgomery , 9:00 Tropie Trails. 9:80 riupatrick orch. ' 10:00 Palace rcb. -10 :30 Calvary tabemacls pubilee, i 11:15 Ranyan. organ. t 12 Weather reporta. 1 December 21 KOI MONDAY 940 Ke. 6:30 Klock. 8:30 Aevt. 1 8.3a Rhythm and Romance. ' 8:43 -sells of Pioneers, aing. 9;15'iopa revue. 9:30-,Rowanc, of Helen Trent, drama. 9.45 KjcIi Man's Dsrline, dram. 10 :W Betty and Bob, aerial. 10:15 Modern Cinderella. 1 10:30 Betty Crocker. I 10:36 Cnureh Hymns. 10:48 Who's Who in News 'i 11:00 Big Sister. 12:00 Magazine of the Air. 12:45 New. 1:00 Messiah. 1:15 Concert Miniatures. , 1 :3G -Variety matinee. 2:00 Milton Charles, sing. 2:30 News Through a Woman's Eyes. 2:45 Wilderneaa Road. 3:00 Feminine Fancies. 3:30 News 4 :30-'-Drews, organ. 5 :0t Continentals. 5:15 Toyiand Kxprees. 5:30-i-8:jle shgw. 5:45 Moonglow MWodies. 6:00 Radio theater. ' Gold Diggere. 7t)0 Kings orch. , 7:45- Uoose Creek Parson. 8 :0o-Poetic melodies. 8 :15 Renfrew, serial drama. 8:30 Pick and Pat. 9:00 Heidt orch. 9:30 Jack Pearl. 10:00 Dorothy Dix. . 11:00 Iloacland orch. 11:30- Young orcb. 11:4512 Pollack orhu KOW MONDAY 620 Kc i 7 :00i Morning melodies. 7:30 Petite muaitaie. Financial. 8:15 News. 9.-0U Christine, slug.. 9:15 Mary MariiU. serial drams, 9:30 How to He Charming. 10:00 Style chats. 10:15 Mrs. Wiggs of Cabbage Patch. 10:30 John's Other Wife, drama. 10:45 Just Plaiu Bill, drama. 11:30 News. 11 :45 JSingiu' Sam. 12:00 Pepper Voung'a Family, drams. 12:1S Ma Perkins, serial. 12 :30 Vie and Sade, serial. 12:45 The O'Neills, drama. 1:00 Hour of Charm. 1:30 Clinie. 1:45 Portland Council of Churches. 2:00 Hollywood News. 2.05 Tom Thomas, baritone. 2.15 Helen Jane Behlke, sing. 2:30 Olen, organ. :43 Town Tattlers' orch. 3:00 Woman's Marazine, variety. 4:0)0 Donald MctJilbenv. commenta tor. 4:15 Stars of Today. 4:a0 Plying Time. 4:45 Invisible Trails. 5 MM) Piano Surprises. 5 :15 Meakin "s Musi.-. 5:30 Junior Nurses, (ET. 6:90 Warden Lawes of Sit-g Sing. 6:30 Stringtime. 7:00 Contented program. 7:30 Hawthorpe 'House. 8:00 Amos 'n' Andy. 8:15 Lum and AbneY. - 9:00 fibber MGee and Molly, com edy. 9:30 lliinber's Champions. 10:00 News. K10:I5 Khrine football rallv. ll:lo Ambassador orch. 11:30 Reveries, instrumental. i to 12 Weather reports. KEX MONDAY -11 60 Kc. 6:30 Clo.k. 7 :00 Calvary tabernacle. 7:30 Josh liiggins, skeH-b. 7:43 Neighbor Nell. 8:00 Charles hears, tenor. 8 :13 Vagabonds, quartet, sing. 8:30 Edna x'ischer, piauu. 8:43 ttospel singer. 9:O0 Honeyboy and Sa.-safras. 9:1S Home institute. 9:30 New World. 10.-O2 Trailing Along. 10:13 Food Magician. 10:30 Vanghn le Leath, sjng. 10:45 Iot and Will. 11:00 Words and Music. 11:30 Western Farm and Home, 12:30 Market Reports. 12:35 Rochester Civic orch. 1:00 rorutn luncheon. ' 1:30 Leo and Ken. comedy and songs. 1:45 Young Hickory, serial drama. 2:00 Let's Talk It Over. 2:30 Tbe Dictators, instrumental. 2:45 Joan -and Kscorta, sing. 3:00 C. S. Army band. 3:25 Financial and Grain Reporta. 3:30 News. . 3:35 Three X Sisters, vocal. 3:43 Happy Jack. 4:00 Newa. 4:15-4:30 Show window. 8:00 News. 8:13 Night Watchman. 8:30 Stanford university. 8:45 XTncle Ezra, comedy. 9:00 Homicide Squad, drama.: 9:30 Bambi. Helen- Hayes, drams. 10 :00 Wrestling. 10 :30 Varieties. 10:33 Biltmore orcb. 11:00 Paul Carson. 12:00 Weather Reports. . December 19 STOCK AVE SAGES 80 13 "Induxt Raila 15 60 Util. Stacks Today .. 94.0 87.0 50.8 68.S Free, day 95.0 38.1 Month ago 97.6 39.1 Year ago .... 71.7 28.9 51.1 51.8 43.0 53.T 48.4 44.T 2i.a 69.7 71.8 53.8 72.8 55.7 56.1 S4.8 193S hirh .. 99.3 43.5 1936 low 73.4 - 30.3 1935 high 76.3 31.2 1935 low . .. 49.5 18.5 BOND AVERAGES 1 .10 10 to 10 Rail Indust Ctil. for'sB Today ........ 97.3 104.1 102.J TU Prev. day .... 97.7 104.1 102.1 71.4 Month aeo 97.1 104.4 102.S 71.S Tear go 85.3 101.8 99.5 69.5 1936 high 97.9 104.4 103.1 72.0 1936 low 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 tiivt. ATS ! in in A 1 1935 low .... 76.4 92.2 84.5 655 Stocks" & Bonds fCoirplled by Associated Press) TODAY! ADDRESS i. Price Advance SaidEqualiz er Department of Agriculture U Claima Nine Billion Farmer Income WASHINGTON, Dec- l.-(rp)-Hlher prices for farm crops were said by tbe department of agri culture to hare more than off set drought damage .this year. The crop reporting board said the nation's farmers would re alize J9.6J0.000 gross Income from 1938 operations, compared with 18,508,000 from 1935 and 97,276.000.000 from 1934, an other drought year. , , The board reported that crops would proTide 13.870,000,00 ot this income, livestock and live stock products, . 15,18,000,000 and government benefit pay ments, 1480,000.000. Although last summer's drought was described' as less se vere than the 1934 disaster, the board reported farmers neverthe less harvested 21,000.000 acres less than they did in 1935. More than 32,000,000 acres planted into crops were abandoned, the report said.' The report, based on December 1 conditions, slightly reduced es timated production of corn, wheat, barley and rye compared with last month. No Shortage, Claim Yields of "several of the prin cipal food crops," the board said, were "distinctly less than usual" but "there is no general short age of food." - - The small corn crop this sea son was valued at 31,514,203,000 or slightly more than the esti mated 91,505,396,000 last year, although 1936 production was placed at 1,524,317,000 bushels, far below the 2,296,669,000 bush els in 1935. Cotton ranked in estimated value this year at 9760,386,000 for 12,407,000 bales of lint, as against 9590,136,000 last year for 10,638,000. Other crops valued at more than 9100,000,000 this year, with new estimates on production. In cluded: all hay, 9775.213.000 for 70.273,000 tons; wheat, 9624,- 338,000 for 626.461,000 bushels; potatoes. "9367,406.000 for 329. 997.00 bushels: oats. $348,610.- 000 for 789.100 bushels; cotton seed. 9195.195,000 for 6.513,000 tons; barley 3118.007,000 for 147.452.000 bushels; apples, 9109.078.000 for 108.031,000 bushels. Farm Crop Value Gain Is Reported WASHINGTON, bee. 19-OP)- The agricultural department has estimated the value of Oregon's principal 1936 farm crops at 969, 910,000. fompared with 951,236, 000 In 1935. The department estimated the total acres harvested at 2,716,000 compared with 2,629,000 in 1935. Estimates of production and value of principal crops included: All wheat 20.340,000 bushels at 917,086,000; oats 11,492.000 and 95.171-.000; barley 2.970.-. 000 and 92,168,000; all time hay 1,637.000 tons at 916.043,000; apples 4,368,000 bushels at 33, 800,000; commercial 2.808,000 bushels at 92,443,000; pears 3, 760,000 bushels at 92.444.000; potatoes 7,310.000 and 98,408, 000; hops 9,720,000 pounds at 92.916,000. Fall-Sown Grain Has Chance, Held THE DALLES, Dec. 19-(rrV Charles McOUiget of Condon ex pressed optimism today for the fall-seeded wheat crop in the mid Columbia district. ; " - He said a dry spell similar to this autumn's prevailed in 1916 but warm rains later germinated the seeds and by July the grain was waist high. Champion Lamb Brings Top Prize, L. A. Show LOS ANGELES, Dec. lJ-V The grand champion lamb of the great western livestock show brought 15.50 a pound at auction here. Friday, topping all California prices since 1931 and representing 93.50 a pound more than was paid for the champion at the recent In ternational Livestock Exposition in Chicago. , Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent milk. Salens basic pool price 9&22 per hundred. I - Co-op - tVBtterfat ' price, P. O. B. Salem, 83c I ' ' (MUk MM mm ml sassUll otMrfa average.) , Distributor price f&34. : A grade butterfat 'Deliv ered. 83c; r B grade, dellv ered, S3 c- A grade print, 85c; B grade, 84c Prires paid to K rowers by Sales bayara. (Tli prices below, supplied bj s local grocer, are Indicative of the Miry Market bat ara sot fQaraateaa J iM Btatea man.) ; ' . , ! rsoiTft i 4 Bit lac Prieaa) Banaaaa. lb. on stalk .06 ! bands .06 ft Coeoanuts. aaea ,,, , o.&o Cranberries, 4 bbl. 4.2S to 4.75 . 0 t ..25 UiM. fresh, lb Grapefruit, Florida,' bos Grapefruit. Ariioo Lemons, crate Oransea tavela Sinkist ' Fsney 1.50 1.1 S to 3.10 4.20 to 6.00 8.00 to 8.25 2.00 to 8.85 J.00 . Choice Pean. Bose bo. t'ineapple, fresh.- erst Pome ran a tea. lug .75 4.00 1.00 VEGBTBXa I Buying fneosl Beets, Calif, dot , Urucruli. do. , Cabbsre. lb. . .0 .45 .02 .02 .75 . l.ii .80 .as Cabbage, red Cab ba.e. Kraut, ewt. Chinese cabbage, crate Carrota. coast, dot. I'liard dos Cauliflower. Or. No. 1 crate .90 Celery, crate Heart 1. Root. doa. 1.85 to 2.00 .75 to 5 .0 tt - ,- 80 Endive, dos Greens. Mustard, crate Greens. Kale crate 80 Lettuce, California, iced.. Unions, green doa. , Onions Ocafon wnite ..2 to 2.50 .25 50 lbs. 1.25 Walla Walla sweet. 60 lbs. Oyster plant, dos. Radishes, doi .05 .00 .40 .40 Japanese radishes, doa. Farsoipa, rb.. .02 Feaa coaat or Seattle, lb. Peppers, green. Calif- lb. . Oil .10 .10 9.00 .85 1.30 60 .95 1.00 .75 .40 410 Bed. lb. Potatoes, new. Ko. 1. ewt. No. 2. 50-lb. bag Potatoes, sweet. No. 1 Pumpkins ewt. Spinach, cranes box . Squash !anish, dos. Hubbard, ewt. -Peanut, doa. Turnips, dos. .85 to JO to Water cross . BTJTa Wslonta. lb. l t Vilberta. 1934 crop, lb je to aora (Baying Prica) Clusters, 1930, lb. .27 to do. 1836, lb. J5 to 1SH J9V4 .29 .40 fuggles. 1935, top, lb. oo. i'.3ft, id. .Nominal WOOL AND MOHUt I Buying Price! Mohair .40 Medium wool . . , ,,, , Coarse wool . o EGOS AND POtJXTEV Buying Price of Androaeas) Extras .22 Brpwn extras .22 .20 .21 .18 .12 .14 .13 ,10 .05 .05 .13 .13 Medium extras Large stsndards Medium standards Pullets Heavy bens. lb. Colored mediums. lb. Medium Leghorns, lb. stags. ID Old roosters, lb. Colored fry a, over 4 lbs.., Under 4 lbs. White Leehorns, frys .12 MAKIO.X UKKAMEKT buying Prices Live Poultry. No 1 stock Colored hens, under 4H lbs. .12 Colored hens over iVt lbs. .13 Leghorn hens, over 84 lbs. .10 Leghorn bene, under 3i lbs. .10 Leghorn broilers .12 Colored springs, over 3H lbs. .12 Colored springs, under 3 Vi lbs. .12 Roosters . .00 Rejects ... market value Stags, lb .08 No. 2 grades, 2 cents less. Fgga Candled and graded - Large extras x Medium extras ?2 .20 21 .18 .12 1 2 Large standards Medium, standarda Undergrades Pullets Turkeys, dressed 15 and .17 LIVESTOCK f Baying Price) Spring lambs 6.75 to 7.25 Ewes 2.25 to 8.75 Hogs, top, 150-210 Hs. 10 10 130-150 lbs. , .25 to 0.50 210-225 lbs. 9.50 Sows 7.25 to 7.50 Steers , S.50 to 7.50 Dairy typo cow S.00 to 4.00 4.50 to 5.00 Beet cows Balls , 4.75 to 5.25 5 00 to S.00 S.50 : , ,11 Heifers Top veal Dressed veal, lb. Dressed nogs GRAIN AITS BAT Wheat, white. No. 1 1.05 Wheat, western red . 1.04 Barley, brewing, ton .41.50 Feed barley, , i nn Oats, milling, ton " Feed, ton. " Cloveneed, ' , .29 Vetch seed, per 100 V95 Hay bnving prlees , A liana, valley .1200 Oat and vetch, ton .10.00; -10.00 . 06 v plover, son .... ... WA8CS ' AJtD SUNT Casearn bark. to. Peppermint Oil. Q 1.7 HopslKeep Steady Tone; Few Sales Pacific coast hop markets were seasonally quiet during the week ended December 16, but maintain ed a steady tone, according to the weekly hop market review of the bureau of agricultural economics. Continued lack of selling pressure from growers tended to offset the slow demand from domestic buy ers who appeared - reluctant to make new commitments till after inventory time the first of the! year. Trading in spot hops In the three coast states was limited to around 208 bales in Oregon mar kets, wftb' no sales reported in California, and Washington, dur- I ing the past seven days. The com paratively . light remaining:, sup piles of 1936 crop hops remaining in growers hands was a sustaining market influence. Trade reports Indicate that only 'around lfr.OOO bales of 1936 hops .remained in strictly growers hands In the three coast states at the middle of De cember, a compared with around 60,000 bales of 193 5 . hops in that position a year ago.. . " 1 Oregon markets remained stea dy during the past week although seasonally quiet. ' The only activ ity reported . In the three states during the period consisted of the sales of several small lots of 1936 clusters by Oregon growers total ing 208 bales of which 165 bales netted 40c and 43 bales brought 38c per pound. Demand was slow, but Oregon producers were not pressing their remaining supplies on the market, Only 12.600 bales of 1936 hops were held by Oregon growers at the middle of Decern-; ber. There were no sales of either. Money For Wood Distributed Now Western Growers Receive Final Settlement ; ; Under Co-op Just In time for Christmas, Pa cific Wool Growers members In Western and Southern Oregon and Western - Washington are this week receiving iinal settlement statements and checks on farm flock wools shipped to the asso ciation during the late spring and summer. These growers received from 20 cents to 22 cents as cash advances at the time of delivery and are receiving the balance at this time In the settlement of this cool, medium combing wools brought members of the cooperative 37 cents per pound in Portland The producers of combing wools of all grades, from fine to coarse, are netting 35 cents The pro ducers of clothing wools, from fine to coarse inclusive, are net- lting 33 1-3 cents Fifty-nine per eent of the pool Is medium wool and is nettting nearly 35 cents at! Portland . i Coop Marketing Landed "The association's pool prices ! this year again show conclusive-! ly that th grower of good wool receives more for his clip when market cooperatively though the; association than when disposed j of in any othe way," says R. A J Ward, general manager. "A cheek of government figures, and data: gathered by our association on the sale of some 637,000 pounds of similar wool from this territory to dealers by growers who were pot members of the association nidlcates that the average outside price for western Oregon and wes tern Washington wools was slight ly over 30 c per pound. We es timate that if all the wool in these two sections had been marketed through the association this xear it would hare brought non-mem ber producers $100,000.00 more than they received." this pool Just closed contained some 320,000 pounds of wool and is only one of several graded pools and a large number of range clips handled by the Pacific Wool Growers totalling nearly .4. 000. 000 nnnnifs -it' Security Tiunbles Lower Wheat Rate Reverses Upturn Following News of Breadstuff Shortage, Germany CHICAGO. Dec. 19-fP-Discon- certing effects of tumbles of se curities brought about lower: wheat prices today after brisk np-i turns resulting from'Tiews about! approaching exhaustion of Ger-i many's breadstuff supplies. Closing quotations on Chicago wheat futures were -l cents under yesterday's finish, Dec. 1.3SK-, May 1.32-. July 1.177.-1-18; corn anchanged to higher, Dec. 1.08 7 -1.09, May new 1.04-Ts. July new 1.01 K- ; oats unchanged to of f. May 50-51, and rye 14-1 down. May 1.114-1.12. Provisions re sults varied from 20 cents decline to an advance of two cents. Chicago May wheat reached a top price today at $1.33 74. up two cents from the day's bottom, and closed at 11.32 Corn and oats were less affect ed by stock market weakness than was the case regarding wheat and rye. Traders short of December delivery of corn were active buy ers. For the most part, provisions prices held about unchanged. Midwest Call For on Hay Small - ' Although much effort was made to obtain a preferential railroad rate for Oregon hay to the drought areas in the middle. west to date there baa been little- demand for! the hay,-. Claude McKenney. buyeT.' said: yesterday. Some hay Is mov-j mg into Tillamook at 912 and $13 a ton. I The drought area market has! been held down by the fact thatl hay has been shipped Into the! stricken area from Wisconsin at around $15 a ton. The $8.80; freight - rate precludes Oregon farmers from competing with this hay. The maritine strike is alsd reported to have affected the hay market adversely. There Is said to be a large amount of hay in the Willamette valley available for sale. Dairymen's Meet Is January 19-20 At State Colleird The 44th annual meeting; of thJ Oresjon Dairymen's association will be held on tbe Oregon Stata eolege campus Jannary 19 and 20J announces George II. FnllenwlderJ Carlton, president. This Is tbe first time in many years that this general dairy organization has ml in Corrallls. , While tbe detailed program ha not been work 3d out. It is to b built around late derelopments in control of animal diseases, feed lng methods, and marketing. Th meeting will be held while tbaj legislature Is in session, and It ii quie likelv that proposed change, in farm laws will be considered,) says Fullenwider. Arrangements! are being- made to 'bring a proml-j nent eastern , dairy leader to th conrentlon. ; ltXS or older hops during the per iod in Oregon markets, but trad advices indicated that prices were nominally unchanged .- at aroun 27e-30e for 1935 crop, and 16e t 19 e pej pound fo? 1934 crop hops, Gardeiiers and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 19.-CfP, Trading Ion the gardeners' and ranchers' paarket continued quiet as me weea arew to a close. Dealers' anticipate an .Improved demand tbe coming week when consumer buying takes place for the holiday season. In most In stances prices held steady under moderate receipts this morning, Slight advances took place in the Florida grapefruit market with preferable sizes bringing a new top of $4 per box. Track holdings of lettuce were reduced to a more favorable bas is than has been the case for some days. At ajesult the market held firm J Although a two and one-fourth million bushel reduction in the potato estimate was made, the new figures had little effect on that market. Local prices were unchanged and shipping points were alsq steady. In Idaho the general range on number one quality wks $1.75 to $1.90. Yak ima points were firm and some growers held; for higher prices. Apples Washington Delicious, estrs fancy, $2.1 5-2. 3&; Wineesps, extra fancy, S2.00-2.2S; Oregon, Washington Jnmble paca sseiicious, soe-i.uu; tvinse, ou-oae; Northern Bpies. 70-80e; 8a j mans. 75c 91.00; Spitsenberg-a. 73e1.00; Wine saps; fl.00 j.25; Homes Best. SSe-tl.OO. Artichokes California, boxes ft-S 4os. 8.50-4. f A varadoe California. 65s, faeries, 2-2.20:: fneblos. 1. 70-1.83. Bananas -Per pound. S-7 Beans California, crate, $2.75-S; S-7e per lb. ( Beets Per doxea, 80-S5c Broeioli t-Logs, 40-50e. Bruasell Snrouts Orecoo. Hat e rates 65-7&e; California, S-7 per lb.; ta drama. 1 1.7-5. Cabbage -Oregon, Danish, left see crates, S1.S5-1.60; red, lb- l-2e. Carrots Dob. benches. 25-30e. Csnliflower Oregon, pony, 11-1.25; California. fl.40-l.S0 per crate. Celery f Hearts 75e-fl.00: Utah type 2: hearts f 1-1.20 per dosen. Cal ifornia a lo 14 dozen f -2.25-2.50. Celery root found. 60 75a. Citrus Fruits Oranges, California navels f 2.60-3.40: tangerines. Florida, f 1.75-2.00 ber flat. Lemons.- California fancy- f 3. 75-6.00 ; grapefruit, Florida, fancy. f3.40-4.00. Arixona, nil sixes, f 1.95 2.25. i Owoanuts Imported. sacks. f0.25; 85e doa. ) Cranberries 25-poand bos, $4 50 4.75. Caeambers Oregon hothouse, $2.50 to $4 box : California, 2.25 per log of 4 dos. Eggplant-i California, log, 1. 50-1. 74 rigs California flats stbito and black. 50 75e. . - I. ' GarlicPer pound. 8-10e. Grapes Emperors, fl. 50-1.60. Grees) anions for dos. boaehea. 80 35c - Gronnd Cherrlea Oregon flat boxes. n. . ih . in. Hucklebe rnes Oregon. wssningtoo lb- 7 8c. LeUure-4Cal!fornla 4 and 5 doien leed. f2.00 S2.65-2.75: 2.10; imperial. 4 and 5 dos. dry pack 1 1.1 0-1.50. Melons iWaabingtoa Vasabaa. 0o f 1 erate. Muihrooijis One pound cartons. 40 45e. -I Onions 100 pour., sacks, 0. 8. Ko 1. -yellows, f 1-1.15; Valenelss. 50-lb. aaek, 85-SOe; yellow boilers. 10 lb. sacks, 12-15e. , Psrsnlps-I Per lug, 40-45c. Peas California. 30-poond hampers. $1. 60-2.85; crates. $2.50-f3 lOVi-11 lb. Pears Urcron. Aastimston. bo sea ramble pack. Bose, $1.60 1.75: D'Anjous. f 1.60-1.75:1 Bartletts. 35-50c. Persimmons Calif., lugs. $1.00-1.25; boxes. 75c, . Peppers-fCaUfornis, 12-15 lb. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Cl Mlried Advertising Single insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six insertions per line 30c One month per line $1.00 Minimum charge tin Copy for this r o aeeoptocl until f :SS tho evVnlnc befor publication for elaastflcatloa Copy received afur this time will bo run under tho hadtn Too Late te Clas-Uy- - Tho BtatBmau assume no finan cial reopooaibUity for error svhlcb may appeur In advertisements pub lished Ins its columns, and in cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part ef an advertisement in which j the typographical mistake wura . j The Statesman reaervoa the right te reject questionable sulvertlatnc It further reeerv eo the right to place all advertising- under the proper elnsstflcaUm Bu siness Cards in this directory rata on j monthly basis only. Rate: f 1 per line per month. 1 E Auto Brakes Mlk Paoek. 275 South Commercial i ' Bicycles BICYCLER, ''NBW A reconditioned. Harry W. .Scott. 117 & Com'L Ph. 451C Bn-fthe FULLER brushes for Xntas. TeL 75S2. FULLER I BRUSHES. So. Side. TeL 714. 27S3 Brooks St. , Eve. appoint menta 1 . , I Chimney: Sweep TELEPHONIC fvSO. R, R Northnesa Chiropraclora D1C X, U SOrrrr. PSC Chiropractor. 25f N. High. TeL Rea S15S Excavating Excavating ot all kinds. Basements dug: irt! -auied or n ovea. uirt roc sale. Salens Sand. and Gravel Co Pbon oa - - Florists Breltbaapt a , 4t Court. I- Fnrs DuBAIN rur Co. Ilaster furriers and destft-Mrs. iRm la Miller Bids. Laundries THB NSW SALES UUNDRI : THB WC1DCR LAUNDRT ' 2U High TeL IISS CAPITAL CITT ' LAUNDRT First in Quality and Hervlo IXephoee ll( i - 1tf4 Hroada Mattresses C-PlXOIs B-DOINQ CO. Phone 011 Potatoes T7. 8. Ko. 1, 100-pound sacks bakers' $3.65-2.75 Deschutes rassets, $2.80-2.45; Klamath rassets. $3.30-2.45 j Washington rusrets, : $2.80-2.45;. local. fl.tH-2.15; Bnrbank. $t.tO-1.76. Pom egranatea Logs, f 1.00-1.35. '. Radiabes -Per dorea boaehea, 20-25. Rhubarb California, apple boas. $1.40-1.50. - - Bntabagas -Waahlngto. lOO-Ib oaeka $1.25-1.50; Oregon, local, lugs, 65-60. Spinach Oregon, orange boxes, 86V B0e: Texas. $1.15 par crate; California, $1.75. - Sooaah Oregon Denlah. eaat. rate. SO-eOe; Hobbard. IK 1-1 H. a s e e PMBtnosCaliforal 80-IK crates, $1.00-1.75; yams, $2.40-2.50 bashsl. ' 1.50: California, Jug.. $1.63 1.75; Utz ice. $3.50. Turnips Deae bwtehc. t5 60. : Waterere Paad SS-40 Help Wanted Male "WANTED MIDDI3 aged man for hotel clerk. Give are. references ndl description of self In first letter. Box 4i, Bternan. i Hfln Wantftf Female K-HIOIf SCJIOOti or COLLEOH BTUDENTS to Mat special ca.mpa.lgn, Salem and Tlclnlty. Recommended worlc by Dean of Men Willamette V. See Air. Lighter, Salem Hotel, 5-9 p. m. ..... ........... -ivnYyojmmm " $15 WEEKLY AND rour own dress a FREE! as bonus. sliovrlna: Fashion Frocks. No canvaastnat. Faahlnn Frrx Wa. Iner, Dept. B-4 2 5, ; Cincinnati. Ohio, I " Salesmen Wanted 7 WANf ED, SALESMAN. Will m alary. Man to be local and must have. experience. Young man preferred. Hogg- uro. appliance. ) MEN WANTED for nearb- na-. lelsjh routes of 800 famillea. Write Raw. I"iKhs. Df-Dt. ; ORL-117-SD. Oakland. Calif. . . Sittmiiona Wanted EXP. DRESSMK. Mrs, Adltt T. . COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER d. irea poaltlon for bachelor apartments in Salem. Address Sarah ,E, Crfwster, Florence. Oregon, i ..: Q ' I WANT a position In your drua- stor as a salesman. Ko salary required. I can boost your sales of Schaefefs pile remedy especially! to those customers who are suffering Xrom pile Ready to worx now. -I,-,- yinnnits.-i-i.-m BEAUTY SCHOOL, student want place to work for board and room aft er Jan. 4th, Olive Johnson, Rt, 2, Mon mouth. , i 1 For Sale-Miscellaneoug 7 A DDI NO MACHINES, cash regie era typewriters sold, rented. iwimmiI Expert repair service, moderate prices, ftoen Typewriter- Exe 41$ Court " - - 1 CASH OR trad for used furniture ranges, beaters.) radloa, snachlnery. too la. eta Woodry and Woodry, auo tloneera phone 5-1-1-0. If If N. Bum mer In Hollywood, FOR SALE Good table not toe. $1.35 ewt. Hayes Warehouse, Brooks, Or. Phone 57F2. Salem. - -,-tl-ii-n-inn.n.nnnnjxjvJl APPLES. STRAW, sheerx fertiliser. Mra Wright, 44 ml Wallace Rd. - ' ' DELICIOUS HOME: mad fruit rkm ready. Mra, E. R Wricht, 81 Onter. i -i ii ii i n.n-iui,ru$ XMAS TREES, 129 N. JUh, dejlr. . ....... ....... -i-f-rtrto.nj-uui.nJS ENJOY YOUR Christmas tre lons- er by gettlna- It today 523 Marion the - sam old place. -I, winnnAajtrinnn ft HAY ALL. KINDS la truck or car load lota Phone 5000. FRIGID A IRE. GOOD cond I IMon! 17 Phone 455f. i - iri r ru-Lnrr i rriiusj 4-WHEEL TRAILER. StronKly con structed. Good tfe-es. f2S. 1160 Fred- . erjck St. r WHITE MEXICAN " Chowawa dud! pies for Christmas gifts. 534 N. Winter. HA RG A IN BO Y8 overcoat, "slsa . 1105 Leslie St. Sunday only. -"--------'--- - - -i-nwinriftril FOR SALE White Collie BUBDles an Ideal Xmas gift. Colea Collie Ken nels, Rt. 2. Box 73; G I RL" S SMALL tire bto'cleC 8 1 OL 8 35 Hood ft. MA SON r HAMLIN "orandTDia no! Box 54, Nelscott, Ore. DEEP YELLOW " canaries. "l0L n! lfth. j COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD furnish Ings, cheap nearly new Thor washtr. Leaving state 65 1 N. 20th. - y-mffrifrrjmJl BIO AUCTION f TUESDAY-DEC. 12. 1 m. ori Sllverton road. 4 mU N. E. Fairground. Farmers consign your livestock, ma chinery, furniture and produce to our weekly auction held at the above ad dress. . mwv n nj-i.n "WIRE WILE EL trailer,' light stockt rack, $22. . Two If -600 all weather tires, n-f 125. R. 1, Boa 34. TeL tftf. D irect o ry V- .' Mattresses MAI.KM FLUFF-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MA.TTRESS mad to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, sis In; fluff nm weaving. & 11th a Wil bur. TeL f4L OTTO F. Z WICKER, Est? lflt. Mnsic Stores GEO. C, WILLPlano. radios, sewing machines, sheet muaio and plana stud lea Repairing- radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 412 6tU street, Salem. i I Photo Engraving """) 8aiem photo ensrravlna 1 4T N. Con merctaL TeL SSf7. . Printing 3 FOR STATION ERt, cards, pamph lets, prorrama, books or any kind of printing, can im etateaman iTlnimg DepartnienX tlSH ComtnsrckL Tele phone 9101. V- Sewing Machine KepairT" C 8 IMtoerman. I-(7f I Iff Waller, Stoves We repair stows, rang, circulators, Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranae a. id circulators, stock fence, poats, chicken wire. Bal em Fence and Stove Works, IJ Chemeketa Tel.- 1774. R U. Fleming. . . . , . Transfer FOR local or distant transfer stars a. call till, Larmer Tiansfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. . CAPITAL CIT fransfer - Co. 220 8tate 8U TeL 77TI Dlsttibotlnc. for warding and ttoraa our pclalty Get our rate WILLIAMS TRUCK Serv. TeL I2rt. Trucking TE1 I2t ASHCRAFT. Well Drilling B, A. Wan &L fl, Boa Hi. TeL 1I0FS.