The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1936, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN,; Saleo, Oregon, Friday Morning:, December 11, 1933
to : Womeri
'Styles.. Food
MAXINE BUBEN Women's Editor
Society .Clubs
Initiates New .
PU Delta Delta, women's hon- ;
orary legal fraternity, met at the
home 'Of Mill Grace Elisabeth.
Smith, 1815 Center street on Son- ;
day afternoon " for Initiation' and
a socla 'afternoon. The t rooms :
were decorated with orchid chry-'.
santhemums and holly. . ;
' z Special guests at ; the " affair i
were members" from chapters XI
and Delta of Portland. Mrs. Cath- '
erine , Carson Barsch , and.: Miss
Wanda Landon, seniors In law.
at Willamette university, were
initiated . into Ups'lon chapter of
the organisation..
A 4 ta am MAMtM a - Initftlt fa
was served, with Mrs. Willianu
Dillmon Smith and Miss Marvelle
DeGulre as additional guests.
are noted among the Portland.
Tlsitors. members of XI and Delta
chapters, including Miss Emilie
Eisenhauer, rice-president of In
ternatlonal Phi Delta Delta, and
Miss Olive Zimmerman, president
of Xi ehapter.
njmer guesig irom rortiana in
elnded: -,- l : ,
. atissts :
JTesa Latrerquiit : Vaad Mttly
Laura Peterson Urtta Walker
, Lorienne Conley
Bert K a Poattn ,.Hildreth Dawnon
Lucille McDonnell Mildred Feidel
. Hold Patricia Anderson
Nettie Rankin Bolland
From St. Helena came Mrs.
Marie Walker Poff and Mrs. Nora .
Jordan. Dr. Helen Louise Crosby
of Salem came as a member of
Delta chapter and Mrs. Floy Webb
Banta of BakeY from Upsilon.
' Salem members of Upsilon In
cluded: MESDAMES
Olive Doak Bynon Catherine Carson
Beryl Bond DeGaire Barsrh
Ari Hicks Cannon
Wanda Landon
. Grace - Kliabeth Smith
Guild of Christian
ChurcBes Meets
The December meeting of the
Missionary Guild of the First and
Court street Christian churches
wasJxeld at the home of Miss Ver
da OlmEtead. S10 Shirjninr ntrtft
Tuekat evening, with a covered
. i M n .... - .
uiCH cupper iv n:)u xonowea Dy
business meeting and social hour.
iflit-was in tne nature or a rare-
well fof the president, Miss Jose-
pnme Anderson, wno leaves short
ly for the east where she will be
married, and was also a celebra-
retued miorrr-ar
Thogft .;ritii w
phlna. Anderson, M I a s Gertrude
Shoemaker, Mrs. Edith Anderson,
Mrs. B. F, Shoemaker, Miss Verda-
Olmstead,: Miss Anna Nissbn, Miss
Ella Smith, Miss Velma Roming-
er, Mrs. Edward. Weller, Mrs.
Margaret Daniels,-Mrs rjelbert
Daniels, Miss Jean Hawkins, Mrs.
Ethel Hunter, Mrsj Gladys Young-
BIOOdMrs. J. N. 01m8tead. Mrs..
Ci. Hl'-ftlmatearl- Mr a Riit T. nrfll.
Miss Katherine Scharf.
: "
0 00.
& o.,.i
m. i
Hundreds o& Xcaas GlCtc
O O O O O O o
o 00 o J o loo
Sweaters . . . Lingerie : I Hosiery
O O 6 O O ' o o
o o
- Look - J
- for the
Big Neon
: SaUys
o o , o
. . jy' B Sure i
i -You're in ,
Friday, December 11
v Florence Vail Missionary r Society of Calvary Bap--tlst
church, meet at 1:30 for a dessert luncheon.
Z ' County assembly American Legion auxiliary. Stay- .
ton. ";s -;:"rr ' ' - -
, N. . A. ' L. C.'meeta at Z .p. m., at home of Mrs.
George White, 1749 Norway street. - ; i
Woman's Missionary society of First Baptist church
meet with Mrs. Theodore Both. S2S E street,: 2 p m.
. . . Ladles of Salem Dakota club, Mrs. Sohrt at 1400
North Summer street. : - . - -
Loyal Berean class of Court Street Christian church, .
with Mrs. Bessie Updegrafft 425 North. 20th street.
Englewood' Community club, with Mrs. John Marr,
1620 North 19th street, 2 pi
Woman's Club
PlaHS InteTeStlUg
, , r
rTORT3ITt ''
rwmE Salem Woman's club -will
I -otlTene at the clubhouse Sari-
urday afternoon for the if!
regular meeting at 2:30 o'clockj.
Mrs. J. M. Schannep, club presijj-
ent, will preside during
Mrs. DaTld B. Wright is planf
ning a very Interesting prograr
ior tne aay. me who i mo vr ganlzations help a great deal fi
let is "March of Time. :ostume nAnclallyt priTate parties also
ana music 01 f several umei eu
periods will be presented, start
ing with the time of Pocahantab
and closing with the present dayi
Those assisting Mrs. Wright
and taking part in the program
are Mrs. C. C. Ballinger, Mist
Margaret Cosper, Mrs. O. A. Davf-
son, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mia
Amanda Matthews, Mrs. Hal D.
Patton, Mrs. Ida Shade, Mrs. H.
H. Yandevort, Mrs. W. H. DarbJ.
Mrs.' George L. Forge, Mrs. C. A
Howard, Mrs. J. C. Minto, Mrs.
John L. Rand, Mrs. B. H. Smith,
and Mrs. H. Ov White. I
Group singing or ennstmas
earols will be enjoyed by th
group, led by Mrs. David Bennett
Mrs. O. W. Emmons Is in
charge of the social hour which
will follow the program. Assist
ing her will be Mrs. E. T. Barnek,
Mrs. J. A. Bernard!, Mrs. C. If.
Bishop,, Mrs. J. C. Tibbits, Mr.
C. F. Breithaupt -and Mrs. B. E.
T,VaI-a T
-LAinneon at L,lesley
Hoine Today
T. A. LIvesley will preside-
t a smartly appointed lunchecli
this afternoon at her Fairmouat
aiu home. The affair will be 4n
compllment to membrs or nr
contract club. Tables for contrabt
wiIlf be ln Plav during the afteir-
noon. ; r
The Christmas motif ; will te
nseid In the decorations, with mln-
iature tree8 placed on the table
mesdames 1 i
Palmer MacDonald Roy Simmons ! ?
Jmea Yonn ( Conrad W. PanlM
J. H. Callachaa ArchJerman
h n. u, ...
Wayne Loder
John J. Elliott
T. A. Liresley
9 o o I o ' ! o
in December
Gorgeous Fur Trimmed Coats
988 .1288-1488 up
b o o :o ; o
Sport Coats Values to $29.50
888.1088-1288 up
b o o o o
Holiday Dcccccg
388.488 .g88 .g88 up
o - o : .r-o i o ' o
b d
198.288.488 up
0 0 000
Dlbuccs - Dloascs
D0cf JL.QO.1 2.Q0
Sat. i
Til 9'PJM.
m. . .
Secretary's Report
Reveals Several i
.r"Aciwu over ine reporv oi
V tne Salem General Hospital
auxiliary, it s mieresung , 10
note ihat a rery great per cent
of the cases admitted to the hos
pital are discharged. In fact only
62 out of almost 1600 patients
last year were- fatal cases.
It's- gratifying to see, too that
5 gororlty and patriotic or-
AT DALLAS, the Civic com
mittee of the (Woman's club en-
tertained with a gift shower tea
Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 4 at
the Woman's club rooms in tne
library. About 30 women called,
. Te a t0 be tturedJ,veP
! JPA1" iniiJtt
to the needy chi dren of Dallas at
Christmas time.
Christmas decorations were
mnrh in evldehm ln t h a clnb
A short program was given aa.
follows: ' piano solos, Jimmy
Boydston, numbers by a mixed
chorus from the primary school
under the direction of Miss Bea
trice Price, accompanied by Miss
Catherine Hawkins, and a read
ing by Betty Lou Rader.
Civic committee hostesses were
Mrs. Harvey Carpenter, chairman,
Mrs. C. W. Henkle, Mrs. W. G.
Vassall and Mrs. Bruce Spauld
ing. Mrsj H. Di Peterson, presi
dent of the club, also assisted,
AT PRINGLE Mrs. John Van
Lydegraf and Mrs. Nellie Hoard
recently entertained members o!
the Prinele Woman's club at the
home of the former at an all-day
affair, with coyered dish lunch
eon served at noon. The group
made popcorn balls for the social
at the school. 1
Present wer Mrs. E. M. 'lar-
son, Mrs. F. Wiltsey, Mrs. O. T.
Seafey, Mrs. C. W. Grabenhorst,
Mrs. Leon Laigle, Mrs. Hoage,
Mrs1. George Adams, Sirs. J. W.
Keys, Mrs. William Propst, Mrs.
Charles Spurlin, Mrs. P. O. Bow
man, Mrs. Margaret Adams, Mrs.
Paul Gnrgurich, Mrs. S. D. Emery
j At t . . TmV. ir s
In tlie Valley Social Kealm
aiiu iu8 nu AT WOODBURN a large
Lydegraf and Mrs. Nellie Hoard. crowd attended the "BOO" party
The next meeting x)f the club giTen- at the I. O. O. F. halt
group will bejheld December 30 Friday night by St. Mary's Guild,
at the home of Mrs. Charles Spur- Prizes were awarded Mra. La
lln, with Mrs. Bert Van Houten verne Otjen for high score; and
as assisting hostess. Mrs. Patton of Salem, second; Mr.
-.':; Patton first for the men and E.
AT SILVERTON Mrs. S. A. A. Mayhew, second. Refreshments
Ames will be home hostess to the were served followed by a social
Woman's club: at the December hour,
meeting Monday. Assistant host-
esses will be Mrs. Clay Allen, Mrs. AT DAYTONthlrteen members
Scott McPike, Mrs. Mary Townley. 1 guest, Mrs. Theodocia Mag
Miss Rachel I Jamison, a Silver- ness of the Dundee circle, attend
ton guest from Scotland, will ed the Christmas party held joint
speak on "Contrasts." Miss Jam- 1 ly with the regular monthly meet
ieson has been! a guest of the Wll- ing of the, Dayton W o m e n f
Ham Scarths, W. P. Scarths and Woodcraft held Saturday at the
James Scarths for the past aev- J. J. Rowley home. The; nelt
eral weeks and has proved a pop- meeting will be the second Satur-
ular speaker I at .several of Sil-
vertons programs.
Mrs. Townley Will give a
Christmas reading and a 'trio of
high school girls will sing a group
of Christmas songs. Tea will fol
low the program hour.
UNIONDALU Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Deibel of Uniondale comp-
limented their brother and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Launer, newly
weds, with a (miscellaneous show
er at their home Saturday night.
-rkno ,hji i-nnoA ,
,V x "V " J .
nri f MiXinnVni. m r Vrwi
Bnrlyn of. McMmnville Mr. and
Mrs. - Ivan Crawley and daughter.
Elaine; Mr, and Mrs. Joe panek
and son. Richard, of Broadmead;
Mr. and Mrs. i Clarence Crawley
and children J Ir. and Mrs. Ersel :
nnhsor Mr an it Mra rinrv Kshl
T . . t . . r iri
tor Launer and family-; Mr. and i
Mrs. Royal
Hibbs and family;
Mrs. Pauline
Weldon: MlSS Mur-
iel Stoutenburg; Mrs. Carrie Kidd
ciarenca Launer -ana
George -
! i
, t
AT OAK tOINT Mr. and Airs, t
Leonard Peterson entextatned
urday night.
"500" were i
ta!pl.rlth MA
tnev winning hiah
Charles Whitney winning- high
score and Mi's. Hugh Rogers low.
Guests were ;Mr. and Mrs.
-Charles Whitney, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Hultman of Buena Vista, ,
. Mr. "and Mrs. Hugh Rogers. Mr. I
and Mrs. Orley Brown. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter
Brown and the host
and hostess,
Mr. and Mrs. Pet-'
AT DAYTON Mrs. H. G. Coburn
delightfully entertained the Plea
sant Hour Reading club . at ; her
W M - , MA. L 111. ' S sTk
'JUVl?ln nd the i 1st day of December, at,
m? rt!d'tD noBr of 7:30 p. m.. in the
jn Pr'BTr Th Council Chamber, of the City Hall
i&VkaSt&: thasaid Cit of Salem,
' . ' . . ; ' 1 vacation, and. for hearing any ob--r
. :;i - s j i . ; - ; - ' Jections or remonstrances thereto.
IN OAK POINT P. O. Black V Objectons, If any. to such t vaea
and Mrs. George' Sawyers were . tion. must be filed. ln writing,
married Sunday at the - home of with the undersigned, prior to thei
, Rev. Henry ; Q. Hansen ; in Inde-t time herein fixed for hearing the
pendence. After a honeymoon at. same. '.
Waldport they will be at home on ' A. WARREN JOXES. ,
his farm here. Mrs. Black ia from . - City Recorder. Salem,
Independence. , -- Ore, N. 20-27 D. 4-11-19. t
Simple Ceremony
Unites Couple
' Thursday j
OF Interest to Salem folk was
the marriage of Miss Emm-.
llne.Lu'di and -William H. Burg
hardt which, was solemnised yes
terday morning at 10 . o'clock In
the chapel of St. Pa Episcopal
' church. The serrice .. waa per-
formed by- Rer. George H. Swift.
' The bride wore an ensemble of
' black .with 'matching accessories
and corsage of gardenias.
Miss -Margaret Livesley was the
. honor! attendant for the bride
? and Jack D'Arey was the beet
.man for Mr. BurghardL
A wedding breakfast was
atrvd at th home of Mr.-Bnr
hardt on Union street following
the ceremony. The couple left on
a short motor trip to eastern Ore-
"c?.!7 wU1 make
tner h0ma ln Salem.
5 Mrs. Burghardt haa been em
pioyea ln the sUte engineer'
office. Mr, Burghardt Is wel I
known in both civic and business
circles in Salem. He Is clerk of
the Salem school board and
the Salem scnool; board and
m ember of the Salem public 11-
brary board.
give jams and jelUes or money
for needed equipment.
and Mrs. R. M. Walker will be
hosts for-the 'Owl8"ifcwhls: club
Monday night at their home.
Their guests will be Mr. and Mrs.
jx j. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
G. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
ICharboneau. Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
n' ftn1 M , n.
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Hub
bard, Mrs. O. D. Bulter and; Mrs.
G. G. Walker. - U
The Owls club has been organ
ized 40 years. The charter mem
bers are Mrs. O. D. Bulter and
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard.
Scio will be the scene of a , wed
ding December 20 ln which Miss
Mary Madarus of Scio and
George Rice of Portland are. to
be the principals. The Rev. V. L.
Loucks will officiate. Miss! Ma-
iwuvfta aw AAA UiUViaivt 1U1091 U.wk
darus Is the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Madarus,
farmers in the Richardson, Gap
community near Scio. A recep
tion in the basement of the
church is to follow the ceremony.
Kreaaon ntP,rtafnoH ,"h
ber of the Tuesday afternoon i
contract bridge club at her home ;
this week with an attractively ap- i
pointed one o'clock luncheon. 4
During the afternoon three
tables of bridge were ln play at
the conclusion of which Mrs.: Wal
ter Walte held high score, Mrs.
W. C. Leth, second, and Mrs. Jack
Eakin, third. Mrs. Walter Waite
and Mrs. W. C. Leth were guests.
day In January at the home of
Miss Madalene Roosner.
AT MARION the women's sew
ing club met with Mrs. Elzy Pick
ard Thursday honoring Mrs. Pick-
ard's birthday. A bounteous: feast
was served at noon, with the table
centered with three beautifully
decorated birthday cakes.
fT'Jl -
Thompson was honored on her
AT STAYTON, Mrs. Kentin
birthday Thursday night w h e n
"rtdge club met at the home
f . VTa naTi Hirt .mrP,
were held by Mrs. Thompson and
Mrs. A. M. Dozler. . i
NTntfvu horphv nn that
n n .11 . ik. if . m
Salem, Oregon, by resolution duly
regularly adopted and; filsd
avOmber 16, 1936, has declar-
k. tntentl'nn tn wsrata: n.nA ,
nn Mn7mhr
ed its intention to vacate; and
naa initiated proceedings to va-:
cate all that part of East Nob Hill
street located in Nob Hill Addi-'
'IPJil-0.-. v P ?i 3?T?'
f"w" ?7. "L."iu, '""iT
is accented by two of the
the County of Marion. State of?
Oregon, described as follows,,
From the extension of the
North boundary line running,; rpattern 4233 is available in sis
between Lot 4 of Block 30 and ;e. u. u 16, 19, jo, 32. 34.
North boundary line of Lot r 39 8gf 40 and 42. Size IS Ukes
of Block 31 all of Nob Hill 314 yrds 34 Inch fabric. 111ns
- addition, southerly- to the North trated . step-by-step sewing ta
1 line of Fawk Avenue as now gtrUctions included. '
. esiaoisnea,.aii in xsaiem, : aiar v
ion County, State of Oregon j
- oeing mat aeaa ena of East
. JCob Hill Street lying southerly
; from that part of East Nob Hilt:
Street heretofore vacated.
Shellfish Makes Eopiilar Party Fare
; Oysters Mk'AJain
- ;.; Dishes .at Jmnet' v'
. ; 'r For Family. -
THERE are several oyster recipes in my 1 files 'that make ex
cellent main family dishes for Friday or that may be used
in party luncheon menus. '
Oysters are in Salem markets, in abundance, and not ex
pensive. Here is a recipe using a combination of shellfish;
.j .
last presidents Are
Entertained '
' Mra. Florence Shlpp entertain
ed the Past President' of the Wo
man's Relief Corps at a delight-
fnl ' rihrUfms, inrVa iKntiA.
Thursday afternoon at her home.
me noBiess was assisted in serr-
Ing by Mrs. Sarah Broadwell and
The Hostess was assisted in serr-
Mrs. Bertha Loveland. The an -
nual exchange of- glfu took place AC"6 ;
during the afternoon. ; ; r Queen Esther circle of the Les-
The centerpiece of poinsetUas, ne Methodist church met on Tue
holly, greenery and red tapers day nignt at the home of Miss
was artistically arranged on the Dorothea Graham for a buffet
Special guests for the day were
Mrs. Sarah BroadweU of York,
Neb., Mrs. Cordelia La Bare, Mrs.
Vera Glover, Mrs. Mabel Lock
wood and John Shipp. t
Members present Included Mrs.
Mary Ackerman, Mrs. Rose Hage
dorn, Mrs. Bertha Loveland, Mrs.
Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Helen South
wick, Mrs. Effie Dunlap, Mrs.
Bertha Ray, Mrs. Elizabeth Adatr,
Mrs. Eva Martin. Mrs. Rose Voris.
Mrs. Hattie Cameron, Mrs. Jen
nie F. B. Jones, and the hostess,
Mrs. Florence Shipp.
Mrs. Victor Griggs
Seal Sales
Mrs. Victor Griggs again heads
the committee for booth sales of
Christmas seals and has planned
to T have booths ln Miller's store
and the post office until, a week
before ChriBtmas. Members of the
American Legion auxiliary are ln
charge of the booth in the store,
3- p v v v wwba, a as. au wwwf
the Eastern Star is in charge of
the one at the post office and
each organization appoints its
own workers.
A good reason why you should
make your own pretty "at home
frocks Is Pattern 4233. for its
ilimnle outlines are so easy to fol-
i -t vmr mar neon , nnn rn vnn t n hpt.
er made your own clothes before.
you'll find this model a grand one
to sUrt on! Just see the adorable,
feminine frill that CnClrCleS your,
feminine frill that encircles your.
houlders, topping dainty puffed
or f ared le"M-Jf"f
5?nir"? t y"?1""1
wacefnllv flared tanel. The plain-
oval neckline I becoming to every-
von IIVa Hnra hi a
For fabric
cotton Wouldn't ,
you like durable checked ging-
Van. MvnraH ' normal A fhimbrit
"-mi-V ' .
Sems flftara t (ISe) la eotaft M
tssspa (eoios mnrtrmi ) for this
Aimmm MttMrm. Writ ' pUUIj six,
am, sddraat aa4 stria iiabtf.
Seni for Jmt etvr t
Adams pattara kk. trmrf pa fa la
fil)4 wita faselnaUaX stjrlrs la aftar
sms fraeka fT aport tan atam
Blaf party clotkeal Slinmiaa sty lea
(or natrons! : Bndgci aariof pattarna
m 'malar h" and "rravn-nea."
for "froariat apa" and
Eaav pattaraa -ikat iavfla "bKia-
1!" rabri aarcaatioaa aad idaaa
for ffifls. Book fiftaoa eamta. Patterm
Cftaca aoaia. Twaatr fia eeta for
Both whoa ordartd tofethsn Ordor at
oaral - : v' :i ;
Addreaa ordara to '.Taa Oregaa'
Statoaasaa Fattens Dopt. SIS Sooth
Commercial etreet.. 6aea, Oro. Make
aeceesary aneJosarra. Tor order trll
be promptly attended to. 1
' Orders rostotn ar)ly ara filled arlth
H four daye (rose titoo toeeied hy
The Stataaroa".
1 cup oysters " . -
1 cup ahrlmp
1 ups : milk
t cups hot boUed rice -
, 4 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons floor ' - .
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 c tt
JlTia Vrroup xias
' r:-
supper, and social evening. The
group sang carols, gave devotion
ala and exchanged gifts during
the evening..' : Jj '
Those present were: U
Shirley Lawa
Marjorte Reevea
Clarice Waring
Bern ice Boye
LaeilU Reed
Peggy Rein hold
Janet Boyce
Alameda Working
Jo Abb Donaldson
Dorothea Graham
Betty Mercer ,
Doris Donghten
Lucille Boehringer
Leila Poena
Mary Esther
jean Borce
riorenee Powell
Margaret French
Mra. John Ulrica
Mrs. O. A. Graham .
Robert and Dean Graham
Mac Powell Club to
Sing Thursday !
As previously announced by the
executives of the MacDowell club,'
.the first concert of the season has,'
been postponed from tonight to j
next Thursday, December 17th.
Miss Viola Wasterlain, concert
violinist, the ' guest soloist, is
- - . A m
2 '
numbers. The chorus of fifty wo
program, wmcn win te given at;
Leslie auditorium.
Special Girl Reserve .
Meeting Called
This afternoon at four o'clock
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher has asked'
for a special meeting of "all Girl
Reserve presidents, inter-club
members and song leaders. -
vA.t this time plans will be made;
for the Christmas work which
will be carried on by the various'
Girl Reserve groups,
Arrest Publisher
For Flaying F. Ri
SAX JOSE. CALIF., Dec. 10-(J)
P. Milton Smith, Mountain View
weekly newspaper publisher, waa
free tn $2,000 bond tonight pend
ing arraignment on a criminal lib
el charge which followed ah edi
torial he wrote attacking President
Roosevelt. . i
The charge waa filed yesterday
by Horace E. Beales, president of
the Mountain View Patriotic
league. After Smith was arrested
today, the American Civil Liber
ties union telegraphed President
Roosevelt urging him to "repud
iate" the complaint. I
Beales said Smith Inferred the
president was a "charlatan, after,
and hypocrite," ln an . editorial
published November 17.
- The publisher, who is to be ar
raigned Monday In Justice cout,
said the misdemeanor charge was
an attack on the freedom of the
press. , i '
Germany at Last
Hears of Edward
BERLIN. Dec 10.-C9V-Puled
Germans seised copies of the-1
first King Edward extras Just be-
fore 8 o'clock tonight and then
asked each other: "Who Is this
. wnutA imnan r i
The papers have carried prac-
tically nothing heretofore abojut
England's crown crisis. .
TV I OT)na fvannnrltncMf
the abdication, carried pictures
of King Edward, the Duke f
York and his duchess, (but none
of WaUIs WTarfleld Simpson) ahd
mentioned brieiiy in a moaesc cor-
ner of 'page two: king's ae-
sire to marry one Frau jsrneste
Simpson caused the crisis
, "Who. might that be?" mahy
A ar. oalrAt
Siispects Held in
; Theatre Robbery
PORTLAND,- D e. 10-P-
Police held otwo men, one sus
pected of the slaying of an In
diana state officer, in.- cozmection.
with the robbery of a downtown
Portland theater tonight. I
-Th-e men J w e r arrested by
, three members of the Tshotgun"
squad as they entered a parked
automobile. Eight hundred dol
lars was recovered. " i c I
Police Lieutenant T. Schnlpius
said they gave their names as
William A. Kuhlman, 28, Cincin
nati, and Carl Davis, 26, Morgan
town, West Virginia. :; .
The officers said Kuhlman's
record was being checked to as-
' certain if he was wanted in In
diana -for the killing' of Captain
Harry Miller.
Tbday Menu
. Let's hare salmon-for dinner
today; and this time try It dipped
fin: flour and dropped Into deep
tat.r ; . ? t : . : " : :
Raw Carrot and Pineapple Salad
s : i Salnfbn ln Defp.Faf
, j Parsley Butter .
. . , ' . - Brussels Sprouts
V'h:; - Fruit .Cup ...,,. ;
1 'Applesauce Cake
1 cup sngar
H tup batter
1 cup applesauce ,
1 enp chopped raisins
cup nuts
, '1 tops; flour -
- 2 eggs! ; "
1 teaspoon soda in appleanee
I - teaspoon nutmeg - ,,
1 medium onion v
1 clove garlic
Fry onion and garlic In oil. atir
in flour and curry, let cook to
gether a j few. minutes, then add
hot milk and liquor irom oysters. Dut thoroughly into flour mix
Stir while thickening, then -add ture. Some flours absorb more
oysters, butter and shrimp, and liquid than others. Add only suf
season. Serve on balls or rings or flcient diluted milk to make
rice. J .i dough soft enough to roll out.
Another recipe for curried oyS- : . ,
ters that's quite different Is this: Scarf Appeai"8 W lth
1 cup Oysters .
1 bunch green onions .
1 cup milk ' -
2 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons curry powder
2 tablespoons flour
Din ovsters in eea and crumbs,
and fry to a golden brownCut where to add color and lend var
onions, cook in butter, add flour itr to the possibilities in the col-
nnrl rnrrv nnwrler. atir in hlenrl
and cook a minute, then add milk,
with liquor off oysters, stir only
to heat, f . -: 1
A whole loaf of bread Is used
rhole loar of oread Is used
in a recipe for Olympia . oyster
loaf as published In a book put
out by the. growers,
Slice toD from loaf 'of " bread,
scoop ou leaving crust only and
toast in a hot oven. Fry oysters
in butter with green peppers, and
fill the loaf with this mixture,
Fill ud with cream sauce made
uysierB. Demon, syrinnie win crowd of well dressed women, dui
bread crumbs, dot with butter and it takes a dashing type to suc
put in the-oven to brown on top, cessfully wear one, these days.
, . . .
Shipley's Gift
Suggestion 1
For the lass 6r lac3y who
V-IS "Airflo"
ssr - m
! Hosiery Is the ideal gift- What more subtle com
, pliment can you , pay her than the selection of
I, sheer, flattering stockings?
j. f'Airflo" a 2-thread for formal evening effairs-ior
J. those hours when beauty of dress is so important
ii In colors she will like.- ,
Large selection " of tail
ored Flannels - -
387 to 895 '
Bed Jackets and Shoul-
. derettes warm and 'wool
ly ' -! .;
98c te 3.95
Hand made : Linens in
i new. and I beautiful , deV
"Signs.."" . r.;: j-y :.
25c 50c 98c
I Christmas Prints ' with
organdie trim .
409-415 COURT ST,
1 teaspoon cinnamon '
Cream butter and sugar, drop
In eggs, one at a time. Beat, dis
solve soda tn applesauce and add.
floor, and- dry Ingredients
. and beat well. Bake In a loaf tin
for 1 hour at 250 degrees. -Frost
with" carmel or white icing. '
- - '
Pie Dough Recipe Uses
Evaporated Milk : (
A recipe for pastry dough us
ing "evaporated milk comes front
the Irradiated Evaporated Milk
association and sounds especially
good. . -
4 cups -flour , "
2 teasponns salt "
1 cup fat
. cup Irradiated evaporated
milk .,
H cup water, mixed
All ingredients should be cold.
Sift flour, then measure. Resift
with salt. -Work fat quickly into
flour with fingers or dough blend
er. The pastry will be flakier if
fat and flour, are not too thor
oughly blended. Add liquid all at
onc and gUr w,tn a fork quickly
Every Outfit
. There's a scarf on every sports
outfit, at least so it looks to the
window shopper, magazine read
er and clothing purchaser; Maybe
It's a triangle, or an ascot or a
bow. but there's a scarf some-
or scneme
Margaret and .Billy Wonderlick,
pupils of William Wallace, John
Wallace Graham and Frances vir-
' f.iton will nlav In Portland
atgf Helen's hall Friday. Both
wm play violin solos. Margaret
will also play in two violin quar
tets and- the piano accompani-
menta for Billy's solos. Mrs. Won-
derliek in taking her children to
Portland will spend the week-end
with her friend. Mrs. Edward T.
j Taggart of the Irvlngton district.
1 "1 I ' '
"has everythina" Phoenix
Tailored Silks
1.95,. 10.75
New line of Brand New
1.95 to 4.95
I Barrel! styles -...08c
"Barrell with cap
sleeves ; 1.75
Hand Knits ....S.9J
Coat Sweaters ..2.03
Turtle Necks .j:..7f
. by
Betty Baxley - Caroline
Lee - Dolly, Myers