'if U Th OIIEGON STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon, friday itiorningr, Oetemtxr II, 1935 - 7ater Matter ., " - . ; . f: ..... - Is Ironed Out - Council Raises Objection ,: Building Request by Philippi 8CIO. Dec 10 Virtually -,. current business of the present . town council was disposed of at the December meeting1 of that - bodr. Councilman Pluminer of the . light and water committee report ed satisfactory adjustment of con dIUons presented at the Novem- . . ber meeting of the council In- i - which, alleged waste of water was Involved. . In this connection the mayor ' read a communication he had re l celved from the state highway '- commission In which that bodr Instructed as to procedure In op - aning water ditches that cross ..: state highways, and stresses that the stats commission would sdt be responsible or liable In any de cree for traffic or other accidents r or damages resulting from such ; work. ;' i ' v--. ' - Mayor ; Ewlng statedjthat "we should leave these matters In as good condition as we can" for. the new council. The Inference ap peared to be that there should be no "buck passing" in matters properly belonging to the admin .istratlon of the, present municipal commission. HI Question Building Proposal ' As on another occasion within the year when -the matter of a building ; permit was under con sideration by the council, the Question of compliance with state and city fire regulations and pro tection was raised when the peti tion' of Glenn Philippi was read, requesting permission to erect a log building to be used as an auto service station; Th.e proposed 1 oca cation is thft corner of Main ami .Mill streets, directly north of the mjt. Tiu oince. Councilman Roadarmel stated he did not desire to be under j stood as opposing ipotentlal new business enterprises, but he doubt- - ad whether such building as pro posed would comply with the city charter In the matter of fire pro taction. Councilman Morrison also Questioned the charter of such building, as did Councilman GUI. Councilman Bryan,, In declar ing that the charter specified "in flammable" buildings in the re stricted! district,, favored reject ing the Philippi application. Mor rison observed that the applica tion lacked specific information, and mjNred that it be returned for completion in this respect. The motion prevailed. f Ordinances Conflict Two conflicting ordinances as . to the last meeting of the. outgoing- council prior to turning over th municipal government to the new commission, were referred to by Mayor E wing. He explained that one of these, . enacted Ja and - more specifically applicable1 to the ''horse and buggy" era, provides for the final session of the incum bent body to surrender authority - to the new board on the first day of January. ; t Another enactment, apparently a later one, fixed the date of the last meeting of the old council and the first session of the nw,ias the i first Monday in January, which; iwm be the fourth of next wf6u This latter date was finally-agreed upon by the council, following considerable discussion of the subject. High School Students r At Rickreall to Offer Yule Dralna Next Week RICKRRi r. t. Christmas play. Mimi Lights the Candle," Is being prepared by th nigh school students to be pre sented at the Christmas school aadcommunity club program Thursday, December 17. The play centers arohind Mimi who by lighting ber candle on Christmas eve brings happiness and the true Christmas spirit Into other mem bers of her family. , The characters are: Mrs. Ran dall, a capable person. La Verne Teter; "Granny," Mrs. Randall's mother, Frances Lantz; Frances and: Alice. Mrs. Randall', daugh ters. Maxlne Ott and Donna Wells Mlml. Mrs. Randall's nelce, Eloise riaaiey; jenny McBride, a pal of Mlml's. Nora Doss; LIm McBride, Jenny's brother, Ralph Cox; Mary the cook. Lucille. Cox; Laura. Mlml's -own mother, Florence Lantz. ,,,i' . - Wisconsin Seed - Products Fine SorghumLocaUy 1 OAK POINT,. Dec. U. Lloyd Hughes Is boasting about tha fine flavor of molasses, he got out of cane ha grew from seat he re ceived from LaCrosse, vlsc He had 15 gallons ; from one fourth an acre and it Is the Waconia va riety; a new pedigreed strain of sorghum cane which is higher in sugar . content and a new pure strain ot tweet sorghum. , A greater tpnnage . has ; been bred into It. making It highly de sirable for fodder, and stock fairly lick it np. C - - Sam Owens had t8 gallons from his patch of half an acre, .grown from the Blue ribbon variety from Texas. : J ' - Leave Fori Los Angeles OAK POINT, Dec. 10. Mrs. Louis Reese and son, Cyrus,' left Wednesday for Los - Angeles to visit with . friends and relatives for two weeks. Mrs. Reese's sla ter from Des .Moines, lows, will meet them there. ; Church Gets Furnace HOPEWELL, Dec. 10 A fur nace has been , Installed . at the Hopewell United Brethren church by the men of the congregation; Tha monthly adult party of the church was held in the basement Tuesday night ! with 32 members enjoying a delightful "taffy-pulL" Catholic Society U Stages Yule Fete STAYTON, Dee. 10 The Socie ty of the Blessed Virgin Mary held its annual Christmas party Tues day night in tha parochial school basement, and also : elected their new officers: l Mary Brand, preal dent; Margaret Hendricks, rice president; Helen! ; POrter; secre tary; Louise Gassner, treasurer, and Edna Hendricks, reporter. ' Following tha dinner, games were played and gifts exchanged with a! special gift presented to F a t h a r-v Salderhon. Katharine Brand, Helen Porter were in charge of decorations, and Clara Spanlol and Rita Llnderman la charge ot the entertainment. Present were Father Snider hon. Angle Lambrecht,- Helen Walx, Lorraine Albus, Kathertne Brand,! Rosalia BelL Rita Llnder man, Helen Porter, Louisa Gass ner, Clara Spinel, Vlrgle Bradley. Agnes Klrsch. Elisabeth Lam brecht, Marjorle Barkmeyer, Hil da Pieser, Margaret Hendricks. Mary Brandt and Edna Hendricks. ... Conducts Revivals FALLS CITY, Das. 10 Rev. J. B. McDonald ot leattle, former pastor of the local Free Metho dist church with Mrs., McDonald and Miss Clarice Fenton assisting. Is ; conducting a series of revival services here. Ed Porter at Home Now . But Condition Critical 8ILVERTON HILLS. Dec. 10 Ed Porter has been brought to his horn here from Salem where ha was confined to a hospital for several weeks. Mr. Porter, one of, Sllverton Hil's pioneer residents, is reported as being still critically flL A. H. Mike) Mires is report ed also as being Quite ill at his home hers. Surprise Treat Served to Members of Scout Troop WOODBURN. Dec. 10. The regular meeting of the Woodburn Boy Scouts was held at the Wash ington junior high school with these boys present: Billy Nelson. Floyd Mattson. Gerald B. Smith, Jr., Orlo llanv Robert Garnero. Lessard ! and the Scoutmaster Ralph Nelson. A game consisting of a short quIzz on the compass was enjoyed and a "surprise treat of "hot dogs' was served by the whres: of the troop committee, Mrs. L. C. Bachner, Mrs. F. G. Evenden. Mrs. B. W. Dunn and Mrs. Gerald B. Smith. Grangers' News STAYTON. Dec 10.-The Home Economics club ot the S t a y t o n Orange met at their hall Tuesday afternoon, with a good attendance reported considering the inclement weather. Officers . elected for th ensuing-year are: president, Mrs. Dell 'Harrington; ' first vice-president, Mrs. Ida Nipple; second vlce ' president, Mrs. Jack Richards; secretary, Ella .Williams; treas urer, Mrs. Andrew Fery. The club members are working to accumulate funds for the purch ase of a piano for the meeting hall upstairs. The social committee of the grange already have a piano far the downstairs hall, used for dances and other social gatherings. -m. ' "'r'' L -Uv" ' " " '.'" vimnmiu um -yijin m """""I A J 'ffjoJ If you'rs looltng for o ?- I "A ' IVVVl rtCV" fllfr that k lovsly-lhat If J t0 . - you'll be proud to give- f fi-llt0"? rtCCS yet that U reasonably I PlZ- Ward, ha, all T l? yt rtf v tha answer right here! i , . - t ! I , " SHEER SILK CREPE HOSE Actually $1.00 qualttyl Luxuriously sheer chifTons ths new crieps twist, so flatter ing and durable. Evjery detail will pleaso her they're ' full .fashioned, sheer and absolutely perfect! j HANDKERCHIEFS Pure Usee, hami " breMsrsd. Bos of S. iV C WOMEN'S SUPPERS ei - 7ioimng ngiirM ray- (BrQQ on. ww. HM to s. w ALL WOOL ROBES ; 11 I Unvteai Ward value a3e 100 wool flannsl that's So worm I Wrap arousd or bvttpnid styls, torn wltK eonh-otting cIor trim ming. Women's fix. I i ! mfs "sv V.-. f,r. cv.vw.-. mi f SATIN DANCE SETS Panfios omj bra, hand- m taltorsd. 1 RAYON TAFFETA SLIPS Lace top and bottom, -r tailored. 34 fa 44. EtOO RAYON GOWNS AND PAJAMAS Priced for Gift Savings I I Sryled tile mors espenilve ttd Sarmsntt. Lacy gowns load no medob In 1 plocs pajamas, Levoty gift colors. A SMART HANDBAGS Smcoth carfskin fSnUb Lfg or nr grains. Many , 9fl SI"-' witk slid faittnsrs.' f NOVELTYii CAPESKINS Soft, pliabio lsathsr-MMA Block and Wrown. Ill CAP AND SCARF SETS Hand-crodistsd in novel -rf Qfk styUi: bsrstt, pompon II trimrasd caps. Colon. ' WOM EN 'S TWIN SETS Air wool 'ip-oni and cardigans. ; Colors with 0 contrast stripes. 34 to 40. dm W W CEDAR CHEST Modem In beavtrfully ' figwrsd matchod walnut vsnoorl Solid In. aromatic red csdar lined! Dust proofl AI.L LINEN! BOXED! 52x52 luncheon cloth and 4 napkins. Choice! of patterns, colored borders. ri ...J,t Mi irz FT (0JS& - irressiare Cookers save of the usual time it takes to cook a meal QeSO i Small sise for a small family and sold with all equipment ; at Wards low price. 1 "NEW SHIPMENT OF ' 17 1L A;jiEESIL Assorted Styles i& Colors Sizes 16 and 17 I - 11 1 ' ' I 1 S A w :.-: . a: :::-: ff t w - sw rt m w IK tin gi ta'f m& tow to (mmP SANTA Will Be in CLAUS Our Store SATURDAY IFE&SIS 10:00 to 12:00 A.M. 2:00 to 3:00 P.M. 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. Alickey Mouse Blasks to Every Child Accom panied by Parrats Omit el Quantity Come Early ., i Pla Pal Wagon i H00 I Large it. enough for small I child to jide. Rubber tires. I Red enameled steelbody. Rido9Em sLoco For young engineers! Top : of cab forms a comfortable seat. Red enameled I " toSl oaf 1 TOY MACHINE GUI! Sfcoob Worst- TIOO feff&wras XL Colorful lithographed. Clock work spring motor. Heavy metal;'wood stock. MMIW'"""""-J ALL RUBBER DOLL fflKiesafefc - (3 Perfect for a small child. Stands np or sits alone I Prac tically indestructible I r A$At I, WHOOPEE COWBOY r r Runs i backward, forward : and in circle. Driver sits up nil flown asjt is in motion. TINY PROJECTOR Bva erf Cera W V 110 AC or DC current Hand driven. Uses continnotia zsr turns. flf4x3.inch. Tarnish-proof chrome -plate . with bakelite handles. Grids and crease cup included. SSSsSfcTWflffSffr;r -.vr -Hi- Hi j .Heat Control Iron Wt scerclU- A 9QQ 'CorrffsceaWlj ' SetTthe heat by the diaLt (Chrome-plate. 64b. , Open -handle makes ironing; easier, j f 1 " TJ " 1 """" ' ' Coffeo Blalxcr ' Pot ft right over the flame; it can't crack I Makes delicious coffee. 7-cup size. A71 )y mm ( ,v nLx V Uottlo Baby looses &ze OGS Drinks her "bottle," then wets diaDers. The Hnll LI girl wants to mother. j nc"" -K11?wi5swsps -ii. - . - wi-.w.w.v. " Vl ff " Marblo Game Non-warp board. New dou ble action. Fun for entire family I Size 13"x2454 - ..MMMMo-r-- ISMILM i iimiifiTift;;Khwww Ckildrmn's GIFT IJOOCiS 1(0 - 482. Latest paint, cut-out, and story books for children are in Wards large selection I Miauling Airport Garago 31 pi' $3 and eces. cars are steei streamlined I El ectris lighted filUng stationl Delivers Any of These Hefpful Electrical . Gifts from Wards 1 Yean and yean of appr4 elation will b yours I If yo give her a Ward j Electrical Appliance I f f fflE Big llew W2rd Vasficr $5 DOWN A $69.50 to $79.50 value f 20 oversize porcelain tub I Lovell balloon-roll wring er I Faster by test! Tzbla Tcp Ircser j sc?iU 5995 - w ; i- Sold with washer on same low terms of washer alone t Saves time and 90 of Ironing effort I Automatic pressure, touch controls I I " IBiig ,B (Dim. IF. M- W j - ovjicked By Word. 5-Yeov Protection Plonl Wards famous M-W Electric Re frigerator, reduced $15 from ' Wards regular low price f Large family size. 13 sq. ft. shelf area t , Plus-powered nnit with' test proved operating economy! A $IS0 ratia , 7 , j. ll Ti 275 N. Liberty Street ! Only $5 DOWN, So MONTHLY end Saoll Carrybig Ooree I aesSesessaBsw""" mSssBWMBMMvn'Ki- v 1" 11 1 .JIlBWsaaaasaaaiajMi. LjiLaaALM'ljJMSBBssaMW J. ,." t-eBSSSSSosssssj-- mm t$Sjfsjj ' PJione 8774 - 1 'i