The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1936, Page 4, Image 4

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    The 03EGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday IXorning, December 11, 193S:
pagi: FOUU
Suyer Playshed
Buildins; Starts
Community Club Will Meet
Friday For Program; :
Mill Rebuilt
SUYER, Dec. 10 Work has
been started on the new playshed
to, be erected at the Surer school,
the contract has been let to Dave
Furvina. with C. D. Rltchy and
II. T. Conly as helpers, v
Iter." fitillwell of Albany will
preach Sunday at 11 a.m. at the
sthoolhouse. The Sunday school.
Is increasing and a boys' class hasy
. been organised with Mrs,,. H. v
Cpnly as teacher. I -V
Club fleets Tonight
The Surer community club will
meet Friday night at the hall for
the December meeting. pro
gram has been prepared with Mrs.
CO. Harris as chairman. Each
. family Is asked to furnish a pie.
Coot's mill, which was destroy
ed by fire two months ago has
i Quality Meats
Tender Beef Roast, lbi . lac
Rib Steak, lb J
Pork Loin Roast, lb. .1. 22c
Swift Sliced Bacon, lb. . . 34c
Vegetable Shortening, 2 lbs. . . 25c
Pure Lard 2 lbs. . . .29c
- Plan Your Christinas Dinner Now!
, Nice Selection of
Turkey - Geese -
eat ! A; : yaps k
' - - ' f- ; - - 1
been rebuilt and will soon be ready
to operate. This mill is located
about - fire - miles ; southwest of
Oregon Is Theme
Of Women's Meet
OAK POINT,' Dec. 10 4- Mrs.
Grore Peterson was hostess to In
dependence Rural 'Woman's club
Tuesday afternoon' at her! home.
Quilting was done. Mrs. J. Graber.
Mrs. Rodney: Peterson. 'and Mrs.
Charles Whitney were jinvited
guests. The program was Jon MA
Study of Oregon. given by Mrs.
G. A. Peterson and Mr si Hugh
Rogers.. Mrs. Lavont pease had
as her subject, "The 20th Amend
ment to- the Constitution " and
Mrs. Lena Whipple gare an article
on "Why some states hare more
electoral rotes than others.
Mrs. Ellis Lauderbach kill be
hostess for the rnrlstma party
for the club December 22.-A grab
bag gift exchange and installation
of officers by J Mrs. . Joiephlne
Walker will be the main features.
Low Prices!
. -1
Ducks - Chickens
MEAT; Mitt.
PH. 55$3
Delegates Named
To Legion Council
Auxiliary Invited to Join
Others in Supplying
New Hospital :.
SILVERTONi Dec 10 At the
Monday night meeting of the SU
Terton Americaia Auxiliary, dele
gates elected to attend the Marlon
county . assembly at 'Stayton TrU
dar night were Mrs. A. J. Titus.
kMrs. L. A. Hall and Mrs. C. E.
J aqua. Mrs. Krneat starr ana sirs.
Ray Schantx are delegates i by
right of their offices. , . ' S
Dr. R. E. KDeinsorze and Mrs.
R. A. McClanithan were guest
speakers in the interest of furnish
tags for rooms Sin the new hospi
tal; The unit favored helping with
material for th maternity ward,
although no definite action wai
taken. ; v --v j j . ..; .
Mrs. McClanatham represented
the Silverton Woman's club in askj
ing the unit to Join with other or4
ganlzations in general work j of
supplying lurnisaiugs ana maters
lals for the hospital. - ' j i
Assign Dance Chaperon '' j
The members' will chaperon
the young people at a dance to be
given at the CCC camp of tie Sil-j
ver Falls area Saturday night ,of
this week. , . 1 j
The Christina! 1 1 party for 'the
children will be leld at the arm
ory club rooms Tuesday night.
December 22, with the commit
tee to include Mrs. Ernest Starr,!
Mrs. Roy Davenport, Mrs. James!
A. Scarth to purchase candy, and!
the members of the junior auxil
iary to assist with the tree and ar
ranging gifts. Mrs. George Man
olis will trim the tree and Mrs.
T. P. Heidenstrdin Is program
chairman. I
- '
Farewell Part Staged
For Orsbonts, Judsons
As They ijeave Roberts
ROBERTS, Del. 10. A group
of 60 friends and neighbors gath-i
ered at the Roberts church for
a surprise farewetl party in honor
of Mr. and Mrsi John Orsborn
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jud
son. The Judsons jmoved to Salem
a month ago, this Orsborn will
move to tbe Jerman hop . ranch
north pf Salem, j ' " , .
Orsborn has been foreman of
the John J. Roberts hop company
for the past 1 S years. .
After games, in charge or Mrs.
Roy Rice and Mrs.' Albert Blank
enship, refreshments were served
by Mrs. Leonard Zielke, Mrs. S.
C. Davenport, Mrs. E. A. Good
rich, Mrs. Calrih Bressler and
i Mrs. Forest Edwards.
wf .Jh .A TAKE A
Star Replaced
Jessica DntgonettaT
Selected as "Miss Radio of 1&3V
and long one of the outstanding
sopranos on the air, Jessica Drag
pnette. top. has been replaced on
a major network program by Lu
dlle Manners, below, a compara
tive newcomer.
Additional Feature of
Concert Will Be Solo
By Mrs. Tom Anderson
SILVERTON, Dee. 10 Silver
ton music lovers will be pleased
to learn that Mrs. Tom A. Ander
son, director of the chorus which
is presenting the Friday evening
program has consented . to sing
"Jewell" from Faust by Gounod
with Mrs. Gertrude Slade Cam
eron at the piano.
Mrs. Anderson's solo will pre
cede the Christmas carol singing
by the chorus. The program will
be ; given at Trinity church. A
small charge is being made and
proceeds will go toward the new
Silverton hospital. . ,
Sit s ss 4.
M Loclllc Manner QJ
Fan for boys and girls! Cat oat and color
; "Little Folks" start a scrapbook!
-.'-'It . - 4
Dinner Meeting
Held by P.'T. A.
'V-..,.,. , , . .-. ...
DALLAS, Dee.) 10.-A . meeting
of the Dallas Teachers' association
was held last night, at the local
higb school. The meeting 'Was pre
ceded by a covered dish dinner in
the cafeteria room of the : high
school. :L-i' '-i;h:.-'!
The president, Mrs. Myrtle
Smith, presented the program
which consisted of a forum on con
sumer education. ' '
The different phases "of . con
sumer education discussed were:
methods In consumer education.
legislation for the protection of the
Consumer, consumer cooperatives,
consumer research, agencies and
insurance and annuities. .
Those taking part in the forum
were Mrs. John Voth, Miss Elis
abeth Sedgwick, Sidney E. . Whit
worth and Preston Dough ton.
The committee making arrange
ments for the dinner were Miss
Betty Jelinek, chairman, Miss Gen
evieve Coad, Miss . Helen . Butler,
Miss Dorothea Young, Ralph Mur
phy and Glenn Gethlng. - --
Ambrose Dozler Honor
Guest at Surprise Fete '
Given on His Birthday
J STAYTON, Dec.' 10. Ambrose
Dozler was pleasantly surprised
on his birthday recently when a
group of friends came in to play
bridge. High scores were won by
Mrs. Frank Rouscher of Sublim
ity and Dr. A. M. Dozler and Mrs.
John Dozler and Frank Schu
macher were awarded the con
solation prises. Refreshments
were served at the close of the
evening. . 1 - : ; i - -' ' '
Present, were the honor guest.
his wife and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. John Dozler, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Fery, Joe Fery, Mr. and
Mrs. John Thoma-and son Don
ald, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dozler,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dozler and
daughter,- Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Doz
ler, Mrs. Frank Rauscher of Sub
limity, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kel
del and sons Clarence and Edwin,
Rev. George Sniderhon and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Schumacher.
Birthday Anniversaries
Of Welters Are Honored
STAYTON, Dec. 10. Mrs. Nick
Weller gave a birthday dinner
Sunday to honor the birth anni
versaries of Nick Welter and son.
La Verne.: Dinner guests were Mr.
and-Mrs. George Welter and fam
ily of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs.
William Kerber and family, Mrs.
Kate Boedlgheimer, Father Sni
derhon, Mr. and Mrs. John Grles
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Welter and family.
Preview of l?37J9teach Styles
? j v
; -J, r-"r
- - I
' i
Preston D ought ons Are ! :
Hosts at Dallas Home
To M. E. Church Club
DALLAS. Dec. 10. Mr. and
Mrs. Preston -Doughton 1 were
hostesses to the "20-30-30-40"
club of the Methodist church at
their home Monday night. The
evening was s p S n t in playing
games-and in social conversation.
A special feature was the Christ
mas tree and the exchange! ot
gifts...- , ; - " f ; - 1
Refreshments were served! by
the hostess to Mr. and Mrf . Ralph
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chap
in, Miss Mary Beck,- Miss Laura
Marsh, Miss Fay Garrett, Miss
Winifred Elliott and Claire Miner.
. - ' . j
Mutch Is Visitor
. SILVERTON. Dec. 10 Ed Win
Mutch of Penticton, Canada, has
arrived at Silverton to be withjhi
daughter, Mrs. W. L. McGirinis
for a visit-before Mr. apd Mrs.
McGinnis and Mr.Mutch will leave
the middle of the month for Los
Angeles where they wilt spend
the holdays with relatives.
L. V v '
1 ,
- ' j MOT.
' ' r' fi . US p-RESH BREAD - -:
. .' 7 EXPERTS! f A
. : ( . x aw Mof pick : y
?k fresh as CiwojJi, ;
Mae JUatiT
1 all
i 41
1 j. 1 1r '
This stream -lined
beach creation mod
eled by stunning Mae
Linslg at Tampa.
FUu rives one an ad
vance idea on what 1
win be popular for re
sort wear next year.
Matinee of High School ,
Play Slated Today For
- Grade School Students
- DALLAS, Dec. 10 The mem
bers jot " the unlor-Senlor play
cast of Dallas high school are busy
putting tbe finishing touches on
their play, "Meet Uncle Sally." A
dress ; rehearsal was held - today
and Thursday afternoon a mati
nee will f be given especially for
the elementary school children
and high school students. The
regular performance is to be given
Friday at 8 p. m. in the 'high
school auditorium. ,
' Mcet Uncle Sally" is a comedy,
containing three amusing roman
ces, j ' '
Miss Hazel Henry, instructor
in public speaking in " the high
school is directing .the play.
. Slate Turkey Shoot
FAI-LS CITY. Dec. 10 Reve
Helm and. Lot Gardner are spon
soring a turkey shoot Sunday at
the C. LJtoster prune ranch, on
the Dallas-Falls City highway. Ev-
erbody is welcome. 1 ' A
Mrs. Henry Fox Is
RICKREALL, i Dec- " 10. Tho
Ladies' Aid was entertained at
the home of Mrs, W. C. Hill Wed
nesday "where a no-host dinner
was. served at -1 o'clock to 27
members and two special guests.
Mrs.- D.; V. Price presided over
the business meeting. Jt was de
cided to hire" a. carpenter and
have a kitchenette built in the
west end of the church at once.
The way and means committee
suggested, a basket be placed in
the local store and each member
put. 2 5 cents in cash and 25 cents
worth of food for a "Christmas
cheer" basket. H i
It was an unanimous vote to
make-Mrs "Henry Clay Tox, the
society's first president, an hon
orary member. The nominating
committee presented the offi
cers for 1937: President,. Mrs. D.
V., Price; vice-president. Mrs. I W.
C.: Kester; . secretary, ' Mrs. S. J.
Lowry; treasurer, Mrs. F.
Vanghan. The. next hostesses will
be Mrs. B. F. Lucas, Mrs. J. o.'
Price," Mrs. ' D. .V. Price.
Dayton High Students ,
To Present! 3-Act Play
At Gymnasium Tonight
DAYTON, Dec. 10 "Hurricano
House," a three-act comedy, will
be presented Friday night at the
new; Dayton : Union high school
gymnasium b-y members of the
student body.
Mr. and Mrs.
entertained " 20
Harry Sherman
friends it a t
o'clock dinner party at their home
recently, after .which: bridge was
enjoyed. W. H. Hibbert won high
score for men ' and Mrs. Oscar
Dower high, for) women, E. M.
Maxwell and Mrs. Claire Heider
held consolation : honors; y
Handicraft Club Holds
; Gathering; Nurse From
1 West VirginiaT Visitor
SUNNySIDR, Dec. 10. The
Sunnyside Handicraft 4-H club, at
its recent meeting, named these
committees:- Social, Carl Sher
wood, Dale Clark and Lyle Brown,
program, Irwin Tucker, Everette
Coons and Franklin McNeil. A.
reading on the. hammer was giv
en by Dale Clark, Jim Chandler,
Kenneth Coon and Lyle Brown.
Mrs. Gulvin Is the leader,
1 Miss Winona Madge Taylor is
visiting with her 'aunt and uncle,
Mn and-Mrs. C. iH- Taylor. Miss
Taylor, a registered nurse, Is from
West Virginia. ..J.j V
Coming For Holidays
UNIOkVALE. pec. 10 Mrs.
Mary Armstrong of California Is
expected to arrire in time to spend
Christmas w i'th her brother,
George Antrim and other rela
tives here. '1 '
sTaw 4 Fs
MsaTclses Act Tsgttkes
TVnuudi of people who formerly anf f er4
through miacrmbie nights mod aaonizinc
dara, now alp acraiieiy and brk
olda y mornlac tha.ka to th ombiae4
BCtkw of tear grtmX mediciaca.
- Ia oa slast ' tablet. . ehemlaU ear
prvoslt tosctker Aspirin. Alkaiiser. Quia
ta aad Laaativ ... medicines preaeribe4
by doctors tas world over. aca table
doea four isoportaat thinsa at eat tine,
taartay looacaiaar p Um cold aa your
body can act rid o it quickly.
- Toop Doctor! Cold Tablets' tkat'i tba
aaoaa, aad bare ia what taer do: Flrat..
taa spiria acta oa paiaa aad aeaea. See
ad. tfa. AlksJiaer adpa to aeutralis. aeid
aoaditioa. Third, tho Qaiain takea dowa
Xerer. Fourth, the laxative keeps the bow.
els epea, sets rid of poieoaooi waste.
Tbe aatoalabiBc'y otiiek results from Fear
Doctors Cold Tablets bare aaaased one
assr after aaotaer. Tho four outslaaillna
saodtclaea ia each tablet aacsa to bav aa
bapioeed actios by usratay toostaar.
DoaVtoy with a eaM set rid of it!
Tbrooch tho eooperatioa of tho larar.
asodieiao aoaeera irkseh saakoa Four Doc
tors Brand Cold Tablets, wo eaa
asppiy a box of 12 tabiota for ealy 19C
On Sale at Fred Meyer
. Toiletry & Remedy Shop
Loco Unclalitly
if mi
Qufcttly Safely
vith 17ATE-OFF
Drusess Preparation far
Sdentine Welht RetSucins
WAT&OFP is a
compound of pure
Tegetable matter.
tains no danger
ous drugs of any
kind no cUnltro
phenol no salts
or other harmful
luxntivM There
la absolutely nothing in W ATE -OFF
that can doyou the slightest harm.
many users report tnac alter taxing
WATB-OFP for Just a, short time
they actually feel better than they
have in years. Yet. WATE-OFTf
makes It possible for overweighr
women, and men too, to take oil fire
pounds a week, or even more, with-,
out strenuous exercising and without
starvation diets. In fact, as you take
off weight with WATE-OFF, you not
onlyLOOK better but yon actually
PI better. ;
The instructions say:1 Take WAIT
OFF before meals, S or 4 tablets a
day, then eat your hearty fill. - Users
say: "Results are simply amaaing."
Unsightly flesh frequently melts
away like magic and. without caus
ing the skin to sag or wrinkle as so
frequently happens with fast-acting
but dangerous drug reducers.
You have seen WATE-OFF adver
tised in Pictorial Review, Physical
Culture and other leading magazines
at $2.45. Here now is your oppor
tunity to purchase this same fine
preparation for only $1.19. with our
guarantee that if you're not satisfied
with results you may return tb3
empty carton and . we will return
your money.' Sill
2 ycc!:s frtecfsat -a
'. Oa Sale at Fred Meyer
Toiletry & Remedy Shop
170 N. Liberty St.,
-I . :