The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 12, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    - Local News Briefs
- Mea to Leare Major H. D.
Bagnall, army recruiting officer,
Portland, announced yesterday
that word haa: been receired from
headquarters, Vancoarer Bar
racks, that the three Salem hoys,
LeRoy J. Willis;, . William R.
Mack, and Joice E. Fultx, who en
listed far aerriea in the, Hxwxiian
Islands, will all leare Yancourer
Barracks on - Monday, December
14 th, for the orerseaa discharge
and replacement depot. Fort Mc
Dowell, Calif., to awaft the sailing
date of the army transport. t
.Prompt del. Dry wood. Tel. 5004.
Jury i Term " Ended Unless
some emergency arises the trial
finished In circuit court Thurs
day will complete the duties of
that Jury. A. new term will start
In January and no cases are set
for trial between the present time
and the end of December. . The
present Jury sat not only for the
trial of cases before Judge L. H.
McMahan but heard cases which
had been transferred to Judge L.
O. Lewelling for trial." ;i
Attend Gym .ileet Lestle J.
Sparks' of Willamette uniTersity
and Vernon Gilmore of Salem
high school are receiving mention
in connection with the annual
meeting: of the Oregon state phys
ical education association to be
held in Portland December, 29 and
SO. Gilmore Is being proposed as
a nominee - for rice president of
the organization and Sparks is
member of the nomination com
mittee. Prestone Is, the guaranteed anti
freese. Be prepared for j epld
weather. Prestone does not erap
orate get yours today. Due JLo
the strike the supply is limited.
We hare it. Valley Motor Co.A
Hollywood Serrice Station.
182nd To Reunite number
of Salem World war veterans are
. planning to go to Portland this
afternoon to attend the annual re
union of the 162nd Infantry regi
ment of which the old M company
of the national guard here was
one of the original units. Today
Is the ISth anlrersary of the regi
ment's departure for overseas
service. The reunlonwill start at
the II Travatore 'caTe, Southwest
Fifth and Salmon streets, at
:S0 p. m.
Disabled Veterans Bazaar Food
Sale 32S State, Saturday.,
Grabenhont to Build George
Grabenhorst, jr., Thursday took
out the year's 148th permit for
construction or a new nouse nere.
bringing residential construction
-values to SS30.491.The house, one
tnra titvTi nf frim frntriirt Inn
with shake - exterior-and maho
gany and fir interior trim, will be
built at 1540 Jefferson street by
- Adam Engle. J.E- Cox Thursday
was rranted a permit for' a 150
house reroofing Job at 1065. Nor-
- - v.- " .
Fine cnristmas trees. z Marion.
, Three Accidents. Fatal There
ware, ffnrea fatalitlaa. in Aree-an !
due to .industrial accidents dur
)ng the week ending December 10,
the state Industrial accident .com
mission reported Friday.. The vic
tims were Matrin Kerr Portland,
shovel oiler; Ben C.'Prnkham,
Portland, ranch worker; and John
WJlburn. Portland, sawyer. There
were (TO accidents reponea w
the commission during, the week.
Gift Boxes f Hose.-a nationally
IItia TA ,Inu Ant fnaira
.W.l.WMO . ... V. v M V t-rr w w
69c. Bishop's Economy - annex.
136 X. Commercial. ;
- Grde : OoMtags v Topic Xew
rules for the protection of rail
road ..grade; crossings throughout
the state will be - adopted at a
meeting, to be held here December
T18. Frank C. McColloch. state
utility commissioner announced
Vrtdsv: Rpnorts dealing with
grade crossing accidents will be
discussed. Representatives of. a
large number of railroads and
truck lines will attend the meet-1
Ins;.-' :. . .' .
Two Extradited Extradllioaf
MUo C. Keller and Clifford J.
Spttler, both of whom are wanted
In Seneca county,' Ohio, was au
thorized by Governor Charles H.
Martin 'here today. .' Keller is
charged with child abandonment
and Spitler with removing mort
gaged property. Spitler was ar-
rested at The Dalles and Keller in
Xmu ! Special Bridge lamps,
complete with shsdes,. $1.95
Woodry Furniture Co.. 474 S.
Commercial. "
Teachers Become Parents Two
Salem high school Instructors and
their .wives are being felicitated
on the birth of children this, week.,
A girl, their first child., was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finlay.
jar. ana .Mrs. m. j. r.ue
- parenU of a boy. their third child.
Finlay Is band and .orchestra In
structor and EHef teaches social
science, . J ;
Asks Preferences The secre
Ury of state sent letters Friday
to all holdover state senators urg
ing them to express, a. preference
for seats during, the 1937 legis
lative session. Seats not reserved
by the holdover . senators , will be
available for the newly elected
. senators. A committee of repre-
- sentatives has charge of the sest
ing arrangenifnt In the house,
Non-Stooping CharRed U.I.G.
B-lnd, Woodburn, was booked
bv el t y police yesterday on a
charge of failing to stop. A
charge of .violating the basic rule
has been written up against O. E
Lee, 955 North Winter street.
! Contin Ernt '
"bee. 1 1 Kalem ltoarl
club, election, pot luck sup
per. 7 p.m K. ofV- hll
210 4 North CtxnroercUI
street. .
. Dec. 12 4-H local leaders
meet, courthouse, 2 p. ox.
Dec. 12 Ananal district,
meeting loganberry control
board, chamber . of cotn
snerce, l:SO pm.
Dec. 18 Banquet and
reception . ; to Willamette
football players, 6:SO n. sa
. Marion hoteL. . . -,- -
Three la Crash-f-Three motor
ists escaped unhurt when their
automobiles collided . on High
street near Salem high school
at 12:1 pJm: yesterday, they re
ported to police. The three driv
ers were Walter Lansing, 1920
North Summer street; - Robert
Vernon Victor, ljo East Miller,
and Richard Stiirdavant, 1855
North' Fifth, The only other ac
cident, reported yesterday invol-
red Norman Ham
llton, 310 East
Lincoln, and Mrs.
O. E. Whltneyr
1555 Saginaw, at Ferry and Com
mercial streets.
Install Xfw Ele va tor A mnrl.
era elevator costing 11900 is to
he Installed in the Marlon hotel,
according to a permit Issued at
the city hall yesterday.' Other
building permits included: Mrs.
Roma Hurter, alter house at' 565
South Liberty street, 850; Henry
B. Koehler, ; alter) apartments at
818 North Llbeky, 840; Mr.
Chllders, rerdof apartments at
1620 Ferry, S16j: Mrs. Adella
Gilliam, reroof house at1 776
South 12th, 150i
: - . . i ,
V.F.W. benefit' dance, Sat.;' Dec.
12, Fraternal temple, 447 Center
street. Music by Johnnie Calla
han's 10 Swing Entertainers. Ad
mission, gentleman 50c, ladies
Tooze to SpeakFred J. Tooze,
sr., will address! a Townsend
meeting Monday nght at the W. C.
T. U. hall upon the social security
act. Other program numbers ar
ranged by J. H. Hrryman Include
music by the Zinej Sharnack fam
llr orchestra, mnalnl ruitin.
pilsa Sharnack, readings by Dor-
oiny aicuuiiy end song by Mrs.
Block, president if the Indepen
dence club.
Prestone is the guaranteed anti
freeze. Be prepared for cold
weather. Prestone does not evap
orate get yours today. Due to
the strike the supply Is limited.
We have it. Valley Motor Co. &
Hollywood Service 1 Station.
Attends ' Dinncr-j-G o v e r n o r
Martin left for Portland Friday
afternoon to attend the dinner
last night In honor; of Brigadier
General George Marshall, recent
ly placed In charge! of Vancouver
barracks. The governor expected
to remain in PnrtlnMil wor-nlht
to attend a democratic meeting
today. -
Ob ituary
' ; Wflkinsf. '
In this -city Friday, Dec. 11,
Louise WHklns, 70, Slate resident
of route 7. Survived! by widower,
William Wilkins and innn. V.A-marA
C. Wilkins. Funeraj announce
ments later from the Salem Mort
uary, MS North Capitol.
Pearre 1 '' t
Edward IJ-. Pearcef at a local
hospital December f, aged 67
years. Survived by daughter, Mrs.
Hattie' E. Dodge of (Salem; five
sons, uavid R.of Monmoutht Or
ville S. of Huntington; Park, Calif..
Koy E.. Nile J. and Harold W
Pearce, all of Salem i sister. Mrs
Charles Busey of Safem; brother.
Lewis F. Pearc of Yakima; 11
grandchildren.' Fundral services
from the chapel of CIouKh-Barrick
company Monday. Dei. 14. at 1:30
p.m; Interment I. O.
O. F. ceme-
Laura B. McKay, at a local hos
pital. December 10. aged 23 years.
Survived by parents. 5Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce R. McKay of Salem; sisters,
Mrs. Irena Schaefer of Salem,
Mrs. Allie Hauptmann Bernlce Me
Kay of Clearwaterj Neb., Miss
Gladys McKay of Salem; brother.
Gerald of Salem: jgrandmother.
Mrs. Irena McKay of Elmira. N. Y
Funeral announcements later by
Clough-Barrick company
-r". 1 i
Mrs. Adelide Newton Keys at
residence. 166 W.; Washington.
aged 75 years. Survived by daugh
ter. Mrs. Alethea Parry of Salem
ana two sons, Millard Keys of
Pittsburgh. Pa., and Harwood of
Rochester. N. Y.. and four grand
children. Shipment jwill be made
to Holley. X. Y.. for Interment by
uiougb-uarrfck company.
At'a local hospital, December 8.
E; J. Cook, former resident of Eu
gene, aged S3 years. Remains ac
companied by son will be forward
ed by Terwilliger funeral home
to Pomona, Calif. j for services
and interment. , i
i Christensen
At the residence. Salem route 4
December; li. Casper Henry
Christensen. Survivfed by widow.
Carrie; son, Ray; brother and
sisters. Hans Christensen, ' Mrs.
Mary Musiel and Mrs. J. E. John
son, all of Wisconsin. Funeral
services will be held from the W.
T. RIgdon company chapel Mon
day, Dee. 14, at 1:30 p. m.
: - . , . i Frank
At a local hospital Dec. 8, Hen
ry Frank, 65. of I Independence.
Husband of Florence Frank and
father of Helen Loder; brother of
Albert of Stayton. 1 Peter of Ore
;'gon City and Mrs. iRh'oda Maertz
of Et Centro, Call! Funeral ser
vices from the Tferwilliger fun
eral borne Saturday at 1:30 p m.
Rev, R. C. Mann officiating. In
terment In I.O.O.FJ cemetery. Ph.
-i:Y. ..
G. R. May hack, jfather of Arn
old of New York, Walter of Glen
cullen, Luella and 'Ruby Mayback
and Alice Pohl. all of Portland,
and Meta l Christensen of .Tlgard;
also' six grandchildren. Funeral
services Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock from Terwilliger funeral
home. Ph. 6928, with Interment
in the City View cemetery. Rev.
Olthoff officiating. , "
Uqnld-Tablets i
- Salve-Nose t - Price
Ticket Sale Fine Indications
point to a sell-out of tickets for the
dinner to be iheld at the Marion
hotel next Wednesday night hon
oring the Bearcat football squad,
three times winner of the north
west football title. The committee
handling the ticket sale -has met
a speedy response from business
and- professional men, among
whom first contacts wjere made.
Lutx florist, 1276 N. Lib. P. 9592.
:, ' - - I r -. ' -
To i Hold Christmas Party-
Ladies of thelMcCormick class of
the First Methodist Episcopal
church will meet at the home of
Mrs. George E. Lewis, 178 North
Winter, Tuesday, Dee. 18. at 1:30
Pv m.. for a dessert luncheon and
Christmas party. Assisting the
hostess will be Mrs. Ralph Mercer
and Mrs. Humer. .
Escapee from- Hospital State
police were jasked yesterday j to
hunt for Paul! Layman, 200-pound
inmate who j turned up missing
from the statB hospital Thursday.
Layman, aged 40, was a grounds
trusty. He ; was : committed iroro
Fan Installed A circulation
fan was installed yesterday In the
vault.of the county clerk's office.
The fan not jonly gives a change
of air In the vault but aids In
clearing out the air in the main
office.. ' - ':
' - ' 'I ;
j Licenses Approved Beer li
cense applications of Earl Looney
at the Zoo Auto park near Hub
bard and Juia DeJadin at Hop
mere have been approved by the
county -court.
Returned Cer-
tificates of
iattachment of real
property have
been filed In circuit
court In the
against F.
(case of August Car)
G. Bowersox and
Frank G. Cary
City Paid I $3234 The county
treasurer yesterday paid the cltv
of Salem S3 23 4.3 9 -as its share of
recent collections of 1935 taxes.
City Treasurer C. O. Rice report
ed. ! - -
Licensed at Chehalfg Harbart
W. C. Clak of Portland and
Alice W. Elliott of Salem received
a marriage license at Chehalis,
.Wash., this . Week.
Tuletide Projjrain a Christ
mas program followed by a com
munity basket social will be held
at the Pratiim schoolhouse be
ginning at 7)30 on Friday night.
Grant Meek Postponed The
Grant parent-teacher association
ha postponed its monthly meet
ing to next Tiday night.
Howe Arrested Eugene
Howe was arrested yesterday on a
non-support indictment returned
by the grand jjury.
Cantata Will Be
Offered Dec. 20
"The Good Samaritan" a sacred
cantata, with; text compiled large
ly from Jhe scriptures by Bemice
H. Rnnkel and the music by Ken
neth E. RunkeL .will be presented
by the choir of the First Christ
ian church, corner of Center and
High: streets, Sunday night, De
cember 20, at 7:30 o'clock.
The cantata has Its setting in
the Interview of a certain scribe
with Christ. The scribe asks
Christ what he must do to Inherit
eternal life. Christ's answer,
which includes the parable of the
"Good Samaritan, is then por
trayed In vivid form. Appropriate
expression Is given to the practi
cal message of Christianity In re
gard to human relationships.
A choir of 35 voices will pre
sent the cantata. The part of the
narrator will be sung by Mrs.
Gertrude Cherringtbn, soprano.
The part of Jesus will be taken by
Mr. Fred Bates, baritone. Miss
Elene Douglas -will be the alto
soloist. Mrs. L f i s Plummer
Schmidt is the organist. The choir
is directed by John Schmidt. Jr.,
who will also sing- the part of the
scribe. i
TotrntenS. Mat Meeting
Sunday at High School
All Townsend club members
and friends) are requested to at
tend a mass meeting to be held
In the Salem high school aud
itorium Sunday. December 13, at
2:30 p. m.J State Director Dr. R.
I. Shaddock will be the principal
speaker. Arthur . Moore, district
organizer. Will preside and re
quests not jonly Townsend mem
bers hut the general public to at
tend. Dr. Shaddock Is known as
one. of the best speakers In the
Townsend-: movement and has a
message of great Important, local
leaders declare.
fnrtrlTn f r an A Mr
Stephen Meuehel, 1042 Highland
avenue, a ooy, ueraia Lee,- Dora
December 9. at Salem Deaconess
hospital, f .
SharpewfTo Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Sharpe. route three, a -boy, born
December 8 at the residence.
Hrtland- To Mr. and Mrs.
Harold T. j Titlan1 1AKA Vnrth
Capitol street, a boy, Harold Lew
is, oorn UBcemDer 6 at tne resi
dence. ':; . ' t
I (
Mt Crest Abbey;
Mausoleum and! Crematorium
i- - Lloyd T. Rlgdoav Mgr. - r ?
Traffic Code
Test Avoided
Hath Pleads Guilty, Pay
$15 Fine; Drank Driver
Gets Usual Penalty
The Phil Huth reckless driving
ease failed to go to. trtaLjm sched
ule yesterday afternoon w h e n
Municipal Judge A. Warren
Jones accepted a plea lot guilty
and a recommendation from City
Attorney Paul R. Hendricks that
the defendant be fined $15.
Huth's attorney had threatened
to take the ease to circuit court
on an appeal, contending the city
traffic code was Invalid and
Hendricks had threatened to
have the charge transferred to
justice court to be prosecuted nn
der the state law.
Judge Jones Imposed a $100
fine on Hiram Hagen when the
latter pleaded guilty to drunken
driving. In addition to receiving
a 30-day suspended Jail sentence,
Hagen was placed on one year's
probation and, bis driver's license
was suspended for one year. ..
Complaint for $1400 damages
was filed in circuit court yester
day by Anton Rothenfluch
against Clement Duda, executor
of the estate of Frank Duda. The
plaintiff is seeking damages for
the alleged Improper drying of
hops by the deceased Frank Duda.
A trial of the same case was ready
to start in circuit court recently
but was i held up when it was
found the defendant had passed
away after the institution of the
suit and no substitution for the
defendant had been made.
The plaintiff claims that by
reason of the deceased's slack
drying the hop crop he failed to
sell his hops and suffered the
loss specified in the complaints.
In probate court In connection
with the Duda estate objections
to the final account of the execu
tor are filed by Rothenfluch on
the grounds that his claim Is a
lawful one, that It has been re
fused payment and that the es
tate should not be closed until
the damage action Is settled.
Circuit Court -
Bank of Woodburn liquidation;
orders signed to sell Gervals
chicken house to Howard Tong
for $200 to pay taxes $167; to
permit 195 in taxes to remain un
paid; to permit W. C. Jeschke
notes to outlaw; to pay partial
taxes of 222.
Stayton bank liquidation; or
der for settlement of A. P. Er
peldlng note for $300; to permit
$873 taxes on timber to remain
unpaid; to settle note of W. F.
Klecker for $150.
William Hirte vs. Gladys Hirte;
order for citation to plaintiff to
appear and show cause why he
should not pay $16 0 attorney
fees, $50 costs and $50 a month
temporary alimony.
Lulu Brown vs. George W. Rit
teman; order extending time for
filing bill of exceptions to
January 4. I .
Mabel and Henry Coleman vs.
Charles Whitney and others;
complaint for partition of real
property, j -
Andrew Sheperd vs. Cora Long
and .others; order of dismissal on
stipulation of settlement between
the parties.
Probate Court
Chester B. Lindsay guardian
ship; order for citation to Issue
for hearing on appointment of
Lucy E. . Brown estate; final
account filed by -Walter H. Bell,
administrator. Hearing set Jan
uary 19. . .;
Emil Bochsler estate; Joseph
ine Bochsler appointed adminis
tratrix, and Joseph J. Keber,
Alois Keber and J. D. H a r t h
named appraiser.
Herman Nuttman estate; de
termination of Inheritance tax on
$27,059 taxable property set at
nothing due to exemptions.
Barbara Trost estate; closed
and Joseph J. Keber released as
Elizabeth Nuttman estate; or
der granting Francis J. Nuttman,
administrator, authority to sell at
private sale stocks held in the
Marriage Licenses
Elvln Joseph Clark. 27, dairy
man, Woodland, Wash., . and
Emma Karo line Mulsiy, 22,
housekeeper, Aurora.
Justice Court
Elmer John Beekley; complaint
of driving with -Illegal lights Vis
missed on. motion of. district' at
torney's office and new complaint'
for the "same violation filed. No
plea "entered to new complaint.
John Bright; waived preliminary-hearing
on charge. of Issu
ing check without sufficient funds
nnd hound ' over to grand Jury.
posted $250 huy ; ; -VH
Arlow- Mix and John Ogle;
pleaded guilty to : charge pos-"
session of game fish in- closed
season. Each fined $25 and' costs.
Ogle failed to pay tha fine and
commitment ' issued. - '
- Municipal Court r
Robert , W. Dinbat, Portland,
$5 bail forfeited, basic- traffic
rule charge. - -;
urniT UHUiiiB
Ifarioa aaS N. Li hart t atmlr Bfbl
Behoof :45. Tt4. Brof, rapt. Harming
wtnbip, XI. 'clock. E. E. Hytii, sapt.
Astsriesa Sunosy Sehaol aaioa, will
pk. Evening senriea, ' T:30. Jack
Uiteh1I, teacher ef th Uaim BibU
laaara 'of PortUad.' will apeak. 'Orsaa
prelude, T:15. by Kiss MiUer. Toana
poeplo's meet ins, 6:80. Prayer meeting
Wednesday. T:80 'clock, .. V
- Korth lth aad brapais atreeta. Xr
aeat H. Brown, pa tor.; Sunday achool,
9 :45 a.Ok MorsiiiK serrice at 11 a. aa.
Sermon, . "The Chriatiaa's : Security
Plan.'? B.T.P.U. at S:S0 p. aW.'. later
audtata aociety at 0:45 p. m. Erening
aervice at 7:80 p. . Harmon, "The Re
pealer of God."- Midweek services Thurs
day at 7:80 p. an.
North Cottare and D atreeta. J. I.
Olthoft. pastor. Bible school with classes
for all area, at 9:45 i a. am. Saatuel
Bchirman, aupt. Jdorning worship in Ger
au at 11 o'clock. Sermon, "Dec Chris
tea Ruhm," ("The Chrmtian's Boast").
Meeting of the church members at 2: SO.
ETeninc worshin In Enclish at 7i30.
Gospel message, "What Shall Be the
Preacher's Themet" Bible stndy and
prayer' meeting , Wednesday erening st S
Corner of Center and High streets.
Guy I Drill, minister. Church school at
a. on ir : v Ia.jk .
He Tours," sung toy the men's onartet.
Sermon, "A Real Christian Experience."
Christian Endearor societies meet at
8:15. Erening serrice at 7:80. In rec
ognition of annual Woman's day. the
Women's Missionary society will hare
charge of the serrice. : Misa Gertrude
Shoemaker, recently returned missionary
from Africa, uftll be guest speaker. Mid
week serrice Wednesday at 7:80.
Court and. 17th streets. D. W. Vaniela,
pastor. Bible school at 9:45. Miss Jesa
Hawkins, aupt. Morning worship anl
obserranee of the Lord's supper at
10:45; Message. "Shall We Discard
It!"- Erening serrice and Christian En
dearor at 7:80. Solo by Katharine
Scharf. Message, "God With Us." AU
day meeting of the church women Wed
nesday in the Bungalow. Midweek serr
ice Thursday at 7:30.
Kerth fTattar and ShiDDins streets.
C. T. Springs, minister.' Bible stud at
10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Topic. ' ie
Greatest Vocation.' ' Obserranee of th
Lord.' a- supper. Preaching, 7:80 p. m.
Topic, "Character Building." Midweek
meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. at.
Liberty at Center. J. K. Simonds, min
ister. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning
worship, 11. Sermon. "The Beginning
of the Gospel." Anthem, "Spirit of
God' by Whitby.
Kiseteenth and Ferry. H. C. Storer,
minister. Morning worship at 11. Ser
mon, "Immortal Money." Anthem,
"Coma and Worship" (Wildermere).
Quartet? 'Follow Me" (Shelley). Ere-,
ning ; serrice at 7 :80. " Sermon, "The
Strappado." Duet, "Brightest and
Beat" (Cranmer). Sunday school at 10
a. m. Boy Harland, aupt. Young people's
meetings at 6:45 p.. m..
- Church and Chemeketa streets. Holy
communion, 7:30 a. m. Church school,
9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon,
11 a. m. Saint Mary's, . Woodburn. 4
p. m. Toong people at the rectory, 6:30
p. am. Rer. George H. Swift, rector.
Corner of Summer and Marion streets.
Bar, James E. Campbell, minister. Bun
day school at 9:45 a. m. L. L. Thornton,
rupt. Morning worship .at 11 o'clock.
Sermon, "A Peculiar People." Senior
high school and Tonng People' league at
S:30 p. nu Eraagelistie serrice at 7:80
p. m. Sermon, "Eraagelistie Message."
Bible study Thursday at 7:80 p. as.
Ferry and 13th streets. C. G. Weston,
pastor. Sunday school at 9 :45 a. m. C. A.
Wilson, aupt. Church serrice at 11 a. as.
Subject, "The Messiah of Prophecy."
Evangelistic serrice at 7:45 p. at. Sub
ieet. "Where Are . the Dead!" Bible
study at 7:45 p. m., Tuesday. Subject.
"Isaiah Chapters Seren to Nine." Young
people's aerriee Thnraday at 7:43 p. m.
S. Commercial at Washington atreeta.
M. H. and Haael K. Porter, pastors.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Morning wor
ship at 11 a. m.- Christian Endearor at
6:80 p. m. Erening ' serrice . at 7:30
S. m. Midweek prayer - meeting Thurs
ay, 7:30 p. m.
N. Capitol and Marion atreeta. Edwin
Horstman, paator. Sunday . school, 10
a. as. German serriees, 10 a. m., "Truth
in Christian Liring." English serricea.
11 a. m-, ' I he Yielded Life and Human
Relationships. '
North Cottage- and Hood streets. L. W.
Johnson, pastor.. Sunday school assem
bly at 9:45 a. as. James S. Daris. aupt.
Morninc worshin at 11. Sermon. ''Abore
All Our Asking or Thinking." Janier
church in basement chapel at the same
boar. Young people a meeting at . :45
d. m. Ereninc serrice at 7:45. Special
"automobile" aerriee. Sermon. "The
Ante Teaches Religion." Midweek, SerT'
ice Wednesday sight.
' 117 V S. Commercial. - J. Alonso Ban
ders, minister. Sunday. Bible school. .3 r
devotional, 8:15; Y. P. F., 6:80; eran
gelistic, 7:80. A great spiritual reeorery
eampaign, with Erangelist R.' Byfrester
and i Mrs. Sweeten speaking erery eve
ning st 7:80, s m
655 Ferry street. R. W. Brestler, pas
tor. Bible school. 9:45 a. as. D. Sheets,
supt. Morning worship, 11- a. . m. Yeang
people's aerriee. 6 :45 p. st. Evening
: . Extraordinary
Opportunity :
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When Others Fall
Chinese Herbs
i Healias slrtae
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hundreds jrears, "
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catarrh, ears. B ra
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stomach; : call . stones, cell tin,,
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aenralgla. rbeamatlsro, high
blood ' pressure, Riand, ski a
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idren disorders. ;.' ; , - :
S. B. Fobs. B jrenrs practice
In China. Herb Specialist..
122 N. Commercial St. Salem,
irr. Office boars 9 to p. m,
Snada a ad Wed. to I O a.m.
I i
Lead Revivals
EvanKelist R. Sylvester and Mrs.
Rath Dawson Sweeten of Yak
Ima, who are condnctlng a se
ries of spiritual recovery meet
ings at the Church at Salem,
197 H South Commercial,
nishtly. 1
aerriee, 7:45 p. m. Wednesday; 7:45
p. m. prayer aerriee. j
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center streets. Ser. P. W. Eriksen,
minister. Sunday school, ; 9 :45 j s, m.
Arnold A. Krneger, sopt. Morning wor
ship, 11. Sermon topie, "What Means
the Voice of One Calling In the Wilder
ness t" Prelude, "Morning Song.f Ruth
Bedford; Call to worship, "Dear Lord
and Father of Mankind, the choir.
Special made arranged by Prof. I E. W.
Hobson: Solo, "O Dirine Redeem"
(Oonnod) Loagine Brietxke. ! Iiather
league, young people's aerriee, 6:30
p. m. Evening serrice. Sermon,' " Joseph
the Forerunner." Monday erehing, 8
p. m., the church eooncil will meet in
the ehnrch social room. ' t
Eighteenth and State. Ber.- 4moa. E.
Minneman, A. M., pastor. Genhao, 8:30
a. m. Subject, "The True Greatness of
Our Adrent King, as it Is Pictured to
Us By John, the Baptist." English, 11
a. so. Subject, "Jeans, Oar Great sod
Mighty Adrent King, the True, i Eternal
Son of God." Sunday school. 9:80 a. m.
Mrs.' Jacob Tax, anpt. Luther; league.
6 p. at, wits Christmas party.'
(Missouri Synod) ) "
Sixteenth and A streets. One block
.w . .,t v XT wr
oni os via ioibi uumo, ii. u . utvi.,
pastor. Soaday school, 9 . m.i- Serrice
at 10.
Corner of State sad Church streets.
James E. Milligsn, . minister; Mildred
Bartholomew, director of young- people's
activities; Robert M. Gatke, upt. of
church school. : Morning 'Worship, 11
o'clock. Sermon, "Putting Jey Into
Life." Erening worship, 7 :80 i o'clock.
Sons and Daughters of thf Miskionaries
will giro -their Impressions and; express
their opinions. Yonng people's meetings:
Sunset honr at 5:80, High School league
at 6:80. Martha Jane Hot tell will de
scribe Christmas in Hawaii, University
Vespers at 6:30. Yonng adults i at 8:45
p. an. Study. "Democracy and Religion.'
Per Ytiar
By Mail
.00 Delivered by
yz - w j . : r gift that satisfies Mother.
: v j Sister, Dad. and Brotlier. Givm
'! r j ; ' Thet Statesman for a full year-"
r; 1 i 1 aj subscription costs so little. ;
The : lOregon i Stafesman
Corner' N. Winter and Market atreeta.
Rer. D. A. - Oohagan, -pastor. Saaday
school, 9:45 a. at. Emery Ooede, supt.
Chsrek worship. 11 a. as. sad 7:90 . aa.
Yoang people's service, 6:30 . as. Miss
Mary Cameron, leader. Prayer meeting
Thursday, 7 :90. . . '
; Boath Commercial sad . Myers streets.
Dean C Poisdexter, minister. Church
school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worahlp,
11 a. am. Meaaage. ''The Christ of the
Scrip tares." Epwortk leagues.. 6:80 p. m.
Serrice, 7:30 p. m, "Light Shall Shine
Out of Darkness. 'v As special reading
of Van Dykes. "The Other Wise Maa.'T
Prayer meeting Tharaday, 17:80 p. as.
The church school will grfe a Christmas
pageant next Sunday. 7:30 p. nu.
'1 Corner of Cottage and Chemeketa.
Sunday school. 10 a.m. Sacrament eerr
ice. 6:80 p.. as. Relief society, Wednes
day.' 8. p. m. M. I. A., Wednesday, 7:80
pj m. A. C. Hawkins, president.
Corner of 17th and Chemeketa atreeta.
H. II. Dick, pastor. Sunday school st
j45 a. m. H. W. Wall, sopt. Morning
worship at 11. Sister Mary Schmidt, re
turned missionary from China, speaking
at 7:80 p. m. The Dallas Bible school
will giro s program. Wednesday night at
7 i80 prayer meeting and Bible study.
Bible school Friday st 7:30 p. as. . .
.Thirteenth and Center. Leo W. Collar,
minister. Reriral - prayer meeting, 6 a. m
Bible school, 8:45. Prank Litwiller. aupt
Morning- worship, 11. Special number
by the choir under the direction of John
Friesea. Sermon, "The Inrisible Thief."
Young people's serrice, 6 :S0. Evsngells
tie service, 7:30. Singing! led by M.
Stnll. Sermon, "Trends Toward Chaos
or Is Jesus Coming Soont": Wednesday,
7i80, - people's -service prayer and
praise. Wednesday. 8:80, choir rehear
sal for the Christmas caatata. Prides,
7;15, young people's service and choir
practice. ;
i Winter and Chemeketa streets. Grover
C. Birtchet, D. D., pastor. Prof. William
H. Wright, director of music and yonng
people's actirities. Church school, 9:80
a. m directed by J. J. Fitssimmone, supt.
Morning worship, 11 a. a. Sermon, "The
Wonderful . Christ: III. Almighty God.
the Erarlasting Father." Anthem. "The
Lord Is Exalter"- (West), Junior choir
and .Christian Endearor society, 8:80
p. m. Christian . Endeavor societies. 6:30
p. tn. Evening worship. 7:30 p. m. Ser
mon, "The World's Consolation." An
them, "Crossing the Bar" (Barnby).
Wedneaday. 7:30 p. m midweek service.
315 N. Commercial. Sunday Bible
echool, S p. m. Daisy Wilson, supt. De
votional, 8 p. m. Erangeliatie. 7:30
p. m. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, 7:80,
praise sad prsyers. A. J, Jensen, pastor.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day, school at. 11 a. m. Serriees at 11
The only cough drop medicated
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J'STiiF .gSSSft' nun 'M '
. - vsui .irriiv'w'ijy 11
.. v - uavaa- w
a. at. sad p. m. Subject, "God the
Preserver ef Maa." Testimocy meeting
il I p. a Wednesday. Reading room in,
the Mstoaie temple. 11 a. m. to :CiJ'
p.- as. except 8uadays sad holidays. ;
i Corner Fifth and Gaines, L. E. Kier
aseyer, m in iiter. Services every Saturday.
Sabbath school, 9:45 s. m. Worshin, It
a. as. Subject. "YieldUg Our AIL The
regular winter aeries of Sunday ' and
Wodaesday sight .meetings have aeea
resumed. The subject Sunday night will
be -"Preparing the Way . for the Kinrs
of the East sad Arasgeddon" snd Wed
aesday night, "Silence in Heaven for tlie
Spare of Half sa Roar." Serriees at
7:45 p. ss. -
SevenUenth and Nebraska." B. O.
Mann, auaiater. Church school, 9 :45
a. a. Mrs. Anns Wolcott, supt. Morning
wnkin 1l-!in VlneV. Than, "Tb,
Vision Splendid." Aa them by. yeang
women's chorus. 'Junior church, at the
ssae sour under the direction of Mrs,
J. C Rill. Subject, "X Sample from tU ,
Premised Lsad." Christian Endeavor;
o :o p. am. ntremmg aornoe I ,ov m ci or ,
"The Voice of Jeans." Midweek eerr.
ice, Wednesday, 7:30 p." m. .
Fraternal temple, Center street near
Liberty. Sunday afternoon at 3:80. Pin.t
meeting is a Bible lecture followed by ;
a general Bible study.
!- - i " '
dear Lake Evangelloal Herbert T.
Bennett, minister. The Clear Lake con,
gvegation will join with the Lebiah Center1
church at both the Sunday school and'
the morning worship services st Lebih
Center. Dr. E. W. Petticord will apeak,
on "Christian Experience." Choir prs
tire, Wednesday, at 7 p. a. Bible study,
Wednesday, 7:45 p. as,
j ' - ,i .' .'
Labiah ; Center Evangelical Herbert
E. Bennett, minister.- Sundsy school at
9:45 a. m. W. A. SUrker. aupt. Morn
ing worship at 11 o'clock. Homecoming
day. Sermon, "Christian Experience,''
by Dr. E.. W. Petticord. Communion et
the Lord's supper. Tonng People's league1
all 7 p. a. Choir practice. Thursday, at
7 p. a. Bible study, Thursday st 8 p. m.
i -. 1 -
Perkins to Stop
-aa, : WW va j V KMa,E
ren f .3) mja - . m m
m k.i ami rvi r-an s ga n an far sr in an
(Rnth Scobee) who are en route
to mission fields In eastern Slam,
will be in Salem for a short time
and are expected to speak this
week-end at ' the Christian and
Missionary Alliance," 6 5 5 Ferry,
street. Mrs Perkins Is a former
Salem resident and Is especially
well known among; the young peo
ple. " - -
i Moth Mr. arid Mrs. Perkins are
graduates from the Missionary
Training; Institute at Nyack, New
York; Later they moved to Mil
ford, Mass.;, where Mr. Perkins
held a pastorate. -
. Natural remedies
for disorders of liv
er, stomach, elands,
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system of men and
worn e a. Remedies
for constipation,
asthma, arthritis.
sugar diabetes arid
rheumatism. .- ' T
19 years In bust
nesa. Naturopathic '
phyalciana. 1 803 H Court St.
Corner Liberty.
Office open Satur
days and Tuesdays
only. 10 A. M. to I
P. 0 P. IL. to 7.
Consultation lilood
1 pressnre and rlne
a ttmtm ' mrm ffra of
aoldio'caaa charsjea,
. T. LAM
ST. O.