The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    me OREGON 5TATES3IA1T, SaTcm, . Oregon, Friday Morning, .December XI, I93
PAGI7 . ,
lonor Relatives
On Anniversaries
birthday dinner was given at the
IL B. Condlt home Sunday for
their great granddaughter, Lenore
ITammer ot North San t lam. and
son-in-law. Arch Caspell of West
Btkyton. Dinner ruests were Mr.
- and Mrs. V. Long of Eugene, Mr.
.-' and Mrs. Arden Hammer, Mr. and
Mrs. L R Hammer, Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Condlt, Mr. and: Mrs. Arch
Caspell, and Miss Lenore , Ham
I mer and Mr. Billings of Salem..
r. Henry Condit is confined to his
bed with a bad cold and high bloodj
pressure. He has been In 111 health
since last May. Henry Crane who
has been In ill health for the last
, several months is reported worse.
. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stewart hare
n received word that their grandson,
1 Harry Rand is seriously 111 of dou
ble bronchial, pneumonia, at his
" home at Detroit.
IreneJSenn Is Elected ,
. Worthy Matron of Star;
Eva . Baxter, Secretary
: DAYTON, Dec. 10. The an
nual election of officers ot Electa
chapter, Order of Eastern- Star of
Dayton, was held Tuesday night:
Worthy matron, Mrs. Irene Senn;
worthy patron, "W. O. Barnard;
associate matron, Mrs. Leo Gell;
associate patron, Harry Sherman;
conductress. Miss Lena Stllwell;
associate conductress, Mrs. Char
les Carr; secretary, Mrs. Era Bax
ter; treasurer. Mrs. M. R. Coop
err the installation will be held
January 12.
'.Preceding the election a 7
o'clock luncheon was served to
35 members and one guest. Mrs.
Jennie Shaker of Reading, Penn.
Missing Texas Hunters Sought
f . I
" ' .
'f i 1 ; - -.1 t i - i '
I John BlaatoaV - j , j
Lather BlanVon j
Another mystery chapter was added to the legendary history of the
vast 1,250,000-acre King ranch In Kennedy county, '.Texas, when
Luther Blanton, 57, right, and his son, John, 24, left, San Peruta,
Tex, hunters, apparently aisappearea without a trace.
Verna Lef fler Jto Head
Euclid Chapter of Star;
Tunibelsons New Members
SCIO, Dec. 10.4-Of fleers elect
ed by Euclid ehapter No. 70, Or
der of the Eastern! Star, at Jeffer
son this week Included: Worthy
matron,! Mrs. Terna Lef fler;
worthy patron, ' Rex Hartley; as
sociate matron, Mris. Nancy David
son; associate patron, Lincoln
Waterman; secretary, 1 Mrs. Faye
Smith; ; treasurer, Mrs. Ina
Thomas; conductress, Mrs. EI-
ppeareoj wltl
mina Thurston; associate ' con
ductress j Mrs.' Lillle Wilson, j ;
Duringj the business session Mr.
and Mrs7(J. H. Tumbleson of Sclo
were formally presented as af
filiate members. Tumbleson is
principal of the Sclo high school.
Aid Bazaar Nets $23
UNIOIfVALE, Dec. 10 A large
gathering of local people attend
ed the Evangelical Ladies' Aid
bazaar held Tuesday; The sale re
plenished the treasury more than
$23.- J
i : - j ; - j
V MORE k iV?j ' J s
shopping y IZAVzlL v r fr
; fh ) Y Caswde Playing Canls 25c
iCii ML ont 0? ' rtfJS der
Kraw; (A) ri
c n ; f
3 rermeoge 4t
Chrome and
and op
Bakelite Poker Chip Rack with Chips . . . . J. . , . . . .89c
Caro Nome Face Powder in tTrinket Case ..... . . . $2
Signet Desk Set, Pen and Basp . . . . ... .:. . . i. . . . . .98c
Cntex Club Manicure Kit S349;' Others from ..... .45c
Electrex Waffle Iron ; ... ....... i ....... i . ... .S1.98
Genuine Leather Billfolds '. . ... . 49c
Cara Nome Perfume Set, Perfiime and Atomizer . .15
Brite -Manicure Set in -Zipper Leather Casg j .... .$1.50
XO-Piece Dresser Set in Gift Box I . . . i . . . $12.00
..... .75c
Lord Baltimore Stationery,- boxed
Cascade Stationery, Gift Boices
Metal Backed fllilitary
Chem-Graf t Chemistry
Schick Dry-Shaver C
Brush; Set . . . . ..... U. . . .$1.00
Outfits . . . . . . . . . 50c and $1.00
... .,!.... I.. ...... i...515.00
115 S. Commercial St.
vm v(s)uyi
John Porter Out Twice v j;
And . Hopes to Be Able
r. ; To Attend. Daa Meet
EILVERTON, Dee. 10. John.
Porter, -who has been critically Ul
this fall. la reported to be on the
road to recoTery. Porter has been
down town twice within this past
week. :
Both times the efforts tired him
considerably, but he is gaining
sdme strength and it Is thougnt
that he will be able to attend the
January council meeting, falling
on January 4, when he Is to he
sworn lh as one of the eouncilmen.
Football! Flayers Are
Entertained by Kiwanis
dub Members of Dallas
STAYTON", Dee. 10 Coach Gett
mann entertained the football
team and the school board recent
ly. Mrs. Frank Stupka and Mrs.
Hal Shelton prepared and serred
the dinner. '
.; The table was clererly set with
a football on which was. written
"1936" as eenterpiece. It was sur
rounded with sprigs of holly. The
placecarda were novelty footballs.
There were I f present. :
Water Shortage at Turner Prompts a
r j School Board to Put in New System
TURNER. Dee. 10. Owing to
the shortage ; of city water the
school board has Toted to put in a
water system for the school, with
the drilling ot the well to begin at
once. - .
. The supply spring and reservoir
axe about, two miles west of Tur
ner. In the hills. Usually by early
fall water Is low. but owing to this
season's drought, the situation has
become acute. There are a number
ot private water systems1 In town.
The city system has been unsat
isfactory, especlally of later years.
Turner has petitioned to get its
water k supply irom the Santiam,
which water is to be piped to Sa
lem, with water pipes laid ' close
to town.,. There has always been
maintained a good well for drink
ing purposes, on the school ground.
SILVERTON, Dee. S. Christ
mas seals sale will open at Silver-
ton schools Friday under the su
pervision, of Mrs. J. ; Batlan tyne,
chairman of the educational pro
gram of the campaign at Silverton.
Prior to Its opening educational
talks and programs have been giv
en at the schools by Mrs. Ballan
tyne. Outstanding of these was the
one given Wednesday at the Jun
ior high school and to be repeated
next week at the senior high
schooL This program was arran
ged after the manner of m broad
cast. I':, ..-,;-- -.f " y-.
Mrs. Ballantyne -interviewed"
Miss Louise Barkhurst, a discharg
ed patient from the Salem tubercu
lar hospital. Miss - Barkhurst was
at Salem for. several years but Is
now -at her home here. . f - . '
- 8les Booths Open Today
Friday, Mrs. .Balantyne will con
duct sales booths at the junior
high school. Sales will (also be
nnpnA1 In thli!iiii flM'Anl tha
senior high school. The committee
I, urging that all children; be per
mitted to buy seals If not more
than one. . Actually taking part,
committee' members report, gives
Interest, and Interest awakened in
children wilt greatly assist In the
future fight of tuberculosis. .
Father Sullivan of SW Paul's
school Is showing great Interest In
the campaign and has Invited Mrs.
Ballantyne to. give one of her edu
cational talks before the pupils at
the school. This will also ; be done
Friday. t
,. . Ask for More Seals . - i
. Outlying . communities s are re
sponding . better than . ever, the
campaign committee, headed by
Mrs. Clarence W. Keene.i reports.
Both Bethany and Evens Valley
have sent In for more seals to sell.
after the communities had dis
posed of as many as they sold ,a
year ago.'
A special program will be given
at Evens Valley Friday night,
when Mrs. George Moorhead of Sa
lem will superintend a motion pic
ture show and Dr.Tt. E. Kleinsorge
will be guest speaker. v "
" Alfred Adams, manager of the
local theater, will show a seal sale
reminder each night.'. . '
Garden Club Has Buffet
Dinner and Yule Party;
Mrs Covey Wins Prize
WOODBURN, Dec. 10.- f he
Wood burn Garden club met at the
hpme of Mr. and Mrs, Walter G.
Miller, '4 5 3 Young street.. Tuesday
night t for their Christmas meet
ing. A covered, dish buffet supper
was served at 7 o'clock. Variga
ted holly and red and white tapers
in crystal . candelabra were . used
as a motif at the dining table.
Small tables were placed about the
rooms. Mrs. F. W. Covey was win
ner of. the prize in a flower guess
ing contest and Mrs; J. J. Hall re
ceived the door prize. ' "j;
V The. next meeting will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sid
ney Johnson, January 14. '
Ghurch Receivea f:
- Piano in Memory
Of Mr 8. Morcom
WOODBURN, Dec. 10. Mrs.
Lucy Strong of Dodgeville, .Wis.,
has presented a piano belonging
to her mother, the late Mrs. Lib
bie M. Morcom, to the Methodist
Episcopal church here as a mem
orial to Mrs. Morcom, wbo was
one of the pioneer workers In the
church for ' 30 years, was pianist
and choir director for' many years
before she went to Wisconsin to
make her home with her. daugh-'
ter. . . ;-
Mrs. Morcom came to Wood
burn In 1892 with her husband,
E. P. Morcom, a well known at
torney who passed away In 1922.
Mrs. Morcom was also a past
president ot the-W.C.T.U., the
Wood burn Woman's club and the
various societies of the church. .
'hoot Cofdc
....Best treated
without "dosing
! JSSZ'ilL h'SZimii ..I, i , ... .... . , ,. t i
IL Q-Vyr hr1 . S r1 -i J J r TT vi Cb . 1
I t , 4 Stores 935 S. Com'l, Corner Court and Com'Cl978"N. Capitol, Corner 13th & State - x - -r j
! offiiy' Wimm A BIGS FARMER ,
A fine crop of golden thin shelled nuts has been harvested for
yourj table. They're larger and sweeter than ever. All varie
ties lire available Walnuts, Almonds, Brazils,! Pecans . .
in abundance. The prices are fair to all. Take home a supply.
Prices Effective Friday to Monday Nov. 13 to 16 Inclusive
Satin Mix
True fruit flavor You
can't afford to miss this
bargain. Buy for your
Xmas parties.
Full of Juice, dozen
Sweet and Juicy. 2 d.-J2.v-7
Arizona Seedless, dozen Z2s
CARHOTS yoar choice
To Fry or Bake, Pint-
Cut from Toun Beef, Foun4-.- 4
Pork Sausage O(of3
Conntrr Btvle. lt cood. lm. J -.7
Salad r Dressing WUs(
Lemon Whip, Pint.,, ; 'T ,. ?;..-f
llarket Honra Sat. 8-700 Union
Old fashioned, the finest -money
can buy. ' '
2 ib. 25c
Gum Drops
Colors jfi. . the rainbow.
Real fresh.
2 ib. 25c ,
. Bon Bons
Bon Bon. Rich in flavor.
1 fc 20c
' broken Mix
2 ib. 25c
Chocolates "Ultra-Fine
: i . . ... 1 -.
The quality is the best we have ever had. A lareer assort-
jmeht of creams, covered brazils, caramels, chocolate-cov-
; ered dates, A wonderful variety, buy a box nowj Let the,
pond coupon in every bOxJDe Our Guarantee.
if Aw Happy Vale No. 2 Tin
! Standard! No. 2 Vi Tin .
DEE3TS Libby's Ho: 2 Tin
1 . i
. Good Quality Serve a Mincemeat Pie (hot). O
it is a treat-.
Ay' : A a . i -
oasted Jus Right
for your fruit cake
- Orange Lemon
Citron Pound
.Rosedaje No.. 2 tin, medium
8ize.'"rspe:.i :l ...
3 10c.
Edwards 2-lb. Tin 45c
Julia Lee Wright Assorted Cel
lophane, lb. loaf : .
In the Bulk, I Ib
Fruits for Salads
Del Monte No. Tin, 2 for mS
F. A. B Flat, Each
Don't Forget Free Parking at Onr
Safeway Store at 935 S. CommerciaL
r Plenty of Space For AU
Coop Pcots o o f2
Granulated, Large Pkg 4-?
iracsao Sco ' o r?: ri5
Tinted Colors,, 6 Rolls. J V
10 Bars....; , : .
D tUGA Q ft o ra
Brown, or Powdered, S lb -f ;
o y no p : ciora
Caneand Maple Bulk, GaL miJ
" . Bring Yonr Coptainera ir
Calumet, 1 Pound Tin..J V '
JEM VELE " t i
6 Assorted Flavors, 3 Pkg.-V J
Regular Size Fkg.
In the Bulk, Lb.
CccoonaC ' H r$
Shredded and Swejet, ijb. W