PAGE FOURTEEN I -The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday, December 13, 1938 V. s Wheat Prices ;1 Skyward. AT': r:im!Kriifc1.'ivir.::v;v;ir;.C7 Future Prices Outdo Records Authority States '37 Crop Will Not Exceed U. S. ; Domestic Need CHICAGO, Dec. !-) All future deliveries of wheat shot suddenly skyward almost three cents a bushel today to above any Chicago price reached before In seres. ' years ' The companion breadstufC'rye, also outdid form er top record Quotations. ) A statement from a .leading unofficial authority, B. W. Snow, .said the United States is facing "an outlook for a total 1937 wheat harvest that-will not ex ceed much, if at alL-.the .nation's domestic - requirements. At the close, wheat was 1 rent to 2 above yesterday's finish, Dec. 1.284-;. May 1.24?-Ts. July 1.12 corn 14 off to 4 u pi .Dee. 1.064-. Majj new 1.91', July new .99J-; oats - adranced. May . and rye showing 14 bulge. The outcome in prov 9 cents Isions was unchanged to 12 cents er. .,: dear- July wheat, which reprra nted and the . 1937 domestic crop which led today's rise, vaulted abruptly 2 Ta cents a bushel to 1.124-U. rlosinjr at the i day's maximum gain, 22 cents higher than1 a year 'ago." Rye, corn, oats and provisions all' scored- gains - when wheat prices climbed. Some selling of corn, however, was done against simultaneous purchases of wheat. IORTL,ANl. Ore.. IW. (AD Prndnre exrhaiife net . priren: Hotter r'.ntras. 3-e; Mmlrl, prime lirnts, 31',c; firr. 31c; hulterfal, S5H-36c. Km V. 8. lanre extra. 27c; V. S. medium extra. - Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. IVr. 12. (AD After allowing wctknrm the market for wheat elosrd higher. Loral rash wa generally le bn,hel higher with Montana Bp 3 rents. On the futures market, without trad ' ins-, Iterembee ra up 'i tent while May til urn-hanged. Wheat: Open ll'ck T.nw Close Mar- l.M i.0 IJD 1.0 Dee. ..l.4i l.ti l.4 1.041 Cash wheat: Hi Bend bluestein. aw. 12 per eent. 1.14: dark hard winter. 13 per eent. 1.-7 ; 12 'per eent. 1.21: 1! per rent. 1.15: oft white and western wHte. 1.07; hard whiter, 1.09; western red. 1.0. Oara. No. 2 white. 3J.."0; cniv. 32.30. Rnrley, Xo. 2-43 lb. B.W., 37.00. today's eat receipt: Wheat, 39; (lour, 9; oata. 3. 1 Portland Produce PORTT,ANI. Ore.. IW. 12. (AT) Bmuv PriMs. A grade. ., lb. in Oenerai Mkts. Sensational - "I i -; : : 1 A i uk m. ucmonsirauon. avs- S-As f4 great speaker y VC 1 .rt n ' Tj' J f I f t A VAMJE 8COOP! AH 1 1 . .11 lii U I Broadcast tloii, 7 1 11 V ' : 4 1Z A rT, 1 d power line Boise fO- - -J ' UiU lnR ' r !( ten, lighted nlrplan Ul.:. I .1 lo rl JU H t f lM t;.f-- dUO. tone control, B ut- : ' , 4 , :. : , : 1 ". j ' 'j LT : I f 3f type tsbes. An anuw. t ' -t " I ' 11 '': ' ' I , ilfbteCW ' Ing performer for onl S T EVEN 18 i X Libert Kadio Programs lh IVeemHer 13 KOnr SUKDAT 940 Ke. 8:00 Harmonies in contrast. 10:00 Chart e( tea air. 10:30 News exrkaara. -10:45 Christmas program. 11:00 Walks ( life. 1 1 : 1 5 Momenta masiesl. 11:45 Portland Symphony talk. 11:00 New York Philharmonic arc' 2:15 Chaffer choir, j 2:30 Chareh tonn. 4 5 3:00 Joe Penaer. ainir, erra.,' corned T :ao Kuhinoff ana ma noun. 4:00 JeHy time. 4:03 Fref. Quia. 4:30 Oreron parade. 8: Open bouse. Nelson Eddy. 5:30 Komsntie sonrn, Walton Mcltia - . nejr, sin, l j : 5:45 Lspea arch. .', :00 -Sunday evening hour. 7:00 Community ing, Christmas talk. 7:4.1 Split Seconds la History. 8:00 Kddie Cantor.! S:45 Sunday news. ! 9:00 Toast of th town. 9:45 Stabile drrH. 10:O0 lrews, organ. ' 10:13 Lyons orrh i 10:30 Pnllark oreh. 11:00 lioaeland on-h. 11:30-12 Jlagie Uirror. eat KOW STJKDAT- 620 Ke. 8:00 News. i H:03 Ward and Muny. piano duo, 8:15 l'eerlefs Trim, roral. 8:3l Sunday Suariie program. 9:00 American Jew I sit meeting. 9:15 Mohdw Sleigh Bella. 10:30 Melody Vatinee, sing. 1 1 :t0 Choral Voices. 11:T0 Spiritual Fantasy. 1 1 :.".V Portland Symphony, talk 12:0 Opera auditions. 12:30 -tirand Hotel, drama. 1 :tH) -Snndry Special, drama. 1:30 Musical Camera. 2 :Hl Marion Taller, . aing. 2:3t Xewa. 2:43 -Ramirei Argentines. parchment wrappers. 3i'.je lb. Ia car ton:' B grade, parriiraent rapperajj 85c lb.; cartons. 36c lb. Uutterfat I'wrtiand delivary. general r (- eradn. delivered at least twice weekly . 36 37c tb, country reutes. 34 33c: H 83oc lb.i V trade at market. i H crarie cream (ei market Buying ones, buiturfal .basis. S3'ie ll. J Ksss Itiiymt prin of wholesalers, as Iras. Stic: standards. 23f; extra mediums. 21c; nirdium firsts, lie; under grade, 13c: pullets, 13-lec. i Chvesr Ore'gon tripleta. 18c; I Ora gon loaf. 18'jc. Hrotara will pay Vac beiuw quotations Country meats Selling price to retai era Country killed hogs, best botchers, under 13U lbs., l:c lb.; realers. No. 1. l-iac; liBht and tliin, 9-12e lb.;heavy -9c lb.: cutter cows. 7 7V,c lb. can ner rows. 6's 7c lb.; buiia. S Vi Sic lb.: iamhs. I4e lb.: ewes. 4-7c lb. Jlohair 1937 contracts. 40 42e jib. Casiara hark iiuying unco. 1936 oeel 6 7e lb IJra poultry t-orlland deliverv buy ns OTire- ilnred lens over 4 lbs. 1413c lb.: under 4 lbs.. 13-le lb.; Leghorn hens. 10-12e lb.; Icliorn broilers, 1U lh-. 14-15e lb.; Ighoru prme., 12-13c lb.: roosters, 8-9J lb. Potatoes Klamath No. 1, $2.35-2.40; Deschutes. $2,35 2.40; Yakima. jKo. 1. cental. 82.25 2 40. f Wool 1936. nominal: Willamette val ley medium, 30c lb.: eoarta and it raids, 28e lb.: eastern Oregon. 23-io lb.; crossbred. 27-28o ib.; 1937 eoatracta. 30-6c lb. I Hay Sellmg price to retailers: Al falfa. Ho 1. I7 17.50; eastern Oregon timothy. $18 18.50 ton; oata andi eetch. $12 13; clover. $12 ton. Portland Hops Nominal: 1936, 40 42 b. Onions Oregon. $1,25 1 It 5ntali Takima $115 125 cental 1 Sugar Berry ar froli. I00a..$3 15: bales. $5.25: beet. $3 05 contaL Oomeatie Flour Selling price, city delivery k to 25 bbL lotsf fam By pat ent. 9Sj. $3 7.55: bakers' hard wheat. $5.73-7.70: bakers' bluestem, $5.70-6.33; blended hard wheat. 3 SO 7.35; grab am. 6.20: whole wheat. 86.25. ; f m m w M New Copper TOTO-TOri SHD Miracle of Tt one! IT'S NEW from the ground up 'this new Stewart Warner. Built a new waysolely to banish harshness and rasping. To give you an actualj tone-photograph of every voice and instrument, with ?uch new mellow ness and purity that listening becomes a new pleasure! . Starting with the sensational new-type Copper PHOTO-TONE Speaker j that ends all rasping, all speaker distortion and carrying right through the last hidden feature every detail is built better, with greater care and quality to please your ears with every note. Look for the Copper PHOTO -TONE Speaker, Elec tron Beam Amplifier, and all the other Stewart-Warner improvements, before you buy. See and hear tiie amaz ing difference they make. Come in or phone the maiiive new 1 3-ln fnntvr PlIfrTTU TONE Speaker (lift) with 12-In. speaker 1 Then hear the amazing difference the utterly ' new mellowness and tone parity now made possible by this development CREDIT JEWELERS & OPTICIANS 8:09 Poaer Playlets 815 Mother 2reama. iris. ' !': I tow.' b r 4:0 " Honrs for 4 -.30 Kooert mptey, vaneigsi,: iij ! 5:00 Good will Coart. j 1 8:00 Manhattan Merrt-OontOid. : 6:30 Album of Familiar MuBfc.sing'. 7:00 Concerts. : iaatrnmeuga S:Ot nuset IhVims, sine i -j 8:15 Bosido the SbaUaaarj . 9:30 Jack Benny, corned J.ajBg. ; ofdn. :00 Passing ju i , , '9:18 Night Editor.. rauu J , . 9:80 One Man's nl)K saetti iij : i lftx:00 News. i ' n M r l, I 10:15 Bridge t Dreamland.f ii; 11:'M Bat Tabann pretest rg. J 11:30 Reveries.: i ' i to .12 W eatber reports. 1 j j ri: iii ' t , I, ' i KEX STJMDAT ilBO Xi. 8 :00 -News. i i S 8:03 Alice Rrmsear. siagi ' "'-- M v 8:15 AlUtar Cook. i , ft ' 8. -.10 Pan! Carson, orv t. f , 9:00 Rhythm Steppers! t 'f i 9:03 Konthernatres. !i - , 9:15 Christian Kndeavr! ttiiott. il; 9:30 Radio City Music: Halt, arng-oreh. 10:30 Koot Comfort (). 10:33 Own Your Homej 'i ! JO:4.3 Sonr Cycle. 10.55 Varieties. ll:uo Magic Key, vsrngj in" :? 12:00 Better Speech, uilisif . i i:i 12:13 Gale Page, ? CbafK f werg and l Irma Glen. j : . 12:4- Dorothy DretleinJ klftg. i 1:30 Kishface and 1 ICl?oUle, variety. 1 :5 Lutheran hopr. ! : : 8 A , 2:O0 We. th People Philip totd. ! 2 :30 Stoopnaele and Bud, eomedTV -8:00 Listen to This.; l-j i's-J :; n 3:30 Rabbi Kdw. T. Bahdrow 3:43 Paul K. Hutt-hinsorf. iing. il! 1 4:00-4:30 Helen Traubej, tintf. ft n 8:110 Newa. M:13r-Seiget- Orctt. it : 8:30 Book chat. Richard Mora gemery. 9:O0 Tropic Trails. V f'.'i f nj r 9:30 Fitxpatrick rcb.' t I 3 10:00 Palace orch.i j 11:15 Kunyan, orttu.! j rr s to 13 Weather rebnrts . J t : " ' rerember Ar ' KOIJT MONDAY eld s., 6:30 Klock. I t- 8:00 Kxercise aud Applesauce, i 8:30 News. - i ' j 8:35 Rhythm ant Ronacfe 8:43 Sons of .Pioneer: -sltigVir !'j ; 9:15 WPA musif, i 9 :30 Romance- ofi Hi4iM TTreitf, drkma 9:45 Rich Man's dsma. 10:00 Betly and Bob.', i 10:lo Modern Cinderella.; S i? jj 10:30 Who a who sin iNaiviia' 10:42 Betty Croiker. j 10:4 Church H; mn ' ' 11:00 Big Sister! I 11:15 This and That f 12:00 Magazine Of theiAlri 12:43 .News. , , 1 -fill Tnna 17mv,i r . !. . 1 . -IS Concert ilitilatnsosi $ li 1:30 Variety 'mat ineeJ I ; I J" : ! i , 2:00 Milton Charles.: $ln;r J ij, 2:30 News Through m' Winnan'si' fiys. 2:45 Wilderness JUoa.d5 . ? 1 3 :30 Feminine t sn;iii: I- f : W-VeWs. 4:30 Prews. orgjin. ;4L4$---hilio, 5:00 Continentals. i 4 " - S i - t' 5:15 Toyland- spre S 5:30 Style show. 5, , f 5 :43 Moouglow Melodies , 6:00 Radio theater. Jjaat 'lUaVloiW ; nd Robert Tar4or. I j 7:60 Kinc'a or b '7:45 (ioose Creek Par lido j I ir 8 :0O Poetic? melqdics ' i: : I :: 8 : 1 5 Renfrew, serial strit. j - : i 8:30 Pick and Tat. lit 9:00 Heidt orcb, 3 I , - v. . 9:30 Jack Pearl, V f! 10:00 Dorothy . Dix I ' ; I 10:30 Orchestra. ;1 i :C(J-r;Hnriris i orcli. 11:30 Yonnr orcTl. f I ! :j r- ! 11:43 12 Pollack -orchektra T M0NDAY4-6 kc? rning Melodissi s-S'-i f j ite Musical 3 li S ( X, , IT KOW 7:00 Morn 7 :80 Petite 8:00 Financial. ?8 :5 Ntt. i 9:00 Christine, imr. ! . i :i jsary aiarnn. nJ drums. 9 :80 How to Be CliarnAmg. g.. 10:00 Stylo chat. , i ' Z t 10:15 Mrs. Wigg of Catbfse Patcb. 10:30 John's Other Wlftl drains. - , 10:45 Jnst Plain ! itkmmi . - 11:00 Studio (Et). ll'tSO Sews, i 1 ' 3' i " Mm 1 ! 1 si j Hit - ; a? 1. ifi li It il - - f r-i today ' MM ' ii! 'pi ,? rp i-? f -i ill the onlioarr If: hi $ ' 2 4 MMBlaVsafjaaasBBMa . I' I S'-.t t-4 i - 7" 1 I . . -l'-.-. S-IW ir I. "' 4 J ail ILU, . ' III f 1 S-EEOWM ll:45WSlngia'- Sam. - i . 12:00 Pepper Tonng's ramily, drama. 2:15 Ma Perkins, serial. -i -12:80 Vio and Sada, aerial. : I ; 12:45 Tho O'Keilla. drama. 1:00 Hour of Charm. 1:80 Clinic. 1 :45 Portland Council of Churches. - 2 :00 Hollywood News. i u $ :05 Tom Thomas; baritone. 2:15 Helen Jane Behlke, aiag. 1 2 :30 Glen, - organ. : m . . 3:4S Town Tattlers' orchestra. 8:00 Woman's Magaiino, Tariety. 4 :00 Sports. Hal Toten. I . 430 Centerrille akrtehes. ! ; 4:45 Invisible Trails. i - i 5:00 Piano Sorpriaes. i 5:15 Meakin'a Music " 5:30 Junior Narsea (XT). I i 6 :0O Warden Lawes, of . Sing Sing. :80 Stringtime. . - 7 :00 Contented program, 7 :80 Hawthorne Honao. 8 :00-r-Xmos 'n Andy. 8:15 Lum and Abner. 9:00 Fibber McGee anal Molly, com ;; ady. ' ; 9:30 Himber's Champions. 10:00 News. 10:15 Ben Klaaaen. tenor. 10:8O Hopkins reheatra, 11:00 Ambasaador orchestra. 11:80 Reveries, instrumental, to 12 Weather reports. - f a I ': aianMWiianaBBnsaBt ; '! -' ! JCEX MOKDAT 1180 Xe. 6:80 Clock. -A f !!..'!: ;ij - -- ' ' 7:00 Calvary tabernacle. :' i i 7:30 Josh Higgins, sketch. ' 7 :45 Neighbor Nell, i 8:00 Charles Sears, tenor. 8:15 Vagabonds, quartet, sing. 8:30 Edna Fischer, piano. - 8:45 Gospel Singer. , . 9:15 Home institute. 9:30 New World. 10:00 Stndio. 10:02 Trailing Along. 10:15 Food Magician. 10:30 Vaughn D.e Lesth, aing.' 10:45 Dot and Will. 11:00 Great Momenta in History. - u. a. Aavy pana.' 1J- :30 Western Farm and ' Home. 12:30 Market Reports.: : ' i 13 :85 Rochester Civic orchestra. 1 :00 Forum luncheon. ; i : 1:30 Leo and Ken, comedy and songs, i: muni jncsory, serial a ran a. 8:00 Lef Talk It Over.. -2:30 The Dictators, instrumental. - 2 :43 Tb'ree Scamps. ! i.ip.-l. 8 :0O U. 8. Army band. Jl j - 3 :25 Financial and Grain Reports. 3 :30 News. : 3:35 Three "X Sisters, vocal.; 3:45 Happy Jack. 4 :00 News. 8:00 News. 8:15 Night Watchman. 8:30 Book Chat. R. Montgomery.: 8:45 1'ncle Ezra, comedy. i 9:00i Homicide Squad, drama. 9:30 Bambi. Helen Hayes, drama. 10:00 Wrestling. 10:30 Varieties. 10:33 Billmore oreh.: j 11:00 Paul Carson. I j 12:00 Weather Reports. Exams Conducted At Police School Salem's policemen started I to school last fall; Friday night they found was examination time. Each officer was required to answer 14 questions in. writing based Upon the subjects discussed during1 the weekly night classes conducted by Louis A, Burgess, who last winter attended the federal bureau of in vestigation police training school at Washington. D. C. j How the officers fared Swill tot be known until the papers are graded. And then, probobly, the identity of who passed and who failed, if anyone, will be kept a secret within the department, i BalMics and juvenile delin quency were discussed at last night's class by Burgess and Ser geant Donald Nicholson,!; ,:j h Ms A I RADIO .TO BK PROUD OF! Beautiful Oaft-Bullt Cteb- ! toet. Powerful 7-metal-tnb PerTodjB chassis with world range. Ffcsrtures maaslTe new 1 Xa-toch Copper PHOTO-TOXB ! Speaker and many - other ' tin- . proTements. Now .j yours torn j .tljr i' .:--Ui-'U.,:i j, i 1 ' t - 86.95 h Doors from Fred Bleyer'a i t I till I I Ite I I i f? I J if L ' ,' : J $ 1 t ll-H::t ft- T::ilil;:i:l Salem Markets Grade II raw 4 per cent milk, Balena bavsie pool price $222 per Jinndred. 1; ; . .. , Co-op bntterfat price, r. O. BV Salem, 84 e. t - (Milk uttarfas Tsa.) DUtribntor price f24. - ' . .A grade notierfat DelJ ered,- 85c; i pi grade,; deliv ered, 88 c ..! .mi:, P'tot, i:! ! ! 'hi' ? 1 4ir: 4. A grade grade, 84c. 85c; ! D r :-r : Prires paid ta Krowara by Balam bavars. (Th prices kslow, sopplis4 by s local grocer, ara indicativ, of ta daily saarket bat are not a-ssraoteod : by wan.) , it, . :j;.:':t'!nf''ri! m ratm :t. !' (Bnyiag Pncos) Banana, lb. on stalk . .06 banda Coeoanats. sack CraAberrtes, bbU 4.25 to 4.75 . M to .25. Ua:s. fraaa, it. Grapefruit. Florida, box Grapefrnii, Ariaona . 8.50 . 1.75 to S.10 4.20 to S.0O - ' 3.00 to 8.25 . 3.00 to 3.85 2.00 demons, crato . Oranfea Kavals BankUt Fancy Choice : Pears. Bose ba. fineaupla. fresh. -crato 4,00. 1.00 .fomejrranaterf. rnf VIGHTABJUra i (Baying Pricosl Beets. Calif., doa j JjJ. , Broccoli, doa. ' , . u , : ; Cabbage, lb. ;-. , Cabbage, red , i , ,, m Cabbage. Kraut. p :j n ,. , , Chines cabbage, crate Carrots, coast, doi. t'hard. dus Cauliflower, Ore. No. X erato Celery; ! crato Hearts Root, doa. Endive, doa. Greens. Mustard, crato Ureens. Kale' crato Lettuce. California Iced 2.00 to . 2.40 Unions.: srreen dot. ........ .25 Onions1 Oregon while. '! i ' 50 lbs. , ,4- L 1.25 Wallja Walla tweet. 50 lb,.. 63 Oyster! plant, doz. .60 - Radishes, dox. .40 ,40 . .02 Japanese radishes, doa. Parsnips. Ib.. Peas coast or Seattle. Ik. Peppers, green. Calif- lb. . Red.; lb. Potatoes, new No I, ew. . 0 .10 10 8 oo .85 1.30 .50 No. 2, 50-lb. bag '. Potatoes, sweet. No. 1 Pumpkins cwt. . Spinach, orange box Squash .65 ' UanlsO. dot. 40 t .20 1.00 .75 .40 -80 .15 19 Hubbard, cwt. Peanut doa. Turnips, dos. water cress TUTa Walnuts.' lb. 41 t Ifilk..t. IK 16 to ' : iihif Ai hops nut : f i !' i T!" : (Buying , Prlco) Clusters. 1B84. lb. Clusters. 1985. lb. , - i0 .44 JO j .45 do. 1936. Ib Fuggles, 1935. top. lb. 00. 1930. lb. WOOZ. AND MOHAIB ! (Baying Price 1 Mohair .40 .82 .80 Medium i wool Coarse wool EGOS AND POOXTBT (Buying Price of Andreseos) Extras ,22 Brown extras Medium i extras Large standarda '. Medium : standarda .23 .21 .22 .19 .15 .15 .14 .10 .05 .05 .13 .13 .12 Pulleta Heayy hens, lb. Colored mediums, lb. Medium Leghorns, lb. Htags, lt. Old i roosters. Ib. Colored frys, over 4 lbs. , Lnder 4 lbs. White Leghorns, frys UARIUN CKEAMERT hnrine Prices ronisry. no I Sloes Colored hens, under 4 lbs. Colored hens over Vt lbs: .13 .18 41 .09 43 .12 .12 Leghorn hens, over 8 M . lbs. Leghorn bens, under 8 4 lbs, uegnorn oroners Colored springs, over 3 tba. . Colored springs, tinder 3 hi lbs. Roosters .. , , u , , .., . ....... .. .06 Rejects : . , market value Stags, lb .08 So. 2 grades, 2 eenta lets. Fees Candled and graded Large extras , , ' .28 ,21 i .22 48 ; .13 .13 Medium extras Large standarda Medium standards Undergrade ... Pullets , Tqrkeys. dressed LIS and .17 , i :i LIVESTOCK IBavinc Prirat : : Spring lambs , , 6.75 to 7.25 Ewes I i 2.25 to 2.75 Hogs; top, 150-210 lbs. .j. . ..10.00 : 130-150 lbs. 9.25 to 9.50 210-225 lbs. . . r 9.50 Sows '-: k to 7.50 Hteera u . tt KA n KA Dairy type) eow Beef- cows O.UU IO t.uv 4.50 to 5.00 4.75 to 5.25 5.00 to 6.00 42 Balls Heifers , Top veal Dressed veal. lb. Dressed hogs .13 ;! GRAIN AJTD RAT Wheat, wbit!. JSo. I .Wheat,!!; western j red-, Barley, brewing, ton reed barley, too. Oats, milling, ton reeo, ton .... Cloverseed. lb. Vetch seed, per 100 nay nnvlnc nnre l Alfalfa, valley : ii Oat and vetch, ton Clover, ton i OASCAJtA AWB KDIT Cases ra bark, lb. , M "06H 1.75 Peppermint Oil. lb. An:il y- I t with AIR CONDITIONING Now Available ! Can be installed in Jiouses I without basements in atvf tics or closets. , i 7 Sdoraed bw - ' ' n 1-. at t. ru- ! 3fr vlMhsri i aata Reef la : aafriferators'Meatlaf i ; .eo ... .45 , .02 , . .02 .75 . 1.25 . .30 . , .00 1.50 75 to .95 . .60 U .80 I . .80 41.00 ; 1 ia J- , ,. .28.00 j - ; ' 1 -.28 -. , 2.93 ;,; ''1 f I . A - it' 10.00 I 10.00 I , I ' ill ----- - --- - aaaavsM asam m aissBLan nni-i i.:i:r; ij'uFJ 'ini';fe'Pi;:tiji!S' ii'ei rir i,f Hi-' iar I BnvWForciy Kush Specials Somet Favorites Up 1 1 to f " Poinu ; 31a jbr : Isaues . Lag Diaconrages; , KEW YORK. 'Dec.' 12-frPr-BttT- ing forces -gare specialties; another rash In today's stock market' and some farorites were lifted i td 5 points or,so.;j;i:;M;-':njnj4!;: mn t The Associated Press average was; np ill ou a p o 1 n t 1 4i Transfers to railed! 1,23 S,10 shares - compared with I.00O.S8O 4yv.lKi jCfi rf:Ef -:N:.rifi;3l; fi1h: , The f ailnre of major ; steals, motors, and rails to pay; much at tention to ' optimistic . production and earnings forecasts ; was a ! bit discouraging : to some! quarters! ' - American' Can ' exerted 'a Tither depressing influence ion the: list, dropping 4 points to 110, an other new ; low for the year; Outstanding I gainers j included J. I. Case at 153, up-SH points. an a- international i ' j 102. I Kill'm tti ' Oa the of flslde fractions td point or : more t were Oendral: Motors 68. Great Northern mi and U. 8. Rubber 46. oardeners jand 1 Ranchers! Mart :i i iiM.-j : I PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 12.kff -Prices on the gardeners j itnr ranchers' market hate shown ai upward 'tendency during the; bast week even j, though! j thejl jus ilat weekend j slump was noticed to- day...'!l:-:r;-!iH!.p.-:;!--;ir;f';!i Artichokes,! celery;;! pranpea. cranberries, bananas, lettuci pti many 1 other i 'commodities t jf f higher today than at the feekinr ning of the week. On ! the father hand beans, peas and are lower in price, f i : tomatoejj a' Onions have met with! yed demand, although there has) Ijeeh little change in price. Some! ship ments In carload lots, are Ming made to California markets a 9 cents per .cw$4i,M.jri f ;j -f Supplies of various varieties f squash and pumpkin? j:' remain plentlfal with oa change Inf price for the week. ; IUjliir-'l il l The Florida grapefruit 'market advanced in price to a rangfe ) o!f $3.25 to 3.75 per box, as the vfeek closed. Higher closing f! pficea were also noted i for Louisiana yams which sold from S2.3$i to $2.50 per bushel crate. S if j I Bunched vegetables held steady with practically no! change. to- cal carrots and turnips continued I to be the main source of siipty. ! Apples Washington tieiicious. ttxti taney, z.ia--.s3; v mesaps, eittra fan cy. fl.90-2; Jonathan, fancy, $1.3541.59; vregon, wasmngton JumDle park; pellc ions, 75c-Sl; j Kings, 50-65c; i Noiflkerr ern tspies, 70-Uc;' btsymans, 7e-f 1 en bergs, 75e-$l; Winesaps, $1-1.2- jvu- mans, 85e-$l. I Artichokes -California, boxes 5 0 $3.50-4. 1 ' 1 Idon. Avaados California, i !i65s. i! Fufertoa, a-Ter pouuu, D-fc. i Beana California, crate, $2.75- i I e-fc V ! :r I! 1 I I Beeta Per dozen, S0-35. Broccoli Logs. : 50-60c. ii Brusaell Sprouts Oregon, flat: era tea. 70-75e; California, 6-7 per lb ; H Arena,' $1,75. t M - . I " I ii . j - ,. k j Cabbage Oregon, Danish, lettaee trates, $1.75-2.00; red, lb.. 14 -3c, Carrots-r-Dob. bnncbee, i 25-30c j i Cauliflower Oregon, pony, 751 1.00 ; Calif., $1.20-1.25 per crate, h i j -Celery Oregon crates, 8-344 doi., $1.60-1.75; Ctah typo, $2.00-2.25 f heiarfei, $1.1.20; Oregon hearts, 8ie-$l, California 3 3 doa, $2-2.25.! : ; i i if "i i:! J jj--: Celery root Pound. $0-78e, ! Citrus frntts orange. California), jVaU eneiai. $4-4.50; navels,; $2.75,8.40 ! tan gerines, Florida $2-2.50 per flat. Lsraona, California,' fancy, $3,754.75; grapefruit, Florida, ! fancy, $3.25 3.75; Arisona, aU sises $1.75-25. . , 1 ' ! f ! Cooanuta Imported,! sacks, i $6.25; 85e do.',!' ; MUii: i, Ki -''" i ,;f.T7"iT ' : Cranberrles- 25-pound box. $4.50-4.75. - Cocombers Oregon hothouse. $1.50 to 4 box; California. 2.25 per lag of 4 dos. Eggrplant California, log, $1125-1.35. - Figs California fiata, whita nd black. ao- (sc. ; " !;,. mi I Garlic Per pound, 8-lOe. : f Grapes Emperors, $L5O-l.C0j- Greea ooiobs rer ; dosea : hancbss J-VUC :fcr ... ti If: .iift!''h!'',Fit:f'!i'i:':! !'';!! ; Ground Chorries Oregot flat per lb- S-lOo..1- -v -1 1- I boges. Hockleherries Oregon, t , Washington, i Lettuce California. 4 and 5 I dosen leed. $1.75-2.00; 6 dos. $2-2.25; dry pack $1.15-1.35. . . . , Melons'-Washington - Oaaabstj BOo-il sraU. i;s; iiU.:-? -k !..; ji. i: 4 ii injij. ., j ii,.'; s ; Hnshrooma On pound artons, 40- 1 VS. -I i!,!I'ih ' 'I ,;--.... Hi. .'!k' i ! ii -t; ! 1 Onions 100-Pound aaeVa. ' D 1. Ho. 1. yellows. 11145; 1 Valeneias. sack. 85-90e; yellow boilers, 10 lb lWSew''r3fc-:"'!ii-f..!-tr--,i i'v ;4; -4;. Paralpa Per lag. 5-40e. "!: i 50-lb. lack. jreas- caiilornla, - se-ponel , hampers, $1.75-2.00; crates, $2.50-8.00; ,7-8a lb. .1 - Peara rKuri sVaaliinstpa.,- Mmsa Iambi pack. Bosc. $1.60 1.75: D'Anjou. $1.60-1.75; Bartletta. 85-50c, ' h i f- Peraimmons Calif., lugs, 80e-$l. ? ' Peppers Oregon , flat hoses, red, 85e; orange boxes. green, $1-1.10; 10 12e per. lb.; California, 12-15e ,1b. ' i Potatoes U. 8. 'o. 1, 100-ponnd sacks Deschutes rassett, $2.30-2.45; KUmath russets $2.80-2.45; Washington russets. $2.80-2.45: local, i S1.DO 4. IS t Raik..k n pomegranates LAgs, 65-75. Badishea Per dosen bench. ' HbabarbCsllfornia, , p p I $i.40-i.60.'3, 'i'-i-fiiM1: I." SOSSe. koe. q ; - I-- Kb ta bans VTashinrtna I ; loO-IK arka $1.60-1.75; Oregon local. Jura. 55,00. j Bptnach Oregon, orang boxes, :. 80 M; Texts. $1.85-1.40 per erst.: .7 f AU,,,VrP.rr,,m . rrats 50-60; Hubbard, IK 1-1 He. 1 i i . -Pniararalifvraa U SO-lw fT0-1.65; yan,j, $2.85-2.50 Tomatoes Oregon :ll hothouse. U $1.25-. auiornla. lag, $1.65-1.75. - j Turnips IMmrn svanehe; 88-50. J . Til ' nswirrTnrMBa Deeember'li'f1' !: ii': i'iw.f srpnriic . AirrvaAva ' - ! BES : fj ; (Compiled ar the Associated, Press) 'Vi'i Indnat. Bails OttrStoeit Today .-; S8.S S1.B 10 9 mi. aay t ae.o . Month an - 7.1 39.0 ss.a S1;S 50.Y :. 43.SJ sa.f 48.4 . 44.7 70.5 70 9 B8.7 T3.8 35.7 S;l 84,3 Year ago . 71-S 88.0 48.S S0JI i 'Si 18S hick .S 1S3S low W TS.4 V 1S5 kigk ..7.S . i35". low v 49 S 31.8 !1 3 " B0H9 AVXXAQSS SO 10 t . i . 10! 10 lila Indu.t ' f tjtlii for" i To4ay''l",lii.a'' T.S Prer. day T.5 104.S 102.5 71 a 104. lioa.ii j 7i 04.i ioa.s , 7i I0L7 : 99.0 69.S 104.4 -,I03jt -'; 73iB 101.8 i 99 8 i 91 A Montk aea S7.0 Year age 3S.0' 7.i se.s 1938 kigk 1W30 w 1935 kigk S7.8 loa.a : s.a .70.4 s 40a ',i n ' ! Stoclts & Bohds: 1933 ov 3J 4 . 43 ! Statesman j Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per Una 10e rhrea Insertions per Una 20e Sis Insertions per. Una to One month per line u$L00 Miaimnm charge f Kir Oapy for thla pag accepted nnUl ff J$ th oveaing before publleatlen for ; classiflratlon. ' Copy rwcalved after this- time win b run under the headinc Too . Late te CUs aify.- ' The 8tatearaan araumest no finals. Mai rcsponaibUity. for error which may appemr tn advert laeroents pub, ilsbed In It olumns and ta caaes whor) thl paper Is at fault will r- Siint that part mt an dvrttaernnr 1 whfeb tb typosTapMcal mlatak ccnra ;., '.".. '.- ' v- . .The Stateatnan reswrvea tha right co reject quesrionabl advert lalns ft further reserves - the right' to place all " adrertlalns under , tho o roper rUtaalflmUon - Business Cards In thin directory ran on a monthly basis only. Rate; 11 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mik) Panes. 275 8outli Commercial E Bicycles BICYCLES, : NEW- A reconditioned. Marry w. Scott. 147 8. Com'L Ph. 4518. Brushes FULLER brushes for Xmaa. Tel. 7582. FULLER BRUSHES, So. rSide. Tel. 6724J 2785 Brooks St.' Eve. appoint ments. i I Chimney Sweep . j TELEPHONE 445a R. E. ' Korthiicas. FURNACES CLEANED, repaired. Tel. 5243. ' F ...-.,.,'... Chiropractors DR. a U SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. X56 N. pish. TcL Rea 1761 . , I Excavating Excavating of all kinds. Basements dug. Dirt nauled nr ruoved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Pbone 8401 r . Florists Brelthaupta 441 Court. Furs DuBAIN Fur Co, Master rurrlers and designers. Rm. A Miller Bids. Lanndries THE I NKTO SALEM LAUNDR1 ( THE WEIDER LAUNDRY a High - TeL Hit CAPITAL. CITY lAtTNDRT . ! First in Quality and Sanrlce Telepboo SMS, 124 Broadway Mattresses CAPITOL RKDDINQ ryj. phona 40(9 15 17 id V, 20 'A 23 2W 23 26 2 1 35 3 37 4 3i 40 21 M5 to 21 53 3. 37 3d 2 71 18 1 Cross Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE SOEFFEn HORIZONTAL 60 laxge 81 -ministers - to 63 distends 56 useless plants 57 stalk r 59 Inspired with . . solemn -: wonder 61 exclama ' ' tion 62 arerred 6&-Hroire 69 looked- : intently , 70 central 1 slender and t- jthin ' ' ' ,6 flourish at - " 4. m I the end of s r- jsitTiature Ufood fish :'" '' 14-feTer of ." : - ImsJariat - : . - clisrscter ' lSsTtun arable V 16-4-mineraI- ; , , ,' 1 ized rock ,. i7Hst3jU'f' A; being satis . ..tied 1. 19 aped '20arBc plant " part o ' amvthina 21 almost S,S ; 23wild dos . 25 tA inrft- "71 loop to. i y2 receive . J hook 29-a type of v . -TZ-horses : :Tlnflores- ; 73-joulled: V f eence 'Ov - forcttlT ; ' JX-tuJshd.: 1 - 'P 82-winsri. ' Herewith is ishsiied'-'-iaypriaxIe. , :S5-skiU 86naTT " 88 spire of r;r rrass " 89 back ' ; A : 40-ap ' . "a--eolor T i j . 43-sarnmlt u 44 a deTelop-yH- 'iable-.-.' ':- geom.) '. ; 46-4arked 48 one of Kinar 1 DaTio?s .' ; ralers-. ; 49 aqraatie Y3i wra '.;r;." 11 fswiist. 1333. 39 terra mEg Tfi5p;SiCTi(Fo AOj N t? H'A Gp3gU & Mjg T t;H.grAr kTT A 3!AIS!SE QEIN D'AV ' BIDS WANTED Wanted: ,3250. cords four-foot wood. Bid forms may be received from Oregon State Board of Con trol, 403 State Office Bnildinft Salem. Bids will be opened at p. m.; Monday, Dec. 21, 1929 S-y " , rx' 13-17. -1 shanghai ara announces change of ownership on December 171938, at ' 2 o'clock, p.' m. -Y "-'r'-: to : " MRS. WOXO, CHINQ . LOCK . Persons ; baring' unpaid bills are requested to present them there at such time. D. 12-13-15-16-17 Help Wanted TURKEY PICKERS report Monday morning, Marlon Creamery. - i D i rec tory MattressM SALEM FLUFF- RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning. sl ing: fluff ru weaving. & ISth A Wil bur. Tel. 1441. OTTO F. Z WICKER, Ext. -lU. , . 1 Music Stores GEO. C WILL Planoa, radios, sewing machines.- sheet music and piano stud ies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 43a Stat street. Salem. , . .. -' r . -'.' I Photo Engraving Salem photo enarrarlns. 14t N. Com mercial, Tel. 5887. - Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department XI 5 8. Commercial. Tele phona 310L - .. ' Sewing Machine Repairs C. R l-entherman. Ir (S7S il(3 WaUer. Stoves W repair stOTes, rttjiffea. circulator Sa11 naul ssn1 fKill4 atAWoa Mnoraa as w aiii i avuu avvwaseass bjbsbsssb smta circulators, stock fence, poets, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Store Works. z6i (jnemeKeia. I ei. 4774. r. a, Fleming. Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storara. call I1SL Larmer Tr an star Co. Trucks to Portland, dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 12( State Et TeL 777. Distributing, for warding and ctoraga our specialty. Gat our rates. ... t " - - WILLIAMS TRUCK Serv. Tat 32F3L ' Trncking TEL. 1388 ASHCRAFT. Well Drilling R A WMt Rt , Bos 44& Tet 110FI. to 12 '3 16 I 21 22 41 27 26 31 IT 33 3i 21 38 HI Hi HZ HI HQ 5 52 55 5 31 'A m 51 7 VERTICAL 1 ingredient of sealing , wax 2 past .' S breed of : , ; l . donestie ' pigeons ' - ressel for -boilinf; water 5 glass la . compart'- . tnent of ' ,1 to compact . by pound- : insj - . vSa point In ' tennis. - 9 -fastened A 10 personal " - enemy.,:. 11 conjoint . 12 r-pertininaT ." to the . . month.' i mm YV f sssisssr, P 13 gainsay . 18 a hermit 22 pertaining; . V vto trrand- ' parents 23 draws up 24 agTieul - tural . : '-' implement r 25 havin,- . . " - eight rayg . 27 newt 28 abonnding ' in plant c orules - 39-subdiTision , .of ceolotie '' time 80 idolized 88 that which moistens -.:r r with "an w - emblem of . xnornin ; 42 an afiraa thro . - 45--ilip off aaddenry ; 47 seniority 50 the outcrop . tmininjr) T .. 58 edirv - 54 Tanlts . -55 was eco- ' nomieal 57 a half shrubby . mint 58- -tho8e re- - '.f erred to 6J 'espouses ' 63 compre hend 64 before 65 also . - 66 misconceive 67 retreat of . wild beast the solution to Satur T Si'. 'ill' i!l-iffi i ; '1 1 'tMi 3.1- I -'.if " 'i ;!''::;