The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1936, Page 9, Image 9

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    .Local News : Briefs
Three Men Enlist Announces
ment of the enlistment of three
Salem men was made yesterday
by Major H. D. Bagnall. army
recruiting omeer in Portland.
They are "William R. Made son
of Mr. and Mrs. WlHIam Mack,
S19 North Front street; Polce
Klwln raits, son ot Mr. and Mrs.
Walter raits. 117 X North Fourth
street; and Troy J. Willis;, ki or
Phillip Willie. 15T5 North Front
street. All three men chose serr
lee In the Hawaiian islands. Wi(
lig selecting; the infantry and the
other two the artillery.' Sergeant
Joseph Scarpa, local , recruiting
officer, accepted the enlistments.
Preston-Is the ' guaranteed anti
freeze, i Be, prepared for cold
orate set yoars today. Doe to
1 v itrlk. Ilia mitnlv la IfmirawY.
We have It. Valley Motor Co, sV
Hollywood semee station. ..
! Hearinc Today- Final hear
ings on JO or more naturalization
nnrt todav. . the examination be
ing conducted by a representative
of the Immigration and natural!-
applications were signed yester
day in addition to the 22 already
filed. Those 'tiled yesteraay. in
eluded: Evan Ellis Bartlett, Nan
cy Elisabeth Skewls, Hazel Mil
dred ErtlerJ Gladys Abramsi Mary
L. Swingle. Walter Alexander
Swingle, Bessie Jerusna Hayes.
Roofing. W.w.K. wo. Ill K.wnn.
Train HHa Car L. D.. Mars,
, Calam mining ta leaH from hig !
automobile befoTe It was, struck
, by southbound Southern Pa
cifle freight train at, t the South
Front street crossing ' In Wood
burn at 9 o'clock Wednesday
night. Badly damaged, the auto
was . shoved aside by the train
about 200 feet from the cross
" tag. Mrs said he missed a road
curre dud: to fog and found him
self headed down the track tn
front of the train. j - 1
"Finer" gifU for HER. Silk loung
ing pajamas, "Juliet" robes. Tail
ored rooes ox iiunei, piuuea tiu
crepe : and taffeta. $7.f5 to
S12.9K. "Mlngtoy- crepe lingerie,
$1.21 to t.50: New "Coronation"
and other costume Jewelry, $1.19
to $1.92. Smocks, blouses, gloves.
scarfs,' aprons and novelties. The
Student in Hospital Margaret
Dwyer, Oregon Normal school stu
dent from Whlteflsb, Mont., is
recovering from an appendix op
eration which '.she underwent
Monday night at a Salem hospital.
Her -Monmouth residence Is ( Arn
old Arms, hall for women.
.- iMffersat F s er -: Roy Hi
Pease,-! Crystal Gardens orchestra
leader,; Is not the Roy Pease who
was arrested in St. Maries. Idat.
early this week 'on a forgery
Six; Resort . MtahsB Motor-1 enarge, tne atuaieian yesteraay re-
m , n a-..
tsts reported six automobile acel-
Court Upholds
Coming Event
dents' to city police yesterday as
follows: Perry Walter. 1209 Fer
ry street, and Roy Heath, Marlon
hotel, , at SUte .and Winter
streets; Samuel N. Boone, lCle
Chemeksta, and Cecil P. Teaag.
Tie North seta, at Ueertr and
Division: Elmer Bojei rente four,
and Carl Tallon, Salem, at 12th
and Leslie; Lloyd Wright. 225
Chemeketa. and Louis George
Schlele, Portland; Roger Baker,
route ; fire, and unnamed motor
ist, in 109 block. North Church;
Burt Jensen, S35 North Winter,
and an unidentified S driver, t at
High and Ferry. - J ;
Luts florist. 127$ N. Lib. p. 9592.
Apportionment Made Appor
tionment -of $28.08$ county funds
and S 47,90 9 elementary school
funds, was made . yesterday 1 by
Mary L. Fulkerson. county school
superintendent The Icounty tax
money was apportioned on the
basis of $U)0 to each district and
93 cents for each pupil in the dis
trict, t The elementary f teachers
fund was based on S1I9 for each
teacher in the district.! Apportion
ment was made only an funds on
hand, the balance to be distribut
ed later.
New ; trailer- Traveloine. Tel.
7549. j 2673 Portland toad.
Non-Stopping Charged Otto
Boettlcher, Salem truck - driver,
was arrested by statej police yes
terday at the Dallas highway-Independence
Junction on a charge
of falling to stop at i a through
artery. He was ordered to appear
in West Sslem Justice court" at
5 p. m. today. i
: To Use Courtroom -U. O. Boy-
er, county clerk, recetvea notice
yesterday. from the public utilities
commission that use jot a court
room would be needed December
21 when several matters are to
be considered. j
Xmas ; Special Bridge lamps.
complete with shades, $1.95.
Woodfv Furniture Co., 474 S.
Commercial. I
Meeting Satarday-t-Q o, u n t y
4-H club leaders; will fneet at the
courthouse Saturday at 2 o'clock.
Helen Cowgtll of the Oregon
SUte college will le4d the dis
cussion on home economics.
iuait Ytt V.nn '
Th IamI an k Htm a
Breymaa street, declared people Aldrieh Denied Liberty '
mistaking him - for the arrested
man had caused .him considerable
embarrassment. Governor Martin
has issued extradition papers for
th sana held in the Idaho city on
a jforgery charge from Linn eonn-
Hot Lunches Served Three
hot luncheon projects for school I
children are mow is operation In I
Marlon county and others are in
prospect ot being started in the
near; future. District WPA Dlr
rector J. E. Smith said yesterday.
Those In operation are at Aums
ville, Jefferson and - Brooks: A
fourth ; will, be undertaken Mon
day at Hayes viue. Tne coo xs ior
the projects are supplied by the
. Dee. 11-
dnh, electioB, petlack .
per, T 9-n- K. ot F.
244 H Worth Commercial
McOoHoch to Speak Frank C.
McCoIloch, 1 public utilities com
missioner, will be the speaker at
a meeting of the Marlon count?
democratic society to be held at
the courthouse tonight at 8
o'clock. 5
i ,
Fine Christmas trees. 525 Marlon.
. license Approval Asked Ma
bel Morley has paid a $10 fee re
quired In connection with a re
Quest of city council endorsement
of two state beer .licenses at 870
State street. : -1' r
To Aid At Library A crew of
three men and seven women will
be placed at the city library Mon
day to repair and re-catalogue an
books, f WPA officials announced
yesterday. ' i:
! Central Club To Meet Central
; Townsend club No. will meet to
night at 7:30 o'clock in the court-
, house. The meeting Is open to tne
public. ,
Lobby legitimate,
Qnb Women Told
Stenographer and bookkeeper.
Must . be experienced, no other
need apply, See Mr' Lambeth,
State Motors Inc. j
From Marshfleld -4 David W.
Eyre. Jr., city editor Of the Coos
Bay Times,, came up from Marsh
field to spend Thursday with his
father, D. IW. fEyre, sr., helping
ther latter celebrate his birthday.
CORVALLIS, Dec 10-ff)-Mrs.
Nan Wood Honeyman. Portland's
congressman-elect, told the Am
erican Association of University
Women today reasonable lobbying
activities were legitimate ind an
aid to the conscientious legislator.
She urged Oregon: eitlsens to
write to her on legislative mat
ters when she goes to Washington.
Greater interest in government
was recommended for women of
the state.
Mr." Brown, of Indepen
dence, Ore., Was Tor
tured 20 Tears With
c Sluggish Stomach', Liv
er, Kidneys Couldn't
Eat or Sleep-7-Had Dir
, zy Spells, N a u sea.
Cramps Now Says?
: "Alter I Took Van-Tage
6 Days Aches and Pains
Remarkable Statements from
many psrts of this city and general
section praising and endorsing
VAN-TAGE, continue to pour in
dally to 170 N. Liberty Street. Sa
lem, where this "Amaslng Mixture
of Nature's Roota land Herbs and
. Other Splendid Ingredients" is be
ing.' introduced and explained to
the local public by The Special
VAN-TAGE Representative in per-
. son. ? - .
. For instance. Just a few days
a g y the following Remarkable
Statement, describing what VAN
TAGE can do in certain forms of
suffering, was received from Mr.
A. W. Brown, of Independence,
Orel- Mr. Brown Is 84 years of age
and for the past 67 years he has
lived in this section. He Is a widely-known
pioneer. Read his sincere
testimonial. He says:
System in Awful Shape
Due to Ailments!
"I had suffered for more than
20 years with sluggish stomach,
kidneys and liver. I was in Con.
stent Pain! My food would not di
gest but would turn, sour In my
stomach and I would bloat so aw
fully bad that I was never com
fortable. At times these gs pains
would become so severe that I
could hardly eat anything and
would become nauseated and
woald have disagreeable attacks of
vomiting. Then I had terrible dis-
anAii and bad snots before my
eyes so that I COULD HARDLY
SEE and I could hardly get
around! I had a horrible thick coat
on my tongue. I had to get up 4 or
5 times a night on account of my
Mnevs and I never got what
von would call a good night's
1mb. Poisons rot : Into my sys
tem from my condltion-and I had
r no pep. I had awful, severe cramps
in I my sboulders and limbs, even
m-r Vnf would swell and I had
.h.rn Mini in thv back and was
; .tiff anf coro inv the mornings
; when I got up. I was-consUpated
- nil the time and was forced to use
trong physics constantly. .
Now He Has Plenty 9f
Pep' and Energy I "
-ren T read about Van-Tage
. mnnAcA mn rtwilli I decided tO
i Mrs. Elizabeth TJmphreys at the
home of her daughter, Mrs.
Louise Kilen at McMlnnvllle.
Ore.. December f, at the age ot
87 years. Survived by two daugh
ters. Mrs. Eva .Beckley of Salem
and Mrs. Louise Kilen of Me
Mlnnvllle; a son. Charles ! Mc
cracken of Walla .Walla, Wash..
a sister, Mrs. Margaret Burroughs
ot Salem, and a stepson, A. M
TJmphreys ot Palo Alto, Calif. Ser
vices will be held from the
Clough-Barrick chapel Friday,
December 11. at 1:30 p. m. with
Dr. Grover C. Blrtchett officla
ting. Interment at Odd Fellows
If ' i
Grace Sharp Horton, late of In
dependence, at Yakima, Wn., Dec,
9. aged 48 years. Survived by
widower, ArthurrE. Horton, Taki
ma; children: Mrs. Anna L. Hol-
gate. Salem, Barbara Jane,: Don
na Grace, Richard and Mary Hor
ton. all Yakima; and mother, Mrs.
W. N. Sharp of Portland. Funeral
I services from the Chanel of
Clough-Barrick company Friday,
Dec. 11, at 3 p.m. Interment Bel-
crest Memorial park. Rev. Henry'
G. Hanson officiatinc '
MR. A. W. BROWN, prominent
Oregon Pioneer, Says: "lam
' Proud to Endorse VAN
TAGE to People Who Arc fca
the Coalition I Waal
tag Van-Tage I wasqpmfortable.
and three days after that my aches
and pains were relieved. Now my
food digests and never j turns sour.
I eat anything and enjoy my meals.
What a relief it is notjto bloat or
to hare those nauseating gas
pains! The spots before my eyes
have disappeared and! the dlssy
i Edward J. Pearce, at a . local
hospital December 9, aged 67
rears. Survived br daughter. Mrs
Hattle E. Dodge of Salem; five
sons, David R. of Monmouth, Or
ville S. ot Huntington Park, Calif..
Roy E- Nile J. and Harold W.
Pearce, all of Salem: sister, Mrs.
Charles Busey ot Salem; brother.
Lewis F. Pearce of Yakima: 11
grandchildren. Funeral services
from the chapel of Clough-Barrick
company Monday, Dec. 14, at 1:30
p.m. Interment I. O. O. F. ceme
Laura B. McKay, at a local hos
pital, December 10, aged 23 years.
Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Ri McKay of Salem; sisters,
Mrs. Irene .8chaefer ot Salem,
Lewellins Holds Acta t
v J of Martin Proper
Sweeping aside minor issues and
technicalities and deciding the
main question, involved In the
suit.: Judge L. G. Lewelllng, in a
memorandum opjnkm tuea yester
day, i ruled that the governor mt
the state has power to commute
penitentiary sentences to county
aH Imprisonment. The ruling was
made in the habeas corpus appli
cation of William H. Aldrtch.
Aldrieh was ene of seven pris
oners returned: to tne manon
countr Jail bv ' Governor Martin
when he commuted all state pris
on sentences under , a y e a r to
county -Jail imprisonment. The
court held that a change In the
place of - punishment , did mot
change the mode,' incarnation re
sulting in the restraint of liberty.
Pointing to the fact mat m nu
oDinf on. both . sides agreed . tnai
the governor had power to com
mute sentences, and that commu
tation was the substitution or
lesser for a greater sentence even
without consent of the prisoner
Judge Lewelllng held that the
substitution of the jail for "the
penitentiary sentenso was ; not
void because j,t is a . means ok
nnnlshment known to the law ev
en though not prescribed for the
particular crime of larceny oy
bailee. - .
"Viewing the matter rrom ev
ery angle presented by the peti
tioner in an able brief, the court
la bound to conclude that tne gov
ernor of the state of Oregon naa
the power to make the order com
plained Of commuting ine pen
tentiary sentence to one ; in m
Marion county jail, and that said
order in every respect is valid,
and for this reason the petition
should be dismissed and the writ
should be euashed wltnout eosia
to either party.
Circuit Court
Henry Stute, administrator of
the estate of Anna Stute. vs. Lyi
11s Price and others! certificate of
sale of real property for $2985.
Intermountaln Building ana
Loan association vs. J. R. Payne
and others: certificate ot sale of
real property for$27504
W.; A. Jones vs. uawin uwuuv
Johnson, and others; certificate ot
sale of real property ror siaww
F. f M. Woodward vs. School
District No. 78; amended com
plaint for collection or ia al
leged to be due by thedistrict on.
nnnaid. assigned teacner war
rants. r
Eva I. Reed vs. Robin iteea;
demurrer to further and separate
answer of defendant.
r Probate Court
drah Elizabeth Prbbert estate.
estate closed and Samuel Harold
Probert released as administrator.
Elisabeth R. Harris ww;-r
prafsal of 11249 filed by P. H.r
Walbndge, cnaries .
ny and L. E. Purkey.
Otto V. Rotzlen estate; ap
praisal filed by D. R. Ruble, Char
les McKlnley and Jessie McDow
ell. . .
Ethel M. Fletcher estate; con
firmation ot sale of real property
for 12500 by Ladd uusn xv
company, executors.
T. B. Jones estate; account. -
ed by Ladd & Bush Trust com
wi.nv Morntnrs. aonroved. Ac
count shows receipts of 325,511
and disbursements-of 16,485 up
to October 6.
Marriage Licenses
W. H. Burghardt, legal, Insur-
anceance, 860 union bi'.ws
Emmellne L. Ludi, legai, bi-
ographer, 87.8 Chemeneta strew.
Justice sjourt
ir.rrr Shlnman: pleaded
guilty to driving with no HghU.
Case contmuea ior euvouv.B
December 16. .,A
John Alfred King; iweuf"
and costs for lauure to n-v-n
P.U.C. plates.
Maxlne Abernatny; y'eau,
-?nlltv to charge of being Intox
icated on a PUNK fcfcE1??
310 and costs which she failed to
pay ana was cuuuniu
county Jan.,
niotiarii a Swone. 17. certlliea
ti luvenile court on charge
of driving with no operator i lic
Municipal touri
Knfner. iury verdict ot
not guilty after trial on drunken
driving charge. - .
Ted James'" wuson, wu-
onness, l-ay ja
pended upen condiuon 1C'W
the city.
Lloyd Wright, 325 tnenwK
conrUtease a
t - Dee. IS Aaaol district
meeting loganberry control
board. chamber t cess
aaevtw. liao) pjsw'
Dee. , IS Danoiscs, and
receptloa to Willamette
football players, :80 p. ssw
Marioa hotel. KM-'v--
street, charged with driving with
out operator's license, case con
tinued untU December II. .1
S. H. S. to Enter
Speech 'Toiirney
- Salem high school students In
terested In public speaking hare
begun drill lag themselves for par
ticipation in the Llnfleld college
annual Invitation tournament
which win be held on the campus
at McMlnnvllle , January 23, ac
cording to Norburne Berkeley, de
bate coach. - i
Berkeley has 14 students study
ing and practicing up fori debate
and oratory and Miss ' Margaret
Burroughs, another English, in
structor, is directing students who
will enter dramatic reading and
extemporaneous speaking events.
Six two-person debate teams will
be taken to Llnfleld.
Naiicy J. Stahlcy
Dies in Portland
News et the death ef her sis
ter. Mrs. Nancy Jan Stanley,
cam t . Mrs. J. Ni ' Robertson
yesterday. Mrs.' Stanley, a former
Salem resident, died at the om
et her daughter. Mrs. K. C Cahel
1m perUand Thursday morning,
December vlt, f V ;?r r
Surviving Mrs. Stahley arc two
daughters. Gertrude ,Delllnger of
AstorU and Mrs.: C. Cabal of
Portland; eon-Oeorge Stahley
ef Portland: a brother, J. A. Mot-,
horn, and Mrs.. J. N.: Robertson,
both'iot .Salem.7
Funeral services will b held
la Portland Saturday; December
13. at 11 a. m. from th Holmaa
Luts ColonUl Mortuary, N. K.
14 th and Bandy boulevard. .' i
George Kufner Atquitted
Of Drunk Driving Charge
A municipal ' court J jury' took
five minute following jt 'four-hour-
trial yesterday afternoon to
return verdict, of hot guilty In
favor of George Kufner, who had
i cbaeks
J 4
been charged by city polls with
drunken driving. , The Jury -vote
was understood t have been S
to' 1 for aequlttaL
Ellendale dob Plan
' Ouistmna Cathering . :
- For Next "v7edriesday
Ellendale club met at the home
of Mrs. Oma Smith for SU regular
meeting. The president, Mrs. Anv
mon Brown, "had charge -ot the
business. The tin b planned to
have its Christmas meeting Wed
nesday, December If. at the home
of Mrs. John Martin with an ex
change ef Christmas presents.
The members also voted to fix
Christina boxes f o r the needy
families ot this community.'
Hack VcnBuskirkM Are
Ilosts For Dirthday
'Dinner For John$on,
LINCOLN, Dec 13 Mr. and
Mrs. Mack VanBusklrk were hosts
at a birthday dinner given in com
pliment to her father. V. M. John
son. - 71. of Portland. Monday
night. "...
The guest list included also the
honor guest, V. M. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. C H. StockweU and
daughters, Geneviev and Betty,
Portland. Miss Jane Good ale.
Wood burn. Mr. and, Mrs. Paul
Border and daughter Helen, Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Johnson
and daughters, Beverly and Vir
ginia Lee ot Jewel, and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. VanBusklrk- and
daughter Ruth.
Crown Poultry - Daily - Fox Feeds
Leader Mash, ewL..2L35
Bog Pellets, ewt2.40
f!mwn Calf -MeaL I
Z5 lb t-iu
Hoss4)-MeaL cwt.....25
No. 1 Special Dairy
BleaL 80 Iba.l.30
- " M m A M U
t-. lSa . : ' ' 1.10 I - urowB scrmtcn. ewu
V waiwipa i .-I. s
Millfeeds, Gr. pate, Gr. ! Barley, Corn, Hay, Etc.
Crown Dog Cubes, 3 lbs. 25e Spratts Orals, Xbn 15c
3. JLqq & Conn
Phone 9418
aa IIV I 349 Ferry
Tr "Bab-lfy-TlaM WmU'i Baai: III - - ' " ' , ' " ' ' f I
enruunas wrappra 4 .. 1 1 - tTfi TT Tl lr 4Tt II
Cigarettes 0 mW W
Old Golds
Lucky Strikes 7
Cartons of 200
Corner State; and Liberty - Phone 3118
We dive S & H Green Trading
Stamps on ( All PonJutsei ; ,
$1145 4 ZMs
gggyW TOOTH FOWDEM-t UmSU. . . .
' 50c Sisa
M Kxtra Good and U
Ol Extra Fresh
Blrs. Witty'a Vt
Hand dipped
Hand rolled
Made from
cream, bai
.and sugar.
Tksatek afemt
typa wkk Pytas
g- WU wwrnmum r - r
iuin W. Compbia wits e-
uUm tiiti.tlf '
, CONDENSED 49 -Qmnm SUm .
i . .-II i : , i . - :.!' , - ... i . -
GIFT sin.
aaca m m
. mith-llmmd
Mat e atfaar
'-j Raws . .
ParfuM .
Ft Set
trm 1111. TTannf mann nt Ctetavm
spells do not bother me. I feel aolti,. Neb Mtag Gladys MeKar
good now anu am noi wom-om "r l of f5alem; brother. Gerald of Sa- I
tired because J have plfcntr of pep.
rnmni and swelling! are gone
now and the sharp pains have left
my shoulders. ; I never have my
sleep broken and I sleip welL My
tongue Is no longer coated and my
bowels move naturally and l uo
not have to use physics any more.
Van-Tage Is more than an ordin
ary medicine. IT kjcaix
DORSE VAN-TAGE to'jpeople who
are In the condition I was."
Over; 30, Ingredients in
. i j - -
This Great Compound
,.'-:, p ;
VAN-TAGE contains lover 80 ln-
rrjdienU. Including 21 Great
Herbal It Invigorstes bowel, stom
ach, liver and kidney action as a
carmlnatlre. laxative, scnoiagoxue
and diuretic, so that dally people
write ns ther feel different all
over. The price of this Remarkable
fomMiind is reasonable." due to
th Immense volume in which It
sells. So don't hesitate. Get Van-Tare-
TODAY! " i- rr" - - "
A Special Van-Tage Representa
tive, known as The VAN-TAGE
Man., la now at 170 N. Liberty
Street. I Salem, dally m tint
crowds of people and Introducing
and explaining, this Remarkable
Compound. - : ' I '
.. ,, ;. r-' : ;': . - v-.---
On Sale' at Fred iMeyer
Toiletry: and Remedy Shop
170 N Uberty SC I ...
lem: grandmother,' Mrs. Irene Me
Kar of Elmlra. N. T. Announce
ments later . by Clough-Barrick
Addlty, Indigestion.
CTALPilo,Ulceri, ;
- Bjsare, Fistula.
COLOW CoTifls. Moat,
in-Gas, Constipation.
Ms huayhal aaigfaal mnwHnw. KocootnMncafc
ATlirce DaysCough
h Your Danger Signal
K m ti bow many mecUrinrs
von have tried far your cough, chest
eoia or pronrniai unisaw, m
get relief now with' Cteomnlsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
wuu anytning jess snan umauu
slan. which goes tight to the seat
OX to trOUoi fcO IU nature to
soothe and heal the Inflamed ma
twanea as the aerm-laden pnleznt
Is loosened and expelled. . .
Even iz ocner remmira tan
failed, don's be discouraged, your
druggist Is authorized to guarantee
Creomulsloo and to refund your
TnnnM ff m an Tint Bntlsnea Wluk
results from th very first bottle.
Get Creomuuflon zignt now. xnara
Farse sise flace In. a
ich geld-te ease
'with eeler accent.
Ideal for swssthsaH,
saother, wife ev sister.
j r
Just What He Wants
, m,- t.-iL. !
Trii Cosstt
SaH fal paiitiyJr
taaal aaias dua sr
a a ana caaapart aaJ
wkat a nwawanaw
aarillk. Rmi,LV
aticS, Pawalaff.
- f librtraordiiiaTy : .
; BeUable, Kxperfenced
..jAnctWmeer 0
who has conducted some
of the - largest auction
sales In the Northwest.
will I , open : ; permanent
Auction House in Salem.:
Will - consider - partner.
. Investment reqilred.
Write Box 57, T Salem ,
Statesman.' ?.
When Others Fail
Chinese Herb'
' Healing vlrto
has bee tested -hundreds
years, .
for Chronic all-
hma alnnaftla.
' m m raaa
catarrh, ear."; "
Innsa. a&tJun. chronic cough.
stomach, a-all C atones, eolltl.
constipation, dubetis, fctdneys,
bUdder. heart, blood nerve,
neuralgia, rbewmatism, high
blood pressure, gland, - akin
sores, male.' female and chil
dren disorders. Z,-' .
S. B. Fonc 8 years practice
1 China. - Herb Specialist.
123 If. Commercial SU' Salem.
Ore. Offlc hours 9 to 9 fwm.
Sunday and Wed. O to 10 a-sn.
cww . mm .
A aaKsaiislraSiag
fabs aW yaar aaaaaai
bMaaaMa Waat aaj Cbaias
bsvded eaWsat seel
Si salt
ttbwlrsa. . 1.11
raamte aaaaaa
af aasaialad
naMaaliaaa, .
it Am AtrpUm
, JMm Trim
ajtum1 aa
Uaal I saa f
I I 1a- . saw TWt
II N -,V.- -"Uaaal
You who iilavc been in a quandry over,
what to give him for Christmas . . here
is the gift that is different . . . the gift
every man wants ; . the gift he will
appreciate for years to cornea .
Imagine the sheer comfort
convenience ' he'll enjoy in
being able to shave any place
without even removing his
ixat. 0f doing avcay with the
muss of soap, fatjier, water,
towels and blades. , '
Twin Deck
Ui.a a I-
j&iiwmi aa S
. .:. saa Jl
The Modern Schick Dry Shaver
The World's Standard Electric Shaver -
. Offers All This ' .
mas. MLAdt
Tkav bark Wat 4aa1 aa '
S ita aa slaafc t Hit aW aattaa. .
. -r - n i
mU laatka caaa ta
v.. ' HKCm
c:tt cut
aa nataa.. raw . w(aw a mB
. t-A. - - &l ,
tekWaaJaaW wa
Siaakaaa) Aian.
!' Asa Lmrmimm
ci?T cn
C:i Bit
Wlxaa aaaa Saaaaifi
baa wMt alaaa ku4
la. cawtaiaias La as
LaraiaaFaca PawaW.
Rst aal Lit mill AO ia
RaHarias. fcataaaaUias
1 Ovate aihaiaal kaatWa-
Vaaa taatca af Maal at
Qailaai Flaara OaVar.
APT! ltf tat
San af laaabr
At. r 555
Dmlgn . Cm
Ta aaoJaa aaapla la
1 -Oraawla f tlUmmtlm
' a...Naf5a.-a a-
lL . , tm 1 f
aa nfiawalVa'. taa A .
aiB aaSai
1 ' I
' tm Lan!sa Huss t;t
rCaaafa "I.Tt
Wka. aS
give it a try. Three days after tak-